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The JJ Diaper Twins (Ch. 20 - 5/30/2024)

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I had a crazy week at work, so just now had a chance to come and catch up on this. I really am enjoying your tale here! Looking forward to more! 🙂

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9 hours ago, BabySofia said:

I had a crazy week at work, so just now had a chance to come and catch up on this. I really am enjoying your tale here! Looking forward to more! 🙂

Thanks!  I am really enjoying being able to write this story just as much as you are enjoying it.  Chapter 10 is on the way!  😀

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Chapter 10 : The Most Embarrassing Day of My Life!

Welcome back, my JJ Padded Pals.  I surely hope that you have changed into a fresh diapey because the very next chapter of my life has got to be the most humiliating experience that I ever had.  Forget the accident on the way to Cleveland.  Forget the accident in front of my boyfriend Gary at the King of Prussia Mall.  Forget the messy fireworks that I experienced on the Fourth of July.  The very next thing that I’m about to share will make even the most embarrassing experience that I have had so far seem mild by comparison.  Accident at Twinsburg High School?  That’s child’s play, my JJ Little Babies.  This is your final warning.  Make sure that you’re in a dry diaper before reading this, or you’re going to have a bad accident to clean up.  You have been warned, my JJ Little Fam.

At this point, I’m going to just assume that you have heeded the above warning and I’m going to continue with my story (there’s no helping you naughty babies that kept reading without getting a diaper change).

To recap everything from the last chapter, I didn’t even bother to wear my panties the day that I came home with my sister.  In having to deal with the added stress of a job interview the next day and my incontinence becoming worse during the trip to Twins Days, I chose diapers over wearing panties for a short time.  Besides, I would be wearing diapers for the rest of the day anyway if it were a normal stream day, which it wasn’t since my sister and I just got back from Twinsburg and there was no way that I was going to stream after having a vacation that spanned the length of a long weekend.

Although my initial plan was to try re-potty training after getting back from my vacation, the job interview changed all of this.  To make things easier for the job interview, I delayed my re-potty training and wore diapers all day, as my toileting could take a back seat if I am to prepare for a job that could very well change my life.  Being an evening news anchor would be a very big thing for me if I were to get the position.

But then an anxious thought entered my mind regarding the possibility of getting the job.  How would I be able to hide my diapers at work?  There would be no way that I could dress in any outfit that would clearly reveal the outline of my diaper.  I am hoping that they would have an ankle length skirt that would look professional so that it would be able to hide any noticeable bulge.  I would even need an outfit like this for the interview, as wearing panties to the interview would clearly be a recipe for disaster.  There would be no doubt in my mind that they would give me a rejection if I were to have an accident right in front of them.  What kind of person in their right mind would hire an anchor woman who can’t even control her own bladder?  This then needed to be a situation that I needed to avoid right away.

I feared that the absorbency of my Certainty Unisex Fitted Briefs was not enough to handle a large accident if I were to experience one during the interview.  To address this problem, I made another trip to Walgreens while Jen was at work.  And no, I didn’t do Pilates with her or any kind of exercise as I wanted to focus solely on the interview with CBS Philadelphia before I resumed my normal schedule.  At Walgreens, I bought a bag of Size 7 Huggies Overnight Diapers.  Now I know what you’re thinking.  Jillian, there is no way that you can actually fit into a baby diaper.  Well, my JJ Fam, there was obviously no way that I could wear the diaper alone.  From what I have read on different forums, a Size 7 should fit a child with a 21–22-inch waist.  Since I have a 32-inch waist, there is no way that this diaper was going to fit me.  But those forums gave me another idea when I saw that some of the users were using baby diapers as doublers or stuffers.  This would allow my diaper to hold one massive wetting in the Huggies diaper before it ended up leaking into my other diaper.  With this being the case, I bought the Size 7 Huggies Overnight Diapers.  With there being 13 diapers in one bag, that should be more than enough to handle my interview for today.

I brought the diapers home and began putting my plan into motion.  Since I wanted to practice my interviewing questions and answers, I wanted to prepare my diaper ahead of time before the interview.  I entered my room and laid out another Certainty Unisex Fitted Brief.  I folded it open and peeled open the back waist band with the two wide tapes and the front waist band.  I then opened the bag of Size 7 Huggies Overnight Diapers and pulled out a diaper.  I felt the crispness of the diaper as I opened the cloth backing, which felt more durable than my diaper, since this was a baby diaper intended for overnight wettings.  I opened the front wings that lined the front of the waist band and peeled open the back wings, which had the two Velcro tapes.  I stretched the diaper a few times and fluffed it before sitting it down over the opened-up Certainty diaper.  I carefully ran my fingers along the leg cuffs of the Huggies diaper and pulled the cuffs outward. 

With my diaper now ready to wear for my interview later on, I spent the rest of the time preparing for it.  The only exception was a short break where I made a brief lunch for myself. I cooked 15 Pepperoni Pizza Rolls in the microwave and had them with a couple of handfuls of Cheetos.  I would save dessert for after the interview as I felt that my dessert had to be earned on a day like this.

After lunch, I walked over to the kitchen sink and washed the Cheetle (Cheeto residue) off my fingers.  Rather than licking the Cheetle off of my fingers, I didn’t have time to do that today.  With my interview at 1:00, it was now 12:04.  I only had about an hour to go, and another 15 minutes to prepare before I began dressing myself for the interview.

That time went by so fast and before I knew it, I was laying on the floor in just my bra with both diapers (heavily powdered) between my legs.  I folded the Huggies diaper first so that it covered my waist.  I then folded my larger diaper over and pinched both diapers together as I sat up.  I fastened the wide tapes of my Certainty diaper and then began resituating the Huggies diaper stuffer inside until it completely covered my crotch.  The waistline of the Huggies diaper was perfectly lined up with the Certainty diaper on the outside.  I pulled out the leg cuffs of the Huggies diaper again just to be sure that they were situated correctly and tugged on both of the Huggies diaper tapes so that they were sticking out of both my legs.  I peeled open each tape and fastened the Velcro to both sides of my cloth backed diaper butt.  That all the more reminded me of the wonderful advantage of cloth backed diapers.  I didn’t need Velcro for the landing zone as the Velcro tapes will even stick to the cloth backing.

Now comfortably diapered, I took my soggy diaper from lunch and stuffed it in a scented garbage bag that I had sitting in the closet.  My hand washing routine after diaper changes followed.  I then put on a dark grey ankle length skirt.  I then put on a black collared blouse over my bra and then put on a dark grey suit jacket that matched the color of my skirt.  It was basically the same outfit that I wore during my internship in Cleveland.  I put on black pumps and grabbed a file folder, a small notebook, and a couple pens in case I needed to take notes.  I stuffed these items in my smaller purse and grabbed my car keys.  From what Google told me, CBS Philadelphia only took 3 minutes to get there by car.  With it being 12:24, I practiced interviewing for another 15 minutes.

I then drove out of the parking deck and drove to CBS Philadelphia for the interview.  I went down North 15th Street and took a right onto Arch Street.  Then a right onto North 16th Street.  I followed this road for about six city blocks before I arrived at the news studio.  I was a little nervous, but I took a deep breath and swallowed.  Should any kind of accident happen at all during the interview, I was wearing a diaper with a stuffer, and no one would even know that I had the accident.

I got out of the car and grabbed my purse, making sure to keep my cell phone in there during the interview at all times, and that my cell phone was put on silent.  I checked my skirt below to make sure that there was no noticeable bulge in my diaper.  While this was not the case, I did notice a soft crinkling sound that I only heard when I was walking.  I am hoping that nobody at the interview notices that sound.  I walked forward towards the CBS Philadelphia studio and entered the doors, hoping that a new future awaited behind it.

About an hour and a half later, the interview was over.  Any kind of nervousness that I had before entering the building immediately melted away when I saw Melinda Thompson, the hiring manager and news director for CBS Philadelphia (KYW-TV).  Melinda was more than happy to see me, and she wasted no time in escorting me to a small board room that had four other people dressed professionally.  Two of them were men and the other two were women, and they all worked for Melinda.  One of the women in the board room was Lindsey Croft, a news producer that was responsible for creating all of the news stories and organizing them for all of the journalists.  Edward Toft was the Sales Manager and was responsible for working with different clients to sell all the station’s available commercial time.  Martin Brady was the current news anchor that is serving on the interim due to a tragic event that happened to the previous news anchor.  Finally, Allison McDonald was the President and General Manager of CBS KYW-TV and WPSG Philadelphia.  While she didn’t really ask any questions, she was only there to observe all the interview candidates while Melinda led the interview.

The interview format rotated between Melinda, Lindsey, Edward, and Martin, with Allison giving her remarks every now and then, before making a few brief notes on the notepad.  In a lot of my answers, I described different job related scenarios at my internship at WOIO (Channel 19), a CBS News affiliate serving the Cleveland area in Shaker Heights.  They all looked very impressed with my answers and really loved the kind of energy that I brought to the room.  I didn’t really think much of it, as this was the way that I normally conducted myself in a newsroom.  I am always nervous until I end up meeting the people that I’m talking to.  After that, I am very comfortable in front of any audience.

After they spent an hour grilling me with challenging questions, the time came for me to ask them any questions that I may have.  I had my question list boiled down to only 10, as I only wanted to ask the most important questions when it came to working at KYW-TV.  A few of the questions had to do with onboarding, vacation, employee development, continued education, knowledge transfer and training (considering that I found out that the former news anchor was killed in a fatal car accident), and other similar questions.  I then gave my closing remarks and thanked everyone there for their time.

After 30 minutes of asking them questions, Melinda, still looking very impressed, gave her closing remarks, as did Lindsey, Edward, and Martin.  To make me feel even happier, Allison spoke up.

“We would love to have you as a part of our team.”  Allison said, looking very pleased.

Following Allison’s remark, I heard a “But…” from Melinda.  While I did do very well in the interview, they still needed to interview three more candidates.  They would provide me with their final decision by Tuesday, which would leave me wondering the entire weekend.  I asked for every one of their business cards on the way out so that I could write a thank you letter, which I could almost hand deliver to the news station considering how I am in such close proximity to CBS Philadelphia.

Melinda thanked me again for my time and she kindly escorted me to the entrance of the news studio.

When I got back to the car, I immediately checked my diaper.  Sure enough, the Huggies diaper was completely soaked.  I must have been so focused in talking to them during the interview that I didn’t even realize that my bladder was releasing.  It’s a very good thing that I wore that stuffer as I would’ve surely risked a leak if I wore just my normal diaper without it.

After I got back to the apartment, I immediately wrote the thank you letter and mailed it.  I then ate my well-deserved prize of sweet chocolatey goodness: a Little Debbie fudge round.  I devoured that sweet chocolate sandwich in mere seconds and then prepared for my stream, which would be starting at around 3:00.

For today’s stream, I pretty much kept it simple having just come back from the Twins Days Festival.  I basically streamed Animal Crossing: New Horizons the whole time and made some more progress on my Island.  I also invited the chat to post their islands and I visited a few of theirs.  Like usual, I changed my diaper during the stream breaks and talked to Jen about how the interview went.

When Jen heard how well I thought that I did, she clutched both of my arms and smiled.  “Oh Jill,” she said.  “I surely hope that you get that job.”

I nodded.  “I hope that I get the job too…”

I resumed the stream and played Animal Crossing until 9:00.  I discussed a possible change in the streaming schedule should I get the job with CBS Philadelphia.  I then closed the stream for the night.

I then got ready for bed, and I diapered myself with my normal diaper, plus a Huggies Overnight as a stuffer.  I had only 68 diapers left before I ran out of the Certainty Unisex Fitted Briefs.  I said good night to my sister and went to bed, feeling the rustling of my diaper as I got into bed…

Over the next few days, I began trying to re-potty train myself, but was met with very frustrating results.  Almost every time that I tried to make it to the toilet, I always ended up peeing all over the tiling on the bathroom floor, or even worse, the carpeting if I was further away from the bathroom.  The Kegel exercises were not working and staying fully hydrated only made my bladder accidents more frequent.  Whenever I was deep in thought or fully focused, I always ended up pissing myself.  By the time that I got to Friday morning, I was sick of having accident after accident with no way to have any control over my bladder.  Completely frustrated, I called a doctor’s office through the Penn Medicine University of Pennsylvania Health System and set up a physical checkup.  The next available appointment was August 28th so I could not do anything about this problem until then.

Jen too was getting very tired of all my frequent accidents.  All the numerous pee stains made it impossible to get a cleaning service to clean the carpet.

That Friday, my twin sister put her foot down.  After work, she grabbed me by the arms and gave me a serious stare.

“Jill!” she shouted.  “I know that you are trying to re-potty train yourself.  But do you know what?  It’s not working!  All you’re doing is getting pee all over the apartment.  I have lost count of how many pee stains that you have left on the carpet over the past few days.  No more panties, Jill.  You will need to wear diapers until you are able to get into a doctor…”

My cheeks turned red, and my eyes began to well up in tears.  “But I don’t want to wear diapers for the rest of my life!” I wailed.  “I thought this was only a temporary thing.  Something that I could just ride out until I could fix it.  So, I went along with it, but my bladder is not on board with me…*sniff* *sniff*”

Jen gave me a hug and wiped a few tears out of her eyes.  “Jill, I also wanted it to be temporary.  But do you know what?  It’s a problem that you still have to deal with.  Will there be a solution from the doctor?  We don’t know.  All you can do is live each day a day at a time.  Why don’t you try that, Jill? Okay?”

I nodded as I continued to cry into my twin sister’s arms.

That Saturday, Gary took me on another date.  When I told him about my worsening incontinence, he gave me a big hug.  I cried into his chest as he hugged me for 20 minutes before we even entered the King of Prussia Mall.  When I told him about the Huggies that I used for doublers, he told me that while it was a good temporary fix, it just wouldn’t do.  He shifted the topic to offer suggestions for a stronger and more absorbent diaper that could handle my heavier wettings.

Gary found a website on his cellphone and showed it to me.  “Here it is, Jill.  Trest.”

I looked at the website that Gary was showing me.  It featured a display of different diapers in five different colors: Blue, Pink, White, Green, and Purple.  Instead of having two wide tapes, it had four plastic tapes with a thick plastic backing.

“9500 mL…” Gary told me.  “Now what are those Certainty briefs you are wearing?”

I sighed.  “Some online sources that I have read has the absorbency at around 1200 mL…”

Gary gasped.  “Well, that settles it.  Use up the rest of those and don’t get anymore.  I’m ordering 15 bags of Trest. What color do you want?”

“Pink.” I muttered with my face to the floor.

Gary then eyed my waistline.  “And, they have a small and medium.  Medium might be better, as small would be a little snug on you…”

“Fine…” I said with my arms crossed.  “Get more diapers for Baby Jill…”

Gary gave me a look of concern and patted me on the arm.  “Jill, you need to just go through with it.  I told you about my younger sister, Susan, right?  Well, Susan also hated wearing diapers.  She had that same attitude that you’re having right now, so I totally get the frustration.”

“But…” I told Gary while pouting.  “Susan only had to wear diapers until she was nine.  How long will I need diapers?”

Gary looked at me and hugged me.  “Jill, I don’t know.  That’s why you’re going to a doctor for a checkup.  It’s on the 28th, right?”

I nodded.  “Let’s just go into the mall.”  I unzipped my backpack purse that Gary bought me for Twins Days.  I now have decided to give it the nickname diaper bag because that’s all I basically use it for.  I showed Gary the four diapers and changing supplies that were in the bag.  “See Gary? Plenty of diapers.  Let’s go inside now…”

“It will be okay Jill,” Gary said, trying to reassure me.

For the next three hours, Gary and I wandered around in King of Prussia Mall.  And like any good boyfriend, he spoiled me with more clothing purchases.  Another skirt, a couple more pajama sets from Nordstrom, and one more swimsuit.  After the two hours of shopping, we ate at Legal Sea Foods and I ordered the usual, only I ate my Lobster Mac and Cheese at the restaurant this time instead of ordering it to go. 

While Gary was waiting for the bill to arrive, I retreated to a bathroom stall to change my diaper.  It was the second time that I had to change my diaper while at the mall.  The first time was right after we shopped at Nordstrom.  Like the diaper before this one, it was another soaked diaper.  With my track record of soaking so many diapers without any conscious effort, I am totally convinced that I have virtually no bladder control anymore.  For all I know, my bladder muscles could have atrophied, which would clearly explain my sudden loss of bladder control over the past month.  I don’t even remember when I pee my diaper anymore.  Whenever it happens, I just notice the sensation of it when it occurs instead of my brain sending a signal to my bladder indicating when I have to pee.  I get that feeling every now and then, but it is starting to become more rare.  This idea of trying to re-potty train myself is starting to become more like wishful thinking at this point.  I removed the soaked diaper and carefully sat it on the toilet paper dispenser while I got out a new diaper.  I quickly went through the diapering routine and fastened both wide tapes onto a new Certainty diaper.  While I’m beginning to miss my panties, I guess that diapers are going to be my new underwear now.  At least for now, I hoped.  I pulled my skirt back down so that it covered my ankles again and placed the soaked diaper into a plastic back before placing it back into my diaper bag to dispose of it at a later time.  This will be when Gary takes me back to his place, as he didn’t mind me disposing my diapers in his trash.

I exited the bathroom and Gary already had the bill paid with the tip included.  We both left the restaurant and made our way back to the parking lot.

Once back at Gary’s place, he showed me a few more retro games on the NES before he got out another one of his retro consoles: the SNES.

While I have played a lot of the NES games, I haven’t really gotten into the SNES library yet.  Gary showed me Super Mario World, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, and Super Mario RPG.  Having played all three Super Mario Bros. games plus the Lost Levels, I really wanted to start playing some SNES games.  The SNES Legend of Zelda was also fun to watch.  I have beaten both quests of Legend of Zelda and have even managed to beat the very hard Zelda II: The Adventure of Link (both Thunderbird and Dark Link took me forever, even with save states).  Now Super Mario RPG was exciting since I never played an RPG before.

After Gary showed me the games, he went upstairs and began his GaretheBear stream on Twitch.  This time, I decided to show my face.  Gary told them that I had a streaming channel called JillianPlays and that they should go and follow me.  I then made the shameless plug that my streams were Monday through Friday from 3:00 PM to 9:00 PM.

Gary was now very far into Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom at this point.  He had a lot of heart containers and was spending a lot of time in the sky, going to various different shrines.  There was another raid, but it wasn’t as big as the one that I saw the last time.  Most of my dates with Gary have either been at the mall, at the movies, or at a restaurant.  Every once in a while, I was at his house, but I didn’t participate in his streams, until tonight.

In the middle of the stream, I excused myself to go into the bathroom to change my diaper.  I only told the stream that I had to use the bathroom, but they didn’t know about my toileting issues.

After a couple hours, Gary ended his stream and took me back to my apartment.  I said good night to my sister, and I got ready for bed.  I put on a new diaper.  I had only 48 diapers left, and with me using about 5 diapers per day now, I would now be going through about 35 diapers per week.  This would mean that I would be through my remaining diapers in about a couple weeks and will be able to start using the new Trest diapers in time for my doctor’s appointment on the 28th.

Sunday was just another day.  While my sister went to church with Joey, I once again didn’t want to go.  I was too upset about my incontinence to want to go.  Besides, how would I manage my diaper changes at church?

Monday came at last.  For today’s Monday outfit, I decided to wear a pair of grey jogging pants for a change.  While my diaper peeked out a little bit past my waist, the shirt that I had on was big enough to cover the diaper.  I was ready for another week, as I would be able to find out whether or not I got the job at CBS Philadelphia.  While I was uncertain about my job prospects, I kept searching for work just in case I got a rejection from the interview.

Besides that, Monday was very slow for job prospects.  I had my lunch and continued searching until 2:00.  There wasn’t a single job to apply for today.

I got ready for another stream and checked my stats from last week.  Between the new follows that I got during the week, and my shameless plug on GaretheBear’s stream, I gained 77 new followers and 35 new Tier 1 subs.  Starting today, that would change, as I finally have all the emotes where I want them.  With that being the case, both Tier 2 and Tier 3 are now officially available.  Glytter is also in the process of working on a bit-emote called JillianGolden (an animated me, but flashing in solid gold).  For anyone to unlock JillianGolden, they will need to donate at least a total of 100,000 bits.  There are also a couple of lesser bit-emotes that she is also working on that will unlock at 1,000 and 5,000 bits, but she hasn’t made them yet.

For today’s stream, I was very excited as I knew exactly what game I was going to play next.  I was going to play Super Mario World.  I may play it the entire stream, depending on how long it will take to get through everything.

Before I knew it, it was about 5 minutes to 3:00.  I got all my drinks ready and clicked the “Go Live” button on Twitch.

While it was on the “Starting Soon” scene, I made sure that I pulled my shirt over my diaper, since it was situated in a weird way where it would’ve revealed my diaper if I didn’t fix it.  With my shirt now fixed, I waited five more minutes before I started the stream.

I started the stream with Just Chatting, and asked everyone how their weekend went. I introduced the Tier 2 and Tier 3 subscriptions, but it was no surprise that I didn’t get any right away.  After chatting for another 20 minutes, I just started into Super Mario World.

Within the first hour, I managed to complete Yoshi’s Island and was about halfway through Donut Plains.  At this point, I decided to take a break.

I got up, went to the bathroom, and changed into a new diaper.  Like usual, my diaper was soaking wet from all the water that I drank toward the beginning of the stream.  I also drank a can of Mountain Dew so I believe that it had more to do with that than the water.

After another diaper change, I walked back into the room and approached my desk.  I stood there for a few seconds and then saw something that made my heart sink.  The front waist of my diaper was sticking out of my jogging pants and was in clear view of the camera for every one of the Twitch audience to see.  And with there being 64 currently in the audience, that is like standing in front of 64 people.  I quickly sat down with my face burning red, hoping that nobody saw my diaper.

I checked the chat window just to be sure.  But my greatest fears were fully realized when I saw the numerous comments in the chat:

MewMewGirl1998: Diaper…JillianGasp

SacredSteve: Huh?  A diaper?

Madelroxasis:  Is that a diaper? JillianGasp JillianGasp  JillianGasp

PrettyCakeCatGirl:  Is Jillian wearing a diaper?

Radsonicfan94:  I saw it!  Right before she sat down…a diaper!

Midnightmistress:  So did I!

KitdeliciousKat:  Me too!

MewMewGirl1998: Jillian do you have a problem?

LforLuigi95: Or is she just lazy?

MewMewGirl1998:  Lazy?  No.  Not all people who wear diapers are lazy Luigi.

SpicySparkleSteph:  What did I miss?

PrettyCakeCatGirl:  You missed Jillian wearing a diaper.

SpicySparkleSteph:  WHAAAAAT?  Jillian wears diapers?

TacoBill:  But don’t babies wear diapers?

MewMewGirl1998:  No Bill People with bladder problems also wear diapers.

ItsaLee:  I missed it.  Jillian was in a diaper?

(Mod Badge) Glytter:  Everyone.  Enough.

(Mod Badge) PrettyPanda89:  Can we please drop the whole diaper thing with Jillian?  I don’t want to force any timeouts.

(Mod Badge) TinyTrish:  Everyone.  We get it.  Let’s discuss this matter no more, okay?

MewMewGirl1998: Got it!  No more mention of the D-word everyone!

I was silently relieved that my three mods managed to silence the chat regarding my embarrassing wardrobe malfunction.  But that did not change the fact that more than 60 people caught a brief glimpse of me wearing a diaper.  And the ones that missed it were reminded of it.

I resumed playing Super Mario World for a couple of levels before telling the entire stream that I needed to take another break.  It wasn’t that I needed a diaper change this time, but that I was so embarrassed about what just happened that I couldn’t even focus on the stream right now.  I just could not believe it.  Now my normal JillianPlays audience knows that I wear diapers.  Is it really their business to know?  My accidental flashing of my diaper has gotten me very upset.  And it really wasn’t an actual flash, as the diaper only peeked a little bit out of my pants, and I didn’t pull down my pants to expose my full diaper to them.  So if anything, it was only a partial flash.

I noticed a few whispers coming into my feed.  Fortunately, I have my whisper settings so that I would have to approve them before they could even whisper me.  I noticed one approved whisper from Glytter.  I read it out to myself:

Glytter:  You should appoint MewMewGirl1998 as a new mod.  She would do a wonderful job.  Also, I will want to talk to you about the diaper thing after stream if you have a few minutes.  Is that okay?

“Yes it is.”  I typed, before sending my whisper back to Glytter.

From the embarrassment that I had to endure, I took another half hour before I returned back to the stream.  I decided to resume for a little while and finished Donut Plains.  A few hours later, I was working on the first few levels of Vanilla Dome.  After finishing the last level before going out to the pipe at the top, I decided to end the stream an hour early, due to the embarrassment that I had to deal with today.  I decided that I would appoint MewMewGirl1998 as a mod on the next stream that I have.

With the stream over, it was only a few seconds before I saw my cellphone ringing and seeing Glytter on the caller ID.

“Hello?” I answered.

“Hi Jill!  How are you doing tonight?  Are you doing okay?”

I sighed.  “What do you think?  You clearly saw what happened…”

“Yes Jill.  I saw the whole thing!  You were standing in your chair for just a few seconds.  And then you started to look a little nervous.  I’m sure that it was because of a little bit of your diaper was peeking out of your pants.  And since you were so embarrassed, you sat down quickly!  It was a white diaper.  The cheap kind that you find at a pharmacy.  I’m sorry, Jill but with a photographic memory like mine, there are so many details about that moment that I cannot unsee.”

I sighed.  “It’s okay.  I should’ve been more careful about hiding it.”

“Jill, I don’t mean to pry into your personal life, but that diaper was on public display for us to see for a couple of seconds.  Can you at least tell me why you are wearing a diaper?  I know you’re not wearing it to be lazy.  So, is it for convenience or incontinence?”

“Incontinence,” I softly muttered.  “It has gotten worse over the past month, and I have scheduled a doctor’s appointment to look into the matter.”

“Incontinence?  Well, it’s a very difficult thing to live with, but doable.  To be forthcoming and very personal, I am also incontinent.  My incontinence began when I was five years old.  When did your incontinence began, and dare I say, how?”

“You are not going to believe this,” I told Glytter.  “But it actually began back in June, when I first moved to Philadelphia to go live with my sister.  They invited me to a very fancy restaurant and treated me to my own bottle of wine.  It was red wine and I got very drunk.  Everything else was a blur that evening but I remember waking up seeing vomit all over the floor in my room.  I was also covered in pee.  Since that night, I have been wetting the bed and eventually needed to wear diapers.  I didn’t know wine could make me incontinent.  Weird huh?”

“Jill, I don’t think it was the wine.”

I sighed.  “That’s what my sister told me.  If it’s not the wine, what is it?”

“Think about every detail that happened that night that you got drunk.  Yes, the wine could’ve made you have that one accident, but the effects should long have worn off by now.  Can you remember anything from that night?”

I shook my head.  “I remember the restaurant, and then I remember waking up in vomit and pee.  I blacked out for everything else.”

“Well, did your sister help you get home?  Ask her about what she saw, for something might have happened that night.  Something that you can’t remember.”

I nodded.  “I’ll ask her tomorrow when she gets off of work.  Now, how did you lose your continence at five?”

“Well, it’s something that I totally regret now, but it’s not anything that I can undo.  My silly immature five-year-old self just didn’t want to get potty trained…period.  Since I was two, I just didn’t want to learn. As to why I didn’t want to learn, I can’t tell you that yet.”

I frowned.  “Why Glytter?”

“Well, let’s just say that it has something to do with my dwarfism.  Anyway, since I was two, I firmly resisted the potty.  My mother always tried to potty train me again every new birthday, but I didn’t want to go. And as the years went by of me always letting go of my bladder, I started to find it harder to hold anything in.  My peeing was so automatic that I couldn’t even tell when I was peeing anymore…”

I gasped.  “That’s exactly what’s going on with me.”

“it is, Jill?  Could you be experiencing atrophy in your bladder muscles?  I still would get an opinion from your doctor though.  Are you getting a checkup?”

I nodded. “Yes.”

“See a urologist and have them check you out.  The one that I see every year always tells me that my bladder muscles don’t work.  If you still have any feeling in your bladder muscles, there is still hope for you.  Also, one more thing before we hang up.”

I nodded.  “Yes Glytter?”

“Can you give me your address?  There is something that I really want to send to you.  I can’t tell you what it is, but I know that you will like it.”


I gave Glytter my address at Metro City Apartments in Philadelphia.

“Thanks Jill!  I will order it tonight.  It should be there in a few days…Good night, Jill!”

“Good night, Glytter!”

I hung up the phone.  I then talked to my sister and said good night to her.  I already had dinner during that half hour break that I took during the stream.

I diapered myself and got in my bed.  I then fell asleep, hoping that tomorrow would be a better day…

As I got up on that Tuesday, it started off as any normal day would, except for the fact that I was now resigned to the fate of the worsening condition of my bladder.  I was now beginning my fourth consecutive day of wearing diapers 24/7.  I could no longer make this a choice as my bladder accidents have made diapers absolutely necessary from my failed attempts to re-potty train myself.  And to make matters worse, my normal Twitch audience is now fully aware of my diapers and there is no way to undo the unfortunate event that happened yesterday.  And if that were not embarrassing and frustrating enough, I am now finding myself having accidents right in the middle of my diaper changes.  I think that I am in the clear to change my diaper when I find myself peeing trickles of pee out, forcing me to press the front of my diaper against my waist to hold in the pee before I can even properly fasten the diaper around myself.  To try to resolve this problem, I have often made frequent checks to see if I feel any new drops of pee coming into my diaper before I take it off and change into a new one.  Considering that Glytter told me that she was also incontinent, I may talk to her and find out how she manages these frustrating diaper changes.  I may very well need to have a plastic mat over my whole room or just change in the bathroom to prevent any more accidents while changing.  Or I could get a changing mat to catch any pee that may escape.

I got through all of my morning routine.  Shower, new diaper, clothing, and then breakfast before beginning my job search.  It was now 8:47 AM and I was just entering my bedroom to begin my job search when I got a incoming call on my cellphone.  The caller ID read CBS Philadelphia.  Oh.  My.  Gosh.  Could this be the call that I’m waiting for?

I swiped the answer button.  “Hello?”

“Am I speaking to Jillian Jenners?” the voice asked me.

“This is…” I told her.

“This is Melinda Thompson, vice president and News Director for CBS Philadelphia.  How are you doing this morning?”

“Great…” I told her.

“That’s good to hear.  Now this call is regarding the interview that you had this last week.  Having interviewed all the candidates, we would like to congratulate you and have you on board as the newest member of our team.”

My heart skipped a beat, and I felt so happy that I was beginning to cry tears of joy.  “That’s…great…”

“From the first time that we saw your credentials, I knew that we just had to get you on board.  And when we checked with WOIO in Cleveland, they spoke very well of you, and it made it even easier for us to make our decision.  Are you okay, Miss Jenners?”

“Yes!” I cried.  “I’m just so happy!”

“That is wonderful to hear, Miss Jenners.  Let all that joy come out.  Now, here is what is going to happen next.  I have already contacted HR, and they have prepared the job offer.  Review it carefully and let me know if you have any questions.  Once you have carefully reviewed it, contact me and let me know if you are going to accept or reject the offer.  The salary should reflect what you should expect at the degree that you have earned.  There are opportunities for promotions and wages, and we will fully fund your schooling if you would like to go for a Master’s degree in communications and broadcasting.  If you want my opinion, I would go for the degree, as it would give you a much higher salary.”

I tried to respond to what Melinda just told me, but all I could do was cry happy tears.  Finally, I managed to choke out a few more words.  “That’s…great.  I will look at the offer and let you know!  *sob* *sniff*”

“Take your time, Miss Jenners.  I know that this is a very important decision and given careful consideration and time, we know that you’ll make the right one.  Enjoy the rest of your day and contact me once you have made your decision.”

I grabbed a tissue and wiped the tears out of my eyes before blowing my nose.  “I will!  Talk to you later Melinda!”

“Same to you, Miss Jenners.  Goodbye!”

I hung up, and continued happily sobbing about my new job opportunity that was finally within my grasp.

I got into my computer chair and checked the emails.  Sure enough, there was a email from CBS Philadelphia that had the congratulation and job offer in it.  I opened the PDF attachment and found the official offer.  The Position was Evening News Anchor, and the base salary was $56,532.  Considering that Melinda told me about pursuing a Master’s degree in Communications and Broadcasting, I definitely wanted to consider this, as the salary for this position was nowhere near the $148,000 that my twin sister was making as a CPA at Conway, Phillips, & Associates.  I would guess that I would need the kind of job that Melinda or Allison had to start making six figures.  The Master’s Degree would definitely give me a good salary as an anchor but I would need to start leading people if I really wanted to make the big bucks.

I continued looking at the other details of the offer.  If hired, I would be given a certain percentage of equity in the company.  They would also match my 401K contributions up to 4%.  A 3% wage increase was guaranteed if my performance was satisfactory and a 5% wage increase would be rewarded if my performance was outstanding.  A yearly bonus would be rewarded if CBS Philadelphia performed well. This payout would be matched against my performance and months spent on the grid (which would only be about 3 months, if hired in mid-August).  I would be given 10 days of paid vacation, with an extra day of paid vacation added every year.  My health insurance would be Blue Cross Blue Shield if hired.

Before I could even continue looking at the offer, I saw my cellphone vibrating on the computer desk table.  BUZZ!  BUZZ!  BUZZ!

I checked the caller ID to see that it was an incoming call from Glytter.  I swiped the answer button.  “Hello?  Glytter?”

“Yes?” I asked, sounding very surprised at the tone of Glytter’s voice.  She sounded very upset.  “What is it?”

“Go to your TikTok right now.  You are NOT going to like what you’re about to see.”

I opened my TikTok app and the very first thing that I saw was what was under the trending video section.  It showed a video thumbnail of me from the stream that I recorded yesterday.  I was standing in my grey jogging pants, with the front of my diaper peeking out.  “No…” I said in disbelief.   “No no no no no no no no no!!!  Why the fuck would they do this?”

I could hear a gasp coming from Glytter as I held the receiver to my ear.  “Just calm down, Jill…”

But I couldn’t calm down.  Upon closer inspection of the TikTok video, I saw that the video had 26,000 views and 5,000 likes.  A second later, that updated to 27,000 views and 5,200 likes.  The video was titled “Diaper Girl” and it was just 35 seconds long.  I clicked on the video, and I just couldn’t believe what I saw.

The video consisted of a repeated loop of me standing, before crouching and standing again.  After it played the clip of me crouching, that clip played in reverse to give the illusion of me “standing back up”.  The video was zoomed in so that everyone would clearly see the diaper that was peeking out from underneath my jogging pants.  And here’s the worst part.  A music clip from Salt-N-Pepa’s Push It! (TMW Remix) was playing.  The beginning of the song played with the refrain repeating “Ooh, baby baby, baby baby, Ooh baby baby, ba-baby baby…”  The song was perfectly synced to my standing and crouching animation.

I turned off the video.  I just couldn’t watch it anymore.  My cheeks were now burning, and I began crying.  The embarrassing incident of what happened yesterday was now made a lot worse.  What was supposed to be a minor one-off incident has now blown up into a stupid meme.  I screamed, now embarrassed and upset.  “Who is the sick and twisted fuck who posted this?” I shouted.  “Oh!!!!  I want to beat the shit out of them!”

Glytter was still on the phone.  “Jill! Jill! Calm down!  We will sort through this.  You don’t even need to stream tonight…”

“But I WANT to stream tonight!” I protested in a loud shriek.  “I need the video games tonight to take my mind off of this nightmare…”

I glanced at the home page of TikTok again.  The Diaper Girl video was still trending and was now at 31,000 views and 5,800 likes.  I clicked on the video and paused it to avoid hearing the music played to the cringy animation.  That’s where I saw something that made my heart sink.  Right below where I was in my crouch/stand animation, the link to my JillianPlays Twitch profile was clearly visible.  “No!” I shouted.  “Now the sick bastards are going to invade my Twitch account!”

“Jill! Relax.  We’re going to ban anyone who does something inappropriate.  We can even make diaper a banned word.  Now, are you going to appoint MewMewGirl1998 as a mod?  She seems very capable.  I have already PM’d her and she sounds very interested.”

“Yes,” I told Glytter, sounding annoyed.  “Over the next few days, we’re going to need a lot of mods.  Can you help with the vetting?  I will appoint them.”  I glanced and checked the trending page on TikTok again.  Diaper Girl was now at 50,000 views and 7,000 likes.  “We’ll talk in a few hours when my stream starts at 3:00.  I’m going to need a nice video game to take my mind off of this.”

“And you’re going to get that, Jill.  Don’t worry about the weirdos.  Us mods will take care of them.  I would also suggest that you include a new rule in your about page about this matter.”

I nodded. “I will just warn them that there will be no discussion about my special problem, or they WILL be banned.”

“Okay.  Sorry that this is happening, Jill.  Talk to you later!  Bye!”

I hung up and glanced back at the job offer that was still open.  I then got onto Twitch and checked to see if anything has changed since the TikTok video that was apparently uploaded last night, according to the details that were listed on the TikTok video.  When my stream ended last night, the number of followers was around 156.  The current number of followers is now around 659.  I gained 500 more followers overnight!  I then saw a backlog that made my jaw drop.  85 new subs awaited to be played the next time my stream went live.  57 new Tier 1 subs, 20 new Tier 2 subs, and 8 Tier 3 subs.

I then glanced back at the job offer that was given to me by CBS Philadelphia.  I now had my doubts in deciding to accept the job offer.  I was in a Catch 22.  If I accept the job offer and get hired at CBS Philadelphia, that TikTok video of me in diapers could go viral and the news story would eventually be picked up by the AP wire before it would be broadcasted on the local news.  This embarrassing revelation would leave a sour taste in the mouths of the news team and would make the situation awkward to work around me.  I would then get fired after just starting a new job.  If I reject the offer, I am still jobless, and this whole hype with the Diaper Girl video would only give me 15 seconds of fame.  After that fame dies out, I would once again go back to being an underpaid Twitch streamer.

But the very thought of the video still made me very angry.  This really was the most embarrassing day of my life. Tens of thousands of people all get to enjoy the newest meme.  A 21-year-old woman with a barely exposed diaper peeking out of her jogging pants performing a standing and crouching dance to a provocative song from the 1980’s.  I glanced at the trending page on TikTok again.  Diaper Girl now had 60,000 views and 7,600 likes.

Hours later, I began gearing up for my stream.  At this point, Glytter managed to find another 20 members that all engaged with my stream on a regular basis.  She sent out a group message, inviting all of them to become mods for JillianPlays.  They all agreed, and from what Glytter told me, they all knew why they were becoming mods due to the recent happening with the unfortunate upload of an embarrassing TikTok video.  Seriously.  I want to beat the living shit out of the person who created that TikTok video!

Prior to the stream starting, I had all of the mods get on early, and the candidates also joined them.  I mass appointed 20 more mods and Glytter helped get a Mod bot online to help with the crowd control.  I clicked the “Go Live” button, having no idea what was about to happen.

The stream was now on the Starting Soon scene, and I heard a series of sub alerts go off for every one of the 85 new subs from earlier.  Another 47 joined them, giving me a total of 132 subs on this day alone.

As I was hearing the round of 132 sub alerts, I saw an explosion of comments in the chat, mentioning Diaper Girl or requests to see my diaper.  One disgusting comment wanted me to send them my used diaper.  Every one of these users were put in timeout and were given only one warning, as the mods would ban them at the very next violation.  I watched as a flurry of users were being put into timeout due to their use of the word “diaper”.  When I saw the audience, my heart skipped a beat.  I could not believe it.  There were 287 people that were watching me right now in the audience.  24 of those people were mods that were busy at putting out the toxic flames that were fanned from the influx of traffic that came from the TikTok video that was becoming increasingly more viral by the hour.  Upon starting the stream, Diaper Girl had 130,000 views and 15,800 likes.

I got my usual water and Mountain Dew and started the stream, making a very important statement.

“Good afternoon and welcome to our Tuesday stream!” I announced.  “I am JillianPlays, and I would like to address the recent controversy that just happened overnight.  I know that a lot of you are here because of a certain TikTok video that somebody posted regarding something very personal about me.  Now, I’m only going to say it once.  If I or the mods see you bring up anything inappropriate relating to the nature of the content of that TikTok video, you will be banned from this channel.  Don’t even try typing in the word “diaper” either because we made it a banned word.  The purpose of this channel is to share my newfound love of video games with all of you, and we are going to move forward with that intended mission.  If you have any questions or concerns about what you saw on that TikTok video, I have a Discord that we can discuss this on.  Bring your discussion there but keep it off of this channel.  Now, I want to forgo the Just Chatting and start Super Mario World early.  Who’s ready for some wholesome gaming?”

The speech that I gave to my Twitch audience seemed to calm down some of the chat.  The banned comments began to lessen as I began to see a flood of JillianCheer’s and JillianYAY’s.  Seeing the scrolling display of those two emotes being spammed made me smile.  I glanced at the audience counter and saw that I was now at 304 people currently viewing my stream.  I switched inputs from my webcam to my Nintendo Switch.  As I got to the loading screen for the SNES Channel, MewMewGirl1998 gifted 10 Tier 1 Subs to the community.  That meant that 10 random followers of my channel would receive a free Tier 1 sub to JillianPlays. This would be complete with all the Tier 1 emotes, plus ad free viewing on my channel.

“Thank you, Mew for gifting 10 subs to the community!” I said with a smile.

I continued playing Super Mario World and over the next hour, I received 25 more subs to my channel.  15 Tier 1 subs, 8 Tier 2 Subs, and 2 Tier 3 Subs. There was also a generous newcomer named Lamtastic that kept gifting me 1,000 bits.  This started a crazy bidding spree where I received 1,000 bit donations left and right.  MewMewGirl1998 then shocked me.  She gifted me 10,000 bits!  I was totally blown away by the generosity of my growing community.  The mods still had to deal with a lot of the troublemakers, but my statement made it very clear at the beginning.  I wasn’t going to take any more of anyone’s shit today.

The bits and new subs created a hype train, which was a four-minute period where the Twitch audience had a chance to win new hype train emotes if they donated a minimum of 100 bits.  The hype train had numerous levels, based on the number of donations that were given to the streamer.  With all the crazy donations, my stream reached a level 7 hype train.  It then achieved level 7 and level 8 was in progress.  But the donations were not enough to achieve level 8.  With that, everyone who donated bits during the hype train got one Level 7 hype train emote.

I continued the stream, playing through Vanilla Dome, Butter Bridge, Cheese Bridge, and the rest of the outside world’s levels before fighting Ludwig in the World 4 Castle.  I took a dinner break before starting on the Forest of Illusion.  Over the next few hours, I completed most of the Forest of Illusion before calling it a stream.  And to all of you JJ Little Besties who are so good at video games, I have this to say to you.  At that time, I was still new to gaming and still learning.  I can’t tell you the number of times that I was told that Super Mario World could be beat 100% in under an hour and a half.  Well, that was my first playthrough, so I died a whole lot.  As I am writing this in the present, I can tell you that I can beat all the exits in about two and a half hours now.

I ended the stream and got a text from Glytter, telling me how proud she was of me being able to professionally handle the embarrassing situation.

I didn’t want to tell my twin sister that CBS Philadelphia gave me a job offer today.  For all I know, I may not be working there, due to a stupid meme video that somebody made of me wearing diapers that was about to go viral.

When Jen asked me about CBS Philadelphia calling me back, I lied to her.  I didn’t want to lie, but I also didn’t want her to know about everything happening on TikTok.  Fortunately, my sister doesn’t have a TikTok account, so she wouldn’t notice the embarrassing video right away.

I said goodnight to my sister and did my nighttime routine.  I diapered myself with another Certainty diaper with a Huggies stuffer.  I then checked the Trending Page on TikTok once again.  Diaper Girl was now at 328,000 views and 38,000 likes.  I gasped.  This was about to get very big.  I got into my queen-sized bed and fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning feeling very rested.  Surprisingly, I slept very well.  I checked the trending page on TikTok, and I was on the verge of panic:  Diaper Girl now had 3.2 million views and 293,000 likes.  I could not believe this.

I got to my computer desk and opened Twitch.  To my surprise, there were another 480 followers, and 120 more subs.  80 tier 1 subs, 35 Tier 2 subs, and 5 Tier 3 Subs.  This was just unbelievable.

That did it.  At this point, I did something that I would most certainly totally regret.  I called CBS Philadelphia and rejected the offer. I can’t remember everything that was said.  All I know is that I told Melinda that I had found another opportunity elsewhere and I had to reject the offer.  Melinda sounded a little disappointed but told me that she would call the next candidate.  I hung up the phone and sighed.  I would surely take the backlash from my twin sister later for rejecting what I considered to be the job of a lifetime.  For now, I just wanted to focus on the popularity surrounding the Diaper Girl video and how that video funneled traffic directly to my Twitch channel.

And that, my JJ Little Besties, was my most embarrassing day of my life, and a little bit of the aftermath the next day.

Now that you saw how the fire began with the Diaper Girl video on TikTok, just you wait.  Now, what’s going to happen when gasoline is poured on that baby?  What am I going to do to deal with my daily issues with incontinence?   What will I find out at the doctor’s office?  All this and more will be covered in the next chapter.

Stay tuned, my JJ Little Besties and sleep well.  The next days and weeks to come are about to get very interesting…

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  • PamperedPrince changed the title to The JJ Diaper Twins (Ch. 10 - 4/21/2024)
33 minutes ago, PamperedPrince said:

The next days and weeks to come are about to get very interesting…

Can't wait to read about them! 🙂

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2 minutes ago, BabySofia said:

Can't wait to read about them! 🙂

Oh, I have only begun to scratch the surface.  For the next chapter, you really get to see the "gasoline" in action.  There are still some unanswered questions regarding Jill's condition that will be explored in more detail.  Also, how long is Jill going to hide the truth about the big rejection to her sister?  Will Jill's 15 seconds of fame run out? (Even fires started from gasoline eventually go out...)  I pretty much have this entire story planned out so you will just have to see what happens next... 😄

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What does everyone think of Jillian's Story in The JJ Diaper Twins so far?

The initial things that I wanted to explore in this story included twin characters (since I myself am a twin) and online influencers.  I don't really see a lot of ABDL stories where these two things combine so that's where this story was born.  I consider this a "coming of age" story, considering that Jill just graduated college and was trying to carve out a new beginning in her life, but with no success.  I decided on a narrative where the narrator interacts with the audience.  Afterall, this is the same audience that bought the twins' book.  So it's kind of a book about a book.  The life story of Jill Jenners.

As you saw in the beginning of the story, there will be another section with everything shared from Jen's point of view.  I plan to have a different style for Jen, as her personality is totally different from Jill, even though they're identical twins.  I hope to work on that in the future, but I would like to get Jill's story done first.

Chapter 11 is in the works.  Look for it soon!  In the meantime, feel free to offer your feelings and thoughts on any of the chapters that you have seen so far!  😀

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  • PamperedPrince changed the title to The JJ Diaper Twins (Ch. 11 - 4/25/2024)

Chapter 11 : Diaper Dependence?

Welcome back, my JJ Fam.  Are you enjoying the warm fire that got started by TikTok?  Admit it.  You just had to get your mandatory fix of watching Diaper Girl once again.  But let me tell you, JJ Besties.  Get prepared, because that gasoline just got poured on that fire and it’s about to explode.  So you thought that things were crazy now with that video and all the new traffic that I was getting for my JillianPlays channel?  This is only the beginning.  The beginning of my crazy journey into a new future.  A future that I was uncertain of whether or not I wanted to accept it. 

My incontinence was getting worse, and I wanted answers.  Yes, the wine made me piss myself and puke all over the floor.  But something just didn’t make any sense about my worsening incontinence.  No wine can magically make someone incontinent.  As I laid in bed the night before, I started thinking about the words that Glytter spoke to me.  Look at the details.  My twin sister was the only key to figuring out what those details were.

After giving CBS Philadelphia my rejection, I pretty much just focused on getting things ready for my streams.  Considering how many subscribers I was gaining every day since the day of the Diaper Girl video, Twitch was slowly turning into my job.

Gary briefly stopped by during the day to drop off my Trest Diapers that arrived that day at his house.  Gary had not been on Twitch since Saturday, so I made no mention of the TikTok video or my new Twitch numbers.  He would learn about that soon enough.  I just helped him carry the 15 bags of 10 Pink Trest diapers into my room.  I stacked the bags in my closet and closed the door. 

By the time that I completed my stream that night, I had nearly 200 new subscribers.  Most of the Tier 1 Subs were actually Prime Subs, since they used their Amazon Prime account to get a free Twitch sub.  While it was free for them, it was still $5 for Twitch.  Twitch kept half while I kept the other half.

During today’s stream, I managed to complete the Forest of Illusion and finish most of Chocolate Island.  Unlike yesterday, I wanted to talk to my twin sister about what happened during the night that I first came to Philadelphia.  The night that I ate at The Capital Grille.  That one bottle of Walt, Las Brisa, Sonoma Coast.  That one bottle of red wine that made me get so wasted that I couldn’t even remember anything on the way home.  Jen had all the answers, and tonight, I was going to get every last one from her.

I opened the door to Jen’s bedroom to find my twin sister in a midnight blue silk pajama set with a button down tops and matching bottoms.  My sister was laying on her queen-sized bed with a large leather book opened in front of her.  It looked like the Bible.

When Jen saw me, she took a bookmark that she had nearby and stuck it between the two pages that she was reading before closing the book and setting it on her bed.  “Yes Jill?  Was there something that you wanted to discuss?”  Her face lit up.  “Oh Jill!  Is this about CBS Philadelphia?  Did they call yet?  I’ve been praying, Jill.  I’ve been praying every day…”

I shook my head.  “No Jen.  This is not about CBS Philadelphia.  This is about day one.  The very first night that I came here to Philadelphia…”

Jen nodded, and gave me a pensive stare.  “Did you want to talk about the restaurant?  The Capital Grille?  What did you want to talk about, Jill?”  Jen tapped an area on her bed that was right next to where she was sitting as an invitation for me to sit there.  Understanding the cue entirely, I took the very spot where she tapped so that I was right beside my twin sister.

“Now,” Jen began.  “What did you want to know about your first night?”

I sighed.  “First of all, I would like to address everything that I can’t remember during the night that I ate at the Capital Grille.  Now I can remember having my dinner, and I can definitely remember drinking the entire bottle of Walt, Las Brisa, Sonoma Coast.  As delicious as that wine was, I could not remember anything else after that.  Can you please fill me in, Jen?”

Jen nodded, and sat quietly for a few moments while she tried to remember everything that happened  that night.  “I remember!  Jill, you were very loud and obnoxious, and we had to quiet you down a number of times.  I ordered a Classic Crème Brulee for both myself and you, since you just kept blankly staring at the menu when I asked you what you wanted for dessert.  Joey, of course, got the Capital Grille Cheesecake.”

I nodded.  “What else?  What happened after we left?”

Jen scratched her head.  “After that, both Joey and I had to help you out of the restaurant, because you couldn’t even walk straight.  Why, you couldn’t even maintain your balance!  Several times, you told us in a drunken slur that you could walk yourself out.  You then wanted another bottle of wine.  That’s when I reminded you that you had way too much to drink…”

I sighed.  “I can’t even remember saying any of this!”

Jen nodded.  “Of course not!  You were black out drunk!  It was almost like you were sleepwalking.  Now, after we helped you out, we both decided to drive you back to the apartment, as it made no sense to walk you back all by myself.  As Joey was getting his white Mercedes-Maybach, you got very angry at me.  I knew that it had to do with you being drunk.  You told me that you were going back by yourself but were going to get a drink on the way back.  You then RAN towards the curb and stepped off it towards the road.  You then made a few paces forward past the curb.  When I called back for you, you pivoted and ran back towards the curb.  ‘Jill, the curb!’ I shouted, warning you about the curb that you were about to hit.  It was too late.  You tripped on the curb and fell right on your pelvis against the pavement.  I checked for any wounds, but you only had a few scratches on your face.  Joey then assisted me in helping you into his SUV and he drove us back to the apartment.  Other than that, I just got you ready for bed.  In the middle of the night, I heard a loud scream, and then vomiting.  Then I heard you cry.  That’s about it.  And when you blacked out again, I got you right to the shower to help you wash off all the vomit and pee.  Is that all you wanted to know?”

I gasped.  “Wait!  You said that I ran towards the curb and tripped?”

Jen nodded.  “Yes Jill.  It didn’t look like the fall was that severe, but I think that your abdomen and legs took most of the fall…”

I glanced down at my pelvis.  “Wait a second…Jen, how hard would you say that I fell on my stomach, pelvis and legs?”

Jen shrugged her shoulders.  “From where I was standing, I could not tell how hard the impact was…Wait!  Do you think that the impact from that fall could have possibly damaged the nerves around your bladder?”

This suggestion from my sister was almost enough to make me burst into tears.  I didn’t want to believe that such a fall could have caused so much trauma to my bladder and its ability to function properly.  I shook my head in disbelief.  “No!” I shouted in denial.  “I’m going to wait and see what the doctor says…”

Jen could now sense that I was about to lose it again (call it twin ESP).  She immediately wrapped her arms around my side and sighed.  “But Jill…What if the doctor tells you that your nerves are damaged and that this happened as a result of you tripping over a curb while you were drunk?  Are you going to tell them that they’re wrong and you’re right?  Or are you going to just accept the reality and learn to live your life as it currently is?”

I didn’t like either answer that my sister gave me, so I just remained silent.  My silence turned into tears as I began to bawl into my sister’s silky pajama top while she softly patted me on both sides of my stomach…”

“Jill, Jill…” My sister said, trying to comfort me.  “I know that you don’t like the cards that you were given, but it is my prayer that you learn to accept them.  Don’t you remember what Trisha told you?  You need to own it.  Please Jill.  Own it.  Own it for your twin sister who loves you very much…”

I nodded as I stood up in a loud crinkle.  I glanced underneath my night gown.  While the wetness indicator was still yellow, I could tell that I had already soaked the Huggies Overnight diaper, and that it was about to flood into the Certainty diaper.  Just seriously.  After nearly two and a half months of bladder issues, am I really going to accept this reality as my new normal?  I wasn’t about to.  Perhaps the doctor could resolve this problem…I hugged my sister, and I made my frustrating walk back to my bedroom as I pouted over the diapered reality that I had to deal with. 

I got in my queen-sized bed as I felt the need to pee immediately vanish as my bladder voluntarily emptied on its own accord.  It was almost like it was teasing me, as if it gained its own independence.  My bladder no longer took orders from me.  It just operated now whenever it pleased.  The Huggies Overnight diaper was now overflowing into my Certainty diaper, which now began to swell and expand between my legs.  But that wasn’t felt by me for too much longer, as I quickly fell asleep.

Both Thursday and Friday were basically more of the same routine.  While Diaper Girl wasn’t growing out of control, it still managed to gain another million views per day.  It was up to 4.3 million views and 388,000 likes on Thursday and 5.4 million views and 498,000 likes on Friday.  Oh, and one very important thing worth noting was that my Certainty Unisex Fitted Briefs ran out on Thursday.  I was so ready to try a Trest as I wanted to put them to the test…

The pink Trest felt even more like a diaper than the Certainty Briefs.  I could already tell that the absorbent core was a lot thicker and that the backing was made of plastic instead of cloth.  I wiped, creamed, powdered and fastened on the new Trest diaper, securing both thigh tapes towards the landing zone and both waist tapes towards the landing zone, giving myself a snug and comfortable fit.  As I put my ankle length skirt back on, I could already notice how much louder the Trest diapers were.  The crinkle from the plastic backing was a lot louder and more noticeable than the Certainty diapers that I was getting used to.  I put it on at lunch time and didn’t take it off until my second stream break.

As I was finishing lunch on Thursday, I got a text message from Glytter.  I glanced at the text message and read it: “Did you get my packages?”

That reminded me to check my mail.  I went to the lobby of Metro City apartments and sure enough, there were two different packages.  One was a large box and the other was a small mailer envelope that had something small in it.

I took the packages back up to 2202 and opened them in my bedroom.  Both packages said that they were from an Alyssa Evans in Pittsburgh (I am keeping her house number and street confidential at her request.).

The smaller package had what looked like a baby diaper, but it was adult sized.  It featured a print of a lion on both sides.  It reminded me in every way of the Pampers Baby Dry that I used to wear when I was a baby.  The larger box had four large plastic sacks of 10 diapers each.  Like the adult-sized baby diaper that I already opened, these plastic bags had more adult-sized baby diapers.  They were called Tykables Animooz.  The remaining contents included five single adult-sized baby diapers all individually wrapped in plastic.  All of these single diapers had a different print design on it.  I gasped at all the diapers.  I had no idea that baby diapers for adults actually existed.  I immediately called Glytter, still in shock.

“Hi Jill!  Did you get the packages?”

I nodded, still looking very surprised.  “You bought me baby diapers for adults?”

I heard Glytter laughing for a few seconds before she responded.  “Yes Jill.  They’re actually called ABDL diapers.”

I was dumbfounded.  “ABDL?  What is ABDL?”

“ABDL, Jill!  AB stands for Adult Baby.  DL stands for Diaper Lover.  It’s an 18 and up community of consenting adults that all participate in this kink lifestyle.”

My jaw dropped.  “But Glytter,  I don’t know if I really LOVE diapers.  I’m at the point where I just have to wear them, no matter what…”

“Exactly, Jill.  That’s why I bought those diapers for you.  You opened both packages, right?  The first one is 40 Tykables Animooz and 5 sample packs.  One Tykables Overnight, One Tykables Waddler, One Camelot, One Pink Cammie, and one Unicorn.  While the samples are all plastic backed, the Animooz is cloth backed. The other package is one sample pack of the ABU Little Kings.  Are you out of those pharmacy diapers yet?”

I nodded.  “My boyfriend Gary, you know him as GaretheBear, bought me 15 packs of Pink Trest diapers…”

I heard a gasp on the other end.  “Oh.  Trest!  I haven’t tried them, but I heard from friends that they’re really good.”

“Friends?  What other friends do you know that wear diapers like I do?”

“Jill, didn’t you hear what I said about ABDL?  To be very forthcoming and transparent with you, Jill, I am an ABDL, and I love both acting and dressing up like a baby.  You could say that I’ve had this fascination my entire life.  I can honestly say that I’ve never grown out of it.”

I was almost beyond words at this point.  “So, you’re telling me that you not only love diapers, but that you like to dress up like a baby?”

“Yes Jill!  And I love pacifiers, baby bottles, blankies, stuffies, onesies, footed sleepers, rompers, overalls, shortalls, bibs, baby toys, and various other things that a baby loves.  It’s part of the little in me that I have fully come to love and embrace.”

I now had a look of bewilderment and disgust on my face.  “That is just totally cringe.  Why regress and act like a baby?”

“Why not, Jill?  I find little space very therapeutic for me.  In fact, my therapist encourages it all the time.  She calls it regression therapy and it’s a wonderful way to deal with the stressful things in your life.  Now, we both are incontinent and need to wear diapers 24/7.  Wouldn’t you want something to better deal with that monotony on an endless basis?  Incontinence never takes a day off, Jill.  Both you and I know that…”

I nodded.  “You have a point, Glytter.  So you’re telling me that wearing ABDL diapers and acting like a baby is going to help me deal with my stress?”

“Yes Jill.  All I’m asking is that you approach it with an open mind.  Now I know that you are probably still stressed out and dealing with the stress from that Diaper Girl TikTok, right?  We’re still fending off the weirdos for you every day!”

I nodded, as I began to glance around the room in impatience.  “Yes, and all 24 of you are doing a good job.  I’m thinking about appointing a few more mods to take the load off of you all.  I mean, my numbers keep growing everyday…”

“Yes.  Now, you are going to get a checkup on Monday morning?  Don’t forget to ask about therapy.  It’s not cheap but at the rate that your channel is growing, I think that you’ll be able to afford it.  Plus, you will need that to deal with everything that you had to face the day I discovered that TikTok video…”

“Yes Glytter, and it also forced me to reject a job offer out of fear of being fired right after they would’ve hired me…” I said, almost crying.  “I’ll keep an open mind and give this ABDL thing a try…”

“That’s good, Jill.  Just go with it.  Let your little side run free.  I see that you’re plenty stocked on Trest so I won’t send you any more diapers for a while.  Would you like one of my Glytter pacies?  Another one of my hobbies is making pacifiers for fun…”

I gasped.  “You make your own pacifiers?  This keeps getting weirder…”

“Jill, that’s because you keep using the adult side of your brain!  Turn it off and relax.  Yes.  Remember how I told you that I run an etsy business?  How I made cute little outfits that mothers can buy for their little ones?  I left out my bit about my ABDL pacifier business since I didn’t want to weird you out during our very first meeting on Discord.  I make a pretty decent amount of money off of it, along with my etsy clothing business…”

I sighed.  “How much for the Glytter pacifier?”

“Oh!  How much, Jill?  It’s free.  I’m giving it to you free.  Normally, it’s worth $25, but you’re worth it!  I will also send you a few other surprises that I think that you will like.  Ask about therapy and ask about a urologist…*yawn*”

I gasped after realizing that Glytter hadn’t said anything for a few seconds.  “Glytter, are you there?”

“Yes Jill! I’m here.  I’m usually very tired this time of day.  I’m usually tired after I have my lunch.  I’m going to take a nap…”

I gasped.  “You’re that tired?”

“Yes Jill!  You do remember me telling you that I’m a dwarf.  Well, dwarfs are smaller, so we tire easier.  Even though I like to think that I have an endless amount of energy…*yawn*…I’m sorry…I’m going to have to let you go.  That one time that you shouted if I was there…I was half asleep…*yawn*…Going to take a nap…Nice talking to you, Jill…*yawn*…Enjoy the diapers.  See you at 3:00 for the stream…*yawn*…Bye…”

I hung up and glanced at the diapers that Glytter sent me.  By the looks of them, it looked like Glytter got the right size.  They all read medium, which was the same size as the Trest diaper that I was currently wearing.

Now later on, I had my stream.  And from what I found out, I was shocked at just how much these Trest diapers could hold.  I just had my second huge wetting and it still felt like it could take more before it started to feel soaked.  Instead of changing my diaper during my normal break, I just left the room to stretch.  I finished Chocolate Island and got through most of Valley of Bowser.  There was one Level 5 Hype Train, due to another 10,000-bit donation that was left by Lamtastic (Lamtastic never ceases to amaze me with their generosity).  The icing on the cake was another 10 gift subs by Lamtastic.  And by the time that my stream ended that night, I had 172 new subs.  Most of these again came from Prime Subs.  In fact, most of my Level 1’s were Prime Subs from the get go.  The only exception was the Level 1 that I received from GaretheBear.  His other two level 1’s were gifted subs to JtheCalcugamer (Joey) and JennyPenny2001 (my sis!).

That night, I just couldn’t resist.  Instead of wearing my Pink Trest diaper overnight that I changed into during my second stream break, I tore open the plastic on the Animooz Diapers.  I picked up the diaper and saw the cute animal prints of different animals on the Velcro landing zone.  This one had a red bear and a blue elephant on it.  I folded it out on a towel that I had laid in the room for diaper changes and gasped.  When I folded open the front wings and back wings, it looked just like a baby diaper, only adult sized.  I glanced at the yellow outline of the diaper and fluffed it.  I pulled out the enormous leg cuffs and gave that diaper a good powdering with Johnson & Johnson Lavender baby powder (they were out of the Aloe and Vitamin E).  I opened up the slightly damp Trest diaper and began my diaper hygiene procedure.  I wiped, creamed, and powdered myself after laying on the center of the enormous diaper.  I folded the diaper between my legs and fastened the thigh tapes, and then the waist tapes to the landing zone.

I glanced down at the diaper again and gasped.  These tapes were Velcro, just like a Huggies or a Pampers.  The diaper felt soft and comfortable.  I waddled forward in the Animooz diaper and smiled.  I’m guessing that this is why Glytter got this for me.  It’s so comfy.  The last time that I wore a diaper like this was when I was about three years old.  It was a Huggies Overnight Diaper since I was wearing panties during the day and pull ups when I had just one daytime accident.

I then went to sleep, suddenly feeling the warm sensation of my bladder emptying itself into the diaper.  I then felt that satisfying feeling that I felt when I wet a diaper for the first time as an adult.  I felt…small.  I felt…little.  I felt totally helpless as I was peeing away in that diaper.  But that didn’t matter to me.  I enjoyed that feeling.  That feeling of being a helpless baby.  If this is what little space is, I would like to explore more of it.  All I know is that I look forward to what Glytter has in store for me…

Friday came and went.  I was still in my Animooz diaper, and I wore it until lunch time.  I then showered and changed into another pink Trest diaper.  During lunch, I gasped.  Those ABDL diapers that Glytter sent me sent a chill down my spine when I thought about my boyfriend.  Gary can’t find out that I’m wearing them.  Sure, he knows about my incontinence but he knows nothing about my little side that I am just beginning to explore.  With that, I carefully stacked the Trest diapers in front of the Tykables Animooz diapers.  It wasn’t like Gary was going to open my closet and invade my privacy.  He respects me too much.  But even with that being the case, I just didn’t want to risk him somehow discovering my ABDL diapers even though I trusted him in respecting my privacy.

During that stream, I finished almost all of Valley of Bowser, except for the Front Door and Back Door, since I was told by chat that I still needed to work on the Star Road.  So, I completed the Star Road and unlocked another star on the top of a mound.  Rather than continue, I called it a stream, telling everyone that I would continue on Monday.

During the weekend, I had another fun date with Gary.  Even with the three Trest diapers that I packed in my “diaper bag”, I only had to change my diaper once the entire time.  For this date, we had lunch, a movie, and then spent the rest of the day at Gary’s house for a stream.  I once again excused myself to the bathroom and changed into a new diaper during Gary’s stream.  (As much as I loved that Animooz diaper the other night, I didn’t want to waste this pink Trest, so I was just going to wear it overnight.)

After some convincing from Jen on Sunday, I decided to go to church with her.  I had a fresh Trest on, so I probably wouldn’t need a new diaper the entire service, and even into the early afternoon.  I went with Jen and her boyfriend Joey to a rather large church.  It had a large auditorium with a stage where the worship band played, and the pastor gave his sermon.  This looked nothing like the church that I went to growing up with Jen and my parents.  It felt more like a movie theater than a church when I was in that auditorium.  The music was very good and catchy, though.

The message was about dealing with life’s difficulties.  The pastor said something about Christ being able to help us deal with these problems that we face.  Especially when we had things in our lives that we couldn’t control.

This hit me hard, as I thought about not being able to control my bladder.  As the message was wrapping up, I was quietly weeping.  I think that I had a couple of large wettings in the diaper, but I couldn’t tell considering how much more absorbent this diaper was compared to the old Certainty diapers.

After the service, Joey drove Jen and I to a breakfast place that both Jen and Joey liked to eat at after church.  I got the Philly Cheesesteak Omelet, which was the best omelet that I ever had.  The Cheez Whiz and the cheesesteak paired perfectly with the onions, peppers, and mushrooms that were with the three eggs.  To make my omelet perfect, I doused it with Tabasco Sauce.  With such a delicious breakfast, perhaps I should go to church with Jen and Joey more often.

For the rest of the day, I went into my room and checked Diaper Girl on TikTok.  To my surprise, I noticed a bunch of other versions of Diaper Girl in the related videos.  In these versions, other girls were wearing jogging pants, having a diaper peek out just as much as it did in the original video.  They did the same exact crouching and standing “dance” as I was doing in the original, with Salt-N-Pepa’s Push It! (TMW Remix) playing.  Same beginning and same “Baby Baby” refrain.  There was even a Diaper Guy, which was exactly the same version, only a guy was in jogging pants with a cheap pharmacy diaper slightly peeking out, executing their standing and crouching twerk to the original “Diaper Girl”.  Most of these versions linked back to the original Diaper Girl and as a result, the original Diaper Girl now had 15.7 million views, and 1.14 million likes.  I still could not believe it.  With all the derivative versions of Diaper Girl all linking back to the original, this was making Diaper Girl even more viral.  How could this get any more crazy than it already is?  I surely did not want to know the answer to this.

I exited my room and watched my twin sister play Animal Crossing: New Horizons.  Her island was much more built up than mine was, and she had a lot more Bells than me.  I smiled and watched her play for much of the rest of the day.

The next morning was the day of the checkup.  I felt a little nervous since I realized that I would be getting a physical.  This meant that I would be standing right in front of the doctor, wearing just a robe and a diaper underneath.  I wouldn’t be able to take my diaper off as I would risk getting piss all over the exam room.

With the appointment being at around 9:00 AM, I had to get up earlier than usual.  I showered and proceeded with my diapering routine with the Pink Trest diapers (I love these considering that I only have to wear about 2-3 per day instead of 5 of the Certainty diapers).  What made things especially hard was that I couldn’t eat anything for two hours before the exam began.

With it being 8:10, I drove off to the Penn Medicine University of Pennsylvania clinic and arrived about 20 minutes early.  While I waited in the waiting room, I checked Diaper Girl on TikTok once again.  I couldn’t believe it.  Diaper Girl now had 20.4 million views and 1.8 million likes.  I also noticed many new Diaper Girl videos made by copycats that wished that they could be just as good as the original.  Like most of them, they linked back to the original, feeding the viral meme even more.

After clicking on what was probably the 30th Diaper Girl video that I watched, my name was called.

“Jillian Jenners.” The female medical assistant called.  “Dr. Davis will be with you shortly.  Let’s get you ready to see her…”

I nervously smiled as I grabbed my backpack purse.  I knew that I probably wasn’t going to need it, since I was wearing a pink Trest diaper, but I just wanted to be sure.

The young female medical assistant guided me through the double doors and then led me down a narrow corridor that stopped at a scale.  She turned to me and smiled.  “Jillian, we’re going to get your height, weight, and blood pressure before you have your exam with Dr. Davis…”  She slid the stadiometer down until it rested over the top of my head.

“Five foot four and a quarter inch.” She read.  “Now step onto the scale.”

I stood on the scale while the electronic numbers registered.

“147.8 pounds.” She read.  She then strapped a blood pressure cuff around my arm and turned on the sphygmomanometer.  About 30 seconds later, the cuff deflated.  “107 over 65.  Very good.  I’m going to take you to the exam room.”

I followed the medical assistant a short distance down the hallway and into an exam room.  The medical assistant handed me a gown.  “Remove all of your clothing and put this gown on…”

I gasped. “But…” I nervously approached the young medical assistant.  “Um, I can’t remove all of my clothing because I’m medically incontinent and will pee all over the exam room if I remove my diaper…” I said to her blushing in a hushed tone, as I realized that my diaper was feeling very warm.

The medical assistant now looked a little embarrassed herself.  “Oh?  Okay.  Well, you’ll want to keep that on then.  Don’t worry.  Dr. Davis may have to reach down there to make sure that everything is healthy.  But don’t worry about it. Take everything else off, but keep that on, okay?  Dr. Davis will be with you shortly…”

I nodded, as I watched the medical assistant leave with a reddened face.

After the medical assistant left, I took off my lavender ankle length skirt, my white satin top, and my red Victoria Secret bra leaving me in nothing but my pink Trest diaper.  I quickly covered myself with the hospital gown and tied it on myself.

That was just enough time before Dr. Davis entered.

Upon my first glance, I was greeted by Dr. Davis’s warm smile.  She looked about middle age but looked very healthy and young for her age.  She wore a white lab coat and was holding an electronic tablet which I was guessing was my medical records.

“Jillian!” she shouted.  “I’m Dr. Samantha Davis.  So you’re here for a physical today?  A bit early, but is there any reason why?”  She walked over and lifted my hospital gown to reveal my pink Trest diaper. “Oh…I guess you will need to keep that on.  Now to clarify, you have designated your sister as a personal representative, so all HIPAA information can be disclosed to her.”

I nodded.  “That is correct.  She is my twin sister and I live with her…”

Dr. Davis nodded.  “I see.  Now let’s get started with the exam.”

Over the next 15 minutes, Dr. Davis began asking various health-related questions, and some relating to my mental health.  For income, I told her that I was a Twitch Streamer that entertained other people by playing video games.  She then got to some questions pertaining to my incontinence.

“Okay…” Dr. Davis said as she glanced at her chart.  “Everything in the trunk and underneath the hood looks good.  But that diaper…I need to ask you a few important questions pertaining to this if you don’t mind.”

I nodded.  “I don’t mind.  Ask away.  That’s why I’m here!”

“When did you start to wear diapers?” she asked me.

“June 23rd.” I answered her.  “Prior to that, I was wetting the bed every night for a week.”

“Ahh…” she nodded.  “This bed wetting.  Did it ever happen in your childhood?”

I nodded.  “Only a couple of times when I was five.  After that, I had no other accidents until I was an adult.”

“When did you have your first accident as an adult?”

“June 16th.” I told her.

“What did you think caused you to have a nighttime accident?”

I gave the doctor an uncomfortable smile.  “Well, the night before, I first arrived in Philadelphia to live with my sister, and she wanted to treat me with her boyfriend at The Capital Grille.  They let me order my own bottle of wine.  Now I don’t really drink alcohol at all, so I just went along with it.  I ordered a very expensive wine:  A Walt, Las Brisa, Sonoma Coast.  This was a 115-dollar bottle of wine that was so good.  But it made me very drunk for the rest of the night.  The next thing that I remember was crying on the floor while laying in a fetal position.  I was already back at the apartment and there was vomit all over the place and I was soaked in pee.  I thought that it was the wine that started my incontinence, but now I think that it might be something else…”

Dr. Davis gasped.  “Wow!  What a night!  If it wasn’t the wine, what did you think caused your incontinence?”

I frowned.  “Well, my sister was with me to tell me every detail that I couldn’t remember.  While my sister’s boyfriend was getting his SUV to come closer to pick us up, my sister told me that I was starting to make my way back to the apartment, but then she shouted at me.  Now remember that I have no memory of this happening.  After she shouted at me, I, totally black out drunk, ran back to the restaurant.  I was only a short distance off from the curb.  But I was so drunk that I didn’t even see the curb.  So, I tripped over the curb and landed right on my pelvis.  My sister told me that everything below my stomach cushioned the fall.  But I’m afraid that I fell on my pelvis so hard that I might have caused some permanent nerve damage, which has affected my bladder.  That’s why I’m here!”

Dr. Davis made a few notes and nodded.  “That sounds like quite the fall!  What it sounds like is a pelvic fracture.  There could be some lateral compression fractures, but I will definitely need to see some x-rays to know what the damage is.  But before we make any decision on this, do you feel any pain in your hips?”

I shook my head.

“Any abdominal pain?”


“Any numbness or tingling in your groin or legs?”

“None that I’m aware of.”

“Any bleeding from your vagina or rectum?”

“No bleeding.  Just the normal bleeding from my periods.”

“Okay.  Do you have any difficulty urinating?”

I laughed.  “I have difficulty NOT urinating!  Seriously.  I can’t control it…”

The doctor nodded.  “Okay.  Any difficulty walking or standing?”

“None.  I can walk and stand just fine.”

Dr. Davis nodded and scribbled a few more notes.  “Well, it can be ruled out as a minor fracture then.  What I’m going to do is order an x-ray, and then you will be taken back to get that done.  While it’s not urgent that you complete it today, I myself would recommend it, as it seems that your incontinence is severe enough that you need to wear diapers.  And if you can’t even control your bladder, that’s pretty severe.  Now there are some risks associated with the x-ray, Jillian.”

“Jill,” I corrected her.

Dr. Davis nodded.  “Excuse me…Jill.  The x-ray will cause minimal cellular damage to your body.  Are you willing to undergo the x-ray?”

I nodded.  “Yes.  I want to know what is causing my incontinence…”

“Okay.” Dr. Davis told me.  “I’m going to fill out an order for the x-ray procedure.  The exam is finished, and the only thing that I recommend is that you go on a diet and get some exercise.  You are a little overweight.  Anything else before I make the order, Jill?”

I nodded.  “Can you refer me to a urologist and a therapist?  I would want the referral to getting into a urologist first.”

Dr. Davis nodded.  “Sure!  Let’s see…” She made a few clicks on her pad.  “I have a Dr. Kimberly Saunders for Urology and a Dr. Bridget Stillman for Therapy.  I’ll put in both referrals after I order your x-ray.  And we can send her the x-ray when you have your appointment with her.  You can set up the appointment once the referral has been approved. I’ll be right back.  You can put your clothes back on, but that diaper will need to be off long enough for a pelvic x-ray.

I nodded.  “Thank you!”

Dr. Davis left, and I put my red bra back on, along with my short sleeved white satin shirt and lavender ankle length skirt. 

About 30 minutes later, Dr. Davis came in with the radiology team.

“Jill,” Dr. Davis addressed me.  “The radiology team is going to take you to another room to do an x-ray on your pelvis.  Take your brief off and you can put it back on when you’re done.”

I blushed.  “I will need a new diaper.  The tapes will tear the plastic off the waistband.”

The doctor and the radiology team nodded.  “We’ll let you do that when the x-ray is done.” Dr. Davis said, before dismissing me to go with the radiology team.

The x-ray team took me to another room where they laid me down. Fortunately, I felt some warmth in my diaper before we entered the room, so I think we’ll be good for the x-ray.

I removed my diaper, so I was wearing nothing underneath my skirt.  In just a few seconds, the x-rays were taken of my pelvis.  They directed me to the nearest bathroom, and I got a fresh diaper out of my “diaper bag” and threw the wet diaper away.  I did all the usual diapering routine and put a new pink Trest diaper on.  I folded my skirt back down and was done.

After I got home, the rest of the day was a blur.  On my stream, I discovered a new world called Special World and the levels were so hard that I spent most of the stream trying to complete Tubular.  I finally completed it to an audience of now over 400 viewers (audience count was 416).  This resulted in a Level 10 Hype Train.  And Oh. My. Gosh.  At least 30 streamers donated 10,000 bits.  That’s around $3,000 worth of bits by 30 very generous streamers.  I’ll use that for today’s physical and x-ray…

Because of the Hype Train, I decided to complete a couple more levels in the Special World.  Fortunately, these levels were not as hard as Tubular.  These levels were Way Cool and Awesome (Really.  That’s what those levels were actually called.  I am not making this up!).  I ended the stream, telling everyone that we’ll probably finish Super Mario World next time since I only had the rest of Special World, plus Bowser’s Castle to complete Super Mario World.

I told Jen about my appointment and was happy to hear that it went well.

The next day, I got the referrals approved from both Dr. Saunders and Dr. Stillman.  The earliest appointment that Dr. Saunders had was October 27th at 9:00 AM.  I sighed and I took the appointment.

That day on stream, I completed the remaining levels in Special World and finished up Bowser’s Castle.  With that, I finally beat Super Mario World.  To pad the time, I spent the rest of the stream playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

That night before I went to bed, I checked Diaper Girl again.  It now had 41 million views and 3.7 million likes.  This video was truly going viral now and showing no signs of slowing down.  At this point, just about everyone on TikTok was trying to copy the Diaper Girl video by filming their own version of it.  This made me laugh.  Just how many people were running to the pharmacy just to buy some diapers for a TikTok?

By Friday, Diaper Girl reached 100 million views and 9.6 million likes.  At this point, I was seeing every kind of cartoon character and movie character doing the Diaper Girl Dance.  Nobody even had to wear a diaper to do the dance, either.  All they had to do was stand, crouch, stand, crouch, and repeat.  Mario did the Diaper Girl Dance.  Sonic did the Diaper Girl Dance.  Frodo Baggins did the Diaper Girl Dance.  Even Stewie from Family Guy was doing the Diaper Girl Dance.  Various anime girls did the dance.  Large groups of people all did the dance, complete with jogging pants and diapers just barely peeking out of them.

Just out of curiosity, I turned the channel to KYW-TV.  I was just in time for the evening news, which I was watching during a stream break.  My sister was on a date with Joey, so she wasn’t home.

“Good evening, Philadelphia.” A woman news anchor announced.  “I am Rita Larson and tonight’s top story is the latest sensation that has been taking TikTok by storm.  What do you get when you combine an 80’s hip hop song with a young woman doing a standing and crouching dance in jogging pants with a diaper just barely peeking out?  You get Diaper Girl, the latest viral meme to hit the internet.  Logan Peters has the story.”

“It’s strange.  It’s catchy.  It’s hip.  But what is Diaper Girl?  To find out, our investigation requires a little observation.  On CrayCrayJay’s viral Diaper Girl Video, you can clearly see the link to a Twitch Channel.  We follow this link to find a Twitch Streamer named JillianPlays.  On JillianPlays’ August 15th stream, we find JillianPlays taking a break.  When she comes back from the break, we notice that she is actually wearing a diaper.  A little bit of her diaper is clearly visible and we see the similar worried look that we recognize in the TikTok.  She then quickly sits down.  This was the original footage that was remixed by CrayCrayJay to make the viral video.  We tried to contact both CrayCrayJay and JillianPlays, but neither has contacted us back.  Meanwhile, the traffic from the Diaper Girl video has grown JillianPlays from only 156 followers to over 38,000 today.  Meanwhile, Diaper Girl continues to evolve in popularity.  From everyone’s own version of Diaper Girl to Diaper Girl being danced by various different cartoons and characters from various films.  We even saw Mario dance to Diaper Girl, if that wasn’t weird enough.  How will Diaper Girl continue to change? Well, with 100 million views today and just 6 million views on YouTube, there’s no telling where it will go next.  Logan Peters.  CBS News, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.”

I shut off the TV and gasped.  It was a good thing that I decided to reject the offer.  I cannot imagine how embarrassing that would’ve been to report a story of a viral video that I was somehow caught up in.  That very story would’ve resulted in my termination the same night. 

But on the other hand, my Twitch channel was still doing amazing.  At the moment, I had 38,152 followers (38,454 after the stream ended).  And for the month of August, I had a total of 2,579 subscribers.  I made $6,680.25 off just my subs.  If you add in all of the numerous bit donations that I received that month, I made a little more than $10,000 in that one month alone.  And that’s the freaky part.  Considering that my channel hasn’t stopped growing yet, there’s no telling how much that I will be making next month.

That night, after my stream was over, Jen was home, and she wanted to know if CBS Philadelphia called me back yet.

At this point, I had to tell Jen the truth.  As much as it would hurt her, I needed to make what I felt was the best decision, given the embarrassing circumstances that I was up against.

“Well Jill?” she asked me.  “Did they call?”

I sighed.  “Yes Jen.  They called.  On August 15th, they offered me a job.  I rejected it.”

Jen gave me a look of shock and shook her face in disbelief.  “No!” she shouted.  “Don’t tell me you turned that job down!  You turned down your dream job, Jill!  YOUR dream job!  What am I going to do?”  Jen stopped speaking, as she was too upset to say another word.  “Well Jill, since you blew it, I want you to get a job.  Any job.  It can even be at a McDonald’s!  Just get a job already!”

I sighed.  “Jennifer!  Do you think that I wanted to turn that job down?  While I was LOOKING at the job offer, Glytter showed me something awful on TikTok!  Now I know that you don’t have a TikTok or want to use one.  But look at mine!  Some idiot posted THIS!”

I showed Jen the Diaper Girl video, which now had 116 million views and 11 million likes.

Jen shook her head.  “That’s you!!!  Some jerk on your stream caught you in a very embarrassing moment and decided to broadcast that to the entire world at your expense.  That is such a STUPID video! Why would anyone watch it?  TikTok is stupid…”

I sighed.  “I know.  But everybody is copying it now, and it’s becoming wildly popular…”

Jen sighed.  “And that person is using your embarrassment to make themselves some money.  Now Jill.  I WANT you to get a job tomorrow…”

“Jen!” I shouted.  “That TikTok video is the reason why I didn’t take the CBS Philadelphia job.  Just tonight, they broadcasted a story on that TikTok viral video.  Had I been the anchor that announced that story, they would fire me, no questions asked.  Why did you think I rejected the job?  I didn’t want to, Jen…”

Jen nodded and began to weep.  “What are you going to do, Jill?  That Twitch stream of yours isn’t going to make that much money.  Just go job hunting tomorrow.  Get a REAL job.  Good night, Jill…”

I gave my twin sister a hug and sighed as she left the room.  My sister doesn’t know that this is slowly becoming a very successful channel.  One that can make a lot if this crazy traffic from the TikTok video keeps happening.

I got out of my job search on Saturday, since Gary took me on a date.  By now, Gary knew about the controversy regarding the Diaper Girl meme, since someone told him about it on the stream.  He was completely disgusted by it but considered it good karma since the TikTok video kept funneling traffic back to JillianPlays.

“You have more than TEN times the followers that I do now!” Gary said with a gasp.  “And you made $10,000 last month on just Twitch?  That’s crazy!  Your sister needs to know that Twitch is turning into a real job…”

I sighed.  “Tell that to her.  She doesn’t want anything to do with Twitch right now.  And she’ll just call you a bad influence…”

The date continued and I watched Gary do his GaretheBear stream.

I got out of my job search on Sunday as well since no one was supposed to work on Sundays.  I went to church with Jen and Joey again and I enjoyed another delicious omelet from the same breakfast place (I didn’t get the Philly Cheesesteak Omelet this time, but the Jalapeno Popper Omelet.  Yum!  So good!

On Monday, I was given strict orders from Jen to look for work, even though Twitch was already my job.  When I was about to “look for work”, Dr. Saunders office called and asked if I wanted to move my appointment to September 15th.  With that being six weeks sooner, that was an obvious yes.

To continue my “looking for work”, I continued working on my YouTube channel that I started in late August called JillianPlays.  It would have all my VOD footage edited into different “Parts” that people could watch for Let’s Plays.  I was hard at work dissecting all of my old footage back from when I played just NES games.  All of that was going to be added to the channel.  Having started with 25,000 subscribers in late August, I now had 34,000 subscribers. I mean, my sister never said that I couldn’t do YouTube for a job, right?  Besides, I already made almost $500 off of YouTube from just last week!

My sister was disappointed when I told her that I was working on my YouTube “job”.  I then worked on my Twitch “job” at 3 until 9.  I was on an Animal Crossing kick so that’s all I did for the whole stream.  For just today, I gained another 6,546 followers and another 1,388 subscribers.  That’s almost another $3,000 right there but was even more than that, due to another crazy Hype Train full of bits and some crazy user gifting 50 subs to the community.

About a week and four days later, it was time for my appointment with the urologist.  Dr. Saunders was ready to see me, so I entered her office.

Dr. Saunders tapped her hand on a couch cushion.  I sat down, and she sat next to me.

“Jillian Jenners,” she said, managing a smile.  “Is Jillian okay or do you go by Jill?”

“Jill is fine,” I nervously muttered.

“Well Jill,” Dr. Saunders said, pulling up some information on a computer tablet.  “I examined your charts, your health history, and your x-rays.  I have some good news and some bad news.  Which one do you want to hear first?”

My cheeks puffed red, and a couple of tears began to form in my eyes.  “The bad news.  Just get it over with…”

“The bad news is that your incontinence was more severe than I thought.” She said with a frown.  “Let me explain this to you in a way that you can understand it, Jill.  The x-rays revealed a lot of nerve damage between your bladder and your spinal cord.  It was a minor pelvic fracture.  You see, Jill?  Whenever you pee, the nerves and muscles of the urinary system work together to help your bladder hold and release urine.  But in your case, and in the cases of most patients that I treat as a urologist, there can be damage to these nerves giving you a condition called neurogenic bladder.  This is a condition that prevents you from having effective bladder control.  You may have difficulty emptying and voiding your bladder, which is underactive bladder and a sudden unaccounted urge to urinate, which is overactive bladder.  Now there is no cure for neurogenic bladder…”

That was it.  When I heard the words “no cure”, I burst into a crying fit in front of Dr. Saunders.  I then pointed my finger to her in anger.  “What do you mean that there’s no cure?!!” I snapped.  “You’re a doctor for crying out loud!  There’s just gotta be a cure!  You gotta help me!  Please!  Please….” I continued staring at her in a series of hiccup sobs and sniffs.

Dr. Saunders sighed.  “Jill, is it okay if I put my hands on your arms?”

I nodded, with my face to the floor.

Dr. Saunders gave me a hug.  “Jill, it’s going to be okay.  I haven’t told you the good news.  The good news is that while there is no cure for your incontinence, there are many ways to manage and treat it.  Would you like to hear some of the treatment options?”

I nodded, still unwilling to accept my new reality.

“Here are the options, Jill.  There’s medication, urinary catheterization, botox injections, surgery…we can give you an artificial urinary sphincter, electrical stimulation, diet, or Kegel exercises.”

I sighed as I glanced down at my waist.  “What about diapers?”

Dr. Saunders laughed.  “Yes Jill.  Diapers can help in the treatment.  Don’t feel ashamed that you wear diapers.  A lot of my patients do.  And can I let you in on something?  This is what I tell every one of my patients that struggle with incontinence.”

I nodded.

“Jill, I am incontinent myself and I need to wear diapers 24/7.”

I found myself smiling just a little bit.  “How did you become incontinent?”

Dr. Saunders grinned.  “How?  It happened during my freshman year in college.  I was going to be on the US Olympic Team for the long jump, triple jump, and high jump.  I was at a track meet and my jumps were going perfect, until the very last jump.  This was for the high jump.  I vaulted over the bar with the pole and instead of sticking the landing, I made a very hard landing on my pelvis.  In the next days that followed, I was having great difficulty in holding in my bladder.  I was wetting the bed every night like you were.  And Jill.  When my urologist told me that there was no cure for my incontinence, I freaked out just like you.  What do you mean that there’s no cure?  I want to be a world famous Olympic athlete!  I of course did not pursue that path, Jill.  Instead, I made it my life goal to help people struggling with their own bladder problems.  So, I became a urologist.  I hope that my story helped you, Jill.  It usually helps a lot of my patients.”

I nodded.  “Thanks.  For now, I don’t want any of the treatments.  Just the diapers will do.  What do you think of the Trest diapers?”

The doctor’s face lit up.  “Trest?  Jill, that’s what I primarily wear.  I like to wear all the different colors, even though I can’t see them underneath my clothing.  Yes.  If you’re wearing Trest, that’s a good brand.  NorthShore MegaMax’s are also good. Don’t use the pharmacy briefs.  Those are only designed to hold small wettings.  Not the kind that we deal with every day.  So you want diapers as treatment?  I can put in a script for some NorthShore MegaMax’s.  They will be shipped to your residence discreetly so no one will know that they’re diapers.

I nodded.  “Thanks Dr. Saunders.  I think I will manage.”

I got up and I left the doctor’s office.

As much as I hated the new reality, it was now with me for the rest of my life.  Like it or not, I had to wear diapers.  And if I wanted the new reality to be more bearable for me, I now had to like diapers.

My JJ Little Besties, this was the painful discovery of my lifelong incontinence. But knowing that I had a friend who was incontinent, I was not alone.  Glytter recommended ABDL and little space as a way to cope with all of my stressful problems.  And having to wear diapers 24/7 was now going to be a constant source of stress for me.

My JJ Little Babies, are you ready to be little?  Are you ready to just let that inner child of yours come out and play?  Get ready, my besties, because Jillian Jenners is about to discover and explore a new side of herself that is about to give her a lot of relief and comfort.  She will learn how to heal that child within her that is so hurt inside and how to let it play when it wants.

Little space.  ABDL space.  Regression.  Toys.  Diapers.  Pacies.  Rattles.  Teething toys.  Baby clothes.  Yes.  Jillian Jenners is about to jump down the rabbit hole and learn all about the exciting world of ABDL.

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On 4/25/2024 at 10:54 PM, BabySofia said:

I really love how you weave this tale! It's very enjoyable to read! Looking forward to more!

Thanks BabySofia!  Here's more! 😀

Chapter 12 : Little Space is Good Space!

Welcome back, my JJ Little Bestie Fam.  At this point, are you now beginning to understand how all of these various events have each served a key role in the JJ Brand that you know and love today?  It all connects together like a little jigsaw puzzle.  Getting drunk on my first night in Philadelphia which resulted in a traumatic injury to my pelvis that I have no memory of.  All I remembered that night was crying in my room, covered in both pee and vomit, having no idea how that even happened in the first place.  All I know is that I was eating at one of Philadelphia’s fanciest restaurants with my sister and boyfriend and then I blacked out.  And because of that, I was completely oblivious to an injury that caused permanent damage to my nerves connecting my spinal cord to my bladder.  And just to let you know, my JJ Little Besties, it is currently 2028 at the time of my typing this and I have still not recovered or have shown any improvement from my untimely incontinence.  I have gotten used to it at this point, but even with it being nearly three months since the incident happened, past Jill was still struggling with the shocking reality of having virtually no bladder control and having to wear diapers for the rest of her life.  The stress that came with having to manage all of the diaper changes, practicing proper hygiene with each change, and hiding virtually every physical sign of wearing a diaper while in public from every nonconsenting adult that have no business to know about my bladder control issues.

And while the cause of my incontinence was a very important puzzle piece, every other puzzle piece carries equal importance to creating the full picture of my journey from unfortunate college graduate to diapered celebrity influencer.  The continual nightly bed wettings leading to my need to wear diapers to bed every night.  The fortunate meeting of my boyfriend due to a blind date secretly planned by my sister and her boyfriend (thanks sis!).  This piece was also important as my boyfriend’s love of video games and streaming led to my gradual interest in video games and his influence in wanting me to start my own streaming channel on Twitch.  My gradual tolerance of wearing diapers nightly.  My final farewell to Cleveland and the embarrassing accident on the airplane that ensued.  My worsening incontinence discovered from my unfortunate “fireworks” during the Fourth of July.  My uneventful First Stream on Twitch.  My first fun Twins Days Festival with my sis and how I watched my self gradually lose what was left of my continence over the course of just one weekend.  My best and worst day coming from a job offer that I was forced to refuse due to a viral TikTok called “Diaper Girl” going viral.  And finally, my painful discovery of my diapered reality after discovering the truth about the cause of my incontinence.  And believe it or not, my JJ Besties, this puzzle is not finished.  There are more pieces to add to it.  This next one is how I came to slowly accept my incontinence by learning about the ABDL lifestyle and engaging in little space through regression therapy.  This is going to be a good one, my JJ Littles so grab your pacie and your blankie and let’s get started.

Between my appointment with Dr. Davis and Dr. Saunders, I completely lost count of how many restaurants my sister took me to.  During the week, she simply invited me to have lunch with her on a dime.  On the weekends (and some Saturdays when I wasn’t on a date with Gary), she took me to a nice restaurant for dinner.  I knew exactly what she was trying to do.  She was using comfort food as a way of trying to make me feel better as I really felt worried and depressed about the hopeless state of my bladder.  The Pink Trests were certainly doing their job, but I was getting tired of changing my diapers all the time.  My twin sister’s food therapy just wasn’t working.  But I didn’t want her to think that I was showing no appreciation for what she was doing so I faked my very best smile that I could.  If my sister could see a smile on my face, it was just enough for her to get off my back about trying to butter me up concerning the diapered elephant in the room that I just didn’t want to talk about.  After all, I was inflicted with a serious condition of the bladder that I didn’t deserve.  Why was I of all people suddenly hit with such bad luck from a traumatic injury leading to my loss of bladder control?  All I wanted was to use the toilet normally like I used to.  I wanted to wear my Victoria’s Secret panties again and not experience any embarrassing accident in my pants while wearing them.

But with all the days that have passed since my appointment with Dr. Saunders, I tried to look at things the way that she did.  I tried to follow the advice of Trisha Leeson and “own” my incontinence.  I even tried to take the suggestions that Glytter told me to heart.  After all, Glytter’s incontinence has been with her for at least 20 or more years at this point.

Despite all of these suggestions that have been provided for me to use as coping mechanisms to live with my daily incontinence, nothing was working.  And with my Friday appointment with Dr. Stillman on September 29th, I was wondering if her advice was going to be just as ineffective.

Since the very day that I broke the news to my sister about rejecting the job offer at CBS Philadelphia, she has not been leaving me alone about finding a job that can provide a “livable wage”.  Why couldn’t she just listen to me about Twitch, and how my streaming channel was beginning to grow out of control with more and more subscribers and generous bit donations every stream day?  But Twitch was totally out of the question.  Jen didn’t want to so much as hear the word mentioned in a sentence.  Since I showed her the TikTok video, all she gets is angry whenever I mention anything regarding Twitch.  Just seriously.  I am TIRED of her asking me to get a job when I am doing my Twitch job every freaking day during the week!  And in addition to Twitch, my JillianPlays YouTube channel was starting to pick up.  During the morning of my appointment with Dr. Stillman, my YouTube channel had 191,473 subscribers.

And my JJ Little Besties, if you are curious about Diaper Girl, it had 256 million views and 27 million likes the Friday that I saw Dr. Stillman.  A lot of different countries all over the world had their own unique version of “Diaper Girl” at this point.  There was even an anime version, with cute anime girls all doing the “Diaper Girl dance” in jogging pants and diapers that were barely peeking out.  Salt-N-Pepa was making record album sales all because of “Diaper Girl”.  At this point, I have gotten over the frustration and anger that I initially had when I saw “Diaper Girl” for the first time.  For me, it was generating an unparalleled level of publicity to my Twitch Channel and my Discord has grown into one of the most active Discords in the history of the platform.

All of a sudden, a loud voice broke me out of my reverie.

“Jillian Jenners?” A woman called.

I turned my back to see a woman in her mid-thirties standing next to me.  She had long locks of black hair that went down to her shoulders with a stylish prescription of bifocals.  She wore a teal blouse with a navy-blue skirt.  She stood a few inches taller than me.  I gave her a nervous glance.  “Hi?”

“Jillian or Jill?” the woman asked in a warm and friendly voice.

“Jill,” I said plainly.

The woman offered me her hand and I shook it.  “Jill it is, then.  I am Dr. Bridget Stillman, and it is time for your session.  Follow me to my office and we can begin.”

I nervously followed my therapist to her office, as a series of questions began to flood my mind.  What does this therapist want to know about me?  Why did I even ask for one in the first place?  Is she good at keeping secrets?  Each question that I tried to answer in my mind created ten additional questions.  By the time that I could even think of any additional questions, I was gently tapped on my hand by my therapist.  “Jill?  Jill?”

I glanced at Dr. Stillman, giving her my full attention.  “Yes?”

The doctor adjusted her glasses and smiled.  “I see that you are very deep in thought.  You almost look a little anxious.  There is no need to worry, Jill.  Everything that is discussed here is completely confidential.  Now, please take a seat.”  She pointed down to a soft tan couch and I sat down.  I glanced around her office and noticed a few bookshelves by her desk filled with various books pertaining to psychology and therapy.  Different fidget toys were laying all over her desk, along with a few board games that I noticed that were stacked on the top shelf of one of her bookshelves.  I even saw…No.  Was it?  Yes!  A Nintendo Switch!  I also noticed a few cabinets and drawers along with a few soft blankets and plush animals on the floor.

When Dr. Stillman noticed my eyes moving all over the room, she nodded.  “Yes Jill.  There are a variety of different things that I do with my patients to help with their treatment.  Now please answer this for me before we get started.  Are you comfortable with me sitting beside you?”

I nodded.  “Go on ahead.”

My therapist sat beside me and gave me a focused stare, as if she wanted me to give her eye contact.  “Good.  Now we are not going to focus so much on your treatment today.  What I would like to do is get to know Jillian Jenners.  To make you feel more comfortable with sharing, I will share with you a little bit about myself.  You already know my name.  Bridget Stillman.  I was born an only child in Pittsburgh.  This bothered me as I never had any siblings of my own.  But I had a lot of cousins.  Then nieces and nephews.  I grew up with anxiety and needed treatment from a child psychologist.  That’s a little bit about me.  What can you tell me about yourself, Jill?”

I nervously fidgeted, pressing my fingers back and forth over the fabric of my orange red skirt.  I began with the most obvious facts about myself.  That I had an identical twin sister named Jennifer and how we both grew up in Jasper, a small city in Indiana.  How both I and Jen had totally different interests growing up.  How I always loved watching the evening news growing up as a kid.  How my love for watching the anchor made me want to be a news anchor and to go to school to become one.  How I got my Bachelor of Science Degree in Communication.  How I was so broke that my sister had to bail me out and have me move in with her.  All while I shared this information, Dr. Stillman never once interrupted me.  She just kept letting me speak until I had nothing left to say.

After I finished telling her about being taken in by my sister, I became silent.  What else was left to tell her, besides the most embarrassing things that I wasn’t at all comfortable with revealing?  I sighed, as I wasn’t about to give her any other details concerning my private life.

Dr. Stillman glanced down at her notebook, which now had a copious amount of notes from all of the information that I provided her with.  “Very interesting, Jill.” She told me.  “Now, tell me.  Were you able to find any work yet?  You look a little uncomfortable.  Look at me, Jill.  I am a licensed therapist and because of HIPAA law, I cannot disclose information from any of my other patients to you.  What this means is that I will never share this information to any other patient.  If I violate this, I will lose my job.  Now Jill, can you tell me what you are uncomfortable with sharing?  Maybe you would like to play a round of Mario Kart 8 with me on the Nintendo Switch?”

Those two words triggered all of the newfound passions that I discovered when Gary introduced me to video games.  While my first initial experience was when my sister was gone at work, he really got me to enjoy playing them to the point that I can’t stop playing now.  I gasped.  “You’re a gamer?”

Dr. Stillman nodded.  “Yes Jill.  Video games is a big passion of mine when I am not holding therapy sessions with my patients.  It was my escape growing up since I had no other siblings.  I also watch other people play video games on streams.  Have you heard of Twitch?”

I gasped.  At this point, the conversation was almost begging to be discussed.  Video games, and now Twitch?  This coincidence almost convinced me that Dr. Stillman could read my mind.  She was merely drawing me out with all the things that she could gather from her cognitive superpowers in mind reading.  “What?  You like video games and Twitch?”

Dr. Stillman suddenly gave me a strange look.  “Wait a second, Jill.  You look familiar.   Very familiar.   Why do you look so familiar?  Wait!  Are you JillianPlays?”

My heart sank.  My therapist’s rather unique hobby in playing video games and watching streams has exposed me in the most awkward and embarrassing way possible.  I nervously fidgeted on the couch seat as I felt my pink Trest diaper getting warm.  “Um…Yeah…” I muttered.  “Y-yes I…am.  I am…JillianPlays.”  I looked away from my therapist, as things were starting to get too embarrassing for me to tolerate.

“Jill,” she said calmly.  “What is there to be ashamed of?  You have a wonderful channel with a following that’s growing every day.  Could it be…that Diaper Girl video on TikTok?”

That triggered a level of anger in me that I didn’t even know was there.  “STOP!” I screamed at the top of my lungs.  My face was burning red, and I was now hiding my face in complete embarrassment.  And if that were not bad enough, I was about to cry.

“Jill…Is it okay if I hug you?”

I was still hiding my face from the therapist.  I didn’t want her to see the face of Diaper Girl, let alone JillianPlays.  “Yes…” my voice squeaked in a very high tone.

The next thing that I could feel was the arms of my therapist wrapped around me.  And, as much as I was trying to fight tears, the flood gates opened.  A stream of tears came out of both my eyes as I began to sob loudly.

My therapist gave me a soft pat on the back.  “Jill, it’s going to be okay.  What you are experiencing is painful trauma compounded with post-traumatic stress.  You have bottled all of these feelings inside of yourself, and now you are letting everything out.  Can I have your permission to try out a different treatment option?”

My face was red and puffy, and it was hard to see my therapist with all the tears that were still coming out of my eyes.  I was short of breath and was starting to hiccup while still crying.  “I’ll try something different…sure…”

Dr. Stillman pulled her office drawer open and I saw her holding something that made me gasp.  I could not believe my eyes.  It was a yellow pacifier, but it was much bigger than a baby pacifier.  “Here.  I want you to begin sucking on this until you stop crying.  Take deep breaths through your nose and relax…”

Still hiccup sobbing, I grabbed the pacifier at her request and began to suck on it.  As weird as it felt, I began to find myself starting to relax.  I only focused on breathing through my nose, but I felt very calm and for a moment, it was almost like my therapist was not even in this room.  I finally removed the pacifier and breathed out a sigh of relief.  Although my face was wet, I was no longer crying.

“Feel better?” she asked me.  “Believe it or not, some adults with autism use pacifiers to help themselves calm down.  It seems to be very effective for you.  Do you think that this is something that you would want to try the next time that you are upset?”

I could not believe it, but I was finding myself nodding up and down.  I was about to give her the pacifier back, but she balled up her hands and shook her head.

“Keep it.” She told me.  “Use that pacifier the next time that you are upset.  Now, Jill.  I have another question for you.  Are you familiar with regression therapy?”

I gasped.  This was the same thing that Glytter was talking about.  I nodded.

“Okay,” she told me.  “Before I talk about this therapy, I would like to address some things that might be bothering you.  Now both Dr. Davis and Dr. Saunders have provided me with their notes from your recent appointments with them.  It appears that you were involved in a traumatic accident that has damaged the nerves in your bladder and now you are incontinent and need to wear protection 24/7.  All of the new changes that you suddenly have to adapt to along with that viral video has overwhelmed you with stress.  Now we can talk about these events at later appointments, but I would like to determine what is causing you the most damage so that I can begin to form a treatment plan for you.” 

“Now you told me that you were familiar with regression therapy.  My reason for bringing this up is because this was prescribed to me to deal with my anxiety when I was little.  Now I still face anxiety problems as an adult, but what I find to be the most comforting is to be held by someone.  As a child, my mother began holding me again, and my mind began to return to where it was when I was only an infant, being held in my mother’s arms.  My husband does this to me now, but the place where your mind goes to find your little self inside you is called little space.  Finding this space is different for each person.  For you, it could be just using that pacifier when you are upset.  Is regression therapy something that you would want to try, Jill?”

I gave her a soft nod.  “Can little space be something like peeing my diaper while I’m in bed?” I blurted.

Dr. Stillman nodded.  “Yes.  Little space is anything that makes you feel like you are little again.  There are many triggers and it’s different for each person.  But no matter who you are, little space is very cathartic.  Little space is good space.”

I found myself blurting out more information regarding little space.  I told my therapist about Glytter and how she was also incontinent like I was and how she used regression therapy.  I told her about the ABDL diapers that she purchased for me and how she planned to buy me some additional things to promote that little space.

“It’s good that you have a friend that understands little space,” she told me.  “Let her help you find that space and use it to heal your inner child.  There are still a lot of hidden traumas that we need to talk through and discuss, but if regression therapy is something that you want to do, we can discuss all the things that we want in that therapy and I will formulate a treatment plan with those things that you want.  Consider that your homework assignment for next week’s session.  Do you want just a pacifier?  Some patients have gone all the way and have dressed themselves up like babies and live like this full time with their own caregiver to take care of them.  Maybe you don’t want to be that extreme, but this is your treatment.  What does Jillian need to best treat what ails her?  Considering your huge Twitch following…”

“And YouTube following,” I added.  “Almost 200,000 subscribers.”

Dr. Stillman nodded.  “And YouTube following, paying for therapy is not going to be an issue for you.  As a bit of advice, I would invest some of the money that you are making to secure your finances.”

I nodded and took all this to heart.  I shoved the yellow pacifier into one of the smaller pouches in my backpack purse (AKA diaper bag) and zipped up the pouch.  I thanked my therapist for the appointment and told her that I would work on the “homework assignment” that she had for me.

For today’s stream, I decided to play Animal Crossing: New Horizons for one more day before starting on anything new.  From numerous suggestions on my Discord, I would be starting on every single 2D Mario game before Super Mario Bros. Wonder released on October 20th.  Super Mario RPG would release on November 17, 2023, so I would want to play the original SNES version before then (Gary could lend me his SNES and game so I could play it without any issues of trying to acquire the game for myself.)

After the stream, I focused my attention on a few more boxes that Glytter sent me.  I opened up all of the boxes and could not believe the contents that I found: An adult sized changing mat from Rearz.  A pink Simba glass feeding bottle plus an ABDL baby bottle that looked like it could hold twice as much fluid as the Simba bottle.  A few different onesie bodysuits in different colors and patterns.  A few were from LittleforBig.  A few more were from Land of Genie.  And still a few more were from Onesies Down Under.  Altogether, there were at least 20 different onesies that she sent me.  She also sent three different cotton footed sleepers from Rearz.  And, as promised, I found her Glytter pacifier, which was skillfully crafted, with different decorations around the ring.  I could see the beautiful glitter around the pacifier.  It almost looked too good to suck on.  Along with the pacifier came a few pacifier clips from LittleforBig.  Feeling very self-conscious, I said good night to my sister before beginning my regression therapy treatment.

Before I began dressing up in the baby clothes, I took the dish soup from the kitchen and began washing the pink Simba bottle in my bathroom.  The door was closed, so my sister didn’t see me taking the bottle into the bathroom.  After giving it a thorough wash, I filled two glasses of milk from the kitchen and poured enough milk to fill the Simba bottle.  Realizing that I only needed one glass, I poured the extra milk back into the milk jug and placed it back in the fridge.  I then took the pink Simba bottle full of milk into my bedroom.

From there, it began.  I laid out the Rearz Little Monsters changing mat and got a Tykables Animooz diaper out of my closet.  I undressed myself and laid on the changing mat.  I removed the soggy pink Trest diaper and used all my changing supplies to wipe and apply cream to myself before powdering the new diaper.  I then diapered myself and put on a LittleforBig onesie that was white with yellow stars, blue clouds, and blue sleeves with white polka dots.  A feeling of excitement came upon me as I began to snap the three yellow crotch buttons.  SNAP! SNAP! SNAP!  The three buttons were securely snapped and the onesie was now securely fastened over my Animooz diaper.  I felt constrained, but in a good way as I felt the snugness of the onesie hugging around the crotch of my diaper and up to my back.  I tied the new Glytter pacifier around a yellow pacifier clip and clipped the pacifier ribbon to the collar of my onesie. 

I turned off the lights and I got into my queen bed, holding the pink Simba glass feeding bottle.  I got into the covers and I began to suck on the feeding bottle.  The same feeling of calmness came over me as the yellow pacifier from earlier.  The short intermittent gulps of milk entered me as I began to feel…different.  I no longer felt like an adult.  I was now filled with a sense of excitement and wonder.  Like everything felt like it was brand new once again.  I…I couldn’t believe it.  After my bottle of milk was gone, I began to coo and babble.  I kicked my feet up and down and suddenly felt anxious.  The kind of anxiety that an infant would feel from being over stimulated.  I immediately stuck my Glytter pacifier in my mouth and my infantile anxiety was gone.  This…was good.  I could already feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulder.  This…was little space.

“Little space IS good space.” I said.  But if you were to hear it, it would’ve sounded like “libble spahs ih gud spahs” since my words sounded like a baby trying to speak for the first time.

I woke up and realized that I was still wearing my baby clothes from the night before.  I yanked the ribbon on the pacifier clip and grabbed the Glytter pacifier.  Smiling, I popped it in my mouth and began sucking on it.

I was in such a calm trance that I didn’t even realize that the door to my room cracked open.  All of a sudden, I heard a shout from my twin sister.


I spit the pacifier out of my mouth and glanced at my sister, who turned the light on in my room.

Jen’s mouth was wide open as she glanced at the changing mat on the floor, the empty pink Simba feeding bottle, and the top of my onesie with the ribbon of my pacifier clip sticking out from my collar.  “Jillian Marie Jenners, WHAT are you doing dressed up like a baby?  Just look at you!  You are wearing a onesie with a pacifier clipped to it!  You have a changing mat on the floor with an empty baby bottle!  Why, I don’t even know what to say right now…”

I held the pacifier in my hands as part of the ribbon dangled down.  “I do.  My therapist recommended regression therapy and to wear all these things so that I can find my little space…”

“So you just dress up like a baby to do that?” Jen shouted.  “Jill, I know that you are incontinent, but that doesn’t make you a baby.  But this?  You need to look at yourself in a mirror!  Why Gary, your boyfriend?  He would DUMP you if he found out that you were into doing this.  Can you please stop?”

“And stop my treatment?” I said, scowling.  “This is what my therapist recommended to me.”

“And THIS is what I recommend to you!” Jen countered.  “Get a different therapist!  She’s a quack, Jill!  Just tell me.  How old are you?”

“21…” I muttered.

“Well, you could’ve fooled me!” Jen said.  “Jill, infants wear onesies, suck on pacifiers, and are fed with baby bottles.  Are you an infant, Jill?”

Having given my sister’s question a little thought, a mischievous smile came across my face.  “Yes, I am!  Look at me!  I am baby Jill!  Goo goo ga ga!”

“Stop!” Jen shouted, looking even more upset.  “You are NOT an infant!  I am going to leave this room and I want all of those baby clothes off!”

I sighed.  “Really?  Jennifer, this is MY room!”

“And this is MY apartment!” Jen said, before realizing the mistake that she had just made.   “Wait…Your name is on the co-lease so you have equal ownership…Fine Jill!  If you want to dress up like a baby, do it in the privacy of this room!  But I DON’T want to see you prancing around the apartment in a onesie and…” She tugged back the underside of the onesie to expose the padded butt of my diaper.   “What is this?  They make baby diapers for ADULTS?  I am so disgusted and mortified right now.  Just…get it back off and put your adult clothes back on.  Your pink Trests are fine…Plus those NorthShore MegaMaxes.  I just don’t want to see those baby clothes AGAIN!”  Jen stormed off and firmly closed the door behind her, with her angry voice still trailing off in the distance.

“I can’t believe it!!!!  My twin sister is dressed up like a baby!  URRRRRRRRRRRRRGHHHHHH!!!!!!!”

I hastily put away all of my ABDL paraphernalia, cramming everything into the closet.  The changing mat, the onesie, the pacifier, and the Pink Simba feeding bottle (I will wash this when my sister is at work).

The rest of the morning felt awkward, as my sister began to gripe over my lack of a real job and how my streaming wasn’t going to pay the bills.  I was showered and in a new lime green skirt (Skirts were all I wore now, considering how easy they hide my diapers.)  and a black Ann Taylor ruffle button top.

Instead of the usual date with Gary, both he and Joey decided to have another Mario Kart night at the Jenners Twins apartment.  I made absolutely sure that all of my ABDL things were hidden in my closet.

At around 3:00, everyone came over.  Joey, Trisha, Bradley, Gary, and Mark.  Joey and Gary brought a few 12 packs of soda to share.

We all took turns playing four-player Mario Kart.  During the evening that I played, something crazy happened.  I actually got first for the first time!  I came in first with Princess Peach and Gary came in second with Mario.  I just couldn’t believe it.

Just about everyone knew about me wearing diapers at this point.  Joey knew, since he watched the VOD during the same day of my embarrassing wardrobe malfunction and discovered the Diaper Girl TikTok.  Just about?  Okay.  Everyone knew because of Diaper Girl.  And considering its popularity at this point in time, everyone has seen Diaper Girl by now.  So, when I announced that I was heading off to the bathroom, they just knew that I was going in there to change my diaper.  Minutes later, I came back out in a fresh diaper, which I could probably wear for the rest of the night, considering how crazy the absorbency is on these Trest diapers.

Gary quietly mouthed to me, as if to say, “In a fresh one?”.  I gave him a light nod.

The night went on as we guzzled soda, ate pizza, and played Mario Kart to our hearts’ content.  Or, in Joey’s case, it was to our “Karts’” content.  I never got first again that night, but managed to snag second a few times, as my drifting skills were improving and as I grew more familiar with the tracks, my performance was greatly improving.

I then saw another surprise.  Trisha actually came in first!  Her Isabelle beat Joey, who came in second as Donkey Kong, followed by Bradley, who came in third as Yoshi.

The other thing that I noticed about Trisha was how she occasionally looked at me when I was playing.  I also noticed something very weird about her that evening.  During the entire time that she was over, I did not see her get up once to use the bathroom.  And while it might have just been my imagination, I couldn’t help but notice a crinkling sound coming from her when she walked around the living room.  Could Trisha possibly be wearing diapers?  I don’t have any idea.  Since Bradley was always around her and I didn’t want to embarrass her in front of her boyfriend, I never asked her about the suspicions that I had regarding her undergarments in question.  Besides, Trisha too wore a skirt like I did, so if she was wearing a diaper, it was not at all noticeable.

During a few moments while we ate our pizza, both Gary and Joey mentioned how popular my stream was.  Jen then shut the two down, expressing her disapproval by mentioning how something like that was not going to make me a lot of money and that I should get a “real job”.  Before Gary and Joey could counter Jen’s argument, Jen warned them to not make any more remarks about Twitch and that the discussion was over.

At around 11:00, both Jen and I politely “kicked” everyone out.  Like the last meeting, which was eons ago considering how busy everyone was during the summer, we all agreed to have another Mario Kart evening again.  Perhaps, at Joey’s suggestion, we should do this once a month.  With that, the next Mario Kart weekend would be in October, and it would be a costume party with it being close to Halloween.

After everyone left, my twin sister still looked quite annoyed.

I glanced at her with a puzzled look on my face.  “Jen,” I addressed her.  “Just what is your problem?”

Jen sighed.  “I don’t know…” she said sarcastically.  “Joey only mentioned your Twitch stream about TEN different times!  Jill, I’ve had it.  I want you to close your Twitch account and get a REAL job!”

My heart skipped a beat.  “No!  I am NOT closing my account!”

“Jill!” she shouted.  “You need to get a real job!  Just tell me.  How many times have you looked for work this week?”

“None…” I told her.  “Because my job is Twitch.”

“Not anymore!” she told me.  “We are going into your room and you’re going to close your account.  Then on Monday, I will want you to have a job by the end of the day.”

I smiled.  “Then I will just do YouTube…”

“No!” Jen shouted.  “You will also close your YouTube account!  It’s a waste of time!”

I sighed.  “You who are so good with money…. Do you have any idea how much money I’m making doing this?”

Jen fiercely shook her head.

I gave my twin sister a smirk.  “Fine.  If you want to close all of my accounts, then I want you to look at the balances before you do.  Sound fair?”

Jen nodded.  “Sounds fair to me!  I’m going to show you just how little you’re making.  That a Twitch job is a waste of time, and you should really try to get another anchor job…”

I laughed.  “They all know about Diaper Girl.  I could never get another anchor job.”

Jen walked to my bedroom and glanced at my laptop setup.  “Show me your accounts.”

I got onto my Twitch account and showed her the income that I was making from September alone.

“WHAT?” Jen gasped.  “This can’t be right!  The number I’m reading is $74,818.80!  That has to be just this year, right?”

I shook my head with a smile.  “Nope.  That’s the amount of money that I made from just a month.”

Jen gasped.  “ONE…month?  That’s half of my salary…in one month!  Then how much did you make last month?”

“Let’s see…” I said, smiling.  “August.  I made $6,680.25 in August.  And if we include my first month, I have made $81,623.80 off of Twitch so far.  I’m already making almost $30,000 more than my job offer, which was about $56,000…”

Jen was now speechless.  She was pointing her index finger at me with her mouth wide open.  “Wow!” she then grabbed me by the arms and began shaking me in excitement.  “Why didn’t you tell me that you made this much off of streaming?!!!  Why, the year is not even over yet!  Who knows?  By next month, your one-month paycheck could equal more than my year’s salary!  Jillian!  Why didn’t you tell me?”

I gave my sister a glare, looking a little pissed.  “Why?” I scowled.  “I tried to tell you but you wouldn’t listen to me.  Now, are you going to close my account?”

Jen shook her head.  “Why would I do that? If these are actual numbers, then you’re making more than what I could even imagine!”

I gave my sister another smirk.  “We’re not done.  We still need to ‘close’ my YouTube account…”

I showed Jen the adsense earnings from YouTube, from all the views that it generated so far. “$11,017.50 so far this year. Not bad for a channel with 200,000 subscribers.  I already have a few offers for my first sponsorship.  It’s just a little more but if you add it to Twitch, that’s $92,641.30.  It’s not quite your income, but it’s a start…”

“And how do you get all that money on Twitch?” Jen asked me.

“Subscriptions and donations.” I told her.  “Do you see the numbers?  I currently have 592,891 followers, and 28,216 have subscriptions.  About 85% of these subscribers have a Tier 1 Sub, which is $4.99 per month.  80% use their free Twitch Prime account.  What this means is I earn $2.50 from each one of those Tier 1’s.  Twitch gets the other half.  I have already reached partner last month.”

Jen gave me a skeptical look.  “Okay.  To ensure that this is for real, I want to see your bank account.”

Back in mid-July, Jen helped me open a Philadelphia Federal Credit Union account.  I opened up the PFCU app on my phone and pulled up my account.  “Read it and weep!” I shouted.

Jen glanced at the balance and gasped.  “$86,473.52?!  Okay!  I believe you!  Go!  Keep making money from Twitch and YouTube and put me in the poor house with my pathetic earnings as a CPA.  Now Jill?  Get back to work!” After that, Jen was silent, and I could see the tears that were coming out of her eyes.  “My sister is making so much money from just playing video games all day…”  She then gave me a serious look.  “Don’t spend too much of that.  You are going to be taxed on your earnings at the end of the year…”

I nodded and patted my hands on my sister’s back.  “I couldn’t believe it either at first.  Here…” I gave my sister a tissue and she wiped the tears out of her eyes, before blowing her nose.

To quickly summarize Sunday, I went to church with my sister and Joey again and we had a delicious breakfast.  The rest of the day was spent enjoying some more Animal Crossing with my sister.

When Monday came around, Jen wanted to personally speak to my therapist, since I had her listed as my representative.  After an hour-long conversation with her, she pulled me aside during my stream break.

“Jill,” she addressed me.  “I talked to Dr. Stillman, and she told me to support your treatment.  She explained to me regression therapy in more detail than what I cared to even know.  Anyway, go ahead and do what is good for your mental health.  But let me warn you.  None of our friends can know.  Joey can’t know.  Gary can’t know.  None of our friends!  She spoke about the rule of consent and how my initial attitude towards your treatment demonstrated non-consent.  She expressed to me the importance of supporting you as a twin sister and how damaging it would be to discourage your treatment.  Now, does it mean that I like your decision to both dress and act like a baby?  No.  It’s a tough pill for me to swallow.  I don’t know if I can get used to seeing you act like a baby, but I will at the very least tolerate it for your sake.  I want to support you, even if it means something that I don’t totally agree with.  So get your baby things on after the stream.  Just don’t come crawling to me if you need that diaper changed.”

I nodded.  “I would never ask you to do that.  I mean, I have been changing my own diapers since my incontinence began.  Thanks for supporting me, sis.”  I gave her a hug and had a quick dinner, before my stream break ended.

I continued playing through Super Mario Bros. again and managed to get through most of The Lost Levels by the time the stream was over.

After the stream, I put on all of my baby things and said good night to my sister, fully dressed in the same onesie and pacifier as the night before.

“Cute…” my sister said, indicating a strong tone of sarcasm in her voice.  “Well, my little baby sister is ready for beddie bye!”  She saw the empty pink Simba feeding bottle that I was holding.  “Aw…Is my baby sis going to get a milky baa baa?”

I nodded with a loud cooing sound.

“Well, joking aside Jill, I hope that you have a wonderful sleep tonight.  Again, this baby thing and regression therapy is still very weird to me, but if it’s going to help you heal, I don’t want to discourage that.  Nini my baby sis!”

“Nini Jin!” I shouted in my toddler voice.

I waddled over to the fridge and filled my pink bottle with milk. I then entered my bedroom and got into my bed.  I sucked down the bottle, feeling a sense of calmness come over me.  I felt my adulthood vanishing before my very eyes.  All of my senses were intensified, and I felt like an infant again.  I cooed, babbled, and sucked on my pacifier when the infantile anxiety got the best of me.

Having thought of what Dr. Stillman told me, she was indeed right.  Little space is good space.

I calmly suckled my pacifier and before I even knew it, I was fast asleep.

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  • PamperedPrince changed the title to The JJ Diaper Twins (Ch. 12 - 4/29/2024)
3 hours ago, warpiper said:

Still amazing! Keep up the good work!

Thanks!  The next thing that I want to explore with the story is the Jenners Twins' family.  Not a lot has been discussed here but with a Christmas chapter, more of this will be revealed.  How does the Jenners family take to Jill's incontinence and her newfound fame as a popular Twitch Streamer?  If you remember Chapter One, the parents never attended either of their girl's graduations.  This kind of offers a clue as to how close the Jenners family actually is...

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So I really do enjoy this tale. If I have one criticism (and it's minor!) is that I kind of wish you had used another name for the sisters instead of Jenner. You're coming up with a tale that is too good in my mind to be limited to the first thought being that 'real' family. Something you might consider down the road on an edit when you finish? If you keep up the good work, I could see this being marketable on Kindle or other platforms.

Looking forward to more as you have time! 🙂

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53 minutes ago, BabySofia said:

So I really do enjoy this tale. If I have one criticism (and it's minor!) is that I kind of wish you had used another name for the sisters instead of Jenner. You're coming up with a tale that is too good in my mind to be limited to the first thought being that 'real' family. Something you might consider down the road on an edit when you finish? If you keep up the good work, I could see this being marketable on Kindle or other platforms.

Looking forward to more as you have time! 🙂

A wonderful idea.  The only caveat is that their last name has to start with a J.  I was thinking about this when I was looking into the mother's family.  There will be an aunt in a later chapter.  I do have have another "J" name in mind besides Jenners that I may try.  Thanks for the feedback!

The other thing that has come to mind is that they will lose their "J" name once they get married.  They will still use professionally though.  Just something else that I thought of... 😀

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2 hours ago, PamperedPrince said:

I do have have another "J" name in mind besides Jenners that I may try.

Jones, Jenson, Jefferson, Jennings all come to mind as possible replacements. Like I said, minor thing 🙂 Just wanted to throw it out there though, really enjoying your tale! 💜

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8 hours ago, BabySofia said:

Jones, Jenson, Jefferson, Jennings all come to mind as possible replacements. Like I said, minor thing 🙂 Just wanted to throw it out there though, really enjoying your tale! 💜

I was drawn to Jennings myself.  Going to work on the next chapter today. I look forward to working on it!😀 

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  • PamperedPrince changed the title to The JJ Diaper Twins (Ch. 13 - 5/4/2024)

Chapter 13 : The Holidays…

Welcome back, my JJ Little Diaper Babies.  I do apologize for what happened at the end of the last chapter.  I must have dozed off in the middle of writing the ending.  There was supposed to be a discussion about what the next chapter was going to be about, but I was so tired that I just fell asleep in my chair.  And now…oh…Daddy just checked my diapey and told me that I need a changie.  Maybe you should use this time to get yourself into a fresh diapey while my daddy changes me.  I’m coming, daddy.  Be right back my JJ Littles…

In a fresh diapey?  Daddy changed me into a JJ Cozy Crinklez (coming soon!).  And let me tell you, my JJ Fam.  There’s nothing more comforting than being changed into a fresh diaper.  Now, where was I when I took an unexpected nap before ending the last chapter?  Oh yes!  With October about to happen, the holidays were just around the corner.

Two months later, I was walking through the King of Prussia Mall with my twin sister Jen.  And…what?  You wanted a recap of what happened during the last couple of months?  To be fair, two months is a lot of time to cut out, considering how fast my life had changed from Diaper Girl turning me into a popular streamer overnight.  Well, not overnight exactly.  It took about a month for my following to grow in totally insane numbers.  Okay.  Since you are all such a nice audience, I will give all of you babies an early Christmas present.  You get an exhaustive and unabridged recap of every key event that has happened from October to December.  Then, we will discuss the fun events leading up to Christmas and New Year’s.  You are all very welcome, my JJ Little Besties…

To offer you a short version of my next meeting with my therapist, I gave her my list of all the baby things that I needed to be in my little space.  In doing this, she also suggested the idea of me making subtle changes to my clothing so that I would look more like a Little without being blatantly obvious.  That would clearly mean no onesie body suits.  No footed sleepers.  No pacifier with clip hanging off of the collars of my clothing.  But I could dress in pastel colors and wear cutesy outfits that would make it very easy for me to enter my little space.  She also suggested that I only wear ABDL diapers, as no one would really notice what diapers I was wearing underneath, due to me wearing skirts most of the time at this point.  I could wear onesies underneath my tops and skirts, but I felt that this would make more sense with pants or overalls as it would make diaper changes a little more difficult.  Having to unsnap the three crotch buttons before removing the diaper was too tedious for me in most situations so I preferred to just have a skirt covering my diaper.  All I needed to do was lift up the skirt, remove the diaper, and change.  Very easy.  And if you are a guy, I am very sorry.  This is definitely a case where being a female does have its advantages.

There was, however, one thing that I told my therapist, and that was my relationship with Gary.  For my dates with him, I still had at least 30 to 40 pink Trest diapers on hand, as I always had the custom of showing him my diaper bag (main compartment only, as I had a few pacifiers in some smaller pouches.  Whenever I wasn’t on dates with Gary, I stuffed a changing mat inside, as I knew a lot of family restrooms that I could use for my diaper changes.

And over the days that have passed since my first appointment with Dr. Stillman, I have been talking to Glytter a lot more often about little space and how to manage it.  One of my more interesting conversations happened right after my second appointment with Dr. Stillman.

I entered 2202 and entered my bedroom in the apartment.  BUZZ! BUZZ! BUZZ!

I checked my cell phone and I saw Glytter on the Caller ID.  There was no picture of her yet, as Glytter was very shy about her appearance.

I swiped the answer button.  “Hi Glytter!”

“Hi Jill!  How did your appointment go with your therapist!”

I smiled as I was reaching for the pacifier that I had in my front pocket.  I pulled it out and gave it a few quick sucks.  “It was good.  We talked about the night that I got drunk and had the traumatic accident in more detail.”

“Oh!  You told me about that!  See?  Now that makes a lot more sense than wine causing permanent incontinence.  So, how are you doing with a little space?”

I twirled a few strands of hair around my fingers.  “It’s going wonderful.  I already told you that my sister has to support my treatment.  But I have a very weird question for you.”

“Weird?  I’ve heard many things from many people, Jill.  Nothing you tell me is going to be too weird.”

My face turned red as I hesitated for a few seconds.  “Um…Glytter?  I was thinking of trying to mess my diaper on purpose to help me into my little space.  How do you get past the gross out factor?”

I heard Glytter laughing on the other end.  “Jill…You are talking to someone who is totally used to doing that.  When I mess, there are often times that I don’t even notice until I begin smelling it.  And when that happens, it’s no different than peeing.  It’s just me saying ‘Yup.  I messed another diaper!’  I do advise you that you don’t stay in a messed diaper for too long.  A little while is okay, but you do want to get out of it as soon as possible.  I guess that it has never really been gross to me, as I have been pooping my diapers since I was a baby.  I guess I’m that used to it.  But from my other friends in the community, they just tell me that you get used to it.  And even stranger than that, you get used to the smell.  I myself have gotten used to the smell of my messes so it sometimes takes daddy to notice it before he changes me.”

I nodded and sighed.  “I wish that Gary could be my daddy.  Does your daddy live with you?”

“He doesn’t live with me yet, as I made it clear that we would not be sharing the same room until we are married.  He does come over a lot during the daytime.  We’re planning the wedding and it’s going to be in February, about three weeks before CAPCon.”

I frowned.  “CAPCon?  What is CAPCon?”

“What is CAPCon, Jill?  Only the best ABDL conference ever!  I’ve been to four CAPCons so far.  It would’ve been five, but they cancelled it in 2021 due to COVID…Do you want to go to CAPCon 2024?  Tickets go on sale in January.  I know this since I am planned to be a speaker at this CAPCon.  I can get us a room with two queen beds.  It would be me, daddy, TinyTrish, and you.  What do you say, Jill?”

I smiled.  I had no idea that a conference for ABDL’s actually existed.  While my sister would not have any part in this event at all, it would be a wonderful way to dive deeper into my little space and meet a lot more Little friends.  “Sure Glytter!  Let me know when registration goes live in January!”

“I will!  You are going to LOVE CAPCon, Jill.  Little space is normal there, so you can be your sweet baby self!  I kid you not.  There are Littles that are walking around in just T-shirts and diapers.  They can do that, just as long as they’re wearing something that is covering their privates.  I will be wearing my cute onesies, and you’ll finally get a face reveal!”

I nodded.  I couldn’t even imagine what Glytter actually looked like, considering that her voice sounded just like a child’s.  If no one knew who Glytter was, they would think that they’re just speaking to a little girl over the phone.  If I were to guess, her voice sounded just like a three-year-old’s...If a three-year-old was very articulate and had an adult’s vocabulary… “Sounds fun, Glytter!  Well, I will try messing my diaper today and I’ll let you know how that goes.  I also need to get ready for my stream today.  Yesterday’s was crazy.  300,000 bits donated over the course of the whole stream!  I can’t believe how different my life is now.  I mean, I still feel like a normal person, even though everyone makes a big deal out of me…”

“And that’s great, Jill.  Don’t let the fame go to your head.  Just look at it with humility.  You still feeling normal is a wonderful way to handle it.  You may not have gotten that anchor job, but wow.  You are so blessed!”

This made me cry a little bit.  “I know.  I have such a wonderful community.  Now, I’m getting hangry.  I’ll talk to you later.  Bye!”

After my conversation with Glytter, I made a trip to Walgreens to purchase some laxatives.  If I was going to shit myself, I wanted to shit myself good…I bought a couple boxes of suppositories and entered my bedroom.  I opened the box and stuck one into my butt and followed all the directions.  About 45 minutes later, I felt a stinging pain in my abdomen and a loud churning sound.  The pressure was building up and becoming more and more intense.

Finally, I could not hold in my bowels anymore and everything released all at once.  I heard a loud fart as the back of my diaper was quickly filling up with a stinky mass.  I cringed as I stood up, feeling the warm and gooey mass stick to myself as I walked around my bedroom.  I then noticed the smell, which almost made me gag.  What did I just do?  As I began to immediately experience remorse over my explosively messy accident, I suddenly felt a warmth rushing into myself and felt the diaper begin to swell and expand between my legs.  I was used to that, but I wasn’t used to messing myself at all.

I spent the next 20 minutes changing my horrifyingly messy diaper.  For some added context, all I want you to do is imagine your messiest accident and then multiply it by 10.  That’s about what I experienced.  Fortunately, there were no blowouts, but if I had had one more explosion, there most certainly would have been.

Besides that messy diaper, the more fun part of my day was playing through all of the 2D Mario Games before Super Mario Bros. Wonder came out on October 20th.  Considering how I wanted to beat every single 2D Mario game 100%, I needed to have two bonus streams on Saturday (October 7th and October 14th) to allow enough time to do this.  During the first week, I played through Super Mario Bros., Super Mario Bros. 2 (Lost Levels), Super Mario Bros. 2 (US), Super Mario Bros. 3, Super Mario World, Super Mario Land 1, Super Mario Land 2, and started New Super Mario Bros. for the rest of Thursday, all of Friday, and all of Saturday.  In preparation for this 2D Mario Marathon, I watched speedrun videos of all of the Mario games that I have already played.  Since New Super Mario Bros. and all the other games were brand new to me, I didn’t watch any of the speedruns as I did not want to spoil the gameplay.  This, however, had no impact on my performance as I was able to figure out New Super Mario Bros. blind, considering how many other Mario Games I have already played.  Every one of the 947 people watching were astounded at how good I was at platforming and recommended that I try out some Mario Maker levels.  Upon hearing this suggestion, I declined the chat’s suggestions as I wanted to finish all of the 2D Mario Games in time for Super Mario Bros. Wonder.

For week two, I finished New Super Mario Bros., New Super Mario Bros. Wii, and New Super Mario Bros. 2.  For New Super Mario Bros. Wii, I HATED 9-7 as I was always falling through the ice trying to get the last Star Coin.  I spent about 20 minutes on that level before finally securing a victory.  And don’t get me started on New Super Mario Bros. 2.  Getting to one million coins was a pain in the butt and after finally doing it, I never wanted to collect a stinking coin again.  Seriously.  One million coins was one million headaches for Jillian Jennings.

Finally, for week three, I spent all of Monday through Thursday trying to 100% New Super Mario Bros. U.  On Wednesday, Superstar Road 2 and Superstar Road 6 can just kiss my ass, as I spent so many lives trying to beat these levels.  The first levels had a million P-Switches that I had to time perfectly and the second level had so many fire bars that I had to dodge.  But you know what?  I did it!  And on Thursday, I followed that shell in Superstar Road 9 and got all three Star Coins.  I beat it!  Every 2D Mario Game with about four hours to spare.  And just in time to see my Twitch audience finally climb to over 1,000.  1,067 people watched me spend the rest of the stream playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons, since I didn’t want to start New Super Luigi U until I at least 100% beat Super Mario Bros. Wonder.  When I completed New Super Mario Bros. U, the fireworks began.  Lamtastic was totally awesome, and he gifted 100 Subs!  Then there was 1,000-bit donations given out left and right.  Then two more rounds of 50 gift subs!  After that, a few more donated 10,000 bits a piece.  This brought the Hype Train to a Level 21, and it was still climbing.  Overall, the Hype Train just completed Level 24 and a total of 348,122 bits and 254 subs were gifted.  If you were to do some quick math, I made another $4,000 during that Hype Train alone since every one of those gift subs were Tier 1’s.

Before I get to the WONDERful new Mario game, it would be worth mentioning the new things that I have been doing to better promote my little space.  As the days went by, I decided on skirts that had light and colorful pastels.  My tops were all typically white with colored stripes to contrast the multi-colored pastels that could be found on my skirts.  I wore thigh high socks with the colored stripes usually matching my top.  I made two simple pigtails with the tips of them almost resting just above the underside of my elbow joints.  From my new look, I got a lot of positive remarks and was often told by chat just how cute I was.  What they didn’t know was that I wanted to look little and in my own mind, I was just a three-year-old girl with cute pigtails that still needed to wear diapers.  Only Glytter knew the real reason behind my new style choices which I secretly called “ABDL Chic”.  My Glytter pacifier was zipped in my purse, just waiting to be sucked on during my streaming breaks, which I also used to change my diaper.  To match my new look, Glytter redesigned all of the Jillian emotes with me in my simple hair tied pigtails that rested on both my elbows (although I sometimes did Dutch braided pigtails if I was in a more creative mood).

The other thing worth mentioning was that I started a new YouTube channel on October 2nd called Jillian in Diapers.  This was an ABDL channel that I started to share my little space with other ABDL’s and address a lot of different ABDL related topics.  The launch of this channel happened as a result of binge watching a bunch of different ABDL channels after getting back from my first therapy session with Dr. Stillman.  From what I saw, I felt that I could begin comfortably sharing my little space with everyone.  After announcing it on Discord, I ended up gaining 103,456 subscribers on the first day.  And along with the five videos that I already had ready to go, Jillian in Diapers was off to a good start.  By the time that I got to the day where I started Super Mario Bros. Wonder.  Jillian in Diapers had 323,578 subscribers and was outperforming my JillianPlays YouTube channel, which only had 273,361 subscribers.  I was already making $12,850.50 off of Jillian in Diapers.  I was still making twice as much off of JillianPlays overall since I started it earlier on.

And one more thing, my JJ Little Besties.  Having had a rather unpleasant experience from trying laxatives to make myself mess my diapers, I decided to give that a few more tries.  To my surprise, it began to feel less and less gross every time that I did it.  I don’t think that the grossness went away, but that I was sinking deeper and deeper into my little space.  After 20 or more messings in about a week and a half, I was starting to get to the point where it just didn’t bother me anymore.  If I had to shit, I just did it then and there in my diaper with very minimal effort.  I really couldn’t help it since I was just a diaper baby.  I never bothered to use the toilet anymore, and I found it quite weird to stare at as I was getting ready after taking showers. 

That got me thinking about taking baths, as I wanted to feel as little as possible.  And not just any bath, I needed bath toys and my very own rubber ducky.  All this would come in due time.

In getting back to the Super Mario Bros. Wonder game, I really enjoyed it.  It was a fresh new 2D Mario experience, compared to all the other 2D Mario games that I just finished playing.  I loved the variety of all the different characters that I could choose from, and I found myself swapping characters and badges constantly just to try them all out.  And everyone, can I just take a moment to tell you how CUTE the singing piranha plants are?  I’m glad that I had to do that level more than once, since I missed a hidden exit that had the other Wonder Seed.  I was having so much fun with this game that I lost track of time.  And before I knew it, my stream time ran out.

That night, I saw my sister putting the finishing touches on our Halloween costumes for the Mario Kart streaming night.  I wanted to be Princess Peach, but at my sister’s suggestion, I ended up being Princess Daisy.  And from the Mario Kart races that I have seen and a few Princess Daisy videos, my personality seems to match Princess Daisy a lot more.  I was a lot more tomboyish and outspoken like Daisy, and my twin sister Jen was quieter and more reserved like Princess Peach was.  Because of our costume choices, Gary decided to be Luigi and Joey decided to be Mario, since both of those romantic pairings were known in the Mario universe.  Mario and Peach were a pair, as well as Luigi and Daisy, which were also a pair.  For the October 28th Mario Kart night, Trisha would be dressed up as Female Villager and Bradley would be dressed up as Male Villager.  Mark dressed up as Link.

In the week leading up to Saturday’s Halloween Mario Kart night, I had a frustrating time trying to complete one of the special stages in Super Mario Bros. Wonder.  It was a level where I had to “climb to the beat”.  This was a harder version of the level that I already did where I had to jump, jump, jump like crazy across all the colored platforms before they disappeared.  What made this level so hard was that I had to wall jump up the entire level to a beat that was getting progressively faster.  And I couldn’t dawdle, as a pit of poison was gradually rising up with the beat that kept getting faster.  Because of this level alone, I ended up spending the remainder of Monday’s stream trying to complete the level, but to no avail. 

It wasn’t until Tuesday that I finally beat that level.  My JJ Little Besties, while I didn’t directly swear on stream, I was very clearly saying this in my head:  Fuck this level. I actually got all the large purple coins, the Wonder Seed, AND the flagpole and I never want to do this level AGAIN!!!

The rest of the levels were not that difficult by comparison.  Even the remaining special levels were not that bad.  The Bowser in this game was a cake walk, as I only had to dodge his note Piranha Plants and spike balls by getting out of the way.  I learned this from New Super Mario Bros. Wii.

The only other level that I had difficulty getting through was the very last special level in Super Mario Bros. Wonder.  While I just got to the level towards the end of the stream, I couldn’t even get to the first checkpoint before the stream ended.  On Friday, I spent almost the entire stream trying to get through the level.  I started the level with 99 lives and after burning through 74 of them, I finally beat the level, luckily reaching the flagpole (thank God).  What helped me the most in being able to beat the level was bringing a reserve powerup with me and using it at the right part of the level.  This got me through a very hard part of the level and to the final checkpoint.  I enjoyed the last badge of the game, and grinded a few more coins to get all the remaining standees that I missed.  With that, Super Mario Wonder was 100% beat within a week of me starting it.  I felt so accomplished.  I wonder if this is the kind of feeling that Gary has every time that he completes a video game?  Anyway, my reputation for 100% completing games has attracted more followers to my channel and it gave me an idea for a new special segment for my JillianPlays YouTube channel.

Saturday came around and to prepare for that day, both Jen and I dyed our hair.  I dyed my hair orange to look like Princess Daisy.  Jen dyed her hair blonde to look like Princess Peach.  After we got the right hair color, we styled the hair to look just like each of the princesses.  Jen even made crowns for each one of our costumes.  And the orange dress that she made for Princess Daisy looked just like the one that she wore in the game.  Jen even got the green Daisy earrings, orange slippers, and white gloves.  Fully clad in my Daisy costume, I began belting out her oh so annoying catchphrase: “HI I’M DAISY!!!”  Jen had pink slippers for her Princess Peach costume, and even had a pink parasol as an extra accessory.  Both our costumes were based off of the versions in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, and we both looked amazing in them.

Later on, we got to see how all the other costumes turned out.  Both Gary and Joey decided to grow out their moustaches since the weekend that we went to Twins Days, so they both had an outstanding moustache for Mario and Luigi.  Neither of their costumes disappointed either, as Gary’s Luigi had a very authentic looking Luigi hat.  He had a green shirt, white gloves, blue overalls, and brown work shoes.  And since Gary was just a little taller than Joey, he was just born to be Luigi.  Joey’s overalls were a slightly lighter blue to match Mario’s overalls color.  Like Gary, he had the authentic Mario hat with white gloves and brown work shoes.  The costumes were just amazing.  Jen and I took pictures of the “Mario Brothers” while Gary and Joey took pictures of Jen and I as Princess Peach and Princess Daisy.  When Bradley and Trisha got there, they took pictures of the four of us standing together.  Mark then arrived sporting a fairly decent Link.

That night, we played some more Mario Kart, while enjoying some pizza and some Halloween candy that we had for dessert.  Like before, I didn’t see Trisha use the bathroom once for anything.  I used the bathroom once to change into a new diaper (and suck on my pacifier pretending that I was Baby Daisy).  Since Trisha’s Female Villager costume had her wearing a red dress, her diaper was not noticeable if she was wearing one at all.  Everyone else used the bathroom, which made Trisha stick out like a sore thumb.

Of everyone who got first place that night, I got first with Daisy.  Trisha got first with Female Villager.  Jen then got first with Peach.  It was no surprise that both Gary and Joey got first a handful of times that night, as they do every Mario Kart night.

After a satisfying night of playing Mario Kart in our festive Halloween costumes and eating a ton of Halloween candy, we all called it a night.  Everyone left.  It was now time to go to bed.

Their timing was perfect, as Jen gave me a strange look.

“Jill!”  Jen sighed.  “I think you need a new diapey!”

I sniffed around myself and discovered the strong odor that Jen was already aware of before I was.  At this point, I was so used to the smell that I didn’t even realize that I messed myself.  I might have done so out of muscle memory just as they were leaving.  “Oh.  Well, I guess I need to change now…”

Jen shrugged her shoulders.  “Jill, you just messed in your diaper.  I would think that you would be more upset about it.”

I smiled.  “Really, I’m not.  Like peeing, I’m getting very used to messing at this point…”

Jen gave me a teasing smile.  “Your little space, right?”

I nodded.  “I’ve been pretending that I’m a baby whenever I’m messing my diaper now.  I believe that this is starting to happen subconsciously now.  My body knows when I am going to poop so I just begin to act like baby…”  At that moment, I was overcome with a strong urge to suck on my pacifier, so I got my pacifier and began to suck on it like a lollipop.  I then began to make loud cooing sounds.  And, oh…the little space was on me so strong that I could not speak another intelligible word to my sister for the rest of the night.  Any attempt to speak to her just sounded like baby babble.  I was also unable to stand.  My legs wobbled as I lost balance and fell on the floor, landing on my cushioned diapered butt.  I crawled over to my sister and shook my pink Simba glass feeding bottle in a crying fit.

Jen sighed and grabbed my bottle.  “Second time this week.  Baby Jilly is in her baby trance…”  Jen has already called Dr. Stillman about me being in what she called a “baby trance”.  For that, Dr. Stillman recommended that she took care of me like I was a baby.  With that, Jen helped me get to my room with my baby bottle and she removed my Princess Daisy dress, gloves, crown, earrings, and slippers.  I was getting all fussy while she was doing all of this.

Jen then was tasked with having to change me out of my stinky diaper.  I made it none the easier since I wanted to crawl away from her while she tried to change me.  Frustrated, she pinned me to the changing mat while she cleaned all the yucky mess off of me.  About 20 wipes later, I was all clean.  But I was really throwing a fit now since I wanted my baa baa.  Knowing this, Jen hurried as she treated a rashy area with some Aquaphor and powdered a new Animooz diaper.  She firmly pinned me down and stuck a pacifier in my mouth to stop me from whining.  She put me in my Rearz Little Monsters footed sleeper and clipped my Glytter pacifier on my collar. 

She then guided me to my bed and began feeding me my baa baa that I wanted so badly.

Surprisingly, Jen looked calm and not upset.  “There you go,” she said, speaking to me in a sing-song voice.  “There’s my little Jilly Bean…You feel better?”  Something looked different about my twin sister.  It was almost like she was enjoying her motherly role.  “There.  You drank all your milk.  Now I need to burp you.  Here…” She gave me a few pats on the back and I let out a few belches.  “There!  Did Jilly have her burpies?  Time for bed, my Jilly Bean…” Jen got me into my bed and tucked me in.

At this point, I thought that my sister was leaving, but she wasn’t done.  Instead, she found a bedtime story on her cell phone and she read it to me.

“Remember this one, Jilly?” My sister said in her motherly voice.  “This was our favorite bedtime story when we were little…Well, you’re still my little baby so you’re going to enjoy it!  It’s called ‘Goodnight Moon’.  Do you see all the pictures?  Yeah.  I see you do…”  Jen read the lines of the first seven pages showing me each picture before flipping to the next page.  “In the great green room…” she read, flipping the page. “There was a telephone…And a red balloon…And a picture of…The cow jumping over the moon.  See the moon, Jilly?”

As my twin sister began reading the later pages, I fell asleep.  When she saw that I did this, she gave me a gentle hug and whispered her goodnight to me: “Goodnight, my Jilly Bean.  See you in the morning!

The next thing that I remembered was it being two in the morning.  At this point, I was completely snapped out of my “baby trance”.  I will have to apologize to my sister for my infantile behavior in the morning.

In the morning, I did just that to my sister.  Surprisingly, she didn’t look upset.

“Jill, don’t worry about it.”  Jen told me.  “That was the second time it happened, and I already spoke to Dr. Stillman after it happened the first time.  She told me that when you are experiencing a regression episode, it is my job to take care of you.  I need to help you in that situation to help in healing your inner child.  Really Jill.  It’s okay.  I think of it as wonderful practice for when I have an actual child someday.”

I gave her a sigh of relief.  “Thanks.”

During that next week, I spent most of it playing through New Super Luigi U., which was a bonus pack that served as an add-on to New Super Mario Bros. U.  For Friday, I just decided to play more Animal Crossing: New Horizons as I wanted to start playing Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars on the SNES, and Gary would need to provide me with a special setup to do that.  He would provide me with his CRT TV and a special capture device that could plug into my computer and get the footage onto the stream. Gary would set up the TV, the SNES and the capture device over the weekend so I could start Super Mario RPG on Monday.

After finishing my stream for November 3rd, my sister entered my room with a very curious look on her face.

“Jill,” she said, pointing to my computer screen.  “Can you please show me your dashboard?  I would like to know how much you earned for October.  For Twitch and your YouTube channel…”

I frowned.  “You mean channels?  I started a new one at the beginning of October called Jillian in Diapers…”

Jen nodded, matter-of-factly.  “For your little space, right?”

I nodded.  “And you’re not going to believe this.  Right now, Jillian in Diapers is actually doing better than JillianPlays.”

Jen glanced at the two channels and gasped.  “Jillian in Diapers has 581,234 subscribers and JillianPlays has just…303,468 subscribers?  This is amazing, Jill!  Let’s go back to Twitch, since that seems to be making you the most money right now.  I want to put together a spreadsheet of all your monthly earnings.  It will be set up in a manner that is quite similar to my monthly earnings.  Let’s see…Twitch.  You currently have…oh my gosh!  1,046,943 followers?”

“And 51,078 subscribers…” I added.  “And that’s what I made.”  I pointed to the number, which made Jen gasp in shock.

“$133,605!”  Jen gasped.  “Wow…You certainly will make more than my salary off of Twitch alone next month.  That’s…almost what I make in one year!  And you’re making it in one month?!!  That’s just Twitch.  What are your earnings for both JillianPlays and Jillian in Diapers?”

“$25,545 for JillianPlays and $33,501 from Jillian in Diapers.” I told her proudly.

Jen nodded.  “Okay.  So $59,046 for YouTube! That’s a total of…$192,651!  So yes, Jill.  With all three of your revenue streams, you are making more than my annual salary in one month!  Oh, I can’t believe it!  And if you add the $92,641.30 that you made from August and September, that’s a total of $285,292.30!  You know what this means, Jill?  You can pay off your college debt!  I would wait until at least next month to make sure that you have enough…”

I nodded as a few tears came out of my eyes.  What she just told me reminded me of just how desperate I was when I first came to live with my twin sister four and a half months ago.  I only had $20.89!  I couldn’t even pay next month’s rent, let alone my college debt!  And now, here I was, making more money than what I could even dream of making.  Why, I didn’t even deserve any of this money.  Everyone was just giving it to me.  All because of a TikTok video that went viral as a result of me not carefully concealing my diaper during a Twitch stream.  I had no idea who was watching me that day.  But whoever it was, I don’t know why they thought that it was a good idea to make some crazy TikTok dance of me with my partially exposed diaper.  As a result of this crazy coincidence, I ended up becoming famous on Twitch by accident.  The viral Diaper Girl meme, which was still growing with 544 million views and 46 million likes was a stupid video, but it somehow worked.  The direct link to my Twitch Account directed a lot of traffic to my JillianPlays channel and has made it into one of the fastest growing channels on Twitch.  Most of the weirdos have been weeded out by now, and my channel now has a reputation of just a cute gamer girl that just loves to play video games and is just starting to get good at playing them.

Jen then had me check my PFCU account.  I showed her the balance and her jaw dropped.

“$276,494.89!” Jen gasped.  “Well, I can officially say it.  You have more money in your savings account than I do now.  I have almost six figures, but not quite.  Keep up the good work, Jill!  Play those video games and become a pro at them!”

I laughed and nodded.  Considering how seriously that I treated my Twitch job, being good at video games was something that I needed to learn, as it would most certainly set myself apart from all the other female streamers on Twitch.  This would definitely have me rank high in the gaming category.  If I wanted to be the highest, I would have to exceed Samurai’s nearly 20 million followers.

Over the next four days, I played through Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.  Playing an RPG for the first time felt rather strange, as I was unfamiliar with the mechanics with the turn-based battle system.  But having watched a few videos on RPG’s, I kind of knew what to expect.  RPG’s were story-driven, and featured enemies on the battle screen that each had a set number of hit points.  In addition to this, most enemies had either a physical or elemental weakness, leaving it up to me to figure out what each enemy’s weakness was.  RPG’s had towns and different areas to explore, with some of those areas being entirely optional, as it was not essential to completing the main story of the game.  In having this basic knowledge on RPG’s, I was ready to play Super Mario RPG.  That, and I remembered watching Gary play the game for about an hour.

By the time that I streamed on Wednesday, I already had five of the seven stars, and I was about to enter Monstro Town.  Once I talked to the Toad lady named Monstermama and found out that I needed the Sky Troopas to scale the Lands End cliff, I went to the very next area next door and found an orange Chow that wanted to see if I could do 30 Super Jumps in a row.  He told me that the highest that I did was 13.  So, for the rest of the stream, I made it my goal to try and get 30 Super Jumps.  The chat recommended that I go over to Mushroom Way and practice on Spikeys.  GaretheBear recommended that I jump on Goombas instead, as the close proximity to Mario’s Pad would allow me to recover my FP if I were to run out.  With that, I took Gary’s suggestion and began jumping on Goombas.

About 20 minutes later, I made my next Super Jump attempt on another set of Goombas.  I jumped on the right most Goomba, as it allowed me the greatest amount of time to see Mario on the screen before he landed on the Goomba.  I was now getting really nervous as I now had more than 20 Super Jumps.  21…22…23…24…25…26…27…28…Mario stopped jumping and I let out a frustrated sigh.  “28 Super Jumps!  Almost!”

That’s when I read the chat:

GaretheBear:  Actually, it’s 27.  The first jump does not count.  You need 30 TIMED Super Jumps as you could get 0 Super Jumps without timing the button once.

I sighed.  “Well everyone, I’m going to take a break and then give this another try…”

I took another break, mainly because I just messed my diaper.  I’m very glad that the stream doesn’t have smell-o-vision as they would all be able to smell the horrible stench coming from my messy diaper.  And with my diaper starting to feel warm now, it was time for another change.

After changing into a fresh diaper (and sucking on my Glytter pacie), I returned from my break and gave the Super Jumping a few more tries.

About 10 minutes later, I tried again.  I was now in a state of panic, as I once again had more than 20 Super Jumps.  22…23…24…25…26…27…28…29…30…31…32…33…34…35...36…37…Mario stopped jumping and 400 hit points was dealt to the Goomba, which was way more than enough to kill him.  “37!” I shouted.  “This challenge is now over.  Time to go talk to the Chow in Monstro Town…”

I went to Monstro Town, and I talked to the Chow.  He rewarded me with the Attack Scarf.  He then said something that made my heart sink.  He wanted to know if I could do 100 Super Jumps in a row.  “WHAT?!” I shouted.  “100?!!  How?!  All I got was 37!  How the heck am I supposed to get to 100?!”  I looked at the chat and read the rapid comments that came flooding by.  Even though slow chat was enabled, the chat still went pretty fast, considering that 1,186 people were watching my stream live:

(Mod Badge) Glytter:  That was wonderful, Jill!  I never even got the Attack Scarf so you’re already doing better than me!

Lamtastic:  Wow!  Congratulations Jillian!  Are you going to try for 100?

EeveeGirl89:  30?  Wow.  I’ve never done that many Super Jumps before!  JillianYAY

HannahBanana:  JillianGasp JillianYAY Congratulations Jillian!

Justintime2000:  Sweet!  30 Super Jumps!

BrutalDonut: Wow!  You just got 30?!

(Mod Badge) MewMewGirl1998:  Jillian, I am so proud of you!  Congratulations!

(VIP Badge) LforLuigi95:  Yes!  Congrats on the 30!  Are you going for 100?

(VIP Badge) SpicySparkleSteph:  Whoa!  You got the 30 jumps!  I might try it again!  I got sooooo close…

After that was a flood of JillianYAYs each from different users, since slow chat only allowed a user to post a new chat every two minutes, due to the high volume of users in my stream.

Lamtastic then donated 3,000 more bits because I got 30 Super Jumps.  This caused a 3,000-bit hype train, of which at least 35-40 users participated in.  Overall, I ended up with a level 12 Hype Train, with 120,000 bits donated.

From the totally awesome hype train, I decided to do the unthinkable.  I was going to try to get 100 Super Jumps, no matter how long it took.

For the last two hours of the stream, that was all that I did.  I noted all my failed attempts.  18, 23, 28, 24, 27, 29....Most of my failed attempts had me only getting 13 Super Jumps.  About 15 minutes before my stream ended, I broke 30 again, but it was only 32 this time.  I had no idea if I would ever get to 100 Super Jumps…

After getting ready for bed and drinking my pink Simba baby bottle, I looked up Super Jump strategy videos on YouTube, and I found a user named Puffin who had a YouTube video from 2016, which showed a strategy on how to get to 100 Super Jumps.  What surprised me was that Puffin was a woman, as most of the Super Jump strategy videos were made by guys.  She described her video as a “Guide for noobs, by another noob”.  Puffin broke down the technical details of the super jumping strategy, displaying faded sprites of Mario indicating each frame of timing, until only 3 faded sprites of Mario were left.  I learned that the timing was so fast that I had to press the button when I expected Mario to land on the Goomba and just memorize the rhythm and timing window.  At the end of the video, she explained that there was no one-size-fits-all strategy to get 100 Super Jumps and that it was all about finding the placebo that worked the best for me.  Watching her video gave me a lot of encouragement, as here she was…a woman who got 100 Super Jumps on Super Mario RPG.  If Puffin can do it, so could I.  Feeling thoroughly encouraged, I sucked on my Glytter pacie and fell asleep.

The next day, I did a few practice sessions for trying to get 100 Super Jumps.  She mentioned how a lot of it was a mind game, so whether I got anything between 14 and 100, it was all in my head.  I looked for the tip of Mario’s shoe to touch the Goomba and I pressed the button just before he touched down.  I was very surprised at my results.  44, 35, 39, 47, 43, and….76!  A rush of excitement came over me when I got 76 Super Jumps for the very first time.  Puffin’s strategy was working, because this noob who has never played Super Mario RPG before just got 76 Super Jumps.  If I could get 76, I could get 100.  And before you tell me that it’s 75, it’s not.  I never count the first jump anymore, so all the numbers are correct.  All I needed to do was to calm my nerves when I reached 50 or more Super Jumps in my later attempts.

When the stream started, I went right back to my 100 Super Jump attempts.  Before I started, I let the chat know that I found a wonderful Super Jump strategy video that got me from 37 yesterday to 76 today.  I watched a flood of JillianYAYs flood the chat as I began my attempts.

After nearly an hour of getting 48, 42, 59, 67, 71, 84, 89, and various other attempts in the lower numbers for Super Jumps, I tried again.  Having done so many Super Jumps at this point, I found my placebo.  The perfect calmness that I needed to steady my nerves long enough to last the minute and a half needed to get 100 Super Jumps.  This was the same calmness that I discovered when I got 89 Super Jumps just 20 minutes earlier. 

I relaxed and began the attempt.  Moments later, I was still on point.  25…26…27…28…29…30…31…I showed no sign of nervousness.  Out of respect, the chatting was at a minimum as they knew how much concentration I needed to pull this off.  57…58…59…60…I was still perfectly poised in my placebo, pressing the Y button every 20th of a second without delay. 

78…79…80…81…I was getting very close to 89 once again.  87…88…89…90…I could not believe it.  This was the first time that I have gotten 90 or more Super Jumps.  But the excitement could not be relished, as my nerves were still comfortably still in a zen-state of calmness.  I just needed that calmness to last a little bit longer.  94…95…96…97…98!...99!!!!....100!!!  I let out a very loud scream of excitement as I watched Mario deal 904 hit points to a Goomba.  I watched the flood of JillianYAYs and all the various other congratulatory messages that were rapidly exploding in chat:

GaretheBear:  100!!!!! JillianYAY JillianYAY JillianYAY JillianYAY JillianYAY JillianYAY JillianYAY JillianYAY JillianYAY JillianYAY JillianYAY JillianYAY

(Mod Badge) Glytter:  YES!!!  100!!! Congratulations Jill!  JillianYAY JillianYAY JillianYAY JillianYAY JillianYAY JillianYAY

(VIP Badge) Lamtastic: Whoo!!!! Yeah!  You did it!  Congrats Jill!  JillianYAY JillianYAY JillianYAY JillianYAY JillianYAY JillianYAY JillianYAY JillianYAY JillianYAY JillianYAY JillianYAY JillianYAY JillianYAY JillianYAY JillianYAY

(Mod Badge) MewMewGirl1998:  WOW JILL!  You are so amazing!  You finally did it!  Congrats!  JillianYAY JillianYAY JillianYAY JillianYAY JillianYAY JillianYAY

(VIP Badge) LforLuigi95:  YOU DID IT!  100!  JillianYAY JillianYAY JillianYAY Now go to Monstro Town and get your prize!  JillianSmile JillianMario

Puffin:  Wow!  I came in at just the right time!  Congratulations on 100 Super Jumps, JillianPlays!

I gasped.  Was this the same Puffin that made that Super Jump strategy video?

I began to cry tears of joy.  “Puffin!” I shouted.  “I watched your video last night and it really helped!  Oh my gosh I’m so happy!  Thank you!”

Puffin couldn’t respond right away, since slow chat was enabled, and she was one of 1,273 currently watching my stream.

Moments later, Lamtastic did something totally awesome.  He gifted a TIER 3 SUB to Puffin!

“Lamtastic!” I shouted.  “Thank you for gifting Puffin a TIER 3 Sub!  Puffin, enjoy your ad free viewing and all the Tier 1, 2 and 3 emotes!

Since the 2 minutes have expired, I got to see another response from Puffin.

Puffin:  You are very welcome, Jillian!  That video was made seven years ago but I’m glad that it’s very helpful!  I currently Speedrun Super Mario RPG and I’m looking forward to the Remake.  You should also check out my randomizers on this game.  Thank you, Lamtastic for the sub!  JillianYAY  JillianCheer JillianCheer

As I was making my way towards Monstro Town, Lamtastic gifted me 10,000 bits, along with 30 other streamers.  This again created another Hype Train.  Lamtastic then gifted 100 Tier 1 Subs to the community.  NatetheGreat also gifted 100 Tier 1 Subs along with SuperStacy87.  I now had a level 28 Hype Train!  The bits continued coming in, with several smaller donations of thousands of bits each.  More subs were gifted in smaller amounts in quantities of 10, 25, and 50.  Level 35 was finally complete.  But before level 36 could be cleared, the Hype train was over.  Altogether, this Hype Train produced 494,464 bits and 407 gifted subs.  Now if you know how to do the math at this point, I just made $6,000 in just 15 minutes from that hype train alone.

With the Hype Train finally done, I entered the door in Monstro Town and talked to the orange Chow.  He told me that my record stood at 100 and jumping more than 100 times was impossible.  I proved my point, so now I could give this competition a rest!  I received the Super Suit and immediately equipped it on Mario.  I was blown away at just how OP it made Mario.

For the rest of the stream, I totally wasted all the other enemies that I fought since Mario was so overpowered with the Super Suit.  I ended up completing Bean Valley, Nimbus Land, and getting a special item in Grate Guy’s Casino before I ended the stream for the evening.  At the rate that I was going, I should be able to finish Super Mario RPG tomorrow.

And just to let you know, my JJ Little Besties, I did complete the game.  Within 5 hours, I tied up all the loose ends and completed all the remaining areas in Super Mario RPG.  With the week once again over, just one week remained before I got to play Super Mario RPG again on the Nintendo Switch.  Only this time, it was a remake, so it will be fun to see the differences.

For the next week, I just pecked away at New Super Luigi U.  It really didn’t take that long to finish at all.  Every level was short, so I was able to get through all the levels pretty quickly.  Like usual, the special levels were annoying, but I managed to finish the entire game on Thursday, just in time for the Super Mario RPG remake on Friday.

Now to spare you the repetition from the previous game, I am going to remark on the differences that I noticed in the new game.  The soundtrack was remade, so I enjoyed hearing all the new music.  Lamtastic then gave me a crazy challenge of getting 100 Super Jumps before I could even fight the hammer bros. in Mushroom Way.

“What?” I gasped.  “Mario doesn’t learn Super Jump until level 6!  You know that I’ll just be grinding Goombas and Sky Troopas for a while until I get to level 6.  Okay chat.  Grab some popcorn because this is going to take a while…”

After about 40 minutes of grinding, I finally got to level 6 and unlocked Super Jump.  Now the challenge began once again.  I had to get 100 Super Jumps in the remake.

After 10 minutes of failure, I managed to nail the timing for the remake.  After another 10 minutes, I found myself in the 90’s once again.  93…94…95…96…97…98!....99…Perfect!  After the yellow “Perfect!” appeared on the screen, the Goomba was dead.  For completing Lamtastic’s challenge, he rewarded me by donating 50,000 bits!  A smaller hype train happened that got to level 15, with just 174,384 bits donated altogether.

As for the rest of the game, I enjoyed all the new touches.  The chain gauge made it fun, along with the special enemies that gave out frog coins for beating them.  I also made it a point to collect every single enemy entry with psychopath (or Thought Peek in this game).  I also LOVED how you could swap out allies for additional strategy.  I did this a lot when I wanted to heal with Peach.  I finished most of the game before having to stop for Thanksgiving break.  I played it for a few days, having a special stream on Saturday since I wouldn’t be streaming on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving.

That brings us to the holidays.  I don’t know about you, my JJ Little Besties, but I am very hungry for some turkey.

Thanksgiving dinner was held at my grandma and grandpa’s house in Indianapolis.  It was rather awkward to go to grandma and grandpa Jennings, as we only ever visited them around Thanksgiving or Christmas.  Even when we were younger, my dad was too busy with his job to visit them any more often than around the holidays.  As a result, both Jen and I had seven cousins that we hardly knew.  My grandparents were on my dad’s side and there were plenty of relatives.

The eldest was Uncle Pete.  Nobody ever talked about him around the Thanksgiving table as he was always getting into trouble.  He never visited for Thanksgiving or Christmas as he was always in jail for some charge regarding either alcohol or drug abuse.  My dad was the second oldest. 

The second youngest after my dad was Aunt Wendy and Uncle Todd.  They had four of my cousins.  Jake was the oldest at 12 years old.  There was then Randy, who was eight.  Macy was only five.  And last of all was Phoebe, who was turning two in January.

The youngest after Aunt Wendy was Uncle David, who was married to my Aunt Helen.  They had the remaining three cousins.  Monica was the oldest at 15.  Brian was 13.  And Lydia was the youngest, at just 10.

Neither I nor my sister was looking forward to this Thanksgiving as we both knew very little about our family.  The only thing that we knew was what little we knew from all the past Thanksgivings and Christmases that we spent with them.  We knew even less about our cousins.  All I could remember was that Monica was a spoiled brat, and that Brian and Lydia were not any better.  Both Uncle David and Aunt Helen lived in a wealthy Chicago suburb so that would explain why the children act all stuck up.  As for Aunt Wendy and Uncle Todd’s children, both Jake and Randy were tolerable at best.  They weren’t as bad as my older cousins, but Macy was a nosy little brat that always got into everything.  She got into all of my makeup when she was four last Christmas, and I am still upset about it.  Phoebe wasn’t much trouble since she was still just a toddler.

But what would be trouble is trying to pack all of my diapers for Thanksgiving.  While it won’t be that bad for Thanksgiving, I will be staying longer for Christmas so I will be needing a lot more diapers.

And speaking of diapers, both Jen and I decided that it would be a good idea to watch the ball drop-in Times Square.  I jokingly told her that there are no bathrooms and if she was going to stand there for 9 hours, she would NEED to wear a diaper.

My twin sister laughed when I told her this.  “Jill,” she told me.  “I am not standing there and watching my bladder suffer for nine hours.  Just give me one of your diapers.  If Times Square has no bathrooms on New Years Eve, I’ll just be wearing a bathroom!”  At this, we both laughed at the same time.  “And make it one of your pink Trests!  I am not wearing your weird baby diapers.  Besides, I think that the Trest has the best absorbency…”

I nodded and laughed.  “That’s an ISO rating.  It may say 9500 mL but it’s only good for about 70% of that.  After that, it loses its functionality.”

Jen nodded.  “That’s right!  I remember reading about it somewhere.”

The idea was solidified when I told her about how MewMewGirl1998 lived right in Manhattan and how she would let us stay in her apartment after midnight to sleep overnight.

Getting back on track, my sister and I arranged two flights for our family and one flight for New Year’s Eve.  The first flight was a round trip ticket from Philadelphia to Indianapolis for the Wednesday before Thanksgiving (November 22nd). The flight would return on November 24th.  The second flight is a round trip ticket from Philadelphia to Indianapolis and would leave on December 22nd and return on December 26th.  The final flight is a round trip ticket from Philadelphia to JFK on December 30th.  The flight would return on January 1st, 2024.

Both grandma and grandpa picked Jen and I up from the airport and drove us to their house, which was about 24 minutes away.  I packed some entertainment, but most of my other checked luggage bag had diapers in it.

Most of the trip to their house was awkward, but my grandma tried to break the silence.  My grandpa, on the other hand, looked like he was about to drift into a nap.

“So Jillian dear…” she said, smiling at me from the rearview mirror.  “Are you still going to school?  Getting that degree at that Cleveland State University?”

I sighed.  “Grandma, I already graduated and got my degree!  I then had to move to Philadelphia to live with my twin sister…”

Grandma Jennings nodded as she continued to drive back to her home.  “Well that’s very nice of your sister Jennifer.  Always loved my twin granddaughters.  Now Jen.  Were you able to finish school?  Is it hard to do your studies while putting a roof over your sister’s head?”

My twin sister, who was sitting in the seat next to me, sighed while giving a patient smile.  “Grandma, didn’t I tell you over the phone a couple of months ago?  I have my Master’s Degree in Accounting and I earned my CPA.  I have now been working at Conway, Phillips, & Associates for nine months now.”

A bright smile came over my grandma’s face.  “That’s really good Jennifer.” She focused her attention back on me.  “Now Jillian.  Were you able to find a job with that degree of yours?  What was it that you always wanted to be?  A news anchor?  I can remember you pretending to be one at the dinner table when you were only six years old!  I can remember the excitement on your face, dear.”

I shook my head and managed a smile.  “No grandma,” I told her.  “I’m actually a Twitch streamer.  I broadcast myself live and I play video games all day.  Everyone can subscribe to me or give me a donation.”

Grandma gasped.  “Is that were you are using a computer?  I didn’t know that you could actually make money doing that.”

My sister Jen chimed in.  “It’s true.  Jill has made more than $133,000 in just October alone.”

Grandma gasped as she slammed the brakes at a stop light.  “Really?  Really Jillian?  You made that much in just one month?”

I nodded.  “Yes grandma.  I myself couldn’t believe it, but the money is real.”

“Well, you’re going to have to show me this Twitch thing when we get to the house.  I also need to let Willy know.  He’s always trying to think of good ideas that make money.  Hey Willy!  Wake up!  Our granddaughter Jillian is making oodles of money from this thing called Twitch!”

Grandpa was roused awake, and he sat up.  “What?  Huh?  Our granddaughter is making money?”

Grandma nodded.  “Yes.  Jillian.  From something called Twitch…”

Grandpa smiled.  “Isn’t that one of those streaming things like YouTube?  I always wanted to talk all about fishing.  There’s all kinds of fishing channels on YouTube…”

“And cooking!” Grandma said, smiling.  “I can’t stop watching those cooking videos…”

Grandpa got out his cell phone and tapped away.  “What is it?  Twitch?”

I nodded.

Grandpa accessed the Twitch website on his phone and found some live channels on the home page.  “Wow!  So, you can watch all these live broadcasts anytime?  Neat.  I wonder if I can find one on fishing?”

“Don’t forget cooking!” Grandma chimed in.

“It shows almost 10,000 people watching this one…” Grandpa said smiling.  “Well Jillian, show us when you get there!”

About ten minutes later, my grandma arrived at a house that was around 3,800 square feet, with four bedrooms, three bathrooms, and a basement.  It looked like a slightly older home, built in the mid 1990’s.

After we all entered, grandma laid out where everyone would be staying.  My parents and both of my aunts and uncles would be staying in all the other bedrooms.  Most of my cousins would be staying in the basement, while Macy and Phoebe would be sleeping with Wendy and Todd in one of the bedrooms.  Jen and I would be sleeping in the living room on sleeping bags.

After Jen and I got everything situated, I took grandma aside to share my personal secret with her.   I took her to a nearby bathroom and closed the door.

“Grandma?” I said in a hushed tone.  “I want to be very low key about this, but I was in an accident where I injured my pelvis.  As a result, I am now urinary incontinent, and I need to wear diapers 24/7 for the rest of my life.  The same thing is happening with my fecal incontinence…”

Grandma nodded.  “Okay dear.  Well, you know that it will get out sooner or later.  Let me get you a trash bag to take care of your wet and soiled undergarments.  When it gets full, just put it in the trash.  Grandpa and I will take care of the trash.  I will want to know how this accident happened, so you’ll want to tell me later…”

“I will,” I told her.

Grandma left and I changed myself into a new diaper.

About an hour later, both grandma and grandpa wanted me to show them Twitch, while my sister stood nearby.  I saw my mother and father both sitting in recliners, impatiently waiting.  Mom looked like she was playing a game on her cellphone while dad was also glancing at his phone in boredom.  Dad glanced up at both of us.

“Jill! Jen!” he shouted.  “How are my two girls?”

Both Jen and I exchanged glances and smiled.  “Good dad,” I told him.

“We both have jobs!” Jen said, smiling.

My mom looked up from her cellphone game and sat her phone down on the coffee table.  “How are my miracle girls?”

“Miracle girls?” Grandma said, smiling.  “Are you going to tell us that story again about how you found out that you had twins?  That reminds me, Jane.  Where is my other sister-in-law?  What’s your twin Jodie doing?”

My mom sighed.  “Doing her own thing.  Where did she say she was?  A cruise?  And no, I’m not going to tell that story again.  You have all heard the story enough.  An identical twin giving birth to identical twins?  That’s a 1 in 250 chance.”

My sister smiled.  “That is kind of neat when you think about it.  Both Jill and I are 1 in 250…”

My mom smiled. “That’s why I call you two my miracle girls…Now, how are you two doing?  Did Jill finish school yet?”

I scowled.  “Mom!  I invited you and dad to graduation, and you never came!”

My mom nodded.  “Yes dear.  It was too expensive for both Raymond and me to go to your graduation…”

Jen sighed.  “That’s an excuse, mom!  Both times I offered to pay for graduation.  Even my sister’s!”

My dad smiled.  “She had a date with a bottle of whisky…”

My mom’s face turned red.  “Shut up!  It’s no different than you and your cigarettes…”

My grandma chimed in.  “Enough.  If you two are going to fight, we’ll get some boxing gloves, and you can settle it outside…”

“Or, they can leave this room and discuss it in private.” My grandpa said.  “That’s what I think Ray should do.  Now Jill.  I would like to hear more about Twitch…”

I nodded.  Over the next 15-20 minutes, I showed them my JillianPlays Twitch channel.  Fortunately, the embarrassing VOD of me with my “wardrobe malfunction” was already deleted, as Twitch only keeps VOD’s up to two months unless the VOD was saved under highlights.  And with this one being from August, it was already deleted.  At the time that I showed him, I had 1,694,423 followers and 71,478 subscribers.

After showing them Twitch and what I was making off of my channel, my grandparents were impressed.  My parents even looked a little impressed, too.  And even Aunt Wendy, Aunt Helen, Uncle Todd, and Uncle David, who all entered halfway through the discussion were looking interested.

After the discussion, Jen gave everyone a weak smile.  “I have a job too.  I work as a CPA at one of the best CPA firms in Philadelphia…”

Grandma smiled.  “That too is good, and we’re proud of you as well, Jen.”

The other kids didn’t really pay much attention to us, as they were all playing in the basement.

The first night at my grandma and grandpa’s didn’t go too bad.  I somehow managed to sleep in my sleeping bag, despite how uncomfortable it was.  My diaper at least provided me with some extra padding while I laid on the floor, zipped up in the sleeping bag while I felt the cool air around my face.

During the next day, my grandma was busy in the kitchen with mom, Aunt Wendy, and Aunt Helen while they all began preparing Thanksgiving dinner.  Once again, my cousins were not any problem as they were still playing downstairs.  They did come up for breakfast and showers, but that was about it.  To pass the time away, both my sister and I played Animal Crossing on our Nintendo Switches.  When my Uncle Todd saw this, he smiled.

“Doing some work?” He said in a joking tone.  “I heard about that JillianPlays Twitch channel that you told mother and father-in-law.  “If you’re making that much, that’s quite the business…”

I smiled as I continued to decorate my island.  “It is.  It’s a lot of fun…”

A few hours later, the turkey was ready to be taken out of the oven.  I saw all of my cousins upstairs at this point.  I used this opportunity to find a spare bathroom to change into a new diaper.  I grabbed my backpack purse and walked into the bedroom that Aunt Wendy and Uncle Todd were staying in.  As I walked through the bedroom, I saw a pack n play set up, which was probably set up for Phoebe.  Next to the pack ‘n play were two open sacks of Pampers Cruisers diapers, with two open sacks of Pampers Swaddlers Overnights diapers right next to them.  For each pair of sacks, one was a Size 3, and the other was a Size 4.  While I knew that Phoebe still wore diapers, I was surprised to see additional diapers in the room for Macy.  Just last year, Macy was wearing big girl underwear during the day and wore diapers to bed because of her nighttime accidents.  Now, I’m not seeing any big girl panties anywhere?  Did Macy experience any kind of regression in the past year?  Perhaps it was not my business to pry into my cousin’s private matter with my aunt and uncle regarding Macy’s possible toileting issues.  Instead, I entered the bathroom and closed the door to change into a new diaper.  Fortunately, it was just another wet one.  I don’t know what I’m going to do when I have my first messy diaper at my grandma and grandpa’s.  What if it happens at the Thanksgiving table?  Well, I guess it happens then.  I changed into a new diaper and suddenly began to overhear my Aunt Wendy talking to Macy.

“Macy, we got to get you into another diaper,” my aunt told her.

“No!” Macy shouted.  “I wanna play with my brothers and other cousins!”

I quietly cracked the door open to catch just a glimpse of my cousin being laid on the floor by my aunt.  She pinched the diaper underneath the dress.

“See Macy?” She told my cousin.  “It’s all wet.  Your diaper is all wet.  You don’t tell me when you’re wet. You don’t tell me when you have to pee.  That’s why I had to put you back into diapers, honey.  Macy dear, do we want to try the potty again?  It doesn’t have to be this weekend, but soon.”

Macy stuck out her tongue and made a raspberry sound.  “I don’t like the potty.  Plus, I keep missing and can never make it.”

I watched as my aunt lifted up my cousin’s dress and peeled open both tabs on her soggy diaper that sagged between her legs.  She got out a couple of wipes and wiped her, before getting out a new Pampers Cruisers Size 4 and powdering the core.  She powdered Macy and folded up the diaper between her legs.  She snapped the new tabs open and fastened them both snugly around the landing zone.  She wadded up the soggy diaper into a ball.

“There Macy.  You’re in a new diaper.  Now, let’s have a nice Thanksgiving dinner.  You can go play afterwards.”

Macy stood up and walked out with my aunt, who was holding the soggy diaper.  “Mommy! Mommy!  Is there going to be mashed potatoes?  I love mashed potatoes!”

I left the bathroom and entered the dining room.  I was now ready for a nice Thanksgiving feast.

The meal was finally served, and we went by family, from oldest to youngest.  Grandma and Grandpa served themselves first, and then let all the families go after them.  With my dad being the second oldest, my family went first, with my parents serving themselves before both Jen and I served ourselves.  I filled my plate with turkey and generous portions of homemade stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, green bean casserole, cranberry orange relish, cranberry sauce, candied yams, fruit salad, garlic stuffed olives, and grandma’s hearty garlic butter dinner rolls (I grabbed two since they were so good).  There was not even any room on my plate for a piece of Aunt Wendy’s Jello mold or Aunt Helen’s zucchini casserole.  I would need seconds to eat all the rest of the food.

After my family, all the younger Jennings (or former Jennings in Aunt Wendy’s case) after dad went next.  Aunt Wendy and Uncle Todd went next, with Aunt Wendy making small plates for Macy and Phoebe before serving herself.   My cousins Jake and Randy served themselves afterward.  Uncle David and Aunt Helen then went, followed by Monica, Brian, and Lydia.

The seating in the dining room had 16 chairs, with the 17th one being a highchair for Phoebe.  I am guessing that this will be Phoebe’s last year in a highchair before she gets a booster seat with Macy next year.  We all took our seats, one by one as we got our food.  None of us were allowed to eat the food until grandpa said the blessing and grandma asked each one of us what we were thankful for.

Grandpa said the blessing, thanking God for the food and for all of us being able to spend Thanksgiving together as a family.  After the blessing was over, Grandma then had everyone go clockwise around the table, saying what we were thankful for.  When it was my turn, I said that I was thankful for my wonderful Twitch job that has allowed me to make such a crazy amount of money that I totally didn’t deserve.  My sister Jen was thankful for her family and her accounting job.

The room got very quiet, as everyone started to pig out on their food.  Phoebe started to cry when she didn’t want to eat anymore, but Aunt Wendy handled her tantrum like a pro, lifting her out of her highchair and sticking a pacifier in her mouth, after she made sure that her food was thoroughly washed down from her sippy cup.  Randy was scolded by Uncle Todd for playing with his mashed potatoes and was promised dessert if he stopped.

As everyone was finishing their plates (and my sister almost done with hers), mine was already finished so I made a smaller plate consisting of a little more stuffing, a piece of Aunt Wendy’s Jello mold and a generous spoonful of Aunt Helen’s zucchini casserole.  I walked back to my seat, just as my sister Jen was getting up with her empty plate for a much smaller round of seconds.

Just as I began to eat the zucchini casserole, I felt a large churning in my abdomen, followed by a massive bowel movement creating an intense amount of pressure in my gastrointestinal tract.  The bowel movement came so fast and sudden that there was no way that I could hold in what was about to be released.  Within the next couple of seconds, I heard a loud fart, followed by an intense rush of warm mass which began to fill the back end of my diaper.  I began to feel the hot and sticky mass on my skin around my buttocks against the brown soaked padding of my diaper.  I felt the warm mass travel from my butt, all the way between my legs before feeling another warmth of pee, which made the diaper begin to swell and expand between my legs.  And there was no stopping the warm rush of pee after it started.

In the middle of me pissing myself, Aunt Wendy, who sat to the right of me, began to smell the foul stench that began to fill her nostrils.  “Pee-yew!  Did Macy or Phoebe just make a stinky?”  She immediately began to check Macy’s diaper.  “Nope.  But you are a little damp.  How about…My Phoebe Beebee?”  She gave a gentle pinch to Phoebe’s diaper and gave it a pat, as she did with Macy’s diaper.  “Huh!  No stinky from you either!”  Looking very puzzled, her eyes darted around the room to figure out the source of the smell. She bent her face down and began smelling near my skirt.  “Jill?  Did you just have an accident?”

A series of gasps began to fill the Thanksgiving table.  Monica sat her fork down on her plate and pointed at me from across the table.  “Jill, did you just shit your pants?”

Aunt Helen, who sat right next to Jill gave her a slap on the arm.  “Monica!  We don’t talk like that!  Young lady, if I hear one more curse like that, I’m getting out the soap.”

“Mommy, did Jill just poop her pants?” Randy asked Aunt Wendy.

“Yeah!” Macy chimed in.  “Did she, mommy?  Cause it smells really bad over here…”

Jake, who was sitting next to Randy, nodded.  “Yeah.  I can smell it too!”

“Mom, that’s so gross!” Lydia shouted.  “Is Jill a retard?”

“Lydia!” Aunt Helen shouted.  “The same goes for you as Monica.  Say that again and you’re going to have a mouth full of soap…”

“I can smell it too…” Brian added.

My face was now burning red at this point.  I stood up and grabbed my “diaper bag”.  “Um…” I stammered.  “I’m going to the bathroom to ch-ch-change…my diaper!”

Before I could even see the reactions of anyone in the dining room, I broke into a mad sprint towards the nearest bathroom.

This bathroom just so happened to be right near the dining room, so I was still within range of all the hushed voices that I heard as I began to change this messy diaper.  Fortunately, it was not a blowout, so I was thankful for that.  But I could hear all the whispering continue as I spent the next 15 minutes using wipe after wipe to remove every trace of shit from my messy explosion.  I piled all the stained wipes into my soiled diaper until I didn’t see a single trace of brown on any of other wipes that I used.  Having plenty of experience at this point, I made sure to wipe up and down my back and between my legs until I got every trace of fecal matter wiped clean.  After being wiped clean, I washed my hands three times in the sink before applying a generous amount of Aquaphor all over my butt and my lower frontal region.  I was finally ready to put on a new diaper.  To calm my anxiety from this embarrassing event, I got out my Glytter pacifier and began sucking on it while I powdered a new Animooz diaper.  I laid down on it before powdering my frontal area and crotch.  I then brought the diaper between my legs and fastened the thigh tapes and waist tapes snugly before pulling out the leg cuffs to ensure that I wouldn’t leak.  I pulled down my skirt and washed my hands one more time before leaving the bathroom.  My heart began to pound violently as I greatly dreaded the conversation that I was about to have with my family regarding their discovery of my incontinence…

All of the hushed voices began silent as I entered the dining room.  I sat down next to my twin sister, and she gave me a soft pat on the back.

It’s going to be okay, Jill…” she whispered into my ear.  “Grandma explained your incontinence problem to everyone…

Grandma looked at me with a non-judgmental smile.  “Jill,” she addressed me.  “I had to tell them about your problem, but now we are all wondering what the cause of it was.  When I asked your sister Jen, she told me to wait until you got out of the bathroom.  Now, how did you damage your pelvis, dear?”

I glanced at Jen and then back at the table before I produced a nervous smile.  “Believe it or not,” I told my family.  “Jen is the only one that has a reliable account of what happened.  I’ll explain why.”

I took a swig of water and then cleared my throat.  “First of all, I would like to thank my sister for being so hospitable to me.  When I needed her the most…” I began to sob.  “She stopped everything and picked me up from Cleveland!  About five months ago, I had only $20.83 to pay the $950 rent for May.  My sister flew down the very next day from Philadelphia and paid all of that rent.  I packed up a few bags and went back to Philadelphia to live with her.”

“That night that I flew back, both her and her boyfriend treated me to a wonderful dinner at the Capital Grille.  While the dinner wasn’t important, the bottle of wine that I had with it is important to the story.  I had an entire bottle of Walt, Las Brisa, Sonoma Coast, which got me very drunk.  So drunk that I couldn’t remember anything for the rest of the night.  My sister said that I was loud and obnoxious, and she even told me that I tried to walk back to the apartment by myself.”

“Just as my sister’s boyfriend was getting the SUV to take me back in, I was starting to run away from the restaurant.  I stepped off the curb towards the street.  Then my sister said that after she called me, I ran back to the restaurant but didn’t see the curb.  I ran so fast and tripped so hard with no balance that I ended up fracturing my pelvis.  The fracture wasn’t enough to affect my mobility, but I immediately noticed my sudden loss of continence as I woke up from my drunken state covered in vomit and pee, crying while I was in a fetal position.”

“Over the next few days, I thought it was no big deal.  I thought that I only peed myself because I was drunk.  But after having eight nights in a row where I wet the bed, I had to buy diapers for my nighttime incontinence.  But over time, my incontinence began to get progressively worse.  I even began to experience occasional fecal incontinence from time to time.”

Grandma gasped. “Oh dear, Jill!  Did you see a doctor?”

I nodded.  “I saw a doctor about three months ago and got a full x-ray of my pelvic region.  I then saw a urologist and from the x-rays that she saw, there was no bleeding or any other trauma she could detect, besides just a large amount of damage to a lot of my nerves connecting my spinal cord to my bladder. And based on the damage, the urologist said that the prognosis was not good, and that I would need to wear diapers for the rest of my life.  So go ahead, everyone.  Call me a diaper baby…”

I saw Monica about to say something but was quickly silenced by Aunt Helen’s evil eye.

Finally, my sister broke the silence and gave me a big hug.  “Oh Jill…You are not a diaper baby.  You are just an adult that was dealt with an unfortunate circumstance.  A freak accident that has given you severe incontinence.  Don’t be ashamed that you need to wear them because of that.  Because what would the other option be?  There would’ve been a huge mess on your clothes and all over the chair and carpet!”

Uncle Todd nodded and gave me an understanding look.  “That’s a rather unfortunate circumstance that you have to deal with.  Being an experienced neurosurgeon, I work regularly in the medical field.  I have experienced this issue with different patients from time to time.  Fortunately, the other doctors are the ones that have to deal with the issue, as my specialty lies in performing craniotomies and other surgeries on patients that have experienced these traumas from sports, near fatal car accidents, or being victims of domestic assault.  And yes, some of those patients have experienced the same pelvic fractures resulting in varying degrees of incontinence, but at least your cranium is perfectly intact.”

I nodded.  “Thanks Uncle Todd…”

My cousin Jake then gave me a smile.  “Don’t worry about it, Jill.  Everyone is different.  I’m not going to make fun of your difference.”

My grandpa nodded and glanced at all the empty plates that now filled the whole table.  “You’re going to be fine, Jill.  Now, I’m hungry for some dessert!  Nancy dear, can you and the other wonderful ladies get out the pies and ice cream?”

My grandma smiled.  “With pleasure!  Jane, Wendy, Helen, let’s get out the dessert!”

Over the next few minutes, my grandma, my mom, and both my aunts brought out all the pies and ice cream for dessert and sat them all on the large island in the kitchen.  There was a chocolate cream pie, Pumpkin Pie, Apple Pie, Raspberry Pie, and Rhubarb Pie, with Reddi Whip and half gallon containers of French vanilla and Chocolate Ice cream.  The same rules for dinner applied to dessert, so my family was the first to go after grandma and grandpa each got a slice of pie (grandma got a slice of apple pie and grandpa got a slice of rhubarb pie).  Aunt Helen had pie duty, so she served each of us the slices that we wanted, which were up to two.  After mom and dad got their chocolate creams and pumpkins, I requested a slice of chocolate cream pie and pumpkin pie.  My sister got the same thing, with the same amounts of whipped cream on each slice, with a scoop of chocolate and vanilla ice cream.

Over the next 20 minutes, we were all eating pie and ice cream.  With there being only 12 slices left, there was enough for a few of us to have thirds.  Both my sister and I volunteered and got a raspberry slice.  Other volunteers included Uncle Todd, Uncle David, and my dad.  My grandpa even got a second piece, which was apple.  With just six leftover pieces of pie, Aunt Wendy put the pie and ice cream away while the other women were washing up all of the dishes, with Uncle Todd and Dad drying them.

For all the rest of the day, I felt very lethargic from all the Thanksgiving dinner and dessert that sat inside my stomach.  My sister and I, and a few other adults lounged on the furniture in the living room and took a short nap.  After the nap, my sister and I continued playing Animal Crossing and did some more decorating on our islands.

That night wasn’t as bad either.  Unlike the first night, I slept like a log, due to all the food that I ate for Thanksgiving.

My sweet slumber was interrupted while it was still dark outside.  I could hear the sound of rustling.  Then a few gentle steps each accompanied by a soft crinkle.  I glanced at the faint glow coming from the time display on my cell phone.  5:24 AM.  Just who could be making all this noise so early in the morning?

I then began to smell a horrible stench.  Having just squirmed in my diaper a little bit, it was quite obvious that I didn’t mess myself.  My diaper, however, was heavily sagging between my legs.  Because I was at my grandparent’s for Thanksgiving, I wasn’t wearing a onesie or a footed sleeper, but a pink nightgown.

The rustling grew louder, and the stench grew worse.  The quiet sauntering crinkles became a full blown trot, as the frequency of the crinkles began to increase with speed.  I could make out a small silhouette with long hair.  It was her.  That little brat.  Macy.

Before Macy could even enter the bedroom door that was open a crack, I quietly approached her.  This sent Macy running back to the living room, next to my sleeping bag and my sister’s.  I then saw it.  My backpack purse was completely unzipped, with every one of my diapers for the next day all strewn out across the floor.  Macy was holding one of my Tykables Animooz diapers, staring at it in amazement.  She looked as if she was mesmerized by it, like she’s never seen an adult-sized diaper before.

Macy then gave me a curious glance.  “Jill,” she said with a smile.  “Do you wear diapers?  I found all these in your purse…”

I snatched the diaper out of Macy’s hand.  “Yes.” I quietly told her, looking annoyed.  “And just to let you know, my purse is off limits.  Just like my makeup was from last year.  Remember that?”

But Macy picked up another diaper that was on the floor.  “They’re so big…Much bigger than mine…” Macy unzipped her footed sleeper to reveal her totally soiled Pampers Swaddlers Overnights diaper.  The smell was now so bad that I could barely breathe, and the crotch of the diaper was heavily sagging.  She held the Animooz diaper next to hers and gasped.  “Why do you wear diapers, Jill?  Don’t you know how to use the potty?”

I scowled, as I snatched the second diaper from my little brat cousin.  “Why?  Because your cousin Jill got a big boo boo down below her stomach and her wires that make it easy for her to hold pee got damaged so now your cousin Jill can’t hold it anymore and she needs to wear diapers all the time.”  Brat!  What kind of question was that?  I decided to turn the tables on Macy and asked her the exact same question.  “Macy, why do YOU wear diapers?  What happened to using the potty like a big girl?”

Macy gave a quick brush of her hands across the soft cloth backing of her diaper.  She then gave me a cutesy smile.  “I wear them cause the toilet is yucky!  I like diapers better!”

I almost laughed at the absurdity of Macy’s logic.  How is sitting in a pee and poop-soaked diaper any better than sitting on a yucky toilet? 

I then nodded as I stared at Macy.  Yup.  At five years old, Macy already had it all figured out.  In just one year, Macy went from wearing her big girl underwear during the day to being put back in diapers.  Her nighttime diapers were still a thing a year ago, but now Macy wore diapers all the time.  I could see the wheels spinning in Macy’s head.  She’s much smarter than what the adults give her credit for.  She knew exactly how to get what she wants, and she was playing her mother like a fiddle.  Her mother was such a fool to just cave in and put Macy back in diapers.  Could it have anything to do with Macy’s petite size?  Macy looked more like a three-year-old than a five-year-old.  Especially if she could still fit into Size 4 diapers at 5-years-old.  A normal five-year-old girl should be able to fit into size 6 diapers.  Maybe size 5 if they were a little smaller.

All of a sudden, my sister sat up and noticed me holding two diapers.  She then glanced at Macy, who was still standing in nothing but her wet and soiled diaper, with her unzipped footed sleeper laying on the floor nearby.  “Macy!” Jen quietly shouted.  “What are you doing with your pajamas off?  Get them back on and go back to your mommy and daddy’s room!”  Jen then glanced at me, and then at all the remaining diapers lying on the floor.  “Let me guess.  Did Macy get into your purse while you were sleeping?”

I nodded.

“Figures,” Jen told me.  “A year ago, it was your makeup.  Now the little ball of fire wants to snoop in your belongings!”  She turned to face Macy.  “Macy, get back…”

Jen’s words were cut short as Macy grabbed one of my diapers and ran back into the bedroom, giggling all the way.

I could then hear Macy’s voice from the other room.

“Mommy Mommy!  Look Mommy!  I got one of Cousin Jill’s diapers!  Why are they so big, mommy?”

The next thing that I heard was Phoebe crying in the other room.

“Macy! You just woke your little sister up!  Here Todd.  Give Phoebe the Pacifier.  I will calm down Macy….And change her diaper.  Woo!  It’s time for a little changie poo!  No!  Stop!  Macy!”

Macy ran back out to the living room where Jen and I were, still holding one of my diapers.

A frustrated Aunt Wendy followed Macy into the living room when she glanced at me and Jen.  “Oh, I’m very sorry about this.  Macy has her moments.  I don’t know if this would help, but to explain her behavior, we had her evaluated.  The doctors say that she’s on the autism spectrum.”

I glanced at my five-year-old cousin, still prancing around the room in a wet and soiled diaper.  Yup.  Definitely autism.

Aunt Wendy gave Macy a stern look.  “Macy, that is not yours.  That is your Cousin Jill’s.  Give it back.”

Macy sighed, as she hesitated to let it go.  “But why is it so big, mommy?”

Aunt Wendy gave me an embarrassed smile.  “Macy dear, it’s so big because Jill is much bigger than you.  She needs a bigger diaper since she’s a much bigger girl.”

Macy grinned.  “Okay!”  She dropped the diaper in front of me and gave me and her mother a cutesy smile.

Aunt Wendy picked up Macy, who wrapped her arms around her mother.  Aunt Wendy then reached down for Macy’s footed sleeper and cupped it in one of her hands as she carried Macy back into the bedroom.  “Macy, you smell because you made a stinky.  I’m going to clean you up, get you into a fresh diaper, and get you back into your jammies.  Then we’re going back to sleep until the sun says hello.  Okay?”

“Okay mommy!  I want the sun to say hello…” Macy then broke into a cutesy song, repeating that she wanted the sun to say hello.

I gathered all the scattered diapers on the floor and put them all back into my backpack purse.  I then zipped it all back up.

Jen then glanced at me and smiled.  “That Macy…such a handful!”

I nodded.  “Tell me about it.  Poor Aunt Wendy is never going to get Macy out of diapers.  That Macy is just walking all over her, and she knows it…”

Jen nodded.  “At least I will assert my authority when I’m a mother someday…”

I yawned.  “Okay.  It’s 5:43. Let’s go back to sleep!”

I got back in my sleeping bag and dug inside to find my Glytter pacie.  I sucked on it, hid it back in my sleeping bag, and by some miracle, I fell back asleep.

The very next morning, both Jen and I said our goodbyes to our grandparents, our parents, our aunts and uncles, and all seven of our cousins.  Especially Macy, who’s still a little brat.  But even worse than a year ago, she’s now a diapered brat.  I just hope that she doesn’t pull any other stunts like this around Christmas time…

Grandma and grandpa drove us back to the airport at around 1:30 that day, since we had a plane to catch at around 3:30 in the afternoon.  Both Jen and I flew back to Philadelphia, and I once again cancelled my stream, since I wouldn’t want to cut out any of my streaming time.

That weekend was a chill weekend with my twin sister, since both Gary and Joey were still visiting their relatives for Thanksgiving weekend.

During all of next week, I was able to resume my Super Mario RPG game.  I did all of the Yoshi races in Yo’ster Isle until I had enough to feed the baby Yoshi 30 Yoshi cookies to make it fat.  I then kept racing until I maxed out my cookies at 200.  I bought the Beetle Mania game in Mushroom Kingdom and beat the Hi Score.  I then stayed at the Suite in Marrymore three times to get both the Flower Tab and Flower Jar.  I worked as a bellhop to get the Flower Box.  I completed the whole Lamb’s Lure/Sheep Attack side quest, which was tedious considering everything I had to do to unlock the attack.  I played the Goomba bashing game in Pipe Vault until I got a Flower Jar.  After all of my meandering with the sidequests, I finally continued the game, completing Barrel Volcano and getting the Sixth Star.  I then played through Bowser’s Keep and ended the stream after beating Exor.  On the very next day, I played through Factory Gate and beat the game.  I then completed all of the end game content.  The last boss took me the longest, and I was able to get all the Psychopath (Thought Peek) entries and complete the game.  For the rest of the week, I just played more Animal Crossing: New Horizons and would figure out what to play next after the weekend.

Like the month before, Jen checked my November balance Friday after my streaming was over.  She glanced at the balance for Twitch and gasped.  “$200,407.50!  I was right!  You are now making more than my entire year’s salary in one month!”  With JillianPlays at 401,482 Subscribers now on YouTube, I made another $28,021.50 for November.  Jillian in Diapers, however, was blowing away JillianPlays.  At 954,762 subscribers, it had more than double the subscribers of JillianPlays, and was making me $63,726 for November.  For November, I hauled in a total of $292,155, bringing my total earnings to date to $577,477.30.  My total earnings have now more than doubled!

That weekend, both Jen and I went on our dates with our boyfriends.  We decided to make it a double date since that was something that we had never done before.  I made sure that I had my pink Trest diapers so that Gary wouldn’t suspect my ABDL diapers.

The next day, both Jen and I decided to go to the King of Prussia mall after church.  So, my JJ Little Besties, that brings us full circle to the present.  Did you enjoy the long recap?  Good.  Because we are moving on to the next part of the story.  Both Christmas and New Years.

Since the very day that I came back from my grandparents in Indianapolis, my sister has wasted no time in turning our apartment into a Christmasy wonderland.  She decked every hall that she could and got out an artificial tree which she took from our parents when she moved out since they never used the tree once. (My dad hated it and wanted a real Christmas tree).  She set up the artificial tree and turned on the lights, before hanging various ornaments on it.  She had Christmas music playing on Spotify around the clock and got out some of the older decorations that my mom didn’t want to use anymore.  A calendar that counted down the days until Christmas.  A couple of snowmen and Santa figurines.  We even needed to have the Christmas hand towels in the bathroom.

So after church that Sunday, we both put our Santa hats on and went to the King of Prussia mall to do some Christmas shopping for our family.  There was a seasonal Christmas store at the mall, so we both bought eight pairs of thigh length candy cane socks.  After we bought a few odds and ends for our family, we went home to Metro City Apartments.  That day, I decided to pay off all of my student loan that I owed to Cleveland State University.  I went on my student loan website and provided details for my current financial institution (PFCU).  I put in my Savings Account number and Routing Number and paid off the principal of $130,000 that I owed as of June, plus the nearly six additional months of interest to the four years that has accrued over time.  This was an additional $18,000 of interest, which I paid in full.  With both principal and interest fully paid, the $148,000 that I owed Cleveland State University was all paid for.  My student loan was gone, and I was finally debt free.

The rest of the day was just a lazy day, as I watched my sister play Animal Crossing instead of playing myself.

The next day, I decided to treat myself to an early Christmas gift.  A 2024 AMG S 63 E Performance S-Class Mercedes-Benz with the full package.  And it couldn’t be just any one of them.  It had to be the same white color as my sister Jen’s.  And having done some research, Mercedes-Benz of Cherry Hill, New Jersey could get me a brand-new Mercedes-Benz in that model and color that I wanted.  But a brand-new Mercedes-Benz like my sister’s would set me back $275,000 brand new.  And that was BEFORE tax (which was 8% since my sister and I live in Philadelphia, and I would be registering the car in Pennsylvania instead of New Jersey).  But knowing my sister, she wouldn’t want me to spend more money than what I was making, considering that I needed enough to pay for the income tax (which she told me was going to be 37% based off of what I was making).  When I ran the numbers, that’s when I figured out that I wouldn’t be able to afford the Mercedes-Benz until January.  With that, I called back Mercedes-Benz Cherry Hill and told them to ready me the same color and model for January of 2024.  And since I would be waiting, I would be able to pay off the entire car in full without a loan (which PFCU could only loan up to $100,000).  But it still made me excited for 2024.  New Year, new car.

Over the next three weeks, I started playing the 3D Mario games.  I got 120 Stars in Super Mario 64, 120 Shine Sprites in Super Mario Sunshine, and 120 Stars as Mario in Super Mario Galaxy. I was only about five hours into my Luigi run on Thursday, December 21st when Jen and I had to leave for Indianapolis the next day for Christmas at my grandparents.  But before we get there, I would like to get out my sour remarks on some of the hardest levels in each 3D Mario Game.  Tick Tock Clock can just die in a blender and Rainbow Ride can just go to hell and back.  I can’t tell you how many times I had to reload my save states on every single attempt!  And for Super Mario Sunshine, I swear that a sadistic man created the pachinko machine.  And who ever thought that it was a good fricking idea to design an optional level that is so hard to get to with Yoshi?  I must have lost Yoshi TEN TIMES before I could even get to the level.  And what’s with the poisonous water?  It doesn’t even look poison, until you touch it and die!  I must have game overed at least four different times before I got all 8 red coins on the lily pad.  Those secret levels are as cheap as hell.  Especially that STUPID chuckster level.  How am I supposed to know the perfect camera angle?  Game?  And for Super Mario Galaxy, the daredevil comets are stupidly cheap.  The 100 Purple coins on the summit is aggravating if you miss the final long jump, which I did TWICE!  I HATE the cosmic clone races, the Dusty Dunes 100 Purple Coins, and Luigi’s Fricking Purple Coins!  Seriously, how am I supposed to get 100 of the 150 coins available?  By dying a million times, I guess…Well, my JJ Little Besties, that is all the salt that I have left to expend before a nice Christmas break at my grandparents (which hopefully will be nice since I have to see Macy the diapered brat again…).

Considering how much I shared for Thanksgiving, Christmas was pretty much a similar experience.  The key difference was that my entire family knew about my incontinence, so there were no questions as to why I needed so much luggage to pack 24 diapers.  I know that Aunt Wendy was close enough to drive, as they lived in Cincinnati, which was about 2 hours from Indianapolis.  With that being the case, having enough diapers for Macy and Phoebe while traveling was not an issue.

My grandparents picked up both my sister and I at the airport, and my sister and I each needed a third bag of luggage just to hold all the wrapped Christmas gifts for everyone.  The four days that I spent with my relatives went surprisingly much better than I thought.

And while I expected Macy to be her bratty self, she was surprisingly on her best behavior.  I was guessing that she was told that Santa would not get her any gifts if she misbehaved.  Or worse, she would only get coal for Christmas. 

But the one thing that didn’t change about Macy was the number of times that I saw Aunt Wendy take Macy into the other room to change her into a new diaper.  Macy just didn’t want to use the bathroom anymore, and I’m guessing that she has been doing this for almost the past year.  How do I know?  Macy was wearing big girl underwear the couple of times that I saw her a year ago.  But now, Macy is only wearing diapers, and she is acting more like a three-year-old than a five-year-old.  Just what is going on when she is in kindergarten?  Does she go to the school nurse to get changed?  Perhaps she does, as her mother probably has her classified as “special needs”.  Before I end my soap box, I have this to say about Little Miss Diaper Girl.  It’s one thing to have a traumatic injury where you have no other choice but to wear diapers for the rest of your life.  It’s another thing entirely if you decided one day that you just didn’t want to use the toilet anymore, so you just piss and shit in your pants all the time until you’re put back in diapers.  Really Macy.  You need to grow up.  Which is kind of an ironic thing, since I am going in the opposite direction for my little space…

Besides Macy just being spoiled with her diapers (which I kind of got used to since I had four days of it this time), Christmas was wonderful.  We watched Christmas movies and had a lot of appetizers to eat on Christmas eve.  We even kept the tradition of opening one present on Christmas eve.  My sister opened my gift, which was an Isabelle coffee mug.  I told her that she could use it to drink coffee tomorrow while we opened gifts.  The gift that she got for me was a Super Mario Bros. Pipe mug.  She explained that she got this for me as it was the first actual video game that I ever played and beat.

After the traditional Christmas eve gifts were opened, we snacked on more appetizers, and all watched It’s a Wonderful Life before we all went to bed.

On Christmas, we checked all of our stockings and got some candy, gift cards, and other useful things from the family.

After that, came the main event: the gifts.  With there being so many gifts, we decided to open them by family, going from oldest to youngest.  This made the gift opening go a little faster.

My sister opened up a gift that I got for her.  I got her a black Kindle Paperwhite Signature Edition with auto-adjusting front light, wireless charging, 6.8“ display, and up to 10 weeks of battery life, without Lockscreen Ads.  To go with the Kindle, she opened the next gift, which was a set of Bose QuietComfort Bluetooth Noise Cancelling Earbuds in triple black.

The gift that Jen got for me was a new mike that I could use for my streams.  She explained that Gary wanted to buy it for me, but she wanted to buy it instead.  It was a Shure Dynamic Vocal Microphone with a built-in preamp.  She told me to be careful, as it was a $600 microphone that she got discounted for $450, since it was on sale.

The gifts continued, and everyone got some nice gifts overall.  For the rest of the day, we just played with our Christmas gifts and had a nice Christmas dinner towards the end of the night.  It was very much like Thanksgiving, only we had ham and a few similar dishes from Thanksgiving.  The difference for dessert was that we had three cheesecakes and two pies.  All in all, I really enjoyed this Christmas.

Before I knew it, both grandma and grandpa were driving Jen and I back to the airport.  Two hours later, we both boarded a flight back to Philadelphia.  Since I got back early enough, I streamed Tuesday through Friday, continuing on my Super Luigi Galaxy playthrough, which I finished on Thursday.  On Friday, I closed out 2023 by starting on Super Mario Galaxy 2.  I had to borrow Gary’s Wii to play it.

December 30th then came, and my sister and I flew out to JFK Airport, where MewMewGirl1998 was waiting for us.  From my exchanges with her in the past, I knew that her actual name was Melanie, and that she lived right in Manhattan.  From what I saw, she looked to be the same height and build as Jen and I.  She then hailed a taxi and gave the driver directions to her apartment in Manhattan.

Once at the apartment, Melanie showed us the tiny living room that both Jen and I would be sleeping in tonight, and early in the morning on New Year’s Day (Melanie only had a one-bedroom apartment, since the rent was sky high in Manhattan).

She then ordered a Pepperoni pizza for us from a pizzeria nearby and they brought it right to the apartment.  We talked with her that evening before going to bed.

In the morning, Melanie made us some breakfast in her tiny kitchen which was almost next to the living room.  A couple of sticks of bacon, two eggs, and a slice of buttered toast.  She had filtered water for us to drink.  And since Melanie knew about my incontinence, she had no problem with me disposing my diapers in her trash.

Speaking of that, I almost laughed when I got out the diapers that the three of us would be wearing for New Year’s Eve.  While my next diaper change would be just a routine thing for me, both Jen and Melanie would have to wear a diaper if they were going to stand in Times Square for 9-12 hours.  To make the whole thing simple for all of us, I had three medium pink Trest diapers, since those are the most absorbent.  I used the tiny bathroom to change out of my soggy Animooz diaper and into a clean pink Trest diaper.

I glanced at both Jen and Melanie, who were both still staring at their diapers.  “Well?” I told them.  “Times Square has no bathrooms, so you have no choice but to wear a diaper.”

Melanie sighed.  “Okay.  I’m going into my room to change.  This is going to feel so weird…”  Melanie grabbed the pink Trest diaper and entered her room with it.

“Wait!” I shouted.  “You’re going to need the cream and the powder.  Especially the powder.  It will prevent chafing.  Trust me.  You’re speaking to a diaper expert.”

The door opened and Melanie grabbed the Aquaphor and the baby powder.

Meanwhile, Jen sat there, waiting for Melanie to finish so that she could use the right diaper hygiene.  “Jill…” she said, giving me an uncomfortable smile.  “Do I really need to wear a diaper?”

I nodded and laughed.  “You wanted to do this. You said ‘Hey! Let’s go and see the ball drop in Times Square!’ Well, if you don’t want to piss your pants, I advise that you put that diaper on.”

Jen nodded.  “And I’m going to pee before I put it on!  Just one moment!”

Jen hurried into the bathroom.  While she was in there, Melanie came out, with a noticeably puffier waist and butt.

“Looking good, Mew!” I said, smiling.

Melanie shoved her hand against my back and laughed.  “It feels weird.  I hear a loud plastic crinkle every time I walk.  It’s like I’m wearing Ziploc bags…”

Jen exited the bathroom and grabbed the pink Trest diaper.  “Can I use your bedroom to change?” she pleaded.  “That bathroom is waaaay too small…”

Melanie nodded.  “Go ahead, we’re waiting for you!”

Jen entered the bedroom to change out of her panties and into a pink Trest diaper.

Minutes later, Jen waddled out of the room.  Since both Jen and I were wearing dresses, the diaper wasn’t at all noticeable.  But for Melanie, who wore jeans, the outline of the diaper was clearly noticeable.

We grabbed our coats and followed Melanie to where we needed to go to line up for New Year’s Eve.

As we were walking down the stairs of the apartment, Jen glanced at me.

“Jill,” she said.  “How do you do it?  We’re already walking down the stairs and I’m already uncomfortable in this diaper.”

“Stop.” I told Melanie.  I then turned to face my twin sister.  “You’re uncomfortable since you didn’t use enough powder.  It prevents chafing so you want to use enough.  Here.  Melanie.  We need to go back up to your apartment.  We need to fix Jen’s diaper.”

“What?” Jen said, laughing.  “I didn’t want to waste the powder.”

“You know nothing about changing,” I told her.  “Only how to change me every now and then.”

Jen sighed.  “That’s different.  This is me we’re talking about this time.  Not you!”

We re-entered the apartment and I watched to make sure that Jen was powdering her diaper properly.  When I gave her the thumbs up, she refastened the tapes.  Fortunately, they stuck again, as the tapes on the plastic backed diapers tend to tear the plastic if they stick too tightly.

With Jen taken care of, we made our second trip down the stairs.  This time, Jen looked a lot more comfortable.

Melanie led us to 44th street and 7th Avenue, where thousands were already starting to line up, even though it was 12:17 PM.  2023 had less than 12 hours left now…

For food, Melanie had a few granola bars for us in her backpack to have if we got really hungry.  She also packed three water bottles, which we had to carefully ration for the whole 12 hours as there was no getting out of line once we were crammed into the pen with all the other people.  The NYPD officer guided us with a crammed group of other people, and we had to stand there for almost 12 hours.

As the hours went by, many thousands more people crowded into Time Square, being just as crazy as we were.  I wonder if they were wearing diapers too?  We casually munched on our granola bars in carefully rationed bites and drank our waters in carefully rationed sips.  Jen seemed to have a system as to how often she would sip her water, so I simply followed her routine.

6:00 PM came by.  Our water bottles were about half empty.

At this point, Jen really started to look uncomfortable, while I seemed to be the most comfortable of the group.  At this point, I believe that I must have had at least five or six smaller wettings.  But by the look that Jen was giving me, I could tell that she did not pee her diaper once.

“Jill!” she groaned in discomfort. “I have to pee!”

“Just go in your diaper!” I told her in hushed tones, not even caring who would hear me nearby.

Just then, I saw a relieved smile on Melanie’s face.  “Well, that was totally gross, but where else am I going to go?  Jen, just go.  I know that it’s gross, but you have no other choice…”

Another hour and a half passed, and Jen looked even more uncomfortable.

“Ughhhh!” Jen groaned, as if she was about to give birth.  “Jill…I really have to go now…”

I sighed.  “Jen, I just went a little bit again without even thinking.  Just use your diaper.  It’s your Times Square New Year’s Eve diaper!”

“Well it’s easy for you!” Jen told me.  “You have no bladder control!”

“Just go,” I told her.  “You will feel a lot better once you do.”

“Ugghhh…” Jen groaned.  “I…I can’t….I can’t pee….”

“Yes you can.” I told her.  “Just relax and concentrate.  Think of waterfalls. Rain.  Small trickles of water.  Tinkle, trickle.  The water from a hose.  Look at this water…the flow of it.  Isn’t it just RUSHING and GUSHING out?  Those torrents of rain going pitter patter on the sidewalk.  More little pitter patters…”

“Uhhaaahh….” Jen moaned as she heard my litany of statements pertaining to running water which made her feel more and more uncomfortable.  “Uhhhh….Ohhhhhh…It’s coming…Oh….”

I smiled as I saw the face that Jen was giving me.  It was the kind of face that anyone would have if they were in the middle of releasing their bladder.

“Jill!” Jen panicked.  “It’s not stopping!  The diaper…It’s swelling a lot around my legs…”

I smirked.  “You’ll be fine.  That’s a Trest.  That can hold a river.”

“The Hudson River?” Melanie joked.

Finally, Jen let out a huge sigh of relief.  Just as I told her, the diaper didn’t leak.  But now, I could only guess that Jen’s diaper was beginning to sag a little.

Jen then gave me a weird smile.  She whispered into my ear.  “I can’t believe that I am saying this to you, Jill.  You know that unstoppable period of micturition that I just had?  It felt quite pleasurable.  I can see why you enjoyed it the first time that you were awake to experience it.  The release of dopamine and oxytocin.  What am I saying?  I can’t believe I am saying this!”

I nodded.  “It’s okay.  It’s that tingly feeling that you get when you’re finished, right?”

Melanie gasped.  “Yeah.  I kind of felt that too when I was done!”

Just then, a couple of burly guys in beards and mustaches interrupted our conversation.

“Hey!” the first guy shouted.  “Did I just hear you say that you were wearing diapers?”

“Yeah,” the other guy added.  “We kind of watched the one girl suddenly just pee herself…”

The first guy laughed.  “It’s okay because we’re wearing diapers too!  What kind of idiot would try to hold their bladder for more than eight hours?  Wearing them here is kind of an unspoken rule…”

“Yeah…” the second guy added.  “You all have a happy new year!”

We all nodded, and then laughed at the conversation that those men just gave us.

About two and a half hours later, I saw Jen give me the same look that she had when she was peeing the first time.  From what I saw, she just went without hesitation.  I began to wonder.  Is Jen actually starting to enjoy wearing that diaper?  While Melanie didn’t tell me that she was going, I could tell that she went again at some point as there was no look of discomfort on her face.

Almost two hours passed, and we were on the last minute of 2023.  Then the last 30 seconds…then 15, 14, 13, 12, 11…

“10!” We and many thousands shouted all around Times Square.  “9! 8! 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1!!!!!!  AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!”

The Waterford Crystal ball completed its descension into Times Square.  3,000 pounds of confetti rained down onto the tens of thousands of people who were all screaming in excitement at the birth of a new year.  2024 had officially arrived.

About an hour later, we were able to get out of the crowds and back to Melanie’s apartment.

We all entered, with Pink Trests that could probably still hold a couple more wettings similar to the one Jen had the first time.

Prior to our leaving the apartment, Melanie had two sleeping bags in the small living room, with two pillows.  Both Jen and I went towards the sleeping bags while Melanie retired to her bedroom for the night.  “Good night, you two!  See you in the morning!”

I glanced at Jen and gave her a puzzled look.  “Well?”

Suddenly, Melanie’s door opened.  “Jen, these are your panties.  Do you want them?”

Jen grabbed the panties from Melanie and thanked her.

“Good night.” Melanie said again before closing the door.

I watched as Jen held her panties in her hand.  But instead of taking her diaper off and putting them on, she threw the panties aside.

“What?” I gasped.  “Jen!  What are you doing?”

“Just for tonight!” Jen told me.  “I peed this diaper good.  How much can it hold?”

I gave her a mischievous grin.  “You just want to play in it, don’t you?”

Jen’s face turned red.  “Um…Yeah.  I wanna know why you think it feels so good!  Yes, the release of urine, but the other thing.  Jen got into her sleeping bag, and I could tell that she was having a very pleasurable experience.  Her breaths became more labored as she let out a pleasant sigh.  “Jill…You’re right.  It’s good.  It feels so good…But now I must pray…Father, forgive me!”

I sighed when I heard my sister say this.  “Sorry.  Am I being a bad influence?”

Jen shook her head.  “You are, but no.  I just wanted to experience it once.  And I did.  Good night, Jill.  Happy New Year!”

I let out a yawn.  “Happy New Year, Jen!”

And Happy New Year to all my JJ Little Besties who made it this far.  My, was this a long one!  But this story is far from over, my JJ Littles.  With 2024 finally here, we can now begin to celebrate the season of love.  What?  Did you think that I was going to cover all of January?  No.  We are skipping right to February, my JJ babies.  The baby cupid was successful because his love arrows hit both me and Gary.  And in the next chapter, you are going to see what I consider to be one of the very best dates that I ever had with Gary.  And don’t worry if you don’t have a mommy or daddy, my JJ Besties.  I, Mommy Jill, will be your Valentine.  Stay tuned, my JJ Littles, because the sparks of love are about to fly everywhere…

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Wow, what an amazing update! It kept giving more and more! I'm loving this story so far. I can't wait until we figure out what the deal is with Trish! Keep up the good work!

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10 minutes ago, warpiper said:

Wow, what an amazing update! It kept giving more and more! I'm loving this story so far. I can't wait until we figure out what the deal is with Trish! Keep up the good work!

That's going to be very soon.  I have in mind what is going to happen here.  Stay tuned... 😀

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  • PamperedPrince changed the title to The JJ Diaper Twins (Ch. 14 - 5/9/2024)

Chapter 14 : He's My Valentine!

Good morning, my JJ Cozy Padded Fam.  Or goodnight if you or your caregiver is reading this to you as a bedtime story.  No matter what time of day you are reading this, know and understand that the next section will have to do with the season of love.  That diapered cherub of love, Cupid, has hit many people with arrows.  Both my twin sister Jen and I each had an arrow with our name on it, and we fell hopelessly in love with our boyfriends.  Jen with Joey and I with Gary.  Call it happenstance, but I believe that my sister and Joey took a couple of Cupid’s arrows and did his bidding.  Both of them pelted me and Gary with the arrows of love and set us both up on a blind date.  And since that late June, both Gary and I have been going steady for almost eight months now. Well, almost eight months since that anniversary would be on February 24th.

Now you’re probably wondering.  No fair!  What happened after New Year’s Day?  Not to worry, my JJ Lovely Littles.  While I am very eager to begin talking about my wonderful Valentine’s Day date with Gary, I will actually be doing some cleanup in January before we begin the wonderful season of love.  I’m sure that Cupid has plenty of extra diapers, so get yourself in a fresh diapey and we will continue on with the wonderful tale of what transpired following the birth of 2024.

Since my twin sister’s surprising encounter with wearing diapers, which I am pretty certain has awakened in her a secret fascination with them, I have been carefully watching my sister’s facial expressions to see what her initial reactions would be upon waking up in her pink Trest diaper that she still had from New Years Eve the night before.

Since I woke up before my sister, I watched as Jen woke up.  She sat up in her sleeping bag and smiled at me in amazement.  She grabbed me by the neck and leaned down to whisper quietly into my ear.

Jill,” she said in a joyous yet surprised tone.  “I am not kidding, but I think I peed this diaper a little more while I was sleeping.  What is going on with me?  What’s wrong with me?

Nothing,” I whispered back.  “I just think that my twin sister is starting to like diapers…

My sister was taken aback at what I just told her.  “What?” she said, looking offended.  “Me?  Jill, why would you say such a thing?  It was just for one night!”

I laughed, as I saw my sister’s face turning red with embarrassment.  “It’s okay,” I told her.  “Melanie doesn’t have to know.  I can see that look on your face.  Why are you denying it?”

“Why are you assuming that I like them?” Jen said, sounding nervous.

I saw my sister’s panties sitting on the floor.  “Well,” I told her.  “You can’t stay in that diaper forever.  You’re going to get a rash if you don’t take it off.  Time to go back to your big girl underwear…”

That’s when I saw the look on my twin sister’s face.  She hesitated as she grabbed her red Victoria’s Secret panties.  It was almost like she was fighting a battle of two desires.  The desire to wear her panties and her newfound desire to wear diapers.  As much as she wanted to deny it to my face, I could tell that she was slowly beginning to like diapers.  Her confessions last night were all the evidence that I needed.

Exhibit A.  My sister Jen willingly peeing herself when she had to pee the second time during our long wait in Times Square.  The first time was a fight with her kicking and screaming.  The second time was absolute surrender.  At this point, I could easily detect the face of a person who was peeing.  This was clearly evident with my bratty cousin Macy when she gave me that look every now and then.  I knew that she was peeing, and she knew as well. So when I saw my sister give the exact same face, it became very easy for me to put two and two together.

Exhibit B.  My sister Jen wanting to sleep in her pink Trest diaper instead of her panties.  As far as things went with that diaper, she was completely free to take that diaper off at this point.  After all, she was not in Times Square anymore.  She had full access to a bathroom.  Melanie even remembered to give my sister her panties back before she went to bed.  But my sister refused the panties and chose the pink Trest diaper instead.  And while she told me that it was “just for one night”, she was probably secretly wishing that it could be for a lot longer than that.  Since the very moment that she let her bladder explode in Times Square, I feel like something has truly snapped in my sister’s brain.  A seed that laid dormant in my sister was now beginning to sprout and grow.  And I was already beginning to see that growth.

Exhibit C.  My sister wanting to pleasure herself in the diaper until she experienced a climax similar to the one that I experienced when I played in a diaper for the first time.  I heard her quick breathing even though she was hiding herself inside that sleeping bag.  She wanted to experience the orgasm that I experienced so that she would know what I said that it felt so good.  Well, she tasted that forbidden fruit.  And although it tasted good to her, she immediately had her regrets after the act of infidelity that she committed in her diaper.  Now does Jen want to engage in that act again?  The invitation would be there, but she would be fighting her good conscience in the process.

Exhibit D.  My sister’s confession to me that she peed in her diaper while she was asleep.  For her to have moved to this level so quickly, something must have had to trigger in her subconsciously to be able to not wake up with a strong urge to pee.  That urge was satisfied without her need to awaken.  And considering how satisfied Jen was in sharing her experience with me, I knew that she had to like diapers.  I think that she was surprised at her behavior as she probably didn’t want to fully believe herself yet, let alone admit it to her twin sister.

Exhibit E.  My sister’s total denial when I told her that she liked diapers.  She was trying to save face, and it wasn’t working.  As a result, I saw the clear embarrassment on her face.  Her words were saying one thing, but her body was doing something totally different. She was taking the defensive when I confronted her with the writing that was written all over my sister’s face.

So with those five exhibits, the prosecution rests.  My sister has no alibi as I clearly know that she likes diapers now beyond a shadow of a doubt.  To be nice though, I will try not to tease her so much about it as she has been so nice to me even when I totally didn’t deserve it.

I glanced back at my sister, who was now staring at her panties for what seemed like 10 minutes now.  I didn’t want to goad her as I knew that she was probably secretly enjoying her last diapered moments before she had to put her big girl panties back on.

All this was interrupted by the bedroom door opening.  Melanie stepped out, which prompted Jen to hide her panties behind her back.  She then stood up and excused herself.

“Excuse me,” she told Melanie.  “I need to go and use the bathroom.”

Out of respect for my sister, I knew that the diaper was bulgy enough to be visible through the nightgown.  I stood up as if I was waiting for my sister to finish so that I could block my sister from Melanie catching a possible glimpse of my sister still wearing the diaper from last night.  I knew how sensitive this secret was, and the less that Melanie knew about it, the better.  The bathroom door closed, so I knew that I was in the clear.

“I’m going to make you both breakfast,” Melanie told me.  “Just let me know when you two are ready to go to JFK International Airport.”

I nodded.  “Certainly.  We have until 5:30 PM tonight.  We don’t have to be at the airport until 3:30.”

Melanie nodded.  “Considering how crazy New York traffic is, I will hail a taxi at around 2:30 in the afternoon.  It takes 40 minutes to get to JFK, but the traffic might be backed up.  Trust me.  We may need those 20 extra minutes…Time to make us all breakfast!”  Melane walked over to the kitchen, which was a short distance away since the apartment was so small.

My sister came out of the bathroom looking noticeably smaller, since she was without her padding now.  Her face almost looked like she was mourning.  I could only guess that she disposed of the diaper in the bathroom trash, as she was not holding anything.  After that, my sister then gazed down at my pelvis.  It was clear that a feeling of envy was on her face.  The very garment that I wore was a forbidden fruit that was beyond her reach.  As to not tempt her, I took my backpack purse and excused myself into the bathroom to change out of my Pink Trest diaper and into a Tykables Animooz diaper.

And there it was.  My sister’s used pink Trest diaper was sitting in the trash.  This was the diaper that my sister was mourning over.  The one that she probably wished that she could continue wearing.  Maybe it had to do with us being twins.  But with us being on the same frequency, it was only a matter of time before we were both broadcasting the same wavelengths.  Like Jen, I myself fought over the very idea of liking diapers.  It was only after I started engaging in my little space when I discovered just how much I loved diapers.  And this was now something that I was starting to see manifest in my sister slowly.

In record time, I cleaned myself and changed into a new Tykables Animooz diaper and disposed my pink Trest diaper next to my sister’s.  Who knows?  This might not be the only time that my sister and I share the same trash for disposing our diapers.  But I kept that idea in the back of my mind for now, as I now turned my attention over to my sister sitting on the couch near where both of our sleeping bags were.

My sister stared at me quietly.  I didn’t want to arouse her anger or denial, so I exchanged the same silence that she did.  We both sat there, glancing at each other, producing more words than what a single letter could even express.

A hearty breakfast followed, which consisted of bacon, eggs, and a slice of buttered toast.  I especially liked the bacon since it was extra crispy.

Even though we had a few hours to kill, I found the hours just flying by with Melanie.  And before I knew it, Melanie, Jen, and I were all in a taxicab headed for JFK International Airport.

After getting through security and finding our gate, more time passed as I found myself sitting on the flight home to Philadelphia.

My sister Jen looked uncomfortable.  Out of frustration, she got out of her seat and headed for the bathroom.  About a half hour later, she was back in her seat again, looking upset.

“Jill!” she said, looking frustrated.  “I almost couldn’t make it!  I had to wait in line for two people to use the bathroom!  Had I been able to wear…” she glanced at my abdomen (which was actually my diaper).  Her words fell silent.  “Oh, never mind!”

I knew what my sister was about to say.  Had she worn one of my diapers, she could’ve just been sitting there, filling her pants like a carefree two-year-old instead of almost having an accident as a 21-year-old adult.  Her puppy dog eyes was staring at the one thing that she couldn’t have: my diaper.  Her incomplete thought and silence began to become louder than any of the words that she spoke out loud.  It was almost screaming at me.  “Jill, why can’t I just wear one of your diapers?  Just one!”  Her look and her longing.  Although she never wanted to admit it, she pined after my diaper like it was a long-lost lover.  At least it looked like that from her body language.

With my sister becoming more and more obsessed and deeper in denial over her secret new obsession with diapers, I should consider getting a lock for my closet as my sister might steal some of my diapers for herself out of desperation.  Much like a drug addict trying to get their quick fix.  I wouldn’t put it past myself for my sister to do something that desperate. But I was in a good position for the most part.  I only needed to be careful when I was on my dates with Gary.  I would have to somehow lock my room while I’m gone so that she’s not tempted to enter.

As the flight dragged on, I could see my sister’s eyes grow more and more restless as she kept staring down at my diaper, which was concealed by the pine green dress that I was wearing.  If she had x-ray vision, that would be exactly what she would be looking at.

Finally, I leaned down and whispered to my sister.  “Hey Jen.  Could you please stop staring at my diaper?

Jen’s face reddened with embarrassment, as if she thought that I just read her mind.  Humiliated, she turned her face away from me as she glanced at the aisle instead.  It was almost cute that my twin sister was starting to love the very thing that I hated to begin with.  And maybe her secret love for it went far beyond just today.  After all, she told me that if she was in my shoes as a bedwetter, she would just go and buy the diapers.  While this didn’t really qualify as an all-out admission, it could’ve very well have been by secret.  And when she was weeping in the Twinsburg High School bathroom, she asked God to just give her the diapers and take all of the incontinence away from me and give it to her.  Now that sounded a little more profound, so I’m guessing that this interest of hers has been incubating for quite some time now…

For a split second, I noticed Jen beginning to stare at me again, but she immediately looked back towards the aisle the moment that I made eye contact with her.  The seed of desire was growing fast within her.  All it took was her being pushed beyond the point of no return on New Years Eve.  When she was dragged to the point of pissing herself.  She relented and totally pissed herself good.  Since that point, there was no way to bring her back to the state that she was before she experienced the irresistible experience of letting herself go.  First, reluctantly, and again, willingly.

I glanced at my sister and sighed.  I gave her a smile since I couldn’t help but humor her at this point.  “Maybe I can give you another one?” I said, clearly indicating that it was a joke.

But my sister just smiled at what I just told her.  I couldn’t believe how different my sister was becoming from just one experience.  What happened to the smart, careful, cautious, and calculating twin sister that I knew?  It was all shaken by a relentless desire that had taken root inside of her.  A desire that I didn’t want to become too unhealthy for her.

We finally arrived in Philadelphia and Jen drove us home to Metro City Apartments.  We entered 2202 and began to unpack.

As I finished getting ready in my bedroom, Jen peeked her face inside the door.

“Um…Jill?” My sister said in a shy stammer.  “On the plane, you said…could I?  Just one?”

I couldn’t believe that my sister was actually asking me to give her another one of my diapers.  I had to bring her back to reality.

“Jen!” I shouted.  “It was a joke!  I didn’t think that you would take it so seriously.  Sorry…”

With that, my sister looked defeated.  “Oh…” she said with a sullen look on her face.  “Okay…Good night…Jill…”

My sister exited my room with her face staring at the floor.  Seriously.  If my sister really really wants her own diapers, she could just go and buy them.  I mean, there’s a Walgreens that is open 24 hours.  She could just go and buy the Certainty Unisex Fitted briefs that she was trying to persuade me to buy about six months ago.  She makes enough money as a CPA so she could afford it.  Well, it’s a good thing that I wasn’t in my baby trance as my sister wouldn’t be as helpful tonight if I was. I filled my pink Simba feeding bottle with milk and put on a Land of Genie onesie.  I clipped my Glytter pacifier to the collar and I was ready to fully engage into my little space.  I drank down all of my milk and then sucked on my pacifier before falling asleep.

Now that was New Year’s Eve.  As for the remaining loose ends to tie up, we can now revisit the Mercedes Benz that I decided not to buy in December.  With it being January now, I showed Jen the numbers that I had for December on Tuesday after the stream was over.  The number of Twitch followers I had now was EXPLODING.  I now had 2,751,483 followers.  When I closed out 2023, I had 104,993 Subscribers and was making $267,710 for December.  On the YouTube side of the equation, Jillian in Diapers ended the year with 1,074,523 subscribers and made $81,042 for December.  JillianPlays, on the other hand, ended 2023 with 505,321 subscribers and was making $36,250.50 in revenue for December.  This gave me a December paycheck of $384,502.50, so I had more than enough money to purchase the Mercedes-Benz that I wanted.

For 2023, I made a total of $961,891 in income from both Twitch and YouTube combined.  From what Jen told me, that would put me in the highest income tax bracket, at 37%, meaning that I would have to pay $355,899.67 in income tax.  And since I had more than $800,000 in my savings account at the end of the year before paying the income tax, I would end up with $449,282.72 after paying my taxes (which didn’t even include the $147,169 in SECA Tax that I would set aside in January, since I’m a professional Twitch streamer.)  I would also have to pay Philadelphia $36,551.83 in local taxes and the state of Pennsylvania more than $400,000 in State taxes.  Having spoken to Gary about this, he mentioned how he utilized the stock advice from Bradley and Trisha, who made millions of dollars off of their investments in just five years.  This stock advice was already making Gary a decent amount of money, and I would utilize this strategy to offset the insane taxes that I have to pay left and right.  I will want to get advice from them sooner or later, as I plan to do my taxes in March to ensure that I have the money to pay all Local, State, Federal, and SECA Tax, which is roughly over $900,000.  But with my 2024 income continuing to climb every month, I should be able to pay those taxes no problem.

So with that, I went to PFCU on Wednesday and requested a withdrawal of $297,000 in cash.  They gave me two ten-strap bundles ($200,000), one nine-strap bundle ($90,000), and a bundle of 70 $100 bills ($7,000). 

I put all of this money into a briefcase, where I was immediately asked about the reason for such a large withdrawal amount.

“I am headed to Mercedes-Benz of Cherry Hill, New Jersey to purchase a white 2024 AMG S 63 E Performance S-Class Mercedes-Benz with the full package.  Here is the official receipt indicating the exact amount of money that they requested before tax and with the tax included.”

The teller nodded and gave me a smile.  “Well, to ensure that you don’t incur any loss on the way to your car, we will have armed security escort you to your vehicle.”

I nodded, as I carefully packed the $297,000 into the briefcase before securely closing it shut.  “Thank you.  From here, I am going directly to the dealership. They will be expecting my arrival.  I plan on trading in my 2012 Chevy Impala for my new Mercedes-Benz.  I’m ready when you are…”

I walked out with two armed security guards, carefully guarding the briefcase filled with money.

One of them glanced at me and smiled.  “Might I ask.  How are you making all this money?”

“Twitch and YouTube,” I said with a smile.  “I promise you that every dollar is made legally and it’s not laundered!”

They both smiled at this answer as they waited for me to put my briefcase into my car.  They then stood by my car and waited for me to take off before they walked back into the credit union.

About a half hour later, I arrived at Mercedes-Benz of Cherry Hill, New Jersey.  I was met by Alex, the salesman that I spoke to over the phone.  He took the briefcase of $297,000 and we entered the office to sign some documents.

After more than an hour of signing documents, they handed me the keys to the 2024 Mercedes Benz.  I removed the keys to my 2012 Chevy Impala from my key ring and added the keys to my new car to the ring.

Considering how old the 2012 Chevy Impala was, I got hardly any trade value off of the vehicle.

I glanced at my new white 2024 AMG S 63 E Performance S-Class Mercedes-Benz with the full package.  It was just like my twin sister Jen’s car, only slightly newer by one model year.  And from what Jen told me, she was still making payments on her Mercedes.  And with this car fully paid off, they would send me the title to this vehicle in the mail.

I entered my brand-new car, as I was filled with a strong sense of thrill and excitement.  I have done it.  I am making so much money that I can buy a $300,000 Mercedes-Benz in just one lump sum.  I turned the ignition and revved the engine before I shifted it into reverse to leave the lot.  In the back seat was a folder containing some copies of the documents that I have signed, including the receipt.  The car manual was in the glove box, and I also kept my backpack purse in the passenger seat next to me.  I enjoyed the red Nappa Leather upholsteries, the AMG Performance steering wheel, the first-class rear cabin, and the multi-contour seats.  In addition to this, there were so many other features that made my jaw drop.  The 15 minutes that I spent getting back to the Metro City Apartments was amazing.  I paid for the parking for today and planned to get an annual parking pass for my Mercedes-Benz tomorrow.

At some point during my stream, Jen came home and smiled when she saw me holding the keys to my new car during one of my stream breaks.

“Congratulations on the car, Jill!” Jen said with a smile.  “Just to let you in on a secret, Jill, Joey actually paid for half of the price of my car.  Even with such a generous gesture from him, it’s still going to take me six more years to have my car fully paid off.  Congratulations on having your car paid in full already!”

After the stream was over, I called a night and went to bed.

During the next day, Glytter called me about CAPCon and she put me on the list with her, her fiancée (husband by the time the event happens), and TinyTrish.  CAPCon 2024 was February 28th to March 3rd, and the theme was “Leap Year”, and was represented on the website by leaping frogs and bunnies.  From what Glytter told me, the hotel would not be given out to us until our registration was confirmed.  And considering how much money that I was making, paying for both CAPCon and the hotel would not be an issue.  Having that said, I was totally psyched for CAPCon, and I couldn’t wait until late February!

In the meantime, I spent the next few weeks playing through all of the 3D Mario Games.  With just Super Mario Odyssey alone, I would be spending 3 entire weeks streaming the game to get to 100%.  By the end of January, I was able to finish Super Mario Galaxy 2, Super Mario 3D Land, Super Mario 3D World, and Bowser’s Fury.  I was also able to start on Super Mario Odyssey, which I had so much fun playing.

By February 2nd, I had a total of 3,347,413 followers.  I had 151,782 subscribers and I ended up making $400,815 for January.  For YouTube, I had 1,206,373 subscribers for Jillian in Diapers and was making $112,281 for January.  For JillianPlays, I had 604,978 subscribers and was making $55,633.50 for January.  Altogether, I was making $568,729.50 for just January alone.

And with all of that housekeeping taken care of, we can now focus on what I consider to be the best date that I ever had with Gary.  This one was truly romantic.  So prepare yourself, my JJ Little Besties.  It’s about to get romantic in here.

For Valentine’s Day, I had no stream since I was going to be going on a date with Gary.  Jen would be going on a date with Joey, so we both were going to have a romantic night.

After around 3:00 in the afternoon, Gary came over.  He was dressed in a suit, holding the biggest box of chocolates that I had ever seen.  I was dressed in a rose red dress with a fresh pink Trest Diaper underneath.  Considering my track record with Trests, I knew that there was no chance of having an embarrassing accident anywhere that we went.  And even if I were to have a massive bowel movement, I would quickly excuse myself and change in a family restroom.  Gary already knows the nonverbal cue for a stinky diaper so I wouldn’t have to say a word to him.  Considering that I have had at least two stink bombs since Gary has purchased the Trest Diapers for me, I have been able to manage what would otherwise be a very embarrassing poopy accident quite professionally.  And with all the perfume that I had on today, it would be a short while before the horrible smell would overpower the smell of the perfume.  And since the time that I have begun to mess myself, I have found various instances where I have begun to mess myself out of muscle memory. 

Or, if I felt a massive bowel movement, I just released it without hesitation.  While Gary thought that it was my fecal incontinence getting worse (that was only partially true but not the whole truth), it was secretly me feeling like a helpless baby when I felt the warm and gooey mess overflow until it ran up my back.  The very act of pooping now just made me feel so little and helpless as I effortlessly released the stinky load into my diaper.  And when I was in the privacy of the apartment, I sometimes just liked to sit in the mess, as if I was just a little baby, not knowing that she needed her diaper changed.  As gross as it sounds, I actually enjoy it now.  Almost as much as I enjoy peeing in my diaper at night when I’m in my bed.  At this point, I could no longer decide when I peed.  My body just peed on its own, whenever there was anything new to empty in my bladder.  I am pretty certain that my bladder was the size of a baby’s at this point, and any amount of liquid more than one cup would result in me peeing my diaper almost instantly within a half hour.

Gary glanced at me and caught a whiff of the wonderful fragrance that I sprayed on myself.  It was like he was smelling a beautiful rose as his nose was up against my neck.  He then gave me a gentle pat to feel my diapered butt, which was something that I gave him permission to do, just as long as he only did this in a private setting.

Just as Gary gave me a good smell, I ran my nose up and down Gary’s neck to take in the wonderful smell of cologne that he put on all over himself.  I then found myself bringing my lips to Gary’s lips.  Our lips smooched and smacked as we both started to feel very excited.  As I was about to grab Gary’s clothes, he closed his grip over my right hand.

“Jill,” he told me.  “The clothes stay on.  I know.  I’m half-tempted for us to strip our clothes off and get into our beds right now.  But we must be patient.  All in good time, Jilly Bean…”

I pressed my hands over Gary’s waist and smiled.  “I love you, Gary…”

“I love you, Jill…” Gary told me.  “Now, are you ready for a romantic dinner, my diapered girl?”

Now normally, something like this would’ve gotten me very angry if he were to do this a few months ago, but I was very used to wearing my diapers now, so I smiled as I slapped both of my hands over my diapered butt to hear the sound of my hands beating over the plastic backing.

As new as my Mercedes-Benz was, we ended up taking Gary’s Lexus LS Sedan instead.  He drove me to the King of Prussia Mall, and we had…you guessed it. Legal Sea Foods.  They had a special Valentines Day menu featuring a romantic seafood dinner for two.  It featured two loaded plates filled with Legal’s Signature Crab Cakes, Stuffed Lobster Tails, and a generous bowl of She-Crab Bisque with a complementary dessert for only $80.  We ate our crab cakes, lobster tails, and finished our bowls of Lobster Bisque.

The dessert was a chocolate cheesecake, drizzled in chocolate syrup and topped with whipped cream.  It was quite honestly the best cheesecake that I ever had.  It was an explosion of chocolatey goodness in my mouth.  I had quite the foodgasm with every one of my taste buds enjoying the pleasurable experience.  Just as I was drinking my carbonated water, I felt a massive bowel movement and I gave Gary “the look”.  He nodded as I quickly excused myself to the bathroom.  An explosive fart could be heard as I entered the family bathroom. I got out my Glytter pacie and sucked on it as I enjoyed my diaper filling up with poop.  I softly cooed and then began the task of changing my messy diaper.  About 10 minutes later, I was in a fresh pink Trest diaper.  Gary was back at the table, with his credit card sitting clipped on the plastic tip tray, with a copy of the receipt sitting next to him.  The waitress came back to process Gary’s credit card for the wonderful meal.

After the bill was paid, we left the mall.

Before Gary could turn the car on, I began to kiss Gary on the lips again.  He leaned over and locked his lips with mine.  We began smooching as we began to make pleasurable sounds to each other.  And while our clothes never came off, I noticed a wet patch on Gary’s black pants.

I gasped.  “Gary, did you…”

Gary nodded and laughed.  “I got excited.”

I nodded.  “Me too.  That orgasm felt good…”

I glanced at Gary’s wet spot again.  While it clearly wasn’t pee, it was the only other substance that a male could produce when they are sexually aroused.

He looked back at me.  “Well, at least we’re not going anywhere else publicly.  I’ll be dropping you back off and I’ll be heading home.  It was a wonderful date tonight, Jilly Jill…”

I nodded.  “Happy Valentine’s Day, Gary.”

Gary glanced up at me, trying to avoid eye contact with his wet reminder from us both getting excited earlier.  “Happy Valentine’s Day, Jill.”

I gave him another smile and nodded.  Yup.  Gary was all mine.  He’s my Valentine.

And that was my wonderful Valentine’s Day, my JJ Little Besties.  A little naughty, and a little nice.  Some romantic exchanges and a delicious dinner.  Followed by a wonderful orgasm.

So what’s next?  Considering that I was two weeks out from CAPCon, it is very clear what is going to happen next.

Are you ready to enter your little space, my JJ Besties?  I know I am.  Because the next chapter is going to feature my firsthand experience with what I consider to be one of the best ABDL conventions that I have ever been to.  So, pack your diapers, your pacies, your bottles, your onesies, your footed sleepers and come with me to get a front row experience of my very first CAPCon.  I promise you that it will be good so come with me this way to a wonderful con full of littles.  A place where it is perfectly normal to be little.  Where little space is good space.

And I kid you not.  It was quite simply one of the best little experiences that I ever had.  So onward to the next part of the story.  Where Jillian Jennings fully gets to embrace her inner baby.

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On 5/9/2024 at 10:20 PM, BabySofia said:

Looking forward to the convention!

Day one of the con is almost done!

Considering how long this chapter is going to take, I may consider breaking it into different parts.  I will also preface it with a disclaimer indicating that this is a fictitious account of a CAPCon event and any real life events that match the events in this story (i.e. character names, class names, or event names) is purely coincidental.  And since I have never been to a CAPCon before, there is no way for me to portray what a CAPCon event is like with 100% accuracy.

I should have day one finished tomorrow.  I look forward to completing the first day!  😀

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  • PamperedPrince changed the title to The JJ Diaper Twins (Ch. 15 - 5/13/2024)

Disclaimer:  The following chapter contains only a fictitious account of a CAPCon event.  Any real life events that match the events in this story (i.e. character names, class names, or event names) are purely coincidental.

Chapter 15 : My First CAPCon! (Part 1)

So what now?  Are we there?  Are we at CAPCon?  I can hear you all squealing, my JJ Cozy Crinkle Diapered Fam.  Those words.  “Are we there yet?  Are we there yet?”  Not yet, my JJ Little Besties.  We’re getting close, but we are not quite at CAPCon yet.

Why?  Why wait any longer to visit the wonderful ABDL paradise where Littles can come and go as they please?  Here’s why, my lovely littles.  This is my story, and we will get there when I address everything else that’s worth mentioning first.  Are we good?  Okay.  Now pop in that pacie (or bottle full of milkys if you have filled one up) and listen to Mommy Jill share with you her story about her very first CAPCon.

To keep you from wondering about what happened on the eve of Valentine’s Day, nothing much happened.  Gary dropped me off at Metro City Apartments and took me to 2202.  To my surprise, I actually managed to beat Jen home.  It looked like Joey was giving her a very romantic Valentine’s Day, as they were not yet home from their date yet.  Feeling tired, I didn’t want to wait for my sister to come home, so I went right to bed. 

I changed out of my red dress and into my white Little for Big onesie with blue clouds, yellow crescent moons, yellow stars, yellow and blue Z’s, and blue sleeves with white polka dots and yellow marking the outer seam of the whole onesie, including the opening in the crotch with the three plastic buttons.  And this was the only onesie that I owned that had additional plastic buttons running from the collar of the onesie all the way down to the crotch.  I only ever put on my onesie once with all the buttons, but I found it much easier to stick my head and neck through the crotch area and to put the onesie on like a shirt, and then snap the three crotch buttons after I was in a fresh diaper.  I liked how all of the crotches of the onesies also serve as a diaper cover.  I now had on a cutesy star and moon onesie, so I was ready to sleep.  I just needed my baa baa full of milky.  I filled my pink Simba bottle with milk and clipped my pacie clip on the collar of my onesie.  No sooner did I finish my bottle and sat it down than I began to fall down a black hole directly into little space.  I could no longer speak a single word that night.  I began to loudly coo as I stuck the pacifier in my mouth.  I flailed my legs wildly and made several futile attempts to form words.  All I could manage was nonsensical baby babble.

While this was going on, I was completely unaware that my bladder was emptying.  The dinner that I ate that night was also catching up, so I loudly broke wind and released a large load of poop into my diaper.  But none of this even mattered to me at this point.  That night, my adulthood was gone.  I was a baby again.  A baby that helplessly messed her diaper with no one to change her.  At this, I began to loudly wail.  But with no one to come and change me, I ended up crying myself to sleep.

I woke up in the morning to catch a sudden whiff that served as a reminder of the massive mess that I made in my diaper the night before.  It happened again.  I fell into my baby trance and there was no way for me to escape it.

The house was silent, as I could only guess that Jen had already gone off to work and never once woke me up.  Perhaps she could smell the mess from the door and didn’t want to interrupt my rest.  The first thing that I did was get on my changing mat and take care of my messy diaper.

That day, I managed to finally finish Super Mario Odyssey.  On the stream, I got all the coins needed to buy the rest of the 999 Power Moons that I needed to 100% complete the game.  Every last collectable moon was obtained, but not without a lot of frustration.  To review, there were some outright horrible moons that I had to get.  A few of them took me hours.  Breakdown Road: Final Challenge.  Vanishing Road Rush and Vanishing Road Challenge.  Long Journey’s End.  Secret 2D Treasure.  Beach Volleyball: Hero of the Beach. Iceburn Circuit: Class S.  Every one of these stupid fucking levels can just die!  I’ve lost so many coins and so much of my patience trying to get every last moon in this game.  Now you’re probably wondering why the Jump Rope Genius one isn’t on the list.  It’s because I could never get more than 30 fucking jumps in a row!  I had to resort to a cheap trick involving getting one of the MARIO letters out of bounds in Metro Kingdom and then positioning the letter right next to the jump rope before jumping on top of the letter and watching all of the “jumps” registering while Mario just took a nap on top of the letter M.  Although I only needed 100, I let the counter go all the way up to 1,000 before ending the jumps and collecting the power moon.  Fuck this power moon.  Seriously.  I don’t ever want to do this again.

When I got my reward for 999 Moons in the Mushroom Kingdom, it was over.  I was officially done playing Super Mario Odyssey, along with every other 3D Mario Game ever made.  Including the Champion’s Road in Super Mario 3D World, the final Crazy Captain Toad Level, and the Mystery House Marathon, where they had the freaking audacity to cram 30 STARS into one level!  30. Stars. In. A. Row.  I am SO over it!

When I finished that game, my audience, which now finally had more than 10,000 people currently watching (10,183 to be exact), recommended that I play all of the Paper Mario Games before Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door comes out on May 23rd.  So, I used the rest of my stream to start a game of Paper Mario on the Nintendo Switch Online virtual console.

So, over the remainder of that week, and all of next week, I managed to play through all of Paper Mario.  Compared to Super Mario RPG, it was still a pretty fun game, and I really enjoyed it.  I can see the influences of Super Mario RPG in this game, and I enjoyed playing through it.  I loved the sense of humor and all of the characters that I got to play as.  Yes, Chuck Quizmo’s quizzes were kind of cheap sometimes, but there’s nothing that a good save state could not fix, right?  For this game, save states made me happy.

That brings us to the week of CAPCon.  To ensure that I had everything ready for Wednesday, I took the entire week off from my stream.  I told them that I was taking some time off for mental health.  For Gary, I just told him that I was visiting a streamer.  I wasn’t lying to Gary, as I was actually visiting Glytter.  I just didn’t tell him that I was visiting Glytter at an Age Play convention.  A Chicago Age Play Convention (hence the name).

So during Monday and Tuesday, I made sure that I packed all of my best diapers for the convention.  My usual Animooz?  Check.  My ABU Little Kings?  Check.  I even included a few pink Trest diapers for good measure.  And considering that the convention ran from February 28th to March 3rd, I made sure to pack at least 30 diapers for the convention.  Now that was only the diapers.  I still needed to pack at least five onesies (one for each day).  At least two footed sleepers for the hotel room (I might even wear my sleeper on the con space one day.  Hee hee!).  A handful of pacifiers with a few attached to clips, my pink Simba glass feeding bottle, since the hotel store should have milkys).  My swimsuit in case there’s time to go swimming.  And, of course, all of my changing supplies for my checked bag including the portable stuff that I can bring that meets all TSA guidelines.

And you’re probably wondering about all of the diapers that I have stashed in my closet.  What if Jen raids my closet while I’m gone?  Worry not, my JJ Little Besties.  During Monday and Tuesday, I have taken the liberty of transferring every last one of my diapers into the trunk of my Mercedes-Benz (Sorry sis!).  Considering that I didn’t order any more diapers, there were just enough to fit in the trunk.  My luggage would just go in the back seat of my Mercedes-Benz.  I also double checked my underwear drawer (What are THESE still doing in there?  I don’t wear underwear anymore!  Lol) and any other drawer that I would put diapers in.  There wasn’t a single one to be found, except for the ones that I planned to wear until my trip to CAPCon.  All the rest would be packed. 

And I would also be wearing a vanilla outfit to the airport (A cute baby pink ankle length skirt with a cute white top.).

That Tuesday night before I went to bed, Glytter gave me a call to discuss the plans for CAPCon.

As I saw Glytter on the caller ID, I quickly sat my pink Simba bottle full of milk on my bed and crawled underneath the covers.  The phone continued to vibrate.   BUZZ!  BUZZ! BUZZ!

I swiped the green answer button.  “Hello Glytter!” I shouted.  But since I was in my little space, it sounded like “Hewwo Gwitter!”

“Oh hi, Jill!  Are you feeling little tonight?  It’s okay.  It happens to me a lot.  More often than you think.  So, are you ready for CAPCon tomorrow?”

I laughed as I removed the Glytter pacifier from my mouth as I successfully snapped out of my little space.  I mean, I enjoyed it very much, but I wanted Glytter to understand me instead of my slurred toddler speech.  “I’m ready, Glytter!” My tone then turned into that of a little girl.  “I am sooooooooo excited!  Yay!!!!”

“Hooray!  Jill, have you seen any episodes of Bluey?  It’s the best show to get you into that little space!  It’s totally wackadoo!  I have all of my things packed.  Well, not I.  My daddy did all of the packing…”

I nodded as I anxiously glanced at my bottle.  “That reminds me, Glytter.  How was the wedding?  Oh, and congratulations on your marriage!”

“It was great, Jill!  We had a normal wedding and there was a secret ABDL ceremony with my friends.  My daddy gave me a wedding pacie!  It’s white with some gold glitter and a gold-colored teat!  So Jill, are you all packed?  Do you have enough diapers?”

I nodded.  “Yes.  I have 30 diapers packed with all of my changing supplies.  In my other bag, I have four onesies and two footed sleepers.”

I then heard laughter on the other end.  “Jill, I don’t think that you need that many diapers.  There are free diapers at CAPCon!  Plus a couple of changing rooms if you want someone to change you…”

I felt the thrill and excitement go up my spine when she mentioned “change”.  “Wow!  Changing rooms?  I would love to be changed there!”

“It’s fun, Jill.  The line is a little long, but it’s totally worth it.  Now, when does your flight arrive in Chicago tomorrow?  I am taking off from Pittsburgh International Airport (PIT) to Chicago O’Hare International Airport (ORD) tomorrow morning at 8:21 AM.  My plane lands in Chicago at 9:01 AM Central Time.  When are you arriving, Jill?”

I glanced at my boarding pass that I printed off today.  “Glytter,” I told her.  “You’re going to be there pretty early.  My plane leaves Philadelphia (PHL) tomorrow at 10:03 AM and arrives at Chicago O’Hare (ORD) at 10:43 AM Central Time.  “How would I get to the [redacted] hotel from there?”

“Jill, it takes almost an hour to get to the [redacted] hotel from the airport.  The traffic is so busy in Chicago that it takes an hour just to travel about 20 miles.  Just give them the hotel name but DON’T mention anything about CAPCon!  The rules are pretty strict about discussing the event outside of the convention space.  This is done to protect the wellbeing of everyone there.  Once we’re in our hotel rooms, however, we are officially out of the con space and can do as we please there.  Now, I’m going to check in with daddy and we’ll get you and Trish a room key.  You’re going to love this place, Jill.  They use the same hotel every year.”

I smiled.  “Have they tried other hotels?”

“Jill, this is an AGE PLAY convention!  Most hotels are not open to the idea of a bunch of adults dressed up like babies for the entire weekend.  There are also some babyfurs in the con space as well.  If you can find a hotel that can say yes to all of that, then good luck!  Oh…Yes daddy?  You got me my milky?  Good…Just a moment, Jill.  I’m going to drink a little bit of my milky.  I wanna do it while it’s nice and warm…”

I nodded as I grabbed my cold pink Simba bottle.  “Go ahead, Glytter.  I’m going to drink my milky too…”

Over the next couple of minutes, there was nothing but silence as both Glytter and I drank our milkys at around the same time.

Then I heard Glytter again just as I was finishing my milky baa baa.  “Jill?  Are you still there?”

I sat my empty bottle down and smiled.  “Yes.  I just had to finish my milky baa baa…”

“Same here, Jill.  Isn’t it so good?  It’s best when it’s warm.  My daddy let me do it all by myself tonight.  Sometimes, my daddy has to feed me my milky…”

I sighed.  “I wish I had a daddy…Well, I do but an ABDL daddy to take care of me…”

“I know what you mean, Jill.  You do have a boyfriend, but he doesn’t know about your ABDL activities.  He’s GaretheBear, right?”

“Right.  I’m afraid that he’ll dump me if he knows about this side of me.  I told him that I’m spending the long weekend visiting a friend from the streaming community.  I didn’t tell him where though…”

“I know it can be difficult having a vanilla relationship.  It didn’t work out with a person like me.  I mean, how many guys would want to date a dwarf?  I’m very glad that Daniel loves me for who I am on the inside.  He had absolutely no issues whatsoever when I shared my ABDL side with him.  That’s how I knew that he was the one for me.  I clearly told him that he could not be my daddy until we got married.  Now that we’re married, daddy can change my diapers and do all kinds of things that I would rather keep private.  Maybe Gary might be open to those things, Jill?  You never know…*yawn* Well, before I fall asleep on you, I just wanted to outline some fun things that you can do there.  I would try out the dark room!  You do need to take a class there before entering it though.  I will also be a presenter there, so be sure to attend my class!  It will be on February 29th at 2:00 PM (Central Time).  It’s called “Letting Your Inner Little Come out and Play”. It’s in the 2024 CAPCon Schedule that they emailed you.  You can also find it on the website.  Just be sure to enter your password for access!  I will also be managing my pacie table at the event, with a few other little friends that are helping me run my business.”

“So you sell pacies at CAPCon, Glytter?”

“Jill!  It’s where I make about 40% of my income for the year!  Last year, I sold around 1,000 pacies.  Considering the success from last year, I think I’ll limit two per attendee for this year….*yawn* Well, it’s time for us babies to go sleepy byes so we can be rested for CAPCon.  Nini Jill-wy!”

“Nini Gwitter!” I said in my toddler slur.

I hung up and placed my cellphone in the charger.  I got back into my bed and did a soft pat on my diaper.  From the pat, I felt my diaper squish a few times.  It appeared that I flooded my diaper sometime during my conversation with Glytter.  I just couldn’t remember when it was.  I contentedly sucked on my Glytter pacie and fell asleep.

I woke up at 6:00 AM to find my sister Jen up and about.  I changed into a new diaper (a pink Trest since I found those to be the best for traveling) and put on my favorite onesie.  The one with stars and crescent moons by Little for Big.  I snapped up the crotch buttons and put a baby pink ankle length skirt over top of it, completely hiding my ABDL attire.  I did my hair up in twin pigtails that flowed onto both of my shoulders.  I looked like a little girl, but to everyone else, I was just an adult that liked to dress cute.

As I ate my quick breakfast, I checked TikTok out of curiosity.  Diaper Girl now had 963 million views and 71 million likes.

Jen looked at me and smiled as she was preparing breakfast for herself.  A bowl of Special K red berries which was identical to the bowl that I had.  “Going to CAPCon this morning, Jill?”

I nodded with a mouthful of cereal, clearly indicating a smile.  I quickly chewed and swallowed the cereal pieces that were drenched in milk.  “Yes.  I’m so excited!”

Jen nodded.  “It’s for your little space, right?”

“Uh huh!” I said, my face looking giddy like a two-year-old.

“Well, have fun!” Jen told me.  “I have a busy workday ahead of me!  Enjoy your con, Jill…”

“I will!”

I finished my cereal and finished getting ready for CAPCon. 

I had all of my things, so I grabbed all of my luggage, managing to get everything in one trip.  I had two checked bags and my “diaper bag” as my carryon.  I piled everything into my white 2024 AMG S 63 E Performance S-Class Mercedes-Benz with the full package.  All of my luggage comfortably fit in the rear cabin, with some additional space to spare in the rear passenger side. 

About 20 minutes after I left the parking deck, I was at the airport.  I parked my car in the car park and lugged my baggage into the airport.  I checked in my two bags and paid for them with my PFCU credit card (Having plenty of cash rocks!).  That reminded me.  For all three of my credit cards (PFCU, Capital One, and Chase), I gave PFCU a travel notification, informing them that I would be visiting Illinois from the 28th of February to the 3rd of March so that none of my cards would be declined while purchasing anything in Chicago over the weekend.

I went through security in Terminal A, and then found the gate that had my 10:03 AM flight: Gate A6.  I got in line and ordered a Sausage breakfast sandwich and a large mocha espresso from Dunkin’.  This would make me less hungry during my flight.  I returned to the seats near Gate A6 and began eating my breakfast to hold me over until Chicago.

As I was in the middle of eating my breakfast, a woman that looked about a few inches shorter than me sat down in a seat beside me, holding what looked like a breakfast sandwich and a large coffee.  And…I heard it.  It was the sound of a soft crinkle as she sat down.  When I looked at the woman, I gasped.  I could not believe my eyes.  It was…no.  It couldn’t be.  “Trisha?” I said out loud in a complete state of shock.

Trisha gave me a nervous smile and nodded.  “Hi Jill,” she said, her voice trailing off in a shy stammer.

I gave Trisha another look.  She was dressed in a cute lavender ankle length skirt with her hair done up in braided pigtails.  This was the same Trisha that I saw with Bradley during the Mario Kart 8 Saturdays that I had with her.  Still beyond belief, I gasped.  “What are you doing here?”

Trisha gave me a bashful smile.  “I’m…going to CAPCon.  Jill, I’m…TinyTrish.  One of your mods?”

This totally blew my mind.  For the number of months that I have been on Twitch, Trisha somehow managed to keep her identity a secret under the name TinyTrish.  Considering that I already knew another Trisha in Twinsburg, I just assumed that TinyTrish was just a third Trisha that I met on Twich.  I never knew that both the Trisha I knew from Mario Kart and TinyTrish were one and the same.  “Trisha!” I shouted.  “Why didn’t you tell me that you were TinyTrish?”

Trisha’s face grew red with embarrassment.  “Well, what do you think, Jill?  Do you think that I want everyone to know that I am a little?  It’s hard enough to keep it a secret from Bradley.  He thinks that I’m going to a financial conference!  Not an ABDL convention!”

“Then…” I said with a gasp.  “You are wearing a diaper…”

“Yes,” Trisha told me, as she gave her butt a few soft pats for me to hear the sound of the plastic backing.  “A pink Trest if you’re curious.  I’ve been wearing diapers 24/7 for the past five years.”

I glanced around to make sure that our conversation was not heard by others nearby.  Fortunately, I didn’t see anyone that would be taken aback by our private discussion.  “I saw you the last couple Mario Kart nights.  If you wear, why don’t you change when you need to?  I kind of suspected that you were wearing…”

Trisha sighed.  “They all know.  But the only thing that Bradley and our friends know is that I have bladder issues.  It’s something that I kind of grew up with, Jill.  While most kids outgrew wetting the bed, I never did.  I wet the bed through middle school, high school, and even into college.  I have worn about every kind of nighttime pull up that you can think of, before finally switching to diapers full time five years ago.  I see that you wear all the time too.  Is there a story behind that?”

I nodded.  “There is, but I would rather share it in the privacy of our hotel.  I’m supposed to meet Glytter…” I gasped.  “Glytter…She mentioned helping your Twitch channel.  How do you know Glytter?”

Trisha grinned.  “Jill, me and Alyssa go way back.  We attended the same college and were roommates.  When I got into Twitch, she decided to serve as one of my mods.  We both loved video games, but she would rather help me behind the scenes…”

I gasped.  “So, you have known her since college?  Even though she’s a dwarf?”

Trisha nodded.  “Yes.  And I even went to her wedding last weekend.  Jill, Alyssa is very self-conscious when it comes to her height.  Now she’s gotten a lot better and more accepting of it but it’s best that I don’t reveal to you how tall she is.  This is why she hasn’t given you any picture of herself.  You will see why when you meet her at the hotel and at CAPCon this weekend.”

I nodded, as I made it a point to remember that for when I had my initial meeting with Glytter for the first time.  “I won’t make a big deal about it,” I told Trisha.  “….Oh….”

“What?” Trisha said, giving me an awkward stare while smiling.

My diaper is a little warm…” I told her in hushed tones.  “I think that I peed my diaper…

Trisha gave me a giddy smile.  “My diapey is also warm…” she said to me quietly.  “Don’t you just love incontinence?  I’m kind of used to it now…”  She saw the half full container of my 24-ounce mocha espresso and laughed.  “That’ll do it!”  She then picked up her coffee, which had the same Dunkin’ branding as mine.  The only difference was that her coffee was about three quarters full.  “Oh, you’re gonna LOVE CAPCon, Jill!  For me and Alyssa, it will be our fifth CAPCon!  We’re both going to speak there. My class is at 3:00 on March 1st.  Please try to come to it!  I’m going to talk about how to use ABDL to get paid…”

I gasped.  “How would you do that?”

Trisha then whispered into my ear.  “Jill, it’s called adult content.  I’ll tell you about it at the hotel room…

As much as I wanted to wait, the curiosity got the best of me.  “Can you at least tell me what you use for that?” I asked her.  “Twitch and YouTube would not allow any of that…”

Trisha gave me a naughty smile.  “It’s called Just For Fans, or JFF for short.  We’ll talk about it at the hotel, okay?”

Within the next hour, it was now time for us to board the plane.  As I glanced at my boarding pass, I glanced at Trisha.  “I’m in 18D.  Where are you sitting?”

“18F,” Trisha said with a smile.  “Alyssa ordered our tickets so we could sit next to each other.  I didn’t want to tell you until today, since I felt funny about you knowing my secret of me being a little…See you at your seat, little twin!”

I shot Trisha a double take.  “Wait.” I said as we inched our way through the Passenger Boarding Bridge.  “How old are you?”

“23,” she told me.  “Same age as Alyssa.  Just a little older than you.”

Minutes later, we found our seats and sat our backpack purses that secretly held our diapers on the floor by our feet.

We buckled our seatbelts, and a smile came across my face.  “Are you using the bathroom during this flight?”  I said in a joking tone.

“Nope!” Trisha said in a silly tone.  “Already wearing one!”

At this, we both laughed pretty hard, which had to be hard enough for both of us to pee our diapers just a little bit.

When the plane was in the air, Trisha secretly showed me a pacifier that she brought with her.  To my surprise, it was one that she actually made herself.  It was pink and green, and it had cubed beads that spelled the words “BABY TRISH”.  Some other decorations like glitter were on it, along with a few animal stickers.

During the flight, both Trisha and I just filled our diapers whenever we needed to pee.  I caught Trisha in her “pee trance” a few times during the flight.

Just as the plane touched down and was taxiing down the runway, I heard a loud fart come from Trisha.

I glanced over at Trisha, who was making the kind of face that a two-year-old would make after messing their diaper.

“Oopsies!” Trisha said in her cutesy toddler voice.  “Well, it’s a good thing we landed.  Let’s get off this plane and into some fresh diapeys!”

I nodded, as we both stood up with our “diaper bags” and waited to exit the plane.

We both exited through Gate G7 and found a family restroom at the Terminal 3 Rotunda.  After waiting for one family to go before us, we entered after them.

Trisha then gave me a grin.  “Jill,” she said as she pointed at her stinky diaper.  “Do you want to change me?  I need another JFF video.  This one would be amazing!”

I grimaced at the sight of her heavily soiled diaper.  “Can we do this at the hotel?  It can be the next change…”

Trisha sighed.  “Fine.  But you have to change me in just your white top and diaper.  A diapered girl changing a diapered girl!  That one is going to be so awesome…”

I waited for the next 10 minutes as Trisha cleaned herself and changed into an ABU Little Kings diaper.  I also noticed that she was wearing a different onesie than I was.  It was white, babyish, and had a bunch of cute animals on it.  She snapped the three crotch buttons and pulled her lavender ankle length skirt back down.

Just as I was about to pull up my skirt, Trisha stopped me.

“Jill,” she said, smiling.  “Do you want me to change YOUR diaper?”

I smiled as I glanced at Trisha.  “Go ahead.  Just don’t make it into a JFF video…”

Trisha nodded, as she unzipped my “diaper bag” and grabbed my changing supplies.  “So, what diapey does my little Jilly wanna wear?” she asked me in a sing-song voice.

I glanced at the open “diaper bag” with the four other diapers that I had packed inside.  I pointed to the ABU Little Kings diaper.  “Dat one!” I slurred in my toddler voice.

Trisha continued to talk to me like I was just a toddler.  She got a changing mat out of her backpack purse (something that I did not remember to bring) and laid it over the tiled floor.  “Okay Jill.  Lay down so Mommy Trish can change your diapey…”

I laid down and gave her a toddler laugh.  I kicked my legs up and down, eagerly anticipating my diaper to be changed by my “mommy”.

“Okay Jilly,” Trisha told me.  “Mommy’s gotta check to see if Jilly needs a changie…”  She glanced at the wetness indicator, which was dark blue, and pinched the crotch area just to be sure.  “Oh wow…Jilly made quite the pottys!  Time to get you out of that wet one and into a new diapey!”

I smiled as Trisha removed the four tapes of the diaper, each tearing off a little bit of the plastic backing.  She opened up the diaper to see how soggy and swollen the core was.  She lifted my legs up and pulled the diaper out from underneath me, leaving my bare bottom on the plastic changing mat.  She then began to wipe me with baby wipes in all the areas where I was peed on while the diaper was on.  When she noticed a rash near my vagina, she rubbed in the Aquaphor cream and…something squirted out.

Trisha gasped.  “Jill, I think you just came…”

My face blushed when she told me about this.  “Well,” I said in a bashful voice.  “It is quite sensitive down there.”

Trisha nodded.  “It’s okay.  I’ve changed a few diapers with my other little friends and sometimes, it just happens.  Your body gets excited, and the excitement juice just squirts out.  It’s just another bodily function, Jill…” 

After that, she returned to her motherly sounding voice and finished the diaper change.  She opened up the Little Kings diaper and powdered it.  She then lifted my legs up and slid the diaper underneath.  She powdered me and carefully rubbed the powder in as to not overexcite me this time and folded the diaper between my legs.  She gently grabbed both thigh tapes and secured them snugly around the legs.  She finally grabbed the waist tapes and secured both tapes around the waist.  She ran her fingers into the leg openings of my diaper and pulled out the leg cuffs and then gave me a few gentle pats on my cloth-backed diapered bottom.  “There we go, Jilly.  All changed and in a new diapey…”  She pulled my baby pink ankle length skirt down and I sat up with a happy coo.  That’s when I noticed both Trisha’s and my used diapers just sitting on the floor.  We each grabbed our own used diaper and disposed of it.

I thanked Trisha for the diaper change and we both washed our hands before leaving the family restroom.  We walked out towards the baggage claim with our backpack purses (which we secretly used as diaper bags), both enjoying our new diapers.

We found our checked luggage and arranged for a shuttle to take us to the hotel.  We gave them the hotel name and address and they took us there.

It was 11:34 AM when we left Chicago O’Hare International Airport (ORD).  Because of the traffic and lunch hour, it took a little more than an hour to arrive at the hotel in downtown Chicago.  It was 12:42 PM when we arrived.

Both Trisha and I approached the hotel with our luggage and…what?  Did you think that I was actually going to give you the name of the hotel?  I’m very sorry, my JJ Little Besties.  The name of the host hotel is not going to be revealed in this story, as that is confidential to only CAPCon attendees.  All you need to know is that it was a very nice hotel.  If you want to know the name of the hotel, attend a CAPCon and you will know.  All I can do from this point forward is describe the hotel to you.  But I won’t give out its name or where it’s located in Chicago.

Now where was I?  Both Trisha and I entered the hotel.  Because it was a big city and crime was often an issue, the lobby level was up on the next floor.  We entered the elevator shaft and took a vacant elevator to the lobby level.  The lobby had a fancy Victorian feel to it and a large glass chandelier hung on the raised ceiling.  A fancy checkered pattern lined the carpeting of the lobby with the long row of wooden check-in counters with a fine glossy finish.  In the distance were the elevators, which had four on each side.  As fancy and Victorian as the lobby looked, it was still a very modern hotel.  I glanced around the fancy lobby to find it full of littles.  Several of them wore onesies while another group of them were in overalls.  A few walked around in just their T-shirt and diapers.  A few of them obviously looked like they had caregivers.  One woman was being cared for by her daddy while a man in a footed sleeper was being coddled by what looked like his mommy.  My jaw dropped as I saw all of the littles walking around while certain groups of them were mingling and talking amongst themselves.  I saw one big sign in the lobby that read “Welcome 2024 CAPCon attendees!”  Underneath the welcome message was sharpie artwork of a frog dressed up in a diaper.

I glanced at my phone and checked the text message, as we tried to contact Glytter when we were on our way to the hotel.  Instead, Daniel answered the phone, telling us that Glytter was taking her nap and that he would wake her up so that we could meet her in the lobby.

Seconds later, we heard the electronic ding of the elevator.  A man dressed up in a long-sleeved red polo shirt was pushing a white Graco baby stroller with what looked like an infant inside.  The hood was blocking my view of being able to see the baby clearly.  As I glanced closer, I was able to get a clear glimpse of the child that was inside the stroller.  The infant was a girl with a full set of blonde hair and a pink bow, and she glanced up at me with her pacifier in her mouth.

I frowned.  “Is this your kid?  Where’s Glytter?  Is she upstairs?”

Trisha then elbowed me and shook her head.  She mouthed the word “No!” to me.  She then smiled as she glanced down at the baby girl.  “Alyssa!” she shouted.

My jaw dropped as I looked at the little person that I thought was a baby.  She looked like a mere youth.  She was dressed in a pink footed blanket sleeper with white footies.  THIS was Glytter?

I gasped as my face grew red with humiliation.  When Glytter told me that she was a dwarf, I thought that she would’ve at least been taller than that.  Instead, I saw what was supposed to be a woman having the appearance of an infant.

Glytter removed her pacifier and laughed at my comment.  “Whose kid are you talking about?” she said in a joking manner.  “I’m 23 years old!”

Glytter sat her pacifier down and hoisted herself out of the stroller.  She toddled over to Trisha and gave her a hug.

“How’s my bestie Trish?” Glytter said with a bright smile.

Trisha bent down to hug Glytter.  “I’m doing amazing, Alyssa.  I’m sorry about Jill.  I kind of told her what to expect and…”

“It’s okay,” Glytter said with a smile.  “I’ve been mistaken for someone’s kid my entire life!  I have learned to just laugh at the whole matter and see how many people I can fool.” She turned to me and smiled.  “Hi Jill!  You finally get to see me face to face.  I’m Glytter.  Some of my close acquaintances do call me Alyssa, which is my actual name.  But either name is fine.  I can see it, Jill.  You are still not comfortable seeing an adult woman this small talking to you.  It’s fine.  You’ll get used to me this weekend.  Just remember.  1 Corinthians 1:27.”

I frowned.  “I don’t know the bible.” I told her.

“God chose the weak to shame the strong,” Glytter told me.  “Would the strong people of the world expect a woman to look like a weak infant?  I shame those strong people, Jill in every day that I live my life.  I don’t feel sorry for myself.  I just keep going and plugging away.  And against all odds, I now have a beautiful husband taking care of me.  You see Danny?  This man knows how to take care of me.  He’s a wonderful husband, and as we all know in the ABDL space, he is my daddy…”

I suddenly noticed the glow from a tiny ring that was on Glytter’s finger.  This, I knew, was her wedding ring, which had to be custom made as they don’t typically sell wedding rings for women that have fingers the size of an infant’s.  I glanced at Glytter in awe, noticing all of her tiny features.  She truly was a living miracle.

Daniel smiled and looked at his tiny wife.  “Alyssa truly is beautiful.  She had to take her nap after we arrived from the airport…”

Glytter smiled as he glanced at Daniel.  “Tell them the funny story about us going through TSA today at the airport….”

Daniel nodded.  “Well, Alyssa and I were at Pittsburgh International Airport, and we were going right through the TSA security checkpoint.  A woman with her young daughter that looked about five looked at me wheeling the stroller and smiled.  ‘Is that your daughter?’ the woman asked me.  Now Alyssa had to look away to prevent herself from bursting into laughter, but I lied to her.  ‘Yes,’ I told her.  ‘And she’s my beautiful ball of sunshine.’  The woman was again curious.  ‘What’s her name?’ she asked me.  ‘Alyssa…’ I told the woman.  And then she popped the oh-so-important age question.  ‘How old is little Alyssa?’ she asked me.  I held out five fingers.  ‘My little daughter Alyssa here just turned five months’.”

“At this point, I recovered from almost laughing,” Glytter chimed in.  “So, I began cooing and babbling right in front of the woman.  She thought that it was so cute!  The woman then gave me a kiss on the cheek, and we passed through TSA.  What the woman doesn’t know is that she just saw a married woman being pushed in a baby stroller through an airport!  Oh, I love playing jokes on strangers!”  Glytter then toddled back to her stroller and grabbed two room keys and two suckers.  She handed one of each to me and Trisha.  “We’re in room 2504.” She told us.

Daniel then glanced at me and Trisha.  “Let’s go back to the room and take care of your luggage.” He then glanced at Glytter.  “Into your stroller, my little Ally Cat!”

Glytter nodded.  “Akay daddy!” She joyously toddled back to her stroller and jumped back in, while Daniel buckled her in. 

Both Trisha and I followed Daniel with our luggage as he wheeled his “precious cargo” through the hotel lobby and towards the elevator shaft.

A whole bunch of faces grinned as they saw Glytter laying in her stroller.

“Hey Glytter!” A male little shouted.  “Nice to see you here again!”

A bunch of other littles all said hi to Glytter, as if they recognized her.

“Hi everyone!” Glytter said, smiling.  “Can’t wait for another wonderful CAPCon!  Don’t miss my class tomorrow!”

“We won’t!” a small crowd of voices shouted.

I glanced at Glytter and gasped as we approached the elevator shaft.  “Wow Glytter!  They treat you like you’re a celebrity!”

“Well, I kind of am at CAPCon,” Glytter told me.  “What other kind of little gets to LIVE like a little 24/7?  Now, I still get body dysmorphia, but in terms of my age, not my physical size.  If you want the honest truth, I’m the envy of a lot of ABDL’s here.  They wish that they could live in my body and be able to truly live like a baby.  But I tell them that it’s not all that’s cracked up to be.  When you get out of little space, it’s a real drag to live like this every day.  I am so tiny that Daniel has to help me with most things that I can’t do myself.  I can’t drive or be able to go to any amusement parks.  Jill, size limits me in a lot of ways, so why would anyone want to live like this?  But I have decided a long time ago that I wouldn’t let my size get in the way of me living a quality life.  You only live once and God gave me this little body for a reason.  I’m the second smallest woman in the world, but I have done a lot of amazing things.  Sorry about my soapbox.  I tend to ramble a lot when I get very passionate about something that I talk about.  Wow.  Eight elevators and not a single one opening yet?  Any moment now…”

A few seconds later, three elevators opened, with a small group of littles walking out of each one.  In one group, it was a group of women and they were all sucking on pacifiers.

The four of us entered the elevator, with two additional littles joining us.  One was a woman with her hair done in two buns dressed in a white top and a pink skirt that was barely long enough to cover her onesie and diaper underneath.  Next to her was a guy, who unzipped a diaper bag and stuck a pacifier in the woman’s mouth.

Daniel pressed 25 on the elevator panel while the woman pressed 22.

I glanced at the “daddy” and smiled.  “Is this your first CAPCon?”

“Second,” the guy corrected me.  “We both met each other at the first CAPCon.  “Say hello, my little Lilly!”

Lilly removed her pink pacifier.  “Hi hi! My name is Lilly and I’m dis many!” She held out two fingers.   “I know Gwitter but what your names?  Daddy said if I’m gud he give me candy!”

Daddy pointed to himself.  “Yes Lilly.  Daddy will give you plenty of candy if you’re a good little girl.” He turned to face us.  “Sorry.  I haven’t introduced myself.  I’m Leo.  And Lilly knows TinyTrish.  But who are you?”

I smiled.  “I’m new here,” I told him.  “You can call me Baby Jill!”

Leo then spotted Lilly about to press a bunch of elevator buttons.  “Lilly?”

Lilly turned around and stopped what she was about to do.  “I be good!” she shouted.  “I be good!  Pwease give me candy daddy…”

The elevator dinged and reached the 22nd floor.

Leo grabbed Lilly by the hand and smiled.  “Come on, Lilly.  We’re on our floor.  Let’s go!”

Lilly then stood there like a statue.  I knew what she was doing, so all I could do was smile.  “Hold on!” she told him.  “I not finished.  I finished!”

Leo smiled as he grabbed Lilly by the hand.  “It looks like my little Lilly pad will need her diaper changed now….”

Before I could hear anything else, the elevator door closed and continued up to the 25th floor.

Moments later, the elevator stopped on the 25th floor and we all exited it.

Both Trisha and I followed Daniel, who was pushing Glytter in the white baby stroller.  He used his card key on 2504 and opened the door.  I saw a spacious room with two queen sized beds.  The first bed already had a few things on it.  A white changing mat with yellow bears, yellow stars, and pink stars all over the mat.  Next to the changing mat was a torn open sack of Size 2 Pampers Swaddlers diapers (29 count) and an unopen sack of Size 3 Huggies Overnites diapers (24 count).  I then glanced back at Glytter, who was now climbing out of her stroller and gasped. “Glytter, you wear baby diapers?”

Glytter laughed.  “Of course, Jill!  They don’t make ABDL diapers in baby sizes.  In case you aren’t aware, I am 25 inches tall, and I weigh 14 pounds 4 ounces.  It might be five ounces considering I had a little extra food to eat today.  Because I have a lot of ABDL friends, I know of the best ABDL diapers for adult-sized bodies.  But since I am only the size of a five-month-old, I can fit perfectly in a Size 2 Pampers Swaddlers.  They don’t make nighttime diapers for Size 2’s so I wear a Size 3 at night.  Size 3’s are a little loose, but not too loose on me.  And if you want my honest opinion, I prefer the Pampers Swaddlers Overnights, but daddy got these on sale and he wanted something to fit in the luggage, even though I told him that he could just bring a white sleeve of 22 Pampers with us.  Despite the Huggies I have to wear tonight, I’m a Pampers girl…”  She then smiled.  “And it’s a good thing that you we’re in here earlier.  Just after my nap, my daddy had to change a very stinky one…I kept pestering him to hurry the whole time that he changed me.  It was funnnnnnnn…”

Trisha nodded, and she guided me over to where we would be sleeping.  We got the queen-sized bed by the window, which offered a nice view of downtown Chicago.  Trisha wasted no time in pulling her lavender skirt off to reveal her cute white babyish onesie with cute animals on it.  “I weadys!  C’mon Jilly!”

Glytter laughed.  “Jilly!  That’s a cute name, Trish!” She then looked at me with a smirk.  “I’m gonna call you Jilly from now on…Daddy’s gonna change me into a pink ruffled flying sleeve romper.”

“What size?” I said, joking as I took my baby pink ankle length skirt off, revealing my white star and crescent moon onesie from Little for Big.

Glytter smiled.  “It’s a 3-6 months! I don’t think it will fit you.” She then glanced at my onesie.  “Ah!  Nice onesie Jill!  A Baby Sleepytime onesie from Little for Big!  That’s a very popular one.  I see a lot of littles wearing that one at CAPCon.  I could give you all the names since I remember every attendee that I ever met.  My photographic memory is both a blessing and a curse, really…Now, do we want to go down and check out the con space?  I would like to show you the changing rooms, the sensory rooms, the Quiet Nursery, the Dark Ageplay room, and the pool!  Did you bring your suit, Jilly?”

I nodded.  “Yes.  But my concern is my fecal incontinence.  Do they have swim diapers for adults?”

Glytter nodded, as Daniel removed her footed blanket sleeper.  “They do!  They’re called Swimmates disposable swimwear and I know of a friend that can give you some of theirs.  She’s a small, but she would be more than happy to give you some of hers.”

Daniel then checked Glytter’s diaper by pinching the crotch area.  “My Ally Cat just went through another one!  How about I change you before I put you in that romper.  Okay?”

Glytter smiled.  “Akay daddy!”

Daniel proceeded to change Glytter’s diaper.  It was like watching an infant get changed since Glytter was so small.  Since it was a wet one, Daniel managed to change her in just three minutes.  He balled up the wet diaper and threw it in the trash bin.  He then slid the pink cotton romper onto Glytter and snapped the three crotch buttons.

Glytter then glanced at me again.  “Also Jill,” she told me.  “The convention staff and hotel staff all know that I’m an adult, but a tiny dwarf.  I have my ID with me in case there are any issues with verification.  I had that issue my first CAPCon and it was a PAIN to sort everything out.  After that, they never forgot about me again.”  She glanced at Daniel.  “Let’s go, daddy!”

Daniel picked up Glytter and placed her in her stroller.

After seeing Glytter buckled into her stroller, I frowned.  “Glytter, are you going to walk at all this weekend?”

Glytter nodded.  “Yes Jill.  But remember.  I have the body of a five-month-old infant.  That means I tire easily.  To put things into perspective, a five-month-old isn’t even old enough to crawl yet!  But from years of training and exercise, I have gotten these infant legs strong enough to stand and walk.  I can even run but I can only do short distances at a time.  Also Jill, I need three naps a day, in addition to the normal nighttime sleep that we all get.  For me, they have a infant crib in the Quiet Nursery for my private use.”

I nodded.  “When are your naps, Glytter?”

Glytter thought for a second.  “My naps?  Every day, I take a nap at 8 in the morning, noon, and 4 in the afternoon.  My 8:00 AM nap is two hours.  My noon nap is an hour and a half.  My 4:00 PM nap is the shortest at only a half hour.  My normal bedtime is at 9:00 at night and I sleep until 6 in the morning.  Let’s go, daddy!”

Before leaving, I unzipped my check in bag and stuffed one more Tykables Animooz diaper into my backpack purse.  I unzipped my other checked bag and stuffed my swimsuit in my backpack purse.  I was now ready to leave.

We all exited the room with our room keys, and I noticed Trisha getting her badge and lanyard out of her backpack purse.  I got mine out and we wore them around our necks.  We walked down the hallway and into the elevator shaft.  Three elevators were vacant, so I pressed the down call button.  A few seconds later, the elevator door opened.

We took the elevator down to the lobby level but ended up with another four littles on our elevator on the way down.  We exited with the four and I followed Daniel wheeling Glytter with Trisha towards the CAPCon convention space.

We all arrived at the registration desk at CAPCon and I was met with a smiling man that looked to be in his late 30’s.  He had a babyish T-shirt on with some blue overalls and wore a badge that read “CAPCon Staff”. “Hi!” he told me.  “I’m Marty!  I’m just going to check your badge before I let you into the convention and make sure that everything looks good.  Baby Jill?  Okay.  Do you have a cellphone?”  I nodded, and Marty stuck a security sticker over the camera on my phone.  “No photography is allowed within the convention space.  Other than that, just have fun!  You are clear to enter.”  Marty put a green wristband around my right arm, and I was clear to enter the convention space.

Trisha was next.  Marty checked Trisha’s badge.  “TinyTrish?  Welcome back to CAPCon.  You can enter.”  Trisha also got a green wristband as well.  A security sticker was placed over her phone camera, and she entered the convention space.

Daniel was next with Glytter.  Daniel presented his badge and Glytter presented hers while she was in her stroller.  Marty put stickers over both of their cameras on their cellphones and put green wristbands on their arms.  For Glytter’s, he had to adjust it to be extra tight since her arm was so small.

“Welcome back, Glytter.” Marty told her.  “It’s always a pleasure to see you at a CAPCon.  I see that ring on your finger.  Did you just get married?”

Glytter nodded and pointed up to Daniel.  “Yeah.  He’s my daddy who takes care of me.”

Daniel nodded.  “We met during our second CAPCon.  Before that, Glytter was attending with her other ABDL friends…”

Trisha nodded.  “One of them was me.  I was pushing that stroller before you were…”

Marty grinned.  “Well, have fun!  Don’t want to hold up the line!  You all have a wonderful CAPCon!”

We all proceeded forward through the con space.

At Glytter’s suggestion, we walked around the space, while she pointed out all the different areas and rooms.  She showed us the vendor marketplace, which had different tables set up that sold various different little clothing, and accessories towards the end.  One of the ABDL accessory tables was Glytter’s Pacifiers, which was run by two women that looked about Glytter’s age (23).  One was dressed in a footed sleeper and the other one wore pink overalls with a white babyish T-shirt with various animal patterns on it.  Both girls had pacifier clips clipped to their collars each with a Glytter pacifier at the end of it.  The girl with the footed sleeper stuck her Glytter pacie in her mouth and began sucking on it.

“Wanna buy a pacifier?” the pink overall girl asked.  She then jabbed the other woman in the arm.  “Hey!  Stop goofing around, Mallory!  We have customers!”

Mallory removed the pacifier and pouted.  “Aw, come on!  I’m modeling it!”

Glytter laughed when she saw both of her girls running her pacifier table.  “Katie!  Mallory! It’s okay!  I think it’s actually cute for Mal to model the pacie.  It might get us more sales this year!”

I glanced at Glytter.  “So they work for you?”

Glytter nodded.  “They’re both good friends of mine.  Katie has a YouTube channel called DiaperedKate…”

“Let’s not forget mine!” Mallory chimed in.  “It’s called LittlebittyMal!  Like, comment, subscribe!”

I grinned.  “Let’s not forget Jillian in Diapers!  I currently have 1,282,841 subscribers!”

Mallory nodded.  “I’m already subscribed!  Very good channel!  Glytter has told me about you.  Nice to finally meet you in person…” Mallory glanced at my badge.  “Baby Jill!  We should totally collaborate and make a video together!  It will be a good time…”

“Ahem!” Katie shouted.  “Three-person collab!  DiaperedKate, LittlebittyMal, and Jillian in Diapers!  Seriously Jill.  You have way more subs than any of us combined…”

I nodded and grinned.  “It’s what pays the bills so I can enjoy CAPCons like this…”

Katie then gasped.  “I gotta get to a bathroom…”

I frowned.  “Aren’t you already wearing one?”

Katie nodded.  “I am, but messing yourself is not allowed at CAPCon.  Now, if you have a medical problem, that’s okay.  Just try to get yourself changed as quickly as possible.  You don’t want to stink up the convention space with your mess.”  She glanced at Glytter, Daniel, Trisha, and me.  “Nice seeing you and your friends, Glytter.  I gotta poop!”  Katie hurried off to find the nearest bathroom.

I gasped.  While I still had some control over my bowels, there was no guarantee that I would be able to hold it for too long.  Shitting myself was more of a muscle memory thing now.  If I could help it, I will try to avoid messing myself at all costs.  But there’s no guarantee over my peeing, as I had virtually no control over that anymore.

Glytter told Daniel to move her stroller, as a few were beginning to line up by her pacifier stand.  “Well, Mal’s got this so let me show you the rest of the con space!”

Daniel continued to push Glytter in her stroller, while she pointed out the rest of the con space on the lobby floor we were on.  There was a main stage area with numbers of rows of seats set up.  From what Glytter said, this would be used for larger panels (including a brief one that they would use to welcome everyone to CAPCon.)  Nearby was a big playplace with a slide and two swings (I will have to try this out later!). 

She then showed us a buffet area where we could pay $17 to help ourselves to some food anytime we wanted during the convention.  It looked like fun finger food.  Chicken nuggets, French fries, goldfish crackers, gummy bears, and some other favorites that require silverware.  Mac and cheese, hot dogs cut into small pieces, apple slices, baby carrots, and juice boxes.  The dessert section had chocolate chip cookies, teddy grahams, M&M’s, Oreos, and chocolate pudding tubs.  Tables were scattered all around the buffet area, with a few highchairs set up (ooh!  I want someone to feed me in a highchair!).  There was a public gathering area with tables and chairs used for littles who wanted to bring something to eat from outside the con space (of course they would have to dress vanilla outside of the hotel)

Glytter then showed us a free table where everything offered on it was free.  Cloth diapers, disposable diapers, cloth inserts, disposable boosters, onesies, dresses, pajamas, enema kit pieces, stuffies, bibs, books, and many other things.  I grabbed one Tykables Waddler diaper, along with a stuffed bear and a bib, since it was all free.  I zipped open my backpack purse and stuffed everything inside.

After that, Glytter pointed to the Dark Room, where I would need to have taken one Dark Ageplay class to access the room (I chose Intro to Hypnosis).

I smiled.  “Wow! There’s a lot to do here!”

Glytter smiled and laughed.  “We’re not done!  That’s just this floor!  There’s one more floor that I haven’t shown you yet, and it’s on the lower floor.  Take us there, daddy!”

Daniel wheeled Glytter down to the lower level, where Glytter pointed out a few more rooms where the CAPCon space continued.  She pointed out four rooms.  One was for Little Boys, one was for Little Girls, one was for Middle Boys, and one was for Middle Girls.

I frowned.  “What’s a middle?”

Trisha glanced at me and made eye contact.  “Jill, a middle is someone who identifies as being older than a little.  They are 7-14 years old instead of newborn to 6.  What’s cool about their rooms is that they have board games set up and video games.  It’s fun!”

Past the Little/Middle rooms was a preschool/daycare where I saw littles coloring in coloring books and playing with Legos, blocks and baby toys.  Each section was segregated by age so I could clearly tell the difference between the preschool section and the daycare section.  Past that was a Quiet Nursery and Sensory room.  Each of these rooms had the lights shut off and everyone entering it was supposed to be quiet.  My heart skipped a beat when I saw a few adult sized cribs in the room, along with the infant crib that was just for Glytter.  Glytter then pointed out a few smaller classrooms that would be used for panels, hinting that she would be speaking in one of those classrooms.  There were also a couple of other rooms dedicated to furry and petplay.  There was a corner for board games and card games, a corner for Legos and hangouts, and a large playroom with plenty of toys for littles and middles.  In that room, I noticed giant rocking toys.  A horse, a motorcycle, and a dinosaur.  There were also a few tricycles and a couple of bouncers.

The only thing that Glytter didn’t show me was the swimming pool.  She mentioned that we could go there later towards the end of the night.

Having seen the entire CAPCon space, it was now time for all of us to get to the main stage for the start of the convention.  Daniel wheeled Glytter into an elevator with me and Trisha following, and we went back up to the lobby level.  We all walked to the main stage.  It was now 2:53 PM, and the convention was going to start in just 7 minutes.

At 3:00 PM, a few CAPCon Senior Staff members came on stage.  One of them was a man, who welcomed us all to CAPCon 2024.  The other one on stage was a woman.  In addition to this, they mentioned how this was put on by the Chicago Age Players and has been held since 2010.  After that, they gave a few ground rules regarding do’s and don’ts during the convention, and especially stressed the importance of remaining vanilla when leaving the hotel and keeping our bracelets and lanyards concealed at all times when leaving the hotel.  After that, they mentioned how friendly the staff was and that the most important thing for all of us this weekend was for us to have fun and that they had a good event planned for every one of us.  One other important rule that was stressed was that messing was not allowed, and if we wore diapers, we were to keep the fluids concealed.  One exception that they gave regarding messing was for those with serious medical conditions where that was beyond their control.  The golden rule that they suggested there was to just take care of the mess as quickly as possible to show courtesy to everyone else there.  They also told us that we couldn’t have anything exposed.  No breasts or genitalia.  Besides that, we were all told to have fun.  After that, some announcements for upcoming activities and events were announced (which sounded fun, but I wanted to go to the middle girl’s room.). They dismissed us to do whatever we wanted for the remainder of the convention.

After the dismissal, we all went down to the lower level to play in the Middle Girl’s room.  All except for Glytter, who needed to take her nap at around 4:00 PM.  Daniel took her there in her stroller while I went with Trisha to the Middle Girl’s room.

Once in the Middle Girl’s room, Trisha introduced me to a few little friends that she recognized from past CAPCons that she attended.  One was Scott the Tot and the other was BinkyBrenda.  There was even one babyfur named Velvet Paw.  That was his fursona that he mentioned and that he was cuddly, friendly, playful, and rambunctious at times but was always looking for adventure.  He didn’t spend a lot of time playing, as he wanted to meet his other friends in the babyfur room.  Trisha and I did continue playing with Scott the Tot and BinkyBrenda.  We played a few rounds of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate on the Nintendo Switch, which I was horrible at but still had fun anyways.

All of a sudden, I gasped.  As much as I tried to prevent myself from messing, it happened.  An enormous gooey mess began to fill my diaper.  At the very moment that this happened, I sat down my Switch Pro Controller and tugged at Trisha’s onesie.

Trisha sighed.  “What is it, Jill?” she sniffed right next to where I was.  “Oh…You just…” We both turned to face Scott the Tot and BinkyBrenda.  “We’re both going to get changed.  It was nice playing with both of you!”

BinkyBrenda gasped.  “Wait!  Your friend didn’t just poop on purpose!”

My face blushed.  “It wasn’t on purpose. It was a total accident…”

Scott the Tot nodded.  “That’s okay.  Just go and get it done.  Don’t want anything to smell…”

We both left the room and hurried to the nearest changing room.  We saw a long line for the changing room, but when they caught wind of my horrible stench, everyone was kind and let Trisha and I cut them in line.

“Get that taken care of,” an older man in overalls said, holding a pacifier.  “We’re all just wet.  It looks like you had an accident.  We’ll let you cut.  Can’t stink up the line or the con space…”

Trisha and I continued down the long line, as everyone was letting us cut when they caught a whiff of my stinky diaper.  Finally, we were right next to a CAPCon Staff member.  It was a tall blonde guy dressed in street clothes.  He glanced at me and immediately caught wind of my stinky diaper.  “You know that messing is not allowed at the convention?”

I nodded, almost starting to cry.  “It was an accident…I swear!”

The blonde guy, who I saw was named Daddy Eric on his badge, smiled.  “It’s fine.  If you have a medical condition, you’re not in trouble.  Do you want me to change you, or do you want your friend there to help you?”

I smiled, as I would not pass up the opportunity for a totally hot guy to change my diaper.  “Change me…” I said, smiling.  “I make stinky…”

Eric closed the curtain.  “Okay then…Baby Jill?  Lay on the table and daddy Eric will change you…”

I laid on the changing mat on top of the table, while Eric unsnapped the three buttons on my onesie.  He then began to make friendly small talk with me.  “Don’t be ashamed.  This is the third messy diaper that I had to change already.  There are a handful of people like you that won’t be able to hold in their stool.  That ‘no messing’ rule is for everyone else that can hold it so that we don’t have an unsanitary convention space.  We can contain the much smaller number of messy diapers.  So, is this your first CAPCon?”

I nodded.  “Yes!  I’m enjoying it a lot so far!”

Eric nodded and laughed.  “I’m glad you are!  You didn’t look that familiar.  Just know that the staff here are very friendly and helpful.  If you need anything or need any help, just let us know.  It looks like your friend has been here before…” Eric finished cleaning me, throwing all of the soiled wipes into the soiled diaper.

“Try to be quick with getting the next one on,” I told him.  “While I had some control with my bowels, I have pretty much no control over my bladder…”

Eric nodded and glanced at the diapers that he had with him.  “Did you want a PeekABU, or were there some other diapers that you packed?”

I smiled.  “There’s a Tykables Waddler that I grabbed from the free table.  Put me in that!”

Eric nodded and quickly unzipped my backpack purse to find the Waddler diaper.  He quickly powdered it and placed me on it, folding it between my legs, fastening the thigh tapes and then the waist tapes.  “I’m going to run my fingers through the leg cuffs to make sure that they’re pulled out.  At last year’s CAPCon, an accident happened because the person who changed the other person’s diaper forgot to pull out the leg cuffs.  I can’t tell you who they are, but it reminded me of how important it is to pull those cuffs out.  That prevents the fluid from escaping your legs and it runs down inside the diaper instead.  Well, you’re all done!”  He pulled open the curtain and glanced at Trisha.  “Did you want me to change you next?”

Trisha nodded.

Over the next few minutes, I waited for Eric to change Trisha’s diaper, which took a lot shorter since it was only wet.  After Trisha was done, we both thanked Eric and left the changing room.

As we both walked towards the Middle Girl’s room, I started to feel a little tired.  I glanced at Trisha and yawned.

“Do you mind if I go into the quiet nursery for a while?” I told her.  “I’m going to take a short nap.  I’ll text you when I’m done.”

Trisha nodded.  “Okay Jill! I’ll be in the Middle Girl’s room.  I may check out the Little Girl’s room if they’re not too rowdy.  Littles can act up a little sometimes…Have fun!”

I smiled as I waddled through the wide corridor towards the quiet nursery.  I noticed that most people at this con walked in the same waddle gait.  I approached the door to the quiet nursery to notice a CAPCon Staff member outside.  It was another male in street clothes.

“This is the quiet nursery.” He told me.  “By entering, you agree to all of the rules pertaining to the nursery outlined in CAPCon’s Badge and Rule Agreement. Absolutely no noise is allowed past this point when you enter.  This is a quiet space.”

I silently nodded and entered the room.

To my surprise, I saw four adult-sized cribs in the room.  Next to the infant crib, I saw an empty stroller, with Daniel sitting on the floor next to it.  In the infant crib, I saw Glytter in a pink footed blanket sleeper fast asleep.  I smiled and walked over to a vacant crib.  Before approaching it, I unzipped my backpack purse and got out my pacifier clip with my Glytter pacie.  I clipped it on my onesie.   After that, I climbed into the crib and a CAPCon staff member lifted up the railing of the crib.

Reach out your hands between the railing when you’re done resting.” The female CAPCon staff member whispered to me.  “Have a nice nap….Baby Jill…

The crib was comfortable and filled with cozy blankets and a couple of stuffed teddys.  I laid my head on a large pillow and covered myself up with a blanket.  I then fell asleep…

I woke up and checked my cell phone.  6:03!  Wow.  It looks like I napped for about an hour.  I glanced at a couple of messages on my phone.  It was a group text from Glytter and Trisha.

Jill, I hope you are having a wonderful nap!  You look so cute in that crib!  Well, me and daddy are going to get dinner now.  Meet us there at 6!  We’ll wait for you!  Smiley Face Emoji

I reached my hands out of the railing and pulled them back when a CAPCon Staff Member pulled the railing back down.

Did you enjoy your nap, Baby Jill?” the woman staff member asked me.  “Also, those pigtails are so cute!”

I gave her a giddy nod like I was a two-year-old who just woke up from her nap.

I grabbed my backpack purse and exited the quiet nursery.

After that, I went back up to the lobby level and found Trisha, Daniel and Glytter near the Buffet area.

We all helped ourselves to a yummy little dinner.  I got chicken nuggets, fries, mac and cheese, chocolate pudding, and a juice box filled with apple juice.  But for tonight, I didn’t feel like feeding myself.  Instead, I got into one of the highchairs and sat my food down on the tray.  I unzipped my backpack purse and got out a bib.  I put it on and smiled.  One of the CAPCon staff nearby then asked me if I needed help in being fed.  I nodded and let the babying commence.

A woman staff member fed me my chicken nuggets and fries.  When she got to the mac and cheese and pudding, she pretended that every bite was like an airplane entering my mouth.  I missed on purpose so that a few globs of mac and cheese and pudding got all over my new bib.  But the woman was prepared, and she wiped my bib off with a couple of napkins.  She used another napkin to wipe off a little bit of pudding that I got on my face.

Meanwhile, the rest of my friends were enjoying their dinners as well.  Trisha was enjoying her nuggets, fries, and hot dog pieces with ketchup, along with some Teddy Grahams.  Both Daniel and Glytter were enjoying the same food that I ordered, only Daniel gave Glytter smaller portions while he fed her from her stroller.

After the dinner, we all went downstairs to one of the classrooms to attend one required Dark Ageplay Class.  I took one on intro to hypnosis, which provided some good pointers on how I could use hypnosis to more easily get into my little space.  So far, that wasn’t necessary as I found myself in baby trances without hypnosis at all.

When that class was over, Glytter wanted to go for a swim, so we all went down to the pool.  There was a changing area before the pool, so I went there.

It turned out that BinkyBrenda was the little that had the swim diapers, so she met us all there for swimming.  She gave me a small swimmates disposable swimwear swim diaper and I put it on before putting on my swimsuit.  Both Trisha and I swam around the large pool while Daniel and Brenda stayed put with Glytter, who sat in the shallow end.

After Trisha and I made a quick dip in the hot tub, we were done swimming.  I ended up not needing the swim diaper after all, as I didn’t poop once in the pool.  I still thanked BinkyBrenda anyway before I bid her farewell.

We all changed back into our normal clothes and made our way back to the lobby level.

After that, we bought some milks at the store near the lobby checkin area.  After that, we took the elevator back up to the 25th floor and returned to room 2504.  Completely tired, I was ready to turn in for the night.

Before we did, there was something that Trisha still wanted me to do.  So while Daniel was giving Glytter her shower in the bathroom, Trisha brought this matter to my attention.

“Jill,” Trisha reminded me.  “Can you change my diaper now?  It will be a short video.  Just the change.  Just take off your onesie and put on your white top so it’s just you in a white top and diaper.”

I followed Trisha’s directions, and she began recording the video on her phone.

“Hello my cozy fam!” Trisha announced.  “This is TinyTrish and Baby Jill here is going to change my diaper.  Come on, Jilly!  My diapey all wet!  I wanna ABU Little Kings!”

I smiled and put forth the best mommy voice that I could think of.  “Aw…Did Trishy make pottys in her diapey?  Here…Let Mommy Jill Check…” I grabbed the crotch area of the diaper and gave it a good squeeze.  “Oh…Wow!  Baby Trishy here soaked her diapey really good.  Not to worry, ‘cause mommy is going to put a fresh new diapey on you!  Yes she is!  Yes she is!”  I laid Trisha down on her changing mat on the bed and unfastened all four tapes of her diaper.  As I removed it, I found that Trisha really soaked this one good.  “Wow Trishy! You must’ve peed a whole river in there!”  I got the wipes and wiped Trisha’s vagina and the rest of her abdomen.  I then noticed a couple of rashy areas, so I wiped them with cream.  After that, I powdered the Little Kings diaper.  I then glanced at Trisha.  “Uppies!”

Trisha lifted her legs up while I slid the Little Kings diaper underneath her so that she was laying on top of it.  I poured some powder into my hand and rubbed it onto Trisha’s vagina and the rest of the area surrounding it.  I folded the diaper up between her legs and fastened the thigh tapes and then the waist tapes before finally running my fingers into her leg openings to pull out the leg cuffs.  “There you go!  Mommy’s got you in a fresh new diapey now!”

Trisha then cooed and smiled.  “Aw fank yoo Bay-bee Jihl!”  She then looked back at the camera.  “And thank you, my JFF cozy fam.  If you want more spicy diaper changing videos like this, stay subscribed for more!”  She stopped the video.

A few seconds later, the bathroom door opened and Daniel exited, holding Glytter in his arms.  Daniel quickly returned to the bathroom and exited holding a baby bottle that looked like it was filled with milk.

I gasped.  “Is that milk?”

Glytter shook her head.  “No Jill.  That’s baby formula.  Daddy is going to feed me and I’m going sleepy bye!  Nini Trisha!  Nini Jill!”

Glytter was in a yellow footed blanket sleeper and laying on the bed.  Daniel than got onto the bed, holding the pink infant baby bottle filled with baby formula.  He picked up Glytter and cradled her in his arms.  He then grabbed the bottle and began to feed Glytter.  In every way, it looked like Daniel was feeding an infant, but I had to convince myself in every way that this was a 23-year-old woman that had the appearance of a baby, since she was the second smallest woman in the world.  She looked so cute as her eyes began to close.  She drank down the formula and I could hear her fall asleep.

Both Trisha and I got our footed sleepers on.  Unlike my Rearz Little Monsters footed sleeper, Trisha’s was a pink vintage one that had white footies.

We both got into our beds.  But before I could even fall asleep, Trisha surprised me with a question.

“Jill,” she told me.  “At the airport, I told you how I was a bedwetter.  Now, what is your story as to how you started wearing?”

I smiled.  “Mine is a rather unusual one.  But here it goes.”

“I too went to college, but it was at Cleveland State University.  I never had problems with making it to the toilet ever.  I had at least two or three accidents when I was five years old.  After that, I never had another accident again.  It wouldn’t be until later that my accident-free streak would come to an end.”

“Since I was dirt poor and couldn’t pay my rent, my twin sister Jen came to the rescue.  She paid my rent for May, and I moved in to live with her in Philadelphia since I was broke.  During the very first night, her and her boyfriend treated me to a nice dinner at the Capital Grille.  The food was nice, but what really changed the whole evening was a bottle of Walt, Las Brisa, Sonoma Coast.”

Trisha smiled.  “That’s some good stuff!”

I nodded.  “But that’s the problem, Trisha.  I don’t drink alcohol, so when I drank the entire bottle, it made me totally drunk.  At this point, I needed my sister to help fill in the blanks on this story as I was totally blacked out until I was back in my apartment.  According to her, I tried to walk back on my own and was rude and obnoxious.  When her boyfriend was getting the car to pull up closer, I left the restaurant, walking off the curb and onto the street.  I made a few large paces away towards the street.  When Jen called me back, I ran really fast.  Since I didn’t see the curb and had no sense of balance, I tripped so hard and landed so hard on my pelvis that I fractured it.  Now my sister told me that she took me back, but the next thing that I remembered waking up to was being soaked in both vomit and pee.  I was curled in a fetal position and was crying.  Now I thought nothing of it, thinking that the wine probably made me piss myself, but I was wrong.  Over the next eight days in a row, I kept wetting the bed...”

Trisha nodded.  “Yup.  I can so relate to that.  Don’t wet bedsheets suck?”

I nodded.  “After eight days of it, I had to buy diapers and wear them every night.  But as the days and weeks went by, my incontinence continued to get worse and worse.  Now it’s at the point where I have virtually no bladder control anymore.”

Trisha gasped.  “Did you see a doctor?”

I nodded.  “I got everything checked out.  X-rays and everything.  When my urologist looked at them, she told me that my prognosis was not good.  Considering that my fall tore a lot of the nerves that connected my spinal cord to my bladder, it was very clear to her that I was going to need to wear diapers for the rest of my life.”

Trisha hugged me.  “It’s okay.  I’m five years into wearing 24/7 and I’m never going back to underwear again.  Do you know that I don’t own anymore underwear, Jill?”

I then decided to change the subject.  “You were naked during that diaper change.  Is that allowed on Just for Fans?”

Trisha laughed.  “Jill, it’s adult content.  We could both be totally naked and you could change my diaper.  This was more on the mild side since you were clothed.  The only nudity they saw was the diaper change.  Totally allowable on JFF.”

I smiled.  “Could I open a JFF account?  I’m thinking of setting up a tripod at home and recording some of my diaper changes.”

Trisha nodded.  “Based on your Jillian in Diapers on YouTube, I think that you could build a following pretty quickly.  Just be sure to charge a decent rate.  For quality adult content, I charge $5 per minute of video for non-subscribers.  A basic subscription is $30 per month.  A premier subscription is $50 per month.  A premium subscription is $100 per month.  My premium subscribers not only get all the normal content earlier, but also exclusive access to additional content and special invites to lives that I have with my JFF premium besties.  You’re not going to believe this, Jill, but my JFF gig is making me $280,000 per year.”

I gasped.  Who knows how much I could be making off of JFF?  $280,000 per year?  It’s quite possible that I could make that much in a month.  Plus, I can pare down my content to put on my Jillian in Diapers channel and reserve the juicier stuff for JFF.

After that, both Trisha and I took showers and got our diapers and footed blanket sleepers back on.

I smiled and looked at Trisha.  “Well, we need to go nighty nights.  I’m getting my milky baa baa and going ninis…”

I took the milk that I got from the hotel store and poured it into my Pink Simba glass feeding bottle.  I got into the bed with it and sucked down the bottle before setting it down on the floor.  “Ni ni Trisha!”

“Ni ni Jill!”

I smiled as I sucked on my pacie before falling asleep.

With that, my JJ Little Besties, I’m going to see that you’re all well rested before we proceed on with Day Two of CAPCon.  What fun adventures await me with Trisha, Glytter, and Daniel, her new husband and daddy?  Get some good rest, my JJ Little Besties because you’re going to need it for Day 2.

The three littles plus Glytter’s daddy were now all fast asleep in room 2504.  But little did they know the fun adventures that awaited them.

To be continued…

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  • PamperedPrince changed the title to The JJ Diaper Twins (Ch. 16 - 5/16/2024)

Disclaimer:  The following chapter contains only a fictitious account of a CAPCon event.  Any real life events that match the events in this story (i.e. character names, class names, or event names) are purely coincidental.

Chapter 16 : My First CAPCon! (Part 2)

Good morning, my JJ Little Besties!  Rather than drag out the introduction, we’re going to pick up right where we left off from the last chapter.  Are you awake, my JJ Little Besties?  Good!  Then let’s continue with Day 2 of CAPCon.

I woke up to a horrible stench as I lay in my bed.  Judging from the smell, it was either me or Trisha that totally messed our diaper.  Since I felt the warm mass sticking against my back, I knew that I had to have messed my diaper in my sleep.

Trisha woke up and began sniffing her nose.  She let out a yawn and then looked at me.  “Jill,” she asked me in a hushed tone.  “Did you mess your diaper?

I smiled like a two-year-old.  “I dunno!  Did you mess yours?

Trisha glanced at her cellphone.  “5:45 AM.  Well, it’s time to get up anyway.  Let’s find out!”

Trisha got out of her bed as I got out of mine.  She laid her changing mat on the bed and got out a Tykables Potty Monsters.  She unzipped her pink vintage footed sleeper and removed the four tapes of her ABU Little Kings diaper.  She opened the diaper and to my surprise, her diaper was also heavily soiled.

I gasped.  “That explained why it smelled so bad!  We BOTH messed our diapers!”

Trisha nodded.  “All of those hypnosis files that I have been listening to.  It’s working.  I am now messing in my sleep…”

We then saw Glytter begin to stir.  To my surprise, I heard her wail like an infant.  Daniel immediately woke up and began swaddling Glytter in his arms.  He then stuck a pacifier in Glytter’s mouth, which stopped her wailing for a moment.

“Alyssa honey…” he told her.   “Don’t worry.  Daddy’s here…”

Glytter spit out the pacifier and continued crying.  “No daddy!” she shouted.  “My diapey!”

I could only guess what kind of diaper Glytter was in when she woke up.

Daniel laid Glytter on her infant changing mat and he unzipped her yellow footed blanket sleeper, revealing her Size 3 Huggies Overnites diaper.  He removed both tapes and opened the diaper.  And what I saw was…yup.  Like Trisha and I, Glytter totally soiled her diaper.

While Daniel was changing Glytter into a new Size 2 Pampers Swaddlers diaper, I worked on changing myself into a new diaper, since Trisha was all changed into a new one herself.  I laid on her same changing mat and spent about five minutes cleaning myself.  I then put on a Tykables Potty Monsters diaper, since I wanted to match my diaper twin.  After that, I snapped my Little Monsters Footie back on.  “I’m wearing this all day to the con!” I said with a smile.

Trisha grinned.  “Same here!  Time for a lazy con Thursday and LEAP into action!”

I then recognized her pun, since it was February 29th.

I glanced back at Glytter, who was now a lot happier in a new diaper but still in her yellow footed blanket sleeper.

Glytter then smiled at all of us.  “Oh, that was the very best little space that I had in a long time!  I really felt like a baby when I was crying in my messy diaper.  Daddy held me and took care of the change….It was great…”

I frowned.  “But you’re already little.  How can you not feel little?”

Glytter grinned.  “Jill, it’s quite possible for me to still not feel like a baby even though I have a small body and most people mistake me for an infant anyway.  There are days where I just don’t feel little at all.  I’ll explain this during the class today.  It’s at 2:00.  Don’t miss it!  Are you all in new diapeys?”

Both Trisha and I nodded.  “Yes.  And ours were also messy!”

The three of us all laughed, with Glytter laughing the hardest.  “That’s great!” Glytter shouted.  “Three messy babies.  Well, the buffet is serving breakfast at 7:00.  Do you want to go down?  Get everything that you need since we’re going to be out all day.”

I nodded and quickly rinsed out my pink baby bottle before leaving the hotel.  Trisha did the same.

Daniel had another baby bottle filled with formula and began feeding the bottle to Glytter.  “It’s time for her morning feeding.  Believe it or not, Alyssa has a normal feeding schedule just like a five-month-old.  It’s what she wanted to start doing since our wedding day…”

I smiled.  “It must be doing wonders for her little space…”

Daniel nodded.  “It is.  I have to pay close attention to see whether I’m speaking to her baby self or her adult self.  There we go, Ally cat.  Drink all of it for daddy…There we go!

Glytter finished her bottle but gave her daddy an uncomfortable look.  Daniel then gave Glytter a few pats on her back to burp her.  Glytter let out a few loud burps and let out a contented sigh.

“I give my diaper an hour and it will be soaked again…” Glytter said with a smile.  Now let’s go!  I got my breakfast but they’re all hungry!”

I glanced at Glytter’s yellow footed sleeper.  “Are you going down in your pajamas too?”

Glytter nodded as Daniel sat her in her stroller.  “My daddy has four other outfits packed in my diaper bag!  There’s one in particular that I want to wear for the class.  He knows which one that is.  He’ll dress me in it after my noon nap…”

I nodded and glanced at Glytter as we all left the room.  “What is it like to have such a small body like that?”

Glytter grinned.  “It can be exhausting, Jill.  Imagine needing three naps a day just to stay energized.  And with my new formula regimen, it’s all I’m going to have after the con.  My daddy is going to treat me like a real baby 24/7.  It’s going to be great…”

Daniel wheeled Glytter In her stroller and both Trisha and I followed behind them.  We took the elevator down to the lobby level and found a few groups of littles all talking to each other.  With it being 6:34 AM, all we could do is kill time by talking to the other littles.  Most of them recognized Glytter and held out their pacifier that they bought from her.

I also used this time to talk to Trisha about different companies that I could invest my stocks in.  These were the kinds of stocks that she, Bradley, and Gary were all investing in, and it was making them all pretty good money.  She gave me the names of the companies, including some new ones that both she and Bradley would predict would be really big in the AI industry.  I wrote down this company name and made it a point to invest in it when I got home.  All of these stocks would help me offset all the crazy taxes that I have been paying over the course of at least 2-3 years.

At 7:00 AM, we all got breakfast at the buffet.  Trisha and I got French Toast Sticks with a disposable tub of syrup and some eggs, which we both doused with Tabasco sauce.  We finished our selection with Cherrios, yogurt, and apple juice in juice boxes.  Since there were two vacant highchairs right next to each other, both Trisha and I put our bibs on and got in the highchairs.  A couple of CAPCon Staff fed us our breakfast.  Trisha got a male staff member, and I got a female.  I laughed as I watched Trisha make a mess of her breakfast.  She got syrup on her mouth, and it dripped down onto her chin.  Her bib was covered in syrup and eggs and she was making a show pounding her fists on the tray of the highchair like a hyperactive toddler.  I was the good baby and finished my breakfast with just a few traces of syrup around my lips.

Daniel fed Glytter only a tiny version of what we ate, since most of Glytter’s food now was baby formula.  He shared his breakfast with Glytter, offering her to take tiny bites of his breakfast.

With it approaching 8:00, Daniel wheeled Glytter in her stroller to the quiet nursery for her 8:00 AM nap time.

Meanwhile, both Trisha and I decided to play with some littles on the playplace near the main stage.  For safety, we all had to take turns going down the slide.  I went down the slide, and suddenly felt warm as I reached the bottom.

When I reached the bottom, I saw a guy slide down wearing just a baby blue t-shirt and a diaper.  He laughed when he saw me.

“Hi!” he said as he approached me.  “I’m Little Nicky!  What’s your name?”

I smiled as I pointed to my CAPCon badge.  “I’m Baby Jill,” I told him.  “Have you been to a CAPCon before?”

Little Nicky smiled.  “No.  This is my first one!  Believe it or not, I am very new to the ABDL community.  I’m surprised that CAPCon actually accepted my application.  How about you?  How did you get into ABDL, Baby Jill?”

I grinned.  “You can just call me Jill.  I actually got into ABDL as it was recommended to me as a form of regression therapy.  I don’t just wear diapers for the ABDL kink, but I am actually urinary incontinent and a little fecal incontinent.  I engage in Age Play to help cope with that.  And you, Little Nicky?”

Little Nicky’s face reddened.  “You can just call me Nicolas!  Yeah.  I actually wear diapers for fun.  I am fully potty trained so I can poop in the toilet during this convention.  I just found the whole community to be fascinating and I’m still learning a lot about it.”

I grinned, as my face reddened a little too.  I can’t believe that I am saying this but this guy actually looks hotter than Gary.  Judging from his red face, does he actually like me? And…I just felt my diaper get warm again.  “Yeah.” I told him.  “I too am still learning a lot about the ABDL community…”

“Right?” Nicholas told me.  “There are different spectrums and even a caregiver side!  I don’t know which one I like more.  Being an ABDL or a caregiver.  I’ve never been anyone’s daddy.  Even if a baby girl were to ask me, I wouldn’t know how yet.  I’m sure there are a lot of videos about it…”

My face grew red.  Oh, I so badly wanted a daddy right now!  Considering how much I have seen Glytter get the special treatment, I would love a guy treating me like a baby all the time.  “Yeah.” I told him.  “I’m sure that you could learn all about it.  There is a Caregiver 101 class led by Mommy Clarissa that I’m going to.”

Nicholas smiled.  “I know.  I signed up for the same class!  I want to learn everything about the ABDL community since I don’t really know where to put myself yet.  I love the baby stuff, but I also like the idea of taking care of a little.”  He stood up and smiled.  “Well, I’m going to check out more of the convention.  See you around, Jill!”

Nicolas toddled off in his diaper (which looked like a Tykables Overnights diaper).

Trisha ran back towards me and smiled.  “I saw you talking to him, so I talked to a couple of friends and then watched you talk to him for the rest of the time. You mentioned the Caregiver class?  Mommy Clarissa is AWESOME.  She’s a really good mommy and she has her own YouTube channel.  She’s even planning to open up her own ABDL daycare!  That’s a good class, Jill.  You’re going to learn a lot from her.”

Trisha and I continued playing until 10:00 AM.  After that, we decided to go and get our diaper changed.  Surprisingly, the line wasn’t too long.  We both got changed by a different guy this time.

After the diaper change, we found Glytter in her stroller.  She was getting out by her pacifier stand to see how the girls were running it.  This time, there were two different girls running her pacifier stand. 

For the next half hour, we watched Glytter run the pacifier stand with the two girls (which we found out were Princess Reina and Kawaii Kerrie, both close to about Glytter’s age.  Princess Reina was wearing a babyish pink onesie and Kawaii Kerrie was dressed in a super cute looking purple romper with cat ears.

And since it started to get very busy at this point, Glytter stayed at her stand for the next hour and a half, helping both Reina and Kerrie with all of the pacifier sales that they were getting.

A few minutes before noon, Glytter excused herself for her noon nap.  She climbed into her white Graco stroller, and her husband Daniel took Glytter to the quiet nursery for her nap.

During this time, both Trisha and I got lunch.  The menu was slightly different, with more little things that I enjoyed, including tater tots.  I even tried to mush them up while I was being fed in the highchair this time.

After lunch, both Trisha and I played in the playplace again.  There were a few men and women running around in just t-shirts and diapers.  We waited our turns to get on the swings and we both swung as high as we could.

After an hour of playing, Trisha and I got our diapers changed again.  I once again couldn’t hold in my poop and ended up messing myself right before it was my turn.  The man who changed me didn’t really mind, as it was a total accident.

As we approached the classroom where Glytter would be holding her class, I saw Daniel standing next to the stroller outside of the classroom.  He was holding Glytter and she was wearing a yellowish orange infant long ruffled sleeve pageant dress with a bowtie in the center.  She was drinking another bottle of baby formula that Daniel was feeding to her.  He held the bottle at a slant, as she was drinking down her bottle.  The sight of this looked so cute as I’m sure that little space was quite easy for Glytter, considering that she is already so small.  After her feeding, Daniel burped her a couple of times.  She then glanced at Trisha and me and smiled.

“Hi Trisha!” she said with a smile.  “Hi Jill!  Daddy was just giving me my afternoon feeding.  Don’t want to be hungry during this class…”

Trisha nodded.  “How are you adjusting to just having formula now, Alyssa?”

Glytter smiled.  “I’m loving it a lot.  It’s very easy for daddy to make some formula and then give it to me.  All of the nutrients are in there, so I’m never hungry.  It’s much better than the solid food.  The regularly scheduled naps too are also helping with my energy…”

I grinned.  “I’m LOVING the cute little outfit!  What size is it?”

Glytter laughed.  “It’s a 6M, or six months.  If only they could make that outfit in your size!  I want all littles to enjoy the kinds of outfits that I get to wear…”

I grinned.  “It would be fun to make little clothes eventually!”  I glanced inside the smaller classroom, that looked like it had room for 80 people.  “Why not the larger stage?  As popular as you are, I’m sure that you would fill the large stage easily…”

Glytter smiled.  “Trisha and I tried a large stage last year.  I didn’t like it since I was so far from the quiet nursery.  This classroom is close, so that daddy can get me ready for my 4:00 nap after the extra questions I get after the class ends at 3:00…”

Trisha nodded.  “I was taking care of Alyssa the last few CAPCons.  Her nap schedule was less frequent, and she got tired a lot.  She was also still eating solid food.  This is the first CAPCon where her daddy is taking care of her full time…”

Glytter nodded.  “That’s right.  I wanted him to be my husband first before he started doing all of this.  Because when you think about it, I’m still a woman.  Just a very small woman that’s totally into ABDL.  Now…” She climbed into the stroller and rested her head against the soft woolen blanket.  Her eyes grew wide as she stared at Daniel.  “Daddy, can you pwease take me into da cwass woom?”

Daniel nodded.  “Right away, my little Ally Cat!”

Daniel wheeled his pint-sized (or in this case cup-sized) princess into the classroom.  Both Trisha and I followed.

As we were entering, a few littles (both male and female) who were already sitting down inside were holding out their pacifiers and giving Glytter a thumbs up.  Glytter gave them a thumbs up back and smiled as Daniel took her to the center of the classroom like he was her own personal chauffeur, driving Mrs. Glytter.

For the class, the CAPCon staff had a soft cushion placed in front of the podium, since she was far too small to stand behind it.  There were also other props placed nearby on the floor.  An ABDL sized changing mat, an ABDL diaper, an ABDL pacifier, changing supplies, and a few small toys.

Both Trisha and I took front row seats that were right near the soft cushion that Glytter was now sitting on.

I glanced at Glytter and gasped.  “Are you ready to present?”

At this, Glytter laughed.  “Am I ready, Jill?  You’re speaking to a dwarf that has superior autobiographical memory.  I can recite every single word of my class from memory.  I could even give you all of last year’s if you wanted to, but that wouldn’t be any fun.  Yes, I’m ready!  All rested and ready!”

A young man with bib overalls with what looked like his mommy smiled when he saw Glytter.  “We love you, Glytter!” he shouted.

A few others shouted the same thing in the room.  “We love you, Glytter!”

Glytter nodded as she acknowledged the admiration from every one of her fans.  “You like me!” she said.  “You really like me!  But in all seriousness, everyone, this class starts in 10 minutes!”

A woman in purple hair smiled.  “But wait!” she joked.  “I have to go to the bathroom!”

Glytter smirked.  “You’re at an Age Play convention!  Just go in your diaper!  Aren’t you wearing one?  I want a show of hands.  How many of you are wearing a diaper?”

Just about every single hand went up in the room with Glytter’s, except for a few caregivers.  The purple haired woman even had her hand up.

“Roxie!” Glytter shouted.  “Met you on the first day of 2019 CAPCon at 3:41 PM.  You are such a silly girl…”

Another guy dressed in a dark blue footed sleeper stood up.  “What about me?”

“Jordan…” Glytter said.  “CAPCon 2022.  Two years ago.  Met you playing in the playplace on day two at 1:53 PM.  That’s the last one, everyone!  I could spend a whole hour doing this.  We start in 7 minutes.”

About 7 minutes later, Glytter held out her hand to quiet all of the excited voices in the room.

“Everyone!” Glytter shouted.  “Are you ready to get little?”

“Yeah!” the entire audience shouted.

Glytter shook her head in disapproval.  “Aw, come on!  Last year’s crowd was a lot better than that!  Let’s try that again.  Everyone!  Are you ready to get little?!”

“YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”  The entire audience roared at the top of their lungs.

Glytter smiled as she located the ribbon that was clipped to the collar of her cute dress.  She tugged at the ribbon and picked up the pacifier that was attached to it.  She stuck it in her mouth, and since the room was so quiet, we could hear the suckling sounds.  She took it out and glanced at all of us.  “Now, that sound that you just heard.  That sound that you hear when you’re either enjoying your pacie or your milky, or formula for some of you younger babies.  Doesn’t that sound just make you want to feel little?”

Glytter could see all the nods and quiet “yes’s” throughout the audience.  “Good, because boys and girls, that’s what we call little space.  Hello everyone.  I am Alyssa Glynnda Evans Stevens.  Welcome to ‘Letting your inner Little come out and play’.  Yes, I go by Alyssa by a lot of my close friends, but most of you know me as Glytter, as that name can be traced all the way back to my love for glitter in my childhood.  That, and Glynnda and glitter are quite similar.  Now, if you were to be in last year’s class, you would’ve known me as Alyssa Glynnda Evans, as Stevens is the latest addition to my name, as of February 17, 2024.”  Glytter pointed to Daniel and smiled, as she showed off her tiny wedding ring on her finger.  “You see that beautiful man over there?  He’s now my husband!  And because he is now, he’s also my daddy.  And not just any daddy.  The best daddy in the world!”

Glytter stood up from her cushion and smiled.  “Now,” she began.  “Before I even get started, I would like to address a couple of things.  First of all, my age.  Before you all start asking, I will set the record straight.  I am 23 years old and have my Pennsylvania state ID to prove it.  Yes, an ID since I am way too small to drive.  Want more proof?  My daddy keeps my birth certificate in my diaper bag in case you still have any doubts.  Also, I am 25 inches tall.  Well, 25 and a quarter inch.  Gotta include that quarter inch to make myself appear taller…”

Everyone in the room laughed at that joke.

Glytter then continued.  “Yup.  A girl like me needs to appear taller somehow!  Maybe if I got some stilts.  Naw…I’m just kidding.  But yes.  25 and a quarter inch tall and 14 pounds, which was 15 and a half once and I felt like I was fat during my college days…I have the body and build of a five-month-old infant, okay?  Deal with it.  Also, before you think I should call Guinness, I already tried that.  Another woman has me beat for the world’s shortest woman.  For her privacy, I am not going to tell you who she is.  But that makes me the SECOND shortest woman in the world.  I don’t mind silver at all…That is the first thing that I wanted to address.  For the second thing, we’re going to make this quick…”

She gave the entire audience a very serious look.  “At pretty much every convention that I have been to, I get at least one person who wishes that they could have a body like mine.  Now, I know that we all love our little space, but do you really think that your life would be better if you had the body of an infant?  Think about it.  I can give you a few good reasons as to why you would want to reconsider.  One.  Driving.   Do you think that you’re going to be able to drive anywhere if you have the body of a five-month-old?  Think again.  At 25 inches, you’re not going to reach any steering wheel, let alone the accelerator and brake.  Need any other evidence?  I’ve tried!  My legs barely dangle over the huge driver’s seat. I’m that tiny…Yes, the seat is that big to me.  Second issue.  Mobility.  Even if you could walk with my body, good luck covering long distances.  You are going to tire out, and fast.  Why do you think that my daddy takes me everywhere in the stroller?  In college, I used an electric wheelchair.  Luckily, my height disability paid for all of that.  Third issue.  Energy.  If you had such a little body, you are going to need to recharge…a lot.  Not just one nap.  Now I can see the questions.  ‘Glytter, how many naps do you take?’  Have you seen me at the con so far in the quiet nursery?  I take THREE naps a day!  One at 8:00 AM for two hours, one at noon for an hour and a half, and one at 4:00 for half an hour.  That’s four hours of naps in the daytime.  Plus, I sleep for nine hours at night, from 9:00 AM to 6:00 AM, so you late night partyers would not be able to party with my body.  That’s 13 hours of sleep in a 24-hour period.  So please.  I don’t want to hear it.  Please don’t wish that you had my body.  It’s not all that’s cracked up to be.  It’s a drag having to live as a 25 and a quarter inch dwarf 24 hours a day.  A height that I have had to LIVE with since I stopped growing at two years old.  Yes.  I actually did used to grow, but that stopped almost 21 years ago this June…”

“Now, as much of a drag that this body is to live in, I can’t forget the most important reason as to why I have it.  I have it to shame people like you.  1 Corinthians 1:27. Yes.  I am quoting from the Bible.  I may be a tiny dwarf, but I’m a born-again Christian.  1 Corinthians 1:27: ‘But God chose the foolish things of this world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.’  Now do you think that it’s foolish and weak to see a woman speaking to you in such a frail and tiny body like this?  That’s exactly why he chose me to be where I’m at.  Now, I’m not going to feel sorry about myself because of my size.  I stopped doing that a long time ago.  I have decided that I’m going to make the very most of my life and live it in the best quality that I can.  I have done remarkable things despite my size.  While I have told you about not wishing for a body like mine, what you can do is acknowledge that most sensitive part of you.  This part is the side that we hide from most people.  Why do you think most adults are so insecure?  We all have an inner little inside of us, and we keep it locked up in our house of our mind, and we don’t let it come out and play.  But if you follow my advice and the tips and tricks that I give you, you too will be able to let your inner little come out to play every day.  Now, who’s ready to let their inner little come out and play?”

Over the next 35-40 minutes, Glytter outlined the inner little in more detail, and used different props on the floor to explain to us how to let that little in us play.  She described the different little objects as “triggers” for us to use to let the little in us come out and play.  These triggers included diapers, little clothes, little accessories like changing mats, bibs, and pacifiers and even went into little furniture like cribs and highchairs.  While she knew that while not all of us could own cribs, she mentioned that it really helps to let us get into that little space.  She then did a short activity with all of us using our pacifiers to get into our little space.  She wanted us to focus on the sound and close our eyes.  To let go of our adult thoughts and just let the little play for a little bit.  When I did this, I almost lapsed into a baby trance again.  The experience was great.  I knew that the little in me was playing.  I did hear a few excited coos in the audience while I had my eyes closed.

After that activity, Glytter opened up the discussion for 10 minutes of Q&A.

“I’ll take one from…you.” Glytter said.  “The cute little baby boy with a baby blue shirt and a diaper.  Must be your first time since I can’t provide a name.”

“Thomas…” the young man said.  “And it is my first time.  Do you ever have days where you just can’t enter little space?  It’s very hard for me to really let my little play…”

Glytter nodded.  “Thank you, Thomas.  Now everyone.  I can see your faces.  What Thomas asked me was not a stupid question.  There is no such thing as a stupid question!  Yes Thomas.  Believe it or not, I do have days where I don’t feel like I’m a baby at all.  Everyone, I do have body dysphoria, but it’s not the same kind that you have.  Mine is solely based on age, not size.  And on days where I don’t feel like a baby, I’m experiencing that dysphoria.  All my baby things are not making me feel baby.  What do I do?  I just do nothing.  Sometimes, the little in you is too upset or shy to come out.  Give the little its time, and it will want to come out.  You’ll be able to tell.  That urge usually gives it away.  Next question.  Roxie?  Sorry.  I’m looking for a new hand.  Oh. That cute woman in the middle row with that cute lavender romper.  Another first timer, I presume?  Stand up.  You look so cute.”

“Brianna,” the woman shyly choked.  “Or Brie.  Now Glytter.  I know that you are wearing diapers since we all raised our hands earlier.  How long have you been wearing diapers and are you incontinent?”

Glytter comfortably lounged on her cushion and smiled.  “Good question, Brie!  I get this question at least once every con.  To answer your question, yes.  I am incontinent.  Both urinary and fecal for more than 20 years.  How?  Because my immature five-year-old self just didn’t want to be potty trained.  And I can tell you the real reason behind that.  It’s the underwear!  Because I was the size of an infant, I was not able to wear the cool underwear that my older sister Amanda was able to wear.  That size only started in 2T back in 2002.  There was no 6M Disney Princess underwear!  No Minnie Mouse!  No Barbie!  No Strawberry Shortcake!  Now Etsy can make that now, but it’s too late.  I have no muscle function in my bladder or bowels.  Quick version of that story since I want to get to a couple more questions.  At two, I successfully used the potty and was hoping for Disney Princesses, Minnie Mouses, Barbies, and Strawberry Shortcakes on my underwear.  I didn’t get that.  At the time, I only got this tiny silky white panty!  It wasn’t any of the cool underwears like my sister Amanda’s!  So, I didn’t want to use the potty anymore and kept peeing and pooping in my underwear until my mommy put me back in diapers.  This happened every year until my fifth birthday, with my bladder control getting worse every year.  After my fifth birthday, some medical tests were run on me.  The doctors concluded that I permanently lost function in my bladder and bowel muscles, due to three years of neglect.  The nerve signals were not making proper connections with my brain, so my body pretty much voided and defecated on its own.  So yeah.  Because of my immature five-year-old self, I now have to wear diapers for the rest of my life.  And can I complain about your cool ABDL diapers?  Not only do I not get to wear any cool underwear, I now cannot wear those cool ABDL diapers since they don’t make them in infant sizes.  I mean, can Pampers make a Tykables Animooz in a Size 2 or 3?  Or can Pampers make a ABU Little Kings in a Size 2 or 3?  I imagine that your diapers are much more absorbent than mine by comparison.  I am so jelly!  Two more questions and daddy has to get me ready for my nappy time…Yes!  I’ll take yours now Roxie…”

Roxie grinned as she twirled her purple hair.  “I’ve known you from all the CAPCons that we have attended.  What is it, five now with this one?  Anyway, I know that you wear baby diapers 24/7.  How many times do you need to be changed per day?”

Glytter grinned.  “Not a bad question, Roxie!  Now a lot of you bigger babies can manage about five or six changes per day.  That’s five in the daytime and the sixth one at night, right?  But for me, that number is about nine per day.  Why?  Because my body stopped developing at two, I still have the sensitive skin that an infant would have.  So, my daddy changes me a lot.  Usually before and after naps and after meals.  Or feedings as I now like to call them.  That works out to eight Pampers Swaddlers and one Pampers Swaddlers Overnight.  But because my daddy didn’t get Pampers, I am wearing Huggies Overnights for this trip.  I’m a Pampers girl for life….Last question…Ah!  Mallory?  Oh, and nice job running my pacie stand by the way…”

Mallory nodded as she shook her Glytter pacifier for all to see.  “Alyssa, having just been at your wedding, I am now aware of a new regimen that you are trying with baby formula.  Could you please walk us through that?”

Glytter nodded.  “Great question, Mal!  And great on you for reminding daddy that he has to prepare my next bottle.  He doesn’t need to have that one ready until I wake up from my 4:00 nap.  Yes everyone.  I have made the bold decision to give up solid food entirely and only live off of baby formula.  The formation of this has also led to a more structured sleeping schedule.  My feeding times are 6:45 AM, 10:00 AM after my nap, 1:30 PM after my nap, 4:30 after my nap, and 7:00 PM for a dinner feeding.  My daddy sometimes gives me a dream feeding at 10:00 PM before he goes to bed.  So I can have up to six feedings in a day.  I need between 2 and 2.5 ounces of formula per pound of body weight, which is about 28 ounces, and I get 30 ounces if I get all six of my feedings.  That’s 600 delicious calories per day, which is plenty to run a tiny body like mine.  The dream feedings are the best since I’m half-awake when I get those.  All that yummy formula being fed to me in my sleep…All of this is doing wonders for my little space, everyone!”  Glytter then let out a yawn.  “Well, my daddy needs to go and get my diapey changed.  Thank you for attending the class!  Go buy a pacie and support my business!  Also say hi if you see me at the con!  Love you all.  Have a wonderful CAPCon, everyone!”

Before anyone could ask Glytter any questions, Daniel came and picked her up.  He sat her in her stroller and began wheeling her to the nearest family bathroom.

I glanced at Trisha and smiled.  “Glytter did a great job!  I’m very proud of her!”

Trisha nodded.  “Alyssa is really good up there.  She never forgets a line.  Always made me jealous in speech class when we were in college…”

Over the next hour and a half, Trisha and I played in the Little Girl’s room.  Following Glytter’s advice, we let our inner littles come out and play.  And play they did.  I never had so much fun playing with just baby toys!  Now, I want to turn my room into a nursery filled with baby toys.  I will need to leave the computer side alone for my streaming, but I would love to have all these wonderful toys in my room.  And maybe someday, I would like my own crib…After Glytter’s vivid description of her time with her crib at home and spending time in the crib here, I now badly wanted my own crib.  Maybe someday…During 4:00, Glytter had her nap while Trisha and I played with all the baby toys with other little girls.  The rings were fun.  The stackable cups were fun.  My little space allowed me to enjoy a new level of excitement in playing with them.  It was like I was playing with them as a two-year-old again.  The time flew by, as we laughed and giggled with rings, cups, and Lego Duplo’s.  Making new creations and running carefree around the room.

After that, both Trisha and I both felt our diapers getting really soggy and saggy.  So we got in line for a diaper change.  To my surprise, Daniel was next to us in the stroller.  Glytter popped her face out of the stroller and smiled.

“I woke up a little early from my nap and my daddy already fed me….” Glytter told me.  “So, you both need your diaper changed too?  Glad mine is only wet.  The last one that daddy changed was kind of messy.  That’s why he was in a hurry after that class.”

We both nodded and began having conversations with other littles when they noticed that Glytter was in the diaper changing line.

About 20 minutes later, we were in front of the line.  A woman in street clothes was there this time, and we decided to let Glytter go first.

The woman smiled.  “Hello again Glytter!  I always enjoy seeing you come back to CAPCon.  Do you need your diaper changed?”

“Would I be in this line if I didn’t?” Glytter smirked.

The woman nodded, and closed the curtain so that Glytter could have her privacy with the woman.  “Ah.  The CAPCon staff made a special accommodation for you.  Since we only have ABDL diapers for everyone else, we wanted to make sure that you are taken care of.  Which do you want?  Pampers?  Huggies? Or Luvs?”

Glytter laughed.  “Luvs stink!  Yes, they’re good on leaks but I don’t like them.  And I don’t like Huggies either!  You know me, Mommy Alaina.  I’m a Pampers girl.  A Pampers girl for life!  They have even gotten me to do a few commercials.  Hee hee…”

“Pampers it is!” Alaina said with a smile.  She got a Size 2 Pampers Swaddlers out of the sack and laid Glytter on the changing mat, which was oversized to Glytter since this changing mat was adult sized.

After Alaina finished Glytter, it was my turn.  Alaina laid me down and smiled.  “You want a change, Baby Jill?” she asked me, reading my badge.  “You look cute in that footed blanket sleeper…”

I nodded and she unsnapped the sleeper enough to reveal my soaked Tykables Waddlers Diaper.

I then frowned.  “What are you going to do with those Luvs, Huggies, and Pampers after the con?”

“A lot of us on staff have loved ones with babies.”  Alaina said, as she undid my diaper.  “Nieces, nephews, grandchildren.  All of them are going to have the diapers after the con.  Now, do you want a PeekABU diaper?”

I nodded and Alaina had me put my legs up as she slid the diaper underneath me.  The diaper was freshly powdered, and she wiped and powdered me.  “I take it that you’ve done this a lot.” I told her.

Alaina nodded.  “Yes, Baby Jill.  I’m a professional mommy and I’m good friends with Mommy Clarissa.  Are you going to her caregiver’s class on Saturday?”

I nodded.  “What makes a good mommy?”

“Authenticity, Jill.” Alaina told me.  “Most mommy’s online are fake, and they try to prey on innocent ABDL’s for their money.  Me and Clarissa don’t do that.  We show everyone our business and run YouTube channels.  We understand our littles and know how to take care of them.  And because of that, our business is booming.  A client of mine recently requested that I serve as his mommy 24/7.  Now I can’t really do that, as I have many other clients.  Now, Clarissa will talk about 24/7 caregivers as well and what is needed to make that work.  All done!  TinyTrish is next!”

I nodded and let Alaina change Trisha’s diaper.  We all then thanked Alaina for changing us and we all walked down the con space with Daniel and Glytter.

We all ended up playing at the playplace on the lobby level.  I saw Nicolas again, but he was busy playing with some other littles.  When he saw me, his face turned red and so did mine.  When Glytter was playing, all the littles wanted to join her and we all played for the next hour.

We all ate dinner around 6:00 (except for Glytter who had her next feeding at 7:00).  The dinner was served buffet style like yesterday, and Trisha and I enjoyed our food being fed to us again in our highchairs.  And did I see him?  I think I saw Nicolas eating in another one of the highchairs.  But it was only for a split second since I was still being fed my food.

After dinner, both Trisha and I checked out the Dark Ageplay room.  Glytter didn’t really care for it, so Daniel took her back to the playplace.  In the room, there were different areas set up.  One was set up like a dungeon.  There were different scenes that caregivers and littles could set up.  Trisha and I watched a few and that was about it.  I didn’t really care for the BDSM stuff.  The punishment, the whips, the spankings.  I just wanted to be a regular baby, as my regression was mostly non-sexual.

After Trisha and I left the Dark Ageplay room, we decided to call it a night.  We bought our milk from the hotel store and then both went up to room 2504 to turn in for the night.

When we entered, we saw the bathroom door closed and heard the shower running.  Daniel was already giving Glytter a shower and getting her ready for bed.

When Glytter got her shower, Trisha and I got our own showers.  Trisha went first and I went last.

Unlike last night, there was no JFF video to make for Trisha this time.  We just got into our nighttime diapers and different footed sleepers, since we wore our first ones all day.  Mine were the Critter Caboose ones from Rearz.  Surprisingly, Trisha had the same ones!  We called it a night.  Both mine and Trisha’s were Tykables Animooz diapers.  We then poured our milks into our baby bottles (Trisha’s bottle was also pink but it had a different design).

Both equipped with our milky baa baas, we crawled into our bed (which housekeeping kindly made) and sucked down our bottles.

In the other bed, Glytter was already asleep, but Daniel was awake.  He got out the last bottle of formula for the day and began dream feeding Glytter a little early.  It was so cute to see Glytter just feeding on the bottle almost fully asleep.  Oh, I hope that my daddy that I have some day can dream feed me a bottle…

Trisha and I finished our milky baa baas and fell asleep.

The next day was pretty routine for day three.  We got up, changed into new diapers, and put on a new onesie for the day.  Mine was a Gamer onesie from Little for Big and Trisha’s was a zoo animal one from Land of Genie.

After that, we had breakfast, played with some littles at the playplace, had lunch, and then played some more.

After we played some more, both Trisha and I decided to buy a pacifier from Glytter’s stand.  To our surprise, Glytter was there with two other girls, with a sizable crowd behind them.

After all the littles in front of us bought their pacies from Glytter, I approached the stand and smiled.

“So you wanna buy a pacie?” Glytter said with a smile.  “Jill, I have a very special one for you…” she had Daniel unzip her diaper bag and she got it out. She had me lean down while she whispered into my ear.  “Jill, this pacie took me a while to make.  It’s a white pacie and it uses silver, gold, and white glitters.  See all the decorations on it?  It looks like a diamond, doesn’t it?  These are what I call my special requests, and they’re not even listed with my other pacifiers.  I will only make this one by special request only.  Because you’re my friend, I will offer it to you at half price!

I smiled.  “What’s half price?”

“$100,” Glytter told me.  “That’s all you have to pay me…”

I shook my head.  “No.  I have a very good job now.  I am paying you full price.  $200.  Take it or leave it.”

Glytter nodded.  “If you insist, Jill!  Enjoy the special request!  It’s the one that I use all the time.  I’m sure you’ll enjoy it too…”

I paid Glytter $200 in cash and she handed me the pacifier.  I stuffed it in my backpack purse and zipped it up.

After that, Trisha had to get ready for her class, so I decided to play at a nearby Little Girl’s room to kill a little time.

At 3:00, I was sitting in the classroom with Glytter and Daniel sitting on the end seats, in case Daniel needed to set Glytter in her stroller.

Trisha began her session titled “Get Paid to Play! My JFF Story”.  Having already heard a little bit about adult content and Just for Fans, it was just a review about that.

But then Trisha began talking about her ABDL background, and how she learned that she could make money from adult content.  So, she made a few videos of herself changing her diaper and she ended up making $1,000 the first day that was up.  She then explained how she grew her business and began making more specialized content based on the subscription tiers.  She also mentioned making videos of herself in her little space, playing with toys.  Some had just herself, and others had her playing with other ABDL women.  They all laughed as they played with their toys.

After Trisha’s story, she gave some advice on how to get started and advised that this kind of content wasn’t for everyone and if they were not comfortable, YouTube and Instagram were wonderful alternatives.

At the end, she answered a few questions during her Q&A.

Overall, I really enjoyed Trisha’s class and I learned a few useful things to start my own JFF account.  What I would do is have the full JFF content but would edit the appropriate things for Jillian in Diapers on YouTube.

Following that, Trisha was tired from giving her class, so I joined her along with Glytter to rest a little bit at the Quiet Nursery.  We followed behind Daniel as he pushed the stroller with Glytter inside into the room.

Prior to Trisha’s class, Daniel already had Glytter dressed in a light green footed blanket sleeper.  He lifted Glytter out of the stroller and placed her right in the crib.  After that, he lifted up the railing and whispered to her.

Have a nice nap, Ally cat….” Daniel whispered.

Trisha and I were fortunate enough to find two cribs that were next to each other.  We both got in our own cribs while a male CAPCon staff member lifted the railing on my crib and a female CAPCon staff member lifted the railing on Trisha’s crib.  They both told us to have a nice nap.  Both Trisha and I sucked on our pacies and fell asleep in the cozy cribs.

We both woke up a half hour later and all decided to get diaper changes since our diapers were wet.  I discovered that I messed my diaper in my sleep once again.  The guy who let me out of my crib wasn’t too upset but told me to get the diaper changed as soon as possible.

Unlike last time, cuts were allowed to only me in line, while Trisha and Glytter both waited for diaper changes.  I saw Glytter with a bottle of formula in her mouth as I walked down the line that everyone let me cut again.

After getting my diaper changed, I waited for Trisha and Glytter.  Once they got their diapers changed, we all decided to play at the playplace for an hour before dinner.

Dinner was served again, only I wanted all of the messiest things that I could make the biggest mess with in my highchair.  Mac and cheese.  Spaghetti O’s.  Moist chocolate cake.   Chocolate pudding.  I dug my hands into each of the foods that the CAPCon staff member was trying to feed me with.  As a result, I got mac and cheese, Spaghetti O’s, chocolate cake, and chocolate pudding all over my face.  It took two CAPCon staff members to wipe my face off with napkins, but they got about everything off.  All in all, I enjoyed my little space in getting myself messy for dinner.  Trisha too got messy in her highchair, but not as messy as I did.

After dinner, I saw Nicholas…again.  He was sitting by himself at the buffet, finishing his chocolate pudding.  I sat down next to him as my face burned red.

Nicolas then saw me and I saw the red on his face.  He then gasped.  “Jill?”

I nodded.  “What are you doing eating by yourself?”

Nicolas smiled.  “I was eating with some other littles, but they left.”

I noticed the Baby Sleepytime onesie that Nicolas was wearing.  “Nice onesie!  I have the same one!  I wore it day one to CAPCon under my vanilla clothes.”

Nicolas nodded.  “I…I was at Glytter’s class yesterday.  I got there right as it started so I had to take a back seat.”

I grinned.  “Isn’t Glytter great? So, what did you learn from her class?”

Nicolas smiled.  “I learned about letting my inner little come out and play.  I don’t know.  I like little stuff, but I think I seem to enjoy the idea of taking care of littles more.”

I nodded.  “Mommy Clarissa is having the Caregiver 101 class tomorrow.  Are you going?”

Nicolas nodded.  “Yes!  I’m actually very excited about that one.  I want to learn as much as possible about being a daddy.  That’s going to be hard.  What female little is going to want a daddy?  Most of them are already taken.  I’ve talked to a few, Jill.  They already have daddy’s…”

I nodded, as a feeling of anxiety came over me.  Try as I might, I just couldn’t work up the nerve to ask Nicolas to be my daddy.  And I don’t know if I really even like Nicolas.  It might just be the kind of mushy love that teens get in high school.  Besides, what would happen with Gary?

We talked for the next hour, but it was mostly just surface level topics.  Safe stuff that never got romantic.  I think that we were both afraid to cross that boundary, as I could still see the redness on Nicolas’s face.

After the talk, I went and got my milk from the hotel store.  I then decided to call it a night.  I took the elevator up to the 25th floor and entered room 2504 with my room key.

Trisha was already in the room, dressed in her Critter Caboose footed sleeper from last night.  She was drinking down her milky baa baa.  I saw Daniel just exiting the bathroom carrying Glytter, who was wrapped in a towel.

I got my shower and put on a ABU Little Kings (since Trisha told me that she was wearing one).  I put on my matching Critter Caboose footed sleeper and filled my milky baa baa again.

Glytter was in her yellow footed blanket sleeper.  “Ni ni Jill…” she told me.  In seconds, Glytter was fast asleep.  Since Daniel was going to bed himself, he stuck the bottle filled with formula into Glytter’s mouth and her dream feeding began.  While Glytter wasn’t fully awake, she was still sucking down the milk that her husband was feeding to her.

I followed suit and sucked down my milky baa baa.  I rinsed out the bottle and laid it upside down in the bathroom for tomorrow.

I got into bed with Trisha.  I couldn’t believe just how fast CAPCon was going.  One more full day remained.  There was Saturday, and then I would be going home on Sunday.  I think that Glytter mentioned something about wanting to visit me on her way back, since Daniel had to help his family near Philadelphia.  I will have to ask Glytter about the details tomorrow.

For now, I was tired.  I glanced over at Trisha, who was already sleeping.  I followed suit as well.  I fell asleep, looking forward to the last full day of CAPCon.

Now I’m sure that you want the ending to CAPCon, my JJ Little Besties.  I’m sorry, but you’ll just have to wait a little bit longer.  Get into your beds and enjoy that hotel room while you can.  Get plenty of rest because the end of CAPCon is going to be wonderful.  How does it all end?  How did I spend my last day of CAPCon?  Stay tuned, my JJ Little Besties.  It’s going to be a good one…

To be concluded…

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Everyone, I haven't been able to start on the next chapter over the past few days, due to a vacation with my family.  I plan on working on the next chapter tomorrow.  Look for it soon!

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  • PamperedPrince changed the title to The JJ Diaper Twins (Ch. 20 - 5/30/2024)

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