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I've never played a Zelda game before, where should I start?

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It would depend on the console you wished to purchase, for example skyward sword was amazing but could i recomend buying a wii just to play probably not, if i had to point you in a good direction to start i would go with the classic ocarina of time also with the amount of re releases it has had over it's life time you should have little problem finding it on whatever nintendo device you had.

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Yeah I'd say just start with whatever is available for your current systems. There are roughly one bajallion Zelda games so unless you just don't have any Nintendo systems, then there will be a Zelda game available for your system.

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Get a gameboy advance, it plays the old gameboy, and gameboy color games as well. There are lots of Zelda's for those systems, including re-releases of the very first zeldas, and link to the past. My personal favorite would have to be the Minish Cap, and the lampshade of no significance.

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It really depends on what kind of game you want to play. 2d or 3d. For 2d link to the past is always good. However my all time favorite zelda game is Zelda: Ocarina of Time.

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