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Colonoscopy and IBS

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Hello all,

Happy holidays. It's been a while since I have posted. I had a colonoscopy to try and figure out why I am having incontinence. Of course everything, with the exception of a few pre cancerous polyps, looked fine. The Dr. gave me another RX which doesn't help at all. So I have given up on the medical front. I have been wearing diapers for over a year now and will probably have to do so for the rest of my life. It's not that big a deal really, except for the stigma associated with wearing diapers. I have only told my wife and mother about it. I still keep it secret from everyone else. It has affected my social life but not to a great degree. Sorry for the rant but I have to share with someone. Thanks for letting me "talk" to understanding folks like you. Peace to you all.



Tranquility ATN with the occasional booster is what I use. You can get a case of 96 for $66 at Amazon.com. I highly recommend them for their comfort and protection and the price..

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When i was having a lot of loose stools. The 1st thing my GI did was have me get a colonoscopy. That came back fine. Then an upper GI. It came back fine. In the end he said i had IBS. Meds didn't due much except Imodium ad.

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I have tried elimination diets that haven't helped. I had a sigmoidoscopy 6 years ago. One and a half feet of colon, or storage space, is gone. This has exasperated the problem I'm sure.

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  • 1 month later...

Although I find wearing diapers to be a bit of a problem, life without them is unthinkable. I don't even remember the last time I was not in a diaper. Being totally incontinent leaves few options. I try to make the best of my situation. One thing I do like is changing into a fresh diaper. I just hope to be able to keep it that way for a while, although I am sure my body has other ideas. I have to make the best of this situation. One other thing that is advantageous is never having to use a public restroom any more. Anyone else feel the same way.



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I've had IBS for years and my girlfriend had my try a self allergy test. There's a list of 9 allergen culprits than have commonly attributed to IBS flare ups. I can't remember them all, but a quick google search can help.

Turns out mine is triggered by glueten, which is basically wheat. I've reintroduced all other foods except that and I've had no problem so far. Then I tried 2 bites of regular pizza from digiorno and was in agony with cramping and diarheaha.

When you have an illness that the medical world knows so little about, turning to natural methods doesn't seem crazy. Green tea and peppermint have also been known to help calm those bubble guts and cramping.

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