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"Why isn't that fair, Lily? When you were in the pullup you knew the rules. No wetting them. You needed to try and use the potty like a big girl. You weren't in the closet all that long. Big girls can hold it longer than that. If you don't want to be a big girl then you have to wear a diaper."

Chelsea spread out a towel on the living room floor and took the supplies and diaper from Lily. Rachel was laying on the couch wearing a tee shirt and pair of panties and was sucking her thumb. Chelsea tugged down Lily's wet pullup and tossed it to the side. She made Lily lay down on the towel and cleaned her with baby wipes. Chelsea slid the diaper under Lily's bottom and powdered her. She taped the diaper snugly and lifted Lily to her feet. She patted Lily's bottom.

"There you go, honey. Now we don't have to worry where Lily is going to do pee pee, do we?"

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"Lily, babies don't care if people see their diapers. Especially famiy. You shouldn't either."

Rachel sat up so that Lily could sit down. She gave Lily a hug.

"It's okay, sissy. I think you look cute in your diaper. You don't need to be embarrassed."

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Rachel snuggled with Lily and giggled as she started to yawn.

"Mommy, I think Lily needs a nap. It's been a long morning for her. I am tired too. Maybe I need a nap as well."

"Okay, girls. up to the nursery."

Chelsea picked Lily up and laid her against her shoulder. She carried Lily upstairs and into her bedroom. She stood Lily up in front of her.

"Rachel, why don't you go try and use the potty while I get Lily ready for her nap?"

"Okay mommy." Rachel left the bedroom shutting the door behind her.

Chelsea put her hands on the bottom of Lily's jumper and pulled it over her head, leaving Lily in just her diaper and tee shirt. She got the roll of duct tape and put a strip across the front of Lily's diaper, covering the tapes. She pulled the covers down and helped Lily into bed. She covered Lily up and gave her a kiss.

"I'm going to let Rachel sleep in my bed. When you get up, we won't be playing house anymore, okay?"

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Lily snuggeled into her when she picked her up. When she saw the tape she poutsed but didn't say anything. "Ok ni night"She mumbeled sleepily and hugged her teddy and sucked her thumb drifting of. She woke up very very wet. She waddeled down stairs and saw her sister and right away sleepily crawled up into her lap which was adorabel.

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Chelsea looked up and smiled as she saw Lily coming downstairs in her tee shirt and diapers. She let Lily climb on her lap and patted her bottom, giving her a hug.

"Did you have a nice nap, Lily? It looks like you slept well. Your diaper is soaked. You are such a cute big little girl."

Chelsea stood up, holding Lily in her arms. she went into the kitchen and fixed Lily a cold bottle of milk. She brought her back to the living room and sat down on the couch, laying Lily across her lap. She rubbed the nipple against Lily's mouth.

"Come on sissy. I know you must be thirsty after your nap. We'll change your diaper in a little while, okay?"

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Chelsea cuddled with Lily for a few minutes. Then she touched Lily's nose with her index finger and ran it down her face and over her tee shirt. She reached the diaper and tapped it.

"I think someone is fibbing about being a big girl. Everytime I put a diaper on you, you end up soaking it. You never ask to use the potty, and you were sucking your thumb in the closet. Do those sound like things a big girl would do? Would you prefer a sippy cup?"

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"I'm not being mean, Lily. Tell you what. I will pour your milk into a glass so you can drink it okay? I'll even let you sit up at the table like a big girl."

Chelsea set Lily down in one of the chairs and poured her drink in a plastic glass and set in front of her sister.

"There you, big girl. Try not to spill your drink. Once you finish, I'll get you cleaned up and changed, okay?"

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Chelsea smiled at her sister drinking her milk. She picked up a napkin and wiped Lily's mouth off. She stood up and held out her hand.

"Let's go get Lily cleaned up and changed."

Chelsea led Lily upstairs to her bedroom. She helped Lily lay down on the bed and cut off the wet diaper. She got the wipes and cleaned Lily off. Chelsea got a pair of pink panties out of the dresser and slipped them on Lily and pulled them up her legs, covering her bottom. Sleeping beauty was at the crotch of the panties.

"Okay Lily, you can get up now. Mary and Rachel left while you were taking a nap. It's the two of us now."

Chelsea helped Lily off the bed and patted her bottom.

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Chelsea straightened up Lily's bedroom. She came downstairs and went to the kitchen. She finished cleaning up, then fixed two large glasses of lemonade. Chelsea carried them out to the living room and set one of the glasses on the table next to where Lily was sitting.

"That's just in case you get thirsty later, sis."

Chelsea sat down in an easy chair and looked at the TV. There was a cartoon show on.

"Lily, you know it's really boring staying in the house all the time, isn't it? How would you like to go to the mall or something?"

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"Okay, you wait here. I'll get you something to wear."

Chelsea ran upstairs and found a medium length blue skirt with a teddy bear on it was long enough to cover Lily's panties.She also got a pair of pink socks and Lily's sneakers and brought them downstairs. She laid the skirt and socks on the couch next to Lily and put the sneakers on the floor near her feet.

"Okay, why don't you get dressed in these? Call me if you need any help,, or are finished dressing."

Chelsea left the living room.

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Chelsea heard Lily go upstairs. She waited until she heard the bedroom door close and went upstairs as well. She waited outside the bedroom door opened, then looked at Lily. She shook her head and grabbed Lily's ear lobe.

"Those clothes are too mature for a pants and bed wetter like you, Lily. I laid out a perfectly good outfit for you to put on. I thought I got rid of all of your horrid outfits that you think make you look like a big girl. You have two choices. The first one is you go back in your room and take off those silly things you are wearing and put back on the tee shirt and panties, then come downstairs so we can finish getting you dressed. The second is to refuse to do that, and then receive a barebottom spanking before being put into a diaper for our trip to the mall."

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Chelsea let go of her sister's ear and gave her a hug.

"I'm sorry Lily, I'm not trying to be mean but I want you start doing what I tell you. Now go in your room and change back and meet me downstairs. If you aren't downstairs in ten minutes I will get the paddle and bring it up to your room."

Chelsea swatted Lily's bottom to emphasize her point, then walked downstairs to the living room.

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Chelsea smiled as Lily entered the living room. She picked up the skirt and had Lily step into it. Chelsea started pulling the skirt up when her hand touched the wet panties. She looked at Lily.

"Are you sure you want to wear these panties, Lily? They are going to start smelling after awhile and everyone will know the big girl had a potty accident. Besides, your rash is going to get worse. Wait right here and I will go get some clean panties."

Chelsea left Lily with her skirt around her knees and ran up to Lily's bedroom and got a pair of light blue terrycloth training pants. She came back and showed them to Lily.

"How about we change you into these? They are thicker than the pair you are wearing, so they will soak up your pee pee if you have another accident. Isn't that good?"

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