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Babe Academy (Extended Patreon Preview Added May 17)

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Babe Academy is an homage to trashy 70s and 80s girls-reform-school-type movies with an ABDL twist. This prologue was written to serve as an introduction to the two main villains as well as being a satisfying short story on its own. You can follow it on Patreon for just $5 a month (which also unlocks an ever growing library of ABDL fiction not available anywhere else.) You can also visit my blog for more cool stuff.


The Doctor arrived at Ms. Elle Hunter’s house on the campus at a little after three on the Friday before the beginning of fall semester at a little after 3:00. Ms. Hunter, recently appointed Headmistress at the secluded St. Babette’s Academy for Troubled Young Women, had spent the morning on the phone, checking on the changes that she’d ordered to the campus, and finding that the work was progressing on schedule, began going through the student records, finding suitable candidates for early trials of their new process. Fortunately, in a school full of young, beautiful troublemakers, there was no shortage of potential guinea pigs, and she had a lovely time sipping her wine and making notes, her pussy throbbing in anticipation of all the fun she was going to have.

She’d almost missed it when Dr. Waxler’s Porsche came up the driveway, and she rose with a sigh, crossing over to the front door to greet her guest.

Dr. Waxler climbed out of the car, her statuesque figure standing over six feet and made lean and muscular by a carefully regimented exercise routine... not that you would realize that the way she was dressed, casual but elegant, her bearing almost regal. The Headmistress did raise an eyebrow when she saw the Doctor’s unannounced guest-- a gorgeous young lady in her early to mid 20s, her blond hair cascading down her shoulders, nearly the same golden color as the t-shirt that clung to her body and revealed that she wore no bra to constrain her large breasts. Her jeans were nearly painted on, and when she bent over to retrieve her purse from the car Ms. Hunter found herself nearly gasping at the sight of her round little butt, every detail, contour and crevasse revealed in almost perfect detail through the tight denim.

“This is Candy,” Dr. Waxler said proudly, presenting her to the Headmistress almost like a trophy. “I saw her hitchhiking on my way up and I just couldn’t pass the little angel by,” she smiled, lightly brushing the girl’s hair back behind her ear.

“How very selfless,” Ms. Hunter said archly, smiling knowingly. “Why don’t you make yourself at home in the living room, dear?” Elle, said ushering the girl gently towards door. “We’ve got a little business to discuss here first before we join you,” she urged, unable to resist giving Candy’s firm, young bottom a gentle pat as she sent her on her way.

“And what, may I ask, is she doing here?” The Headmistress asked, faux-forceful.

“I told you,” said the doctor, “I picked her up hitchhiking.”

“That’s not what I meant... and you know it.”

“You said you wanted a demonstration,” Dr. Waxler reminded her, removing her coat and hanging it in the closet. “You also mentioned that you wanted, quote, ‘a little one all to myself...’ I thought you’d be pleased.”

“She is pretty cute,” Ms. Hunter agreed, “but we can’t just... well, you know! Doesn’t someone know where she is?”

“God no... she doesn’t even have a cell phone. Think of it, Elle,” Dr. Wexler began, pouring herself a glass of wine, “she just left home on her own without saying anything to anyone... isn’t that the most immature thing you’ve ever heard? And she’s got the most infantile obsession with breasts... I swear she spent half the trip up here trying to get a glance at my cleavage.”

“It is rather impressive, Doctor,” Ms. Hunter said sardonically, helping herself to a glance down the doctor’s low-cut top. “What exactly did you have in mind?” Ms. Hunter asked, taking another sip of her wine

“Ohh, nothing much,” the doctor said, emptying the liquid contents of a small vile she retrieved from her purse into a wine glass before pouring a serving of Cabernet Sauvignon on top. “Only let’s move the party out to the deck, shall we? I’d hate to make a mess in your living room.”

While Candy chugged her wine greedily and quickly poured herself another, the two older women sipped their drinks slowly, watching her with flickering eyes and secretive smiles, stealing knowing glances at each other.

It wasn’t long before the girl was tipsy, and the other women moved in aggressively, each staking out a position next to their supple young prey, grinning hungrily at her and reaching out to gently touch her, almost licking their lips in anticipation.

The girl, for her part, seemed oblivious to their predatory intentions, sipping her wine and enjoying the attention they were paying her. She’d been away from home for weeks now, and she was enjoying the way they fussed over her... especially considering how attractive they were.

Candy When the urge to urinate came one, the idea that she wouldn’t be able to control herself never crossed her mind... after all, she was a grown woman now, one who hadn’t wet herself in years at that. Candy simply crossed her legs and squeezed tightly to help hold it in. Dr. Waxler shot Ms. Hunter a knowing smirk... she recognized the body language enough to know that poor little Candy was on the edge of embarrassing herself, even if she hadn’t realized it yet.

Candy chattered away blissfully, unaware at first that she had begin leaking. A small dark patch appeared on the front of her jeans, but she remained totally oblivious. The Doctor and the Headmistress watched, their eyes shimmering with anticipation.

By the time she realized something was wrong, it was far too late... Candy’s crotch was soaked and the warm wetness was trickling beneath her and under her bum. Candy gasped and leapt to her feet trying futilely to stop the flow of pee down her legs, only to discover that her body simply wasn’t responding to her commands... no matter how hard she tried, she simply couldn’t stem the flow, and she soon found herself standing in a puddle.

“Oh my God!” she whispered, her cheeks reddening as the strong stench of urine wafted into her nostrils. Before she could even fully process what was happening, Ms. Hunter and the Doctor were on her, touching her body gently and whispering soft comforts into her ear:

“Oh dear... what seems to have happened, honey?”

“Seems as though she’s had herself a little accident, didn’t you sweetie?”

“Poor little baby... do you need some assistance?”

“I’d say she definitely needs a little motherly attention.”

Candy was dazed and confused, pouring sweat, her embarrassment growing with every little move she made, the pee squishing beneath her feet audibly. She was hot and dizzy and detached, and she had no idea how it happened, but before she knew it she was inside and Ms. Hunter and the Doctor were stripping off her shirt and pants. She wore no underwear of any kind, so she was bare naked almost before she realized it. Blushing, she assumed she was being led towards a bath; she was surprised to find herself on her back on a plastic mat on the living room floor, staring up at the ceiling, her firm, ripe breasts rising and falling in time with her breathing.

Doctor Waxler appeared at Candy’s side brandishing a small baby bottle. She opened her mouth to protest, but instead found the rubber nipple pushed firmly in between her lips. “Don’t drop it,” the Doctor admonished sternly, and Candy felt a stab of fear, wrapping both hands around the bottle and keeping the nipple firmly in her mouth... she had absolutely no desire to get this woman angry at her.

Candy slurped her bottle obediently, her eyelids growing heavy the more of the syrupy liquid she consumed. Her body tingled, the world seemed to shimmer and slow to a crawl. She glanced over, saw the Doctor retrieve a box of baby-wipes, a bottle of powder, and a large disposable diaper. Candy giggled to herself around the nipple... they looked like they were getting ready to play a game of house!

Feeling increasingly disoriented, she drifted in and out, only catching snippets of their conversation:

“... Formula keeps her out of it and preps her for the machine” she heard the Doctor say, “... little side effect... stimulate her colon...”

“Oh my...get a little stinky in here?” The Headmistress asked, highly amused.

“... Get this diaper on,” the Doctor replied, “before she... mess... all over.” Candy felt the diaper tugged up tight between her legs. All she could do was groan and wiggle in response.

“Young lady, you quit that fussing!” The Doctor scolded sternly, taping the diaper shut around Candy’s waist. “Be a good girl and finish your baba, or I’ll have to put you over my knee and spank your little bottom!”

The Doctor shot Candy a serious look, sending a stab of fear through the girl, who redoubled her effort to finish her bottle, emptying it with a hiss. Dr. Waxler removed it from her grip with a smug smirk, leaving Candy to look down at her pampers and pout.

“Don’t be so hard on the little darling, Doctor,” Ms. Hunter said, slipping in next to Candy on the floor to softly stroke her supple, naked body. “She’s had a very busy day... haven’t you, honey?” She bent down to kiss Candy’s forehead softly, and the diapered blonde beauty squirmed and gurgled in response. “I think I know what you want,” Elle whispered, unbuttoning her blouse to reveal that her bountiful bosom wasn’t constrained by a bra.

She presented one perfect nipple to the squirming diaper girl who accepted it without hesitation. The Headmistress gasped, then smiled and chuckled, gently stroking the girl’s silky, golden hair, whispering softly as she sought comfort from the older woman’s nipple, and that she had no milk to give was no problem... Candy simply reached up, cupped Elle’s other breast, and settled in with a soft sigh.

Dr. Waxler watched the show with an amused smirk for a few moments before going out to her car to remove the remainder of her equipment. Back in the living room, she quickly set up her laptop, hooking in what appeared to be a VR rig, and setting up the program, gaving the Headmistress and her new playmate a moment to enjoy each other’s company for a minute.

The quiet tranquility of the moment was punctuated by an ominous gurgle from Candy’s tummy. A sharp cramp preceded a growing bloated feeling in her tummy. Before she even realized what was happening, she heard herself passing gas loudly, only slightly muffled by her diaper.

Gasping, she detached herself from Elle’s nipple and looked up at her with a shocked expression, which only made the Headmistress chuckle. Candy’s cheeks reddened-- her tummy was just getting more crampy by the minute, and she couldn’t seem to clamp down or control herself at the moment... she ripped a couple of more farts into the seat of her diapers, reddening as Ms. Hunter chuckled.

“Oh dear... I believe you were right, Doctor,” said Ms. Hunter with some amusement. “The medicine seems to have upset her tummy a bit.”

That was an understatement... grimacing, Candy pushed down a bit in an attempt to rid herself of the painful gas inside her. Instead, she gasped and squeaked, accidentally pushing out a sizable dollop of warm mushy poop with a gassy blurping sound.

“Uh oh,” the Headmistress said smugly, crinkling her nose a bit and reaching around to pat the growing bulge in the seat of her diaper. “I think someone’s making mommy a present!”

Candy responded with a grunt, a gurgling cramp in her belly pushing out an involuntary diarrhea mud-side into her pampers. Elle just smiled and patted her bottom, feeling the pile growing beneath her hand. “That’s my good girl... make a big mess for mommy,” the woman whispered huskily, patting the mushy pile in the seat of her diaper.

“Bring her over here,” Dr. Waxler said with a smile, “and I can finish my demonstration.”

Ms. Hunter aided Candy unsteadily to her feet and helped her walk, bow legged, over to the couch. The Headmistress eased her unto a sitting position, grinning, watching her expression as the mess in her pants squished against her butt.

“Hold still, honey,” the Doctor said firmly, slipping the headset onto Candy’s head and strapping her in.

“Now,” she explained, guiding Elle through the process on the screen of her laptop, “this is a simplified version-- the finished product will have more options for customization, but this’ll give you an idea of what we’re working with. Once completed, I’ll be able to offer full customization of the subject’s mind-- remove or insert memories, implant post-hypnotic triggers... but right now, I want to show you our ‘reset’ options.

“From here,” Dr. Waxler continued, pulling up a new menu, “I have access to all of her memories. I can erase specific ones-- say, first grade, or her potty training, even reduce her speech and language comprehension... Or, I can erase them all after, say, her second birthday, leaving her in a, shall we say, highly suggestible state.” The Doctor grinned at Elle, who was listening very intently. “I could even insert you into her memories-- cast you in the ‘mommy’ role, if you would. She would be absolutely infantilized... and totally under your control. If, of course, that’s what you want.”

Waxler glanced up at the Headmistress, who could only nod slightly, her pussy throbbing at the possibilities. With a sadistic grin, Dr. Waxler entered the variables and hit enter.

Beneath the visor, Candy squirmed in her poopy diaper, hoping she was going to get a change soon. She was only vaguely aware of the two women and their conversation... she was sleepy, tired, and ready for a clean diaper. She was caught unaware when the VR headset flickered to life, a series of coloured lights and flashes dancing across her eyes. Squeaking with surprise, her mouth dropped open, and she jumped a bit in her seat, the mushy pile in her pants squishing against her even more. She had no idea what was happening, and within a few moments, it didn’t matter... Candy relaxed, sagging into her seat, as her memories began to vanish, her personality being re-written to suit the purposes of these two women she’d only just met.

Dr. Waxler and Ms. Hunter watched closely, Candy laying almost motionless except for the occasional twitch or spasm. Neither of them spoke, but both of them knew it was only the beginning.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Great. I bet that Candy is going to wish she had that thumb firmly inserted in her mouth sucking hard on it rather than having it sticking out trying to catch a ride. This is going to be the ride of her life. 

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  • 2 months later...

I got such a good response on the first couple of chapters on Patreon that I thought I'd post them up here. You can follow the rest of this story on Patreon for just $5 a month, which also grants you access to an ever growing archive of exclusive ABDL stories. I'm going to try and have the next installment of Regression Crisis up for the Audience Participation tier this weekend and up here sometime next week.

Chapter One

Bending over her desk, Ms. Hunter stuck her rounded rump out behind her, folding her hands under her chin and waiting patiently, all too aware of the irony of the Headmistress bending over her own desk... but she knew the momentary indignity would have great rewards.

Behind her, The Doctor prepared her shot, drawing the synthetic hormone compound she’d designed into the cylinder. She approached the Headmistress from behind, slowly, a self-satisfied smirk on her face. She savoured moments like these-- Elle Hunter may have signed her paychecks, but it was Dr. Waxler who held the reigns in their relationship.

With slow relish, she tugged the Headmistress’ skirt up, flipping it over onto the small of her back to reveal her tight, toned rear end, the rounded moons of her buttocks and the cleft between them visible through the seat of her silky, translucent panties. Smiling, the Doctor hooked her fingers into the waistband and tugged them down, exposing Elle’s perfect booty to the room.

“Are you ready, Headmistress?” Dr. Waxler asked, arching an eyebrow sardonically, just barely resisting the urge to reach out and give her a pinch.

She waited for Elle’s confirmation, then pushed the needle home, suppressing a chuckle when the Headmistress emitted a small gasp. She depressed the plunger, the milky fluid disappearing rapidly. Pulling the needle free, she swabbed the tiny pinprick in the otherwise unblemished flesh of Ms. Hunter’s buttock. “Awww... poor thing,” the Doctor cooed with no small amount of sarcasm, puckering up to plant a soft kiss on the affected area.

The Headmistress rose, tugging her silky panties back into place before smoothing her skirt down over her hindquarters. “This isn’t the time or place, Doctor,” she said curtly, taking her notes from the desk and leafing through them.

“I trust the treatments have been... effective?” The Doctor grinned. The shots were designed to induce lactation, and the doctor couldn’t help noticing Elle’s already huge tits had been looking especially full and ripe for the last few days... even now she seemed about to pop out of her blouse, the buttons straining to contain them.

“I have no complaints... and neither does Candy,” she said, allowing herself a tight smile. “I assume you’re ready to move forward?”

“You know I am,” Waxler said smugly. “The new ‘detention center’ is up and running, and we’ve personally identified all the troublemakers and ringleaders... once we have them, the rest of the school will be a cakewalk.”

“Mmmm... wonderful,” Ms. Hunter said, studying herself in the mirror. “The food situation?”

“Sorted out... the oatmeal will be on the menu for tomorrow breakfast and the special snacks we created are in the vending machines now. In addition to my patented Ultra-fibre, they, along with all the other food, will be laced with trace amounts of my formulas to slowly erode their continence and make them more susceptible to the subliminals we’ll be pumping into their rooms at night.”

“Good... good...” Ms. Hunter said, smoothing her outfit once more before turning to look at her companion. “Shall we?”


“Hey Trish,” Lucy said, settling in next to her friend in the auditorium. They were all waiting for the assembly to start-- for most, it would be the first time they had seen or heard their new headmistress. Rumour had it that there were some changes happening at St. Babette’s, much of it having to do with the mysterious ‘detention center’ recently built onto the medical building. “What’s going on?”

“Haven’t you heard?” Trish sighed dejectedly, “Gemma’s not coming back this semester.”

“Aw... How come?”

“I don’t know... her parent’s pulled her out. Something about these new rule changes.” Trish huffed. She’d shared a room with Gemma for the last two years, and they’d gotten pretty tight.

“That sucks, sweetie,” Lucy said. “I know how to cheer you up, though... I’m meeting this cute guy tonight, we’re going to a party in town... you should come!”

“You’re sneaking out on the first night of the semester?” Trish grinned. Even by the liberal standards of Babe Academy, that seemed brazen.

“No-- we are! Right?” she beamed. “C’mon, it’ll be fun!”

“OK... when do you want to go?”

But before they could plan any further, Ms. Hunter strode out to the podium, Dr. Waxler trailing behind her. Confident and beautiful, the icy blonde was both intimidating and magnetically alluring. With her plunging neckline and her magnificent breasts looking like they were about to jump out of her top, she soon had every eye in the room on her. The din of conversation died down as she glanced about the auditorium expectantly.

“Good morning, ladies” The Headmistress began smoothly. “For those of you who don’t know, I’m Ms. Hunter, and I’ll be taking over as headmistress.”

“Think she brought enough tits for the rest of the class?” whispered Lucy, making Trish giggle.

The Headmistress ran through her introduction, and at first there was nothing of note-- most of the girls tuned out, holding hushed conversations or fidgeting with their phones. But the next section won back their attention.

“I know that this place has played pretty loose with the rules in the past... previous leaders have allowed the students to operate independently, and discipline has been rather lax. I’m sorry to announce all that’s over now. There will be no more skipping class to tan by the pool, no more turning in assignments late, and no more sneaking out to cavort around town. The trustees have brought me in to establish discipline and restore order, while still providing the quality education you’ve come to expect.

“With that in mind, I’d like to introduce the woman who will be assisting me in this endeavour... Dr. Donna Waxler, who will be aiding me in my mission every step of the way as well as providing the quality medical care our students have come to expect.”

The tall, statuesque beauty took the stage, long black hair cascading around her shoulders, and the students found themselves gulping apprehensively. “You girls will be noticing some changes over the coming days and weeks. Some will be as minor as healthier food in the vending machines and cafeteria. Others, such as new discipline methods, classroom reassignments, and our new, more zealous approach to health and hygiene, may strike you as odd, out of place, or even invasive. I want to assure you right now that everything we do is done with the well-being of our students in minds.” The mere mention of discipline in conjunction with this woman was enough to have the girls squirming uncomfortably in their seats and shooting each other nervous glances.

“I also want to inform you that starting next week we will be bringing all the students in for a thorough physical examination as well as instituting random, on the spot hygiene checks, and I don’t want to hear any grumbling about it ladies-- your health, safety, and cleanliness is our top priority,” Waxler said with a sinister grin.

There was little else to say, and the assembly wrapped up quickly afterwords, leaving the girls a few minutes to chat among themselves before class.


“Can you believe those two?” Trish asked no one in particular when she and her friends had gathered in the hall. “Don’t they know who they’re dealing with? My dad could buy and sell both those clowns.”

“I hope they were joking,” Kayla said haughtily. “I was looking forward to working on my tan this semester.”

“This is a college, not a nursery school! ‘Hygiene checks?’ What does that even mean?!”

“Hey, check this out.”

Everyone looked at Lucy in time to see her dropping some change into the vending machine. She pushed a combination of buttons, then bent to retrieve her snack (her short skirt revealing a scandalous amount of smooth, sexy bare leg.) She turned and showed the others her purchase.

“‘Nutrition bar’?” Trish read uncertainly.

“‘Maple and Peanut Butter Protein,’” Lucy read aloud, “‘made with Ultra-Fibre. Control post workout hunger with this protein rich, vegan snack bar, jam packed with peanuts, pea protein isolate and real maple syrup. Good for slow energy release.’”

“You’re not really going to eat that, are you?” Kayla asked dubiously.

“Why not?” Lucy asked, unwrapping it and taking a bite. “I’m starving... Mmmm! This is good!”

The bell rang, cutting off any further conversation. The girls drifted reluctantly off to class.



Chapter Two

“...Which brings us to Napoleon,” Ms. Perkins droned on endlessly, her voice seemingly having grown more flat and monotone over the summer.

As usual. the girls didn’t even try to hide their board disinterest, resting their heads on their desk or checking their phones. In the back row, Trish and her friends whispered quietly among themselves and passed a small flask back and forth... all except Lucy, who had been looking increasingly pale and sickly ever since she finished her Nutrition Bar.

“...Was born on 15 August 1769-- the same year the Republic of Genoa transferred Corsica to France...” Ms Perkins intoned dully, her voice seeming to be actually lulling her students to sleep.

“Uh... this is sooooo boring,” Trish said to no one in particular, accepting the small silver flask and taking a swig, the alcoholic contents burning on the way down. “I mean, is it possible to be actually, literally board to death?” she said, offering the flask to Lucy, who just waved her off. Trish handed the flask back to Kayla, then glanced over at Lucy. Her friend was looking rather pale, and she kept touching her stomach... as though she wanted to rub it, but didn’t want to display her discomfort to anyone. “Hey... you feeling OK?”

Lucy flashed a wan little smile and opened her mouth to answer, but instead emitted a semi-loud belch. She covered her mouth, embarrassed, and shot the shocked Trish an apologetic look. “Sorry,” she whispered unhappily, looking like she’d rather be anywhere else.

“Then, upon graduating in September 1785, Bonaparte was commissioned a second lieutenant in La Fère’s artillery regiment,” Ms. Perkins continued, and Trish was beginning to feel as though she was having an out of body experience when she accepted the flask from Kayla again. She raised it to her lips and was about to take another drink when a strange odour invaded her nostrils. Trish crinkled her nose and took a sniff of the contents of the flask and see if it had gone off.

“Holy fuck, what stinks?” Kayla complained, reaching up to pinch her nose shut.

She wasn’t the only one... Trish watched with mild amusement as the stink spread throughout the classroom, the other girls crinkling their noses or fanning their faces distastefully, glancing around to see if they could find the culprit.

Trish had her own suspicions about the source of the stench... suspicions that were confirmed when she heard a gassy rumble coming from right next to her. She glanced next to her and saw Lucy trying unsuccessfully to look casual, not quite able to force herself to remain still in her seat.

“Goddamn... who blew ass?” Tiffany complained under her breath, fanning her face dramatically.

“Lucy... you OK?” Trish asked quietly, trying not to draw any further attention to her friend’s plight.

The noisy rumble of a huge fart vibrating off the wooden chair of the desk was her response, and Trish recoiled in horror, covering her nose instinctively. “Eww!” she uttered, perhaps more loudly than she should have, drawing the attention of Ms. Perkins.

“Girls,” Ms. Perkins asked sharply, “is there some sort of problem?”

“Smells like a buffalo died in here!” Someone complained, followed by general agreement from the rest of the class. Trish looked at Lucy who was sweating nervously, her cheeks rosy red, her bottom squirming against the hard wooden seat like it had a mind of it’s own. Gas was leaking out of her at a steady pace now, occasionally accompanied by an embarrassing noise.

At last, she couldn’t take it any longer-- Lucy bolted up from her seat, hastily stuffing her things into her backpack.

“Lucy?” Ms. Perkins asked, still confused, “what are you doing? We still have fifteen minutes left!”

“I-I gotta go!” was all Lucy could say, letting out a small but loud toot at the end of her sentence like an exclamation point.

“Yeah-- to the bathroom!” some comedian responded, to the general amusement of the class.

Lucy ignored them... she had already embarrassed herself, she didn’t want to complete her humiliation with a messy accident in front of the class. Tossing her backpack over her shoulder, she fled from the room, slamming the door behind her, just barely resisting the urge to press her hand against her butt until she was out in the hall.

Lucy barely comprehended what was happening-- Her guts were churning, she was emitting blasts of hot, moist gas from her neither regions at random intervals, and sweat was beading down her forehead. She couldn’t understand what was happening-- everything was perfectly normal until she finished that damn protein bar... now she was literally moments away from loading her panties under her skirt!

She waddled down the hallway as quickly as she could with her butt-cheeks clenched tightly behind her, palm pressed against the seat of her panties. The bathroom was almost in sight, and she broke out into a wide grin-- she was going to make it!

But as she reached out to push her way into the bathroom, Lucy was horrified to feel her back passage force it’s way open, totally beyond her control, and a lump of soft, warm poop fired it’s way out of her anus with a noisy blast of gas like a gunshot. Instantly, the lump tented the fabric of her panties, a little brown stain appearing almost immediately.

She stood frozen in the doorway of the ladies room, squeezing her cheeks together tightly with a grunt, still thinking she could salvage the situation and escape with only a stained pair of panties.

A hilarious farting noise made a mockery of her efforts. Her buttocks parted beyond her control, and poor Lucy emitted an anguished grunt as her continence failed entirely, a crackling surge of lumpy brown poo-poo filling the seat of her panties, staining the seat and smearing her cute little buns.

Chewing her lip nervously, she forced herself to glance over her shoulder, preying that it wasn’t as bad as it felt. Hesitantly, she tugged up her skirt at the back, letting out a horrified sob when she saw how lumpy and stained the seat of her panties were-- between that and the emerging stench, there was no doubt about what she’d done.

Tears began trickling down her face, but Lucy forced herself to think rationally. The mess was too big to clean up in the bathroom, and she certainly couldn’t just stay standing there-- the bell was going to be ringing soon. She had to get out of the hallway, find somewhere private where she could clean herself up, and there was only one place she could think of in her current condition.

Smoothing her skirt back in place as best she could, trying (and not quite succeeding) to keep the bulging, lumpy mass in her panties from peeking out from under the hem, Lucy waddled off towards the nurses office, the hot mess in her pants squishing against her rump with every step.



Dr. Waxler was going over some files in her office when she heard the knocking at her door-- soft, but urgent. “Yes?” She answered, a smile playing around her lips... could their efforts be paying off already?

“Please let me in,” came the sobbing, pleading voice, “I-- I’ve had a little accident!”

In no particular hurry, Waxler made her way to the door. She was delighted when she opened it and saw adorably sexy Lucy standing there, a grown young woman looking scrumptious in her childish little uniform, tears trickling down her beautiful face. It was obvious what the problem was from the earthy pong that hung in the air, but the sadistic Doctor couldn’t help exacerbating the sobbing student’s embarrassment. “What’s the matter sweetie... did you skin your little knee?” she asked with a heaping dose of condescending sweetness... as though she were addressing a second grader.

“No,” Lucy sobbed, wiping away her tears, “I-- I-- I... pooped my pants!” She wailed, bursting into tears anew, covering her face with the shame of it. Cooing comfortingly, the amazonian doctor wrapped the smaller woman up in a hug.

“There, there, darling,” she said, casually reaching around to lift the girls skirt and inspect her panties. She grinned when the bulging, lumpy seat came into view the material heavily stained. She suspected the girl had gotten a taste of one of her patented ‘protein’ bars-- The Doctor couldn’t wait to see what would happen once her new diet program had been implemented fully.

“I don’t understand,” Lucy was babbling, “I-- I’ve never had this problem before!”

“These things happen to all of us, honey bunny,” the doctor said soothingly. “Why don’t you go and wait for me in the washroom, sweetie... I’ll just call your teacher and tell her you won’t be back to class.”

“OK,” Lucy said, her voice soft and quivering. Waxler watched her waddle off into the bathroom with a sly grin.

She did place a quick call to Ms. Perkins to let her know what had happened. Then, Dr. Waxler hung up and dialed the headmistress, knowing she could ingratiate herself even further by presenting her with another toy to play with.

“It’s me,” Waxler said when Ms. Hunter picked up. “I think you might want to come down to my office... we have a situation I think you might want to keep yourself abreast of.”

Read chapter three here right now!

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  • Parker Longabaugh changed the title to Babe Academy (Extended Patreon Preview Added May 17)

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