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Looking For Real Woman

leaky washer

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i am 60 looking for real woman i smoke cigs dont really drink some time i am not judgmental but most replies are guy mens i am looking for a woman as far as drugs when they bring back ludes i am in

i just like to wear diaper looking for the same i like fine dining movies skeet boating car trucks cooking

i hate drama liars so if you are out their please respond

ps i am retired its play time i work for it live in la

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There are Adult Fetish Dating Services be it diapers bondage water sports or all of the above you can dial in your preferences and your biography and picture and your location that way someone in Florida doesn't try to hookup with somebody in Oregon,It sure beats leaving messages like your one here that is like throwing a dart at the globe and saying i'll start there.

Get onto as many of these internet dating sevices you can find and put in your requirements your interests and your geographic area that will help woman know that hey i could hookup with this guy or i live to far away and i'm not willing to move. is he willing to move , these are all things you have to answer before a woman gets involved with you when you leave messages on boards like you did here Vs a Dating sight . just food for thought


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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Diaperdragon

Good luck with that because women who are AB/DL are a very small minority and the most of the people who claim to be a woman in here are either trans or men pretending to be a woman

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Guest Diaperdragon

What's wrong with Trans. Simple, when men are seeking for Real bio women, they are not looking for Trans and to most men. They are looking for Biological born Natural woman and not Trans. Trans does not qualify as being a bio woman and quite frankly needs to be put into their own category.

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