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Scent, Sound, And Touch


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Scent is the greatest memory trigger I know. The scent of baby powder, Desitin, baby lotion, freshly dried gauze prefold diapers, rhumba pants, and silk all tumbled together in my head makes thought almost impossible. I remember feeling like a baby girl. That is my strongest and safest memory. Add to that the sound of silk against the nylon tricot of the rhumba pants and pink eyelet ruffles, the sound of the nylon tricot exterior of the rhumba pants rubbing against the vinyl pants beneath, and the sound of my chubby thighs swishing as I waddle in three diapers only enhances that memory. Then, of course, there is the touch of the silk against my skin, and my fingers rubbing over the material of the dress, and sucking on my pacifier as I rub my thumb and forefinger over the silk hem, just sitting there, listening to the repeated sound and delightful touch takes me back. I am a baby girl, I fell like a baby girl, and I smell like a baby girl. As I move my head to look around my hair (pretty wig) swishes over the silk dress. Pure pleasure!

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Scent is known to be one of the stronges cues to trigger memory. It is not in the sapme area of the brain as the other senses but in an older part

I have always wondered why you listed as a Boy and not a Girl. You talk like one, just look at my About Me and see if you are not. Also, you should come to lthe Little Girls' Playhouse

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Scent is known to be one of the stronges cues to trigger memory. It is not in the sapme area of the brain as the other senses but in an older part

I have always wondered why you listed as a Boy and not a Girl. You talk like one, just look at my About Me and see if you are not. Also, you should come to lthe Little Girls' Playhouse

The little girl's playhouse?

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mmmmmm... Baby powder, but I also like the smell of a wet diaper too, since it usual mixes with the baby powder in the diaper and makes me smell more infantile. I will have to say touch and sound are absolutely exquisite sensations as well when it comes to my playtime. There is nothing better then the feel of satin against your skin. Having no body hair really helps enhance this experience. For the diapers, it is not just the feel, but the crinkle sound as well that completes the picture. All of it together makes me happy.

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