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Anyone try a binky instead of a CPAP?

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I've been using a CPAP for years, and while it does help me sleep better, lately it has been more of a noisy annoyance. I'm wondering if a binky would help me stop snoring so that the Mrs & I could sleep better.

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I have used one with my CPAP when my mask only covered my nose. It helped me to breathe through the nose instead of through my mouth and it did stop the snoring. I also would wake without the dried mouth I used to get. However, I did switch to a mask that covers my mouth and that has been better all around. No snoring.

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It's two totally different things for people with sleep apnea.  The thing is, you have airways that don't get good enough air when sleeping and that can cause you to stop breathing.  When I had my sleep apnea test a few years ago they discovered I had stopped breathing for over 10 full seconds 57 times in one hour.  When I had knee replacement surgery the nurses the next morning said they were scared to death because I would stop breathing all night long and then were never sure I would start up again.  That lack of oxygen can cause a person with sleep apnea to have a stroke or heart attack.

A CPAP provides a constant air pressure to your lungs and helps keep you breathing all night.  My pulmonologist said after a person starts using a CPAP they want the episodes down to between 2 and 3 a night.  Mine went down to one.  While sucking on a "binky" all night may or may not help stop you from snoring, if you have sleep apnia a pacifier is no substitute for a CPAP as it does not help aid a person's ability to breath when sleeping and could possibly have the opposite effect by hindering your attempts to get air in your lungs by obstructing your mouth from breathing in air.  I use a pillow mask that fits in your nostrils and not over your nose and mouth and it's impossible to snore with it.

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Thanks to all who responded. I'd forgotten about the air pressure thing. Good reason to stay with my cpap. I've ordered a pillow style mask, instead of my usual nose cover. I'll see how well that works.

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5 hours ago, WetDad said:

Thanks to all who responded. I'd forgotten about the air pressure thing. Good reason to stay with my cpap. I've ordered a pillow style mask, instead of my usual nose cover. I'll see how well that works.

The thing is, with a pillow mask that fits in your nostrils, you can't snore.  It's impossible because as soon as you open your mouth, air rushes around inside.  I had a face mask for about 2-1/2 weeks and it was horrible!  I went back to where I got my CPAP and the fellow suggested a pillow mask.  Uses less air pressure and it's so comfortable you don't even know you are wearing it except for the fact that you breathe so much better. 

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