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Embarrassing Pee Accident

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I was wondering if anyone has encountered a problem I call

“puddling”. It seems that sometimes when I sleep in my diaper I sweat a lot and the sweat gets absorbed into the diaper making it clump up. One day several weeks ago I woke up, made a cup of coffee and went into my living room. As usual I began to pee without really thinking about it. All of a sudden I hear this dripping sound and I look down to see the pee flowing on to my carpet. (My first pee in the morning is always a big one) The diaper had filled up like a wine skin and overflowed all over the place. I waddled as slowly as I could to the bathroom but could not avoid leaving a trail of hot piss all the way. I sat on the toilet and pulled down the seat of my diaper allowing the pee to empty into the bowl. Upon examining the diaper I found the material totally clumped up and useless.

Even though I was alone I felt ashamed and humiliated by this accident. :( I cleaned up my embarrassing mess as best as I could. However, the room has picked up a very obvious scent of urine. Nothing I did was able to get rid of the smell. Can anyone recommend a product the will eliminate the smell and not just cover it up. I was thinking of pet products but sometimes they can smell worse than the pee! Any info you folks can supply would be greatly appreciated.

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sounds like the pee has soaked into the carpet there is carpet deodorizers you can buy to remove pet pee. or sprinkle some baking soda on the spots you leaked or best of all wood be to steam clean the carpet and use carpet shampoo.

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There is a pump spray product called "Abolish" that should remove the odor. I've used it on cat accidents and it really works. Large grocery stores should sell it.

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Humm, well Ammonia works to get most oders out - but I never tried using it on carpet, just stuff like tile, wood, cement, exc.

Applying it directly to carpet may discolor it, however, IF you think you could do this without knocking it over, maybe try putting some in a bowl and just set it near where the smell is the strongest.

Or better still, clean the carpet good - not with just a vacuum, one of these carpet cleaning machines you see for rent in a lot of grocery stores (they clean real deep, if the carpet is that old, after using you you might find it to be a different color then you thought it was!)..

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I was wondering if anyone has encountered a problem I call

“puddling”. It seems that sometimes when I sleep in my diaper I sweat a lot and the sweat gets absorbed into the diaper making it clump up. One day several weeks ago I woke up, made a cup of coffee and went into my living room. As usual I began to pee without really thinking about it. All of a sudden I hear this dripping sound and I look down to see the pee flowing on to my carpet. (My first pee in the morning is always a big one) The diaper had filled up like a wine skin and overflowed all over the place. I waddled as slowly as I could to the bathroom but could not avoid leaving a trail of hot piss all the way. I sat on the toilet and pulled down the seat of my diaper allowing the pee to empty into the bowl. Upon examining the diaper I found the material totally clumped up and useless.

Even though I was alone I felt ashamed and humiliated by this accident. :( I cleaned up my embarrassing mess as best as I could. However, the room has picked up a very obvious scent of urine. Nothing I did was able to get rid of the smell. Can anyone recommend a product the will eliminate the smell and not just cover it up. I was thinking of pet products but sometimes they can smell worse than the pee! Any info you folks can supply would be greatly appreciated.

That sucks! you could try the urine clean-up products for pet stains. They work, even for cat piss, and that is just about the most pungent. And drink more water, your pee won't stink at all hardly.


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I was wondering if anyone has encountered a problem I call

“puddling”. It seems that sometimes when I sleep in my diaper I sweat a lot and the sweat gets absorbed into the diaper making it clump up. One day several weeks ago I woke up, made a cup of coffee and went into my living room. As usual I began to pee without really thinking about it. All of a sudden I hear this dripping sound and I look down to see the pee flowing on to my carpet. (My first pee in the morning is always a big one) The diaper had filled up like a wine skin and overflowed all over the place. I waddled as slowly as I could to the bathroom but could not avoid leaving a trail of hot piss all the way. I sat on the toilet and pulled down the seat of my diaper allowing the pee to empty into the bowl. Upon examining the diaper I found the material totally clumped up and useless.

Even though I was alone I felt ashamed and humiliated by this accident. :( I cleaned up my embarrassing mess as best as I could. However, the room has picked up a very obvious scent of urine. Nothing I did was able to get rid of the smell. Can anyone recommend a product the will eliminate the smell and not just cover it up. I was thinking of pet products but sometimes they can smell worse than the pee! Any info you folks can supply would be greatly appreciated.

That sucks! you could try the urine clean-up products for pet stains. They work, even for cat piss, and that is just about the most pungent. And drink more water, your pee won't stink at all hardly.


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When house-breaking a puppy I used a product called Nature's Miracle, which you can pick up at any pet store. But I've seen ads on TV lately for a product called Urine Gone (http://www.urinegone.com/) that claims to do what you're looking for, too.


That stuff (Nature's miracle) is around my house too...and it has worked many times on the carpet and even on the mattress....

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