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Guide For Changing Diapers On An Adult

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found this on BBIF

(for those that have seen this before, its freshly updated, feedback is always welcome!)

Guide for Changing Diapers on an adult.

Before you start:

When changing diapers, make sure you have enough room to work, you need about 30% more space then the width of the person being changed. Also, Wipes, even if your not changing someone out of a diaper (at which point its really required) its nice, it leaves the person being changed, feeling clean and not sweaty, and powder as well (though this is a matter of personal preference)


If your changing someone out of a used diaper, I like to leave them laying on the diaper while you wipe them down, I tend to work from top to bottom, working very carefully thru any skin folds (around the rump, balls, and base of the penis for a guy, I've never changed a girl, so I cant tell you there exactly) I then put the used wipes in the diaper and pull it out from under them folding it up.

If your not, and just getting someone ready to be padded, you can spend less time on this step, I still think its a nice thing to do.

Preparing the diaper:

Unfold the diaper, on the Bambinos, you need to unfurl the leak guards (sometimes Dry24/7's too), I like to powder the diaper rather then the person, it gets for a more even coating once taped up.

Positioning and pulling up:

You want the rear of the diaper about 1-2 inches above the persons hips, this gives the diaper the ability to use the persons rump to stay on.

Note, this is also true for larger folk, but obviously, body shape varies greatly, so adjust accordingly.

When I pull a diaper up on someone, I sweep the diaper from left to right as a I pull it up, this makes sure the powder is spread around, and leak guards are all in the right place.


I tape, Bottom up, Right Left.. so, Right Bottom, left Bottom, Right top, left top, the top tapes should be right on the hip bones, the bottom tapes should be 1-1.5 inches above the bottom of the diaper, and generally angled down slightly.

I don't believe you can tape too tightly, you don't want the diaper to fall off, it needs to be on tightly, and generally, it should be tight enough to deflect the skin without digging in.

After Taping I like to pull the wing sides down a bit to balance it a bit for comfort.

A note on tape reinforcement - duct tape works better then packing tape - it gives, and will stretch and form better to the body from natural body heat - I like Nashua 397 General Purpose Duct Tape.

Changing yourself:

Everything above is applicable to changing oneself, however I recommend rolling your rump side to side a bit when you tape each tape, this ensures you get the tightest possible fit, this can be used when changing others as well, but does not work as well as it does on yourself.

Robert Johnson

-- Gtalk/Jabber:


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I don't bother with the wipes as I just wear in private(at home).

A good long thorough shower with plenty of shower gel gets off any soaked in urine on my skin.

Then I'll air my skin for a day min before wearing again, that way I've found when wetting nappies I don't ever get rashes anymore.

As nappy creams or that wash mousse/foam that needs no water to remove it like what Tena makes, my skin tends to have an allergic reaction to the chemicals in them and they give me a rash alone.

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