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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

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Hi all, I've been a lurker, but mostly on the other parts of the site (stories namely). Decided to check out the forum after reading a few stories.

I'm an Adult Kid I guess, since I'm 8 emotionally. It's not play to me, really...the play part is if I introduce AB elements, which I don't mind at times, depends on which - and yes, I'm picky lol.

As for diapers I consider them part of LG (Little Girl) play, not AB play, in my case.

I have a pretty understanding daddydom, long-distance for now, but definitely going to get serious, and for more than ageplay, too.

Hmm I said LG play, but I really feel like a LG as a normal state of mind...just a very wise one lol...but that doesn't prevent me having innocence and naiveté even in my adult personality (that's not intentional lol, it just is). My adult side takes over when the LG side can't cope - but ultimately the LG side is the biggest/most important, for me.

Basically people can tell I'm youthful, but they don't automatically assume LG. I'm also into lolita fashion (the Japanese one, not sexual) and own a few amaloli dresses, fits well as a LG.

Hmm, and how I found out about it is rather complicated, but I tried to have makeshift diapers in my teens, before I knew anything about it. It took me many years to look it up, but I have in recent years. And now I know where I stand mostly. Oh, and I'm 24, almost 25, but can pass for younger (but, obviously, not 8).

Sara ~

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Welcome to DD, Sara! I'm glad you decided to stop lurking. ^_^

I'd have to say we're very much alike, I'm somewhere around 7 - 8 emotionally, too. Whereas my AB side is totally a seperate part of me; more of a 'game.' (For lack of a better term...) Simply put I'd call myself "An intelligent 8 year-old stuck in an 18 year-old's body, who'd rather spend his time in a nursery." >_>

Anyways, I hope you enjoy it here at DD!


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