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I am not sure what to do. I am a 29 y.o. going on 2 y.o. sissy baby. I had a daddy once but conditions did not allow us to continue (long distance and careers). I am now engaged to a wonderful woman who puts up with my AB activities. My problem is that I keep fantisizing about being with a man. I sit and daydream about oraly satisfying a man and having a man go wee in my diaper. Anyone with any advise?

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Well I'm no expert in the psychology department but I think its kinda clear your prefer the romantic company of men over women ie: you are gay. Your best bet would be to break it off with your girl friend and find yourself a like minded fella to enjoy your interests.

My thoughts anyway.

Brudda Voodu

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The key words there are "puts up with".

The fact you fantasize about men and the girlfriend doesn't really approve means you're going to paint yourself into a corner with this relationship.

Unless you have a real taste for masochism and can afford a nasty divorce, run...do not walk..for the enarest exit!!

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The key words there are "puts up with".

The fact you fantasize about men and the girlfriend doesn't really approve means you're going to paint yourself into a corner with this relationship.

Unless you have a real taste for masochism and can afford a nasty divorce, run...do not walk..for the enarest exit!!

Saying puts up with may have been wrong wording. She wants to play mommy but we don't really know how. She diapers me but that is about as far as we can take it.

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Saying puts up with may have been wrong wording. She wants to play mommy but we don't really know how. She diapers me but that is about as far as we can take it.

My advice:

Think long and hard about your fiance. Does she arouse you? Do you like having sex with her? (if you haven't done so, why not? Saving for marriage, or looking for excuses?) If you could -never- be with a man for the rest of your life, physically, would you be satisfied with your fiance for sexual gratification?

You probably aren't gay, unless you're deeply closeted, but you might certainly be bisexual, in which case ending this marriage would be a terrible idea, since a bisexual person enjoys sex with both genders AND this woman already is being supportive of your diaper fantasies.

After you determine your sexual orientation, also ask yourself this: why do you want to have sex with men? No, seriously, why? Physically does it seem pleasant? Do men turn you on? Or do you like how it makes you feel when a man uses you as he would a woman? You might only be entertaining the fantasies because they humiliate or degrade you. If that's what you're into, a real man might be repulsive but the emotions won't be.

Now, if you have decided that you're either gay, or that you -need- to do these things with men, you have to have a long, frank talk with your fiance about it. She deserves to know before you two are committed in marriage.

If not (or if she is supportive and wants to help you find a male lover/one night stand), the next step is to work on being mommy and baby. Talk with her about her comfort levels, try reading stories written on this site and others looking for ideas, and keep going slowly. Remember to keep asking her about what makes her uncomfortable, what she's willing to try out, and go at her pace so she doesn't get overwhelmed and run away. Don't be discouraged if things are slow now; you have a woman who is supportive and trying, you're essentially at the finish line of the race! Don't stumble when you're so close.

Good luck, and hope to hear from you soon.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Other than the first post, your last post is easy. Stay together, pay your bills. Wax your truck, and wear Diapers. Problems solved. Well not really that's just the outside of life. We all know it's not that easy. Best of luck to you in your life and the desicions you make in it.

You obviously have feelings for her or you wouldn't have asked her to marry you, let alone put her name on the truck. We all know how much we love our trucks. :P

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