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The Importance Of Being Specific (Chapter Eight Posted 11/1/22)

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The Importance Of Being Specific

By: The Unknown Author



My Ass Has Grown And My Dreams Have Shrunk”


It’s funny that with all the advancements in society and technology that people still fit into weird molds, that they still end up embodying these weirdly specific archetypes that you think is just something you attached to them as a high school student, but then as an adult you see someone else that checks certain imaginary boxes in your head and you assign that person a nickname or descriptor based on that fact.


Larry Conrad was the kid in my school who’s mom still cut his hair, we’d laugh at him getting dropped off in the morning, his mother fussing over some unimportant detail about his appearance and blowing him kisses as he stepped out of the car and hurried into the school to get away from the eyes and snickers of his peers. Michelle D’Angelo was the girl that took an inordinately long time to understand the basics of hygiene so she didn’t smell like roofing tar all day when she was on her period. Cameron Lance was saddled with the unfortunate rhyme of ‘Cameron Lance shits his pants’ during a field trip to the zoo in second grade and nearly eradicated the memory until a repeat performance in the lunch room freshman year brought it back to life.


Weird is weird, and we as a society, whether we admit it or not, base our assessments on people by what our senses tell us about them when we first encounter them. Am I proud that I laughed at these people? No. Do I think I’m better than them as a person? I did back then, but now, no.


Larry Conrad became an internet billionaire, wrote a book and made more money, bought an island and fucked off from society. Michelle D’Angelo just wrapped up filming on the third season of the show she created and directs, a show that everyone is watching and that everyone loves. Cameron Lance, ironically, owns and operates the largest chain of dry cleaning stores in the continental United States and leaned into his shameful past by calling them “Lance Cleans Pants”.


I’m not without my own successes, I mean, in comparison I’m average, but I was prom queen and married my prom king a little after graduation. We have three kids, Beckah is our oldest and is nearly done with high school herself and has decided arguing with me is her extracurricular activity of choice when she’s not sneaking out to go party with friends and do God knows what else. Jeramiah is thirteen and has mastered not only computers and pretty much anything digital you put in front of him, but also hiding the articles of clothing he masturbates into in all kinds of fun places around the house. Molly is our youngest at four and is, let’s say, ‘taking her time’ with the whole big girl thing, her room is still decorated the way it’s been since she was born and we’ve gone from training pants to diapers more times than I can count.


Jason, my husband, works at the factory he got a job at when he graduated and spends most nights glued to his phone, but when he finally unplugs for the night, then he complains about the younger generation that’s starting pay is almost as high as his and that more and more robots are being installed at the plant and he’s worried they’ll replace him. Once a week I try and get him hard and more often than not he ends up pushing rope inside me for an embarrassingly short amount of time before he finishes and passes out, leaving me to wonder just how I managed to lose control of my life so completely that I’ve ended up as the married mother of three that fingers herself to grocery store romance novels in the tub, the woman that imagines being married to Larry Conrad or Cameron Lance and cries at how pathetic and unsatisfying her life has become.


My typical day revolves around getting everyone where they need to go once Jason leaves for work, Beckah rides shotgun with her headphones in, Jeremiah is always holding some kind of device and toiling away on cracking some code or what have you, and Molly is in her car seat looking out the window at the world while I absently wonder if I’ll have time to dig the stretch pant wedgie from my ass before anyone in the general public notices. Because of her delayed potty training, we haven’t been able to get Molly into daycare, something that frustrates me more when the car begins to fill with the odor of a messy diaper and my errands for the day haven’t even begun.


The one week out of the year that everything becomes bearable is when the carnival comes to town. I love it because Jason becomes his old romantic self again, winning me a stuffed animal at a cheesy game, holding my hand as we walk beneath the strings of lights while the kids fuck off to the corners of wherever to entertain themselves. Jason loves it because it reminds him of when we were dating, and two of our three kids were conceived on a night the week of the carnival. Beckah loves it because she can sidle up to a carny running one of the rides and score free sips from his flask and maybe some pot. Jeremiah loves it because there’s games and rides, and not because he can see up girl’s skirts on the Ferris Wheel. Molly loves it because she’s a baby, and bright colors and lots of sound are exciting, I could shine a flashlight at her and jingle some keys in her face and she’d probably love it equally if I’m being honest.


It was the last night of the carnival and we’d gone every previous night with the desired results of peace and happiness among every member of the family, but tonight was the best night because it was mostly empty. Beckah and Jeremiah had gone off on their own, and Jason had stepped up to take Molly back to the car for a clean diaper and I was sitting on a bench waiting for his return, wondering if I could seduce him into fucking me somewhere moderately secluded after we found Beckah and pawned Molly off onto her for a little while. I got up and wandered a little, walking past the rows of arcade games, claw machines, and sawdust covered pools of vomit when I saw a fortune telling machine with a creepy animatronic Gypsy head inside hovering over a crystal ball.


“Wishes granted for $1.50” I read off the gold and ruby colored sign on top of the machine. I smirked and checked my purse, finding exactly six quarters in the small change pocket of my wallet and fit them into the slits on the metal protrusion in the front of the machine before pushing it in and watching as the machine sprung to life.


“Madame Zelna is here to grant your wish!” the robot Gypsy declared in a warbly sounding voice that was probably as culturally insensitive as it was technologically impressive for the time period it was made in.


The lights inside the glass case Madame Zelna inhabited dimmed and the crystal ball filled with white mist as the robot inside jerked and noisily looked down into it.


“Close your eyes and speak your wish and Madame Zelna will make it come true!” she said, sounding like an old drive thru speaker.


I didn’t close my eyes at first, but I did look around to make sure no one was nearby to film the middle aged woman about to make a wish at a crappy carnival game or someone lurking in the shadows to rape murder me and when I was satisfied that I was well and truly alone, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, “I wish I could trade places with my daughter.” I said longingly.


“Your wish will be granted at the stroke of midnight!” Madame Zelna proclaimed before launching into a wheezy sounding cackle that ended abruptly when the machine went dark.


I chuckled and opened my eyes, patting the glass with my hand, “Thanks a bunch, Madame Z.” I said to the lifeless robot head before I headed back to the bench to wait for Jason.


We as humans are very inattentive, so focused on our own things that we fail to see what’s all around us. In my defense, my eyes were closed, so the shooting star that passed over me as I spoke my wish went unnoticed, and I can be forgiven for assuming the fairy gorging himself on discarded cotton candy was a moth, his chuckle going unheard thanks to the distance between us and the difference in our size, the fact that it was exactly seven o’clock on the seventh day of the seventh month was a minor detail that passed by without notice, the point is that a few things happened when I made my wish, and none of them were noticed by me.




“God dammit, Hannah!” the distant raised voice of Jason stirred me from my slumber.


“What happened?” I asked dreamily as I rolled over and banged my elbow into something I wasn’t expecting to be where my elbow was heading.


I opened my eyes and gasped at the tall bars stretching upward around me and the mobile of stuffed stars and rainbows and clouds dangling high above me.


Somewhere I heard myself crying, though it was a form of crying I never did, the anguished wailing of someone very young being very scared that someone was yelling at them and they didn’t know why.


“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” I repeated as I sat up and felt my stomach drop as I looked through the bars at Molly’s room beyond. I pushed the blankets off of myself and shuddered involuntarily at the sight of pink footed pajamas with a distinct bulge in the crotch on my little body, looking at my hands and wiggling my feet to verify that the absolute worst thing in the world had happened. “Jason!” I yelled, more than slightly panicked.


“What the hell is happening?” Beckah asked in the hallway.


“I don’t know, your mom pissed the bed and now she’s screaming and crying and Molly is yelling my name.” Jason grumbled before he pushed the door of the nursery open and came to the side of the crib.


His pajamas were drenched, the smell of pee radiating off of him, “Jason, I made a wish last night to switch places with Beckah but it got messed up and I switched with Molly instead!” I explained, standing up in the crib and holding the bars to steady myself on the mattress.


He blinked at me, opened his mouth and then closed it and then looked at me in disbelief, “What?” he asked.


I groaned, “I fucked up, honey, but I need you to help me fix it.” I said.


He grumbled something about coffee as he sighed and rubbed his temples before turning around and leaving the room.


“Hey!” I shouted, rattling the bars angrily.


“What’s wrong with Molly?” Beckah asked Jason as he left the room.


“Ask her yourself.” Jason grumbled.


Beckah poked her head in the doorway a moment later and came over to the crib, “What’s wrong, Molly?” she cooed, letting down the side of the crib and picking me up to set me on her hip.


Internally I was mortified at the girl I’d intended to switch with holding me like the baby I now was, “Beckah, it’s me, your mom.” I said, my cheeks burning with shame.


Beckah practically dropped me in surprise but managed to regain control of me, holding me away from her so she could look into my eyes, “Mom?” she asked.


I repeated my explanation to her and had to endure her laughter as she set me back down on the mattress to keep from actually dropping me as she held her stomach and wiped a tear from her eye, “Why did you want to be a baby?” she asked.


“I didn’t!” I argued, “I wanted to switch with you!” I told her.


She stopped laughing, “You wanted to be me?” she asked.


I nodded softly.


“Wait, so I’d be stuck in your body?” she sneered.


“Don’t say it like it’s so terrible.” I said, “You’d be an adult!” I offered.


She shook her head, “Yeah, but what’s the point when you’re an adult that’s like given up on being hot?” she asked.


That hurt. “Hey!” I snapped, “I’m still your mom, Beckah!” I added.


She smirked and patted my head condescendingly, “And I’ll bet widdle Mommy needs her diapie changed, doesn’t she?” she cooed.


I batted her hand away, “It’s not my fault Molly isn’t potty trained!” I snapped.


She put her hands on her hips, “Isn’t it?” she asked. “I mean, you never really tried with her, you just kind of gave up because she didn’t seem interested.” she pointed out.


I groaned, “Look, you’re not a mom, you wouldn’t understand.” I sighed.


She lifted the side of the crib back up and locked it in place, “You’re obviously cranky because you need more sleep.” she said, a wicked smile on her face, “We’ll see if some more time in your crib doesn’t improve your mood.” she added, heading to the door.


“Wait!” I called out, but she was already shutting the door behind her, leaving me alone with an unpleasant clamminess in my diaper.




“So, you were so unhappy with your life that you wanted to trade places with your teenage daughter?” Jason asked me later once he’d had his coffee and dealt with our wet bed and calmed Molly me down with a bath and a pacifier and then changed my diaper and dressed me for the day.


He’d foregone a diaper for me at my insistence, but Molly’s lack of underwear meant that one of the training pants she’d given up wearing was under the denim shortalls he’d put on me. Beckah was on the couch with Molly me, stroking the girl’s hair as she lay with her head on Beckah’s lap sucking softly on her pacifier, the sight of me being lovingly soothed by my teenage daughter was weird, but the pacifier and the towel she’d laid out beneath Molly me to avoid ruining the couch were making my head spin.


“How was I supposed to know the wish would come true!?” I exclaimed.


He shook his head, “The point is that you wanted to be someone else, Hannah.” he said calmly, “I want to know why.” he added.


I chewed my lip softly, “I don’t know,” I said, “I miss being young and hot and partying.” I said, avoiding talking about sex with my four year old daughter’s voice and my teenage daughter present.


He sighed, “Well, you’ve fucked everything up six ways from Sunday, Hannah.” he said, “First, Molly is stuck in your body and that means that I need to go get adult diapers for her so we’re not living in a piss and shit stained house until we can fix this.” he said, “Then, I need to come up with some excuse for work that allows me to be a stay at home dad to my baby brained wife and my adult brained baby daughter.” he continued.


“I can stay home and watch them, Daddy.” Beckah offered.


I shook my head, “No, you need to go to school, young lady.” I said, not realizing how ridiculous my toddler voice sounded trying to be authoritative.


“Actually, I have the credits I need to graduate already, and I’m sure a call from Daddy about a family emergency would allow me to miss the rest of the year without any issue.” Beckah explained. “Then you can keep going to work and I can make sure Jeremiah gets to school and that the babies are taken care of.” she explained to Jason, smiling at me when she said ‘babies’.


“I’m not a baby!” I reminded her.


Jason sighed, “Alright, I’ll call the school and tell them your mother had some kind of stroke or mental breakdown or something so that if someone comes by to check they’re not surprised to find her in diapers carrying on like a four year old.” he explained.


I fumed at being left out of the discussion, “Don’t I get a say in any of this?!” I yelled.


Jason shot me a glare that made my blood run cold and my training panties run warm, “No.” he said simply, “You didn’t include me or Beckah in your little wish making decision, so we’re not including you in this.” he explained. “You’re Molly now, and until we can figure out how to fix this you’ll be treated exactly as she was.” he added.


I looked at him in stunned silence and then at Beckah who merely smiled at me in the most sincere looking insincere smile I’d ever seen.


“I think it would be best for Jeremiah if he didn’t know about the wish and the switch.” Jason said, “I’ll make up a story to explain why his mother is behaving like a baby, but you need to act like Molly around him, is that clear?” he asked.


“I can’t believe what I’m hearing, you want me to pretend to be a baby?” I asked incredulously.


He nodded, “I do.” he said simply, downing the rest of his coffee and setting the cup on the table, “You’ve turned enough lives upside down, Hannah, spare Jeremiah the weirdness that our life has become and pray that Molly isn’t permanently scarred because of this.” he added.


The small dribble of pee that had escaped me when glared at me was cooling rapidly and I didn’t look forward to Beckah discovering my accident, but Jason was standing and going to collect his keys and wallet from the bowl by the door.


“I’ll be back as soon as I can with the diapers, do your best, Becks.” he said before heading out the door.


Like a cat that ate a canary, Beckah turned and smiled at me, “I suppose I should make breakfast for my hungry girl’s, huh?” she asked in that bubbly babytalk voice we all used with Molly.


I watched as she sat Molly me up and took her by the hand and led her to the table where I was already seated in Molly’s highchair, my blush at having to endure the conversation that had just concluded while seated in a highchair and now with damp training panties had almost subsided until I watched Molly me be sat in a chair by Beckah and kissed on the top of her head as she sucked her pacifier and my cheeks were burning hot once more.


“I know you probably think I’m going to abuse you or something.” Beckah said as she got out the eggs from the fridge.


I shook my head, “No, why would you think that?” I asked.


She turned and looked at me, “Because you think I’m all about partying and fucking guys or something.” she said, “That’s why you wanted to be me, right?” she asked.


“I don’t-” I started to say.


“Doesn’t matter!” she cheerfully interrupted, “What matters is that I’m going to show you how wrong about me you were.” she said as she got out the orange juice and filled two sippy cups up and screwed on the tops before bringing them to the table and setting them in front of myself and Molly me.


“Can’t I have a normal glass?” I protested.


“If you can’t have it when Jeremiah is here then you can’t have it when he isn’t.” she said as she started cracking eggs to make breakfast. “I’m going to show you that Molly is ready to be a big girl and potty train her, or you, you know what I mean, and you’re going to see that everything runs smoothly with your hot, smart, capable daughter at the wheel.” she explained.


I sighed and watched Molly me pick up her sippy cup with both hands and lean back in her chair to guzzle her juice and picked up my own sippy cup and started sucking juice down, secretly relieved that Beckah wasn’t planning to humiliate me while I was stuck in Molly’s body, I just had to hope that I didn’t have to do anything to humiliating to pass off that I was Molly to Jeremiah.


To Be Continued…

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On 8/11/2022 at 4:17 PM, Babytom948 said:

Fun,not usually big on physical regression but this one might be nice.

Thanks! I've never written a body swap/regression type story, so here's hoping I don't screw it up too badly...



If I Act My Age Will That Make Me More Or Less Mature?


Beckah scrambled eggs while Molly me and I stared at each other. I could tell the gears were turning in my daughter’s brain, but I couldn’t tell if she had any real concept of what was happening beyond the obvious fact that she was in a grown up body and looking at herself sitting at the table with her.


“Beckah?” Molly me asked.


Beckah half turned and smiled, “Yes, Molly?” she asked sweetly.


Molly me looked at me for a bit and then at her sister, “Am I Mommy now?” she asked.


Beckah stifled a chuckle and looked over at me, another chuckle pushed aside when she saw my cheeks redden, “For now, I suppose you are.” she said, “Can you be a big girl and act like Mommy?” she asked.


Molly me looked at me and giggled, covering her mouth to unsuccessfully hide her giddiness before she nodded excitedly, “Uh huh!” she chirped eagerly.


Beckah returned to her cooking, finishing off the eggs and plating them before coming to the table and setting the normal plate in front of Molly me and the pink plastic plate/bowl hybrid with individual compartments in front of me before she went to the drawer by the sink and got out a bib and a dish towel, returning to gently tuck the dish towel into the collar of Molly me’s shirt and tie the bib around my neck.


“I don’t need a bib.” I argued, a little more petulant and sullen than I intended.


Beckah patted my head, “I could feed you.” she offered, “Maybe get the highchair out of the attic for you?” she added.


I felt my bottom lip stick out as I shook my head and picked up the chunky plastic spork beside my plate/bowl and scooped a bite of egg onto it and into my mouth to avoid having to say anything else.


“Good girl.” she said with a satisfied smirk as she took a seat at the other side of the table and watched the pair of us eat our breakfast.


Molly me struggled with the adult fork for a moment, finding she could grip it in her fist to use it more effectively, and I got to watch myself eat with the dexterity and poise of a four year old while I did my best to prove that my current body didn’t dictate my ability to remain an adult.


Beckah tapped away on her phone before setting it down on the table, “I told Daddy to get some pull on diapers for Molly for the daytime so we can work on potty training you both at the same time.” she told me.


“I’m already potty trained, Beckah.” I reminded her indignantly.


She nodded, “Right, but Molly isn’t and you’re in her body, and her bladder is much smaller than you’re used to.” she explained, “Plus, think of how great it would be if you could give her a fully potty trained body when you switch back!” she added.


I nodded absently as I mentally assessed the dampness in my training panties, wondering if Molly’s smaller bladder wasn’t the reason I’d had the accident.


Beckah scooted out her chair and came over to me, kneeling down beside me, “I hope that faraway look isn’t someone having an accident.” she whispered before she took the spork from my hand and picked me up. “Finish your eggs while I take Molly to the potty.” she told Molly me as we left the table and headed down the hall to the bathroom.


“I wasn’t peeing, I was thinking!” I whined, squirming futilely against her strength.


Beckah said nothing more as we entered the bathroom and she set me down in front of the toilet, “We can never be too careful with little one’s, can we?” she asked rhetorically as she turned and pulled the purple plastic training potty from beneath the sink and set it beside me before she went to work unhooking the straps of my shortalls.


I jerked, “I can do it!” I protested, grabbing the strap and working to unhook it.


She smirked at me, “Are you sure you didn’t switch brains, too?” she asked.


I sneered at her as I struggled to unhook the strap, pulling it away from me as I looked down at it, “My fingers are too small!” I whined, stomping my foot in frustration.


She rolled her eyes and sighed as she pulled me back to her and deftly undid the straps before shimmying the shortalls down my body, leaving me in just my shirt and pull up, “Hmm, shouldn’t there be flowers on the front of these?” she asked knowingly as she lightly prodded the front of my pull up.


I swallowed hard and felt my cheeks and ears heating up.


“Did you have an accident?” she asked me.


“It’s not my fault, I got scared when Jason-” I started to argue.


“Daddy.” she corrected.


I looked at her quizzically.


She pulled my pull up down and lifted me up and set me down on the little plastic potty, “You’re Molly, and Molly calls Jason ‘Daddy’.” she reminded me, her eyes examining the center of the pull up around my ankles.


I sighed, “Fine.” I said softly through clenched teeth, “I got scared when Daddy,” I said, placing a snotty emphasis on the word, “glared at me in the living room.” I explained.


She laughed suddenly, “So, is this the first time you’ve wet yourself because he was mad at you or…” she trailed off.


“It’s not funny, Beckah!” I snapped.


She sighed, “Stay put until I get back, I need to make sure Mommy is okay.” she commanded, standing up and looking down at me with a satisfied smile before she left the bathroom.


I looked down at the center of my pull up and furrowed my brow at how yellow it was, surprised at my miscalculation of the severity of my accident.


Beckah returned a moment later with Molly me trailing by the hand behind her, “We might as well make you two potty pals, right?” she asked no one in particular, bending to pull down Molly me’s stretch pants and panties before helping guide my former self onto the toilet beside me.


Sitting on a baby potty with wet training panties around my ankles while my adult body sat on the regular toilet looking down at me was a blow to my ego, but the sound of water hitting water shortly afterward while my potty remained dry was enough to make me feel the shame of my accident magnified a hundred fold.


“Good girl!” Beckah praised Molly me, looking to me a moment later, “Do I have two good girls today?” she asked.


I closed my eyes and tried to focus on peeing, but merely managed to sheepishly shake my head in defeat after half a minute of silence.


Beckah knelt in front of me, “Hey,” she said, “it’s not easy learning to use the potty, but we’ll keep trying and you’ll get it.” she said reassuringly, kissing my forehead softly as she stood me back up and helped me step out of the wet trainers, “Go wait in your room for me while I help Mommy, okay?” she requested.


Bottomless, I left the bathroom and hurried to “my room”, the sounds of Beckah heaping praise on Molly me for being such a big girl carrying down the hall to the nursery I found myself in. I self consciously stood away from the changing table containing all the diapers Beckah would need to keep me from trying again to use the toilet, hoping she’d let me have another pair of pull up’s instead.


Beckah and Molly me arrived as I was starting to wonder why I was waiting in the first place, confident in my ability to get a new pull up from the dresser and put it on myself.


“Alright, kiddo, let’s get you cleaned up!” Beckah chirped as she let go of Molly me’s hand and grabbed a wipe from the container by the changing table and a pull up from the drawer.


I closed my eyes as she wiped me, the shame of being cleaned by my daughter in front of my other far younger daughter making my stomach churn.


“How come Molly not wear diaper?” Molly me asked.


Beckah was preparing the pull up for me to step into, “Because Molly is going to learn to use the potty like you just did, remember?” she asked the girl. “Step.” she gently commanded me.


I opened my eyes and stepped into the pull up as she requested, letting her slide it up my legs when my other foot went in.


“Molly not a baby?” Molly me asked.


Beckah shook her head, “She’s a little fussy this morning, but no, she’s not a baby.” she said, condescendingly patting my head. “I do think we’ll leave your shortalls off for now though, make sure we can get to the potty on time.” she told me.


I wasn’t happy with that, but her comment about my fussiness kept me from arguing as she picked me up and took Molly me’s hand to head out of the nursery.




When Jason got home from the store a little while later Molly me was on her stomach with her feet lightly kicking back and forth while she colored in her coloring book while I sat on the couch with Beckah, the two of us on our phones.


Setting the bags down, he walked over to me and snatched my phone from my hands.


“Hey!” I snapped.


He sighed, “Does Molly sit on the couch on her phone?” he asked.


“She doesn’t have a phone.” I cheekily reminded him.


He nodded, “Right, so now neither do you.” he said firmly, “Get down on the floor and color like a good little four year old.” he commanded.


“Jason-” I started.


“Daddy.” he corrected, mirroring the earlier exchange with Beckah.


I sighed, “Daddy, Jeremiah isn’t home.” I pointed out.


“I don’t care.” he said, “You need to get used to being Molly, and that means all the time, not just when Jeremiah is home because knowing you, you’ll slip and clue him in to what’s happening and we don’t want that, right?” he asked.


I grumbled and slid off the couch, going to where my adult body was coloring.


“I know it isn’t easy, but please be more firm with her about this.” he told Beckah.


“Sorry, Daddy, she had an accident and I thought it might help her self esteem if she could have some grownup time.” Beckah explained.


He snorted, “An accident?” he asked.


Beckah nodded, “She said she got scared when you glared at her earlier.” she told him.


He sighed, “Unbelievable.” he muttered softly, “Look, I need to get to work, just please make sure she behaves like Molly at all times.” he said, turning and scooping me up from the floor.


The sudden feeling of rising in the air without warning scared me and made me yelp in surprise as he turned me around and held me with my butt resting on his arm.


“Beckah is in charge while I’m not home, is that clear?” he asked me.


I nodded softly.


“Yes, Daddy.” he encouraged me to say.


I sighed softly, “Yes, Daddy.” I said sullenly.


He kissed my cheek and set me back down, “Good girl.” he praised. “Alright, you should have everything you need for today, but if you need anything else just let me know and I can get it on my way home from work.” he told Beckah.


“I’m sure we’ll be just fine, Daddy.” Beckah said.


Once he’d left, Beckah got Molly me into one of the pull on diapers and got her settled on the couch with some cartoons before she picked me up and sat me on her lap, bouncing me softly as the brightly colored characters made silly noises and went on with their adventure. While I sat on her lap, Beckah brushed my hair and put it into pigtails and fawned over how cute I looked.


“Laying it on kinda thick, aren’t you?” I asked her.


“I don’t have any idea what you’re talking about, Molly.” she said, placing emphasis on my slave name.


I pouted and squirmed to get off her lap, but found her hold of me too strong, so with a defeated grunt of frustration I settled down and let her keep gently bouncing me while Molly me sat engrossed in her cartoon.




Beckah’s phone began ringing just as I started to feel sleepy, and she picked it up and answered it, “Hey, girl!” she greeted the person on the other end.


I could hear one of her idiot girlfriends on the other end babbling on about how boring school was without Beckah there.


“Yeah,” Beckah said, shifting me on her lap so she could hold the phone to her ear with her shoulder, “I’m on babysitting duty for the foreseeable.” she said.


Idiot girlfriend asked what happened.


“Dude, my mom like snapped or something in the night and woke up crying like a baby because she pissed the bed.” Beckah explained, gently patting my bare thigh as she softly bounced me on her lap.


Idiot girlfriend cackled madly into the phone and expressed her disbelief.


“Yeah, girl, my dad was hella pissed and went out and got diapers for her and everything because she’s straight acting like Molly right now.” Beckah told her.


I seethed as I listened to idiot girlfriend remark that that behavior wasn’t anything new from me and Beckah laughed.


“Right?!” she exclaimed, “I mean, diapers seem pretty appropriate for her maturity level in general.” she said.


I tried again to slip off her lap, but found myself turned and on my back in her arms like a baby as she looked down at me and smiled while idiot girlfriend blathered on.


“Yeah, I’m not looking forward to changing her, but I get her car while she’s fudging her Huggies, so I guess it isn’t all bad.” Beckah said.


Idiot girlfriend launched into making plans for how Beckah’s new independence could be used to party and hook up with guys while Beckah nodded.


I glared up at Beckah angrily.


“Hey, call me after school gets out, okay? I think it’s about nap time for the babies.” Beckah explained.


“No nap!” Molly me loudly protested in my voice, bringing a fresh peal of laughter through the phone.


“See what I get to deal with?” Beckah asked. “Alright, bye.” she said once idiot girlfriend gave her permission to handle her business.


“That was so fucking mean.” I hissed.


Beckah raised an eyebrow, “Molly!” she exclaimed, “That is a no no word, young lady!” she chided.


“Knock it off, Beckah!” I snapped, wriggling to sit up.


Setting down her phone, Beckah held me tight and rocked me gently in her arms, “I think someone is ready for her nap.” she cooed.


I growled and thrashed my arm at her, slapping her in the face with my little hand.


She gasped in surprise and sat me up, standing with me, “We do not hit!” she scolded.


“Then don’t be a little bitch!” I argued.


Taking Molly me’s hand, Beckah carried me and led her to the nursery and lay me down on the changing table before securing the strap around my waist in a fluid motion that was too quick for me to fight against. “Daddy is going to hear about your potty mouth and your naughty behavior when he gets home.” she threatened.


I scoffed, “Too much for you to handle on your own, Ms. Responsibility?” I teased.


She smirked at me, “No,” she said calmly as she ripped the sides of my still dry pull up and tossed it in the diaper pail, “I just think it will be far more effective for your husband to punish you like the baby you are.” she said as she got a diaper out from under the changing table’s top and opened it up, “Besides,” she said, leaning in close to whisper to me, “if Molly sees me spanking her former body, it could really mess her up.” she continued before resuming her task of getting me into a diaper.


“You can’t do this to me!” I screamed as she taped the diaper closed and undid the strap around my waist to sit me up and whisk my shirt off before expertly wrangling me into a pair of footed pajamas.


“No?” she asked with a chuckle before she picked me up and deposited me in the crib, sliding the rail up and locking it in place.


“I’m still your mother!” I snapped.


She stood there with her arms resting on the top of the crib rail and her chin resting on her arms, “You’re a toddler and I will treat you like a toddler until you switch back with Molly.” she said with a syrupy sweet tone as she reached into the crib and plucked the pacifier from within the blankets and gently but firmly pressed it into my mouth, “You’re already in enough trouble, so just keep your binky in and take a nice nap and maybe I’ll forget to tell Daddy about your little tantrum.” she said.


I fought the urge to spit the pacifier out and lay into her and merely glowered up at her as she tucked me in.


“C’mon, honey, let’s let the baby take her nap and get you on the potty.” Beckah told Molly me as she took the woman by the hand and led her out of the room.


As sleepiness once again crept up on me, the sound of Beckah praising another successful trip to the toilet filled my ears and I closed my eyes and gave in and sucked the pacifier in my mouth to keep from crying at how terribly I’d messed up.




In my dream, I was at a traffic light with Beckah in the passenger seat, earbuds firmly in her ears, Jeremiah was in the back fiddling with some piece of tech, muttering to himself as he was known to do, and Molly was asleep in her carseat. The dream had started with us sitting at the light, but my dream self felt like it had been an intolerable amount of time to be waiting and decided to honk and grumble obscenities at the innocent vehicle in front of us, as I was known to do.


“Hannah!” Beckah snapped, diverting my attention from the traffic and the light to look at my daughter.


The instant she came into view, my perspective shifted from turning to my right to look at her to looking up from the spinning cylinder full of something that made a rattling sound connected to the bar in front of me in my carseat, the look on my own adult face making my bottom lip tremble.


“Where is your binky, young lady?” my adult self asked, reaching back into the well stocked diaper bag on the floor between the seats to retrieve the binky in question, “No no words are very naughty for babies to say.” she chided as she pressed the pacifier into my mouth.


I whimpered and sucked the pacifier as a warmth flooded into my pants at Mommy being upset with me. “Not Mommy.” I gurgled around the pacifier.


My adult self smiled at me in the rearview mirror, “That’s right, baby, Mommy is here!” she cooed, her earlier displeasure erased.


I looked to my left and saw Jeremiah tinkering away and could see the back of Beckah’s head in the passenger seat and realized that I was Molly, not just my adult mind in her body, but the genuine article, the understanding of that concept slipping away the instant it appeared as the noisy cylinder reclaimed my attention.




“Did you have a good nap, Molly?” Beckah’s soft voice asked as she finished lowering the side of the crib and picked me up to cuddle to her.


I rested my head on her shoulder and nodded sleepily, “Yes, Mommy.” I quietly lisped around my pacifier.


Beckah giggled and patted my crinkly bottom, “Mommy’, huh?” she asked as she began to rub my back.


The fog of sleep lifted and I gasped at what I’d said, “I meant, Beckah.” I stammered, my pacifier falling to the floor.


Kneeling, she picked up the pacifier and shifted me forward so she could put it back into my mouth, holding it in place until I stopped acting like I was going to immediately spit it back out. “Whatever you say, baby.” she said as she carried me out of the nursery on her hip.


“What about my pull up?” I asked. “And my clothes?” I added.


She shrugged, “Babies wear their diapers and jammies all the time.” she said as she brough me to the living room and set me down on the floor among the toys still there.


“I’m not a-” I started to say, turning with a crinkle to look up at her with a sour face that disappeared when her hands went on her hips and her expression dared me to finish the statement, which I declined to do.


“Mommy is taking a nap still, so I need you to be a good girl and play quietly for another half hour, okay?” she asked me as she continued along her path to the kitchen and returned with a sippy cup of juice for me.


“Is Jeremiah home?” I asked sheepishly as I pulled the pacifier from my mouth and replaced it with the sippy cup, the cold juice feeling good with how warm I was in my footed pajamas.


Beckah sat on the couch and shook her head, “He texted Mommy and let her know he’d be home for dinner.” she explained.


“Can you please just talk to me like an adult?” I asked.


She smiled, “Well, since you asked so nicely,” she said, “no.” she added. “Daddy expects you to be treated like Molly, and that’s what I’m going to do.” she explained.


“But he’s not here and it’s just you and me.” I argued.


She gave me a thoughtful look and sighed, “I wish I could, mom, I do, but I need to impress Daddy so he recognizes how mature I am.” she explained. “That means doing what he wants and treating you like I would Molly.” she added.


The stress of everything hit me all at once as defeat set in and I found myself uncontrollably bawling without warning, the sippy cup falling to the floor as I covered my face and had a soul cleansing cry that didn’t stop when Beckah picked me up, that didn’t stop when she cradled me in her arms and rocked me, and didn’t stop when she gently rubbed light but firm circles on my stomach, and that only slightly ebbed when she put my pacifier back in my mouth.


“Shh.” she softly cooed, “Let it all out, baby.” she said softly as she rocked me.


My emotions began to calm as the pacifier brought me comfort in sucking on it, combined with the gentle motion of her rocking me and a renewed warmth in my diaper, I was soon calm once more and quiet.


“That’s better, isn’t it?” she asked rhetorically, wiping my tears away gently with her finger, “Sometimes we just need to cry, huh, baby?” she asked.


I absently nodded and sighed contentedly as a pleasant tingle went across my scalp and I snuggled into her embrace.


“There’s the Molly I know.” she whispered as she shifted me in her arms and began gently patting my bottom, the diaper beneath my pajamas crinkling softly with each pat.


The knot of stress in my stomach eased and my body told me to push it away, down lower so it wouldn’t bother me anymore and I did, quietly grunting as I pushed it away with all the power my new little body could manage and I felt it leave me and felt better, lighter, calmer as I looked up at Beckah’s smiling face.


“Yep, that’s definitely the Molly I know.” she said sweetly as she gave on final pat to the seat of my diaper.


The pat made me realize that the emotional knot in my stomach had been far more tangible and smelly than I’d realized and I felt shame well up in me and another tantrum brewing until I saw Beckah smiling down at me, unfazed by the smell I’d created, unbothered by the prospect of changing my soiled diaper. She loved Molly unconditionally and would never humiliate her little sister by sharing embarrassing personal secrets about her to her friends over the phone or fight with her about pointless things in an effort to challenge the balance of power in the house.


My pacifier bobbed softly as I closed my eyes, finding solace in my new role in the house for the first time since the switch. I’d always wanted Beckah and I to have a good and loving relationship, my desire to be her cool mom vying for her approval wrestling constantly with my need to keep her from ending up a young mother like I had, was having her pat my stinky diapered butt while she rocked me in her arms the ideal scenario for us to bond? No, absolutely not, but we were bonding and I felt her love and it superseded my discomfort and embarrassment for the moment and I put my free arm around her middle and hugged her as tightly as I could.


Her smile was genuine and loving as she curled me upward and hugged me back, planting a single kiss on my cheek.


Maybe she’d forgotten I was her mother in her sister’s body, but I chose to believe that her affection was directed at the real me and this was her way of expressing it without having to admit that she loved her mother.


To Be Continued...

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  • TheUnknownAuthor changed the title to The Importance Of Being Specific (Chapter Two Posted 8/19/22)

This is a lot of fun, TUA, and very nicely written. I admit I didn't buy the wish itself—I didn't really see any scaffolding leading up to it, so it sort of felt out of the blue—but that is neither here nor there. Granting the premise, I'm fascinated to see what you do with it. So far, it feels about right. Jason is the jerk I assume he was when she was still grown up; Molly is, well, Molly; while Hannah and Beckah are each discovering new emotions, but not so quickly as to feel forced. I have no clue how this will end (other than thinking that, if she gets back into her own body, Hannah should dump that shit husband of hers as quickly as she can), but that will make things fun.

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On 8/22/2022 at 11:52 AM, mangymike3 said:

Wow!! This story is fantastic. Regressed/body swapped moms is my favorite kind of diaper story and this is just next level. Keep up the great work!!

Thank you so much, glad you're enjoying it!

On 8/28/2022 at 11:06 AM, diaprbayb said:


Right back atchya!

On 8/28/2022 at 12:27 PM, kerry said:

This is a lot of fun, TUA, and very nicely written. I admit I didn't buy the wish itself—I didn't really see any scaffolding leading up to it, so it sort of felt out of the blue—but that is neither here nor there. Granting the premise, I'm fascinated to see what you do with it. So far, it feels about right. Jason is the jerk I assume he was when she was still grown up; Molly is, well, Molly; while Hannah and Beckah are each discovering new emotions, but not so quickly as to feel forced. I have no clue how this will end (other than thinking that, if she gets back into her own body, Hannah should dump that shit husband of hers as quickly as she can), but that will make things fun.

So, this story started as a joke, because I've never written body swap or regression before and it always feels absurd to me in a real world scenario BUT I threw in some fluff about a shooting star and a fairy and the wish being made at 7 on the 7th day of the 7th month to make the whole thing feel lighter(?)

Okay, so, to me, writing this, it feels like I'm trolling the reader, so, because I'm an asshole, I lean into that and take a basic body swap concept and complicate it needlessly with random things that may or may not have facilitated the wish being granted, and I'm not stopping, before too long, no one, maybe even me, will know why any of this actually happened. :P

All that said, I am having some fun with it and trying to keep it light, but, if you know me even a little as an author, I can't help but throw some emotion into things. I guess we'll all see what happens together!



A Mother Knows”


“Did you have a nice nap, Mom?” Beckah asked, opening my eyes as I blushed softly, realizing I’d fallen back to sleep in my daughter’s arms.


I started to respond only to hear my old voice behind me, “I did, Beckah.” I said. A faint rustling sound approached and my hair was being stroked. “Did Molly have a good nap?” my voice asked.


Beckah looked down at me and smiled as she nodded, “Two, actually.” she said, “She needs a change, how about you?” she asked.


“Nope!” my old voice proudly chirped, “I do need to go though.” it added.


Beckah stood and shifted me in her arms to set me on her hip and I saw my old body standing there in just a diaper smiling at me. “Alright, potty for Mommy and then a fresh diaper for Molly!” she proclaimed as she led the way to the bathroom, not leading Molly me by the hand this time.


Molly me’s dry diaper was removed and she handily sat down on the toilet and emptied her bladder while Beckah and I stood nearby.


“You’re doing such a great job, mom!” Beckah praised as she watched Molly me wipe herself and flush the toilet.


Molly me nodded, “Everything makes so much more sense now.” she said as she washed her hands. “I dreamed about all these things that used to make no sense to me and now it’s like I just know them.” she explained while she dried her hands.


“Maybe your brains are rewiring to fit your bodies?” Beckah offered.


Molly me shrugged and reached out to take me from Beckah, setting me on her hip as she kissed my forehead, “Maybe.” she said, “I don’t feel like a toddler anymore, or think like one, that’s for sure.” she explained.


“You’re definitely better at talking.” Beckah said as she followed behind Molly me as she carried me to the nursery.


“Talking, walking, using the bathroom, Hell, I’m pretty sure I could balance a checkbook while changing a diaper if I had to.” Molly me joked.


Beckah laughed and stood at the foot of the changing table while Molly me stood me on it to remove my pajamas before she lay me down and buckled the strap around my middle.


I wanted to join in on the conversation, but the pacifier in my mouth was calming, soothing the sting of knowing that I was experiencing everything Molly was but in reverse, she was becoming more adult in her mind while I was-


“Oopsie!” Molly me exclaimed, “Sorry, baby, Mommy didn’t know you were going.” she added as she stroked my hair with one hand and held the open diaper up with the other.


Beckah was chuckling softly, but I was oblivious to what was funny or what Mommy was talking about. “Mommy, I fowgetsing fings.” I said around my pacifier, the garbled toddler speech making them both smile.


“Seems like she’s going backwards while you’re going forwards.” Beckah said.


Mommy smiled down at me as she made quick work of cleaning me up and getting me into a fresh diaper, “She does seem to be very accepting of her new role.” she said as she tickled my tummy playfully.




“God, why are you like this?!” Beckah screamed.


“Because my teenage daughter is out at all hours of the night doing God knows what!” I shouted.


Molly’s cries came over the baby monitor on the kitchen island and Beckah looked at the device and then to me, “Someone that actually needs her Mommy is up.” she sneered.


I bit my tongue for a moment and moved to go get Molly but stopped, “You know, there was a time when you loved me and wanted to do everything with me.” I said sadly, “What happened to that little girl?” I asked.


Beckah rolled her eyes and rounded the island to stand in front of me, her finger pointed up toward my face, “You showed her that having a playmate was more important to you than being a mother and she resented you for it.” she spat. “God, mom, do you know how embarrassing it is to have your friends not want to come to your house because your mom makes them uncomfortable with how invested she is in what you’re doing?” she asked.


“I was trying to-” I started to say before she cut me off.


“You were trying to stay young.” she accused, “You hated the thought of becoming your mother so much that you actively tried to will yourself to be on my level.” she added.


“That’s ridiculous!” I argued.


She scoffed and put her hands on her hips, “Is it?” she asked. “Dressing up like a princess for my sixth birthday party and joining in on my friends and I’s tea party.” she pointed out.


She’d flustered me but I recovered, “Taking an active interest in your child’s activities is healthy, all the books say so.” I explained.


She nodded, “Do the books also explain that it’s healthy to spend so much time engaging in your child’s activities that you act like a child in your marriage and your husband actually spanks you to curb your bratty behavior?” she sneered.


My facade crumbled the instant the words left her mouth, the heat rising in my cheeks.


She smiled wickedly, “Yeah, we’ve all heard the crack of Daddy’s hand on your chubby little ass.” she said, approaching like a panther on a weakened gazelle. “Please, I’m sorry.” she mocked as she pretended to rub fake tears from her eyes while she mimicked the words I’d sobbingly said behind our bedroom door.


I wanted to scream at her, to reestablish my role as the parent, but I was too stunned and embarrassed to say anything.


Her face was inches from mine, “Face it, you’re a fucking child and if I cared enough to, I’d handle you just as easily as Daddy does.” she hissed, her hand firmly swatting my ass a single time before she backed away, “Go take care of Molly and mind your own fucking business from now on.” she said as she left me standing there in shock.




Molly me set me down on the floor with the chunky crayons and cooed at me to color a pretty picture for her, referring to herself as “Mommy” without missing a beat.


“I’m impressed.” Beckah said when her new mother joined her on the couch.


It seems like everything just happened really fast, right?!” Mommy said.


I picked up one of the chunky crayons with my little fingers closed around it and pressed it to the paper as I absently sucked my pacifier.


“Well, magic is kind of weird, right?” Beckah pointed out, “It seems like it would work in ways we’re not able to understand.” she added.


“Right, but to sync up with her mind in less than a day?” Mommy questioned. “Maybe both of us sleeping at the same time cemented the switch, like how it started when we were both sleeping after she made the wish.” she added.


“All I know is I’m glad to not only have help looking after Molly, but to not have big diapers to change.” Beckah said, the two of them laughing like it was the funniest thing in the world.


Honestly, not having to wear them is a blessing.” Mommy said, “It’s funny, but I kind of get why she kept me in them and babied me the way she did.” she added.


“You think she did all that to you and not for you?” Beckah asked.


Mommy sighed wistfully, “Honey, I know she did it for her.” she said.




I wiped the tears forming in my eyes before I went into the nursery and picked Molly up from her crib and held her close to me as I moved to the rocking chair to feed her. Once she’d latched onto my breast I started to cry quietly, “I never want you to grow up to be such a rude and inconsiderate daughter like your sister.” I whispered to the infant in my arms.


Sniffling, I sat back in the chair and wondered how long I could keep Molly dependent on me before Jason stepped in. I knew I could keep her in diapers for a while since more and more kids were potty training later and later, breastfeeding would probably be the first thing to go, but maybe I could stretch it to when Molly was close to two. I briefly wondered if what I was considering was wrong, but smiled as I shifted the little bundle in my arms to the other breast, a feeling of righteousness and justification strengthening my resolve.




“Wow.” Beckah said after my voice shared with her the lingering memory she’d gained access to, “That’s super fucked up.” she added.


Language in front of the baby.” Mommy chided.


“Sorry, mom.” Beckah said almost immediately and without a hint of awkwardness or hesitation. “It’s just, I mean, I know she like wanted me to be her little plaything when I was growing up, but I never thought she’d actually intentionally hold her own child back just to make herself feel better.” she explained.


Mommy, “She’s got a lot of skeletons in her closet.” she said, “It’s honestly kind of shocking that she didn’t try something like this sooner.” she added.


“What do you mean?” Beckah asked.


“After she goes down for the night.” Mommy said, “I’d like to give her as happy a second childhood as I can if we do switch back.” she added.


“Do you want to switch back?” Beckah asked.


There was a long pause, “I think everyone deserves a chance to grow up.” Mommy finally said.


Finished with my drawing, I dropped the crayon and got up by putting my hands flat on the floor in front of me and raising my diapered butt into the air before straightening out and toddling over to the couch, “Wook, Mommy, I dwawded a kitty!” I exclaimed as I thrust my drawing toward her face.


Mommy took the drawing and gasped as she looked at it before looking at me with mock astonishment I was ill equipped to recognize as anything but genuine, “This is so beautiful, Molly!” she declared as she turned the picture around to show Beckah who shared the same reaction. Mommy scooped me up and carried me to the kitchen and pulled a magnet from the fridge and handed the capital M shaped object to me, “Can you be a big girl and put the magnet on your picture?” Mommy asked.


I dribbled into my diaper as pride and excitement welled up within me and I smashed the magnet against the fridge with all my might, the plastic piece falling to the floor as I’d accidentally turned the magnet around and made it not stick to the fridge.


“Close, baby,” Mommy cooed as she bent down and picked the magnet up, placing it in my hand the right way, “try one more time.” she encouraged.


I repeated my eager smack and squealed in delight when the letter stayed put with my picture beneath it, my little legs kicking happily.


“Yay!” Mommy exclaimed, raising her free arm in the air.


I copied her and clapped my hands above my head as I let out a shrill ‘yay’ of my own.


“Yeah, I’m pretty sure she’s gone native.” Beckah said.


Mommy nodded, “At least we won’t have to worry about Jeremiah finding out.” she said.




Jason’s inability to care about anything he deemed “woman’s work” meant that little to no attention was payed to Molly’s lack of development in the areas I’d chosen to focus on keeping regressed. While I changed our now two and a half year old’s diaper he was helping Jeremiah with a project for school, while our three year old nursed a bottle in my arms he was chugging a beer and yelling at the football game, while our four year old sucked her pacifier and filled her diaper without a second thought, he was in his office doing God knows what.


Molly was my baby and I planned to keep her that way as long as possible, and with Jason completely absent in the decision making process, I was free to handle things any way I saw fit.


“Don’t you think she should be potty trained or at least showing signs that she’s ready to start?” Beckah asked as she watched her stinky little sister keep right on playing.


“You were a late bloomer too.” I lied. “I remember stressing about having to pack a diaper bag for your first day of school-” I began to say.


Beckah grunted in disgust and rocketed off the couch and to her room, just as I knew she would when faced with her mother telling an embarrassing story about her. I giggled to myself as I beckoned Molly to me, “If Mommy had done the same thing with your big sister she might not be such a brat, huh, kiddo?” I asked the toddler rhetorically as I scooped her up to take her for a clean diaper and a nap.




At Mommy’s urging, I toddled around the living room to give everyone a hug and kiss before bed, Beckah was first and gave me a really good hug and kiss on the cheek, then Jeremiah, who Mommy had to tell to put his game away gave me a light hug and peck on the top of my head, then Daddy scooped me up into his arms and gave me a big hug, but instead of a kiss, he whispered.


“If there’s any part of you left in there, Hannah, I want you to know that I met with a lawyer today to talk about divorcing you.” he whispered before kissing my forehead and looking into my eyes briefly to gauge my understanding of what he said.


He smiled and handed me off to Mommy before sitting back down in his chair and Mommy carried me off to the nursery to get me changed and into my pajamas.


“I guess we’ll see what happens tonight, huh?” Mommy asked as she zipped up my pajamas and undid the strap keeping me on the changing table, picking me up and carrying me to the rocking chair.


“Nah seepy.” I said just before a yawn overtook me.


Mommy started rocking the chair and smiled down at me, “This was my favorite thing in the world.” she said quietly, “Being with you, the warmth of your body and the smell of your skin as we moved together and you fed me.” she continued. “You messed up a lot of things in your life, but there were moments where you were an amazing mom.” she added, her smile fading and her face looking sadder. Her finger hooked into the ring of my pacifier and lightly tugged it from my mouth, setting it on the little table beside the rocking chair before she looked up at the door and then back down to me and shifted to allow herself to lift her shirt and bra, “I know there’s no milk, but maybe just going through the motions will give you a happy experience too.” she said.


I looked up at her breast and felt her lifting my head toward it, my oral fixation kicking in with the loss of my pacifier making me latch on the moment her nipple was against my lips.


She sighed contentedly, “Good girl.” she praised, “Good baby.” she corrected.




While I slept peacefully in my crib and Beckah and Mommy talked all about the dark secrets I kept and Daddy slept to get up for work in the morning, Jeremiah lay on his bed tossing a rubber ball up into the air as he recorded himself talking.


Results for experiment one are inconclusive, it’s possible that mom and Molly did in fact switch personalities, but if they did neither shows any outward signs of being the other.” he said as he tossed the ball upward and caught it once more. “I’ll see what, if any, signs appear in the morning and if it looks like the experiment is a dud I’ll move on to the second phase of testing and see if adding Beckah to the mix yields any results.” he added before stopping the recording and getting up to go to his computer to work on his experiment.


To Be Continued...

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  • TheUnknownAuthor changed the title to The Importance Of Being Specific (Chapter Three Posted 8/30/22)
On 8/30/2022 at 4:08 PM, kerry said:

Sometimes the greatest fun to be had is when you just make things up as you go along! ?

You're absolutely right! I'm having a ton of fun just being weird and not worrying about something silly like "does this make sense" or "is this realistic", but I'm not the one reading it, so it might blow up in my face. :P

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There’s Not Enough Therapy In The World To Fix This


“Experiment log number one twenty six,” Jeremiah said into the homemade cell phone he’d cooked up the previous Summer, “I heard mom talking to dad about me last night.” he said, leaving out the part about the recording device he’d planted in their room a few months earlier, one of at least fifty throughout the house. “Mom thinks I’m a fucking nerd and worries that I’m gonna shoot up my school or something.” he continued, sighing heavily, “I don’t understand how I’m so much fucking smarter than the rest of my family and why they’re weirded out by me because of it.” he explained.


The lab Jeremiah was currently in was in his tree house, the one his dad had started and then left partly done so that Jeremiah had to put in extra time on his side hustle of changing classmates grades for money to hire day laborers to finish the job to his specifications. The tree house more closely resembled a lair, powered by a generator he’d modified to run silently and without fuel and housed all of his various gadgets and gizmos he’d created over the years.


Leaning back in his chair and running his hand through his nearly shoulder length chestnut hair to get it out of his eyes, he smiled, “I did catch dad spanking her though, so that was fucked up.” he said.


The truth was that it was his father’s way of punishing his mother that had started this particular experiment. His mother always assumed he wasn’t paying attention because he was fiddling with something or had his nose in a book, but what she didn’t realize was that he didn’t need to really pay attention in the moment because he had eyes and ears all around the house to see what no one wanted him to. To date, he’d seen all of Beckah’s friends at least partially naked and learned that Beckah had had two pregnancy scares this year, he’d learned that dad had a list of women he’d slept with longer than the tree Jeremiah currently occupied and his mother was unaware of any of them, near as Jeremiah could tell, and he learned that Molly’s state of development was due to his mother holding her back, but the juiciest of all the things he’d learned was that his father handled his mother like a parent would a child behind closed doors.


His mother often chose the main bedroom and nighttime to whine and complain to his father about things she was unhappy with or that she felt he wasn’t showing enough concern about, and inevitably, his father would tell her to stop and when she didn’t, he’d grab her and haul her over his lap to spank her until she was a blubbering, disgraceful example of a mature mother of three. His father had taught him that women weren’t in charge, they were just waiting for a man to tell them what to do, and while he didn’t think that was entirely correct, he had to admit that his mother often seemed more like an older sibling than a parent when it came to her behavior and attitude. She would bicker with Beckah, treat Molly like a doll she could play with, look down on her nerdy son like a popular girl at school, and submit to her husband like he was her father.


“The hypothesis with this experiment is that once Molly and mom switch minds, Molly will prove that she can mature at a normal rate without mom holding her back, probably more so if my theory about their former minds altering to accommodate the new body is correct.” he explained, getting himself back on track, “At the same time, while Molly will rapidly mature, mom will more than likely rapidly regress, the speed of these changes remains to be seen, but I’d think that the damage mom has done to Molly’s development will probably accelerate the shift greatly.” he continued, basking in the feeling of being a genius and how interesting and funny his experiment would be if it actually worked.




“Experiment log number one thirty,” he began, “Holy fucking shit, it worked!” he exclaimed, “I watched the recordings this morning and my mom is in my baby sister’s body and Molly is in mom’s and it’s too fucking funny!” he added, laughing for the hundredth time since he watched the footage. “Everyone in the house knows what’s happening, but they think it’s because of some jenky fortune telling machine or something, which just proves how stupid they all really are.” he continued, “Dad woke up to a wet bed and poor Molly having a meltdown that he was yelling at her, but then everything came out and dad basically told mom she’d have to pretend to be Molly so I didn’t find out, but then he went and bought adult diapers for Molly to wear like I’d buy some half assed story about mom having a mental break or something.” he scoffed.


He looked at the various little squares on his monitor, each a room in the house and clicked on Beckah’s room, his older sister laying on her bed texting while holding a bottle as his now baby mother lay there nursing it, his laughter breaking out again.


“Okay, so this is what I’ve been talking about, Beckah respects mom so little that she’s absolutely fine treating her like more of a baby than she did Molly.” he said, “Shit, even Molly could manage a sippy cup.” he added with a snort of laughter.


He clicked over to his mother’s room to watch her standing in front of the full length mirror naked, turning from side to side as she made displeased comments about her weight and fitness, remarking that she’d have to start taking walks or jogs to get rid of the baby weight her mother had done little to get rid of.


“And a literal toddler is taking more initiative to get healthy and fit than my mother ever did.” Jeremiah remarked, “This switch is obviously a success and probably long overdue to help every be where they probably should be.” he explained as he clicked back over to Beckah’s room, “But would Beckah be as inclined to better mom’s body if she suddenly had a fatter ass and no prospects for sex?” he wondered aloud.


“Jeremiah!” his mother’s voice called out.


He sighed and saved everything before heading back to the house.




“What’s up, mom?” he asked.


His mother smiled at him, now dressed and packing his lunch, “Your sister is going to take you to school this morning, okay?” she informed him.


He inwardly rolled his eyes, “Can’t I just stay home today?” he asked.


His mother shook her head, “Sorry, bud, school is where you’re destined to be today.” she said with a smile as she handed his lunch to him, “Beckah, can you bring Molly out with you when you come to take-” she started to call out only to see Beckah carrying Molly, the toddler jangling the car keys and giggling.


“I just gave her a bottle, so she’s good until lunch, but I’ll be back before then.” Beckah explained.


Their mother smiled and waved a hand dismissively as she took Molly from Beckah and handed the older girl the car keys, “No rush, I’ve got everything under control.” she said.


Goodbyes were exchanged, cheeks were kissed, and Beckah and Jeremiah left the house.




Have you noticed mom acting differently?” he asked in the car, trying to give his sister a chance to come clean about the situation and not treat him like she usually did.


Beckah hesitated and shrugged after a moment, “Different how?” she asked, playing ignorant.


He smirked at the concept of his sister thinking she had to pretend to be ignorant, “I mean, like she’s suddenly a good cook and making lunch for me instead of just handing me money.” he said.


Beckah stopped at the stop sign on the corner, “I wouldn’t think to much about it, squirt, grownups are weird sometimes.” she said, choosing to talk down to him and use the nickname for him she knew he hated.


“Don’t call me that.” he warned.


Beckah chuckled and started driving again, “Are you still embarrassed about it?” she asked, “God, that was like a million years ago.” she added.


It hadn’t been a million years ago, and the fact that she still thought to call him ‘squirt’ proved it was still right near the front of her mind, “What if I had a nickname for you because of something embarrassing that happened?” he asked.


Beckah turned and reached out and tussled his hair, “Silly squirt, I’m not an embarrassment like you.” she teased, not realizing how mean she was actually being.


Jeremiah decided in that moment that he’d fold Beckah into his experiment and see just how funny she thought it was to wake up to a middle aged body rather than her young fit one.




Back at the house, Molly was getting dressed in some athletic wear she’d found in the closet of the main bedroom and getting the stroller out to put her mother in, packing a diaper bag for the trip and deciding, as she looked on her phone, that the park a few blocks away would be a good spot to go to to get some fresh air and exercise for both her and her mother.


Hannah fussed when she was put into the stroller, but that was quickly quelled with her pacifier, the woman within had been fretting about going outside the house, but her mind was far less focused than it would be if she were in her former body, and the rhythmic sucking of the pacifier made her quickly forget why she was upset to begin with.


Molly locked the front door behind her and started pushing the stroller, beginning a jog when she reached the sidewalk. Her breasts bouncing with every motion was distracting and uncomfortable, but she knew that there’d be downsides to her new body, though she wouldn’t call her breasts a downside outside of running with them.


By the time they reached the park, she was sweating and breathing heavily, years of her mother’s inactivity becoming very apparent as she knelt down to unbuckle Molly from her stroller and carry her to the swings to place her in one of the one’s meant for babies.


As she lightly pushed her mother on the swings, she ignored the pressure in her bladder, the high giggles of the little girl filling her with a maternal happiness of her own, one that she wasn’t keen on ending quite so quickly.


When the warm tickling sensation began down her inner thigh, Molly assumed it was sweat, until she remembered that she’d had to pee and now didn’t so much have to pee and hurriedly plucked Molly from the baby swing and back to the stroller as she blushingly noticed several parents snickering and pointing at her as they talked to themselves from benches or other play equipment.




By the time she got home and got Molly into her crib and had a shower, Beckah was back from taking Jeremiah to school.


“It’s not like you’ve never wet yourself.” Beckah had said as she watched her mother dry off after listening to the story of the morning’s accident.


Molly scowled at Beckah, “That was different and you know it.” she said defensively.


“Are you feeling like you’re slipping back to being regular Molly?” Beckah asked.


Molly shook her head, “No, that’s the thing, I feel like a woman, strong and independent, but then I go a piss myself and now I’m wondering if I actually am those things.” she explained.


Beckah rose from the bed and hugged her mother, rubbing the woman’s naked back, “Why don’t we get you into a diaper just in case and you can just take it off when you need to go to the bathroom.” she offered.


Molly pulled away, scoffing derisively at Beckah, “You have no idea how awful a suggestion that is, do you?” she asked. “What if I suggested you wear a diaper?” she asked.


Beckah blushed but recovered, “I was just trying to help.” she said sincerely.


Molly sighed, “I know, but going backwards is not something I want.” she said as she sat down on the bed.


Beckah knelt in front of her mother and took her chin in her hand to lift it so she was looking at her, “You’re my sister, Molly, I’m here to help you in any way I can, okay?” she said.


Molly nodded softly, “I don’t know that I want you to be my sister anymore though.” she said, “I like being the mom, I like being looked up to and needed.” she explained. “You’ll be gone to college soon and Jeremiah is completely self sufficient and in his own world half the time, your dad barely looks at me now that I’m his wife, and that just leaves Molly.” she said, shuddering softly at the mention of being her father’s wife.


Beckah leaned in and kissed her mother’s cheek, “I think that you need to relax and not take on mom’s stresses just because you’re in her body.” she said, “I also think that I’m technically the oldest person in this room and I’m not interested in cleaning up puddles if you have another accident.” she said, her tone becoming more firm and authoritative as she gently pushed Molly onto her back on the bed.


“Beckah, no!” Molly argued, yelping when Beckah quickly slapped her inner thigh.


“Either you can accept my help and let me get you into a diaper just in case, or I can spank you and do it anyway.” Beckah warned.


The four year old part of her dreaded a spanking despite that part of her being merely a sliver inside her new mature body, but the sliver won out and she lay silent while Beckah diapered her, her cheeks burning as she willed herself not to cry.




Molly sulked, resenting the padding around her waist as she sat at the table waiting for Beckah to bring her breakfast.


“I still don’t understand why you won’t let me make my own breakfast.” she whined.


Beckah turned and smiled at her, “Because you had a stressful morning and I’m a better cook than you!” she teased.


Molly looked over at her former body in the highchair, bib tied around her neck waiting the same as her for her breakfast. “I thought you said she didn’t need breakfast because she’d had a bottle.” Molly commented.


Beckah flipped the pancakes, “She’s a growing girl, isn’t she?” she cooed in babytalk to the girl in the highchair.


“Mowwy big giwl!” the toddler burbled excitedly.


Molly looked down at her diaper and poked it disapprovingly, the feelings of being a big girl draining from her the longer she sat with an exposed diaper on. “Why can’t I have pants?” she asked.


Beckah sighed, “The only pants that would fit over your diaper are in the wash, now stop whining before I give you a pacifier to keep you quiet.” she warned as she plated the pancakes and brought the stack over to the table.


Molly glared at Beckah, “I’m not a baby.” she grumbled.


“Then act like it.” Beckah retorted as she speared two pancakes and delivered them to Molly’s plate before cutting up another for the girl in the highchair.


Breakfast was a quiet affair, the baby ate messily with her hands and Molly and Beckah took turns looking at the other when their attention was elsewhere, Molly trying to figure out whether her sister was trying to unseat her as the head of the family, and Beckah wondering if she needed to prepare herself for a backslide in maturity from Molly.


“Help me with the dishes and then we’ll try the potty, okay?” Beckah said as she gathered up some plates from the table and went to the sink.


Molly grumbled and gathered the remaining dishes, “I know when I need the toilet.” she said indignantly, placing emphasis on the word ‘toilet’ to let Beckah know she didn’t want it to be referred to as the ‘potty’.


“Try for me anyway?” Beckah requested as she rinsed the dishes in the sink and set them into the dishwasher.


Molly sighed, “Fine, if it’ll make you happy.” she said, rolling her eyes as she went to get the baby from the highchair.


“Ah ah ah,” Beckah chided, “bathroom first, madame.” she said as she slipped past Molly and scooped the toddler up from her highchair.


Molly grumbled and blushed, but complied with the request, rustling with each step as she made her way to the bathroom. Shutting the door behind her, she turned and walked the few steps to the toilet and froze, a feeling of intense fear nestling into the pit of her stomach as she looked down at the toilet. Beside the toilet was the little pink training potty, and when she spied it the fear left her, simple rationalization told her that the less scary option was the best, so she bent and picked up the little potty and set it in the middle of the bathroom.


Beckah finished changing the baby and picked her up, poking her head out of the nursery to see if Molly was in the living room, finding it empty, she headed down the hall to the bathroom and found the door closed, so she knocked softly on it, “Moll, you okay?” she asked, waiting for a response that didn’t come, so she grabbed the knob and turned it to open the door and poke her head in, a smile spreading across her face at what she saw.


Molly had made it onto the potty, though she’d chosen the actual potty rather than the toilet for some reason, and had neglected to remove her diaper before perching on the pink potty to do her business. She was humming to herself and tapping her bare feet on the tile floor when Beckah walked in and leaned against the counter smiling down at her.


The sight of her mother on a too small for her adult frame potty, yellowed diaper smushed up from being unable to fit inside the bowl of the potty was almost too funny for her not to laugh, but she knew that Molly was struggling like she had at the park, so she maintained her composure, “Did you make it to the potty, sweetie?” she asked.


Molly nodded, “Did a poopy!” she proudly declared.


Beckah had hoped that smell was merely the remnants of the diaper she’d just changed in her nostrils, but now she knew better, “Did you forget something?” she asked.


Molly looked puzzled for a moment and chewed her bottom lip as she thought.


Shifting the toddler to her other hip, Beckah knelt down and gently prodded the squishy center of her mother’s diaper, “You forgot to take your diaper off, silly.” she playfully chided.


As if lightning had struck her, Molly suddenly came back to her senses and stood up quickly, her diaper having wedged itself into the potty leaving the little plastic object stuck there as she turned away from Beckah in embarrassment.


Nothing could stop Beckah from laughing at the sight of her mother in a wet and messy diaper, with a training potty stuck to her ass, and she set the baby down as she held her sides and wiped the tears from her eyes as she cackled madly.

“Shut up!” Molly screamed, “It’s not funny!” she added, her eyes filling with tears as she reached back and slapped the potty off her butt, sending it clattering to the floor.


Beckah regained her composure, “Lighten up!” she said as she wiped her eyes one last time, “It was hilarious and had it not happened to you you’d agree and laugh it up with me.” she pointed out.


Molly folded her arms across her chest and pouted, “Look, just let me go change, this diaper feels awful.” she grumbled.


Beckah shook her head, “I’m not letting you try and change yourself.” she said, raching out to take the woman’s hand.


Molly recoiled, “It’s fine, I’m fine now.” she said, moving to pass by Beckah only to be stopped by a hand on her shoulder.


“I said ‘no’, and I meant it.” Beckah firmly stated.


Molly batted Beckah’s hand from her shoulder and started to leave the bathroom only to feel Beckah’s fingers pinch her ear and twist firmly enough to make her bend in that direction to alleviate the sudden pain, “What the fuck, Beckah?!” she howled.


With her mother in tow by the ear and a giggling toddler following behind, Beckah headed to the nursery and pushed her mother against the changing table, “Stay right there while I go get another diaper.” she commanded.


Beckah’s gaze sent a dribble of fear pee into her already wet diaper as she nodded meekly and rubbed her throbbing ear.


“Baby!” the toddler exclaimed as she pointed up at her.


Molly scowled, “Shut up, mom.” she hissed under her breath.


When Beckah returned she silently laid out a changing mat in the middle of the room and patted it, “Down here.” she commanded, followed by a much more forceful, “Now, young lady.” when Molly made no move to comply.


As gingerly as possible, she got down onto the mat, wincing as her mess pressed against her bottom.


“You know,” Beckah said as she started ripping the tapes of the diaper, “I actually had a few dreams like this.” she continued as she opened the diaper and began cleaning the mess inside. “Mom would always act like such a jealous brat to me, resentful of the fact that she wasn’t young anymore and that I didn’t think she was cool.” she explained as she continued wiping, “I dreamed about putting her in her place, spanking her like dad did and then bringing her in here and putting her in a diaper and then into the crib with Molly since she loved her little doll so much.” she said as the used diaper was balled up and deposited into the diaper pail.


“Beckah, I-” Molly started to say.


Beckah shook her head and grabbed Molly’s wrist and forced the woman to suck her thumb, “A grownup is talking.” she said dismissively.


Molly blushed and made no attempt to remove her thumb from her mouth.


“In my dream, mom would cry and whine and argue that she wasn’t a baby and that I couldn’t treat her that way, but as soon as I started spanking she was pleading and begging me to stop, kicking her legs uselessly until I was done and then I diapered her without any issue.” Beckah continued. “Roll over onto your stomach.” she commanded.


Molly swallowed hard and reluctantly complied, gasping as a sudden sharp swat bit her backside.


“Who’s in charge?” Beckah asked, raining open palms down on her mother’s behind in rapid succession.


“You!” Molly wailed around her thumb, her legs kicking futilely under the weight of Beckah straddling them.


“Are you going to be a good girl from now on and listen to me?” Beckah asked between cracks of her hand on her mother’s ever pinkening behind.


“Yes!” Molly blubbered.


Something primal inside of Beckah was unleashed, a pent up aggression and resentment that had simmered for longer than she realized, a need to establish herself as the dominant female in the house, as the mature woman of the home, as, “Say, ‘I’ll be a good girl, Mommy!” she demanded.


The toddler behind them watched in amazement, her mind adult enough to recognize the spanking she was witnessing was meant for her and a feeling of overwhelming anxiety that her eldest daughter could have, whenever she’d wanted, removed her adult status and altered the dynamic of their relationship permanently if she so desired.


“I’ll be a good girl, Mommy, please stop!” Molly begged.


Beckah stopped and felt a pleasant tingle run through her body, the sheer magnitude of the catharsis she felt in that moment as she looked down at her mother’s red backside and listened to her pitiful sobs as she slurped her thumb for comfort. She scooted back to allow her mother’s legs to be free and reached for the soothing cream she’d brought, gently applying it to the woman’s rear as she basked in her victory. “Shh, there there, baby, Mommy will make it all better.” she heard herself whispering.


Molly docilely allowed Beckah to roll her over and finish diapering her and found herself grateful that she was pulled up onto Beckah’s crossed legs to be hugged and gently rocked as she let out the last of her pitiful sobs and sniffles.


Leaning her mother back, Beckah looked into her eyes as she wiped her tears and snotty nose with the woman’s shirt before removing it and her bra, “It’s a little warm for clothes at nap time.” she commented.


Molly allowed Beckah to slip out from beneath her and took her offered hand to be helped to her feet and led to the crib, the bed now looking impossibly small to her in her new body, but, Beckah kindly instructed her to curl up in a fetal position and that allowed her to fit well enough that Beckah smiled at her as she undressed the toddler and lay her beside Molly before tucking them both in beneath the blankets and bringing up the side.


Beckah fetched two pacifiers and returned to deposit them in her charges mouths as she turned on the mobile above and smiled down at them, “Have a good nap, babies, Mommy will come and check on you in a little bit.” she softly cooed before leaving the room to attend to an intense throbbing between her thighs.




Sleep came surprisingly quickly for the pair in the crib, and dreams followed closely behind.


Hannah dreamed she was her old self again, shuttling the kids and being a good wife to her husband, but as she shopped in the grocery store of her dream, she heard thundering footfalls behind her and turned to see a large pair of knees that she had to crane her neck to see who was attached to them.


“There you are!” Beckah declared as she looked down at her mother.


Beckah’s voice sent a tingle down her spine as she felt unsteady on her feet as she looked up and felt herself tumble backward, landing, somehow, in the seat of the shopping cart, her eyes now even with Beckah’s breasts that strained against the tight fabric of her t-shirt.


“Alright, let me just check my list to make sure I’ve got everything.” Beckah said aloud to herself as she pulled out her phone and scrolled through the list she’d made.


Hannah looked down at her bare feet and the frilly pink dress she hadn’t been wearing when the dream had started and wiggled her bottom to confirm the higher elevation she was experiencing was due to the massive diaper beneath her dress.


“Looks like all that’s left is diapers!” Beckah chirped as she put her phone away and began pushing the cart forward.


Hannah squirmed futilely and cursed the small strap around her waist for being beyond her ability to decipher its intricacies.


The diaper aisle filled her nostrils, the sweet and innocent smell of powder combined with the brightly colored packages and boxes they passed by making her feel smaller than she had a moment ago.


“Let’s see,” Beckah said as she looked from side to side at the various brands, “ah, here we go!” she exclaimed as she bent down and picked up a box that was impossibly large, too big to exist in reality and far too heavy it would seem for Beckah to lift, “One lifetime supply of extra thick adult baby diapers!” she declared.


Hannah felt her diaper warm and gain a weight in the seat at hearing the word ‘lifetime’, but everything was changing around her, disorienting her further until she was forced to close her eyes as everything spun and blurred.


“C’mon, baby, it’s time for nummy’s.” Beckah cooed softly in her ears.


Opening her eyes, she saw Beckah’s smiling face and then saw the breast and engorged nipple with a bead of milk on the tip her daughter was holding in her hand and guiding toward her lips, she wanted to push away and run, but the nipple touched her lips and the milk touched her tongue and her fight was gone, her mind dissolving into nothing more than infantile mush as she filled her belly and basked in Mommy’s love.


Molly’s dream began with her also being back in her old body, but she quickly found herself being dragged by her mother to a classroom full of far older students that jeered and taunted her for being a ‘stupid baby’. The door to the classroom exploded inward a moment later, silencing the room, and as the dust settled, Beckah stood there with her foot still extended.


“Hey, go away, she needs to go to school!” their mother shouted, one hand on her hip and the other wagging at her daughter to scold her.


Beckah marched forward and picked their mother up, tucking her beneath one arm backward so the woman was facing the door she’d just come through as she held her other hand out to Molly, “Come home, baby, you’ve got a new Mommy now.” she said with a tender smile.


“You’re not the Mommy, I’m the Mommy!” their mother whined as she kicked her legs uselessly and pounded her fists on her daughter’s butt.


Beckah brought her open palm down on the seat of their mother’s pants in one swift motion, the crack from the impact was like thunder and shook the room and blew out all the classroom windows and knocked all the kids over in their desks.


Molly giggled as her mother’s pants began to darken as she wet them and began to wail as she slumped, defeated in Beckah’s grasp. Molly reached out and took Beckah’s hand, “I love you, Mommy!” she exclaimed as Beckah led her out of the room and a rainbow stretched across the sky and rained down candy on the world.




After nap time, Beckah got her charges into dry diapers and dressed, “We need to go get Jeremiah from school.” she explained when Molly asked why they were getting dressed to go out.


“But won’t he find out about the switch?” Molly asked as Beckah knelt in front of her to tie her shoes for her.


Beckah smiled up at her, “Sweetie, regardless of what happens with you and mom switching back, I’m not going back to the way things were.” she said. “Jeremiah will be the first outside of us to learn that I’m in charge now, and when Daddy gets home tonight I’ll fill him in and we’ll just see if anything changes.” she explained.


“Beckah, you can’t-” the toddler started to argue before her pacifier was placed into her mouth and she was picked up and set on her eldest daughter’s hip.


“I’d go back to the baby talk if I were you, mom, it’ll probably make this less humiliating for you.” Beckah said as she gently bounced the woman on her hip and reached out to take Molly’s hand.


In the car, Hannah sucked her pacifier in her carseat while Molly sulked beside her.


“Hey, why the long face, kiddo?” Beckah asked as she looked at her in the mirror.


Molly remained silent, opting to scavenge the diaper bag at her feet for a pacifier to suck on rather than respond.


Beckah pulled the car into the pick up station and waited for Jeremiah to get in.


Not being an actor did little to dampen Jeremiah’s performance as he took notice of his mother sucking a pacifier in the backseat, her stretch pants straining to contain the bulk of the diaper beneath, “What the Hell is going on?!” he exclaimed as he looked at Beckah in surprise.


The car ride home was spent filling Jeremiah in on everything that had happened since the switch, and he pretended to be clueless about it and listened to his sister brag about how handily she’d brought their mother to heel, though the fact that their mother’s body was currently inhabited by a four year old was lost on her.


“So what, you’re mom now?” he asked when she’d finally stopped talking.


Beckah looked back at the pair behind them in the mirror, “I mean, I’m the only one not in diapers and sucking a pacifier.” she pointed out.


“I’m not calling you ‘mom’.” he informed her.


She smirked, “That’s fine, squirt,” she teased, “I’m sure you’ll come around once you see how much better things are with me in charge.” she added.


He scoffed, “Yeah, like dad isn’t going to have a problem with all of this.” he snorted.


Beckah pulled into the driveway and put the car into park, “Daddy will see how effective a parent I am and allow me to handle the girls any way I see fit.” she smugly stated.


“Wanna bet?” Jeremiah asked.


She nodded, “If I win, you have to call me mom until they switch back.” she said, her grin proving she was too proud of herself for her own good.


He nodded, “Fine, but when I win, I get your room.” he said.


She snorted, “Our rooms are the same size, squirt.” she pointed out.


He smiled, “I know, but I get both of them and you share the nursery with Molly, or mom, or whoever is in there.” he said.


She hesitated, looking back at the two girls before she stuck out her hand for him to shake, “Deal!” she said confidently.




The conversation with her father went precisely as she’d expected it to, especially when she ensured that she was giving the toddler her night bottle while her mother sat at her feet nursing her own bottle, the pair in just diapers and t-shirts to illustrate how truly dependent they were on her for their care.


“I’m not happy with you telling your brother.” her father said as he looked down at his wife and then at the toddler he knew she was in their daughter’s arms, “That said, you obviously have both of them under control, and Lord knows I can’t be around to handle all of this.” he said with a sigh.


Beckah beamed, “Just to make everything crystal clear for the little one’s,” she said, shooting a side eyed glance at her brother before patting her mother’s head, “I’m in charge when you’re not home?” she asked.


Her father cleared his throat and nodded, “You’re a better mother in just a day then Hannah was in her whole life.” he said coldly.


Beckah looked down at the toddler in her arms and was relieved to see she was already asleep and hadn’t heard the slight against her.


“Put both of them in the nursery for now, and I’ll set up something more permanent this weekend.” he said.


“The crib is kinda small for the two of them.” Beckah informed him.


He shrugged, “You’re the mom now, figure it out and make it work.” he said.


For the first time, Beckah felt genuine sympathy for her mother and displeasure with her father, but she swallowed her feelings and gathered up her charges to put them to bed like the good mother she was now.




“Alright, squirt, time for bed.” Beckah said from his doorway after putting the girls to bed.


He scowled at her, “I’ll go to bed when I feel tired.” he said, returning his attention to his work.


Beckah crossed the room and shut his laptop almost on his fingers, “Now, Jeremiah.” she said firmly, hands on hips until he rose from his desk and trudged to his bed, grumbling the whole way.


“Did you brush your teeth and use the bathroom?” she asked with a Cheshire cat grin.


“You’re pushing it.” he warned.

She made a mock pouting face, “Someone’s a grumpy Gus tonight.” she teased, “Mommy’s just trying to make sure her little man doesn’t have an accident tonight.” she added.


He rolled his eyes, “Goodnight.” he said dismissively as he rolled over and pulled his blanket over his head.


She cleared her throat, “Goodnight, who?” she asked expectantly.


He sighed heavily beneath his blanket, “Goodnight, mom.” he said in monotone.


She giggled, “Goodnight, my little man.” she teased before she thankfully left.




In the middle of the night he slipped out to his tree house and began coding his changes to the experiment, looking at everyone on the cameras periodically to make sure they were all still sleeping. His mother was spooning his baby sister in the crib, Beckah was asleep in her room and his father was stretched out for the first time in his marriage in the big empty bed in the main bedroom.


The plan was simple, swap Beckah and their mother like he’d done with Molly and their mother ensuring that Beckah would find herself on the receiving end of everything she’d dished out and learn a lesson about not being so smug when you’re not the smartest person in the house.


“Let’s see how you like being mom after this.” he sneered as he finished the coding and set the program to start.


He’d set the switch to swap Beckah’s mind with the oldest person in the house, and smiled all the way back to his room and kept smiling until he fell asleep.




The alarm started going off and Beckah reached over to silence it before she rolled out of bed and made her way to the bathroom, her eyes closed as she traveled the routine course, though, this morning she found that she’d mistakenly gone the wrong way and had to turn around and go back down the hall. In the bathroom she sat on the toilet and relaxed, the sound of liquid hitting water that she expected never coming, instead being replaced by liquid hitting the wall in front of her.


The sound of his father screaming jerked Jeremiah awake and he hurried out of his room and to the bathroom to find his dad screaming and pissing everywhere as he freaked out and looked down at his cock like it was a cobra on fire or something, then he heard Beckah screaming down the hall and ran to her room to find her screaming and clutching her breasts in abject terror.


Something clicked in his head and he had to run to his room to laugh into his pillow.


He’d miscalculated, it happened from time to time, especially when you’re dealing with science beyond what normal minds could comprehend, but in this case the miscalculation was just a bit more serious, Jason, his father, was older than Hannah, his mother, by three whole days.




To Be Continued...

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  • TheUnknownAuthor changed the title to The Importance Of Being Specific (Chapter Four Posted 9/8/22)
2 hours ago, TheUnknownAuthor said:

The tree house more closely resembled a lair, powered by a generator he’d modified to run silently and without fuel and ...

That's probably the least realistic part of the whole story, isn't it?

Other than that, I think it's an original idea, and although it's not quite my thing, I keep reading it, curious about what will happen to this family.


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Now the situation is a bit chaotic, so his sister and father exchanged places? I can imagine how much authority Beckah can gain in this position, but there is a price. The price is that she must participate in her father's original work, which means she can't always be at home. In addition, Hannah and Molly, who are still in each other's bodies, may be taken care of by their father who is in Beckah's body today. Although this is interesting, it may lead to chaos. A father who has not mastered the ability of girls to go to the toilet may need to wear diapers in beckah's body like Hannah and Molly!


Beckah's power needs to be restrained. I have read many stories of evil children retaliating against their parents. I don't want this good story to turn into beckah's abuse of younger parents.


Personal suggestion: maybe we can try to make everyone in the family understand each other's feelings by exchanging positions, and finally make the whole family more united. I hope this is the warm trend.

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On 9/8/2022 at 11:07 AM, Bel George said:

That's probably the least realistic part of the whole story, isn't it?

Other than that, I think it's an original idea, and although it's not quite my thing, I keep reading it, curious about what will happen to this family.


I would LOVE to tell you that that's the most unrealistic thing in this story, but I'm kind of feeling like I need to challenge myself to out unrealistic impossible energy properties, so get ready for *checks notes* people acting like normal, rational, sane human beings? :P

On 9/8/2022 at 11:12 AM, GQLF said:

Now the situation is a bit chaotic, so his sister and father exchanged places? I can imagine how much authority Beckah can gain in this position, but there is a price. The price is that she must participate in her father's original work, which means she can't always be at home. In addition, Hannah and Molly, who are still in each other's bodies, may be taken care of by their father who is in Beckah's body today. Although this is interesting, it may lead to chaos. A father who has not mastered the ability of girls to go to the toilet may need to wear diapers in beckah's body like Hannah and Molly!


Beckah's power needs to be restrained. I have read many stories of evil children retaliating against their parents. I don't want this good story to turn into beckah's abuse of younger parents.


Personal suggestion: maybe we can try to make everyone in the family understand each other's feelings by exchanging positions, and finally make the whole family more united. I hope this is the warm trend.

I'm not saying you're wrong, but the swapping of minds here isn't something that everyone is down for, no one but Jeremiah even knows that he's able to swap people's minds, so I don't really see it being something that they can all do to gain insight into one another as people. That said, I am 100% winging this as it's not something I've ever written before, so I suppose anything is possible at this point.

Also, Beckah's "power" isn't total, especially when she's not as in power as she thinks. I felt she needed some catharsis when it came to her relationship with her mother and the frustrations she felt with her, but at the end of the day, she's no more or less in control than anyone else in the house.

Also, also, I can safely say that no one will be exploiting their parents on the internet. :)

20 hours ago, GQLF said:

After the role swap, there are too many novels about children controlling, humiliation and abusing their parents on the Internet, so I hope this story will not go in this direction.


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For the better part of two hours, the grown man in the teenage girl’s body and the teenage girl in the grown man’s body screamed at one another through the Beckah’s locked bedroom door, at first it was about having to clean up the pee on the bathroom wall and floor because Beckah didn’t realize she’d woken up with a dick she needed to guide downward, that triggered her father into complaining about his lamenting the loss of his dick and then whining about the cramps he was and Beckah had been experiencing as a result of her being on her period.


As the pair argued, Jeremiah got his mother and baby sister out of the crib they were sharing, changed both of them into fresh diapers and got them dressed for the day and made them scrambled eggs for breakfast with a bottle of orange juice for each, finally sitting down to have a cup of coffee and talk with the quieter members of his family.


Pretty noisy, huh?” he asked the pair, his mother, who was currently stuffing a handful of scrambled eggs into her mouth with Molly’s little hands, and Molly who was holding the toddler fork he’d given her in a clenched fist, her mother’s motor skills having regressed to match her mental age. Both of the girls nodded but didn’t speak. Jeremiah watched each of them eating, fascinated by his mother acting like Molly because Molly’s brain couldn’t handle the adult occupant and Molly fluctuating between adult and toddler as her brain struggled to fill in the myriad of gaps she had in her development once the adult mind had vacated and the toddler mind had replaced it. “Are you still in there, mom?” he asked the toddler.


The toddler nodded softly, “S’hawd ta fink dough.” she said with a mouthful of eggs that spilled a chunk out to her bib and then the table.


He nodded, “But you know you’re not a baby, right?” he asked.


His mother was silent for a moment but ultimately shrugged, “Dun mattew.” she said simply.


He turned to his baby sister, “What about you, Molly?” he asked the grown woman.


She smiled at him, “Molly’s a good girl!” she chirped as she dumped the small scoop of eggs onto the makeshift napkin bib Jeremiah had tucked into the collar of her shirt.


The argument reached its apex when Beckah smashed the bedroom door down with her father’s strength and entered her former bedroom, carrying her old body over her new shoulder fireman style as her father screamed and petulantly kicked his new feminine legs.


Jeremiah sighed, “Sounds like Beckah’s got a new victim for her spanking fury.” he told his table mates.


Why are you acting like this, dad?!” Beckah shouted over her father’s shrill, girly screams.


Fuck you, Beckah!” her father shrieked as his teenage girl fists beat on his former back.


Beckah sighed and dumped her old body onto the couch before dropping down beside it and reaching over to pull the struggling young woman onto her lap in a motion so fluid and practiced looking you’d be forgiven for thinking Jason had ever disciplined anyone beside his wife. “This is too fucking weird, but I cannot handle your screaming anymore!” she shouted as she tugged the squirming girl’s pants and panties down and lifted her hand to bring it crashing down onto the girl’s backside with a startling crack.


OW!” her father squealed, already sounding like he was going to cry as blow after blow came down on his backside until he was wailing and cursing as tears and snot leaked from his face.


Jeremiah got up and went to the living room, “That’s enough, Beckah.” he told her.


His father’s eyes looked up from their task and narrowed on him, “You want to switch places with him, Squirt?” Beckah asked.


Jeremiah shook his head, “No, but you did what you wanted to do, now let him go.” he commanded.


Beckah scoffed and pushed the limp young woman from her lap to the floor where she whimpered and scooted away from her attacker.


You alright, dad?” Jeremiah asked, kneeling beside his father, putting an arm around him.


His father winced as his reddened backside touched the floor and batted his son’s arm off of him, “Don’t touch me, I’m fine!” he snapped in a voice quavering with anguish.


Jeremiah rose to his feet slowly, “Why are you two such assholes?!” he shouted.


They both stared at him and the sudden outburst of uncharacteristic emotion.


You!” he shouted, pointing at Beckah in their father’s body, “You got a taste of authority and went so far overboard that you don’t even notice that you’re literally spanking yourself just to feel like you’re in charge!” he snapped. “And you!” he looked down at his father in his sister’s body, “You act like you’re the head of the household all the time, but you’ve never lifted a finger to take care of Molly and probably never did with Beckah and I, you cheat on mom all the time and spank her like she’s your fucking daughter all while getting drunk and jerking off in your recliner!” he spat. “I fucking hate both of you and I think you’re disgusting human beings!” he added before storming off to his room.


The house was silent after Jeremiah’s door slammed shut, Beckah and her father looked at each other and then elsewhere but said nothing.


Wuz he tewwing da twoof?” Hannah asked, the sudden sound of her little voice making both Beckah and her father jump and turn in surprise to the toddler seated in the highchair at the table, “Whir yoo’s cheating on me?” she asked, her simple, toddler like pronunciation fading as she spoke, becoming fully formed adult words by the time she asked her question.


The girl on the floor looked down at the floor and silently nodded.


Molly rose from her chair and picked her mother up, hugging the watery eyed toddler tightly.


Once we sort all of this out and put everyone back where they belong, I think you should find a divorce lawyer.” Beckah said quietly.


Jason crawled to where Molly was standing, “Please, Hannah, it was a mistake, I haven’t done anything like that for a long time!” he pleaded up to the now sobbing toddler who had buried her face into her former chest.


The television clicked on by itself, showing Jason as he had been before this morning in his recliner, hand down his boxers as he talked on the phone in a hushed whisper, “Baby, I’m telling you, she’s completely in the dark about us.” he said, “Cecilia, even if she found out about us, she can’t do anything about it, she’s a weak little girl in a woman’s body.” he explained, stifling a chuckle, “Shit, she copped an attitude with me about something tonight and I hauled her over my lap and spanked her and put her to bed.” he bragged. “Yeah, she was nothing but a sniveling little brat begging for me to stop.” he added.


That was two weeks before you switched bodies with Molly, mom.” Jeremiah said as he emerged from his room.


Jason glared at his son, “You’ve been spying on me?” he hissed, slowly rising to his feet, his pants pooling around his ankles.


Jeremiah nodded, “On all of you.” he said simply. “I switched you all around too.” he added, “You two were an accident,” he said to his father and older sister, “Beckah was supposed to go into Molly’s body and mom into Beckah’s, but I forgot that dad was just barely older than mom.” he explained.


I’m gonna fucking kill you, Squirt!” Beckah snarled as she shot up from the couch and started to rush toward her brother.


Jeremiah smirked, “Touch me and I promise you that you will spend the rest of your life in dad’s body.” he warned.


Beckah stopped and growled in frustration, “Fix it, nerd!” she spat.


He shook his head, “Why should I?” he asked. “None of you were happy with who you were before,” he said, “Mom wanted to be a teenager again, to abandon her adulthood and responsibilities so she could get drunk and fuck a bunch of young guys.” he explained, looking to Hannah who had calmed down thanks to a pacifier Molly had given her, “Molly was on a one way track to a stunted childhood of bullying and remedial classes because of mom holding her back so she could keep her baby a baby for as long as possible.” he continued, looking pityingly at Molly.


It wasn’t your place to-” his father started to shout, but was cut off by Jeremiah raising his voice over him.


You were stepping out on your wife and family regularly with other women, you talk shit about your kids to your friends, and your biggest concern this morning was that you didn’t have a dick anymore.” Jeremiah sneered at his father, “And you,” he said to Beckah, his tone becoming eerily calm, “you dream about reshuffling the order of authority in this family so mom is below you, even going so far as to demand your younger siblings call you ‘mom’ or ‘mommy’ because somebody reshuffled for you.” he said coldly. He sighed, “I can’t undo any of this for,” he looked at his watch, “sixteen hours, but after that you can all go back to your bodies and do whatever you want.” he said, going back into his room and slamming the door behind him.


Molly sat down on the couch with Hannah in her arms while Jason pulled his pants up with a hiss of pain and gingerly sat in his recliner, Beckah turned and headed for the couch as well, sighing as she sat down.


“Was anyone happy with their life?” Molly asked.


Silence filled the room.


“I wasn’t unhappy.” Beckah finally said, turning to her mother and taking the toddler’s hand in hers, “You were so intent on being my friend that you didn’t learn how to be a parent.” she said softly, “The way you mothered was like a little sister playing house and expecting the older sister to obey the rules because that’s how you think the game is played.” she explained, “You never trusted that I was smart and able to make decisions for myself, that’s why I always butted heads with you.” she added.


Hannah nodded and wrapped her little fingers around her daughter’s manly index finger, “Your father belittled me and punished me like I was his daughter and part of me felt like if he saw me that way that maybe I could act more like you and we could be friends.” she explained, “When that obviously wasn’t going to happen I looked at my options,” she continued, “Jeremiah is so smart but also hard to relate to, so I bypassed him and went for Molly, choosing to keep her as much of a baby as I could so she would always love me and need me.” she said, wiping a tear from her eye.


Molly kissed her mother’s head, “I will always love you, mom, but I may not always need you in the way that you feel I should.” she said, “You need to learn that needs change when we grow up, but just because I don’t need you to feed me or change my diapers doesn’t mean I don’t need you to help me with stuff that comes up in my life.” she explained, smiling when the toddler wrapped her little arms around her and she did the same.


Jason shifted uncomfortably, “Those other wom-” he started to say before he was cut off.


“Nobody wants to hear from you.” Beckah hissed.


Molly and Hannah nodded, “Yeah, you’re a fucking monster, dad.” Molly said.


“I hate you.” Hannah said softly.


Jason shot up from the recliner in a huff, “Oh, so you all can have feelings but I can’t?!” he whined, “Maybe if you were a better wife I wouldn’t need real women to satisfy me!” he spat.


Beckah rose and once again picked the teenager up, turning to her mother and sister, “Who wants to see big sister Daddy get what’s coming to him?” she asked the pair cheerfully.


Molly and Hannah both raised their hands and giggled while Jason wriggled and squirmed in the arms of his former body, helpless to stop whatever Beckah had planned for him.




When Jeremiah finally left his room some time later, he noticed the living room was empty and looked out the front window to see the cars were still there in the driveway, “Hello?!” he called out.


“In here!” Molly replied, a chorus of giggles following her words.


Jeremiah went down the hall and stopped at the open nursery door as he took in what he saw.


Hannah was dressed up in one of Molly’s prettiest dresses, something the girl hadn’t worn since Christmas or Thanksgiving, the material of the dress was velvety and a shade of green that was more mature than anything else in her closet. She giggled as she toddled forward and spun to toddle back the way she’d come in a kind of runway fashion show, her diaper crinkling softly beneath her dress and her hair done in something more closely resembling how she’d styled her hair when she was in her old body, and her face was done up with expertly applied lipstick and eyeshadow making the overall image adorable but also a drastically more mature look than Molly normally appeared.


Molly was performing a similar runway show, but doing so on all fours, crawling in step with her former self and giggling with her as they showed off their new looks. Where the physical Molly had gotten a more mature look, the mental Molly had grown way down, her bare breasts swaying freely as she crawled, her diaper swishing back and forth as she swayed her hips like a model would when they walked, her hair was done into pigtails that the toddler beside her had clearly constructed given the haphazard placement of the pink and purple bands around the chunks of hair. Her makeup had also clearly been done by clumsy little hands, the lipstick thick and far beyond the boundaries of her lips making her look clownish, her eye makeup was smeared and gloppy as well making her look like a crazed raccoon.


Sitting on the floor across from them, Jason held Beckah on his lap, the young woman sullenly sucking the pacifier that the strong hands of her captor held in place while she was softly bounced up and down, the diaper around her waist crinkling softly as she looked to Jeremiah for help.


“What the Hell is going on in here?” Jeremiah asked as he crossed the threshold.


Jason patted the floor beside him, “Have a seat and we’ll fill you in.” he said.


Jeremiah took a seat and watched as Molly and Hannah devolved into a fit of giggles as they stopped their fashion show and the toddler clambered into the adult’s arms where they cuddled and calmed down.


“So, we all did a lot of talking after what you said,” Jason said, “and we made some choices about how we’re going to handle this situation.” he explained.


Jeremiah stared at his older sister, “Would I be correct in assuming that dad didn’t get a vote?” he asked.


The room erupted into giggles once more, “Yeah, he tried, but gave up pretty quickly once I laid down the law.” Jason chuckled.


Jeremiah sighed and leaned back against the wall behind him, “So, what’d you all come up with?”


Hannah bounced excitedly in Molly’s arms, “I wanna tell him!” she exclaimed.


Jason nodded, “Go ahead, sweetie.” he said with a smile.


“We don’t wanna change back all the way but we wanna change some.” she said excitedly.


Jeremiah looked at Molly and then Jason for clarification.


“Mom and Beckah agreed to switch so that mom is in Beckah’s body and Beckah is in mom’s body.” Molly explained, hugging the excited toddler and kissing her head softly, “That way, mom gets to have youth and fun, and Beckah gets to be in charge.” she explained. “We all agreed that Daddy should be in my old body.” she added, looking over at the fuming Beckah, “And we thought that maybe you could be in Daddy’s body and I could be in yours.” she said, not looking at Jeremiah.


Jeremiah shook his head, “I’m not part of this.” he said, “I’m happy with my body.” he added.


“We know, but we think Daddy needs a time out for his behavior, and a baby girl’s body is the best place for something like that, but we don’t want poor Molly to have to be in a yucky old man body.” Jason explained.


Jeremiah scoffed, “So I get the short end of the stick?” he asked.


“You get the most important role in the house because you’re the smartest.” Molly explained. “You can make everything better for all of us in Daddy’s body.” she added.


He shook his head again, “This isn’t how any of this works.” he said, “Molly, do you want to be a teenage boy?” he asked her, “Dealing with hormones and-” he trailed off, not wanting to voice the other things his body did that would embarrass him to no end admitting.


“It wouldn’t be permanent.” Jason said, “Six months, tops, and then we can all go back to normal.” he added.


Jeremiah scoffed, “Six months?!” he exclaimed, “Alright, listen up, dumb dumbs.” he said, standing, “The human brain is the most complex computer on the planet.” he started, “First of all, in six months time, your brains would all sync to the body they’re in meaning that were you to then switch back, dad would be a toddler in a grown man’s body, Molly would be a teenager in a toddler body, and,” he stopped, “well, mom and Beckah would be pretty much the same since they’re both immature for their ages.” he pointed out, “So, no, that’s not what we’re doing.” he added.


Hannah patted Molly’s arm and slipped off her lap when the woman released her, toddling over to her son and putting her little hand on his cheek, “You probably don’t remember this, but when you were about Molly’s age you wanted to be just like your big sister and you begged us to buy you clothes like hers and do your hair like hers.” she said softly, smiling when his cheek grew hot beneath her hand, “Don’t be embarrassed, honey, you admired her and it was adorable and so very sweet of you.” she told him. She looked over at Beckah, “Your father fought against it, saying it would turn you queer or some stupid thing,” she said disdainfully, “but I bought you an outfit and did your hair when he was at work and you were the happiest I’d ever seen you.” she told him.


Jeremiah took her hand and looked her in the eyes, “I don’t remember that, and this isn’t going to happen.” he said bluntly.


“I told you he wouldn’t be able to do it.” Jason told Molly.


Jeremiah scoffed, “Really, sis?” he asked, “Gonna attack my ego to get me to do what you want?” he asked incredulously.


Everyone was silent, looking everywhere but at him.


“You know what, fine, you guys have always done whatever you want without thinking of the consequences, so why don’t we keep with tradition and fuck this family up even worse.” Jeremiah finally said, “But, when, not if, when this all blows up in your faces, I want you to know that I will be emancipating myself from this family and you all can figure things out for yourselves.” he added before leaving.


Once his door shut behind him, Hannah, Molly, and Jason all silently celebrated with one another. “I was so sure he was going to walk out without agreeing to it.” Molly said.


Jason smiled, “If I know one thing about my little brother it’s that he loves to feel like he’s smarter than everyone else, so if giving us what we want accomplishes that then all the better.” he said.


Hannah toddled up to Beckah, “Are you excited to be a widdle bitty baby girl, Jason?” she cooed mockingly.


Jason held the girl tightly as she thrashed angrily toward his wife, “I’m gonna take that as a no.” he teased, making everyone but him laugh uproariously.




Before bed, Jeremiah configured the parameters to put everyone where they wanted to be, falling asleep after tossing and turning for over an hour as he worried about what would happen the next day.


Unbeknownst to the family, across town, Cecilia, Jason’s most recent mistress, was in her bedroom chanting. The room was filled with candles, a circle drawn on the floor in front of her with a stone bowl in the center of it. Inside the bowl was a picture of Jason and his family, red markings on several of the faces in the picture as well as various flowers and items required for the ritual she was performing.


“In the name of the dark father, I implore you to hear my call and grant my wish!” Cecilia said as her chants died out.


Thunder clapped loudly outside and the candles flickered as a shadowy figure stepped out from the dark corner of the room, “Speak thy wish mortal.” the creature bellowed.


Cecilia lifted her head and pushed her hood back as a wicked smile crossed her lips, “I want you to change the fabric of reality to insert me into Jason’s family.” she commanded, her voice strong and assertive in the face of the dark entity.


“In what role?” the creature hissed.


Cecilia’s smile broadened, “As Jason’s wife and the mother of his children, Beckah, Jeremiah, Molly, and Hannah.” she said as a malicious cackle built in her throat that drowned out the creature’s agreement to the request.

To Be Continued...

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  • TheUnknownAuthor changed the title to The Importance Of Being Specific (Chapter Five Posted 9/16/22)
1 hour ago, kerry said:

Sure...of course...why not make things even more complicated. ?

If anything, a sexy, jilted, mistress witch vastly improves this otherwise middle of the road tale of a totally normal nuclear family. :P

Just wait until chapter nine when Cousin Oliver joins the cast and the family goes to Hawaii AND Disneyland and Hannah is named Princess of the park and everyone does The Urkel because reasons. Also, Molly gets a sassy robot dog and Jason makes friends with an alien only he can see...with sexy results. ;)

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On 9/16/2022 at 10:16 PM, GQLF said:

It is indeed a good development. The exchange between mother and daughter, and the exchange of positions between failed adult men and girls and infants, should be beneficial to the family.

Permanence isn't really a thing in this story, meaning that everyone and everything is going to be pretty fluid, best not to get too attached to how anything is or else it might disappoint you. Thank you for reading, I'm glad you're enjoying the story and I hope that continues!

On 9/16/2022 at 11:27 PM, kerry said:

Now I want to read this part!

I have made a mental note to deliver on all of the things I've said for chapter nine, will any of it make sense in the context of the story by that point? We don't know, sis, but we're doing it because it's my story and I'm just crazy enough to destroy everything for the sake of a bit. :P


AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story is insane and maybe probably doesn't make sense and is terrible to read, BUT, I'm having fun writing it because of all those reasons and I hope that even if you're frustrated that things aren't progressing the way you think they should that you give the story a fair shake because even though it's insane and going in all the directions at once, I DO have a point and a story to tell, I'm just taking all the detours and bumpy ass unpaved roads to do it.



Abra Cabullshit”


The thing about magic is that it’s like a nuclear bomb of energy in the universe, being on another plane of existence, we don’t feel it or even register it exists, but, like a nuclear bomb, the shockwave fries all electronic equipment in the area the spell takes place in. Cecilia’s appliances and gizmos in her apartment stopped working the moment the spell was cast, but when the effects of the spell took place in the house she ended up in, everything with an electronic pulse went kaput, meaning that Jeremiah’s fancy set up stopped working. For anyone keeping score at home, that means that all the work he put in to switch everyone all around failed to go into effect, well, failed to completely go into effect anyway.


The baby was the first to wake, as babies do, the cold wet feeling in her diaper made her immediately fussy as she opened her toothless mouth and began to loudly wail her discomfort into the dawn lit bedroom. Her mother had insisted the bassinet be set up beside their bed to make late night and early morning feedings less of a chore, but it also meant that the marital bedroom smelled like a nursery all the time and the pair were never truly alone.


Her parents had named her ‘Hannah’ after Cecilia’s great grandmother and she was the spitting image of her mother, not just in appearance, but nearly in size as well. The birth was fuzzy, the concept that a woman could birth what was essentially another grown woman was insane, but how else would Hannah exist?


Cecilia stirred, groaning softly as she sat up and looked at the blank face of her alarm clock. Sighing, she stood and leaned over the bassinet to look at her daughter, reaching down to stroke the baby’s cheek softly as she quietly shushed her, “You’ll wake Daddy, sweetie.” she whispered, lifting the grown woman up like she was little more than a newborn and holding her close to her body as she softly bounced her and navigated her way out of the bedroom to the living room to sit down on the couch and position Hannah so she could nurse.


Beckah woke to the sound of her sister crying and opened her eyes slowly to check her own clock, finding the digital face black though, she planted her face into her pillow and grumbled.


“What time is it?” Jeremiah asked her sleepily.


She rolled back onto her side to face him, “Still early, I think.” she said mid yawn.


Her yawn spread to him and he made a dissatisfied grunt and pulled the covers over his head.


She joined him beneath the covers a moment later, “Don’t be a grumpy Gus.” she gently chided, “You know Mommy needs us to be good big brother and sister for Hannah.” she told him.


He rolled over to face her, sighing morning breath into her face, “I know, but, do you think we were that annoying when we were born?” he asked her.


She giggled, “You’re that annoying still.” she teased.


He stuck out his tongue at her, “Are you wet too?” he asked, squirming lightly producing a crackle from the plastic sheet that covered their bed as well as a rustle from beneath his pajamas.


Beckah wiggled the same as he had, “Yeah.” she said softly.


Jeremiah draped his arm over his twin sister and hugged her, kissing her cheek after a moment, “Do you think Mommy will be mad?” he asked her.


She shrugged, “I think she’s too busy with the baby, so maybe if we ask Molly to change us she won’t find out.” she said, hugging him back and kissing his cheek.


The twins uncovered themselves and climbed out of the toddler bed they shared. Like Hannah, they didn’t look anything like the four year olds they were, but rather young teens on the verge of adulthood for some reason that no one understood or even questioned.


Jeremiah helped his sister over the small slatted rail of the bed and held her hand as he did every morning when they got up, a swell of pride at being a good brother that loved and helped his sister filling him to the point of producing a smile as he led her to the bedroom door and carefully opened it to peek out into the hall for signs that Mommy was walking with the baby.


“I think she’s feeding her.” Beckah whispered, her stomach growling at the mention of eating even if it was breast milk.


The pair crept into the hall, their footed pajamas dulling their footfalls on the wooden floor but their soaked diapers rustling loudly with each step made the trip to Molly’s room an exercise in them holding their breath until they reached the door with the stereotypical teenager sign of “DO NOT ENTER” plastered onto it.


Molly, freshly graduated from high school and set to attend her college of choice in the Fall, was passed out after a night of partying a little too heartily with her friends, one of which lay beside her snoring loudly and drowning out both the crying of her baby sister and the soft knock of timid hands on the other side of her door.


Whether it was Stephanie, the friend she’d both slept with and slept with, or Molly herself that had pissed the bed or both in an odd show of solidarity for drunk teens everywhere, no one would ever truly be sure, but the evidence was clear and present in the wet spot that covered almost the entire lower half of the bed and the reek of boozy urine hanging in the air.


Jeremiah gave up knocking and tried the knob, finding it uncharacteristically unlocked, and scampered inside the crack he made, pulling Beckah in behind him as he heard Mommy moving in the living room.


“It smells like tinkle in here.” Beckah said, pinching her nose.


He nodded and copied her as they stood and looked at the entwined naked teenagers in the bed and giggled when they saw the wet spot.


Molly groaned at the sound of giggling, sure she was going to have to do her big sisterly duty of ending a prank or kicking a child out of her room, between Stephanie’s snoring. Opening her eyes, she raised her head to look over Stephanie’s shoulder at her brother and sister holding their noses and covering their mouths to stifle their giggles, “What are you brats doing in here?” she grumbled.


Jeremiah swallowed hard, “Umm, Mommy is up with Hannah and we, umm, wetted the bed and need a change.” he explained, fumbling nervously at having woken up their big sister.


Molly sighed and realized the bed she herself was sleeping in was wet and swore under her breath, getting more giggles from the twins, “Can’t you wake dad up?” she said with a grunt as she rolled Stephanie over to silence her snores.


The twins shook their heads.


“No, I suppose if he can’t change himself he wouldn’t know how to change you.” Molly thought to herself, being the only person aside from her mother to know that her father also had a nighttime issue after sneaking into their room after they’d gone to bed to swipe some money from his wallet and catching sight of his wide ass sticking out of the covers wrapped in what appeared to be a giant version of a baby’s diaper, a cartoon lion on the seat smiling at her in the small amount of light coming from her phone’s screen.


Rising from the bed and nearly falling over as her head swam from the previous night’s activities, Molly stretched and looked for something to clothe herself in after she wiped the wetness of her bed from her body as best she could with something that was probably Stephanie’s clothes.


“Did you have a sleepover with Stephanie?” Beckah asked.


Molly smirked to herself, “Sure.” she said, “A sleepover that Mommy and Daddy don’t need to know about, right?” she asked, turning around as she pulled a shirt over her head and stepped into a pair of panties.


The twins nodded, “We won’t tell about the tinkle bed either.” Jeremiah said.


Molly nodded and walked around the bed to them, “Good, because if you did,” she said, kneeling down to their level before reaching out to lightly tickle each of their stomachs through their pajamas, “I’d have to tickle you both to death!” she playfully growled, smiling widely as cute little giggles erupted from the pair as they pulled away from her easily.


They took her hands when she held them out and Jeremiah opened the door for them as they followed along back to their room.


In their parents bedroom, Jason was up mentally preparing himself for the day ahead. He’d woken up when Hannah had started crying, but pretended to be asleep until Cecelia had left with their daughter because he rarely had a moment of peace and quiet in his own home now, and he had something he needed to take care of that he didn’t want Cecilia to find out about.


Cecilia lay with her eyes closed on the couch, Hannah softly suckling her breast, the rhythm and quiet in the house making her almost fall back asleep were it not for the thoughts running through her brain. She knew that, in all likelihood, her husband was pleasuring himself in his diaper, and knew that, again, in all likelihood, he was doing so by looking at pictures or reading stories or watching a video of a man being forced by his wife to either service another man or watch from the floor or a crib or a playpen while his wife had sex with another man.


He’d told her about his diaper fetish when they’d started dating, indulging him a little at first, but finding that Jason’s fetish iceberg went far deeper than she even realized as dating led to moving in together and she found white stains on some of her underwear that he, like a child caught misbehaving, sobbingly confessed to soiling with his arousal because he was curious what wearing them would feel like. She’d never thought of herself as overly kinky, but when she’d gotten fed up with his childish, impulsive actions and found more ruined panties, she’d spanked him and learned that she was the one in charge and decided that never again would her husband step out of line without her being aware of it and correcting him once she’d given him enough rope to hang himself, so to speak.


By the time they were married, Jason had become her submissive baby boy behind closed doors, presenting himself as the strong “man of the house” at work and to friends and family, but every night, without fail, Cecilia had him naked on his back on the bed, telling her about his day so she could decide if he’d been a good boy and earned her special attention before getting his diaper on for bed, or if he’d been naughty and earned a reddened bottom first.


Weeks ago she’d discovered his history of cuckold porn and store pages with sissy outfits for sale, and knew that once she wasn’t anchored by a real baby, she’d show her baby husband just how real his fantasies could be. She shifted Hannah to her other breast and gently rubbed herself through her panties imagining the look on Jason’s face when his younger, hot and fit boss fucked her from behind on their bed, Jason’s pretty pink diaper bulging as his cock swelled with delight betraying his tears and pouting as nothing more than bravado.




Several diaper changes later, the twins sat in their booster seats, their night diapers replaced with pull ups and their pajamas replaced with matching shortalls, rose for Beckah and seafoam for Jeremiah. Jason had gotten changed on his own and dressed for work, reading the paper while he grumbled his frustration at the coffee maker not working to give him his morning kick start. Cecilia watched her son and daughter eat their cereal, concerned that neither seemed to be ready to eat without bibs just yet, and wondered how they’d managed to get dressed.


“Did Molly change you two this morning?” she finally asked.


Beckah nodded, “You were busy with the baby.” she said, dribbling milk down her chin as she clumsily spooned a bite into her mouth.


“I take it you were both wet again?” Cecilia asked.


Both nodded.


Cecilia smiled, “It’s okay, munchkins, everyone learns at their own pace.” she reassured them, “She got your pull ups on though, right?” she asked.


Another pair of nods and milky dribbles from both.


“Good.” Cecilia said with a smile as she got up and went around to behind her husband, rubbing his shoulders gently but firmly as she lowered herself to whisper into his ear, “Was Mommy’s other baby wet this morning?” she asked.


Jason raised the paper to shield them from little eyes as he nodded.


Cecilia patted his shoulder, “Good.” she repeated. “Did Molly go back to bed?” she asked the twins.


Jeremiah nodded, “She was really sleepy.” he said.


Once her family had finished breakfast and left the house, dad to work and mom to drop the twins and Hannah off with the sitter before she also went to work, Molly set about waking Stephanie, finding that shaking, yelling, clapping in her face and smacking her naked ass did little to bring her around, she nestled in between her legs and gently licked and kissed the bitter tasting folds of the sleeping girl’s intimate area, getting a pleasant moan from the girl.


“I’m awake, but don’t stop.” the blonde mumbled.


Molly smiled, “I’ll finish after we shower, you pissed my bed.” she said, playfully slapping the girl’s chubby thigh.


Stephanie sat up and looked at the drying wet spot around her, “You must really love me to go down on me even after I pissed the bed.” she purred, getting up on all fours to kiss Molly.


Molly giggled and pushed her aside, “Going down on your pissy pussy is one thing, but kissing that dumpster fire on animal haircut day at the zoo you call a mouth is too much.” she teased.


Stephanie propped herself up on one elbow, “When can we tell your parents about us?” she whined, jutting her bottom lip out to pout.


Molly rolled her eyes and crawled to the girl, “When I move out and don’t have to worry about curious toddlers or nosy parents finding a certain box in a certain closet that a certain someone definitely should’ve made a visit to last night before bed so that my mattress doesn’t look like Beckah and Jeremiah’s.” she said.


Stephanie increased her pout, “Well,” she huskily whispered, “maybe if a certain someone,” she lifted herself off her elbow and to her knees, “hadn’t forgotten to be a responsible Mommy,” she continued, leaning forward to put her face close to Molly’s, “and get her sweet, silly, helpless, widdle baby,” she kissed Molly’s lips softly, delighting in the shudder her lover experienced, “into a nice, thick-” she was cut off by Molly handily shoving her backward onto the bed.


“Do you have any idea how fucking obnoxiously adorable you are?” Molly asked in mock exasperation as she lightly pinned the girl’s wrists above her head as she straddled the chubbier girl’s stomach.


Stephanie giggled and pretended to try and release herself from Molly’s limp hold of her, “Y’know, I don’t pee this much.” she knowingly said.


Molly feigned shock, “Are you implying that I,” she began, raising up and placing a hand to her chest, “the mature and responsible Mommy in this relationship, wet the bed like some silly,” she lowered herself once more, returning her grip on Stephanie’s wrists, “helpless,” she moved her face in close to the girl’s neck, kissing softly upward below her ear, “widdle baby?” she whispered into her ear, getting the shudder of pleasure she was aiming for.


Stephanie mewled softly and slipped her arms free of Molly’s grip to hug her tightly before they began to passionately kiss one another, “I love you.” Stephanie said between flicks of their tongues exploring one another.


Molly moaned softly, “I love you more.” she huskily purred as kissing led to more activity that would require a shower to clean up.




Magic is unpredictable even under the best circumstances, but when magic is used during a time of stress or when emotions are clouded with anger or lust or jealousy, spells can go awry. Cecilia had designs on being happily married to Jason, changing Hannah into their biological daughter rather than Jason’s wife, and doing the same with the other kids, the thing is, Cecilia didn’t know that people in the house had switched bodies and magic tried to fill in some blanks based on current conditions which is like doing a Madlib with a wildly unpredictable child that wants ‘fart’ to be every third word.


The presence of diapers on not just Molly, the toddler with her mother’s consciousness inside her, but on Hannah, the mother with Molly’s consciousness inside her, and on Beckah, the young woman with her father’s consciousness inside her who was being punished by his family for being a cheating asshole that never lifted a finger around the house dictated that diapers were kind of a big deal in the house, so the spell made them commonplace and created new backstories for everyone to fit that narrative.


Hannah did become Cecilia and Jason’s biological daughter, but with her consciousness being in a toddler’s body at the time the spell hit and with how regressed Molly was by her mother’s actions, the spell manifested Hannah as a newborn in mind and an adult in body.


Beckah and Jeremiah became twins the age Molly had been because the spell wanted Cecilia to be the mother of all four children, and if Hannah was recently born and Molly was eighteen, then the spell filled in the timeline by making the assumption that Beckah and Jeremiah had been conceived to fill a void that Cecilia had been feeling with Molly getting older with Hannah coming along shortly after as an accident.


Jason became the deviant diaper fetishist on the road to a life of submission and degradation at the hands of his wife/Mommy because everyone thought negatively of him when the spell hit, resenting him for his lies and affairs and planned to trap him in Molly’s toddler girl body to maximize his punishment and humiliation.


You’re probably wondering who I am to be explaining all of this to you like a storyteller that lacks confidence in the coherence of their narrative, going out of their way to try and cover every question you might have rather than trusting that things will work out, well, I’m the demon that Cecilia summoned and made her wish to, and since I kind of created this whole mess this family is in now, I’ll help out where I can by pulling you aside from time to time and setting some things straight. Anyway, let’s check in on Cecilia!




The car was blessedly silent with the kids now at the sitter’s for the day, and Cecilia smiled as she pulled into the parking lot of her office, checking herself in the mirror, pushing aside some errant strands of her ebony hair and making sure she didn’t have spit up stains from Hannah anywhere on her blouse before leaving her car for the front door of the building.


Cecilia had, prior to her wish for a family and marriage to Jason, had wished to be successful, so she was the highest paid secretary in the office and strutted into work like she owned the place, which in hindsight, she should’ve wished to, but she was Jason’s secretary and she didn’t, at least not when she’d made the wish, want to have a position above him.


Her wish for marriage and family had shifted the working relationship of the pair as much as it had their home life, benefiting Cecilia far more than it did Jason. Where before, Jason would give her tasks to do to aid him and reward her by fucking her on his desk or tucking her away beneath it to blow him while he was on long conference calls, now she dictated his duties and allowed him to crawl under the desk to satisfy her when his voice or appearance wasn’t needed.


“Good morning, sweetie.” she chirped as she entered his office without knocking.


Jason’s cheeks flushed, “Good morning.” he said in his most professional tone.


She smiled at him and made her way around his desk to set the folder she was carrying down onto it, “These all need your signature,” she explained as she opened the folder, “and then you have a call with Mike in Cincinnati at eleven, but I need you to make it a short one because Mommy forgot her breast pump and you know what that means.” she said in a bubbly singsong voice.


He did know what that meant and felt himself stiffen beneath the desk, “Yes, Mommy.” he said quietly.


She smiled, “It means Mommy’s big important business man gets a nummy titty lunch today!” she cooed, luxuriating in his discomfort as she watched him look to the door for signs that anyone might be able to hear her. She kissed the top of his head and made her way out of the office to her desk outside, sitting down in the chair that was far more luxurious than his and turned on her computer and began to daydream.


She wished she could kill the silly charade they had to go through at the office, the practiced dance of professionalism that she knew he hated. She wished she could take his office as her own and set him up with a little desk beside hers for him to color pictures for her at, maybe dress him up in a cute little onesie that looked like a collared shirt and tie except for the bulging diaper around his waist. Her hand slipped beneath her skirt as she imagined dressing him up like a cute little secretary, his pretty sissy diaper peeking out beneath his skirt, his makeup done to resemble the work of a toddler as he tried to walk around in heels.


“Cecilia?” a man’s voice asked.


She opened her eyes to see Jason’s boss standing in front of her desk and composed herself, “Sorry, Mr. Harris, long night with the baby.” she lied.


He smiled and nodded, his dimples driving her wild, “It’s fine, honestly, being back here so soon after the birth, you do whatever you need to do to be comfortable, alright?” he said, placing a hand on hers.


She smiled up at him and placed her hand on his, “So kind.” she said, her mind going further with the conversation, reeling him in for what she had planned.


“Is Jason busy?” he asked, taking his hand back.


She shook her head, “Just signing some documents.” she told him.


He nodded and headed into the office behind her.


Cecilia imagined her diapered sissy secretary taking notes with her crayons as she watched Mommy straddling Mr. Harris in the chair, moaning loudly as the younger man pumped her up and down for longer than Jason ever had if you combined all of his sexual run times. Then she imagined the sissy licking her clean when they were done and crying when she had to do the same for Mr. Harris’ massive cock, her diaper yellowing as she licked and sucked, bringing him back to arousal as she urged him to take her secretary while she watched.


She was glad she kept liners in her panties in case of post pregnancy dribbles because she absolutely would’ve ruined the seat of her chair and her skirt with what felt like buckets of arousal for the scenario she imagined.




Jeremiah shook his head, “You do it.” he whispered to Beckah.


Beckah stood on her tiptoes and peered over the fence of the babysitter’s backyard to the neighbor’s beyond, spying the ball that Jeremiah had accidentally bounced over there a moment earlier, “Don’t be such a baby!” she teased.


Jeremiah pouted, “I’m not being a baby, it’s just that that’s the witch’s house.” he said in a hushed whisper.


Beckah turned to him, “Mommy says there’s no such thing as witches.” she chided.


“Well, you can’t climb the fence anyway, so let’s just go inside and tell Ms. Penelope the ball went over there.” he told her, turning to do just that.


Beckah grabbed her brother’s wrist and pulled him back to her, “I need you to keep lookout while I go in and get the ball.” she said, guiding him to where she’d been standing as she made her way to the area behind the bushes where the loose fence board was. A big girl like her didn’t crawl anymore, but she had to to get behind the bush and to the loose fence board was, she just hoped she didn’t get to dirty and earn a spanking from Mommy later because of it. Finding the board, she looked back at her brother and smiled and gave a thumbs up to him before shifting the board and shimmying through to the other yard.


In comparison to Ms. Penelope’s yard, the not witch’s yard was like a horror movie, she guessed, Mommy never let her and Jeremiah watch those kinds of movies, but the shadow from the big gnarled oak at the end of the yard made it darker and cooler than the yard she’d been in drenched in warm sunlight. She rose to her feet and dusted herself off, smiling at how clean she still was and made her way across the yard to the ball that lay near the back stairs of the house, looking over at the top of her brother’s head on the other side of the fence, his eyes watching intently as she walked.


The house seemed massive and foreboding to her, making her feel very small and very afraid the closer she got to it and thankful that Ms. Penelope had had her and Jeremiah sit on the potty before they’d gone out to play otherwise she’d absolutely be dampening her pull up as she crept toward the stairs and bent down to pick up the ball.


A throat clearing to her left made her jump and drop the ball as she spun around to face the person standing there.


The woman on the back porch was gorgeous, older than Ms. Penelope, but younger looking than Mommy if Beckah had to guess. Her Auburn hair flowed over her shoulders like a waterfall, her olive skin was smooth and youthful, her features were elegant and lovely to look at and made Beckah aware that she was staring at the woman for some time before she found her voice, “Our ball-” she started to explain.


The woman nodded, “I know, Beckah.” she said calmly, taking a step forward, her bare feet making no sound as she moved across the aged wood floor.


Beckah furrowed her brow, “How did you-” she started to say.


Magic has a fingerprint, sweetheart, and you’ve got a very nasty one on you.” the woman said, “Jeremiah too.” she added, looking up at the boy with her green gray eyes and smiling when he ducked behind the fence quickly. She took another step forward, “Cecilia really made a mess of things, didn’t she?” she said, not really asking Beckah but more questioning the universe as a whole.


Beckah swallowed hard, “I’d better get my ball and go.” she said softly, bending and reaching for the ball without taking her eyes off the woman, not sure if she could if she wanted to.


Are you happy, Beckah?” the woman asked.


Beckah thought for a moment and then smiled politely and nodded, “Yes, Ma’am.” she said softly as she felt her hands close around the ball.


The woman descended the stairs and slowly reached out and placed a hand on top of Beckah’s head.


Flashes passed through Beckah’s mind, like someone flipping channels on the TV too fast to see or hear anything beyond snippets that didn’t go together. She saw herself not as a toddler, Jeremiah too, Molly as a toddler and Hannah as something more than the baby she was.


The woman removed her hand and smiled down at Beckah, “If you ever find yourself unhappy, let me know and I’ll do what I can to help you.” she said.


Beckah panted softly and dimly nodded, “Yes, Ma’am.” she said before turning and heading back to where she’d entered the yard.


Oh, and Beckah?” the woman called out to her.


Beckah turned to face the woman.


Use the front door next time.” the woman said with a warm smile, “A girl your age shouldn’t be crawling around in the dirt.” she added.


Beckah nodded and tossed the ball over the fence to her brother before looking back at the now empty porch and lowering herself to the ground to crawl back to Ms. Penelope’s yard.


To Be Continued...

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  • TheUnknownAuthor changed the title to The Importance Of Being Specific (Chapter Six Posted 9/23/22)

I was not enjoying this chapter until the very last section. But the addition of a witch who is apparently nice and knows everything could make things interesting...

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3 hours ago, Babytom948 said:

I think i'm lost now

I know, it's a lot, but I'll make it easy!

Hannah is the mom

Molly is the 4 year old daughter

Beckah is the 18 year old daughter

Jeremiah is the 14 year old son

Jason is the husband and father

Hannah wished on a fortune telling machine that she could switch places with her daughter, thinking Beckah but ending up switching places with Molly instead.

At the same time that Hannah made her wish, Jeremiah used his super smarts to rig up a way to switch people's minds and did so with Hannah and Molly and then again, by mistake, to switch Jason and Beckah

As it turns out, Jason was having an affair with Cecilia who happens to practice magic and wished to be married to Jason and that Hannah was also their daughter in addition to the rest of the kids.

Jeremiah had intended to switch everyone in the house around, but Cecilia's wish borked the whole house straight up and now:

Hannah is the adult sized infant daughter of Jason and Cecilia

Molly is the 18 year old daughter and also in a Mommy/baby relationship with her best friend Stephanie

Beckah is a teen sized 4 year old

Jeremiah is a teen sized 4 year old

Jason has all kinds of fetishes

Cecilia indulges her husband's fetishes but also has designs on pushing his boundaries

I think that's all the most important points, hope that helps! :)


1 hour ago, kerry said:

I was not enjoying this chapter until the very last section. But the addition of a witch who is apparently nice and knows everything could make things interesting...

It COULD, but at this point there's probably so many moving parts that nobody really cares, but yeah, nice witch that knows how things used to be is probably gonna be pretty helpful...or not, we'll see. :)

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It is obvious that the new witch will become the new fuse. I'm more interested in it. It seems that except that Hanna is an adult who has retained her body as a baby's mind, Jason has become a sissy diaper fetishist. All others have retained some of their memories when they changed their bodies, which may be able to awaken them through magic. And the part where Molly would wet the bed might have been transferred to her friend Stephanie? Therefore, it will show a strange mother daughter relationship. It is obvious that Cecilia is still an actor in this performance, so her wishes have not been fully met as she hoped. Everything is my guess and I look forward to the next story.

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  • TheUnknownAuthor changed the title to The Importance Of Being Specific (Chapter Eight Posted 11/1/22)

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