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My wife/mummy and new Daddy

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A re edited version of a sissy adult baby husband accepting his fate as a cuckold .

Chapter 1: 

"It wasn't difficult at all to turn him into this." That is my 38 year old attractive wife Amy talking to her young 
friend Steff.
 She is talking about me. I am sitting on the floor in my cloth nappy ,covered with plastic pants and my frilly pink satin 
baby knickers.I'm also wearing a matching short frilly pink satin dress,my legs splayed out in front of me,
 colouring in my colouring book.
 My brown hair is parted in the middle and braided in pink-ribboned pigtails .

That seems a hundred years ago. Now I've been reduced to the status of a sissy baby. How did this happen to me?

I'm still not sure.

"One day, I was looking through some boxes in the basement for some old papers and I came across his stash of girly things,"
 Amy says, telling Steff the story of my transformation. "He was so embarrassed, the poor thing. 
He tried to say they must have belonged to an old forgotten girlfriend of his, but he was blushing 
so femmy pink and stammering so badly it was obvious he was lying."

Even now hearing Amy tell the story makes me a little uncomfortable. I
put my thumb in my mouth and suck.

Steff laughs. She is a very attractive blonde teenager but quite mature for a 19 years old .She works in our office
 as part of the finance team.
 She crosses her young slender nylon-covered legs. She's wearing a soft short black skirt and black stilettos. 
Occasionally I catch a glimpse of her silky white shiny panties and lacy tops of her hold up stockings.
 I mostly notice people from the knee down nowadays.Amy's legs are bare and she's wearing sandals. Her toenails 
are painted bright red.

"What did you do?" Steff asks.

"I told him I wouldn't be upset if he just told the truth. It didn't take much coaxing. Deep down, I guess he really wanted 
to tell me. It was quite sweet, actually. Poor dear had been hiding his cross dressing all his life, 
hes always had a soft gentle side "

It was true. I had wanted to tell her, but I hardly knew how. Getting caught as I had provided a kind of opening.
 Amy made me lay beside her on the bed and tell her everything. When I was finished, breathless and teary-eyed, she
 calmly told me to strip and put on my favorite panties and nightie. I did as she said, going to the stash
 of girl-things she'd discovered and picking out a pink satin nightie and pink lace panties.
When I got back to the bed I was already growing hard inside the tiny panties.I remember feeling embarrassed
 as she giggled.

"He'"He never been much of a lover," Amy says. "He'd get these very small erections which to be honest never did anything for
 me only his oral skills got me going. But at least now I understood why. I told him to masturbate himself for me. 
It really didn't do anything for me to see how excited he would  get being dressed up,but it was kind of amusing, 
kind of cute watching him cum like a girl into his silky frilly lace panties. That's when I got the idea to
 make him my little girl." I looked at Steff as she sat there smirking down at me .
"You say very small how small "?  Steff asked now becoming more inquisitive .
"No more than three inches fully hard and its actually quite thin . I was never really able to feel him inside me properly"
"Oh my wow really ,oh that is very small it sounds like you are describing a little boys penis as she held up her
 little finger estimating what three inches looked like." Steff began laughing hysterically holding her hand to her mouth now, 
 teary eyed and of course my wife 
began to laugh with her.I felt myself go red with embarrassment that this young girl was aware of my short comings.

Steff looked at me "I'm sorry for laughing at you Mark ..babykins you are still very cute and well I suppose baby boys dont have big willies and

yours is very small so you have to be  a baby girl instead."

I didn't need to hear Amy retell this part of the story to Steff. I remember so well that first time,
 lying on my back, nightie hiked up
over my thighs. I had my hand inside my panties as Amy watched ,encouraging me. I masturbated myself like I'd seen girls do,
 flicking my little stiff penis with my fingertips. Amy seemed to watch with genuine interest as I came close to cumming.
 She reached down and stroked my nipples through the satin nightie. I arched my body off the bed,supported only by my 
shoulders and heels, my fingers flicking the underside of my silky and lace-encased cock.

"Cum Susie cum for mommy," Amy cooed, "cum my little girl…"

Oh how did she know, I wondered. How? And then all my thoughts were chased away by her fingers squeezing my 
nipple and I moaned and soaked my panties with a warm gooey cummy cream.

	Chapter 2: Little boy to sissy 

"Everything changed after that day," Amy says. "He didn't know it at first. I suspect he just thought things would go on as usual.
 As if finding out your husband was a sissy was something a woman would just accept as normal!"

Steff and Amy shared a laugh.

"Well," Amy continued, "he was certainly wrong."

I'd thought after that first time Amy was pretty cool with the idea of my crossdressing. She encouraged me to dress-up 
for her on the nights we had sex. I'd pretty much always kept my body hairless, but on sex nights
 I'd take a long shower, during which I'd use a cream depilatory, and make sure I was extra-smooth all over. 
I'd wash my already longish hair, pull it back from my face, and apply a little lipstick. Then I'd slip on
one of the panties and nightie sets that Amy had chosen for me.

"He thought I got off looking at him mincing around like a little French whore," Amy snickered as she recounted 
one of the nights she had me wear a black garter, black seamed stockings, a half-bra, and a frilly white apron with matching cap.
 "I had him kneel on the floor in front of me and eat me out. He'd gotten to be quite good at oral by then.
 He'd lick my pussy for 45 minutes at a time…as long as I wanted. I didn't let him touch me with that useless 
little puny thing of his."

It was hard, at first, not being allowed to have regular sex with my wife anymore. I guess I figured it was a temporary thing,
 that she just
needed to get used to the idea that her husband was a sissy. After all, it was probably a big adjustment for any woman to make. 
But as the weeks went by and she showed no interest in me that way anymore I tried to come to grips with the reality of 
the situation.

I couldn't really complain. Amy had never seemed that satisfied with intercourse with me anyway, and if she could make some
 sacrifices to accommodate me, I could certainly do the same for her.

"It took me a while to understand what he was thinking," Amy said, "and then I realized…he thought I didn't like
 being fucked anymore ."

This time Steff and Amy laughed for quite time. I suck my thumb harder and colour in a Tweetie Bird with a purple crayon, 
trying hard to stay inside the lines. I'm so clumsy and uncoordinated lately. I feel my eyes sting with tears.

"By then, I'd been carrying on with James for nearly a month and it was time to do something with Mark. So I decided to 
step things up a little. I told him that I didn't mind him dressing as a girl, but I'd like it if he would let me dress
 him up as a baby girl."

"He went for that?" Steff asks giggling at the thought of it.

"Well he seemed kinda uncertain at first, but what could he say? If I could accept his kink it was only reasonable
 that he accept mine.Besides, it wasn't that much of a stretch and I had ways of motivating him."
"Why dress him as a baby girl is it because of his tiny thingy "steff asked clearly enjoying my wife's story.
"Yes partly that but also because I wanted to emasculate him even further than wearing my silky panties and baby
 girl clothes are much more prettier "

"Really wow  how so how did you manage it .Looking up at Steff's young pretty face made me feel more ashamed as 
she continued to ask my wife about
 more details?" I wonder if she would tell all her friends about me.

At first, I couldn't believe Amy really wanted me to be her baby. But when she came home one day with a package of 
cloth terry nappies and pink safety pins and helped me into one, I realized that she was dead serious. 
She put me into a pink see through baby-doll nightie and a pair of white pink slippers 
that matched my pink toenail polish. My nappied bottom and clear plastic pants was exposed beneath the short nightie 
and it made me waddle a bit, especially on the high-heeled mules. Amy seemed really pleased. She had me walk around for
 her and then lie on the bed. She
straddled my face and had me lick her to two orgasms. Then she let me suck her breast while she masturbated me through 
the plastic pants and nappy.

"What I did was condition him," Amy says. She slipped off one of her sandals and flexed her pretty white toes.
 "I poured some warm tea onto the front of his nappy to make it wet. Then I jerked him off through the sopping material.
 I made him talk baby-talk if he wanted to cum. If he did a good job, I'd rub faster. I'd make him babble away incoherently 
 for 30, 40 minutes. Sometimes it was an hour before I let him cum. It
did wonders to break down his defenses. He came to associate pleasure with a wet nappy and acting like a baby."

Listening to my wife explain it now, it all seems so obvious, even to my simplified mind.
 How could I have not noticed it before? I dimly perceive the growing warmth spreading under my bottom. I'm peeing.

	Chapter 3: An all-new girl

"Well after that," Amy is saying, "it was all pretty easy. I started feeding him the tea before he put on the cloth nappy 
and plastic pants with his nightie and we'd go to bed and I'd wet his diaper as before. Only now when he had to go
 use the bathroom, I'd just have him pee into his nappy and plastic pants."

"Whooa," Steff says, crossing her legs, and I see the wool skirt slide up her stocking thighs.  She doesn't even bother to pull
 it down to cover her white silky pantied crotch . And I'm reminded why. I'm just a baby, a sissy, not a man. 
What difference does it make if I see? "That must have been a big step."

"At first, he was reluctant, but I simply used the conditioning he'd already undergone against him. It was simple: no pee,
 no pleasure. Until his nappy was soaked with pee, I wouldn't touch him. And if he wanted to cum…nothing but baby-talk.
 It worked like a charm.  I bought him lots of frilly adult baby girl knickers satin and pretty matching dresses from
 specialist shops which he loves"

It was just as she said. Once she got me to start peeing myself and talking baby-talk for orgasms, I found any resistance
 to her plans that I might have had crumbling all around me. She made it all seem so inevitable. 
Besides, she really seemed to like me as her baby girl. I got used to wearing the nappies and frilly baby clothes all the time
 and even wore them under my work clothes. I thought they gave my butt an extra puffy
 look in my pants and I was sure that anyone within earshot could hear the crinkle of the plastic lined frilly baby knickers
 as I walked passed, but Amy said I was letting my imagination run away with me.

Meanwhile, the nappies would force me to use the bathroom stall to sit down and pee. No way could I stand at a urinal and take
 the risk of  someone seeing me try to pull my penis out from the diaper. Eventually, though, I didn't have to worry about the 

"You mean you had him pissing himself at work?" Steff says astonished,"You gotta be kidding me!"

But it was true. During the day, Amy would come to my office, shut the door, and reach into my pants to check if I were wet.
 At first I held it back, but eventually I realized there was no choice. She wanted me to pee myself and I did. 
The first time she changed me at the office I felt terrified. She had me lay across my desk with my pants around my 
ankles and pulling my frilly knickers  wet diaper down. I felt so exposed and defenseless; the air conditioning 
chilling my damp bare ass.

What if someone came in?

It seemed to take forever but Amy eventually slid a fresh diaper underneath me, powdered my ass, and fit the pink safety
 pins securing the nappy to my waist. She patted me on my padded frilly pink plastic covered behind.

"That should hold my little baby," she cooed, "for a little while anyway."

All day long she had me drinking tea and water and fruit juices. If I wet myself, I had to send her an email and 
ask her to change me.
Towards the end, she had to change me up to six times a day. She had me keep them nappies and plastic lined 
frilly panties and baby powder in the lower  left-hand drawer of my desk. She wouldn't even let me lock it.

"And the whole time you were seeing James right down the hall?"

"Yes," Amy says. "I'd change my little baby and get him all comfy and dry and then James and I would take a 2-hour lunch
 at Midtown Hotel. By the time I came back, I was quite sore from our time together if you know what I mean and little
 baby Susie was sitting in her piss-soaked nappies again."

They laughed at me and I can't help it: I just start crying. It happens so suddenly I hardly know what I'm doing 
and it scares me and I cry even harder. Amy shooshes me.
"Awww poor baby well with such a tiny one and being a wimp its no wonder your wife has a boyfriend" 
Steff teased as she looked me right in the eye.

"Oh poor baby," she coos through kissy-lips that I never get to kiss anymore,
 "poor poor Susie baby girl wanna baba?"

She hands me my pink baba and I hold the rubber nipple to my lips and suck. The pink milky mixture is sweet and warm.
 I close my eyes and scrunch up my toes. I always feel much better when I take my baba. I've heard Amy say that there's some
 kind of sedative in the formula;that's what she says now to Steff. I don't care. I feel much, much calmer…almost happy.
 I get sleepy. I stop crying. They continue their conversation now that I'm no longer fussing. I burp contentedly.

	Chapter 4: The perfect nanny

"Did you tell, James, what you were doing to him?" Steff asks.

"Of course," I hear my wife say. "He needed to know that baby Susie wasn't any threat, that he wasn't even a man."

"Wow, what did he say when he found out?"

"Oh he thought it was just hilarious. The idea that any man would let what I was doing to Mark happen to him…well, 
let's just say that it made everything perfectly clear: Mark wasn't any kind of man at all. I mean James and I were going at it
 virtually right under his nose, and the adorable little nitwit was sitting around in a wet nappy and
 frilly baby knickers waiting for me to change him."

" Awww How cute," Steff says, and it almost sounded as if she means it. "He…I mean she…really is a sweetie so
 adorable you have to let me babysit your baby girl husband" she giggled.

I only dimly remember the time Amy is describing now: seeing her pass by my door on her way to James's office almost constantly,
 listening to their laughter out in the hall, hearing the office gossip about their affair. Everyone looked at me as if they felt
 sorry for me. 

When I asked Amy what was going on, she told me to stop "fussing" and be a good girl. She'd reach into my pants…or under my 
nightie or skirt if we were home…and check to see if I were wet. Usually I was and somehow the knowing look on her
 face embarrassed me and ended the conversation right then and there.

"And then a stroke of luck…" Amy continues. "The young cleaning lady found
Mark's stash of nappies and plastic panties in the bottom drawer of his desk. He came to my office one morning in a 
state of total panic with a note from Juanita, that's her name. It was clear that she intended to harass him, maybe blackmail him 
for money…"

"Damn, what did you do?"

"I told Mark not to worry. We'd both stay after work and I'd handle it."

This part of the story I remember much better. I couldn't understand how
Amy could be so calm when it seemed I was about to be exposed for the baby girl sissy I'd become. I sat in my office
 as the clock moved towards 6 pm. The floor was nearly empty and Amy breezed into my office and sat down going over some papers. 
I could hear the cleaning lady emptying the trash cans of the offices further down the hall. My heart was pounding. 
I couldn't talk.

"I told him to relax," Amy laughed. "And when Juanita came to the office she was surprised to find both of us sitting there.
 She looked from Mark to me and I could see she understood the situation instantly.She smiled and winked at me and I knew we'd 
come to an understanding then and there. ‘Her name is Susie,' I said. And then I turned to Mark and said, 
‘come here sweetie pie and let momma check if you're wet."

"No way!" Steff said, stroking her nylon-encased calves. "He didn't."

"What choice did my little sissykins have? Of course he did."

And it's true, I did. Of course, I was so nervous by that time that my nappy had soaked nearly through. They didn't even bother
 to close the office door. What if someone working late came walking passed? Amy had me lay over my desk and changed me right 
in front of the cleaning lady. She let me left me there a long time, her hand on my damp ass while they talked.
The cleaning lady was only in her late 20's and reasonably attractive.
 Her loud laugh when she first saw my frilly pink knickers and nappy made me blush all over I was so ashamed. 
I could just make out what Amy was doing over the rush of blood in my ears. She was hiring the cleaning lady as my nanny.

"She's been such a godsend. James and I were out most nights by then to all hours, and sometimes I'd sleep over at his place. 
Now, with both of us working, I really needed someone to look after her. Well, Juanita turned out to be the perfect nanny: 
strict and discrete. I don't know what I'd do without her. She's a live-in, but she has this afternoon off. 
You'll meet her eventually. Wonderful nanny and of course when she needs time off I will need you if you want to babysit for me"
Steff smiled and was more than happy to. She was eager to find out more.
"He didn't complain at being turned over to another woman? Letting someone else see him like that?"

"What was he going to say?" Amy says coolly. "He really had no choice in the matter. Besides, Juanita has some experience as
 a dominatrix for a short time, so she knows how to handle disobedience. Not that my precious baby angel is much trouble at all,
 are you snookums? No, by that time, I'd pretty much stopped touching him at all in a sexual way. So if 
he wanted to have his precious little cummies, he had to let Juanita do it for him."

It was true. By now Amy had all but stopped doing anything sexual with me on a regular basis. She understood that
 I still needed my regular "reprogramming" sessions. But that was now my nanny's job. So while Amy continued her affair with 
James—hardly even keeping it a secret any longer—nanny tended to me. I dressed in my frilly pink baby things and nanny fed me
 my bottle and spooned me baby food out of jars. Yes, I was now eating nothing more solid than fruit sauces and strained meats and
 vegetables.Nanny would feed me while watching TV, rock me against her perfumed small bosom when I was done, and pat me until I burped.

She would set me on the floor sucking on my pacifier or to play with my plastic key-ring or to colour in my colouring book.
 Everyone always said what a good baby I am. Sometimes nanny would paint my nails or do my hair. Once she painted my
 toenails each a different colour. That night when Amy came home she was delighted with my pretty candy-coloured 
toes and I felt so happy that she was pleased.

At the same time I was being reverse potty trained which meant that I was slowly losing all my toilet privileges.
 Although I still tried to hold it in, I had taken to having little "accidents" and pooping my nappy pretty regularly.
 I was so ashamed and afraid when this first started happening but nanny seemed delighted. She always made it a point to keep
 my soiled nappy and pissy plastic pants to show my wife when she got home. No matter how tired my wife was she seemed thrilled 
to see the wetness at the bottom of the nappy. On those nights before nanny put me down to sleep, Amy would help me have my 
cummy placing her long manicured finger and the thumb around my puny short thin erect shaft .

"He was ready by then," Amy says, "ready to be Baby susie full time and forever. The last step in the transformation 
was to introduce him to his new position in our little family once and for all. That meant bringing James over."

"Oh yes," Steff said, clapping. "Tell me all about that. I've got to hear how that went!"

Amy interrupted her story to glance down at me. "Whatsa matter?" she said, talking in her singsong baby-talking-tone that
 made me feel better in spite of myself. She reached into my elasticated leg band of my plastic lined frilly pink satin 
knickers and touched my damp crotch with the tips of her luscious toes. "Did baby make wet again? Awwww, its okay sweetie."

She stroked my soft and soggy little penis with her soft bare toes. Then Amy slipped her pretty foot back into her sandal, 
reaching down to fix the strap around her ankle. She looked back up at Steff and grinned, "You're just going to love this part of the story."

	Chapter 5: Meeting Daddy 

"I decided not to give him any warning. I figured he had to be a fool not to know I was sleeping with another man by now. 
I was getting dressed for a date and had called Juanita over early to tend to my baby girl husband. The whole thing was a set-up. 
The little darling never suspected a thing."

Hearing Amy talk about my cuckolding now makes it hurt all over again. But I guess it doesn't hurt quite as much as it used to.
 The memory has started to fade away, like so many other memories, such as what it was like to be Amy's husband or even what it was 
like to be a man.Sometimes when she tells someone the story it almost sounds like she's talking about someone else.
 I feel a little sorry for the guy called Mark and then I realize with a dulled shock that Mark used to be me.I had my suspicions,
 my wife had been sending a lot more texts than usual and flirted with James openly at work.I then searched through the laundry
 basket and checked her underwear and sure enough a pair of pale cream satin panties had tell take signs that could only be seaman.
I felt upset but at the same time strangely aroused .
I put those panties up to my nose and inhaled the mixture of the heavily cum stained gusset.My penis was rock hard.

"Juanita came over and got sissy ickle susikins  settled in front of the TV with a fresh cloth nappy and of course was
 wearing her frilliest pink baby knickers and her sissy pink baby-doll nightie with lots of lace ruffles  
so very short and cute so his frilly knickers and nappy would be on full view for James.
I wanted James to see his frilly pink baby knickers and nappy knowing full well the embarrassment it would cause my
 baby girl I wanted him looking very babyish for when he arrived to put James at ease as well though"

Steff leaned forward smiling, "So James just showed up? What did Mark do?"

Amy laughed. "He didn't do anything, of course. Did you sweetums?"

It was true. I was so shocked to see James standing in the doorway of the "playroom" that I lapsed into a kind of 
impotent stupor.I just stared up at the tall, broad-shouldered, and ruggedly-handsome man staring down at me.
 My beautiful wife with her long dark straight hair and immaculate make up looking more stunning than ever was having
 an affair with this man and there was nothing I could think to do about it.I was just unable  to compete with this guy
 I could only imagine what he was thinking, hands thrust into the pockets of his chinos,a bemused expression on his face.
 There I was,his "rival" for my wife's affections, sitting on the floor at his polished shoes wearing 
my frilly pink baby girl clothes and no shoes of my own,just pink paint on my toenails, and holding a baby bottle in 
my painted fingers.

At that moment, Amy came to the doorway, stood on tiptoe, and gave James an all-too- familiar kiss on the mouth. My heart sank. 
She was dressed in a tight black satin cocktail dress and the black patent stilettos I loved She was wearing some new 
expensive white silky satin hi cut panties and matching bra with a feminine lace trim that matched the lace on her panties.
She took great pleasure letting me se her getting ready, telling me she was wearing them for James.They made her feel sexy
 and desirable.

"Whoa," James said, getting a look at Amy. "Now don't you look good enough to eat."

He slipped his arm around my wife's petite waist and pulled her in close. The kiss he gave her was nothing less than
 x-rated.Amy pushed her hips  forward tight into her his crotch and let out a soft moan. When it was over, the two of them
 looked down at where I sat, tears pooling in my eyes.I was sat on the floor next to my tall slim wife looking up at her
 then at him.I noticed a very large bulge in the front of his trousers and my heart sank.His chinos tented out it
 was obvious he had an enormous erection and this got her excited  pressing her self into him harder.

"So this is my baby girl ," Amy said, with more than a touch of sarcasm. "Cute little thing, isn't she?" He squatted 
down and looked at the picture I was colouring: a farm scene with some lambs. "Oh that's a very nice picture you're coloring baby susie . 
When you're done, can Uncle James have it to put on my wall at work?"

My wife's boyfriend grinned.

"Oh what a wonderful idea," she clapped. "Oh of course Susie would love for you to have her picture, wouldn't you dear?"

I simply sat there, eyes big as saucers, saying nothing, and looking at James like he was an apparition from another dimension. 
He looked so big and strong and powerful,well over 6ft 2 tall. I couldn't help but wonder what Amy ever saw in me in the first place, 
we were the same height at 5ft 9 though I'm quite thin.
 At the same time, everything inside me was screaming at me to stand up, to say something, to do something.
 This man was here to steal my wife away from me. And I was letting it happen!

"He didn't make any objection at all?" Steff couldn't believe it.

"Not a peep," Amy said. "What could he possibly have said at that point that would make any difference whatsoever and 
James would  be able easily handle him in a fight and so I wanted to make sure Mark knew there was going to be a new man in the house
 and if he gave me any trouble James would handle it"

 Amy was kneeling in front of me. She looked so sexy in that little black dress, her  dark brown eyes shining excitedly .
 "It's all over now .Let it happen and it's all finished and we can begin our new life. There's no choice. I'll have you no other way. 
Be a baby girl for me,I will be your mummy  and James will be your Daddy if you agree you will get all the baby
 treatment you could ever wish for."

Amy knew it was what I secretly desired it was a win win situation for both of us.

She leaned closer and I remember smelling her perfume, even the red lipstick on her beautiful mouth. I was crying now, crying because
 I knew that those lips would never kiss mine again with sexual desire. I'd never be her lover again.

"It's over, honey. There's only one thing left for you to do for me and you know what it is. You know what mummy wants.
 Now show her you're a good girl and get over James lap and submit to him" James sat down on a chair. Amy stuck a pink binky in my open mouth 
and kissed me on my cheek ,wet with tears.

"Oh Susie, I m so proud of you" as I stood and bent over his muscular thighs without any objection. I knew I was totally defeated .

She was right I did want to be their baby girl.

I was finished as man.James yanked down my nappy and plastic lined frilly satin panties,the nappy and my panties were resting
 were at my ankles .His large hands began to spank my behind making me sob and cry out after each stinging blow.I looked across at Amy, 
she stood smiling at my punishment and picked up her phone and began to take lots of photos of me over her lovers lap.

"This spanking will be  a regular part of your life from now on,you will do as instructed ,James has my permission to spank you whenever
 I think its necessary.I'm going to make a baby album of all the photos"

	Chapter 6: And baby makes three

"How could he ever overcome that," asked Steff. "I mean, can you imagine him ever trying to act like a man again what a sissy oh 
my gosh its so funny she said laughing at the thought of it all.
Amy got her phone out and shared the photos with Steff. More laughter followed as the pretty teenager looked at the pictures of me 
getting my spanking over her lovers lap."This is so funny oh my god I need to get some pics of my own to show my friends" .

"It's hard to imagine. I mean, you'd just have to laugh at him in those silly frilly cute baby girl clothes with his tiny thingy exposed
 being spanked by your boyfriend how can he ever  be taken seriously as a man! how embarrassing" Steff said.

And then, as if to prove their point, both she and Amy laughed at the photo of me with my nappy and frillies around my ankles, 
my glowing red bottom with Jame's large hand prints.

It was true. If she'd had me castrated, Amy could not have more effectively emasculated me than she had at the moment being 
spanked by new lover.How could I ever challenge James for my wife's  affections after my rival had seen me dressed as a sissy baby girl,
 weeping helplessly at myself in a turmoil of half really wanting this humiliation but half regretting I will never
 be intimate with my wife again. I could never live down the humiliation no matter how much i needed it. I could never see myself 
as a man again: how could anyone else? I was psychologically castrated and there was nowhere for me to go but to accept my role
 in our new "family."

"The rest was a breeze," Amy said. "He didn't put up any more resistance at all. I think the poor dear may even have had some kind of
nervous breakdown. I guess it was the intense humiliation. He actually seemed to escape into infantilism. Under ordinary circumstances, 
that kind of delusion wouldn't have been healthy. But in this case, it was just what the doctor ordered, so to speak.Baby susie stopped
 talking at all, except, of course, to utter baby-talk. I think she may have actually lost the ability to speak. She stopped
 walking—afterall, where is there she can walk to?—and contented herself to crawl or be carried. Mark will never go back to what he was,
 thank god. He'll never be a man again. So now it's a matter of building up his sense of worth as a sissy baby girl. 
We do everything we can to make him feel good about that, don't we my precious babykins ?"

My wife leaned forward and ticked my belly under my frilly dress smiling down at me.

"That's so sweet," Steff said, "I noticed that he's wet himself several times since we've been talking I can see his nappy poking out 
the leg of those cute knickers and plastic pants ."

"Oh, it's true. Susie has no control over his bodily functions at all anymore. I guess I should change her."

"Would you mind if I did it?" Steff asked.

"Oh of course not. Would you? You don't mind?"

"Of course not. She's so cute and besides I have had practice as a baby sitter," Steff grinned, 

Steff slid off the couch and got down on her knees in front of me. She matter-of-factually began changing me snaking down
 my frilly pink baby knickers cooing over how pretty they looked Meanwhile, my wife described how happy she was with our
 new living arrangement. 

Steff carefully pulled off my clear plastic pants,lifted my knees, and slid the soaked terry cloth nappy from under me.

" HA HA Awwww poor baby it look its soooo tiny its  ..a baby dick she laughed looking down at my limp less than one inch penis, 
"is the pwetty baby girl wet-wet," she cooed in baby-talk. "Aunt Steffi will take care of you precious. "Amy Im so sorry but that 
really is tiny,I have been babysitting  a nine year old boy with a bigger one.I wouldn't be able to marry a man this small unless of 
course I had a similar relationship that you have.Its no wonder you don't feel him inside you "

She smiled down at me. I gurgled contentedly, sucking my baba. Amy handed Steff my nappy bag  laughing at her comments and started 
describing her sex life with James.

" Well let me tell you Steff James is the complete opposite God, he's insatiable," my wife gushed. "I mean, we're talking 
porn-star sex. The guy is hung like a horse and he can last forever, but he doesn't have to go at me for more than a couple of
 minutes before I'm exploding like Chinese New Year. It's like he's got a blueprint of all my hot buttons and he's 
memorized them all.
"Really  wowww how big is he" Steff said quite innocently.
I had to measure him and let me tell you that eight inches is the largest I have ever seen and its so thick I cant get
 my fingers all the way around it.
"Wow eight inches thats a mans penis for sure does it hurt I mean I know penis size is not meant to matter but going from
 a three to an eight inch thats got to get some getting used to surely and must be much better right"? 

"I was initially apprehensive sure but James gets me so aroused I get very wet and well yeah its slides right up inside me ,
places Mark could only dream of reaching.I love the feeling of being filled up,it really stretches me but god the 
sensation is fantastic.My orgasms are very intense "

"The other day, well, it's not been announced yet so please don't tell anyone, but James was promoted to senior vice president."

Steff looked up. She'd slid a fresh diaper under my bottom.

"Isn't that the promotion Mark wanted?"

"Yup. But I knew he wasn't up to the challenge. And look at him," Amy chuckled, "I'd have to say I was right. Probably Mark knew it,
 too. So I guess you could say that I cleared the way for the better man. I made the right choice. When James got the word from old 
man Bogan, he called me into his office, which, by the way, used to be Marks, had me get on my knees and," Amy blushed, 
"give him a congratulatory blow-job. Then he laid me out on Mark's old desk and fucked me so silly my leg were
wobbly for three days after."	

Steff laughed, "Oh," she said, looking back down, "Look at Susie's little peepee I need to get some photos of this to show all
 my friends"

"Sure go for it .... two of my friends I go to the gym with have seen the photos of him in his sweet frilly pink baby clothes 
and his tiny erection.They find it hilarious and  agree he needs cuckolding.They are  quite envious  of James very large 
thick cock and good looks"

 Steff took out her mobile phone and took many photos of me.. It's stiffened all up! oohh dear its tiny oh my god ha ha ,
it cant be more than three inches if that, smile for me an oh yesss lets get a close up of tiny thing as well " 

It was true.	

The thought of Amy's slender legs wrapped around James waist, her pretty ankles crossed as he pounded his thick cock into her had me
unmistakably aroused. Just like it always did.
I had heard him fuck her in our bed and have also had my cot placed in their bedroom when I have been good.The sight of him laying on
 top of my lovely sexy wife pounding his over sized penis into her ,changing positions her legs over his broad shoulders having her
 moan and sob as she came on that giant cock had me cum all over the pink ruffles lace and satin baby knickers shamelessly.
After they had finished my wife and James were laying  on their back looking up at me the stupid me a sissy adult baby girl
 kneeling in my cot in my short frilly pink see through nightie wearing my nappy and frilly plastic lined satin knickers .I was 
holding my fluffy dolly in one hand whilst sucking on my dummy .Amy had tossed her very wet white silky panties into my cot as 
she had undressed.She new I would sniff them and play with them.
The panties were very wet with her excitement.After smelling them I had wrapped them around my erect penis and began
 masturbating while they fucked.Their hysterical  laughter and derisory comments seeing me so excited had me cum 
almost again dribbling onto the pretty pink satin and lace of my knickers.

Amy relayed this story to Steff who found it highly amusing .

"Does sissy baby Susie like watching his lovely wife or should I say mummy being fucked by a big strong man with a much
 bigger penis .You like to play with her panties dont you what a pervert and ,..You are quite pathetic such a looser but I 
suppose if everyone gets what they want why not eh I suppose but you are weird . " 

"Aw, look at pookums," Steff blew kisses at me, "how adorable." She pushed my swollen little clittie to the side with her finger I 
think he likes seeing you pleasured by James so very much ,does it really turn baby on eh "

Amy laughed at steffs teasing. "Oh she fusses something terrible when she's in that state."

"Does the pwetty baby-waby want Aunt Steffi to take care of that for her?"

I whimpered with frustration.

Steff snickered. She pulled a baby wipe out of the diaper bag. Meanwhile, Amy placed the heel of her sandal against my 
lips for me to suckle. Steff placed my pink pacifier into my mouth and I began sucking. I heard Amy describing how I'd benefit
 from James's mega-sex session.They'd already drawn up plans for a new nursery next to their bedroom and already 
bought baby monitor so I can hear them fucking and more to the point they can hear me.

She told steff "we can hear his plastic pants rustling when we are fucking we know hes wanking but well if he needs a release
we dont want to put him into a Chasity cage ..well not unless he misbehaves."

Between the scent of Amy's pretty foot encased in the sexy leather sandal and Steffi's finger and thumb around my clittie, I came quickly 
into the baby wipe. Steff laughing ooooohhh good girl.She  finished cleaning me up and pinned me up my fresh diaper and knickers.
 She put my baba back in my hand and I sucked, contented, at the formula as she leaned forward and placed a light kiss on my forehead.

"Oh I think James is home," I hear Amy exclaim, all girlish excitement.

Her sandals click-clack across the floor and she's in his arms, kissing him passionately. I'm aware of all this through the haze
 I seem to exist in almost all the time now. It's all so far away, like adulthood, like my old life. 
Somewhere…somewhere above me they are talking—Amy, Aunt Steffi, and Daddy—talking about grown up things and a warm oddly 
comforting feeling spreads across the front of my nappy. His Strong hands pick me up and my thin useless legs dangle, 
my soft feet hang far off the floor. My head lies against a broad shoulder…

"Mommy will come up later precious," Daddy says as he put me in my cot then I'm going to give her a very good hard 
fucking so you just play with your tiny dick.

I looked at the mobile that hung just above my head Amy had hung a pair of very sexy ivory coloured  panties on .
 I could see evidence of her infidelity in the crotch from yesterdays fucking session .Her libido had increased dramatically since
 James arrived on the scene and wanted me to be fully aware and just accept it as part of my life.







  • Like 4

A beautiful and well written story and I just so wish that it was me in the story as the cuckold sissy baby girl husband. Fantastic photos too do you know who the Mummy is please she is gorgeous and sexy.


Luv Tracey xxx

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 1 year later...

this is a great story!     I def. wish i could be Steff at times 

  • 1 month later...
On 1/28/2023 at 4:13 PM, sissysusie1 said:
A re edited version of a sissy adult baby husband accepting his fate as a cuckold .

Chapter 1: 

"It wasn't difficult at all to turn him into this." That is my 38 year old attractive wife Amy talking to her young 
friend Steff.
 She is talking about me. I am sitting on the floor in my cloth nappy ,covered with plastic pants and my frilly pink satin 
baby knickers.I'm also wearing a matching short frilly pink satin dress,my legs splayed out in front of me,
 colouring in my colouring book.
 My brown hair is parted in the middle and braided in pink-ribboned pigtails .

That seems a hundred years ago. Now I've been reduced to the status of a sissy baby. How did this happen to me?

I'm still not sure.

"One day, I was looking through some boxes in the basement for some old papers and I came across his stash of girly things,"
 Amy says, telling Steff the story of my transformation. "He was so embarrassed, the poor thing. 
He tried to say they must have belonged to an old forgotten girlfriend of his, but he was blushing 
so femmy pink and stammering so badly it was obvious he was lying."

Even now hearing Amy tell the story makes me a little uncomfortable. I
put my thumb in my mouth and suck.

Steff laughs. She is a very attractive blonde teenager but quite mature for a 19 years old .She works in our office
 as part of the finance team.
 She crosses her young slender nylon-covered legs. She's wearing a soft short black skirt and black stilettos. 
Occasionally I catch a glimpse of her silky white shiny panties and lacy tops of her hold up stockings.
 I mostly notice people from the knee down nowadays.Amy's legs are bare and she's wearing sandals. Her toenails 
are painted bright red.

"What did you do?" Steff asks.

"I told him I wouldn't be upset if he just told the truth. It didn't take much coaxing. Deep down, I guess he really wanted 
to tell me. It was quite sweet, actually. Poor dear had been hiding his cross dressing all his life, 
hes always had a soft gentle side "

It was true. I had wanted to tell her, but I hardly knew how. Getting caught as I had provided a kind of opening.
 Amy made me lay beside her on the bed and tell her everything. When I was finished, breathless and teary-eyed, she
 calmly told me to strip and put on my favorite panties and nightie. I did as she said, going to the stash
 of girl-things she'd discovered and picking out a pink satin nightie and pink lace panties.
When I got back to the bed I was already growing hard inside the tiny panties.I remember feeling embarrassed
 as she giggled.

"He'"He never been much of a lover," Amy says. "He'd get these very small erections which to be honest never did anything for
 me only his oral skills got me going. But at least now I understood why. I told him to masturbate himself for me. 
It really didn't do anything for me to see how excited he would  get being dressed up,but it was kind of amusing, 
kind of cute watching him cum like a girl into his silky frilly lace panties. That's when I got the idea to
 make him my little girl." I looked at Steff as she sat there smirking down at me .
"You say very small how small "?  Steff asked now becoming more inquisitive .
"No more than three inches fully hard and its actually quite thin . I was never really able to feel him inside me properly"
"Oh my wow really ,oh that is very small it sounds like you are describing a little boys penis as she held up her
 little finger estimating what three inches looked like." Steff began laughing hysterically holding her hand to her mouth now, 
 teary eyed and of course my wife 
began to laugh with her.I felt myself go red with embarrassment that this young girl was aware of my short comings.

Steff looked at me "I'm sorry for laughing at you Mark ..babykins you are still very cute and well I suppose baby boys dont have big willies and

yours is very small so you have to be  a baby girl instead."

I didn't need to hear Amy retell this part of the story to Steff. I remember so well that first time,
 lying on my back, nightie hiked up
over my thighs. I had my hand inside my panties as Amy watched ,encouraging me. I masturbated myself like I'd seen girls do,
 flicking my little stiff penis with my fingertips. Amy seemed to watch with genuine interest as I came close to cumming.
 She reached down and stroked my nipples through the satin nightie. I arched my body off the bed,supported only by my 
shoulders and heels, my fingers flicking the underside of my silky and lace-encased cock.

"Cum Susie cum for mommy," Amy cooed, "cum my little girl…"

Oh how did she know, I wondered. How? And then all my thoughts were chased away by her fingers squeezing my 
nipple and I moaned and soaked my panties with a warm gooey cummy cream.

	Chapter 2: Little boy to sissy 

"Everything changed after that day," Amy says. "He didn't know it at first. I suspect he just thought things would go on as usual.
 As if finding out your husband was a sissy was something a woman would just accept as normal!"

Steff and Amy shared a laugh.

"Well," Amy continued, "he was certainly wrong."

I'd thought after that first time Amy was pretty cool with the idea of my crossdressing. She encouraged me to dress-up 
for her on the nights we had sex. I'd pretty much always kept my body hairless, but on sex nights
 I'd take a long shower, during which I'd use a cream depilatory, and make sure I was extra-smooth all over. 
I'd wash my already longish hair, pull it back from my face, and apply a little lipstick. Then I'd slip on
one of the panties and nightie sets that Amy had chosen for me.

"He thought I got off looking at him mincing around like a little French whore," Amy snickered as she recounted 
one of the nights she had me wear a black garter, black seamed stockings, a half-bra, and a frilly white apron with matching cap.
 "I had him kneel on the floor in front of me and eat me out. He'd gotten to be quite good at oral by then.
 He'd lick my pussy for 45 minutes at a time…as long as I wanted. I didn't let him touch me with that useless 
little puny thing of his."

It was hard, at first, not being allowed to have regular sex with my wife anymore. I guess I figured it was a temporary thing,
 that she just
needed to get used to the idea that her husband was a sissy. After all, it was probably a big adjustment for any woman to make. 
But as the weeks went by and she showed no interest in me that way anymore I tried to come to grips with the reality of 
the situation.

I couldn't really complain. Amy had never seemed that satisfied with intercourse with me anyway, and if she could make some
 sacrifices to accommodate me, I could certainly do the same for her.

"It took me a while to understand what he was thinking," Amy said, "and then I realized…he thought I didn't like
 being fucked anymore ."

This time Steff and Amy laughed for quite time. I suck my thumb harder and colour in a Tweetie Bird with a purple crayon, 
trying hard to stay inside the lines. I'm so clumsy and uncoordinated lately. I feel my eyes sting with tears.

"By then, I'd been carrying on with James for nearly a month and it was time to do something with Mark. So I decided to 
step things up a little. I told him that I didn't mind him dressing as a girl, but I'd like it if he would let me dress
 him up as a baby girl."

"He went for that?" Steff asks giggling at the thought of it.

"Well he seemed kinda uncertain at first, but what could he say? If I could accept his kink it was only reasonable
 that he accept mine.Besides, it wasn't that much of a stretch and I had ways of motivating him."
"Why dress him as a baby girl is it because of his tiny thingy "steff asked clearly enjoying my wife's story.
"Yes partly that but also because I wanted to emasculate him even further than wearing my silky panties and baby
 girl clothes are much more prettier "

"Really wow  how so how did you manage it .Looking up at Steff's young pretty face made me feel more ashamed as 
she continued to ask my wife about
 more details?" I wonder if she would tell all her friends about me.

At first, I couldn't believe Amy really wanted me to be her baby. But when she came home one day with a package of 
cloth terry nappies and pink safety pins and helped me into one, I realized that she was dead serious. 
She put me into a pink see through baby-doll nightie and a pair of white pink slippers 
that matched my pink toenail polish. My nappied bottom and clear plastic pants was exposed beneath the short nightie 
and it made me waddle a bit, especially on the high-heeled mules. Amy seemed really pleased. She had me walk around for
 her and then lie on the bed. She
straddled my face and had me lick her to two orgasms. Then she let me suck her breast while she masturbated me through 
the plastic pants and nappy.

"What I did was condition him," Amy says. She slipped off one of her sandals and flexed her pretty white toes.
 "I poured some warm tea onto the front of his nappy to make it wet. Then I jerked him off through the sopping material.
 I made him talk baby-talk if he wanted to cum. If he did a good job, I'd rub faster. I'd make him babble away incoherently 
 for 30, 40 minutes. Sometimes it was an hour before I let him cum. It
did wonders to break down his defenses. He came to associate pleasure with a wet nappy and acting like a baby."

Listening to my wife explain it now, it all seems so obvious, even to my simplified mind.
 How could I have not noticed it before? I dimly perceive the growing warmth spreading under my bottom. I'm peeing.

	Chapter 3: An all-new girl

"Well after that," Amy is saying, "it was all pretty easy. I started feeding him the tea before he put on the cloth nappy 
and plastic pants with his nightie and we'd go to bed and I'd wet his diaper as before. Only now when he had to go
 use the bathroom, I'd just have him pee into his nappy and plastic pants."

"Whooa," Steff says, crossing her legs, and I see the wool skirt slide up her stocking thighs.  She doesn't even bother to pull
 it down to cover her white silky pantied crotch . And I'm reminded why. I'm just a baby, a sissy, not a man. 
What difference does it make if I see? "That must have been a big step."

"At first, he was reluctant, but I simply used the conditioning he'd already undergone against him. It was simple: no pee,
 no pleasure. Until his nappy was soaked with pee, I wouldn't touch him. And if he wanted to cum…nothing but baby-talk.
 It worked like a charm.  I bought him lots of frilly adult baby girl knickers satin and pretty matching dresses from
 specialist shops which he loves"

It was just as she said. Once she got me to start peeing myself and talking baby-talk for orgasms, I found any resistance
 to her plans that I might have had crumbling all around me. She made it all seem so inevitable. 
Besides, she really seemed to like me as her baby girl. I got used to wearing the nappies and frilly baby clothes all the time
 and even wore them under my work clothes. I thought they gave my butt an extra puffy
 look in my pants and I was sure that anyone within earshot could hear the crinkle of the plastic lined frilly baby knickers
 as I walked passed, but Amy said I was letting my imagination run away with me.

Meanwhile, the nappies would force me to use the bathroom stall to sit down and pee. No way could I stand at a urinal and take
 the risk of  someone seeing me try to pull my penis out from the diaper. Eventually, though, I didn't have to worry about the 

"You mean you had him pissing himself at work?" Steff says astonished,"You gotta be kidding me!"

But it was true. During the day, Amy would come to my office, shut the door, and reach into my pants to check if I were wet.
 At first I held it back, but eventually I realized there was no choice. She wanted me to pee myself and I did. 
The first time she changed me at the office I felt terrified. She had me lay across my desk with my pants around my 
ankles and pulling my frilly knickers  wet diaper down. I felt so exposed and defenseless; the air conditioning 
chilling my damp bare ass.

What if someone came in?

It seemed to take forever but Amy eventually slid a fresh diaper underneath me, powdered my ass, and fit the pink safety
 pins securing the nappy to my waist. She patted me on my padded frilly pink plastic covered behind.

"That should hold my little baby," she cooed, "for a little while anyway."

All day long she had me drinking tea and water and fruit juices. If I wet myself, I had to send her an email and 
ask her to change me.
Towards the end, she had to change me up to six times a day. She had me keep them nappies and plastic lined 
frilly panties and baby powder in the lower  left-hand drawer of my desk. She wouldn't even let me lock it.

"And the whole time you were seeing James right down the hall?"

"Yes," Amy says. "I'd change my little baby and get him all comfy and dry and then James and I would take a 2-hour lunch
 at Midtown Hotel. By the time I came back, I was quite sore from our time together if you know what I mean and little
 baby Susie was sitting in her piss-soaked nappies again."

They laughed at me and I can't help it: I just start crying. It happens so suddenly I hardly know what I'm doing 
and it scares me and I cry even harder. Amy shooshes me.
"Awww poor baby well with such a tiny one and being a wimp its no wonder your wife has a boyfriend" 
Steff teased as she looked me right in the eye.

"Oh poor baby," she coos through kissy-lips that I never get to kiss anymore,
 "poor poor Susie baby girl wanna baba?"

She hands me my pink baba and I hold the rubber nipple to my lips and suck. The pink milky mixture is sweet and warm.
 I close my eyes and scrunch up my toes. I always feel much better when I take my baba. I've heard Amy say that there's some
 kind of sedative in the formula;that's what she says now to Steff. I don't care. I feel much, much calmer…almost happy.
 I get sleepy. I stop crying. They continue their conversation now that I'm no longer fussing. I burp contentedly.

	Chapter 4: The perfect nanny

"Did you tell, James, what you were doing to him?" Steff asks.

"Of course," I hear my wife say. "He needed to know that baby Susie wasn't any threat, that he wasn't even a man."

"Wow, what did he say when he found out?"

"Oh he thought it was just hilarious. The idea that any man would let what I was doing to Mark happen to him…well, 
let's just say that it made everything perfectly clear: Mark wasn't any kind of man at all. I mean James and I were going at it
 virtually right under his nose, and the adorable little nitwit was sitting around in a wet nappy and
 frilly baby knickers waiting for me to change him."

" Awww How cute," Steff says, and it almost sounded as if she means it. "He…I mean she…really is a sweetie so
 adorable you have to let me babysit your baby girl husband" she giggled.

I only dimly remember the time Amy is describing now: seeing her pass by my door on her way to James's office almost constantly,
 listening to their laughter out in the hall, hearing the office gossip about their affair. Everyone looked at me as if they felt
 sorry for me. 

When I asked Amy what was going on, she told me to stop "fussing" and be a good girl. She'd reach into my pants…or under my 
nightie or skirt if we were home…and check to see if I were wet. Usually I was and somehow the knowing look on her
 face embarrassed me and ended the conversation right then and there.

"And then a stroke of luck…" Amy continues. "The young cleaning lady found
Mark's stash of nappies and plastic panties in the bottom drawer of his desk. He came to my office one morning in a 
state of total panic with a note from Juanita, that's her name. It was clear that she intended to harass him, maybe blackmail him 
for money…"

"Damn, what did you do?"

"I told Mark not to worry. We'd both stay after work and I'd handle it."

This part of the story I remember much better. I couldn't understand how
Amy could be so calm when it seemed I was about to be exposed for the baby girl sissy I'd become. I sat in my office
 as the clock moved towards 6 pm. The floor was nearly empty and Amy breezed into my office and sat down going over some papers. 
I could hear the cleaning lady emptying the trash cans of the offices further down the hall. My heart was pounding. 
I couldn't talk.

"I told him to relax," Amy laughed. "And when Juanita came to the office she was surprised to find both of us sitting there.
 She looked from Mark to me and I could see she understood the situation instantly.She smiled and winked at me and I knew we'd 
come to an understanding then and there. ‘Her name is Susie,' I said. And then I turned to Mark and said, 
‘come here sweetie pie and let momma check if you're wet."

"No way!" Steff said, stroking her nylon-encased calves. "He didn't."

"What choice did my little sissykins have? Of course he did."

And it's true, I did. Of course, I was so nervous by that time that my nappy had soaked nearly through. They didn't even bother
 to close the office door. What if someone working late came walking passed? Amy had me lay over my desk and changed me right 
in front of the cleaning lady. She let me left me there a long time, her hand on my damp ass while they talked.
The cleaning lady was only in her late 20's and reasonably attractive.
 Her loud laugh when she first saw my frilly pink knickers and nappy made me blush all over I was so ashamed. 
I could just make out what Amy was doing over the rush of blood in my ears. She was hiring the cleaning lady as my nanny.

"She's been such a godsend. James and I were out most nights by then to all hours, and sometimes I'd sleep over at his place. 
Now, with both of us working, I really needed someone to look after her. Well, Juanita turned out to be the perfect nanny: 
strict and discrete. I don't know what I'd do without her. She's a live-in, but she has this afternoon off. 
You'll meet her eventually. Wonderful nanny and of course when she needs time off I will need you if you want to babysit for me"
Steff smiled and was more than happy to. She was eager to find out more.
"He didn't complain at being turned over to another woman? Letting someone else see him like that?"

"What was he going to say?" Amy says coolly. "He really had no choice in the matter. Besides, Juanita has some experience as
 a dominatrix for a short time, so she knows how to handle disobedience. Not that my precious baby angel is much trouble at all,
 are you snookums? No, by that time, I'd pretty much stopped touching him at all in a sexual way. So if 
he wanted to have his precious little cummies, he had to let Juanita do it for him."

It was true. By now Amy had all but stopped doing anything sexual with me on a regular basis. She understood that
 I still needed my regular "reprogramming" sessions. But that was now my nanny's job. So while Amy continued her affair with 
James—hardly even keeping it a secret any longer—nanny tended to me. I dressed in my frilly pink baby things and nanny fed me
 my bottle and spooned me baby food out of jars. Yes, I was now eating nothing more solid than fruit sauces and strained meats and
 vegetables.Nanny would feed me while watching TV, rock me against her perfumed small bosom when I was done, and pat me until I burped.

She would set me on the floor sucking on my pacifier or to play with my plastic key-ring or to colour in my colouring book.
 Everyone always said what a good baby I am. Sometimes nanny would paint my nails or do my hair. Once she painted my
 toenails each a different colour. That night when Amy came home she was delighted with my pretty candy-coloured 
toes and I felt so happy that she was pleased.

At the same time I was being reverse potty trained which meant that I was slowly losing all my toilet privileges.
 Although I still tried to hold it in, I had taken to having little "accidents" and pooping my nappy pretty regularly.
 I was so ashamed and afraid when this first started happening but nanny seemed delighted. She always made it a point to keep
 my soiled nappy and pissy plastic pants to show my wife when she got home. No matter how tired my wife was she seemed thrilled 
to see the wetness at the bottom of the nappy. On those nights before nanny put me down to sleep, Amy would help me have my 
cummy placing her long manicured finger and the thumb around my puny short thin erect shaft .

"He was ready by then," Amy says, "ready to be Baby susie full time and forever. The last step in the transformation 
was to introduce him to his new position in our little family once and for all. That meant bringing James over."

"Oh yes," Steff said, clapping. "Tell me all about that. I've got to hear how that went!"

Amy interrupted her story to glance down at me. "Whatsa matter?" she said, talking in her singsong baby-talking-tone that
 made me feel better in spite of myself. She reached into my elasticated leg band of my plastic lined frilly pink satin 
knickers and touched my damp crotch with the tips of her luscious toes. "Did baby make wet again? Awwww, its okay sweetie."

She stroked my soft and soggy little penis with her soft bare toes. Then Amy slipped her pretty foot back into her sandal, 
reaching down to fix the strap around her ankle. She looked back up at Steff and grinned, "You're just going to love this part of the story."

	Chapter 5: Meeting Daddy 

"I decided not to give him any warning. I figured he had to be a fool not to know I was sleeping with another man by now. 
I was getting dressed for a date and had called Juanita over early to tend to my baby girl husband. The whole thing was a set-up. 
The little darling never suspected a thing."

Hearing Amy talk about my cuckolding now makes it hurt all over again. But I guess it doesn't hurt quite as much as it used to.
 The memory has started to fade away, like so many other memories, such as what it was like to be Amy's husband or even what it was 
like to be a man.Sometimes when she tells someone the story it almost sounds like she's talking about someone else.
 I feel a little sorry for the guy called Mark and then I realize with a dulled shock that Mark used to be me.I had my suspicions,
 my wife had been sending a lot more texts than usual and flirted with James openly at work.I then searched through the laundry
 basket and checked her underwear and sure enough a pair of pale cream satin panties had tell take signs that could only be seaman.
I felt upset but at the same time strangely aroused .
I put those panties up to my nose and inhaled the mixture of the heavily cum stained gusset.My penis was rock hard.

"Juanita came over and got sissy ickle susikins  settled in front of the TV with a fresh cloth nappy and of course was
 wearing her frilliest pink baby knickers and her sissy pink baby-doll nightie with lots of lace ruffles  
so very short and cute so his frilly knickers and nappy would be on full view for James.
I wanted James to see his frilly pink baby knickers and nappy knowing full well the embarrassment it would cause my
 baby girl I wanted him looking very babyish for when he arrived to put James at ease as well though"

Steff leaned forward smiling, "So James just showed up? What did Mark do?"

Amy laughed. "He didn't do anything, of course. Did you sweetums?"

It was true. I was so shocked to see James standing in the doorway of the "playroom" that I lapsed into a kind of 
impotent stupor.I just stared up at the tall, broad-shouldered, and ruggedly-handsome man staring down at me.
 My beautiful wife with her long dark straight hair and immaculate make up looking more stunning than ever was having
 an affair with this man and there was nothing I could think to do about it.I was just unable  to compete with this guy
 I could only imagine what he was thinking, hands thrust into the pockets of his chinos,a bemused expression on his face.
 There I was,his "rival" for my wife's affections, sitting on the floor at his polished shoes wearing 
my frilly pink baby girl clothes and no shoes of my own,just pink paint on my toenails, and holding a baby bottle in 
my painted fingers.

At that moment, Amy came to the doorway, stood on tiptoe, and gave James an all-too- familiar kiss on the mouth. My heart sank. 
She was dressed in a tight black satin cocktail dress and the black patent stilettos I loved She was wearing some new 
expensive white silky satin hi cut panties and matching bra with a feminine lace trim that matched the lace on her panties.
She took great pleasure letting me se her getting ready, telling me she was wearing them for James.They made her feel sexy
 and desirable.

"Whoa," James said, getting a look at Amy. "Now don't you look good enough to eat."

He slipped his arm around my wife's petite waist and pulled her in close. The kiss he gave her was nothing less than
 x-rated.Amy pushed her hips  forward tight into her his crotch and let out a soft moan. When it was over, the two of them
 looked down at where I sat, tears pooling in my eyes.I was sat on the floor next to my tall slim wife looking up at her
 then at him.I noticed a very large bulge in the front of his trousers and my heart sank.His chinos tented out it
 was obvious he had an enormous erection and this got her excited  pressing her self into him harder.

"So this is my baby girl ," Amy said, with more than a touch of sarcasm. "Cute little thing, isn't she?" He squatted 
down and looked at the picture I was colouring: a farm scene with some lambs. "Oh that's a very nice picture you're coloring baby susie . 
When you're done, can Uncle James have it to put on my wall at work?"

My wife's boyfriend grinned.

"Oh what a wonderful idea," she clapped. "Oh of course Susie would love for you to have her picture, wouldn't you dear?"

I simply sat there, eyes big as saucers, saying nothing, and looking at James like he was an apparition from another dimension. 
He looked so big and strong and powerful,well over 6ft 2 tall. I couldn't help but wonder what Amy ever saw in me in the first place, 
we were the same height at 5ft 9 though I'm quite thin.
 At the same time, everything inside me was screaming at me to stand up, to say something, to do something.
 This man was here to steal my wife away from me. And I was letting it happen!

"He didn't make any objection at all?" Steff couldn't believe it.

"Not a peep," Amy said. "What could he possibly have said at that point that would make any difference whatsoever and 
James would  be able easily handle him in a fight and so I wanted to make sure Mark knew there was going to be a new man in the house
 and if he gave me any trouble James would handle it"

 Amy was kneeling in front of me. She looked so sexy in that little black dress, her  dark brown eyes shining excitedly .
 "It's all over now .Let it happen and it's all finished and we can begin our new life. There's no choice. I'll have you no other way. 
Be a baby girl for me,I will be your mummy  and James will be your Daddy if you agree you will get all the baby
 treatment you could ever wish for."

Amy knew it was what I secretly desired it was a win win situation for both of us.

She leaned closer and I remember smelling her perfume, even the red lipstick on her beautiful mouth. I was crying now, crying because
 I knew that those lips would never kiss mine again with sexual desire. I'd never be her lover again.

"It's over, honey. There's only one thing left for you to do for me and you know what it is. You know what mummy wants.
 Now show her you're a good girl and get over James lap and submit to him" James sat down on a chair. Amy stuck a pink binky in my open mouth 
and kissed me on my cheek ,wet with tears.

"Oh Susie, I m so proud of you" as I stood and bent over his muscular thighs without any objection. I knew I was totally defeated .

She was right I did want to be their baby girl.

I was finished as man.James yanked down my nappy and plastic lined frilly satin panties,the nappy and my panties were resting
 were at my ankles .His large hands began to spank my behind making me sob and cry out after each stinging blow.I looked across at Amy, 
she stood smiling at my punishment and picked up her phone and began to take lots of photos of me over her lovers lap.

"This spanking will be  a regular part of your life from now on,you will do as instructed ,James has my permission to spank you whenever
 I think its necessary.I'm going to make a baby album of all the photos"

	Chapter 6: And baby makes three

"How could he ever overcome that," asked Steff. "I mean, can you imagine him ever trying to act like a man again what a sissy oh 
my gosh its so funny she said laughing at the thought of it all.
Amy got her phone out and shared the photos with Steff. More laughter followed as the pretty teenager looked at the pictures of me 
getting my spanking over her lovers lap."This is so funny oh my god I need to get some pics of my own to show my friends" .

"It's hard to imagine. I mean, you'd just have to laugh at him in those silly frilly cute baby girl clothes with his tiny thingy exposed
 being spanked by your boyfriend how can he ever  be taken seriously as a man! how embarrassing" Steff said.

And then, as if to prove their point, both she and Amy laughed at the photo of me with my nappy and frillies around my ankles, 
my glowing red bottom with Jame's large hand prints.

It was true. If she'd had me castrated, Amy could not have more effectively emasculated me than she had at the moment being 
spanked by new lover.How could I ever challenge James for my wife's  affections after my rival had seen me dressed as a sissy baby girl,
 weeping helplessly at myself in a turmoil of half really wanting this humiliation but half regretting I will never
 be intimate with my wife again. I could never live down the humiliation no matter how much i needed it. I could never see myself 
as a man again: how could anyone else? I was psychologically castrated and there was nowhere for me to go but to accept my role
 in our new "family."

"The rest was a breeze," Amy said. "He didn't put up any more resistance at all. I think the poor dear may even have had some kind of
nervous breakdown. I guess it was the intense humiliation. He actually seemed to escape into infantilism. Under ordinary circumstances, 
that kind of delusion wouldn't have been healthy. But in this case, it was just what the doctor ordered, so to speak.Baby susie stopped
 talking at all, except, of course, to utter baby-talk. I think she may have actually lost the ability to speak. She stopped
 walking—afterall, where is there she can walk to?—and contented herself to crawl or be carried. Mark will never go back to what he was,
 thank god. He'll never be a man again. So now it's a matter of building up his sense of worth as a sissy baby girl. 
We do everything we can to make him feel good about that, don't we my precious babykins ?"

My wife leaned forward and ticked my belly under my frilly dress smiling down at me.

"That's so sweet," Steff said, "I noticed that he's wet himself several times since we've been talking I can see his nappy poking out 
the leg of those cute knickers and plastic pants ."

"Oh, it's true. Susie has no control over his bodily functions at all anymore. I guess I should change her."

"Would you mind if I did it?" Steff asked.

"Oh of course not. Would you? You don't mind?"

"Of course not. She's so cute and besides I have had practice as a baby sitter," Steff grinned, 

Steff slid off the couch and got down on her knees in front of me. She matter-of-factually began changing me snaking down
 my frilly pink baby knickers cooing over how pretty they looked Meanwhile, my wife described how happy she was with our
 new living arrangement. 

Steff carefully pulled off my clear plastic pants,lifted my knees, and slid the soaked terry cloth nappy from under me.

" HA HA Awwww poor baby it look its soooo tiny its  ..a baby dick she laughed looking down at my limp less than one inch penis, 
"is the pwetty baby girl wet-wet," she cooed in baby-talk. "Aunt Steffi will take care of you precious. "Amy Im so sorry but that 
really is tiny,I have been babysitting  a nine year old boy with a bigger one.I wouldn't be able to marry a man this small unless of 
course I had a similar relationship that you have.Its no wonder you don't feel him inside you "

She smiled down at me. I gurgled contentedly, sucking my baba. Amy handed Steff my nappy bag  laughing at her comments and started 
describing her sex life with James.

" Well let me tell you Steff James is the complete opposite God, he's insatiable," my wife gushed. "I mean, we're talking 
porn-star sex. The guy is hung like a horse and he can last forever, but he doesn't have to go at me for more than a couple of
 minutes before I'm exploding like Chinese New Year. It's like he's got a blueprint of all my hot buttons and he's 
memorized them all.
"Really  wowww how big is he" Steff said quite innocently.
I had to measure him and let me tell you that eight inches is the largest I have ever seen and its so thick I cant get
 my fingers all the way around it.
"Wow eight inches thats a mans penis for sure does it hurt I mean I know penis size is not meant to matter but going from
 a three to an eight inch thats got to get some getting used to surely and must be much better right"? 

"I was initially apprehensive sure but James gets me so aroused I get very wet and well yeah its slides right up inside me ,
places Mark could only dream of reaching.I love the feeling of being filled up,it really stretches me but god the 
sensation is fantastic.My orgasms are very intense "

"The other day, well, it's not been announced yet so please don't tell anyone, but James was promoted to senior vice president."

Steff looked up. She'd slid a fresh diaper under my bottom.

"Isn't that the promotion Mark wanted?"

"Yup. But I knew he wasn't up to the challenge. And look at him," Amy chuckled, "I'd have to say I was right. Probably Mark knew it,
 too. So I guess you could say that I cleared the way for the better man. I made the right choice. When James got the word from old 
man Bogan, he called me into his office, which, by the way, used to be Marks, had me get on my knees and," Amy blushed, 
"give him a congratulatory blow-job. Then he laid me out on Mark's old desk and fucked me so silly my leg were
wobbly for three days after."	

Steff laughed, "Oh," she said, looking back down, "Look at Susie's little peepee I need to get some photos of this to show all
 my friends"

"Sure go for it .... two of my friends I go to the gym with have seen the photos of him in his sweet frilly pink baby clothes 
and his tiny erection.They find it hilarious and  agree he needs cuckolding.They are  quite envious  of James very large 
thick cock and good looks"

 Steff took out her mobile phone and took many photos of me.. It's stiffened all up! oohh dear its tiny oh my god ha ha ,
it cant be more than three inches if that, smile for me an oh yesss lets get a close up of tiny thing as well " 

It was true.	

The thought of Amy's slender legs wrapped around James waist, her pretty ankles crossed as he pounded his thick cock into her had me
unmistakably aroused. Just like it always did.
I had heard him fuck her in our bed and have also had my cot placed in their bedroom when I have been good.The sight of him laying on
 top of my lovely sexy wife pounding his over sized penis into her ,changing positions her legs over his broad shoulders having her
 moan and sob as she came on that giant cock had me cum all over the pink ruffles lace and satin baby knickers shamelessly.
After they had finished my wife and James were laying  on their back looking up at me the stupid me a sissy adult baby girl
 kneeling in my cot in my short frilly pink see through nightie wearing my nappy and frilly plastic lined satin knickers .I was 
holding my fluffy dolly in one hand whilst sucking on my dummy .Amy had tossed her very wet white silky panties into my cot as 
she had undressed.She new I would sniff them and play with them.
The panties were very wet with her excitement.After smelling them I had wrapped them around my erect penis and began
 masturbating while they fucked.Their hysterical  laughter and derisory comments seeing me so excited had me cum 
almost again dribbling onto the pretty pink satin and lace of my knickers.

Amy relayed this story to Steff who found it highly amusing .

"Does sissy baby Susie like watching his lovely wife or should I say mummy being fucked by a big strong man with a much
 bigger penis .You like to play with her panties dont you what a pervert and ,..You are quite pathetic such a looser but I 
suppose if everyone gets what they want why not eh I suppose but you are weird . " 

"Aw, look at pookums," Steff blew kisses at me, "how adorable." She pushed my swollen little clittie to the side with her finger I 
think he likes seeing you pleasured by James so very much ,does it really turn baby on eh "

Amy laughed at steffs teasing. "Oh she fusses something terrible when she's in that state."

"Does the pwetty baby-waby want Aunt Steffi to take care of that for her?"

I whimpered with frustration.

Steff snickered. She pulled a baby wipe out of the diaper bag. Meanwhile, Amy placed the heel of her sandal against my 
lips for me to suckle. Steff placed my pink pacifier into my mouth and I began sucking. I heard Amy describing how I'd benefit
 from James's mega-sex session.They'd already drawn up plans for a new nursery next to their bedroom and already 
bought baby monitor so I can hear them fucking and more to the point they can hear me.

She told steff "we can hear his plastic pants rustling when we are fucking we know hes wanking but well if he needs a release
we dont want to put him into a Chasity cage ..well not unless he misbehaves."

Between the scent of Amy's pretty foot encased in the sexy leather sandal and Steffi's finger and thumb around my clittie, I came quickly 
into the baby wipe. Steff laughing ooooohhh good girl.She  finished cleaning me up and pinned me up my fresh diaper and knickers.
 She put my baba back in my hand and I sucked, contented, at the formula as she leaned forward and placed a light kiss on my forehead.

"Oh I think James is home," I hear Amy exclaim, all girlish excitement.

Her sandals click-clack across the floor and she's in his arms, kissing him passionately. I'm aware of all this through the haze
 I seem to exist in almost all the time now. It's all so far away, like adulthood, like my old life. 
Somewhere…somewhere above me they are talking—Amy, Aunt Steffi, and Daddy—talking about grown up things and a warm oddly 
comforting feeling spreads across the front of my nappy. His Strong hands pick me up and my thin useless legs dangle, 
my soft feet hang far off the floor. My head lies against a broad shoulder…

"Mommy will come up later precious," Daddy says as he put me in my cot then I'm going to give her a very good hard 
fucking so you just play with your tiny dick.

I looked at the mobile that hung just above my head Amy had hung a pair of very sexy ivory coloured  panties on .
 I could see evidence of her infidelity in the crotch from yesterdays fucking session .Her libido had increased dramatically since
 James arrived on the scene and wanted me to be fully aware and just accept it as part of my life.







I wet my own cloth diapers while reading this.  Now I am sopping wet.

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