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Hannah blushed as Cindy talked to her.

"I may have had one or two accidents in junior high." Hannah admitted, blushing.

Hannah nodded. She let Cindy dress her again.

Hannah walked over to the sink to brush her teeth. She looked around for the toothbrush and toothpaste.


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Hannah brushed her teeth, making sure to do a good job. She let Cindy take her back to her room.

"So am I locked in for the night unless I call you? Not that it matters. I'll do whatever Mr. KwanPo wants. I guess I'll see you in the morning unless something comes up." Hannah smiles at Cindy.

Hannah waited for Cindy to leave then took a good look around the room again. She decided it would be best to call it an early night so she would be well rested for meeting with Mr. KwanPo and his daughter.

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KwanPo turned off his monitor so no one would see that he was watching Hannah, not that it mattered since it was his mansion when she went to sleep.

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It took about five minutes, but eventually, Cindy answered the intercom though her voice was still thick with sleep, and her buzz from not really being awake kept making her not completely understand what Hannah wanted.

"Yes?" she answered.

"What's that?

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"Thank you." Hannah got off the intercom.

Hannah looked for her key and made her way over to the door. She decided to wait until Cindy knocked before opening the door, as she didn't know who else could be outside right now, even though it was the middle of the night.

As Hannah waited, her need to pee grew stronger and she started dancing around. She hoped Cindy would be there quickly.

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Cindy almost dozed back off for a minute, to her a minute, but in reality, about ten minutes had passed, but she finally did manage to wake up.

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Hannah continued to dance as she waited for Cindy. She leaked into her panties a bit every few minutes until she actually felt the wetness against her. Finally she heard a knock at her door and put her key in it.

"Hello? Who is it? Hannah asked tentatively.

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Hannah put her key in the lock and turned it. She opened the door and came out.

"I'm sorry. I just wanted to make sure it was you. I guess I should tell you, I wasn't able to hold it and wet some in my panties."

Hannah looked down and blushed.

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Cindy walked her to the bathroom, and she sat her down on the toilet still clothed.

"Go ahead and finish," she said.

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Hannah did as she was told and sat down on the toilet. She relaxed her bladder and started to pee again.

She was a bit sleepy herself and started to nod off a bit, until she heard Cindy said she was going to report this to Mr. KwanPo.


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"Well, Mr. KwanPo expects me to either handle things myself or to report what I can't handle on my own.

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Hannah listened to Cindy explain why she had to tell her boss.

"I guess. What will Mr. KwanPo do? Can't you please help me? I dont want to lose my job," Hannah started crying.

"It isn't fair. Can you please just explain it was an accident and I didn't wet on purpose?"

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"Hannah listened to Cindy.

"Alright, I will do that. I don't want him to fire me. How exactly would you take care of me?"

Hannah nodded and sighed.

"That could be the reason, yeah."

"Can I stand up now?"

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Hannah listened to Cindy and nodded.

"That sounds like a good plan. Even though I hate doctors I know sometimes they are necessary."

"Alright, I'll stay here. I'm sorry I'm keeping you from your sleep, Cindy."

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"I didn't wet my pants until after I called you. I don't usually do that. So if I wet my pants I am supposed to just stay in my room until morning?" Hannah sighed.

Hannah stood up as Cindy took her hand. They walked back to her room Where Cindy undressed her and cleaned her like a toddler. She held still, letting Cindy do her work. She didn't see the panties, as Cindy had been quick in putting them on her. Once Hannah was dressed she was tucked into bed.

"Thank you Cindy."

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Cindy sighed.

"It's not that you are supposed to just stay in your room until morning," she said.

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"Okay." Hannah replied after listening to Cindy.

Hannah fell asleep right after Cindy left and was still asleep when Cindy went to fix dinner. She didn't have an alarm clock.

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