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Young Girl Facing Charges After Wetting Pants

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Young Girl Facing Charges After Wetting Pants

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(AP) DANVILLE, Pa. A 12-year-old special education student in Montour County was charged with disorderly conduct after authorities said she deliberately wet her pants at school.

Her mother told the Press Enterprise it happened because her daughter was frightened by the principal.

The girl had been preparing a holiday lunch with her classmates and teachers at Danville Middle School on December 20th.

Her mother said when her daughter refused to go to the kitchen to wash some pots and pans, teachers summoned principal Kevin Duckwork, who confronted the girl.

She then wet her pants.

Her mother said the girl is terrified of Duckwork and has wet herself during previous confrontations with him. But Danville Police Chief Eric Gill said school officials are at their “wit’s end” with the girl, and they believe her actions were deliberate.

(© 2007 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. )

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That is totally stupid!

Actually going to court with that - I don't see how anyone could possibly take that seriously....

However, assuming it got that far, and it was taken seriously - just how do they intend to prove it was anything other than some sort of nervous reaction? I would think a nearly perfect defense to that accusation would be something like "Why would I do such a thing deliberately? - It embarrasses me a lot more than it hurts anyone else." And since this has happened before almost proves it's some sort of involuntary reaction.

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EVEN IF the girl did it deliberately, so what ... you're the principle, you deal with it ... you're going to press charges based on what? The caretaker has to work extra hard? Please.

And by the sounds of it, I'm on the side of the mother and their story. Sounds believable.

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Allow me to guess... this happened on an american school ???... the principal probably wish for some sort of million dollar "reward" for the psychological damages he suffered during the incident, and for getting the idea.

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Allow me to guess... this happened on an american school ???... the principal probably wish for some sort of million dollar "reward" for the psychological damages he suffered during the incident, and for getting the idea.

:roflmao: So true :roflmao:


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Yay Florida school system. Ugh.

That girl should not be in a public school, especially not in Florida. There was enough in that article for me to pick up on the fact that this girl has special needs and it is apparent this school cannot provide them.

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Yay Florida school system. Ugh.

That girl should not be in a public school, especially not in Florida. There was enough in that article for me to pick up on the fact that this girl has special needs and it is apparent this school cannot provide them.

Well, Florida happens to have one of the WORST public school systems in the entire country. Yes it is known as a "retirement state", but so is Arizona - and there public schools are pretty good.

It seems to me that just about all politicians (especially federal ones) are always mentioning better school systems, but very little ever actually changes. :ph34r: And quite honestly, I don't think there ever really be that big of a change in any of them, unless ALL public schools are 100% controlled by some federal agency, and NOT delegate anything out! - obviously they would need local people to actually make everything work, but it seems to me that if they were all ultimately controlled by a federal agency, almost all public schools would get a lot better, quickly (and in some cases, force private schools in that area to improve also - because why would anyone pay good money for a private school, if the education, and lots of other things are better in a public school).

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I have heard of alot of areas that have bad school systems. My sister's husband is in the Airforce, and a few years ago he was stationed in Biloxi Mississippi. My sister decided to home school her children after finding out their school system was so bad. I hear of alot of idiotic things like that and it kind of makes you sick!

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The girl has a disability and they charge her? Come on now! My big question, how can they even prove the girl wet herself deliberately?? I don't see how it could be done. Even if they could prove it, something like that should be handled by a psychologist, not law enforcement or the courts. And with the courts so bogged down with cases that are legitimate court cases, now they're bringing something frivolous like this to court? If I were the judge, I would say, "You gotta be kidding! Case dismissed!"

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I listen to the radio alot, they dismissed the case on this! Not surprised. One of the stupidest thing I ever heard. I knew about it already before I decided I want a hamburger from Burger King. So I go into my car, and my car doesn't have a CD player, but a tape player. I have a personal CD player that plugs into the tape player. I'm jammin out half way there, and the battery dies. :mellow: . SO I tuned into the my local radio news from everyhour on the hour interruptes. This is MSNNBC I'm ....Coindience. I knew it would play down to this. I thought. If I were her and I knew what was happening at the time. I was being charged? for pissing? ...I shit on myself too! Make them diaper me and I be sent home :P:angel_not::closedeyes:

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Um, I sorta disagree with the private school thing. Why? because when I left private and went to public, i was advanced 2 grades

Well, as of right now - that is very dependent on the area you are talking about. But yah, in general Private schools do offer better education, there are plenty of exceptions though.

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The girl has a disability and they charge her? Come on now! My big question, how can they even prove the girl wet herself deliberately?? I don't see how it could be done. Even if they could prove it, something like that should be handled by a psychologist, not law enforcement or the courts. And with the courts so bogged down with cases that are legitimate court cases, now they're bringing something frivolous like this to court? If I were the judge, I would say, "You gotta be kidding! Case dismissed!"

i agree totaly

:badmood: its like im gona get charged with soakin my pance and go to jaill when i hav a disablity thats a bunch of BS

i say f%%%% the pricapal fire him if hes that in sencitive

(sorry for the crude language i hat when stuff like this happens)

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This one we happen to hear about - but there are lots of other stuff people get just with every day that may not be along the same lines, but realistically just as stupid. And that kind of BS keeps clogging up the court systems, so it seems to take forever for people charged with a REAL crime to even get to see a judge. This can be very bad for both society, AND the accused. Society then starts to feel that justice is to slow coming if the REAL crime is proved, and it's even worst for the accused if they honestly got the wrong person, then it takes him forever to be able to prove it - in the mean time, even if he is out on bail, movement is restricted, and good jobs are had to find, then to top it off - if successful in proving it was not him, the only compensation for going through all that is "Sorry for the trouble - you may resume your life now." but in the mean time they have already lost sometimes years.

Remove all the ridiculous things that just waist the courts time - and maybe all that can be avoided - or at least happen far less often.

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It's cause of the human species being the dumbest form of life in the known galaxy.

There are people, especially school administrators who don't give a Goddamn. I know all about that, cause I had my battles with the schools here, in Ohio cause they didn't know what the hell to do with me. I was shoved from special ed program to special ed program cause they didn't know what the hell to do with me.

I have a hearing loss, and Asperger's Syndrome, although at that time in my life, they did not know about Asperger's Syndrome, so the administrators, teachers, and shit were not paitent with me at all.

I was shoved from hearing impaired units to LD units to behaviorial units, and it sucked. All I ever wanted was to be treated like a normal person. Not be treated differently.

Now, life is good. I have a good job, I work hard, good friends; and I have made a HELL of a lot of peace in my life. That girl should not have been arrested for wetting her pants, it was probably an accident, and the principal was probably an ass, who was sick of dealing with her. It was dumb, stupid, and I hope that principal is publicly humiliated in the news media.


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I totally agree, you have to be able and know HOW to deal with special ed students in order to teach or supervise them. That principal sounds like he had no experience with special ed students nor the desire to obtain experience, he just wanted his title as 'principal". maybe someone should slip a box of exlax in his coffee lol and when he sh*** himself get him arrested. I feel sorry for that girl as I feel for any special ed person, they're humans just like us.

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Guest Diaperdragon

You gotta be kidding, right? A special ed kid arrested for wetting herself.

I smell one huge lawsuit for that school district and they must be right now warming up that pen and checkbook

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I agree with all of you!

As if life isnt bad enough but why torment a young girl who clearly has problems they should be trying to help her not humiliate her.

Yeah life sucks but it is only people that make it so.

The Head of the school should be publically humiliated I agree with that one wholeheartedly and then some.

I hope the girl takes the school to the cleaners and forces every penny/cent out of them.

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