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Brenda walked with her to the bedroom, and she started to get the clothes out for her.

"You want to wear a dress, a skirt, or jeans?" she asked her.

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"My mom always picked out what I wore when I was back home, and when I was brought here, they just gave me clothes to wear. I'm used to everyone picking out my clothes for me. I can work on picking out my clothes if you want or just wear what you want me too. It doesn't matter to me." Kim replied.

Kim let Brenda help her get dressed.

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"Alright. Thanks aunt Brenda."

Kim followed Brenda downstairs and got in the back seat. She picked up both sides of the seat belt and started to fasten them, having difficulty getting them to click together.

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Brenda smiled and took the hooks from her.

"Here, honey, I'll do that, baby."

Brenda buckled her in.

They were at the school in minutes, and she took her to the office.

They were at the office for nearly an hour before the classroom teacher was called to come and collect her.

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Kim blushed a little as Brenda fastened her seat belt. When they arrived at school she got out of the car and followed Brenda to the office. She sat down and sucked on the tips of her fingers as she waited. It had been awhile since she had gone to the bathroom. She was so nervous she didn't feel her bladder.

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Finally, the teacher came in, and she held out a hand towards her.

"Is your name Kim?" the teacher asked her as she reached for her hand.

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He had her sit in the back of the room next to his desk for now, so she could talk to him quietly if she needed something, and he wasn't instructing the class.

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Kim followed the teacher to her desk. She sat down and blushed as the teacher talked about her to the class. She felt the urge to pee now that she was in class. She bit her lip as the teacher told them to turn their reading books to page 112. She waited to see if he would give her a book to look at.

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The teacher directed the students to the lesson, and at the same time, he reached into the cupboard and pulled out an extra book, took it to his desk, wrote down the book number next to her name, and then he passed the book to her.

"Here you are," he said.

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Kim nodded and took the book. She flipped through the pages until she found the right one. Although she could speak English pretty well, she had difficulty reading it. She tried to follow along, putting her finger under each word as Randy read out loud. She pressed her legs together as she felt the need to pee grow stronger.

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When Randy was told to pause, the teacher looked at the students and started to ask some thinking questions to get them interested in what was happening in the story.

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Kim looked at the teacher who was talking to the class and paying attention to the person reading. She knew better than to try to talk to him right now. She didn't notice Susan watching her. Finally she couldn't hold it in any longer and started wetting her pants. She blushed and looked down, knowing it was wrong to do that in school.

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