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DL to AB to Relationships

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Hey all,

I just wanted your thoughts, opinions and experience in an area which is greatly discussed here.

I began on this journey of self acceptance and exploration as a DL. I remained one for many years and it was pleasurable at the time.

Now I am an AB. Although I liked nappies, I also liked the thought of a dummy which I only really put thought into a few years back. One thing lead to another; bottles, bibs, onesies, prams etc and now I would class myself as an AB and not a DL. Has anyone else ever had this change or change from AB to DL. I would be intrested to see how many people have "changed" or "transformed".

Anywho, in the past my partner slowly came around to me using nappies, bottles, dummies etc and now he has fully accepted it, however something happened recently that blew me out of the water when we were talking. He thinks I look cute in a nappy and when I'm lying sucking on my dummy or bottle. So, one thing lead to another and I can now confirm that I won't be feeding, changing, dressing myself anymore. He thinks it's quite cute and sexy at the thought that he is my daddy alongside being my partner. He said that; if he doesn't see me padded up in the house then he will pad me up, he will dress me, change me and if im hungry, he will make me a bottle of warm milk and feed me it and or feed me solid food too alongside cuddles, playtime and rocking me to sleep (he's 6ft and strong) and I'm only 5,5 and just under 9 stone.

The thought of all this makes me feel all cosy and safe inside but I'm just wondering if anyone else has a partner that partakes and is their daddy/mummy.

I don't know what made him do all this but it sure as hell has made me one happy bunny. When I asked him why he wants to do all this, his reply was, "I want to see you happy and if doing this makes you happy then ill do it and I'm looking forward to it as well".

Sorry for the ramble but I thought I would ask for your experiences and opinions on the subject.


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Congratulations, sounds like you've got a good thing going there.

I always considered myself a DL, I did nt think I'd be interested in anything babyish other than wearing and wetting a nappy. But then I found love, I mean real love, I'd been married before but never knew how it should be until I got together with my g/f.

I was honest about my DL thing from the beginning and I'm very lucky that my partner accepts that side of me.

She is now in charge of my wearing, she'll out me a disposable or a cloth nappy and plastic pants occasionally and change me when I'm wet. The thing I have found since my g/f has got involved is that the closeness has drawn me towards the AB side of things. I love cuddles and stroking while wearing and wetting, I've tried a bottle and also 'nursing' whilst number 3ing. Whilst I don't think I'll be into using a dummy, sleeping in a crib or wearing baby clothes I'd quite like to spend some time being my mummy's baby having my nappy checked without being asked if I'm wet and being held and spoken to as a child.

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Forced to wet:

I'm happy for you and that you are able to fulfil your desires. It's nice when you have someone to care for you and look after you, even if that means changing wet nappies :)


Yeah, it takes two to tango but he gets his time too. We have already openly discussed that baby time needs separated from adult time so we can have the best of both worlds. He is one in a million and I wouldn't change him for the world. He even wants me to encorporate it into our sex life as he thinks in cute and sexy in a nappy and apparently I can play with his "rattle" :P yes, he is now able to show off his parental side, something which he might not be able to do for a while yet (stupid laws) so at least he can get lots of practice before the real thing :)

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