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The Snye House:

            Mike Snye was the head of house, but he was only father of one of three children.  The other two children were the children of his wife, who was much younger than him.  He had a good life, he thought.  He was a construction crew chief and he made very good money, and his job came with lots of benefits so that they were not hurting in the least.  

            Cindy knew that he had one savings account, which he had over $15,000 in, but she didn’t know he also had two other accounts, one with $25,500 and one with $250,760 in it.  The one with 15,000 in it was the one that he often used to take vacations with his family.  The one with 25,500 was for emergency situations such as if their car broke down or they needed some quick money for one reason or other.  The final account was a last resort, job loss type of emergency account.

            Mike was supposedly at work one day while the children were at school and Cindy was at home, making sure it was nice and tidy for the family when they returned.  This is where we begin….

            The company Mike worked for had just finished a big contract, and he had been personally given a bonus of $5,000 plus the wages for this job which amounted to $12,500, but then he was called into the office at 2:00 in the afternoon.

            “I’m sorry,” his boss had told him.  “You are one of our best, but we just don’t have the jobs.  The economy had gone into a tank about two years ago, and people are just not building yet.”

            “So, you are firing me?”

            “More like we are laying you off.  If we get another contract, you and your team will be one of the first we put back to work.  That’s a promise.”

            Mike sighed.  “I understand.”

            He was not in a good mood at all.  All the way home, he started to worry if he had saved enough for this eventuality.  He worried that they might not have planned on medical bills when they have no insurance since they had always had insurance before.  He worried that their car might be getting old, and now, it really couldn’t be afforded to be replaced.  

            After a half an hour ride home, getting there at around 3:10, just before the kids got home which was quite a change since he normally didn’t get home until six, he opened the door loudly and called into the house.

            “Cindy?  You home?  We need to talk!”

            He thought and thought about what to do to save their situation until they could get on their feet, and he decided a few things that he hoped Cindy would understand needed to be done.

            Of course, he was not going to part with even one of the girls.  They were his responsibility, and they were his family even if the older kids were not really his blood kids.  But he needed to find a way to make money and live a little more sparingly than they had been until this point….

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Cindy had spent her morning cleaning the house and doing laundry. With three young girls it was a constant struggle to keep the house up and she didn't always do the best job, although she thought she did.

After having a couple of unstable relationships Cindy was glad to have Mike and was doing everything she could to keep him happy, which wasn't always easy.

Cindy was in the back room putting clean sheets on the girls beds. It was almost time for Vivian, Jessica and Mindy to get home from school. Cindy was still in her pajamas, not having taken the time to change.

She heard the front door open and Mike call for her. She wondered what he was doing home so early. Cindy walked out to the living room.

"What's going on? Why are you home already?" Cindy wondered.


"Cindy, we need to talk," he said his voice dark with a hint of depression.  "I know we promised the kids to go to Disneyland this year, but we can't do it.  Do you mind talking back in our room so the girls don't hear us when they come in at first?  While they will know the bit about Disneyland, I don't want them to know how bad it really is...."

He sighed.

"People are just not building right now, Cindy.  The boss laid off three teams of construction workers including my own until things pick up again, but as it has been two years since the lag began, I don't know when it will pick up again."

He took a deep breath.

"I'll look around for part time work starting tomorrow, but if I don't find something soon, we may have to move to a smaller place.  We need to conserve what we have so it lasts until I can find something decent again."

He looked up into her eyes and smiled.

"But we'll get by, right?"


Cindy nodded and walked back to the bedroom with Mike.

"I think the girls will realize that plans change. I'm sure they will be disappointed, but they will get over it." Cindy said.

"Well if we do have to move I guess the girls will have to share a bedroom." Cindy said.

"I'll do whatever is necessary. Just tell me what you want me to do. We'll have to cut back on food and stuff like that, right?"

Cindy bit her lip, wondering what they were going to do.


"No, I've saved enough to not worry much about food, if we are careful with other things.  We just won't be eating so many fun things as we did before is all.  The kids will have to understand that their pocket money is going to be affected, too."

He smiled.

"But we'll make it work, honey."

He reached over to hug her.

"Now, why aren't you even dressed?" he asked her.  "I didn't realize you wore your pajamas all day long.  Are you even taking a bath?"

He smelled her hair.

"Anyway, The kids will be home pretty soon, right?  When do you usually make their dinner for them?"

He breathed a sigh of relief as it seemed that Cindy understood better than he gave her credit for.


Cindy managed a smile when he said not to worry about food. She had envisioned cutting how much she ate so the girls would have enough to eat.

"I don't usually change until right before our girls get home from school. I lost track of time today."

Cindy frowned and sniffed under her arms.

"I don't smell bad do I? Should I go take a bath now? The girls will be home. Should I just get dressed?" Cindy asked, getting flustered.

"They usually have a sandwich or something when they get home from school and then do their homework. I get them dinner right before you get home, and put my girls in the tub for their bath and get them dressed for bed. Mindy goes to bed later, so she gets her bath after and gets herself ready for bed." Cindy said.




"Well, I'm home today, and you really need a bath, sweetheart.  You go take a bath and I'll get the sandwiches for the girls.  I need to talk to them about their pocket money anyway and about Disneyland."

He reached over and patted Cindy on the back.

"You do kind of smell, sorry to say so, baby."

He walked out of the room and went to the kitchen to wait for the girls to get home so he could feed them a snack.

As he was halfway down the hall, he called back.

"And try to go to the bathroom in the toilet, too, before you get in the bath," he reminded her as if she was five.  This was the first time he had ever told her that she smelled, that she needed a bath, and that she should use the toilet like she was five, but it certain was not going to be the last.


The girls were all on the bus, on the way home from school.  Mindy always insisted on sitting with her friends, but she still minded Vivian when it suited her.  She knew that Vivian would keep her safe when she might not understand something.  But if she saw that what she wanted was not going to hurt her, then she sometimes fought her sister over what her sister wanted.


Cindy nodded. She blushed as Mike told her she smelled.

"Alright, thank you."

Cindy started down the hall to the bathroom when Mike told her to use the toilet first. 

"Okay." Cindy said, blushing, feeling somewhat flustered.

Cindy started water running in the tub, then took off her pajamas and panties before sitting on the toilet.

Vivian sat next to her sister Jessica, who was her half sister, as was Mindy. Cindy was their mother but they all had different father's. 

Vivian looked back at Mindy and shook her head. She decided not to say anything to her or get in an argument. Mindy would probably go to her father who would side with Mindy.

"How much homework do you have?" Vivian asked Jessica. 

"Not much. One page of math and some reading." Jessica said.

"If you need help, let me know." Vivian said.

The bus pulled up to the bus stop and Vivian took Jessica's hand as they got off. Vivian waited for Mindy before walking the rest of the way going.



Vivian has six posts to get to the bathroom before it becomes an emergency as she kind of feels like pooping. (In total, she'll have 11 posts before she had to check for pooping her pants).

Jessica has 7 posts to get to the bathroom before it becomes an emergency as she kind of wants to pee. In total she'll have 11 posts before she had to check for peeing her pants).

Mindy has 5 posts before she has an emergency needing to pee. (In total, she has 7 posts before she has to check for peeing her pants.)

I'd like the walk/half run home to take about 3 posts from getting off of the bus.


Post 1 for Mindy:

Mindy started to feel like she had to pee as the bus stopped, and she was glad she wasn't too far from the house.  She knew that at eight years old, she was too old to be peeing in her pants, and she wanted to make it home.  It would be shameful especially if her friends saw her have an accident outside.

Mindy started to walk kind of fast so that she wouldn't be caught outside being unable to hold it later.

Mindy tried to walk as fast as her legs could carry her, but her school bag on her back slowed her down and bumped against her back and butt every step she took and while she had no homework in it, she had two library books and her social studies book.  She liked looking at the maps in her social studies book sometimes.


Though Cindy sat on the toilet, there was nothing in her to come out since she just went to the bathroom about thirty minutes previous to this.  


Mike looked up at the clock wondering what time his little angels got home from school.  He decided to just go watch TV for a bit while he waited for them.  

Actually, he turned it on, but he was still figuring numbers in his head about how much they should spend this week, and what they should work on cutting back on so that the money would last long enough.  He had not told Cindy how truly worried he was though he really didn't need to be since he had such a large nest egg in his third account for this kind of emergency.  Still, he didn't want to eat all that up.  That was also his retirement fund when they got older.


Vivian started following  Mindy home. She needed to use the bathroom but didn't want to run, as running made her go even worse. She looked over at Jessica.

"I'm going to need to use the bathroom when we get home."

"I'll have to go soon myself." Jessica said.

Vivian saw Mindy struggling ahead of them.

"Hey Mindy, do you need some help?" Vivian called out.


Cindy sat on the toilet for about five minutes watching the tub fill. She didn't think she had to go Ann's was only trying because Mike asked her. When the tub reached the right level Cindy got up and turned off the faucet. She got a washcloth and soap and climbed in the tub.she started washing herself trying to make herself smell better.


Mindy looked back at her sisters who were seeming to take their time.

"Please hurry," Mindy told Vivian.  "I wanna go pee and daddy might get mad if I pee pee my pants."

She looked up at her sister.

"You want to carry my bag for me?"

Mindy post: 2


Mike was now watching the news as they talked a bit about the economy.  The economy was not at a dead standstill, and it was not getting worse, at least for the moment, but it was not in a high speed recovery either.

He sighed.

Maybe they would need to move sooner than later to save the extra money.  If they moved to a cheap enough place and then rented out the house, as he did own it, but the utilities made living there expensive, then maybe they could make an extra hundred or two a month.

He wondered when the kids were going to get home.


"Fat chance. You're daddy's favorite. You can talk your way out of any punishment. Besides daddy's not going to be home for awhile, so if you do have an accident, mommy can help you clean up so he would never know." Vivian said.

Vivian came over and took Mindy's backpack.

"What have you got in here, rocks?" Vivian asked.

"Run home. Don't wait for us. We'll be right behind you. I need to use the potty too, and so does Jessica. Make sure to wipe yourself and flush, then wash your hands when your done."

Vivian gave Mindy a playful pat on her bottom.

"Run." Vivian repeated.

Vivian felt her poop wanting to come out but she still had time. She smiled at Jessica and then followed Mindy.

Cindy sat in the tub taking her time washing herself.


Mindy started to run home, but when she saw daddy's car in the driveway, she forgot about having to pee for a minute, and forgot that her sisters wanted to go potty, too, so she went straight up to talk to daddy.

"Daddy!  You're home!" she squealed when she came through the door.

Mike walked over and picked her up.

"Where are your sister?"

She shrugged.  "They're coming."

"You know you shouldn't run ahead of them.  Olivia is supposed to watch you and keep you safe until you get home."

"She said I could run ahead."

"I need to have a talk with her then, don't I?"

Mindy looked down.

"But she didn't tell me to run ahead like that.  She just said I could because I really wanted to get home."

He shook his head.  "I don't care why she sent you ahead, she is not to do that."

He picked her up and waited by the door for the two other girls to get in the house.

(Change of plans since you sent Mindy ahead... Jessica goes to the downstairs bathroom, and she is the one scolded for making Mindy wait too long.  Olivia gets scolded for letting her little sister run ahead and then has to go upstairs to avoid pooping her pants?)


Jessica felt her need to pee get stronger as they got closer to the house. Vivian stopped for a second when she saw Miles car, then continued on up to the house, opening the door and coming inside.

"Hi daddy." Vivian said with a smile.

Jessica waved at Mike and around him, heading to the downstairs bathroom. She ran inside and closed the door. She pulled down her pants and panties and sat down on the toilet.


Mindy remembered she had to pee the minute her sisters were in the house and Jessica was already more than two feet in front of her....  The door shut before she got there, so she stood outside the door waiting for her.

Mike pulled Vivian by the shoulder though to stop her getting away from him.

"Young lady, we need to talk," he said a clear frown of anger on his face.  "You sent your little sister ahead of you, and you are not to do that."

He walked her up to her room and sat on her bed, and pulled her towards him as though about to spank her bottom, though he had not pulled down her pants yet or prepared her for one just yet.

"Do you know why you are walking your sister home?" he asked her.  "Do you understand why I never let any of you three leave the house unless you are with an adult or you are all three together?  Do you?"

He rubbed her back as he talked, though she was turned sideways, and ready to be bent over his lap any minute to be spanked.


Jessica sat in the toilet, nor in any rush as she thought Mindy has used the bathroom.

Vivian frowned as Mike started to talk to her, looking angry. She knew she was in trouble. She walked with him up to her room. She listened to him.

"But daddy, Mindy needed to go potty. We know you don't like it when she wets her pants so I told her to run. I was watching her the whole way daddy, honest. I know we're supposed to stay together so no one can take us. I'm sorry daddy, it won't happen again." Vivian started crying.


"There is no way you could have seen her all the way to the house if you were just walking.  Besides, you didn't come in the door until at least two minutes after she did."

He sighed.

"You do understand why I have the rule, so there is no excuse for you to have let her run ahead like that.  Wet her pants or not, She's better off wetting her pants than getting kidnapped."

He frowned.

"No, I don't want her to pee her pants just to pee them or for you to cause her to do it on purpose, but you are to use better judgment than that.  When it comes to protecting her, her safety is more important than if she makes it to the toilet or not."

He sighed.

"Pull your pants down.  You knew the rule.  You knew the reason for the rule.  But you still used poor judgment.  I need to drill it home that you are never ever to let that happen again, whether you, Jessica, or Mindy need to go potty, you keep your sisters together, and I expect the three of you to get home and not be wet."

He shook his head.

"You are not babies anymore.  You can wait a few minutes after you get off the bus to get home and not pee your pants, now can't you?"

Vivian has five posts before she needs to make a check for pooping her pants... it's starting to become an emergency.

Mindy was waiting outside the bathroom for Jessica wondering what was taking her so long....

Eventually she ran up towards where daddy took Vivian, and went into the room to tell him that both bathrooms are being used and she had to pee.


Vivian started sobbing as Mike yelled at her. She just nodded, unable to speak. She really needed to poop now, but knew her father wasn't going to excuse her.

Vivian pulled her pants and panties.

"Yes daddy, I'm sorry!" Vivian blubbered.

Jessica managed to pee a little as she say that but needed to pee even more.

Cindy kept scrubbing herself, trying to make sure she was clean.


Mike did not tell her to pull her panties down, only her pants, so he yanked her panties back up on her.

He didn't like touching their bare bottoms even to spank them unless there was a real reason, like checking for injuries or rashes.

He then swatted her pantied bottom pretty hard, actually, five or six times, and then he straightened her up again and turned to her to face him, her pants still at her ankles.

"Next time, not matter if one of you does pee your pants or claims you will, what will you do when you are walking home?" he asked her.

Once she answered, he hugged her and patted her back.

"Now, go off and take care of your homework or other things you need to do.  It looks like Mindy needs her daddy, and after I take care of her, I'll get you girls a snack."

He then turned his attention to Mindy.

"Both bathrooms are being used," she danced in place with her hands in her privates.

He picked her up and carried her downstairs to the bathroom that Jessica darted into and he knocked at the door.

"Open this door," he called through not caring if she was finished or not. "Now!"


Vivian flinched when Mike pulled her panties back up and spanked her. She cried even harder.

Vivian sobbed when he was done and talked to her.

"I'll stay with my sister's, no matter what." Vivian promised.

When he was done she pulled her pants back up and ran over to the upstairs bathroom, not hearing Mike tell Mindy that the bathrooms were being used. She tried the knob and found it unlocked and opened the door.

Vivian blushed as she saw her mother in the tub.

"I'm sorry mommy. I need to poop and Jessica is in the other bathroom." Vivian said.

"Okay honey, go ahead. What's the matter, have you been crying?" Cindy asked.

"Daddy spanked me." Vivian sniffled.

Vivian pulled down her pants and panties and sat down on the toilet, wincing as her bottom touched the seat.


Jessica heard her father and jumped up, causing a little pee to go on the floor. She opened the bathroom door.

"Daddy, I'm peeing." Jessica whined.


Mike frowned as he stared down at her.

"Did you or did you and your sister not send Mindy on ahead because she had to pee?  So why didn't you let Mindy into the bathroom first?" he asked her.  "Mindy is going to wet her pants any moment because of that."

And just as he said that, Mindy started to pee her pants.

She looked down as her crotch darkened and pee started to fall inside her pantlegs down her legs and to the floor making a puddle.

"See what you did, Jessica?  You caused your sister to pee her pants," he scolded her not leaving the bathroom or even giving her permission to go back to the toilet.

(I don't know how much you thought she still had inside, so I'll leave it up to you if she went back to the toilet, started peeing the rest on herself as she stood there in front of him, or what not.)


"Yes, but I thought she already used the bathroom!" Jessica said.

Jessica saw Mindy wet her pants and looked at Mike. She stood there and wet her pants as well, as she had only peed a little on the toilet. Jessica started crying.



Mike shook his head at Jessica.

"It you had an emergency like that, then why didn't you run with your sister, home?  You three need to stay together in the first place, and you should have made sure your sister went.  You know she gets distracted easily, and you being  a bit older, you should have been able to wait an extra moment or two so she could go first," he scolded her.

He sighed.

"Jessica, go up to your room and get your pants changed, now."

He then picked Mindy up as if she was a little angel in all this, and he carried her up to change her himself.

As he passed by, he noticed that the upstairs bathroom was ajar, so he looked in and saw Vivian sitting on the toilet while Cindy was still in the bath.

Shaking his head, he closed the door completely and then went on to Mindy's room to change her pants.


Jessica blushed as Mike chastised her.

"Yes sir." She replied.

Jessica ran up to her room to change her pants.

Vivian was trying to push poop out when Mike looked in and saw her. She kept going after he closed the door.


Mike took Mindy over to the closet and had her pick out a purple unicorn t-shirt and a pair of brown courduroy pants.  Then he got her a pair of plain white cotton panties and an undershirt and then he sat on  her bed and started to undress her.

"Mindy, you are not a baby," he reminded her.

"I know."

"Well, even if your sister was in the toilet peeing, you should have been able to wait a moment until she finished.  If you couldn't wait, then you should have gone straight to the bathroom first and talked to daddy after you were done, honey."

"Sorry daddy."

"That's okay.  I'm just trying to tell you how to keep from having an embarrassing accident.  In front of your sisters, it might not be big deal, but if your friends had seen you pee your pants...."

"I know...," Mindy looked down blushing now.

"Well, no more waiting to go potty if you have to go bad enough you can't wait long enough for someone to come out of the toilet, okay?"

She nodded, and then he hugged her.

He started to dress her, and once she was ready, he took her to the kitchen where he started to prepare a snack for all three of the children.

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