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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

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I've used this site for a long time now but am just getting around to registration. I'm a DL with some AB stuff going on. Love my pacifier, drinking from a bottle, and wetting and messing my diaper when I can.

I like mostly cloth and plastic panties but use Depends when I'm going to poop and some other times too. I can't be open about diapers 'cause I'm married to a woman who would NOT understand, I've got teen kids who would NOT understand and work at a job I'd lose in a second!

Looking forward to corresponding with others here - I'm on ABY.com but new there too.

Sooooo.... HI stay wet and stay happy!


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I've used this site for a long time now but am just getting around to registration. I'm a DL with some AB stuff going on. Love my pacifier, drinking from a bottle, and wetting and messing my diaper when I can.

I like mostly cloth and plastic panties but use Depends when I'm going to poop and some other times too. I can't be open about diapers 'cause I'm married to a woman who would NOT understand, I've got teen kids who would NOT understand and work at a job I'd lose in a second!

Looking forward to corresponding with others here - I'm on ABY.com but new there too.

Sooooo.... HI stay wet and stay happy!


Hellooo diaperpt. I wear cloth diapers and plastic pants too. I guess it is what I got use to as a kid. Incontinence products were bad back in the 70s.

Anyway, Welcome!

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Hi diaperpt and welcome to the site. Glad to have you with us! I too am a DL with some AB tendencies. As you probably already know, this site has a lot of friendly and understanding people on it from all over the world, so you should have no problem making new friends. Talking about this lifestyle with like-minded people is also fairly new to me as well, but it literally has changed my life in a very short period of time. I also was in a profession that would not tolerate my lifestyle, so I know what it's like to have to play it safe; nobody to talk to for most of your life. Anyways, hope you find time to post a little and visit chat as I look forward to getting to know you better.

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Welcome diaperpt. I'm Bigbabbyblue75, I too know what it like to hide this i been hiding sence i was 13 or so and am still hiding it to this day. As for the job i realy dont think it any of there bisnes and it upset me that they could fire you for what you do at home and has nothen to do with the job. sorry but that rong it dont hurt anyone. Anyways sorry for venting and you seem nice and should make friends here most are nice but you say you read the boards so you know that.


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