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AB/DL aware Primary Care Providers

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I'm curious if folks out there know of any Primary Care Providers, or a GP in the UK, who are AB/DL friendly?

Let me be clear about what I am talking about. I've seen the same PCP for many years now (10+) and have been open with her about why I wear diapers since our first appointment. I wear diapers 24/7 so that does include when I see her and she doesn't mind or judge.  She does NOT baby me, tell me how cute my diapers are, or offer to change me or anything remotely like that. She is 100% professional, but she is also accepting and non-judgemental and she has seen my diapers, which are usually something from ABUniverse, plenty of times. As I've gotten older and started having actual bladder control issues, we have been able to discuss it honestly and openly including my preference to just use diapers to manage the problem.

I know of one other PCP in the area that is also AB/DL friendly. She is also totally professional, but very aware of and accepting of folks like us.

Does anyone else know of providers like this? I feel like it could be a good referral tool if done correctly, which I am not sure how to do.  I know so many of us do have medical or mental health issues, and it might be easier for folks to talk openly with a provider if they knew if was a safe place.


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I understand what you mean, and it’s about being, or feeling as comfortable as possible with caregivers. 
But, I don’t know if it can really be an issue. What I mean is, if you require any professional type care, and you like, or need to wear diapers, or AB specific types, it should not matter. As long as, you yourself conduct yourself with respect, for the professionalism of any such caregiver. They are not there for playtime, and if you recognize that, and keep it separate from the care you require from them, they will not care what you do, when they are not there. Doesn’t mean, they wouldn’t be curious, and ask questions about what you do. And in that case, you can provide explanations. But again, they are a professional, and might give a kinda shoulder shrug, but just go on with the business they are there for. 

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23 hours ago, AbabeBill said:

What I mean is, if you require any professional type care, and you like, or need to wear diapers, or AB specific types, it should not matter.

Totally agree that it shouldn't matter. Unfortunately I've seen when that isn't the case. Not all providers are really good socially, and not all are accepting and kind. Should be though. 

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12 hours ago, Mr. Sea Otter said:

Totally agree that it shouldn't matter. Unfortunately I've seen when that isn't the case. Not all providers are really good socially, and not all are accepting and kind. Should be though. 

Those that do not hold their professionalism, should be reported. Especially, if they are unkind. 

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I'm from the U.K. and receive a support package. Although my support provider knows I wear incontinence nappies (They have been instrumental in bringing my pads and wipes to hospital when I have been involuntarily hospitalised and they have purchased me nappies when I have asked them too) I haven't brought up that I'm wearing nappies because I like too. That is my business. I think if they knew I chose to wear nappies the support management wouldn't care. That is my personal choose... I do think some of the front line support staff, if they knew they would gossip about me. The staff think I have incontinence issues and its not a problem.. I live in a shared house with other people with disabilities and ofter wear tight pyjamas with thick nappies, you can clearly see I'm wearing a nappy and nobody says anything about it, they are respectful. They bring my nappies packages in for me. I don't flaunt wearing just that I'm comfortable, I don't openly talk about it. I'm happy with my situation....

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I came out to my urologist and my PCP months ago when I started wearing again.  I explained that I had started wearing diapers on a regular base (although I was not wearing at the time of either doctor visit mentioned).  Both doctors said basically the same exact thing, verbatum:  "You're not leaking, are you?", to which I responded that I wasn't.  After that the discussion turned to business as usual and not to my diaper wearing.

I didn't share with either doctor that I was also using the diapers, only that I was wearing them, just in case I had occasion to wear them while attending an appointment.  I will reserve the "I'm using diapers for [x] or [y]" conversation until such time as I have to divulge it.  For instance, if the condition I'm seeing the doctor for is caused by or somehow related to the wearing of wet or messy diapers, or if for some reason.

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I have not been able to find any in my area but I know of a great one in Michigan.  I wrote him explaining my situation and he said having patients who are ABDL is mild compared to some of the fetishes his patients have.  Unfortunately a three hour trip to the doctor is really unfeasible.  

There is a website that lists kink aware professionals by area and I would start there.


Your best bet honestly is finding a doctor that specializes in gay relationships.  They have tendancy to be a lot more open and understanding.  I simply just write them an email.  If they do not respond then email the next one.


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