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My Father's Golden Boy (Private)


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Vincent looks at  the boy “ok buddy here’s the thing, as we both know your dad left me the bulk of his fortune with the expectation that I would take care of you which, I will, I promise you will always have a home with me but that also means that I will be running the company. My concern is that people will assume wrongly that I somehow stole this from you so to abate that rumor I’m going to give you a job at the company and you will need to make a speech publicly supporting me... oh and from this moment on you will call me daddy”

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My face darkens, "obviously you hold all the cards here, and i'd much refer a job at the company to being homeless.  I'm happy to help you keep up appearances. But I must ask.  What are the terms that that qualify as "taking care of me"  and why the devil do you want me to call you 'Daddy'?"

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Vincent pauses then starts “well we will figure it out as we go. For now just remember to do as your told. He looked at Duncan “I expect you to call me daddy for a few reasons first because I am your legal guardian so it’s technically true but mostly because it will show our employees and the world that we are family and that you defer to me in all ways. It’s a sign or respect”

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Vincent beams and pulls the boy into a hug “there’s my good boy now then why do t you sit at the table and work on your speech oh and I forgot please leave your shoes by the door, I’m going to press your suit for your big day tomorrow”

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I allow myself to be pulled into the hug, but stiffly, and keeping my arms to myself by my sides, allowing m discomfort to display itself plainly on my face.  "Sure, that seems reasonable, I'll get on that then.  any specific things you want me to touch on asside from mourning my father, and hailing his brilliant move to promote you to CEO as a stroke of genius?"

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 Vincent shook his head “and publicly calling me your daddy nope, that will do it” he patted the boys bum “go on buddy, shoes then homework please” he released Duncan and got to work on thier clothes

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I stiffen up at the pat on the butt.  "Vincent, I'm not one of your football or fraternity brothers.  A pat there is highly inappropriate, thank you very much."  I walk to the door, and take off my shoes, depositing them by the door, then realize I hadn't been told where my room was.  I turn around.  "Daddy, would you mind directing me to my room?"

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I blink, then realize what he's saying.  "Oh, terribly sorry Daddy, I presumed you wanted me to work on it in my room.  I misunderstood.  Pajamas won't be necessary for right now, though it's quite a bit early for them isn't it?"  I sit back down at the table, and take a pencil and paper to start drafting my speech.

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I nod as I continue writing.  "Some rest probably would be a good idea."  When I finish I hand it over to Vincent.  "Here you are."

Hello, and thank you all for coming to this meeting today.  I'm sure that by now you all have heard of the untimely death of my father.  I'm sure that most of you are expecting the role of CEO of this company will be passed down to me.  This will not be the case, as my father decided before his death that that position will be passed down to my new adoptive Daddy:  Vincent Paul.  I am in full support of this decision and think that he will be a great leader for this company."

When he finishes reading I ask.  "By the way what position will you be hiring me for when you take over the company?  It would probably be good to include that in the speech."

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Vincent nodded his approval simply crossing out two words new and adoptive. He looked at Duncan “good job sweetheart” he offered out his hand “come on buddy, I’ll show you your room and get you comfy for your nap”

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I look at the crossed out words.  "Why would you do that?  Now I just sound like some sex pervert approving of my late father establishing my master as CEO."  I don't take his hand but I follow him to my room.

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Vincent led the boy up the stairs to a good sized bedroom. It was very plain but the furniture was nice and everything was clean “sorry buddy, it’s pretty boring in here but we can decorate as we go” he smiles we did bring all of the clothes you had in your old bedroom here” he opened a drawer and threw a Sky blue short set on the bed “there you go buddy”

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I smile at Vincent for the first time.  The back rub actually does feel good.  after he turns off the lights, I let myself slowly drift off to sleep.

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