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Babysat by the girl at school (Private between me and Kaylaindiapers)


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Jessica stopped the spanking and carried Kayla to the bathroom, she set the bath doing and then put Kayla in the bubbles

"Lets get this straight BABY, for the next 6 months at least your mommy is treating you like a big baby, and I'm your babysitter so don't be naughty. It will be easier that way and less painful"

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Jessica rinsed Kayla and helped her out of the bath, she dried her off and then put her over her knee.

"tell you what baby, if you don't tell your mommy then I wont, I won't use the paddle now just my hand ok?"

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Jessica didn't answer, she started smacking the bare red bottom as hard as she could with her hand. After about 5 minutes continuous spanking she stopped and put Kayla into her diaper before tucking her into bed.

"I would say go to sleep but that sleeping pill should work soon, as well as that bottle of prune juice. Night night baby"

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Kayla was kicking and crying louder then a new born. Once she was done Kayla was crying as she was laid down and Jessica diapered her.

She was then put in her crib as Jessica tucked her in. Then she shocked Kayla as she bent over kissing her on the lips then before she could say anything she put the pacifier in her mouth raising the side of the crib she wound up the mobile and then she existed the nursery.

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Jessica sat downstairs and looked at the videos and pictures she had of Kayla, there was enough there to ruin Kayla's reputation at school but she was keeping the pictures for herself. Truth be told she had found Kayla quite cute, even when she was being bullied by her

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Kayla laid in her crib tasting the strawberry lip gloss that Jessica left on her lips as she kissed her. What was all that about she wondered to herself was she a lesbian. She yawned and the sleeping pill was setting in she herd her mobile playing the soft nursery music as she drifted off to sleep..

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Time skip Monday morning..

Kayla had been pretty good for the most part as her mommy only had to spank her a couple times. She watched her as she played in her playpen she wondered how she was going to act Monday morning when she realized her baby punishment was now going to be extended to school..

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Jessica skipped up to the door of Kayla's house and knocked, waiting for the door to be opened. She wondered how her mom had reacted to Kayla's diaper after the prune juice would have taken effect

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Ms Green was busy getting Kayla ready.

"But mom I can't wear a diaper to school!" she cried.

"You've shown what a baby you are by pooping in your sleep I told you to call mommy for poopies but you couldn't even be a big girl and you were bad with Aunt Jessica now you get to show everyone your baby side." she said tying a baby bonnet on her head. She looked just like a big toddler.

"Let's go that must be Aunt Jessica."

They went down the stairs and Ms Green opened he door.

"Hi Jessica you look nice."

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"Hi Mrs Green, thankyou, how's Kayla today? I may have slightly over done her pudding last night though, I gave her a jar of prunes and made her eat it all. I forgot to tell you last night just in case"

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"Oh that's fine I'm sure she liked it remember babies have no choice but to do what their babysitters tell them or they get punished." she said looking towards the hall way.

"Kay Kay come on we have to get going." Kayla walked out wearing a baby bonnet sucking her pacifier wearing a pink baby dress with Winnie the poo on it and of course she was diapered..

"I'm doing fine by the way Kay Kay threw a tantrum and had to have a spanking..

"Come on Kay Kay come give Aunt Jessica a hug." she said cooing at her.

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