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Magic Master Emily. Chapter 2 (4/13/20)

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An idea I've had for a while from reading too many Anime Light novels.



A howl was heard in the distance as a demon was cut down dead.

Emily held her hand up in the air waiting for her sword to come back to her after cutting off the demon’s head.

“Well that’s number 200 today so far. They said it was a group of over 500 demons, but I don’t see anymore. I wonder if they got the intel wrong again like last time, they said over 2,000 I came out here and found barely 700.”

Emily doesn’t get to think much longer before she spots her sword floating to her. She grabs her sword out of the air and puts it on her back and starts to walk around.


It had been 50 years sense the war started and Demons started coming to their world and mana was first found to exist. Countless have died fighting the demons but the demons keep coming.

People soon lost hope until 16 years ago when a child was born that had a huge pool of mana more than any other person. She was quickly taken away by the military to be trained at a young age to learn to fight the demons.

That all had been years ago for Emily, her 16th birthday was coming up and here she was out hunting demons.

She hated to be stuck hunting but what can she do, she was the Rank 1 Demon hunter in what was left of the US and the world.

“God what’s taking so damn long? I sent all 9 of you guys out where are the other 8?” Emily ask’s her sword she’s holding.

“Sorry Emily it seems they had bigger targets then I did.”

“We still got time if needed I can go help them.”


For Emily just having a huge mana pool and being gifted with all types of magic was not her only ability she had made each one of the weapons she used and gave them souls to help her fight demons. They were her best friends and only people she could talk too when she was alone.

Emily had spent weeks making each one of her weapons by infusing her mana and a soul into the blade then enchanting them. When she was done, she had living weapons she could control and have help her in any tight spot.

She had given each of her weapons a name that she felt fit them well and they loved the names she gave them.

If you were to look at her weapons you would be shocked at how heavy they were and how a such a young girl could control them.


“Drake what rank was the one you killed?”

“It was a Rank B Tank class.”

“Really? Well great that’s the 5th one this month we might have a problem. Any idea what the other 8 are killing?”

“Speaking of that Amanda needs some help she says hers is a Rank S Assaulter.”

“Shit really? Well let’s go.”


One thing about Emily’s weapons she loved is they could talk to each other no matter where they were it helped make her job easier when she had to go hunting.

Emily had taken off at speeds unheard of for someone running. She was easily running faster then any car could ever hope to.

“How far tell we get to Amanda?” Emily asked.

“She’s 2 miles ahead of us so get ready.”

Emily grabbed Drake out of the air.

Drake was Emily’s long sword and go to weapon for fighting Rank S and higher demons she had only hoped she got to Amanda in time.

Emily came running out of the trees holding on to Drake as she spots the Rank S and Amanda’s spear head trying to stab it in the leg.


Amanda swings Drake with all her might slicing the Demon in two and sending a shockwave flying cutting everything in its path.

“Emily careful next time you used too much power again.” Drake said trying to calm Emily’s power down

 Drake knew what happened when Emily uses too much power and it was never good. Last time she did she hit a Rank SS tank and cut the mountains in half behind it.

“I know I’m sorry Drake I was worried about Amanda. I know how easy you guys can break when I’m not near.” Emily didn’t want any one of her weapons to break like Drake did the first time. She cried for weeks as she tried to fix him.

“Amanda are you ok?” Emily was concerned fighting a S rank assaulter is no easy thing even for rank 100 hunters yet alone magical weapons by themselves.

“Yes, sorry Ma’am I should have called sooner.”

“It’s ok, your safe and that’s what matters to me.” Emily hugged Amanda as tight as she could happy that she made it in time.

“Drake Amanda what are the totals so far?”

“Seems like once we are done, we only found maybe 300 demons that means 400 are still missing.”

“Say Drake what is the closest village to us from here?”

“I’d say maybe 20 miles away why do you ask?” Drake answers wondering what Emily is thinking.

“What weapon is closest to the village?” Emily was starting to worry.

“Elizabeth it looks like why?”

“How close is she?”

“She’s 4 miles outside of the village.”


Emily’s worst fears are coming true she was not told that a Village may be a target.


“What’s wrong?” Drake had just gotten the words out when Emily was off in a flash. It dawned on him what she had asked, and he knew they were in deep.


Emily was running full speed as fast as she could hoping to get to the village in time.

“Ma’am all your weapons are following you now.” Drake said with pride knowing it’s not often they all fight at once.

Emily could see the smoke coming from the village in the distance and dreaded that her hunch was correct.


“YES MA’AM” All 9 of her weapons answered at once.


Emily Jumped into the air looking down she could see the village and the bad state it was in. She knew she had little time to act.

Emily lunched spell after spell hitting all her targets as her weapons flew around killing everything in sight.


‘There is no damn way this is 400 demons there are way too many.’ Emily thought.


A call from Asher was heard in her head.

“We have a RANK SSS Overlord here!”

Now Emily knew why there were so many demons, the damn Overlord was summoning them.


Emily jumped from building to building as fast as she could to get to where Asher had seen the Overlord.


Emily was one of 10 on the whole planet that could kill a Rank SSS Overlord’s were rare and only came to this side when they found a large pool of mana to use. Finding one out here in a village this far out was odd to her but she didn’t have time to think why she knew she had to act.


Emily spotted the Overlord and hit it with a fire spell knocking it off its feet. Overlords for being over 50 feet tall, never could walk well and were easy to knock over and that was what she hoped to use to kill the thing.


“EMILY LOOK OUT!” Emily heard Drake scream at her, but it was too late before she took a huge hit to her side.

Emily’s only thought at that moment was. ‘Shit I forgot to put up my shield.’


Emily was knocked into a near by building causing it to fall around her while she looked at what the hell had hit her.


Emily could finally see it now that the dust had cleared.

“You have got to be shitting me.”  Emily looked up and knew something was up. A Rank SSSS had hit her.

“DRAKE! Why the fuck is a Demon Lord here?”

“I have no idea Emily I am wondering the same thing.”

“Oh, son of a bitch is the Military trying to attract demons again?”

“It would seem that is a possibility that or something else is attracting them here.” Drake answered.

“Find out what mana is attracting them while I deal with these two.”

“Yes ma’am.”

With that Drake took off while Emily dealt with the Demon lord and Over Lord.


“Ok big boys it’s you and me now.”

Emily tossed a gravity spell at the Over Lord cutting its leg clean off spraying blood everywhere. She then hit it with a dark spell and flame magic before jumping up and landing on its head crushing it.

“One down one to go”


Before Emily could hit the Demon Lord it hit her with a shadow spear causing her to fly back into a group of trees breaking them.

“Son of a bitch that hurt!” Emily looked down and noticed the shadow spear had hit her in the hip leaving a small hole with blood coming out of it.

“Shit that really hurt.” Emily cast a small healing spell just enough to stop the flow of blood before she ran back at the Demon lord.


Emily ran and jumped before punching it in the face knocking it back into a house destroying the house.

“Damn mortal you will pay for that.”

“Oh, great you can talk I guess that means your above SSSS rank?”

“Smart little girl but now it’s time for you to die and give me your mana.”

“Fat chance of that ugly.” Emily hit him with a inferno spell knocking him back slightly.

“Is that the best you can do girl?” The Demon Lord puts his hand in the ground and pulls out a massive sword before swinging it at Emily.

Emily can barely dodge it in time. “ASHER COME TO ME!” At that moment a halberd flew into Emily’s hands

“Ma’am I don’t feel any human life around us feel free to use your full power.” Asher tells Emily.

“Sounds good to me.” Emily pulls on the end of the pole before twisted it and selecting the spell she put into Asher.

“Asher destroyer mode.”


A bright glow comes out of Asher as she slowly changes into a scythe like halberd. Slowly glowing white wings form on Emily’s back and a set of red demon horns on her head.

“Ready to die bastard?” Emily shining with white wings and glowing red horns looking like a angel demon hybrid come to kill all life.

“Oh, the Mortal knows forbidden magic. Didn’t your mommy tell you not to mess with the gods”

“Well bastard your fucking kind killed my parents, so I think it’s ok if I do the same to you guys.”

Emily pulled her Scythe up and took one huge swing in front of her.

“You missed little girl what were you trying to hit a bug?” The Demon Lord then heard a noise behind him and turned around.

“What the hell did you do?!?!?!”

Behind him with a brand-new valley. The mountains trees animals everything was gone just a new valley.

The Demon lord turned back to look at Emily but no sooner had he his head was on the ground looking up at his body cut in two.

“What the hell are you girl!?!” The Demon lord screamed.

“I’m your death.” With that She stabbed his head with her Scythe before she started to turn back to normal.

“Thanks for the help Asher.” Emily let Asher go and watched her float in front of her.

“Any time ma’am.” With that Asher took off to go finish cleaning up the demons and look for living humans.


“Emily, I found what they were after.” Drake yelled into Emily’s mind.

“Calm down what was it?” Emily wondered what the demons could want to send a Demon Lord and a Over Lord after.

“It seems to be an Egg and a little girl ma’am.”

“Say what?”

“I found a little girl holding a Egg about her size a mile away from the village. She was slightly hurt but I healed her I’m bringing her back now to you.”

Now Emily really wanted to know what the hell was going on why the hell did the Demons want an Egg or even the girl?



Emily had a few Idea’s, but she was not sure, she would have to wait and see.

“Has anyone found survivors?” Emily shouted in her mind to everyone.

“Sorry ma’am it seems that no one alive.”

“Bastard demons. How many did they kill Sarah?”

“Total ma’am?”


“I count a little over 2,700 people.”

“Shit if only we had gotten here sooner to save everyone.” Emily just wished she had been faster.

“We did kill over 1,200 demon’s ma’am.”

“Ok counting earlier that’s over 1400 counting a Demon Lord and a Over lord. Let’s report this once Drake gets back.”


Emily heard a loud noise and quickly turned her head to see Drake coming with the girl and the egg floating below him. She knew today was going to be a really long day now.



not my kind of story, sorry


i did have a few people ask on wattpad and 2 other sites so ill clear up some stuff and list things to help people understand.


Amanda, spear

Drake, Long sword

Asher, halberd

  • Like 1

Very interesting premise and setup. Looking forward to more.im curious as to how the magic works, given that it can create living, sentient weapons, and empower the user and do spells.


Chapter 1




“Drake where the hell did you find the girl and egg?” Emily knew an Egg of that size was rare and normally meant bad things were about to happen.

“I found her little over a mile away in a small cave with a mana pool that some Demons were trying to get in.” Drake also knew this day was about to get worse.

“Well I’m not sure about the girl but I’m fairly sure I know what type of egg that is…” Emily had a look of dread the longer she looked at the egg.

“Ma’am what it is?” Amanda asked.

Emily sigh’s “THAT” she says pointing at the egg. “Is a Dragon egg.”

Drake suddenly worried almost drops both the girl and the egg with his magic.


“You mean a Dragon egg from the Demon realm?” Asher asks scared.

“Yep it seems someone in the Demon realm was on our side and tried to hide it before it could become something even, I can’t kill” Emily stated quite happy they found it.

“Any idea about the girl Drake?” Emily asks.

“No idea my guess is she found the egg and tried to keep it safe. The good news is she’s still alive but she’s badly hurt.”

“Ok I’ll start healing her you take everyone but Asher and search the area for anything I don’t care how small.”

“Sure, but um just a heads up you need to heal that hole in your side too.” Drake warned.


“Fuck I forgot about that god dammit I hope it didn’t do too much damage.”

“You’re kidding, right? It went almost through you.” Drake points out

“I’ll have to check it back when we get to the city, we don’t really got time to heal me fully right now.”

“Fair enough heal the girl so she’s stable then grab the egg and let’s get the hell out of here.”


Emily starts to heal the girl making sure her wounds are closing fine, that’s when Emily notices more about the girl. She has short blonde hair that goes down to her shoulder’s bright hazel eyes and at best guess is maybe 10 or 11. The biggest question on Emily’s mind was what the hell was this girl doing out here.

Emily thought the best she could on how the hell a dragon egg from the Demon realm got here. But all she could come up with was someone wanted the demons to not have it and the humans too.

“Emily you need to heal yourself too that’s a bad wound.” Drake told Emily.

“Ok I’m almost done with this girl then I’ll get to myself ok so chill.”

“Emily your bleeding badly.” Emily hadn’t notice but her quick healing job hadn’t held up as best she thought and now, she was losing blood quickly.


“Shit… Drake get everyone back here and hel…..” Was all Emily got before she passed out from blood loss not expecting her wound to be that bad.

Drake panicked at seeing Emily pass out from blood loss so he did the only thing he could.

“KATIE GET HERE NOW QUICKLY!!!” Drake screaming telepathically.

Katie flew as fast as she could to drake and Emily hoping she wouldn’t get there too late.

After flying for a few minutes Katie spotted Drake next to Emily’s body and the girl with the egg.

“Katie you’re her healing mace do everything you can to keep Emily alive got it?!” Drake tried to say as calmly as he could.

“Got it Drake make sure no one bothers me.”

“I will just keep her alive at all costs.” Drake was worried this wasn’t the first time Emily had gotten this hurt. The last time she lost her arm and almost her life, it took weeks of healing magic to get her arm back. But even then, nobody knew how it grew back like it did.

“Fuck where the hell am I.” Emily wondered.

“Welcome back Emily it’s been a while.”

“Shit don’t tell me I died again.” Emily knew she messed up

“Yep due to your carelessness you died yet again.”

“So, if you’re here where’s the other one?” Emily wondered now

“Lucifer? He’s busy dealing with getting you back alive.”

“So, what do you want then Michael?”

“You can’t keep dying we can’t keep bringing you back every time Emily.”

“It’s not my fault Lucifer should have kept control of the Demon realm. If the rest of you guys were alive this might be easier Michael.”

“We tried Emily remember the only two left are me and Lucifer. We made you a deal and give you the remaining power of the gods you need to learn how to use it.”

“I know how to use it dammit. I can steal the life force of all Demons and bend Mana to my will I know all of that.” Emily was pissed she was letting yelled at by Michael again.

“You can only use one of your weapons to it’s full power? You call that mastering it? If you dumb mortals didn’t try to fuck with the Demon realm we wouldn’t be here!” Michael yelled loudly.



Michael sighed heavy. “Emily you have at best 2 more lives before you are dead for good and humanity as no more hope you need to master your powers and get stronger.”

“Fine I’ll keep working on it but tell me about the girl and the egg first OH mighty god.” Emily said the last part with a large amount of sarcasm.

“Egg? What egg? And what girl?” Michael was confused now he knew nothing of this when he should have.

“Drake found a Dragon egg and a girl and brought them too me I was trying to keep the girl alive when I died myself.” Emily sighed.

“………. A Dragon egg? Your kidding right Dragons are a myth Emily something gods made up to scare mortals.” Michael couldn’t help but think Emily was joking.

“Look down at my body and you can see it next to me.” Emily stated.

Michael decided to humor Emily and looked down at her body back on Earth and looked in shock.

“That’s a …...”

“Yep it’s a dragon egg smart one now tell me, HOW THE FUCK DOES IT EXIST?” Emily was pissed now.

“Oh god! That is how you idiot mortals opened the fucking Demon realm YOU IDIOTS TRIED TO MAKE A DRAGON EGG AND DID!!” Michael’s voice boomed.

“Oh shit…” Was all Emily said.

“Emily you need to absorb that NOW.”

“You’re kidding, right? How the hell do you want me to do that?”

“Drain it’s life force and mana and give ½ of it to the girl and keep the rest for yourself. That way you can at least have some help. Otherwise Earth is doomed if the Demons get that.”

Out of nowhere a man with black and red wings falls next to Michael.

“So, bro what did I miss?”

“The moral’s made a dragon egg.”

“.. You're kidding, right? That’s why hell is no more? REALLY? WHAT THE FUCK.” Lucifer was pissed now losing hell was the biggest thing of his life that pissed him off.

“Relax Emily is going to take it’s life force and give ½ of it to the girl.”

“God this is going to be a mess. Well remember Emily you have 2 lives left then you’re done understand?” Michael said.

“Yeah I got it drop me back.”


“not so loud I’m here.”

“OH THANK GOD YOUR ALIVE!!” Drake and Katie screamed.


“again, not so loud.” Emily said trying to regain her strength 

“OH THANK GOD YOUR ALIVE!!” Drake and Katie screamed.

“again, not so loud.”

“Just a heads up miss. You wet yourself again.”

“Son of a bitch.” Emily sighs knowing she will deal with it later.

“How’s the girl?” Emily asked.

“She should recover but were not sure when she will wake up after everything she has been through.” Katie stated.

“That’s fine just keep a eye on her for now I got to get rid of this dragon egg.” Emily says.

Emily grabs the egg and takes it 50 feet away being starting to use her hidden magic. Her plan was to drain it all and slowly put it into the girl and hope for the best if Michael thought it was a good Idea what did she have to lose.

Emily sat the egg down and finished the start of her magic before her hand started to glow bright red. She put her hand on the egg and started taking it’s life force and mana. As she did she could see what the egg saw.

50 years ago.

“WE FINALLY DID IT! We now have the power of the gods and the ability to be immortal!”

“Sir we have a problem!”

“What now!”





That was all Emily saw she could not tell what came through the portal, but she knew that was what started this whole mess.


Not a bad first chapter I agree with Draco keep the dragon and find a way to use it agenst then demons also you should try to define a little clearer whom it is that's speaking .give the girl a mistical name as well and perhaps she can be the dragon rider .just a few thoughts . All in all a well put together story. Keep it up

13 minutes ago, Cuteandspoild said:

Not a bad first chapter I agree with Draco keep the dragon and find a way to use it agenst then demons also you should try to define a little clearer whom it is that's speaking .give the girl a mistical name as well and perhaps she can be the dragon rider .just a few thoughts . All in all a well put together story. Keep it up

for most of it. it was between Emily and Michael. the 50 years later was just random idiots fucking with the laws of nature lol. but ill try to add more names. i just dont want it to end up like Amelia where i got l freaking list of 40 names to remember lol. and im not gonna spoil anything yet =P 


Lol I had a story with over 300 carictwrs to keep up with trust me it gets easier as you go along


4 hours ago, Cuteandspoild said:

Lol I had a story with over 300 carictwrs to keep up with trust me it gets easier as you go along


oh dear lord im gonna try and keep it under 100 for the longest time but i know i cant forever lol.

  • 2 weeks later...

Chapter 2.


Emily quickly stopped what she was doing to the egg and looked at it and is wondering what to do now with it.

"Hello my Child." Emily heard loud inside her head.

"Who the hell are you." Emily knew it was impossible to enter her mind unless it was one of her weapons talking to her. To say she was confused would have been the biggest understatement ever.

"Child I am the egg you are standing over." Emily looked down at the egg in shock.

"You're an egg what the hell?" Emily said out loud.

"Yes, and your point? I'm a dragon egg we do have magical power you know." Emily looked in shock never expecting the egg to talk.

"Ummm hello my name is Emily."

"Yes, dear I know who you are. I want to make a deal with you if possible." Emily just looked at the egg wondering what the fuck was going on and if she was still knocked out or dead.

"Ok what kind of deal we are talking?" Emily asked.

"That child is a ½ breed she's part dragon part human I want you to protect her and keep her alive and train her to fight." The Egg said.

"Wait wait wait wait wait wait back the hell up she's a what now?" Emily looking confused shocked and wondering what the hell was going on.

"You heard me kid. She's part dragon and your going to teach her to fight." The egg stated.

"First off why do I have too?" Emily asked.

"Well kid she will be as strong if not stronger then you. She also is your only hope to kill the Demon king."

"You are kidding right?"

"Sadly, no I wish I was."

"So, who are you then Mr. egg?" Emily asks.

"I was an elder dragon before I turned on the Demon King and he tried to kill me and that girl I had been protecting. I opened a door and couldn't fully close it being stuck as an egg, so demons followed us. I am sorry about the village." The elder dragon egg said.

"So, who is the girl really? Why bring her here." Emily asked.

"That I can't tell you now one day maybe. But for now, you need to trust me."


Emily can hear the Egg sigh in her head. "My name is Pendragon. I was a great Elder dragon chief before the demon king killed me. I used the last bit of magic I had to turn myself into an egg and send us here." Pendragon said.

"So, what do I do about you then?" Emily wondered if the egg would attract demons at all.

"It will take a while and a lot of magic before I can hatch from this egg but tell then I'll let you take some scales off of it to make some gear for the girl and yourself sound like a fair trade so far?'

Emily knew how rare dragon scales yet alone Elder dragon were, she also knew how strong they were. They were almost impossible to break fighting demons 

"Ok deal for now we can talk more later about it." Emily said.

"Here I'll give you a few free of the deal enough to make yourself another weapon of higher grade." Pendragon using a small amount of magic and made a few scales fall off himself letting Emily pick them up.

"Thank I already have an idea what I'll make from an old book I found from before the great war." Emily said before picking up Pendragon and carrying him over to the girl.

"Thank for the lift, you may be stuck carrying me everywhere."

"It's fine Elder dragon scales more then make up for having you deal with you and the girl." Emily put Pendragon down before calling Drake to her.

"Drake how would you like an upgrade?" Emily asked.

"Miss if you want you can upgrade me without asking." Drake said.

"Drake you're my best friend and my first weapon I want to know what you want." Emily would not force him if he didn't want it Drake was her very best friend and the one, she trusted over humans besides her other weapons.

"What do you have in mind Emily?" Drake knew Emily loved to find stuff from the great war and wondered what she had planned.

"I'm thinking of making two guns and transferring you to them. You will be made of Elder dragon scales too."

"Gun? If they are strong enough for you sure be my guest Emily." Drake saw Emily's eyes light up happy. He loved to see her happy. But he wanted most of all to see her alive.

"Asher please keep the girl and Pendragon safe for a little bit." Emily saw Asher fly over to her quickly.

"Yes, ma'am I'll keep them self." Asher said before flying over to Pendragon and the girl.

"Ok Drake you ready for this?"

"Yes, Emily let's start."

Emily made a magical fire using most of her magic and slowly hovered Drake over it before grabbing all the Elder Dragon scales and slowly merging them into Drake. She was slow and methodical making sure to make Drake perfect, she did not want to mess up she wanted him to be better then new she wanted him to be the best weapon she had ever made. She made sure follow the plans she saw before adding a few touches of her own to Drake.

"Ok Drake this next part I need to be really careful so don't move or make a sound." Emily said before crafting 2 short swords with the last 4 scales she had. She slowly moved them over to Drake and put each one on Drake's new weapon form.

"How do they feel Drake?" Emily asked.

"A bit lighter but a lot stronger. What am I?" Drake wondered.

"You are Twin revolver's with short swords below the barrels. I enchanted you to magically make magical bullets that will pack a punch." Emily said.

"I have no idea what some of that is, but It sounds cool." Drake said.

"You read for the last part buddy?" Emily knew this was going to be the hardest part.

"Yes, Emily finish the work and give me a new name of power." Drake said before going quiet.

Emily worked harder getting the last parts and last enchantments on Drake before looking him over carefully from end to end.

Seeing no problems, she got to work making an Enchanting circle to use to give him more power.

"Ready Drake?" Emily asked

"Yes, Emily let's do it." Drake said with vigor.

Emily places both guns in the circle before putting all her magic power into in watching it glow brighter and brighter before a huge flash of light and force pushed Emily back 20 feet into a tree.

Emily dusted herself off and walked back to the circle and picking up both guns holding on in each hand.

"Well buddy it seems the gods smiled on you."

"What is my new name Emily?" He was confused and couldn't wait to know what his new name was.

"it says Draco The Hell Bringer." Emily said.

"That sounds amazing. I'm guessing Draco for sort then?"

"Yep you got it buddy." Emily hugged the guns making Draco feel the power and energy of her love.

Emily makes 2 gun holsters out of the last dragon scale and gently puts Draco in them.

"How do they feel bud?" Emily hoped they were to his liking.

"They feel great thanks Emily." If Draco could smile it would be a mile wide now.

"Let's get back over to Pendragon and the girl." Emily walked over to where Asher was hovering in place before floating up higher and making sure the area was safe.

"Thanks Asher." Emily needed to find out what the hell she was going to do with a ½ breed girl and a Elder dragon egg now, she can't just walk back into town with them without people freaking out. She had 3 days left before she was expected back so she had time to think up an idea but for now it looks like she was stuck carrying them both.

"Before we head out Pendragon tell me why the Demon king killed you?" Emily knew he was hiding something, and she was hoping he would slip up.

"I wanted peace with the humans we may outnumber you 100 to 1 Emily, but it takes a lot of deadly magic to do that. The more deadly magic the more a chance of when the portal opens it explodes on both sides causing massive damage to everything and everyone." Pendragon could tell Emily was shocked by what she had just learned.

"To Demons humans are just food and mana energy that is why they kill. The more they kill the stronger they get. It's the same with you and your magic absorber power." Emily was totally shocked how the hell did Pendragon know about her secret that no one knew about.

"Emily I am older than even the oldest Demon king ever there is not much I do not know. Granted I will not tell you everything bit some stuff if it is needed."

"I'm guessing Pendragon you know what happens then if I use it too much?" Emily asked.

"Yes, I know there is a chance you might become a Demon but I also know how to make sure you can control yourself it that happens and how to do much more with your ability. I will teach you some if you are willing. BUT you must keep that girl alive." Pendragon said.

Emily didn't even have to think about that she wanted badly to know more about herself and what made her different from everyone else.

"Deal I'll keep the girl alive and train her and in exchange you train me on how to use my ability." Emily smiled hoping to finally get some answers about her own self.

Emily called all her weapons back to her ready to leave this place now that she had new people to protect, she wanted to leave quickly.

"Ok everyone stay with in 500 feet of me and make sure to stay up high we are going to head back to camp and rest up for a while, I need to get my mana back I'm mostly spent." Emily said before hearing all her weapons say yes ma'am in her head.

Emily tied a rope around Pendragon and tied it around her back while grabbing the girl and carrying her in one arm.

Emily then headed off back to her camp.

"So, Pendragon what is so special about this girl what is she a ½ breed of?" Emily wondered.

"Truthfully she's none of your business right now. I will tell you and her what she is when the time is right Emily until then I will not tell you." Emily had at least hoped to get some info about the girl out of him.

"Ok fine what is her name at least?" Emily asked.

"Her name is Kayda." Pendragon said.

"Kayda? All right, I guess. Does she at least know how to fight or have magic?" Emily wondered how useful this girl might be.

"Yes, she has magic and she knows the basic's that's all I was able to teach her. The rest will be up to you both magic and hand to hand with weapons."

"You are not making this easy on me Pendragon. How long do I have to train her?" Emily just knew bad news was about to come.

"Between 2 and 4 years right now it depends on how quickly the Demon King will heal from the damage I did to him."

Now Emily was a bit curious. "What kind of damage did you do to him Pendragon?"

"I took off his Arm and wing before he killed me." Pendragon said proudly.

"WOW that should stop him for a while" Emily said.

"Yeah your welcome now let's get to camp I need to rest I've used too much magic myself Emily.

The walk back was quite for everyone.

Emily got back to camp took off all of her gear and fell asleep before her head even hit her bed. Knowing her weapons would keep watch for her.

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Yeah I saw it! Thanks Elfin!!!!♥️❤️♥️❤️♥️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I can’t wait for the next part!!!! Love the talking egg!!!!

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