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Censorship 2: The Sequel

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I wanted to follow up my post about hell with another American based censorship question. Before we begin I know I've been mostly comparing the UK (and the rest of the world, sort of) censorship with the United States', this has made some people get very defensive about America, and I wanted to state it is not an attack on ther American people.

My question is, why do American film studios feel they must put a happy ending on most films, I know there are a lot, but it is a running joke that a big American studio will take a film and tack a happy ending on it. Two examples spring to mind, the original cuts of The Decent and Blade Runner. So why? Or do the American people only want to see a happy ending? I wouldn't blame them mind

Thoughts please!

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Sorry guys not sure why I called it censorship 2 now. Um yes, it is true, that studios go for the happy ending as it tests well, but as for you guys, what do you think about films getting their endings changed to suit an american audience? I think the change of ending to The Decent was barbaric! lol

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With movies and Hollywood especially its all about one thing. Maximizing profit. The producers and distributors are going to put out the product that has the most potential to make money. If that means producing a happy ending to a movie that really shouldn't have one....well that's the way its going to be...

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unfortunately real life does not always have a happy ending .So maybe people like going to movies that do ! .Personally like the trick endings like the mist (read the book saw the movie )endings like that make you think !

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unfortunately real life does not always have a happy ending .So maybe people like going to movies that do ! .Personallyi like the trick endings like the mist (read the book saw the movie )endings like that make you think !

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But with some movies only America gets the bad ending, why so? Why take a movie like The Decent, which was a big success in the Britian for a British production, and change the ending only for Americans? Americans can handle it! Loved the end of The Mist! Another movie with a 'bad ending' is drag me to hell.

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