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I'm Curious

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Why are so many girls out there who, after finding out what guys want, or being hounded by "dirty minded" guys they give up and say they are "Lesbians"? For some reason I don't believe they give the real, gentle, sweet, loving guys an opportunity when that happens. It seems to me that Lesbians are not made/influenced or otherwise, they are born that way!

So please explain to me why are girls doing this?

From a real loving, sweet, gentle boy/man who treats girls/women with respect and honor.

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Guest diamondback688

its all the guys that hound them in the chatroom and via email and IM asking them if they will change them and all that crap...at least thats what i think...

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Amen to that! If a girl is a lesbian you should respect that and not question it (my last girlfriend was gay :P) but if you are a nice person she will probably still talk to you anyway :)

If a girl claims to have 'become' a lesbian then take it as a hint, you're either hounding her or she thinks you are hounding her, in which case its more the HNG's fault...

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jennie agrees with the girls...

You don't just suddenly "become" lesbian...

i think people into some fetishes may have tendencies to be a little more liberal or curious when it comes to sexual experimentation.....for example a girl who is straight may be curious about what it would be like with another woman...not because of the fetish but because she just maybe has a more open mind to things of that nature...less inhibited then some....but that does not make her lesbian....

personally i am curious about the number of women into this fetish...i've heard for a long time that ab/dl is primarily a male fetish...yet since i've joined the online scene about 7 years ago....i see the number of women growing, and they are women who i believe are really women.

i think that at one time men sorta "ruled" the internet and women were less apt to explore the online...especially anything that might be considered "sexual"...women tended to be more "content" with their lot in life....taking care of the kids etc.......

men just tend to be a little ahead of us in these areas....and less inhibited....but more and more women are turning to the internet for many reasons....i wonder...will women one day equal the number of men in the fetish?

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While I myself am attracted to other women, I am not misandric. (Misandric describes the hatred of men.) Also I am quite open with certain things about myself. Heck, if a straight person can talk about their ideal crushes, why I can't I do that same?

I have made a good number of male friends in the chatroom like DiaperPhantom, Square_Duck, Andy, and ToddlerBobby. One of them acts like a brother to me (Kudos Andy :) ). As long the person---male or female---is considerate and polite, I'll still converse and befriend them.

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I'll say this with regards to women on the 'net: nowadays, most of 'em are, in fact, women. However, I know that a number of "internet lesbians," also known as amazing desperate males, exist, although I cannot truly guess how many there are. And then you have to take sissies and or transvestites into account, and it just gets confusing beyond my abilities or interest.

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I'll say this with regards to women on the 'net: nowadays, most of 'em are, in fact, women.

I agree.

I think it was about two or three years ago when women edged out men on the Internet (about 50.9% to 49.1%)

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I agree.

I think it was about two or three years ago when women edged out men on the Internet (about 50.9% to 49.1%)

[alcohol-induced misogyny]ah, so that's when the internet stopped being relevant![/alcohol-induced misogyny]

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Out of all the females I've talked to on this site and others, there has probably been a total of 2 that I would even consider having a second conversation with. I just find that they tend to be snobby and/or boring to talk to, (probably a result of the bombardment from males) and this is coming from a guy who rarely if ever PM's. Now to be fair, I obviously haven't talked to all the women out there, and I am slightly biased since I have a girlfriend who I think is totaly amazing (and she thinks its cute when I wear diapers :thumbsup: ).

PS LOL @ Frink ^

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Women don't become lesbians. They either are or they aren't.


jennie agrees with the girls...

You don't just suddenly "become" lesbian...

In my experience, sexuality is much more fluid among girls than with guys. I can certainly agree that guys either are gay, or aren't- I don't recall ever meeting a guy who has flip-flopped. Girls, otoh, are infamous (especially within the gay community) for switching sides- sometimes multiple times.

The concept of the LUG (lesbian until graduation) has been around for decades- that's a girl who lives as a lesbian throughout college, but as soon as she graduates and enters the real world, she makes the switch to straight life and usually doesn't look back.

And even after that, it's very common for lesbians to suddenly decide they're not lesbian anymore. A year or so ago I got a call from an old friend of mine from high school, and we decided to meet for lunch. Her partner really didn't want her to come, although she was relieved to hear that I was married. Cindy later explained that her partner had been left multiple times by girls who suddenly decided they were straight. This, she explained, has become fairly common in the lesbian community of late. And these aren't just women that are experimenting- they've come out to family and friends and have been living as lesbians for years and years.

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I actually knew a guy who had come out of the closet when he was 21... he apparently changed his mind (please consider that to be a paraphrase of the complex processes involved in redeciding one's sexuality, as I don't want to bother writing them out [crap, I just did.]) at 51 or so.

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I'm gonna throw in my two cents worth:

Humans, in general are confused as hell about just about everything, including sexuality. With how pervasive said confusion is, changing one's mind (or perhaps more properly, comming to a realization) in any matter, including sexuality, should not come as a surprise.

I must say, I personally have encountered far more bisexual women than men. Most men that have "switched" (I don't really like that term -- it is so sudden), have done so only once in their lives, and usually after a long time struggling with it. I do not believe that men think these things through or struggle with their emotions longer and therefore make longer lasting decisions. I think men just tend to be more stubborn and reluctant to deal with their feelings.

I'm also going to suggest that our society is more accepting of lesbianism than of homosexual males. Of women who view porn, how many spend their time looking at man-on-man action? How many view woman-on-woman action? How many view woman-on-man action? Now ask the same question of men that view pornography. Now, here's the kicker: how many straight men (the vast consumers of pornography) view girl-on-girl action? How many straight women view man-on-man action?

In the general public, I don't think I've really witnessed a discrepancy among the opinions of females when it comes to homosexuality -- those women who have problems with homosexuality (i.e. condemn or disapprove of it) do so across the board -- lesbians or gay men, and bisexual activity either way. Men on the other hand are very likely to have problems with gay and bisexual men, but not with lesbians, and especially not with bisexual women.

My personal bottom line? I'm a hornball with a brain, and I want to have sex with those I deem attractive in a sexual manner. It bothers me when they don't want to have sex with me -- whether it is because they are attracted to a different sex or because I have to keep telling them to shut up because they insist on telling me Pink Floyd sucks. Or for whatever other reason exists.

Either way, I'm not gonna hound someone for action -- my energy is better spent on someone who is open to some action with me.

And that's all I have to say about that -- except for anything else I may add later.

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are you considered straight or lesbian/gay if....

if you have ever been curious about sexual experimentation with someone of the same sex....

if all your life you fantasize about sex with someone of the same sex but never act upon it due to fear of fill in the blank?

if you have had one sexual encounter with the same sex and enjoyed it....but never particpated again...

if you've spent five years experimenting with others of the same sex ... but wind up in a long term monogamous relationship with someone of the opposite sex?

did i make a point?....

cause i'm not sure.... :huh:


i don't think that anyone would make a sudden "change over" either way....as Morv said..."humans are as confused as hell about everything including sex"....if someone changes...comes to a realization...switches.....i cannot imagine that it happened without a lot of prior thought and reflection and probably some fantasizing also ;) ....

also as Morv pointed out about himself.....some people are just "sexual" they are attracted to something else about a person other then just the body parts we are born with...

Personally there are times the idea of a "nurturing female figure" overwhelms me with desire....dont get me wrong...the sexual "nurturing male figure" to me is about strength and safety....and yes i find that extremely sexy.....but the sexual "nurturing female figure" in my head is just as sexy....she is warm and loving and caressing....and oh so touchable....... :blush: ... :wub:

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Guest loosenlimpbaby

all of everybodys answers to this question so far seem to be pretty good. I can agree with most of them, although I was just skimming through them.

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