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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

Would You Like A System, To Rate And Review Diapers And Suppliers?

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I am developing a system to rate products and merchants, can be anything, I am building it around the ab/dl community and will later add other things to it..

So far I have the database layout and most functionality.. This will be the system:


Unlimited nested categories

Products Listings, description etc...

Reviews - Review templates so you can rate a diaper differently from say a bib or so...

Linking products to categories so you can have one product in more than one category

Linking merchants to products so you can see who sells what

User system with grouped permissions, might change that later but for now its ok..

I am coding this in PHP + Mysql

One downside, I am not good at site design, so I may integrate this with my site, but preferably I would like to make a seperate site and design for this system..

Let me know what you think and please post any feature requests..

Also, the main reason I am doing this, is because I find most other review sites either hard to read, incomplete - doesnt display all the information etc etc...

Edit: You would be able to rate suppliers of say medical products on how discreet, how reliable, friendliness, customer support, problem handling and all that stuff...

I am trying to make this the most extensive program to give the user to most amount of information about each product and each supplier...

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The one here, is one that I am talking about, hard to read, hard to distinguish between products, etc etc...

You cannot rate suppliers, it does not list suppliers and you can only rate certain aspects, not all.. It does not list the "Features" of each product either...

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Actually, I've been starting to work on a rating for suppliers too. (I'm the one who designed the current system.)

If you have any suggestions on improvement of layout, please make them and I will take them into consideration.

As far as rating certain aspects, I'd be glad to consider adding additional aspects to rate. At the time I designed the software, however, I wasn't getting very much input as far as what those categories should be.

As to "features" of a product, it would probably be easy enough to add a short description field for a product so that it's "features" can be succinctly described.

The entire system currently running is PHP + MySQL. In general, it is designed using an MVC pattern, so expanding to handle suppliers will only take the addition of a few models, a few pages, and a two line definition for the controller. The rest of the structure is already there. (I can't say my implementation of the MVC pattern is flawless, but it is pretty good. If I could do the project over again, there are a few changes that I might make to the structure, but the way it is currently, the code is highly readable even though it isn't terribly well commented.)

Let's not reinvent the wheel here. If you're interested in helping out on the project, I can't say that I'd object. I work long, odd hours, so I'm never sure when I'll have time to work on this project. I am, however, pretty good at design and trouble shooting... and have (good, god, I haven't counted this recently) a solid 6 years of PHP + MySQL design, implementation, maintenance (and server maintenance) behind me at this point. Now I'm feeling old.

I like your idea of nested categories and of multiple category products (easy implements on both of these). I also like the users idea, though that is something I haven't really felt like taking on myself (one thing I have to keep in mind on this site is that there are a load of existing reviews that would be associated with a null user of some type, or a load of dummy users would have to be created, depending on implementation).

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Hey, I too have around 6 years of experience, maybe a little more.. MySQL Def around 5 years...

Anyway, The nested categories is really easy, just assign the pid to several categories, 0 is the main category, dont even have to worry about that...

But, lemme paste what I posted in another forum, I already have everything coded, just working on the design and the front end :-)




I find those extremely hard to browse, besides I have figured a few new ways to rate products..

Lemme just post my test product here:

1) Will allow comments below

2) User rating based on product type (adult diaper)

3) I MIGHT have a Featured Review where I, or somone I know REVIEWS the product completely and thoroughly, which might be worth 50% of the entire rating...

4) Photos will be attached to each product listing, they will be stored as an md5 as the filename to avoid duplicates, and on delete will be moved to the RECYCLE BIN, it will not delete the photos if attached to another product, unless the admin wants it taken off all of them

... And more


Adult Diaper Features:

1) Leak Guards

5) Number of Tapes 4, 8 if it is doubled, but will be stated..

2) Refasenable Tapes

3) Reinforced Tape Area

4) Plastic / Cloth covering

6) Elastic Leg Cuffs

7) Elastic Waistband

... Possibly more

Adult Diaper rating:

Overall is determined by obtaining the average.

1) Noise 1-10 (10 being noisiest)

2) Comfort 1-10 (10 being most comfortable)

3) Look 1-10 (10 = best / meaning how well the diaper looks worn)

4) Absortion (10 = the diaper absorbs VERY well)

5) Capacity (10 meaning it holds the most, I might make this one show OUNCES AND ML and maybe a few other types of measurements..)

6) Tapes (10 meaning the tapes HOLD VERY WELL - 1 meaning they pop with every movement..)

7) Leaks (10 meaning it does not leak easily, 1 meaning it leaks after light wetting)

... Possibly more

But, on the rating, you can choose which way the rating goes.. Example.. Noise...

You can choose: 10 = Loudest or 10 = silent

So the ratings are fair, if you like it loud, and it is loud you can rate that high, if it is TOO loud for your taste, you can rate it the other way around :-)

Anyways, for now I am going to integrate it into my CMS, since I already have the template engine etc build for it, this will be a simple plug and play module for it...

Will use the permissions from my site + forums :-)

Whenever it goes online, I will let everyone know..




Ive got most of the script reading the database done, will read ratings, comments, featured ratings, calculate the featured and normal ratings properly, product description.

Basically what is left to code is an option for guests to suggest a new category, Suggest a new product, submit photos, submit reviews, then for admins delete, approve, edit..

I have something special for merchants planned.. Registered users can be linked with merchants, then they can edit their product descriptions, add product photos, request a featured review (Where I have somone test the product thoroughly and give a review based on their experiences with the product type), also merchants can have more than one featured review, basically its the ((featured overall score / featured ratings) + (overal ratings score / number of approved ratings)) / 2 IF there are featured ratings, if there are, the stars will be blue, otherwise yellow...

Still some things to think through, like if I will make a user system on its own, or use the backend of my forum... Permissions backend will be done in the script, or integrated with my cms, which I made to use something like a chmod permission for admins :-)

0 No acces

1 View

2 Add

3 Edit

4 Delete

Add them up, if they can Add, edit or delete, subtract 1, if they can view and nothing else keep as is...

Right now I do not have a template for the script, it is just basic html seperating stuff right now...




Let me also add: You can abstrain from rating from options, like for Adult Diapers these are the rating options:








You can choose to rate on Absortion, Capacity, Leaks and Noise, but you can abstrain from the other 3 options which will not be calculated towards the overall score..

So, if you rated like this:

10 Absortion

10 Capacity

- Comfort

10 Leaks

- Looks

10 Noise

- Tapes

It would receive a 10 as the overall...

You can however choose to give an area a 0, which will HURT the score...

Just trying to show everyone how this will work so they can jump right in :-)



PM Me if you want to see what is up so far, just the back end really :-)

PM me if you want to see what I have up so far... mainly the backend..

Also, I can suggest one very simple thing:

$row = ($i % 2) ? 'css_row1' : 'css_row2';

To allow for easier line readings...

Just set that, then allow $row to be templated into the table :-) And of course set up the CSS for it..



background-color: FF0000;


or whichever color..

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Believe it or not, with the simple Englishese of "Make every other line a different color," I know how to do the rest.

I can accept that you have skill at programming, however concise communication does not seem to be your strong suit.

So your intent is to design something for some other site, not this one?

The work that I do will be for this site.

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