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Back Into The Closet

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Oh well... back into the closet i go, we now return you to our regularily scheduled programing of the bobby & cynda & curious circus... seem we can't even discuss this topic, even on a diaper board, an adult one at that.

one pretty bummed out bear......

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Cheer up PPBear, things will settle back down in time, they always do. I'm not into messy diapers so I have no comment at this time. I may once a few others reply to your post. Take care PPB!!! **HUGS**

I think this is a common taboo,even here. I've done a lot of things in my time-so mine have pretty much evaproated-taboos that don't invlove illegal activity are to be broken-so far as I am concerned.

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Oh well... back into the closet i go, we now return you to our regularily scheduled programing of the bobby & cynda & curious circus... seem we can't even discuss this topic, even on a diaper board, an adult one at that.

one pretty bummed out bear......


Can't say it's at the list of my topics to hear about but can't say i'd complain about it being discused..can't realy see how people can. I think most people don't but that dosn't mean it should be frowned upon..after all this is a diaper site...well unless it's them peeps who just come in and say "i poo'ed should i change"

I think most don't like to chat about it but hey come on this is a diaper site.

You shouldn't be in the closet for this....the beard maybe

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Well... i posted a topic & set of questions and after about 200 views & 20 some replies it just went *poof* and frankly that makes me sad. What i would like to see is a 'pooper's corner' that only verified folks get into and clearly marked as 'icky' for the more sensetive amongst us, there is a need to be able to discuss this asspect of diaper use without the sort of nasty feedback we get so much of.

I know it is daily di's board & what they want to do with it or *anything* posted on it is their business but it still bites.

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I thought i checked there before i started on my disapointed rant but i 'spose i went off half-cocked... *sigh*

I appologise to Daily Di

*sorry* for making an assumption that turned out to be in error... PPBear

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Man... I was going to make fun of this thread... But now I'm bummed.

I don't mind messing my diaper, its the sole purpose of why I wear though, rahter just an offshoot of the whole enchiladda.

Sorry it didn't go well for you, but perhaps people just don't like the precocious smell.

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