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Video Game: Baleful Bassinet (Complete/Playable Online)


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Have you ever regained consciousness only to find yourself dazed and confused by unfamiliar territory? I'm willing to bet you've experienced such a sensation before rapidly remembering recent events and recalling what brought you to your atypical slumbering spot. But what if you couldn't? What if you woke up in an overgrown nursery with absolutely no recollection as to how you arrived there?

To some ABDLs, such a situation would seem a dream come true. But what if you were surrounded by incorporeal phantoms and near inevitable demise around every corner? Your wildest dream is about to become a waking nightmare.

Welcome to The Baleful Bassinet.


Hello everyone. My name is Reverie. I've lurked DD for quite some time. About a decade now, as a matter of fact. For some reason, though I've been quite active elsewhere, I never really shed my lurker status here. Until now, anyway.

I've thus far shared my game on both Fox Tales Times and TFGames but I figured that it was also worth sharing here.


The interpreter, Git, can be downloaded here: http://www.davidkinder.co.uk/glulxe.html

There's absolutely no pressure but if you do feel like donating, you can find my Patreon link here: https://www.patreon.com/IndievidualInnovations

It can also now be played online here: http://iplayif.com/?story=http%3A%2F%2Fmedia.textadventures.co.uk%2Fgames%2FK1gy7wd2qUqnm1BVOJBGMA%2FBaleful Bassinet 1-0-0.gblorb

Well, hopefully anyway. I tested out a few commands and it seems to run fine. If anyone actually gives this a go, I'd appreciate it if you'd let me know how smoothly it plays and whether or not it runs on macs. The only thing I know for sure is that it doesn't play the music, which I'm sure many people probably prefer anyway.


If you have any questions, comments or concerns, I'd love to hear them. If you find any bugs, glitches or issues, I need to hear them.


Anyway, I hope that you all enjoy.




Baleful Bassinet 1.0.0.zip

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6 hours ago, Pudding said:

I love this game so much! :D I've been playing it since your initial release, thanks for making it!

Coming from you, that is a massive compliment. You and Sophie have written some of my favorite stories of all time.

And dear god, the captions...


...Anyway, thank you so much <3

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5 hours ago, LG_stephy said:

Coming from you, that is a massive compliment. You and Sophie have written some of my favorite stories of all time.

And dear god, the captions...


...Anyway, thank you so much <3

fksnfsdf I cant even! you really like our stuff? You're such a talented writer and and and aahhh <3 <3 <3

Soapy doesn't usually do game stuff but I'm gonna make her and our mutual little roomie play it, too, because it really is an amazing project you've got going - and I hope Patreon is treating you well!

(ps ur super cute oh my days)

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59 minutes ago, Pudding said:

fksnfsdf I cant even! you really like our stuff? You're such a talented writer and and and aahhh <3 <3 <3

Soapy doesn't usually do game stuff but I'm gonna make her and our mutual little roomie play it, too, because it really is an amazing project you've got going - and I hope Patreon is treating you well!

(ps ur super cute oh my days)

How could anyone not like your stuff? Honestly, I totally squeed a little bit when I read your first comment. It means a lot to me when anyone likes my projects but when it's a fellow creator whose work I admire, it lets me know that I must be doing something right.

I hope that you manage to get them to try Baleful Bassinet. I'm always happy to have someone else play it ^.^

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  • 3 months later...
13 minutes ago, VoxyRox said:

Is there a link to an online version so I can play on mobile?


Unfortunately, to the best of my knowledge, there is no way to play games made with Inform online.

However, there are glulxe interpreters that work with mobile devices, the best of which is allegedly Twisty.



It is worth mentioning that I'm not sure whether it would be able to handle Baleful Bassinet or not. It certainly can't handle Trap Quest, though Trap Quest is far larger and more complex so that isn't saying all that much. If you do try this, I would be interested to hear whether or not you can get it to function.

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Hello all.

As of 2/28/2019, Baleful Bassinet has officially been completed. I've already started work on my next project, which I've been making good progress with. I've gone into a little more detail about Caregivers & Kennels on Fox Tales Times and Patreon but I imagine I'll post another thread for it here once I have something playable.

Anyway, just thought I'd share ^.^

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey thank you for this game ! I've only played 3 runs, but it's great ! I'm not sure to understand all the mechanics yet but it's fun so far !

If anyone has some advice I'm all for it, I always seem to die so fast ^^'

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4 hours ago, Matlix said:

Hey thank you for this game ! I've only played 3 runs, but it's great ! I'm not sure to understand all the mechanics yet but it's fun so far !

If anyone has some advice I'm all for it, I always seem to die so fast ^^'

Hey there. I'm really glad you've been enjoying the game. As far as advice goes, I recommend keeping your health up with food and, most of the time, it's in your best interest to make ghosts friendly as soon as you can by giving them their associated item.


52 minutes ago, Little Misty said:

is it playable on phones 

I haven't the vaguest idea. The play online link might work on phones? If not, your best bet would be trying out an app called Twisty, though I know for a fact that it doesn't work with Trap Quest. But, Baleful Bassinet is nowhere near as complex, so it's worth a shot. I think there might be a couple other apps that play Gblorb games as well but I don't remember them. Here's a link for Twisty anyway. Let me know if it works or not.


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Thank you for the advice !

I have played it on phone, it is possible but the introduction is kind of surprising at first because it involves pressing a key and that is a weird concept on phones. Anyway for every other part it seemed to work on a classic phone web browser ^^

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  • 1 month later...

I cant seem to figure out how to play this game. Or what the goal is. Kinda wish there was a guide to this. Its not very straight forward... and I got into a stuck part where every time I submit to someone, or submit, I get an ending. 

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