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Chris jumped when David knocked on the door. She relaxed a bit when she heard his voice. She opened the door and came out. She didn't say anything as she walked with David out to the kitchen. She took her seat and acted as if everything was normal.

Julie filled the plates and passed them around the table. She had given everyone a glass of juice to drink.

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Julie had made sure Molly and David had a bath before getting them in bed. She had her own troubled thoughts, as up to now they had been a two income household, with Rick's income being the bigryger part. Now she was relying on her income as head cashier at Walmart. She had been there about seven years and still barely made above minimum wage. Rick had an insurance policy that barely covered his burial expenses when he would die, which she knew now was just down the road.

Julie was also worried about Chris, David and Molly and how they would handle their father's death. She laid awake most of the night, unable to sleep. She finally did get to sleep around 4.

Chris sat up in bed after another bad dream. She felt wetness under her and pushed the covers down revealing her wet sheets. She looked over at Molly who was sound asleep. Molly still wet the bed once in a great while. Chris hadn't wet her bed since fourth grade. She climbed out of bed and thought about what do to keep the accident from her mother. There was no way she could strip her bed and herself and wash everything without everyone in the house waking up. She decided to remake her bed with the wet sheets still on it. Chris looked at her clock and saw it was 4:45. She had set her alarm for 5, since she needed to get to school early.

Chris made her bed and turned off her alarm. She ran over to the bathroom to clean up in the shower.

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Chris came back to her room and put on a clean pair of panties and her uniform. She checked herself in the mirror making sure her uniform was on straight.

Chris made her way out to the kitchen and fixed breakfast for herself. When she finished, she cleaned up and started for school.

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Some time after Chris left, David woke up and Julie's alarm was going off.

David didn't see any sign his sister had gotten up at all, so he knocked on her door.

"Chris?" he called in at her waking up Molly.

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Julie's alarm went off as well and she got up. Julie got dressed and came out to make sure the kids were up. She went over to David's room first and saw he was already up. She went over to Chris and Molly's room next, arriving just after David and Molly had talked. She looked in the room and saw just David and Molly.

"Good morning you two. Where's Chris? Is she taking a shower?" Julie wondered.

It took about a half hour for Chris to walk to school, especially since the sun was just coming up. Finally she entered the school building. It felt strange to her to be in the building so early. All the lights were brighter in the morning. She finally reached Mr. Worsenger's room. She paused for a minute to work her courage up. Finally she bit her lip and knocked on the door.

"Mr. Worsenger, Sir, I'm here." Chris called out.

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Julie frowned. She guessed Molly was right, and Julie was in school. She would have a talk with Chris when she got home from school.

"Alright, I want both of you to get dressed for school and I will go get your breakfast ready." Julie said.

Julie looked past Molly at the dry sheets on her bed.

"Way to go, Molly! I'm so proud of you, and I know daddy is proud of you too. Keep this up and we can get rid of your diapers." Julie said.

Chris twisted around uncomfortably as he asked her where her spare clothes were. She didn't remember him telling her to be in spare clothes.

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Chris cried the whole time he pushed her out of his class room, chastising her for not being wet and for not wearing the proper clothes. Once he had closed the door she wondered where she could work on her homework at. She found a table and sat down, taking her books out and started on her homework.

"Remember what I told you Molly. Everyone is different. Some kids still wet their beds at your age, other's don't. That doesn't make anyone better than anyone else. I bet somewhere there are other fourth graders still wearing diapers to bed. They might not be in your school, but they are out there. Besides, just as you don't want anyone to know you wear diapers, they don't either, so you wouldn't know if they do wear diapers or not." Julie said.

"Go ahead David, then I want Molly to go use the toilet. Since you were dry, I bet you have to pee, don't you?" Julie asked. "Then I want both of you to get dressed for school."

Julie left the room and went to the kitchen.

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Molly smiled back at David.

"Here, I guess. Then you can leave and I'll run to the bathroom. I do need to pee pretty bad. I'm really glad I was able to hold it all night."

"Yeah, I can get dressed by myself mostly. Mom usually lays my clothes out for me, but I think she forgot last night. Do you think I should wear jeans and a tee shirt, or shorts today?" Molly asked.

Chris kept working on her homework and finished with five minutes to spare until her ROTC class. She put her books away and hurried to class

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David nodded.

"Okay, well, I'll just get your diaper off, and while you are in the bathroom, I'll get you some stuff out, okay?"

He smiled.

"Are you going to have PE, today?"

Since she wasn't, he got her a skirt and some panties with a nice pink t-shirt.

Then he went off to get ready himself.

He was glad his little sister had not wet the bed in a while.

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Molly ran to the bathroom once her diaper was off. She peed immediately, then wiped herself and washed her hands. She smiled upon returning to her room and saw the clothes David had got for her.

Molly dressed in the clothes and then waited for David to return to check her. While she waited, Molly played with Mr. Bear.

Chris stood at attention in the front of the classroom, hoping the instructor wouldn't select her to go to study hall. She breathed a little easier when she was one of the students left

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David got himself ready and went back to take Molly downstairs.

(Thank you, I'll take Molly back now)

Molly was ready and had everything on right when David checked on her.

"Mom, we're ready!"

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Julie smiled as David and Molly came into the kitchen.

"So I see. Molly, you look adorable this morning. Did you pick out that outfit?"

Julie gave them both their breakfast.

Chris groaned when the instructor said that two more would fail by the end of the year.

"Thank you, David. I appreciate that. Yes, I plan on taking you all again. Hopefully Chris will be able to join us." Julie said.

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It wasn't until about two or three minutes before the end of the period, that it became too hard for Chris to hold it, and she started leaking heavily into her panties.

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Chris gave up trying to hold her pee in finally. She looked around to make sure no one was watching her and spread her legs a little. She let it out in little spurts for several minutes.

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The warm pee spread through her pants, left a puddle in her chair that was reabsorbed by her pants as she sat in it, and it poured off of her chair onto the floor making a puddle around her.

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Chris cringed as she walked out of third period. As she entered fourth period she saw the girl look with disgust at her. She felt disgusted with herself.

Chris spent the class alternating between burying her face in the lesson book for the class and looking up at the clock, waiting for class to be over.

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