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Any writing groups/chats/discords for this board?

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I'm relatively new here, and have only commented on a few stories.

I joined in part because I've wanted to write some stories for a while, including some diaper dimension stuff.

I don't do a lot of writing, though, and was wondering if there were any chats for bouncing around ideas, or for getting feedback on particular story concepts, etc.


I'd be grateful for any such resources anyone can offer!

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That's part of why the critiques and writer's discussion sub-forum was formed for.  People have started up threads to get ideas for their stories/ feedback on their ideas. They've also discussed ideas about how the diaper dimension works/ concepts of that world, etc. You could also try discussing it in DD chatroom. 

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Thanks! I'll try the chat for sure.

I have two story ideas, one I'm waiting on some specific thoughts from someone else.


Another is a diaper dimension story involving a photographer. A little photographer from a free little nation, visiting one of the amazon mainland continents, to do a series of photos about the lives of littles in an Amazon society, and their experiences and thoughts during all of that.

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