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Evelyn’s Regression - Chapter 10 Added

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Hailee heard her mother crying through the baby monitor, and as she was already used to it, she left her desk and went straight to the nursery. When she opened the door she was hit by the smell of a very stinky diaper, and, knowing how bizarre the situation was, she stood there for a minute, with her eyes scanning the woman sitting in her pink crib.

Her mother, who had been an elegant and beautiful woman just three months prior, was looking uncomfortable and with her eyes watery. Hailee knew she wanted a change, as if the smell wasn’t telling enough, but her mother’s eyes were saying something more. She could talk, if she needed something she could say it, but that’s not how babies work, is it? 

Hailee got closer to her, ready to be the grown up of the house. 

Chapter One 

Evelyn and Hailee couldn’t be more different from one another. The mother, Evelyn, was an English teacher at the local college. She was chubby, but at almost 40 years old and 5’7 feet, she was still looking young and attractive. Though, all eyes were on her daughter, who at 6’0 and only 19 years old was a towering woman with a stunning body. Hailee was into fitness, and her body was a testament to it, but she was more than just her look. She worked from home as a manager for a small but successful company, though her mother knew nothing about and she like to keep it that way.  

They had what could only be described as a difficult relationship, though you wouldn’t know by just looking at them interact in public. If there was something Hailee hated the most was public scenes, especially from teenagers or young adults, her peers. So, whenever her mother would piss her off, she would wait until they were home and try to talk things with her. Though, Evelyn wasn’t really interested in having calm or polite conversations, which made Hailee questioned who was the actual adult in the house. 

Now, you might be wondering what happened to make Evelyn end up in diapers at the mercy of her daughter?

Well, it all began three months ago, after Hailee turned 19, just a couple of months before Evelyn would turn 40.

Hailee woke up that morning, ready to hit the gym as she did every morning, it was not even 6 a.m, but that was her routine. She was already used to the fact that her mother would oversleep, whether it was constant drinking, the waking up late, or the toxic friends she would hang out with, Hailee knew that her mother was who she was at this point of life, and there wasn’t much she could do about it. 

So, she picked up her bag and left home as she did every week day. 

Almost two hours later, Evelyn woke up in her room almost crying her eyes out. She didn’t want to move, she knew what had happened. What had been happening for almost a month now, and she only wanted to be swallowed by the earth instead dealing with it. But, she had to get ready soon, and she couldn’t be late anymore, or things would get worse. 

She stood up, doing her best to ignore the smell and the cold touch of her PJs, and went straight to shower. It was lucky that she had her own bathroom attached to her room, or else she would risk being discovered by her daughter. However, when she entered her shower, she noticed she had run out of shampoo, again. With no time to get a new one, she left her room, completely naked and went to her daughter’s bathroom, taking Hailee’s shampoo and returning to her own bathroom. She turned the water one and let her worries be washed away by the stream of hot water.

Evelyn finished showering, got ready, opened a window in her room, and went straight to work. She would deal with her wet bed when she returned because she didn’t have the time nor the mental energy to deal with it right now. 

Just a couple of minutes after Evelyn left for work, Hailee arrived home in need of a shower. She went to her bathroom, hoping for a nice hot shower, but there was no shampoo. It couldn’t run out, she just got a new one, which meant only one thing, her mother had forgotten to get her her own and had come for hers. 

Hailee sighed, but knowing Evelyn should already be gone to work, she went to her mother’s bathroom to reclaim her precious shampoo. All the way thinking how irresponsible her mother was, but that stopped when she opened the door to Evelyn’s room.

The smell hit her like a punch in the face, a combination of ammonia and sweat, and something more. 

She had never babysit or been that close to a baby before, but the smell was too obvious to ignore. She went to her mother’s bed to find it completely soaked, and in her mother’s bathroom, she found her soaked clothes. There was no doubt about what had happened, and  her mother, responsible as she was, didn’t even clean after herself. 

Had her mother drink too much that sh peed herself? Why would she not even remove the sheets to wash them? Or do something with her soaked clothes? Seriously, some times she was worst that a baby. 

Hailee sighed, not knowing what to do, and left her mother’s room. She needed to do something, but what? Then, it hit her. She had an idea, she needed a plan, but that was her specialty. 


Hey guys, I’m working on role reversal stories. I have created a Patreon where this story is already finished, but I will be posting more chapters in here. What other scenarios you’d like to see? Let me know so that I can add them to the list. At the moment I’m working on two other stories: One about an older brother turned into a baby and the other about a father. My Patreon is https://www.patreon.com/LittlerWriter?fan_landing=true
If you join, I will be adding new stories weekly and you can even tell me if you want me to continue with Evelyn’s regression or you prefer something new! 

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Hey guys, I’m working on role reversal stories. I have created a Patreon where this story is already finished, but I will be posting more chapters in here. What other scenarios you’d like to see? Let me know so that I can add them to the list. At the moment I’m working on two other stories: One about an older brother turned into a baby and the other about a father. My Patreon is https://www.patreon.com/LittlerWriter?fan_landing=true
If you join, I will be adding new stories weekly and you can even tell me if you want me to continue with Evelyn’s regression or you prefer something new! 


Chapter Two

At work, Evelyn couldn’t think of anything but the last month and the many times she had almost peed herself while dictating her class. It was one thing to wet the bed, but an entire different issue to wet herself in front of her students, many of whom were the same age as her daughter. 

“Okay, so...” said Evelyn, clutching her tights, “That’s everything for today. Remember that the test will cover the entire second chapter of the book,” she kept saying as most of her students left. 
Well, all of them but one. 

Her star student, and a very handsome one to say the least, Michael. His dark hair and dark eyes were complement but his manly voice and, obviously, a  hot body. 

“Amazing class,” he said, smiling at her “You have so much knowledge of the Beat Generation. Who’s your favorite?” 

“I would have to say Kerouac, and it is a cliché, but his writing is so...,” she stopped, her bladder was screaming now, “Honest,” she finished, picking her things, “I’m afraid I have to go now, Michael, have some stuff to do.”

“Sure, I’ll see you around” 

Even if Evelyn enjoyed chatting with him as much as possible, she couldn’t help to notice that she was starting to drip a little into her panties. So, she said nothing else and left straight to the bathroom. 
“Fuck,” she muttered as she released her pee, noticing that she had indeed wet herself a bit. Not enough to be noticeable, but enough to make it uncomfortable to move around. 

Thank god, I’m wearing black pants and panties, she thought, trying to dry as much of her underwear with toilet paper as she could. Finally, when she felt it was good enough, she left the restroom and headed to her car. With every step she could feel her wet panties getting colder and colder, and more uncomfortable. She only hoped no one would be able to notice. 

Before she could reach her car, someone stopped her. 

“My, my, if it isn’t the hottest MILF in the world,” Evelyn heard and turned to see her friend, Brenda. 

She was slightly shorter than Evelyn herself, but her body was amazing, especially for a fifty year old teacher. Though, with all her drinking, her face was looking a bit older than her body, something Evelyn feared it would happen to her. But, nowadays, drinking was the only thing that kept her sane.

“How was your class? Oh, don’t tell me. Boring? But what about that exquisite specimen you teach?” 

“Shhh,” said Evelyn, blushing slowly as she noticed Michael also entering his car not too far from them. He was looking so hot, and she felt herself getting wet, though she was glad this time it was because of how horny she felt every time she saw her student. 

“Don’t worry. He didn’t hear. Though, if he did, I bet he would be interested” 

“How are you a teacher in here?” Asked Evelyn, chuckling, hoping Michael would actually try to do her. 

Brenda did something with her mouth that answered Evelyn’s question. 

“Everything is settled, we are going to Vegas the weekend of your birthday.,” said Brande getting closer to her friend, “We’ll get fucked all the way to your 41st birthday’

Evelyn only smiled, feeling her bladder getting full again. Fuck, she though, I just went to the bathroom. 

“That sounds good, though I haven’t told Hailee yet” 

“I mean, she can cum with us. If you know what...” 

“Stop. I know what you mean, and yuk” 

“Just kidding. Anyway, I still have one more class, so I’ll leave you to it,” said Brenda, spanking Evelyn’s butt. The impact made Evelyn let out some drops of pee in her panties. 

Brenda stopped, feeling her hand a bit wet. But that couldn’t be unless...unless Evelyn had peed herself. No, that’s not possible, not even her would do that unless she had drank more than usual. 
“Is everything okay?” Asked Evelyn, shyly. 

“Yeah, yeah, I’ll talk to you later. Love” said Brenda, leaving the parking lot. 

Evelyn got into her car, decided to hold her pee until she got home. Just a twenty minutes drive, that shouldn’t be too hard. Should it? 

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Hey guys, I’m working on role reversal stories. I have created a Patreon where this story is already finished, but I will be posting more chapters in here. What other scenarios you’d like to see? Let me know so that I can add them to the list. At the moment I’m working on two other stories: One about an older brother turned into a baby and the other about a father. My Patreon is https://www.patreon.com/LittlerWriter?fan_landing=true
If you join, I will be adding new stories weekly and you can even tell me if you want me to continue with Evelyn’s regression or you prefer something new! 

Chapter Three 

Traffic was the worst, especially around five, and as if traffic was not enough punishment, Evelyn’s bladder was desperate to release its contents. Just ten more minutes, Evelyn kept saying to herself, just wait ten more minutes please. But, there was no sign of movement and her bladder was just not having it. 

She start panicking when five minutes had passed and she had not moved one bit. 

Fuck, fuck, fuck, she kept saying, she had had closed calls in the car, but nothing as bad as what was happening. Evelyn kept cursing traffic until it began moving slowly, which let her see the small accident that had had stopped traffic for so long. 

She could make it. She was a responsible adult, and adults didn’t pee their pants. Or at least that’s what she thought, but right as she entered the corner of her block, her bladder gave up. Evelyn stopped the car suddenly as her pee began filling her car’s seat, falling down the side and into the car’s floor. As the pee kept falling, her tears began appearing. She cried like a baby would. she cried for comfort and help, but knew no one would come to her rescue. She must have spent minutes crying on the side of the road with her pants wet, ‘cause she only stopped when the warmth against her skin had turned cold. 

Keep it together, he kept saying to herself, be an adult. Though, what kind of adult would piss her pants twice in one day? 

Evelyn began driving again until she got home. Though, she was unsure of how she would get inside without being noticed. Luckily for her, when she opened the door to the house she wasn’t met by her daughter’s voice nor her presence. 

She sighed, she got lucky this time. 

The first thing she did at home was clean herself, then her car, and finally her bedroom, which was already stinking too much. With a lot of effort, she managed to make her mattress stop smelling like a baby’s mattress, and when she finished, she sat down in front of the TV in the living room, filled a glass of wine, and turned the TV on to find one her favorite shows. 

At that precise moment, not far from there, Hailee was walking back home but she wasn’t sure if she wanted to go through with her plan. After all, even if her mother was a wrecked, it was still her mother, and she was supposed to respect her. Though, how could she respect a woman that could barely take care of herself? How could she respect a woman that would irresponsibly drink whenever life got difficult? How could she respect someone that would wet her bed, and not even clean after herself right away? 
These thoughts flooded Hailee’s mind as she opened the door, only to fin her mom slept on the couch with her glass of wine spilled on the floor, again. Hailee closed the door and got closer to her mother. There she was, almost forty, sleeping like a baby, and, as she suspected, with her pants completely soaked. 

No more doubt, Hailee was going to act now. She would have to leave home again, but if she succeeded, things would change dramatically. The question now was, how would her mother take it. 

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I like the story of relationship reversal very much, especially the relationship reversal between sisters / siblings / mother and daughter. Unfortunately, there are too few stories between mother and daughter. I look forward to your continued creation!

I hope to see Evelyn dressed up as a Disney Princess around the age of 6 and completely reared as a little girl!

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Hey guys, I’m working on role reversal stories. I have created a Patreon where this story is already finished, but I will be posting more chapters in here. What other scenarios you’d like to see? Let me know so that I can add them to the list. At the moment I’m working on two other stories: One about an older brother turned into a baby, one about an older sister, and the other about a father. My Patreon is https://www.patreon.com/LittlerWriter?fan_landing=true
If you join, I will be adding new stories weekly and you can even tell me if you want me to continue with Evelyn’s regression or you prefer something new! 

Chapter Four 

Evelyn woke up, and her heart stopped. 

No, no, no, she kept saying to herself, as her hands began feeling her wet clothes and the wet couch. She wanted to cry again, but that’s when she noticed it, Hailee sitting opposite to her. 

“Hi mom,” she said, calmly, like a grownup finding a toddler in a difficult position “Are you okay?” 

“Hailee,” said Evelyn, almost out of breath, “I’m fine, I thought you were going to stay out late with your friends” 

“It’s already past twelve” 

“Well, why aren’t you sleeping already?” 

Hailee only smiled. 

“Maybe, if it had only been the wine spilled on the ground and the broken glass, I would’ve just leave you to it” she said, towering over her mother with only her presence, “But the smell of your pee is too terrible to ignore. You should start drinking more water” 

“Pee?” Evelyn chuckled, pretending not to know what her daughter was talking about, “I’m afraid I’m not following” 

“Oh, I’ll put it in words you can understand then. Baby Evelyn went potty in her pants. Is that better?” 

“I will not tolerate your sarcasm young lady” said Evelyn, standing up and feeling her cold soaked clothes against her skin.

But, even standing straight, Evelyn was shorter than Hailee, and her daughter’s fitness routine had payed off. She was built like an athlete compared to Evelyn’s wobbly bits and slightly chunky face.

 “You go to your room,” said Evelyn, mustering all her rage and frustration, trying to intimidate her daughter. 

Hailee only smiled, “I don’t think so. You see mom,” she said, holding Evelyn by the wrist, “I think it is time for some changes around here, especially where it concerns our relationship. For years I’ve been worrying about you. After dad died, you stopped being yourself. Drinking, being irresponsible with your work, going out with those dead-beat friends of yours. But I said nothing out of respect. Now I understand that I have to do this, not because I respect you, because I love you” 

Evelyn did not understand what was said, or that was until Hailee sat down and placed her against her lap. The first swap was enough to make the grownup feel like the smallest and most pathetic creature in the world, and as it kept going, she felt herself crying like the toddler her daughter claimed she was. She couldn’t stop it, she tried, but Hailee’s strength was too much for her. 
Once she finished, Hailee removed her mother’s soaked clothes and began caressing her mother’s butt.

“It’s okay,” she said to the crying 39 year old, “It’s okay. If you are good and listen, I won’t have to do it again. Understood?” 

Evelyn just kept crying, though she had to admit that the caressing was helping with the pain.


In fear, Evelyn peed herself a little more.

She nodded. 

“I want you to say, yes mommy” said Hailee, “Now, do you understand?” 

Evelyn didn’t answer, which made Haile place her back on her lap. But, before she could start spanking her again...

“Please mommy, I’ll be good” said Evelyn, sealing her fate. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys, I’m working on role reversal stories. I have created a Patreon where this story is already finished, but I will be posting more chapters in here. What other scenarios you’d like to see? Let me know so that I can add them to the list. At the moment I’m working on two other stories: One about an older brother turned into a baby, one about an older sister, and the other about a father. My Patreon is https://www.patreon.com/LittlerWriter?fan_landing=true
If you join, I will be adding new stories weekly and you can even tell me if you want me to continue with Evelyn’s regression or you prefer something new! 


Chapter Five 


Hailee took her mother to her bathroom, where a hot bath awaited her. She deposited the 39-year-old woman there as if she handling a toddler. Even going as far as to give her some rubber ducks to play with. Evelyn, however, seemed to just be broken inside and rejected the toys. But, that didn't discourage Hailee. She also got naked and got inside the bathtub with her new baby. She cleaned Evelyn, paying extra attention to her butt and special parts, knowing they had already been resting in pee for hours. 

When she finished, she left the bath and got dried. 

It was at that moment that Evelyn noticed the difference between her daughter and her. Hailee was already taller, and she knew that, but her body seemed to have been carved by the gods. Not only could she see her muscles and low-fat abs, but her breasts were massive and perky, and her butt was round and classy. Not even at her best had Evelyn looked that way, making her feel even smaller than the bath and spanking combined. Her daughter was a grownup and looked like one, and she felt like a toddler comparing herself to her mommy. 

Once Hailee was dried, she helped her mother out and dried her too. Evelyn felt a tingling sensation when she started drying her butt and parts but said nothing and hoped Hailee hadn't noticed. 

Then, Hailee took her mother by the hand and led her to the room. 

Evelyn stood in shock as soon as the door opened. 

"No, no, please. I'll be better," said Evelyn with her eyes on the package of diapers lying on her bed. Besides them, a small, babyish skirt and what seemed to be a pink adult onesie with the words I Love Mommy, "I will not wear that. It was just one accident." 

Hailee pulled her inside the room. 

"Just one accident?" She asked, placing her mother on the bed, "Just one accident? Are you lying to mommy?" 

Evelyn froze. 

"I...I...I swear it was just this time." 

"So you haven't been wetting the bed for the last couple of weeks? Your room does not stink to pee because of that? What could it be then?" 

Evelyn felt like crying again as her daughter placed the diaper under her butt, carefully spread some baby powder around her special parts, and closed the nappy. 

"I can't believe the first time I'm changing a diaper is to my own mother, and not because of old age," said Hailee, finishing her mother and helping her get inside the onesie. "I think I did an outstanding job, don't you think?" 

Evelyn didn't answer. She just sat in bed, looking at herself in the mirror. Instead of an almost 40-year-old woman, she saw an overgrown baby. Her hair was put in pigtails for the final touch, and her shame was completed. She thought about Michael and what he would say if he ever saw her like this. She thought about Brenda and how she would react if she saw her. And then, she began crying again. 

Hailee reacted almost immediately. 

She carried her mother, though with a little difficulty given her size and weight, but still, she managed to do it. She moved her around in her arms the way parents do with babies. After some minutes, Evelyn felt better; soon, she was fast asleep in her daughter's arms. 


Chapter Six


Evelyn woke up in her room, disorientated but rested. She was glad there was no pee in her bed this time. However, that was only until she remembered what had happened. There it was, between her legs, the completely soaked diaper she was wearing under her pink onesie. It was already morning, so she stood, decided to take a shower, and start her day, putting behind the nightmare of the previous night. Luckily, it was already Saturday, and she had no classes or other responsibilities. She could just rest and avoid Hailee all day if necessary. 

But, before she could start removing her soaked diaper and pink onesie, her door opened. 

Hailee went in, holding some baby powder and a bag full of adult diapers. Like the day before, she looked stunning and towering; Evelyn couldn't help but feel like the toddler her daughter claimed her to be. 

"Good morning, little one," said Hailee, "I see you are wet." 

"How did...?" Muttered Evelyn. 

"Your onesie is sagging. Big time" 

"I...I was gonna take a shower."

"Oh, well, it's not your fault. I forgot to explain the new rules."


"Yes, rules," said Hailee, sitting in her mother's bed and calling her to sit by her side, "Come to me, baby"

Evelyn did as told, though she felt her legs heavy with every step she took toward her daughter. She sat, her soggy and wet diaper pressing against her skin. She felt a shiver going through her body. 

"Do you know why I'm doing this to you?"

Cause I peed myself, Evelyn thought, but she didn't answer. She only shook her head while staring at her feet. 

"Since dad passed away, you've been acting irresponsibly. I thought it was your way of coping with it. Still, I was hoping you would move on," said Hailee, holding her mother's chin so they could look each other in the eyes, "But things have actually gotten worse. Well, most people are like that if it was just the lateness, messiness, or the drinking. I don't like it, but it is what it is. The pee, though."

Evelyn felt like crying again; everything her daughter was saying was true. That's when she began feeling a rumble in her tummy, which could only mean one thing. She hoped Hailee would end soon so she could go straight to the bathroom, but her daughter kept going. 

"That was the straw that broke the camel's back. How can I respect you, my mother, if you are peeing yourself in your sleep? Apparently, peeing your car too. And now, sitting next to me wearing a wet diaper. Don't you feel this as something more natural?"

Evelyn began crying again. 

"You don't have to pretend to be an adult again. You will have no more responsibilities around the house but being a good girl, and I think even you could manage that." Said Hailee, pulling her mother towards her and embracing her the way a mother would do to an upset child. 

Evelyn was feeling like a failure of a mother. She didn't want to admit to her daughter that it did feel more natural. But, her body chose to answer for her. It was first a wet fart that made Hailee chuckle, and Evelyn cried even more. Then, her bowels gave up, and she felt the mushy warmth of her own poo filling her already soggy diaper. She began crying even harder, like a baby, and Hailee knew what was going on. 

She did not push her mother away. She embraced her even closer as she filled her diaper. When she was finished, she carried her again, the way she had done the day before, and kissed her forehead. 

"It's okay. It's okay, baby. I will take care of you." 

She took her mother to the bathroom and began undressing her- First the onesie, to reveal a completely soggy brown diaper already starting to leak. Evelyn did nothing as her mommy began to remove her diaper. The smell was too much, but none said a word about it. The poo sticking to her butt and special parts were hard to remove, so Hailee didn't even try. She placed her mother in the shower and turned on the hot water. When the poo was gone and her mother was clean, she dried her and took her back to the room, where she placed a fresh diaper on her and dressed her in a baby blue onesie. 

As for Evelyn, this was her life now. She was no longer the mother but the baby of the family, her daughter's baby. 

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A good story! Looking forward to the process of Evelyn being dressed as a little girl by Hailey, although it is a little big for her height, I believe she will be very cute in the princess skirt, Princess one-piece dress and Princess swimsuit of the little girl!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys, I’m working on role reversal stories. I have created a Patreon where this story is already finished, but I will be posting more chapters in here. What other scenarios you’d like to see? Let me know so that I can add them to the list. Get access to all Evelyn’s Regression chapters, From Fatherhood to Babyhood, and more, including some Patreon exclusives. My Patreon is https://www.patreon.com/LittlerWriter?fan_landing=true
If you join, I will be adding new stories weekly and you can even tell me if you want me to continue with Evelyn’s regression or you prefer something new! 


Chapter Six


Evelyn woke up in her room, disorientated but rested. She was glad there was no pee in her bed this time. However, that was only until she remembered what had happened. There it was, between her legs, the completely soaked diaper she was wearing under her pink onesie. It was already morning, so she stood, decided to take a shower, and start her day, putting behind the nightmare of the previous night. Luckily, it was already Saturday, and she had no classes or other responsibilities. She could just rest and avoid Hailee all day if necessary. 

But, before she could start removing her soaked diaper and pink onesie, her door opened. 

Hailee went in, holding some baby powder and a bag full of adult diapers. Like the day before, she looked stunning and towering; Evelyn couldn't help but feel like the toddler her daughter claimed her to be. 

"Good morning, little one," said Hailee, "I see you are wet." 

"How did...?" Muttered Evelyn. 

"Your onesie is sagging. Big time" 

"I...I was gonna take a shower."

"Oh, well, it's not your fault. I forgot to explain the new rules."


"Yes, rules," said Hailee, sitting in her mother's bed and calling her to sit by her side, "Come to me, baby"

Evelyn did as told, though she felt her legs heavy with every step she took toward her daughter. She sat, her soggy and wet diaper pressing against her skin. She felt a shiver going through her body. 

"Do you know why I'm doing this to you?"

Cause I peed myself, Evelyn thought, but she didn't answer. She only shook her head while staring at her feet. 

"Since dad passed away, you've been acting irresponsibly. I thought it was your way of coping with it. Still, I was hoping you would move on," said Hailee, holding her mother's chin so they could look each other in the eyes, "But things have actually gotten worse. Well, most people are like that if it was just the lateness, messiness, or the drinking. I don't like it, but it is what it is. The pee, though."

Evelyn felt like crying again; everything her daughter was saying was true. That's when she began feeling a rumble in her tummy, which could only mean one thing. She hoped Hailee would end soon so she could go straight to the bathroom, but her daughter kept going. 

"That was the straw that broke the camel's back. How can I respect you, my mother, if you are peeing yourself in your sleep? Apparently, peeing your car too. And now, sitting next to me wearing a wet diaper. Don't you feel this as something more natural?"

Evelyn began crying again. 

"You don't have to pretend to be an adult again. You will have no more responsibilities around the house but being a good girl, and I think even you could manage that." Said Hailee, pulling her mother towards her and embracing her the way a mother would do to an upset child. 

Evelyn was feeling like a failure of a mother. She didn't want to admit to her daughter that it did feel more natural. But, her body chose to answer for her. It was first a wet fart that made Hailee chuckle, and Evelyn cried even more. Then, her bowels gave up, and she felt the mushy warmth of her own poo filling her already soggy diaper. She began crying even harder, like a baby, and Hailee knew what was going on. 

She did not push her mother away. She embraced her even closer as she filled her diaper. When she was finished, she carried her again, the way she had done the day before, and kissed her forehead. 

"It's okay. It's okay, baby. I will take care of you." 

She took her mother to the bathroom and began undressing her- First the onesie, to reveal a completely soggy brown diaper already starting to leak. Evelyn did nothing as her mommy began to remove her diaper. The smell was too much, but none said a word about it. The poo sticking to her butt and special parts were hard to remove, so Hailee didn't even try. She placed her mother in the shower and turned on the hot water. When the poo was gone and her mother was clean, she dried her and took her back to the room, where she placed a fresh diaper on her and dressed her in a baby blue onesie. 

As for Evelyn, this was her life now. She was no longer the mother but the baby of the family, her daughter's baby.

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Hey guys, I’m working on role reversal stories. I have created a Patreon where this story is already finished, but I will be posting more chapters in here. What other scenarios you’d like to see? Let me know so that I can add them to the list. Get access to all Evelyn’s Regression chapters, From Fatherhood to Babyhood, and more, including some Patreon exclusives. My Patreon is https://www.patreon.com/LittlerWriter?fan_landing=true
If you join, I will be adding new stories weekly and you can even tell me if you want me to continue with Evelyn’s regression or you prefer something new! 


Also, sorry for posting the same chapter twice lol Now two chapters as a treat! :D 


Chapter Seven 


"Okay, let's try again," said Hailee, sitting in the bed with Evelyn in her lap, "We didn't really get to the rules, did we?" 

Evelyn shook her head. 

"Well, obviously, the first rule is that you will call me mommy. No matter who is around or where we are at. Understood?" 

"But, what about at..." Evelyn wanted to protest, but Hailee shut her up.

"No matter who is around. I know you are a small, little baby, but it shouldn't be too difficult to understand that. Now, do you understand?" 

Evelyn nodded. 

"I want you to use your word." 

"I understand, mommy," said Evelyn, burying her face against her daughter's perfect breasts. 

"There, there, look, I'm doing this because I love you, mom, though I think calling you mom at this point will feel weird. So, you'll be baby Evy or baby Evelyn if you misbehaved," She said, holding her mother close to her, wondering how far she could push her into her new babyhood. 

When Evelyn was feeling more comfortable, she continued. 

"The next rule is a bit tough but important. You are not allowed to go to the bathroom as long as you are home. You will go to work like normal, for now. But once you come back is diapers, onesies, and everything I choose for you. Is that understood?" 

Evelyn was glad she didn't have to wear diapers outside her home, but the idea of not being able to go to the bathroom at all seemed too far. 

"What if I need to go potty for number two?" She said, surprising herself and Hailee with how babyish her answer was. 

Hailee smiled. 

"You already pooped yourself in your diaper. I think that's enough of an answer." 

Evelyn felt ashamed and pathetic again. She was about to turn 40. How could she be sitting in her daughter's lap, wearing only a diaper and a onesie, and listening to her many accidents? 

"The last two rules I do because I care about you. You are not allowed to go out again. From now on, you come straight home to be my baby. And the last rule, nor more drinking. I mean it." 

"But my birthday..."

"Not buts. Babies only drink their mommy's milk, which at this moment is not possible, but soon."

Soon, thought Evelyn, what did she mean for that? But before she could ask, Hailee stood up, carrying her with no problem, and took her down to the living room. She could not believe it. In her living room, where once was her favorite reclinable chair, now stood a big playpen filled with toys, dolls, and other babyish items. 

"What do you think?"


"As I said before, there will be no more responsibilities for you. So, while mommy cleans, cooks, and works, you'll be in your playpen. I can even put on Encanto or Coco for you while you play. I know you like them." 

Evelyn felt like walking out, she wanted to stand up for herself, but she didn't. Her bladder let go, and she allowed her daughter to get her inside her new prison. 


Chapter Eight 


Evelyn watched Encanto first. She had to admit that she did enjoy the movie; then it was time for Coco, though before Hailee could put the other movie, she placed her hands on her mother's diaper. Wet already, but it could take a little more. 

"Ready for Coco?" She asked. 

Evelyn only nodded, accepting Hailee's offer of a coke-filled baby bottle. She was glad it wasn't just milk or something less tasty. She was given some chips to snack on while watching the movie, and then Hailee left her alone in her playpen again. 

In Evelyn's mind, if she could prove that she was a good girl, she could regain her mother's status in the house. But, to do so, she needed to stop having accidents and be on her best behavior. That shouldn't be too hard. She was an adult, after all. 

Time passed, and before she could think about it, the movie was at its climax. But that's when she felt a familiar sensation in her tummy, and it was a strong one. She tried to stand up and leave the playpen, but the bars were too tall for her, and her soggy diaper didn't help at all. The cold sweats started, and she knew if she didn't make it to the bathroom right away, she would have another accident, and she wanted to avoid that as much as possible. So, she climbed the playpen bars, using all of her strength to get out, which she almost did, but that's when Hailee got back into the room. 

"What do you think you are doing?" She asked with a severe tone. 

Evelyn didn't know what to say, but her body did. Once again, she let out a wet fart, followed by another one and another one. She felt herself beginning to cry, and she fell back inside her playpen. The fall was enough to let loose everything inside of her. The mushy and warm poo began feeling every part of her diaper, making her more uncomfortable as she cried her eyes out. When she had finished disgracing herself, her bladder released its contents. She was left in a poodle of her own making, hoping her diaper would hold. 

She cried. She cried like a baby would. She wanted to be clean and be done with it. 

"Mommy," she said in between sobs of despair, "Mommy." 

Hailee looked down at her mom, sitting on her own shit and crying like a real one-year-old. A part of her felt bad for what she was doing to her mother, but another one felt a strong urge to hold her until she felt safe. After all, a grownup woman wouldn't be crying because she messed her diaper, only a baby would, and her mother was only a baby now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys, I’m working on role reversal stories. I have created a Patreon where this story is already finished, but I will be posting more chapters in here. What other scenarios you’d like to see? Let me know so that I can add them to the list. Get access to all Evelyn’s Regression chapters, From Fatherhood to Babyhood, and more, including some Patreon exclusives. My Patreon is https://www.patreon.com/LittlerWriter?fan_landing=true
If you join, I will be adding new stories weekly and you can even tell me if you want me to continue with Evelyn’s regression or you prefer something new! 


Chapter Nine 


The rest of the weekend went by as expected, at least to Hailee. Her mother had constantly failed to keep her dignity, peeing and pooping herself multiple times a day and crying whenever it happened. It hadn't even been a week, and her mother was already acting like the baby Hailee knew she was. But, Monday was here, and Evelyn would have to go to work soon. 

"Good morning, baby," said Hailee, waking up her mother. 

"Morning," she said, still half asleep. 

"It's time to wake up. We need to get you ready for work, remember?" 

"But..." Evelyn said, thinking about all the accidents she's been having in the last couple of days. Would she be able to go through an entire class without one? 

"But what?" Asked Hailee. 

"I don't want to go," she said, like a little child not wanting to go to school. 

"You have to, though. Unless you want our little arrangement to become more permanent," said Hailee, helping her mother off the bed.


"Well, the only time you'll be out of diapers and pretending to be an adult is at work. So, if you don't want to work anymore, I don't see any reason to keep pretending at all. You'll be my baby 24/7. How does that sound?" She asked, smiling and kissing her mother on the forehead. 

"No," said Evelyn, getting angry at the whole situation again, "I'm not a baby." 

"Then prove it. Stand up, let's get you ready, and pretend to be an adult at least for a couple of hours today." 

"I will," said Evelyn, "I'm an adult. I don't have to pretend." 

Hailee only stared at her soggy wet diaper, knowing that her mother hadn't even realized she had wet herself in her sleep again. 

"Tell you what. If you can go the entire week to work, on time, like a responsible adult, and come back home to honor our agreement. I'll think about allowing you to be an adult once more," said Hailee, thinking just how ridiculous her mother would look if she had an accident in front of her classroom, "What do you say?" 

Evelyn nodded, "Deal. Get ready to stop changing diapers soon." 

"We'll see," said Hailee, carrying her mother as if she was nothing but an infant, "Now, let's get you ready." 

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  • TheLittleWriter changed the title to Evelyn’s Regression - Chapter 9 Added

Oh I think I have seen Evelyn's incontinence in front of her students. It will be a greater humiliation, especially when she cries like a baby after incontinence. This may make Evelyn never want to go to work again. She just wants to be her mother's baby girl. She only needs to drink milk and urinate without taking any responsibility.

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  • 4 weeks later...


Hey guys, I’m working on role reversal stories. I have created a Patreon where this story is already finished, but I will be posting more chapters in here. What other scenarios you’d like to see? Let me know so that I can add them to the list. Get access to all Evelyn’s Regression chapters, From Fatherhood to Babyhood, and more, including some Patreon exclusives. My Patreon is https://www.patreon.com/LittlerWriter?fan_landing=true
If you join, I will be adding new stories weekly and you can even tell me if you want me to continue with Evelyn’s regression or you prefer something new! 


Chapter Ten

Evelyn stepped into her car and decided to show her daughter that she was the mother and she was a responsible grownup. She went straight to work, arriving early for the first time in years. She sat at her desk, waiting for her class to arrive, thinking about how she had spent her weekend. Did she actually let her daughter put her in diapers and onesies? Did she actually have all those accidents? Now, sitting at her desk, wearing an adult woman's clothes, she kept wondering what was wrong with her.

But, before she could delve into her thoughts longer, she heard a familiar voice.

"What a surprise," said Michael, looking as handsome as always with that beautiful smile, "I don't think I've ever seen you this early here. A nice surprise, to be honest."

"Oh, hi, Michael," said Evelyn, blushing.

"How was your weekend?"

Evelyn froze for a second. She had spent her weekend pissing, messing herself, and letting her daughter deal with it. But that's obviously not something she could tell Michael.

"Just some quality time with my daughter," she said, and it wasn't a lie.

"Cool," said Michael, sitting as the rest of the class started to arrive.

The first thirty minutes went by fast. Evelyn talked about Jane Austen and her favorite book by her. She felt like a mature woman, but that was about to change quickly. When the class was arriving at its second half, she began feeling a familiar pressure on her tummy.

Evelyn stopped all of a sudden. She needed the bathroom and soon. She stopped talking in the middle of a sentence and gave her first step towards the door. But, her body had other plans.

As soon as she moved, she let out a loud wet fart.

Everyone started laughing, "I'm sorry. I'm not feeling too well." Said Evelyn, blushing and panicking.

She tried to move again. This time the fart was louder and bigger, and probably something more than just a fart. The students laughed, all but Michael, who had his eyes on Evelyn's pants. He had a younger sister, and part of him thought about her as he saw Evelyn trying her best to reach the door.

One more step, but it was over.

Evelyn squatted right in front of her students, allowing her butthole to relax and letting everything she had inside out. It was a soft, mushy poo that found its way around her panties and into her pants.

No one laughed this time, no one said a thing, and the only thing one could hear was Evelyn's bowels release it and her desperate cry.

For her, it felt like an eternity, and once it was over, she just wanted her mommy to come to clean her. But she wasn't anywhere near, making her cry even harder. For the students, however, it was a bizarre show. A forty-year-old woman crying like a baby because she had just filled her pants. All of them, in silence, neither moved except Michael.

He stood up, got closer to the crying woman, and held her hand.

"It's okay," he said, "Come with me."

Evelyn didn't know what to do, so she just obeyed. She let herself be led outside the classroom, outside the school, and into Michael's car. He put a plastic bag on the back seat and sat her there.

"Where do you live?" He asked.

Evelyn didn't answer. She was still sobbing, and now sitting, she could feel the mushy warmth against her skin. What had she done?

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  • TheLittleWriter changed the title to Evelyn’s Regression - Chapter 10 Added

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