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Daisy's Adoption (private with baby Daisy)


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I start kicking my legs and then i suddenly wake up. "What do you think your doing? Get that away from me." I say climbing out of the bed and going dowmstairs not realising i dont have the shortalls on. I have also left the teddy upstairs

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"You know Mary does that because she knows it gets to you. You get upset and it makes her happy. You need to calm down and not act like it upsets you, then she would probably stop. Maybe if you let me treat you like a baby, then Mary couldn't be teasing you. There would be no reason for her to, right?"

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"I would do for you what I would do for a baby. You would wear diapers and baby clothes. I see you are wearing training pants now, so maybe later when I decide you can go back to training pants. You will have to use the diapers as your potty. That means both pee and poop. I've seen you suck your thumb, so you can still do that if you want. You'll be moved out of Mary's room to your own room, that has a crib in it. Right now I use it for when cousins visit that are little, but I will turn it into your room. "

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"She has photos of me and she said if i dont do what she says shes going to send them to all her friends. And we can start straight away." I say trying to sort the training oanties out as they are digging into me

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"I'll make sure Mary deletes whatever she has against you so she can't do anything. I'll check her phone and and computer and make sure there aren't any pictures of you on there without your permission, okay? We'll get you dressed right after you finish eating, okay? Would you like some help with those training pants? They seem to be bothering you."

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"Okay, Daisy has agreed to be your baby sister. I'm moving her over to the baby's room down the hall. However, you have to delete all the photos on your phone and agree not to blackmail her anymore.

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"I guess that depends on what you did. I might just send you to the naughty corner if it wasn't too bad, but if you were really naughty, I might spank you. Why? You're not going to be bad, are you?"

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