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Hannah looked through the desk and found a folder and notebook with Ahn's name on it. She opened it on her desk and started reading through it. She also found a math workbook with pages ripped out. She set that on her desk as well. She occassionally looked up at Ahn and caught her looking back at her several times. This made her blush a little. Finally she thought she was ready and stood up.

"Okay Ahn, I think I'm ready to start teaching. How about we start with Math? I'll give you a page of fractions to work on and check to see how well you've done when you finish."

Hannah took a page out of the work book and brought it over to Ahn, setting it on the desk in front of her.

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Hannah tried to explain to Ahn again about the fractions, but as she did she began to feel the more urgent need to pee. She spent the next hour going over the fractions. Finally she just decided to give up on it for today.

"Alright, let's take a break from Math. I'll give you something easier to work on. Spelling."

Hannah went and wrote down some words and handed them to Ahn.

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"I didn't say I was giving up. I said we were taking a break. We'll get back to the math later. Now let's go over your spelling words."

Hannah squirmed a little more as she talked to Ahn.

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