GentleDaddy Posted February 7, 2012 Posted February 7, 2012 Chapter 1: Discovery You know that dream-like state when you're sure you're awake but something odd happens and for a moment you realize you're dreaming before it changes or ends and then however long after this you wake and briefly recall that strange sensation? She was certain this was happening to her because it was all too strange. She had been waiting for someone to enter her life for years, someone to make her feel something that all the romance books promised; wanted, loved, but also exhilarated and enticed. What was missing? Why had she never found it? Her friends all seemed to be happy but it just never worked out with the guys she had been with. Her name was Danielle and she was a "typical" woman, living in an apartment, a high school administrator, long hours for months, summers off, a few close friends and family, forgettable really, normal and "average" in every way from her brown shoulder length hair to her b-cup, and slender but not skinny body. Sure she worked out and was tight, but not model tight, and nothing overly stunning about her. No children, 32 years old, not too late, but getting there. She was up late after a mediocre date that had gone just okay, she couldn't sleep, they made out a little, she would have probably done more had he just asserted himself, but he backed off as you'd expect any respectable guy would on a first date. He wasn't the typical guy she dated either which probably put her off a bit. He was her height, soft features, slender, not handsome, but not unattractive, cute. If anything he looked and sounded a bit effeminate and that was ok, just not something she was used to. She had been aroused during the making out, he had slipped his hand up her skirt and gotten a fingertip inside her before he backed off fearing he was crossing a line. "What a shame" she thought, "even this guy who has my panties bunched up and wet doesn't want me..." The date ended uneventfully, but she was worked up enough to keep her awake, so, time to hop on the internet where porn was plentiful, free, and most of all, free of judgement, no holds barred, skies the limit! She had a few sex toys, nothing grand or elaborate, a vibrator, a dildo... a vibrating dildo, she once tried a butt plug that vibrated but felt strange after using it. Not that it wasn't pleasurable, but, guilty, shamed that she was a "degenerate" for using it and thought "if I die tomorrow and my relatives clean out my stuff and find this, what will they think???" ...straight to the garbage Mr. Plug. Her porn tastes revolved around watching women masturbate with the toys she could never use, big toys, anal toys, machines built to bring women to orgasms multiple times sometimes squirting which she was certain was pee, or at best some kind of put-on, a little water in the pussy before the "money-shot" and viola a new genre of porn is created that REAL women could never fulfill. Still, it was exciting to watch and to fantasize about. "Let's get with it and get to bed" she thought, on to google, safe search off, she looked for masturbating dildo videos, gone through several old standards, they got her attention but not getting the job done. So, she went to her panty drawer and got her sexiest panties, they weren't much, but for her they were good. Fairly standard high cut french panties with a standard cotton crotch that she just loved to get nice and wet with her excitement. Panties on, non-vibrating dildo in hand, back to the computer, a slight excited flutter in her belly to get a good wet spot going with her fingers on the outside of the panties, then pretend a nice sized cock slides into them, parts her wetness and takes her home. That's it... that's how her life was, no in-depth thought on how it happened, just watching other girls masturbate, wishing it was her, or wishing it was a real cock inside her making her cum... zero creativity. She stopped. Tired of the cycle. She googled a new search, wet panties masturbation. This was different, girls with panties wet just like her doing what she was doing, she watched a few and this was working, still pretty standard, but different, at least it wasn't the "old" her. She slipped the toy inside her and started wiggling around on it. Nice... but it's the same, "I'm going to cum on this toy while wearing my wet panties, i'll take the panties off, wipe off my pussy, wash the toy, go to bed..." She stopped, she started to sob, excitement gone... she looked at more of the videos. She got pretty deep into the search where the results start varying from what you initially intended and found one where a girl was tied up, wearing panties, and peed them. "Hrm... that's really different" she thought "don't know if I like that or not, but what else..." some more videos like this, then a video where a girl was peeing and masturbating at the same time in panties. "That's kinda gross...but no one is here, and if I do die tomorrow, not like anyone is going to find out how my panties got wet in the first place... hrm." This is where things got strange, soon after seeing this video she started having that sensation of waking from a strange dream. A vague lightheaded sensation like she was lying down but also still sitting in the chair, wet panties, dildo, watching girls pee and masturbate.The sensation passed and she kept watching, the porn was gross, pee everywhere, sopping pissed in panties and a girl, screaming through an orgasm that she must have been faking because it was all too much. Yet, she kept watching, like when you come upon a horrific accident, your curiosity glues your attention to the spectacle. She felt her clit tingle and her nipples harden nicely and kept gently stroking her pussy through her panties. "Whatever, no one can see me for being interested, so what if I am, big deal" she said to herself. Several more videos like this, and a very wet pair of panties, her dildo every now and again slipping inside, she wasn't ready to give up and cum, especially watching these videos. It was almost like throwing in the towel, if she came watching these, what kind of person was she? It was getting to her though, she was keeping herself on the edge, prolonging it over and over. This was new to her, delaying an orgasm, denying herself the pleasure was both pleasurable and agony but something about it felt so right. She decided to do a new search and looked for pleasure torture... not much came up, "what do you call this" she thought, orgasm prolonging had more results but not much then she saw a link to something called orgasm control and a whole new world opened. Chapter 2: Awakening These new images flashed on the screen like a secret world she had stumbled into. Men and women, almost all restrained in some way being manipulated by someone else, teased, humiliated, given pleasure, then denied it, over and over the same theme, pleasure, denial, pleasure denial. This is what she had started to do to herself and here was a whole group of strangers doing it with one another. They all had a pain aspect to it also and this was way out of her comfort zone "but you know what" she thought, "I've gone this far... why not a little further?" She started rubbing her nipples first gently, and much to her surprise this sent a massive wave of pleasure straight to her pussy that made her gasp and clench her ass tight on her wet panties. The warm wetness in her ass gave her an extra little thrill but nothing like the new pleasure of playing with her nipples. She teased them gently, pinching them slightly and each time a tingle, a pulse of pleasure, what could be almost described as a mini-orgasm each time, not enough to satisfy but it directly aligned with her new-found pleasure torture. She pinched each nipple harder and harder and reached a point where the pain was too much, no more pleasure now, and her nipples were getting sore. She took some of her wetness from the now slippery and wet pussy lips and rubber her nipples to soothe them. Much better, "maybe pain isn't my thing after all, only 1 way to be sure though!" With that, she stood up started to rub her tight little ass and *whack*... stars. "OH MY GOD NO.... no fucking way!" No, pain was not her thing after all, but the experience did teach her that she could receive pleasure from her nipples and that was well worth the now red and throbbing ass. Sitting back down was delicate but the warm wetness of her panties quickly made her forget the pain. She continued watching and the next video was of a girl, tied up, panties on, and another girl slipping a dildo into her panties so the panties held it inside, then focused on sensual kissing, tonguing her all over, and consistently rubbing her captives nipples. The submissive girl couldn't get away and couldn't stop the onslaught and clearly didn't want to had she been able. This suited her, she felt drawn to this and looked for more like it, some with men in charge, some with women, but all were about 1 person dominating another woman, and controlling her through a pair of panties that would ultimately "catch" all the girls wetness as well as serve as a point of humiliation in some form or another. Her panties were doing the same thing, they were now holding in her wetness as well as the dildo as she watched countless videos and mindlessly rubbed her nipples, never letting herself cum, and why should she, she had nothing to do as the summer had just started and she wanted to see how long she could keep this up before giving up, giving in and going back to her "normal" life. Then it happened again, that wave of dreamlike confusion, this time she felt like she had actually woken up and seen Chris, then man from the date earlier, standing over her doing something but then back to reality in front of her computer, humiliating herself. She stopped again. "What's wrong with me that I can't just finger myself and go to bed?" Expecting an answer she sat there, for nearly 1/2 an hour, sometimes sobbing, wondering what the point was, going so far as to think "if I just end it all now, would it even matter, look at me, a fake dick deep inside me wearing wet panties watching women basically get raped and I'm enjoying it? How far I've sunk, I should be ashamed of myself and I am, but for whatever reason I like this, I hate that I like it, but I do, so now what?" An answer came this time, but not one she was expecting. The dildo popped out of her pussy with an audible "pop" and got caught by her panties followed by a warm trickle of pussy juice. She started laughing immediately "look at me, I squirted, I should call someone and proclaim what a slut I feel like. What would that be like? Hey, Chris remember me from a little while ago, yeah I've been jerking off and just kinda shamefully squired in my panties with a rubber dong want to hang out tomorrow?" No. Her laughter subsided but her desire to finish herself off never did. "Friday night... panties soaked, nipples burning in a good way, wishing I could figure out why I like this porn and needing to get my rocks off all alone... might as well end it with a bang!" Back to google, "how much lower can I sink I wonder" she said out loud. "Let's just combine it all into one search now... 'girls being dominated and not allowed to cum while wearing panties". That got her a big fat nothing in terms of videos, but this time she started getting story results and clicking around and reading the stories was just as good as the videos if not better because now she could insert herself into the stories and fantasize about someone doing it to her rather than watching someone have it done to them. Several of the stories had dialogue in them unlike the videos, an interaction between the captive and the captor. Words, names, suggestions, an overall tone. This fueled her fire as now she started thinking, "Who is doing this to me? Master? Sir? A stranger with no name? The school principal? A student?" One story touched on a girl being tied up and fingered endlessly by her teacher a woman. This hit home with Danielle because she thought of some of the high school girls she taught, but she thought of all the bitchy ones, always coming late, always flirting with boys and how she could teach them a lesson by humiliating them in class, holding them down, making them beg to cum even though they hated her for it... but it didn't seem right, she was too horny to think about making someone else cum and invariable in her mind, the girls would hold her down, and molest her until she agreed to change a grade, or let them leave early. Absurd, but it was working and her mind went with it... what if one of the girls showed up for a parent teacher conference, with her parent, and they did it to her then. "Now that would be something" she thought. "Some bitchy little 18 year old who needs my class to graduate shows up with her cunt of a mother and they start demanding I change her grade so she can graduate, I refuse, they do something to me to knock me out or something and I wake up, tied up somewhere... oh fuck that's nice" she thought with the dildo back inside her, playing with her nipples. Her screensaver had kicked in at this point and rightly so, with these fantasies, who needed porn, "I can think up anything I want, and if I die tomorrow... no one knows a thing! Ok, so I wake up somewhere tied up, spread eagle, we're all naked and the girls mom decided she's going to teach her daughter about control and you can make anyone do what you want if you just bend their mind a little." An interruption happened again, there she was, lying in bed with Chris, him standing over her, he's naked, she's naked, he's got his cock inside her and he's slowing pumping away and a rustling noise fills the room, she's wearing something strange like a thick pair of panties, he's rubbing her nipples and she's babbling something while he comforts her with his words "what a good little girl...." Back to reality again and sitting in front of her PC, her slideshow going, panties drenched, thinking about this anonymous student and mother manipulating her. Danielle thought "why the hell is Chris calling me a little girl? in my dreams? Chapter 3: Training "So, sweetheart, you think you're going to fail my daughter is that right?" said the anonymous woman in Danielle's fantasy. "Let me go, you can't do this to me, this is insanity, you think you're going to get away with this? Not only are we going to get away with it, but you're going to change her grade, you're going to thank us, and you're going to become a whole new little girl when I'm done with you... That's odd" she thought, "that's what Chris called me in my dream... hrm, do I want to be shamed and punished or whatever like a child might be? It does fit the whole submissive rape-fantasy role playing Master/slave kind of role but if I'm her little girl, is she the teacher? No, I'm the teacher, she's the parent of a student, she's a parent. Hrm. No, lady, none of that is going to happen, what's going to happen is that you're going to let me go, Christine here is going to fail my class, and you Mrs. Johnson are going to jail for kidnapping! "You got some of that right little girl, I did 'KID'nap you, because when you take a little girl against her will that's what they call it." Christine giggled at her mothers wit. "Christine dear, girls like Danielle have got a sickness inside them and its up to real women like me, like you'll be some day, to work that sickness out of them. It's like a toxic juice that gums up their inner workings, clouds their minds and makes them all grumpy and bitchy toward real women, big girls, like us. So what do we do now mom?" Christine asked her mother. We get her all prepared and ready to get that nastiness out of her and see the world the way she needs to see it, it's all for her own good, and eventually she'll thank us but it's going to take some time and effort to train her properly. Wow" thought Danielle... "where the hell is all this coming from??? Why have I never thought of this before, it's so fucking sick, but... it totally works. It even aligns itself with my boring life, my failed relationships, everything... if someone would just 'help' me get a better outlook that would fantastic, and I could cum over and over to boot, win win!" "We're going to start with gagging her so no one here's her screams because this is going to get very intense, very fast. Take her panties and stuff them in her mouth, then secure them with this pair of nylons. Good girl Danielle, now relax because the more you struggle the longer this will take. You'll appreciate this, I'm going to give my daughter a lesson and use you as the subject, you should be flattered little girl!" There it was again but this time it felt both humiliating and exciting, Mrs. Johnson's tone was so positive, so full of esteem and yet so condescending at the same time. Danielle was proud of herself for getting so into her fantasy and not feeling guilty about it, and why should she, she was in her own mind, and no one could stop her or judge her, this was hers, she owned it, sick or not, it felt right, let the world go fuck itself with it's right/wrong. She didn't have to answer to anyone. Mrs. Johnson: "Now, Christine, she can't get up, she can't alert anyone to what's happening and she's totally helpless, who else is like that?" Christine: "I'm not sure mom." Mrs. Johnson: "Well, is that what it's like to be you or me at this moment?" Christine: "No... we're in control." Mrs. Johnson: "Exactly, we're in control of little Danielle the helpless little girl who can't get up and can't talk and can't control herself.... what a good girl you are Danielle, lying there helpless and in need, just unable to fend for yourself... like a... like a....?" Christine: "Like a baby!" Mrs. Johnson: "Bingo! But not like a baby... a baby, who can't do anything but take what's given." "Here comes that sensation again like I'm about to wake up, but I'm already awake" thought Danielle. There was Chris, balls deep inside her hot little pussy, thick white panties pulled to the side, rustling like a plastic bag, nipples being teased, something buzzing, somewhere in her panties, feels like she has to poop but not really... "is it my plug, the one I threw out years ago" she wondered, who cares she was in total ecstasy, like a non-stop rolling orgasm, being kissed, nipples burning, ass buzzing, a big thick cock inside her as he said "that's it, you get nice a wet in your diaper for me". To which she heard herself reply, "I'm a good girl Daddy?". "You're a good little girl for me, baby". Ripped back to reality again, Danielle felt tired, she had been masturbating for hours, in and out of consciousness and her pussy was getting a little tender, panties we're clinging to her and her chair was even wet at this point, she felt like she had to pee, but she'd finish up soon, pee, and pass out. "Wait, diaper? You know what... at this point who cares I just want to cum. Christine: "So what's first mommy? Do we beat her up? Do we take pictures of her like this and threaten to send them to everyone?" Mrs. Johnson: "It's almost as though you're not listening at all Christine... I'm going to teach you how to make her a helpless little baby and when you're done, she's going to change your grade willingly." Christine: "I still don't get how that's possible but whatever...let's get started?" Mrs. Johnson: "Baby, Christine is going to begin working on you, I hope you don't fuss too much, it's time to make all that nasty negative gunk inside you come out and turn you into the sweet little girl you really are. Christine, gently insert this vibrating plug into her ass and while you do it, praise her, constantly be praising her and telling her how she needs this and how she really wants it but is too scared so we have to force her." Christine: "Ohhhh I get it, we're going to fuck with her so much and humiliate her to a point where she just accepts it and gives up, and does what we say? Like how they torture prisoners but instead we're going to make it like this is to her benefit?" Mrs. Johnson: "Mommies little girl, I'm so proud of you for picking it up so quickly... and soon she's going to be your little girl!" Christine: "Ok little one, time for your bottom to get nice and full, lets just lift you up and spread those pink little cheeks... that's it, you can't stop me, you're such a good baby, that's it, let it slip inside nice and easy, it gets wider but then it gets smaller again and it's going to feel so good in your little baby bottom, what a good girl you are, I see you struggling and trying to push it out but you know this is good for you so just relax... and... all the way in... yayyyyyyy what a good girl you are baby, you're mommies good little baby!" Mrs. Johnson: "You're doing great, but while you're praising her you have to give her some positive feelings as well, so now the next phase is to keep her clean, secure, but also happy... babies never like to be changed and hate being cold so we need to cover her up a bit while also making her feel good. Go get the diaper from my briefcase and some powder. Good... now... slide the diaper underneath her, that's it... Danielle stop fussing, no need to cry baby, it'll all be over when you accept it. That's it Christine powder that little cunny because she's going to need that once she starts getting wet. Good, now, pull the diaper up but don't tape it closed yet, rub some powder under her nose and tell her she's a good little baby slave. Perfect. Now the fun can start little Danielle! Take you hand start rubbing her pussy over the diaper, gentle little circles, this will arouse her and infuriate her at the same time, while you do that I'm going to gently rub her little nipples and baby is going to get VERY upset at her arousal so we need lots of praise and continued rubbing" Christine: "Here we go with your baby training little girl, I'm going to make you so happy in your diaper! Chapter 4: Reality? Danielle imagined this continued for quite some time in her fantasy while in reality the pressure in her bladder continued to build and she was still gently masturbating in front of her computer, all sense of time gone, lost in pleasure, lost in thought, just going with it, exhausted and accepting. Mrs. Johnson: "I think you know what to do now, I'm going to leave and when I come back I expect a well trained little baby slut who needs her mommy and does what mommy wants... this is how you get what you want in life sweetie, people will love you and if they won't, you make them through controlled pleasure. See you later little girl" Christine: "Bye mom! Ok honey, mommies here little one, making your little cunny nice and wet, nice and warm in your baby diaper, you're going to be such a good little diaper slave for mommy always creamy in your diaper, always wanting to make cummies for me, always turned on and needing to be filled but trapped in your diaper like a baby should be. Christine now alternated between rubbing Danielle's nipples and diapered pussy, Danielle couldn't stay still, she couldn't believe this was happening to her, being raped by a girl being diapered being treated so nicely but for all the wrong reasons she didn't know what to do but couldn't deny the fact that her body was so turned on she could cum at any moment, if only she could get more of the sensations, more would be so much better and then she's agree to Christine's terms even if it was a lie she could finally get away and get help. She couldn't help moan though, and she loved her fantasy, being so twisted but feeling so good. Christine: "Mommies little girl is getting awfully wet in her baby diaper isn't she, I can peel back the diaper and see you're little lips are so creamy and gooey your bottom is probably used to the plug by now so its time to turn it on. There we go, its buzzing away, ohhhh no, baby don't squirm, it's good for you, it makes all that nasty girl poison come out of you, that's why you're getting so wet, it's the bad stuff I told you needs to come out in order for you to be my trained little baby slut remember? Mommies going to work it all out of you, and your diaper is going to catch it all and you'll be a good little diaper girl from now on. The plug is in your bottom to help, you see the longer mommy works your hot little cunny in your baby diaper, the more goo comes out into your baby diaper and the quicker you'll be turned into my helpless little baby slut. That's also why mommy keeps saying these key phrases to her little diaper girl over and over with all the pleasure you can handle. The more mommies helpless diaper girl hears all these baby words and phases the harder it'll be for baby to resist, and soon enough mommies little diaper baby will love her diapers so much, she'll want her diapers wrapped tight around her wet little baby cunny keeping her nice and warm and catching all her sticky goo-goo's." Danielle started crying, in her fantasy, and for real, this was the release she needed, she wanted to make this a reality somehow but she couldn't, and her mind was in three places at once it seemed, fantasy, reality, and her dream of Chris doing this to her. She needed to cum, she needed to pee, and it was all so close. Christine: "That's it baby, you let it all out, mommies going to fasten this diaper on nice and tight and let you rest a bit, ok? Or does baby give up, does baby need her mommy, if baby needs her mommy to make her creamies come out into her baby diaper then baby just needs to beg? Mommy understands you can't talk but I'll understand if you shake your head, if your mommies girl now you shake your head and mommy will complete your baby training?" Danielle panicked, she didn't shake her head and her mommy walked away, and in her fantasy screamed through her gag for her mommy to keep going she was so close it couldn't end like this, what was wrong with her, why was she denying herself pleasure, all night she did this to herself, stopping and starting because her sad thoughts got in the way, just like real life where everything was plain and boring, where Chris wouldn't get closer, where her friends and family were dismissive and her job a dead-end. She was going to finish this, she was going to go through with it and complete this weird journey regardless of her own mind getting in the way. Danielle cried out and her mommy looked over, Danielle gave up and shook her head. Christine: "Is baby ready to gush out all her goo-goo's into her creamy baby diaper and become mommies good little diaper slut?" Danielle shook her head again. Christine: "Good girl, now let mommy fasten your diaper on nice and tight so her hands are free and mommy can turn you into a full time diapered little baby slut. That's it, is that good, nice and tight, your creamy diaper all slick and ready for you to wet with your naughty stickies? Of course you are, your mommies good little diaper slave. I have a surprise for you, the only way to get the bad stickies out and train your right is to get nice and deep inside your little cunny so mommy has this big thick strap-on to work it out of you. All I have to do now, is slip your baby diaper to the side and gently ease it all the way inside you. That's mommies good little girl, you take it nice and deep while I rub your little baby nipples. Now that's it you grind on it... mommies not going to stop pumping and rubbing your nipples until you scream and cream... good girl, you work your cunny against that diaper and around your mommies pee-pee, that pee-pee feels so good doesn't it, it's your salvation baby, it's your way of transforming into a good little diaper baby." Chapter 5: Acceptance? Just as she Danielle was feeling like this was it, she faded back into her dream with Chris, there he was, his slender effeminate body, big thick cock pounding away at her, the thick diaper rustling away, the buzzing in her ass from the plug, her pussy working against his cock... when he spoke... Chris: "That's my good girl you keep working your cunny and you make a creamy soon, your training is almost over baby, just give up and let the machine do it's work." "The machine?" Danielle thought? She looked around in her dream and saw she was on a medical table, an IV in her arm, heart monitor, blood pressure cuff, and she was up in stirrups. Chris noticed her becoming more aware and spoke again. Chris: "You're such a good girl Danielle I just had to have you, when I slipped my finger inside you on our date it was to distract you from the tiny injection I gave you in your arm, an injection that would keep you sedated long enough to get you into my special room in my home." Chris, all the while was still gently rubbing Danielle's nipples and sliding the cock effortlessly in and out of her soaked, hot, wet diapered pussy. "I've wanted to meet you for some time, I've been watching you, I know how miserable you really are and I know just how to make you happy, but it required some training on your behalf and I knew you'd never get into it willingly..." With that, Chris took off his shirt and revealed breasts, Chris was a girl, Christine, s/he was her height, soft features, slender, not handsome, but not unattractive, cute... Chris: "Please relax Danielle, I know the real you, it's exactly who you just fantasized about with a little help from the sedation and the programming you've been getting during your training... you've been here with me for days, reminded of your life, reminded of what you're going to leave behind and reminded that the real you is worth it, let me complete your training and you'll be mommies little diaper girl forever..." It all came crashing down. The dream of Chris fucking her was a reality, the reality of her home in front of her computer was part of a conditioning and training torture she was enduring, and the fantasy of being raped by a girl and turned into a baby slave tied the 2 together. Danielle burst into tears, real tears, she didn't know what to believe and she started to panic and try to get away. Christine was crushed... but selfish, and determined to follow through with her plans. She pressed a button on the IV to sedate Danielle further.... Danielle slipped back into her fantasy with Mommy Christine. Christine: "That's it baby, you're almost done, you're just about there... you're going to make a nice sticky creamy on mommies cock. Your baby cunny is going to flood your baby diaper, and then you'll be all mine. Cum for mommy, cum in your diaper, cum like a little baby who can't control herself and wants a new life as a diapered baby slave..." Danielle tensed, Christine turned off the IV, Danielle woke into reality as she flooded her diaper with cum, pee, and pushing the buzzing plug out. An orgasm would be a cheap way to describe what happened. It was literally life altering, she came so hard, crying, screaming into her gag, pushing the strap-on from her pussy, pushing Christine back from her with pee and cum running out of her, running out of her diaper the plug falling to the floor snapped her back to reality. Gasping for breath Christine released the gag and she drew several deep breaths like a newborn filling it's lungs for the first time. Christine got back between her legs and slid the strap-on back inside her and continued to gently pump and rub her nipples. She knew if Danielle had truly been trained this moment was key to establishing a bond with her and gaining her trust as her mommy regardless of who Danielle really was now she had to try. Christine: "That's mommies good girl, you did so good making a big wet creamy and pushing out all the naughty girl cummies, are you ready for a fresh diaper little baby girl?" Danielle: "... yes mommy, baby wants a clean diaper and another creamy in my cunny, I still feel like a naughty girl and only mommy can make me a good little diapered baby slave." This is what Danielle said... but is it what she thought? 1
GentleDaddy Posted February 9, 2012 Author Posted February 9, 2012 I'm flattered that all 750 of you that have read this immediately passed out and couldn't comment.
Radioman Posted February 9, 2012 Posted February 9, 2012 Your up to 846 as of noon today. You have to face the issue that most people here are lerkers and are not vocal. Dont let that bother you. Good story, interesting perspective. Will be interesting to see where it goes. Many good authors have stopped writting a story just because they didnt think people liked it due to no comments. Just to find out it was well liked. People will ALWAYS be quick to criticize a story, but slow, if at all at praising one.
tiggerboy Posted February 9, 2012 Posted February 9, 2012 I am rather confused as to what is going on in this story. Are all these threads just dreams?
diaperpt Posted February 10, 2012 Posted February 10, 2012 I liked the story. It was a little confusing, but it started coming into focus as I got toward the end. I often will comment on stories I like, but I do think it's a shame when people write, then get ticked off if they don't get enough reaction. Don't get me wrong - when I've posted stories I can't wait to see what reactions are. And I have been a little disappointed when I haven't gotten as many as I'd like. It's a shame though that some, like you, post their disappointment and indignation. Even so, I'd like to see more of this story.
Menaiya Posted February 10, 2012 Posted February 10, 2012 The switch over was a bit odd for me. I kinda got a bit lost. Overall good detail though.
Eir Posted February 10, 2012 Posted February 10, 2012 The story was very confusing. Yeah, Danielle finally got put into diapers, but she floated into dreamland from her date without realizing that, and slid onto a changing pad, do you see how that does not make sense?
Summertime Posted February 13, 2012 Posted February 13, 2012 The story was very confusing. Yeah, Danielle finally got put into diapers, but she floated into dreamland from her date without realizing that, and slid onto a changing pad, do you see how that does not make sense? I think that was the point Danielle was confused; I certainly hope there will be more
GentleDaddy Posted February 13, 2012 Author Posted February 13, 2012 Chapter 6: Clarity Waking up from a dream that was so vivid is never an easy thing. Danielle was sleeping on her stomach and rolled over, blurred vision and refreshed, she went to rub her eyes to gain perspective on her crazy night. The last thing she clearly remembered was a date with Chris, going home, watching some crazy porn which fueled the fire of her own fantasy, but then something weird happening with Chris. When she cleared her vision, all she could see was a white room, it was warm, and she was diapered thickly with some tubes and wires going into the diaper attached to the surface she was laying on. She attempted to speak and couldn't, only to realize she was gagged, and while her hands were free to move above her waist, they were unable to reach lower, and were disabled by soft mittens encasing all her fingers together. She looked around, the room was bright, white, no windows, and she was naked other than her diaper and a strap going across her breasts also with tubes and wires. The tubes and wires of her diaper and chest strap kept her on the table but gave her some mobility, limited as it was. A panel in the floor opened and up came Christine closing the panel behind her... or was it him, Danielle was starting to get scared and unsure what had happened now having realized the situation she was in. Christine approached Danielle with a smile and a baby rattle, shaking the rattle Danielle felt very nervous and squirmed in her bonds. Christine spoke... Christine: "Awake and ready to begin I see? I trust you slept well? Well... sleep isn't really the right word is it, more like passed out from exhaustion ahahah... right? What's the matter honey, you don't remember what happened?" Danielle could only grunt through her gag and make vague gestures" Christine: "I'm not surprised at how confused you are, all my other babies always took much less time and effort to be regressed and you just seem to fight it at every turn, it's ok though, it's given rise to all sorts of new and fun scenarios to play out with you and has really got my creative (and other) juices flowing to get you converted. Since you're still fighting me, and soon enough you won't remember any of this anyway let me recap for you in more detail. For many years I have been doing research on the human mind, specifically gender assignment, homosexuality, gender preference, adult/child bonding etc... in my research I found a common thread that amazingly bound them all together. Pleasure. Some people believe sexuality is a choice, others believe you're born a certain way and my ultimate goal is show that it can be changed even in an adult through modification of thoughts. The challenge lies in getting subjects to volunteer, no one willingly wants to be someone who they aren't and have their identity changed even if in the end, they fully believe this is who they are. Take you for example. You're straight, into guys 100%, but unhappy in your life and feel the need for more. You're a perfect subject in that, while you know what you want in your mind for a mate, you're wide-open to other avenues of change. All I have to do is tap into that desire for change, convince you to re-wire a few synapses through pleasure torture, or as I've come to call it, sensual reassignment, and viola, suddenly you're a different you. It's of course a lot more complicated then that, in past subjects it's taken several weeks of constant work to get them to reassign but with you, it's been several weeks already and you're holding on to your identity. I will say this, I've had several break-through's with you that high-lite your unique mind, but for the most part, you're just being stubborn little girl!" With that Christine gave Danielle a swat on her diapered behind. Christine: "Because you've fought all my normal methods I borrowed a little creative license from that Inception movie and put you into a new scenario using dreams to sculpt your desire, the results are inconclusive so far, but we sure have been having some fun and I think you're starting to give way to the treatments. In each session they start the same, your last lucid memory of being on our date where we met, kissed, I got a finger inside you. That all happened, but what changes after that each time is what I programmed into the reassignment machine along with the physical stimuli you receive here in the treatment room. Each session has to involve regression to a pseudo-infant mind where we're most easily imprinted on, the difference between reality and the simulations is obvious. When you're an infant, you have no perceived preference of sexuality yet some form of outside stimulus defines you at some point in your development. When you're an adult, as you are, you already have a complete identity both sexually and personally. Since I can't wipe your mind out completely and reassign your gender as that would invalidate the experiment, I had to figure out how to keep each subject an adult, while also bringing them back to a child-like state of impression where I introduce specific stimuli s and make you who I want you to be! Exciting right!!!?" Danielle could only listen in horror. Christine: "The last one I tapped into your deep loneliness and attempted to give you a way out through accepting a younger woman as your superior, all scenarios include making you want to be a baby again through orgasm control and denial. This makes your mind, supple, for lack of a better word and gets you more in rhythm with the machine so I can continue to tailor your personality and sexuality along the appropriate course. Once I feel you've taken enough of the treatment, I reinforce everything you've just endured by getting you to insist, nay, beg for release through orgasm. This is the point at which I wake you to your reality of what you've begged for, merge the dream with reality thus imprinting your softened mind with who you are to become and giving you a pleasure overload to lock it in. You know the old saying 'you catch more flies with honey then you do with vinegar'? Same basic principle of a reward system, but you don't even realize what you're being rewarded for, and simply accept your new personality and sexuality. Since you're not a lesbian and you're not into diapers or being wet, anal sex, etc and you have all those notions of what a proper girl is supposed to be. I had to form the last session around breaking down those barriers in order to try and progress you to the next phase. I don't think it took since you still look so panic stricken so we'll be doing it again. Chapter 7: Quality Control To help us both out I'm going to ask you some questions, and please realize this is for your benefit as much as it is mine, this won't end until you're a lesbian who loves to be diapered and wants nothing more than another girl to look after your every need. You'll recall from the last run you went home and increased your pornographic interests while masturbating. I woke you from this state several times to reveal what was actually happening to you, do you recall enjoying the interruption or was it confusing? I'm going to remove your gag now and your answers will be direct and end with the word mommy." With this Danielle cried, Christine got very upset very quickly and pressed a button on the side of the table that shocked Danielle inside her diaper. Danielle cried out. Christine: "Answer the question or it will get worse." Danielle: "CONFUSING!" Christine pressed the button and held it, shocking the bound girl longer. Christine: "I only enjoy giving pleasure, you're bringing this on yourself, answer correctly!" Danielle: "Confusing.... mommy." Christine: "I don't appreciate your tone little girl..." She pressed the button and held it for 30 seconds making Danielle scream, convulse and wail in pain. Danielle crying hysterically begged for it to end. Danielle: "Please no more! PLEASE MOMMY IT WAS CONFUSING MOMMY." Christine smiled and thought to herself... "maybe this one needs a little more pain then the others, then a dose of reward and not just humiliation and reward..." Christine released the button and pressed a different one, Danielle's body went stiff with pleasure, her nipples felt like they were being licked, and her pussy rubbed with something warm and wet. "What a good girl answering mommy, do you think you think you're a good girl?" Releasing the button. Danielle gasped: "Yes mommy, yes please no more pain I'll be a..." With that Christine pressed the pain button again and screamed "I TOLD YOU TO KEEP YOUR ANSWERS TO THE POINT AND END THEM WITH MOMMY!" Danielle once again writhed in agony for what seemed like minutes. Christine: "Do you think you can follow basic instructions?" Danielle cyring and blubbering: "Yes mommy." Christine reached for the button and Danielle flinched not knowing which she would get. "Pleasure for mommies little diaper girl will always follow when mommies baby is a good girl." Christine pressed the button for only a moment, Danielle whimpered for more. Christine: "Did you enjoy the new route your sexuality took with the younger girl regressing you and keeping you in a state of prolonged pleasure?" Danielle: "Yes mommy..." Christine: "You didn't have something to add to that did you?" Danielle: " mommy." Christine: "Good girl" pressing the pleasure button giving positive reinforcement and pleasure to her captive subject. Danielle: "Ohhhh please don't stop mommy." Christine: "Do you like being a good girl?" Danielle: "Yes mommy, please press it again mommy" Christine pressed the button again sending waves of pleasure into Danielle's bound helpless body. Christine: "Do you want more pleasure little girl?" Danielle: "Yes mommy." Christine: "Do you want me to make your diaper fill with even more pleasure?" "Ohhh yes mommy" said Danielle, beginning to get lost in the constant sensations of warmth and pressure in her diaper. Christine: "We can get through these questions and then start a new round of regression that will get you back on course now that I see you need to remain conscience and not in your dream state. Would you like for mommy to keep pleasuring you, or would you like to get back to your training?" Danielle: "More mommy please I'm getting so close." Christine: "Close to what baby?" Danielle: "Closing to cumming mommy" Christine: "Diaper girls don't cum, they make sticky diapers remember?" Danielle: "Sticky diapers mommy?" Christine: "Remember your training baby, when the young girl kept telling you to make you a good girl you had to cream out all the nasty goo inside you to help you be better?" Danielle: "Wasn't that you mommy?" Christine: "Sort of, it was mommy in your dreams, but out here in the real world it was me, massaging your little diapered cunny making the dream feel real. Do you want your dream mommy, or me?" Danielle: "I just want to feel good mommy." Chapter 8: The marvels of technology! This sort of Q&A session continued for hours with Christine distracting Danielle from the pleasure long enough to get her built up to a powerful orgasm, but never letting her reach it. Danielle wasn't aware of all the questions she had answered in her pleasured state but Christine was breaking her down more this way, then engaged in the machines dream state. Every moment as Danielle would feel as though she would climax, Christine would slow down, or ask her a question to make her stop and think of the answer so as not to disobey her mommies rules never realizing that each answer denied her pleasure and forced her to sink further into a regressed state. Christine's diaper was a marvel of technology, designed and tested, refined over dozens of subjects. It had sensors for temperate, moisture, pheromone release, blood flow to the privates, bladder and bowel as well as a clitoral stimulator, g-spot stimulator and a port where Christine could push through any number of sex toys for insertions. Sometimes the ports had to be used for more severe cases where catheters or enemas were administered for functional or humiliation purposes, this wasn't ruled out yet for Danielle but she was yet to display the profile for requiring this. The strap for the nipples applied both suction, heat and a mild electrical stimulant when combined at various levels mimic'd the sensation of sucking, biting, rubbing, licking, etc. Sometimes, sadly, Christine had to use her pain button, this was much like an epidural but in reverse, a small needle was secured to the base of the spine, not only for monitoring certain cerebral-spinal responses, but also applying discomfort through electrical stimulation. It was a harsh and severe pain, but one she found she didn't have to use often as it was terribly efficient in exacting massive pain throughout the entire body. The room itself was kept warm so the naked subjects never felt the need to be covered or held and the decor was simple and bright so they always felt like they knew where they were and were safe. The 'machine' itself was actually a standard computer with custom software Christine had created to simulate a dream-like state through a combination of hypnosis and an anesthetic compound she created for creating a virtual world in which the subjects mind could be placed, monitored, and guided. The difficulty was fine-tuning it to each patient and Danielle had been particularly troublesome in this area, it was only now after the application of a negative stimuli did she realize that Danielle was, for lack of a better term, stubborn, and in need of harsher measures. The best part was that the diaper itself never had to be changed as it had various waste disposal tubes for removal and cleansing of the subjects privates. It was difficult to even call it a diaper from a medical perspective, more of a training apparatus, but diaper was the best word to use since the heart of the training was regression based. Chapter 9: Successful Compilation With all her new questions answered and her subjects mind once again ready for programming Christine hooked Danielle to the IV port and began her new run with the latest data entered into the machine. Danielle once again slipped out of consciousness, but this time woke up in the very same room in the very same state she had been in earlier. What had happened? Why was she feeling so close to orgasm but just laying alone on the table in her diaper. Again the panel in the floor opened and here came Christine, this time though, she didn't have a rattle in her hand, she was naked with a strap-on and rushed over to Danielle. Christine: "I know this must be confusing for you Danielle, but I've decided I'll have to let you go, what I've done here is wrong. Do you forgive me baby?" Danielle: "I forgive you mommy" Another wave of pleasure washing over her. Christine: "I'm going to unhook you from the machine if you think you're ready to stand up little girl?" Danielle: "But... I feel so good right now, I don't understand you said all those things about changing me, and regression and training, did I do something wrong mommy?" Christine: "No sweetie but you're taking too long for mommy to train so I'm going to have to let you go, do you understand baby?" Tracing her hand across the front of the diaper putting pressure against Danielle's pussy. Danielle: "It just feels really good is all, I don't know what to do and I'm sorry to be so difficult mommy." Christine: "This isn't for everyone, let me get this baby diaper off your little cunny and you can go back to your single life now, you'll be happy again someday with a man, or alone with your work and friends, either way it's for the best if I'm not your mommy anymore." Danielle: "I disappoint everyone and mess everything up each time I get a chance to try something new, and here I go again messing this up mommy." Christine: "No baby girl, this is mommies fault I couldn't get to deep enough into your mind to make you mommies little baby girl, mommies little diaper slave who loves her baby diapers, right baby? This doesn't work for you, remember how scared you were?" With this Christine increased the sensations of fear in Danielle's mind and made her feel abandoned and alone. Danielle: "Somethings not right mommy." Christine: "I'm right here baby but soon I won't be, soon it'll all stop ok little one?" Danielle was beginning to panic feeling lost and alone as Christine increased the levels of fear and decreased the pleasure the machine gave her, fully removing her hands from the girls diaper as well. Danielle: "Wait please mommy don't go" Danielle felt a massive wave of pain as she said this, remembering to always end her sentences with mommy" Christine: "What was that baby?" Danielle: "Wait, please don't go mommy" Christine: "You have to go home now baby, or was there something you wanted first?" Increasing the pleasure now and making Danielle feel more wanted and cared for. Christine: "Do you like the way you feel with mommy here? Danielle: "Yes mommy, it feels right mommy." Christine: "Are you a good girl?" Danielle: "Yes mommy" The pleasure building as Christine upped the sensations and opened the port giving her access to Danielle's pussy. Christine: "Did you need mommy to put her special toy inside your baby diaper and help you complete your training?" Danielle: "I think so mommy." Christine turned off the IV and let Danielle slip back into reality seeing her standing between her legs and realizing that she had tricked her again with another dream but this time as Christine slid the toy inside the diaper, turning up the machines levels Danielle wanted nothing more but to be a good little girl for her new mommy. Christine smiled and coo'd at her little girl, seeing her eyes go glassy and feeling the pressure against her body as the orgasm rose to a peak in Danielle's helpless body. As Danielle screamed through her massive orgasm clenching the dildo inside her she never looked away from her mommy keeping her eyes locked on her as Christine slowly pumped her and showered her with praise and key suggestive terms. Christine: "Mommies finally got her good little girl all warm and diapered, creaming on her special pee-pee and getting wetter and wetter with each pump, soon all the naughty cream will ooze out of your baby cunny and you'll be one of mommies little diaper slaves, I told you it would be easy once you gave up baby, didn't mommy tell you you'd thank her for making you a good little girl?" Danielle squeaked, "Thank you mommy... thank you." before passing out and starting her new life as one of Christine's many subjects. 2
diaperpt Posted February 17, 2012 Posted February 17, 2012 I do hope there's more. This has been a very interesting story. If not more of this story, perhaps a sequel or prequel to tell of others of Christine's subjects and what it is like to be one. I want to know what happens to Danielle now that she is to be one of Christine's subjects.
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