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A Little Therapy - (Private with diaperboy187)


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"Just for today," she agreed. She knew if the girl had another messy accident they might push otherwise, but she was already in Pull-Ups so that really wasn't necessary.

At Jamie's timid nod she unfolded the diaper and placed it underneath the calming little girls bottom. Jamie began soothing herself by sucking her thumb, and Miranda wanted to end the poor girls embarrassment as soon as she could. She thought about using powder, but knew most parents weren't using it anymore - even though she had always felt like it was more comfortable with it. Besides there wasn't any sitting on the changing table there. She figured the little girl would also appreciate not smelling like a baby just then. Instead she just taped one side, and then the other shut.

It was a Huggies brand diaper, which had never been her own favorite. It did have a cute Mickey Mouse print all over it, and a handy wetness indicator at the front. She had no desire to ever wear another diaper again herself, but she had always preferred Pampers since they felt softer and worked better. Beggars couldn't be choosers right then though!

She undid the strap and helped the little girl into her coveralls, noticing that even then the little spot was drying rapidly from where she leaked. She gave her a hug as she helped her down from the table. 

"Now Jamie, I know you are really embarrassed about this, but it's okay! But do you remember when you were calling me a baby earlier?"

The girl looked like she was going to cry then and she felt bad. She had to finish what she had to say quickly.

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Jamie struggled to forget where she was and what was happening as Miranda put the diaper on her. She tried not to look down but her curiosity got the better of her and she was greeted with Minnie Mouse designs. By the time the speech therapist was done the scared child was sucking her thumb for all the comfort it could provide. Jamie was all too eager to get back in her coveralls not even minding as Miranda helped her.

The coveralls indeed were almost completely dry now with no trace but a small spot from the accident. She was just about to head back to class when the new teacher began talking to her. Jamie shook her head yes as Miranda reminded her of calling her a baby numerous times. If the adult asked for an apology the girl was likely to give it now after being put through a humiliating ordeal.

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"Do you think maybe I felt bad when you called me a baby earlier? Maybe a little like you feel now?" Miranda asked the little girl. She was just old enough that talking about feelings was a worthwhile use of time. "I know I'm really short, and I don't look like any other adult you know. But I've been this way my whole life - just a little bit different. And just like you it never feels nice to be treated like a baby, huh?"

"Do you think maybe you owe me an apology?"

Miranda waited and hoped the little girl would learn something today. If she could learn some empathy in a situation like this she knew that she could become a really great kid to work with. She knew she could help her with her speech issues, but she wouldn't be able to get anywhere unless the girl respected her...

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Jamie had to think long and hard about what Miranda was telling her. She couldn't deny it didn't feel good being treated like a baby but the woman was just about the same size as one. Deep down though the tiny preschooler knew she owed the speech therapist an apology especially after she helped her out. "Me sowwy ! But you very tiny for big kid !" Jamie told Miranda as she did her best to apologize to her.

After a few more seconds the special needs girl added "I no call you baby again" She had managed to take a big step as for once she had considered how her words had hurt the new employee. Not able to hold back she gave the woman a big hug while accidentally lifting her a few inches off the ground. Jamie waited for Miranda to take her back to her classroom while deciding to try to think a little more carefully about her words and how she used them with her classmates.

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Miranda smiled at the apology, and found herself blushing when she was picked up in the air by a toddler! She made sure they both washed their hands and walked Jamie back to the classroom. When they were there Jamie suddenly gave her one last quick hug, and then ran off to go join the other kids playing with toys on the floor. 

She looked at her watch and realized she was about five minutes late for Eddie's appointment. He also had Patricia for a teacher so she walked over to her and grabbed her attention to talk outside again. "Patricia I just need to let you know Jamie was a more challenging case to get going with her because of my size. I laid down the law a bit towards the end of the session and created a rewards system for her that I'll play with her how she wants after she gets a perfect sticker week... She looked like she needed to go potty, so I got her to the bathroom, but she got messed up by those buckles on her overalls. She messed her Pull-Up then... I remembered the policy and just changed her into a diaper there in the bathroom. I wanted you to know about it... and maybe see if you can be discreet about it? I'm going to have to work a little harder to get her to trust me, and it would help if she doesn't feel too humiliated by it today."

She looked at her watch, "I need to get Eddie... sorry we're running late from that..." 

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Patricia knew Miranda was running a little late when she came back but had no idea why. She listened to the speech therapist explain everything that had happened with the preschooler before speaking up. "Well that's not too surprising. Her last speech therapist had trouble getting her to do the lessons as well. I'm glad you managed to reach an agreement despite your size though" Patricia congratulated Miranda though was sorry to hear Jamie had to be diapered. The teacher would make sure to check and ask if she needed to go to the bathroom and send the aide with her when the child needed the bathroom.

After Patricia remembered Eddie was absent she passed the information along to Miranda. "Eddie is absent today so it looks like you have some free time to yourself" If the small teacher wanted to she could stay in the class or get a snack if she preferred. There was still lots more places the woman could explore in the daycare. Patricia went back to watching the kids as it was now naptime for her room.

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"I'm sorry to hear that Eddie is absent. I'll take advantage of this brief break since I haven't stopped running today since I got here!" she smiled at Patricia. 

Miranda was grateful for the gap because she was growing close to having an issue herself. One of the worst things about being her size was that she had the bladder of a toddler. Since she hadn't gone since just after lunch she was feeling like she really needed to pee! 

She hurried down to the bathroom and pulled down her panties quickly to pee. The sound of the urine hitting the water accompanied a huge feeling of relief, as she realized that her lunch shake had definitely made it through her! Sure she'd be good to go for a couple more hours, she washed her hands and walked back to her office since she still had a couple of minutes. She hung up Jamie's behavior chart on the wall, and added a sticker for her for the day for being good with the diaper she'd had to wear. 

Briefly glancing at Haley's file she saw she was in one of the last two rooms that she hadn't visited yet. Ellen Sanders was her teachers name, and she quickly read a few notes here and there on Haley and what had been tried so far. Knowing she could have a completely different interaction with her though, she took her case file with a grain of salt. She walked to the new room and saw an older grandmother looking lady with short graying hair was walking around checking on the kids who were all coloring. She saw one little girl was awkwardly coloring with her left hand, and sucking her right thumb. The top of a diaper was showing above her leggings since her shirt had pulled up a little bit. Her hair was a vivid red color, and she seemed to be as skinny as a kid could possibly be!

Miranda turned her attention back to the older woman who approached her. "Hi, I'm Miranda Evans, the new Speech Therapist."

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"You're the new speech therapist ? Are you sure you're old enough ? I mean no offense but you look more like you could be enrolled here" Ellen asked Miranda as she could hardly believe the woman in front of her was actually an adult. She quickly changed her tune when the petite lady produced her ID for her. It seemed a lot of the adults thought the new employee could easily pass for one of their preschoolers or toddlers. "I must warn you about Haley she is very shy so don't expect results from her right away" Ellen gave Miranda some advice as she slowed approached Haley.

Haley was busy coloring a picture of a pony when Ellen came over with Miranda. She quickly stopped upon seeing a new stranger and began to try and hide behind her chair as a hissing sound came from her diaper. As the small girl barely peeked out from the chair she was still frantically sucking her thumb. Haley didn't have the best experience with new people instead trying her best to only get to know new people when she was forced to.

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Miranda forced a smile as the woman engaged in taller peoples favorite game - make Miranda even more embarrassed! "I know I'm short... Unfortunately I have Youth-Lock, so I can't help it." Miranda continued forcing the smile since from experience she knew the only way to get tall adults to take her seriously was to make it seem like she was used to it. "Believe me, I wish I could be your height!"

The woman did lightly laugh, but a part of her wondered if she wasn't one of those people that were prejudiced against Youth-Lock victims. She'd known many other YL victims that had their cases start when they were ten or so, and able to convince people easier that they were really adults. The few people she knew who were her height either had to fight for everything they had - the approach she'd taken - or were being babied somewhere because that's what their mommies thought was the safest place for them. It was supposed to be illegal without consent, but she always feared people like this. 

Managing to still have a cordial conversation with her while she filled her in, she smiled and took her advice to heart. She walked over to the little girl who was actually looked to be smaller than her.

"Hi, I'm Ms. Miranda," she said, going over and sitting down next to her. "That's a really pretty pony!" 

Miranda knew the girl wet her diaper, but hoped it could be okay for thirty minutes while they went to her office. With as shy as she was she knew it was possible she might not even be able to get her out of the room. 'Break the ice first,' she thought to herself.

"Want to go play?"

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Haley stayed behind her chair trying to keep away from Miranda and Ellen. The frightened child gave her teacher a worried look knowing how much she hated strangers even friendly ones. The offer of playing with her didn't work on this child so the speech therapist needed to try something new. Haley did have one weakness for art but even then it would be very tricky for Miranda to get her to leave the familiar room.

"Haley loves coloring pictures. Though her last speech therapist had trouble getting her to leave with her. Good luck !" Ellen told Miranda as she left the two girls alone. She didn't mention that so far no speech therapist had ever been able to get her into their office. While her parents forbid it the girl also loved candy though was barely allowed it even on Halloween. Ellen watched to see how Miranda would handle Haley sure she would fail.

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Miranda looked at the little girl who seemed terrified at that point, sucking her thumb for all it was worth. She could just see her around Ellen who she peeked around behind. 

"You know, I have this really really cool coloring book with me. I know there's a lot of ponies... Some princesses... and even Minnie Mouse!" Miranda said with a smile. "I'll never be able to color all of them though! Mrs. Sanders told me you're the best colorer there is! Do you think maybe you could come help me with them?"

She waited and watched the little girl to see what she would say, adding, "There might even be a special treat in it if you can help me make a really pretty picture?"

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Haley didn't move from behind her chair though did listen to Miranda tell her about the coloring books she had. She began to wonder what kinds her new teacher had but also feared a trap with boring lessons. The tiny preschooler did reach out her hand to the speech therapist hoping for a sugary treat. Haley would likely go with Miranda for at least a few steps if she got some candy.

Ellen continued to watch as Miranda didn't appear to be having much luck with Haley. Despite what her parents thought candy would be good as she was already underweight for her age. She wasn't sure what the situation was as home but didn't think it was too good. As a teacher though Ellen knew it wasn't her place to interfere though if Haley didn't gain more weight she would get a doctor to examine her.

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"I know it's scary meeting new people," Miranda said. She could tell that the coloring books interested her and knew that this was going to be a longterm trust project. She offered, "I even have some new suckers and stickers I picked up just to give to really good colorers like you!"

Miranda smiled, she could tell she had the hooks she needed. "Come on, what do you say? Can you come help me color?" She added, "You can even pick which treat you want?"

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Haley gave Miranda a little pout upon not being given a treat but did come from behind the chair finally. She blushed as her tummy rumbled indicating the little girl was very hungry and could use a snack. The curiosity and hunger finally won the preschooler over as she took the speech therapist's hand. By the way Haley's diaper was drooping it was clear Miranda needed to change her quickly.

Ellen watched as Miranda got Haley to quit hiding and even take her hand. She couldn't believe the new teacher had finally accomplished what so many had failed to do. Maybe despite looking like a baby the woman could get the girl to open up. Ellen sighed and quickly ran over sharing the good news with her assistant.

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Miranda debated about Haley's diaper as it kept on sagging more and more as they walked to her office. She decided a little detour to the restroom was necessary first, and she would have to make sure that she had some changing supplies in her office for the future. 

"Haley it looks like you're soaked there... Let's change your diaper before we go color. I'll even let you have an extra treat for being such a good girl!"

She led the little girl into the restroom and had her hop onto the changing table. 

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"Snack pwease !" Haley begged Miranda as she let herself be led to the office. At least she thought they were going to the office until the teacher led her into a bathroom. The special needs girl was no fool and figured out the short adult was going to change her diaper. Haley didn't fuss over being put on the changing table though her tummy rumbled again still very hungry.

While the idea of a stranger changing her wasn't something she liked it was better than being in a wet diaper. The child didn't see any breasts on the woman but by the way her mouth was watering could use a bottle. It would be a good idea for the speech therapist to pay very close attention to the way the poor kid was acting. Haley continued to wait for some food or drink as she looked up at Miranda with her little brown eyes and asked her "Baba pwease"

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Miranda tried to recall everything that she had read in her file, and knew that she would have to seriously look through her notes again. She knew that Haley wasn't potty trained at all, and had a serious thumb sucking problem. Her complete fear of new people wasn't unusual, but something really clicked as she finished taping on the new diaper and the girl asked for a baba. 

"Do you normally have a bottle Haley?" She asked her. "Or do you usually have a sippy cup here?"

As much as she believed some parents pushed their kids too quickly to grow up, which caused issues her profession had to deal with, it was not a normal thing for a four year old to ask for a bottle at daycare. As she pulled her dress up she had noticed the girl was skinnier than any toddler should be too. 

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Haley let Miranda put her in a fresh diaper though with her size the diaper was almost too big for her. She was still waiting for something to eat or drink when she heard the question. The skinny preschooler shook her head no to the new teacher's guesses. "Mama milk" Haley told Miranda while pointing to where her breasts would have been if the youthlock adult had any of them.

Most of the time her milk came straight from the source though had never been allowed a sippy cup. The poor child didn't realize it was a bit odd to at least be drinking from a bottle at her age. She was getting too hungry to move probably because even her lunch and snack weren't enough to help the malnourished girl. Haley wondered if Miranda would actually give her something to eat or drink or was tricking her.

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Miranda was surprised by her response. She was pretty sure that she was telling her that she still nursed from her mother. It wasn't necessarily wrong in any way for an older preschooler to still be getting some comfort from nursing... Really only in the last hundred years had that become taboo, but if that was the only thing she was 'eating' it would explain why she was way too thin. 

"Does your mommy send some to school with you?" she asked her. She led her out of the bathroom and began heading back towards the classroom. The kitchen would be beyond that if there was a bottle of milk in there for her. 'One thing's for certain... this is not going to be a normal session...'

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When Miranda asked if Haley's mom sent her to school with breast milk she shook her head yes. She was usually sent to daycare with a bottle for the day. Once it was gone the tiny preschooler had to have formula if she got thirsty again. Haley followed Miranda the best she could but struggled to keep up with her.

As if in protest of not getting enough her tummy growled again and the young child stopped for a moment. Given her weak state she wouldn't object just this once to being carried by a stranger. She lifted her arms up waiting to be held. Miranda would definitely need to talk with Haley's mom to make sure she was getting enough at mealtimes.

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"Oh Haley, I'm not sure if I can pick you up sweetie since I'm not much taller than you..." Miranda told her trying to think of a way to make this work. "How about a piggy back ride?" She suggested.

Miranda waited for her response and looked at the little girl with more concern in her eyes. How was it that the daycare hadn't already done something with this little girl? She could tell earlier that she really didn't want to engage with her... had it been the same way with her previous therapist? The notes there weren't clear. The more she thought about it her teacher almost looked like she expected her to fail. What was going on in this adorable little girl's life?


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Haley nodded and got on Miranda's back growing more tired by the minute. She had to fight to stay awake and might need a doctor if she got any worse. The little girl was now wishing she had asked her old teacher for a bottle sooner. Haley was definitely not getting the food and vitamins her body so desperately needed.

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Something was definitely not right for this little girl, so Miranda bent down and let the girl climb onto her back. She'd been given many piggyback rides over her life, but this was the first time she'd ever given one herself. Being only a couple doors down from her classroom she caught Ellen's attention from the doorway. 

Ellen gave her a weird look, and Miranda said, "I have some things I'm going to have to ask you later... but for now Haley said she usually gets a bottle when she wants one..."

She found out from her that there was a fridge in the kitchen just for kids bottles and food that was marked with each kids name. Miranda carried the too light little girl to the kitchen and sat her down on her feet. She looked through the fridge and found two bottles were labeled with Haley's name. She hoped the girl wasn't picky about temperature due to the time to warm a bottle, she pulled the cap off and handed it to the girl.


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The second Haley saw her bottles of formula she reached out for both of them. She happily took the first bottle and began drinking it down not caring that it wasn't warm. Although the little preschooler had only had it for less than five minutes she had already finished a fourth of the bottle. Judging by her speed Haley would probably want her second bottle once the first one was empty.

Ellen looked shocked to see Haley so weak and began preparing some oatmeal for her to eat as well. She knew they would have to make an important phone call though was dreading it due to how it might affect the malnourished child. By the time the oatmeal was done the girl was getting the last few drops from her first bottle. "Want me to burp her while you call somebody ?" Ellen asked Miranda trying her best to help with Haley.

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Miranda sighed, 'My first day on the job...' 

"Yes... I'll go call in Sandy's office," she told her. She looked at the cute little girl who even now was almost done with the bottle. There was a ravenous way that she nursed at the bottle that made her wonder what she ate at lunch.... or if she ate then. She'd noticed that the bottle she'd handed her was definitely formula, and the other one looked like formula as well... 'Probably had at least a bottle of breast milk at lunch? Surely her teacher didn't let her only have that?'

She gave Haley a hug, "I'll be right back, Ms. Ellen is going to take care of getting you a bit more food."

With that she hurriedly walked down the hallway to Sandy's office and knocked on the open door. She could tell the woman was expecting a taller adult based on her eyes starting high and then seeing her down at the bottom of the door.

"Umm... Hi Sandy... I'm in a situation where as a mandatory reporter I need to make a call, I was hoping I could do it here in your office?" 

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