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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

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"Sweetie, you have a diaper on because you were drunk when you got home. Don't you remember? I didn't want a sodden mess to take care of this morning, so I diapered you. I didn't want you to take the diaper off, making a mess of things, so I duct taped it on you. It looks like the diaper worked, didn't it? Your sheets are dry this morning, perhaps for the first time in quite awhile, huh? Too bad I can't say the same for your diaper. It's soaked. But then I knew it would be. Until I see improvement at night, those are going to be your sleepy time panties. Now let's get you some Coco Pops, okay?"

Chelsea helped Lily to her feet and led her over to the door. She stopped in front of the mirror so Lily could see how she looked in her Hello Kitty nightgown and diaper. She led Lily down to the dining room and helped her sit down. She poured a bowl of cereal for Lily and added milk. She handed Lily a spoon and sat down across from her.

"Looks like we are going to have to get my sister a plastic chair to sit in for breakast. I'm afraid her diaper might leak and ruin mommy's good wooden chairs. How would we explain that one to mommy?"

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Lily blushed bright red and shoke her head. "I I only wet because I had a lot to drink I I wont do it again promise. Sissy really I don't need diapers." S wined.

She looked down shyly seeing how babyish she looked. She tried to tug the pjs down to cover her diaper but it didn't work. She waddled down stairs and sat down. She was about to complan but then nodded thinking she didn't want mommy to know she had accidents. She ate happily getting some on her chin.

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Chelsea looked at her sister and frowned. She somehow doubted Lily could manage to stay dry.

"Okay sissy, tell you what. I will put a diaper on you at bedtime tonight, and if you wake up dry then you won't have to wear anymore diapers. How does that sound?"

Chelsea smiled as she watched how sloppily her sister was eating her breakfast. She waited until Lily was done then got up and took a dish towel, gently wiping off Lily's face.

"There's our big girl. Now it's time for Lily's bath and get dressed for the day."

Chelsea helped Lily stand up and led her to the bathroom. She started water running in the tub and made sure it was warm but not hot. She got a pair of scissors and cut the diaper of off Lily, letting it fall to the floor beneath her.

"I know you must not feel good this morning, huh? You probably have a hangover and stuff. How about you let sissy take care of giving you a bath?"

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She was silent for a second before she nodded that yes she would wear a diaper tonight but she didn't realize her sister wanted to put it on her.

She blushed and riggeled as she wiped her face. She tried to cover up when her diaper fell to the floor. She blushed but nodded when she offered to help her. She didn't want her to see her naked so she tried to head in the tub with her top still on but she stopped her.

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"Baby steps, sis. Remember, your still not feeling good."

Chelsea held Lily's hand as she slowly stepped over the side of the tub. She helped her sister sit down in the tub and then pulled a string on a net at the end of the tub, letting several bath toys fall in the water.

"That's our big girl, Lily. Why don't you have a go at your bath toys while I take care of washing you?"

Chelsea got a washcloth and soaped it up. She started washing Lily's face, then moved down to her neck, making sure to wash behind Lily's ears.

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Chelsea rubbed the washcloth over Lily's bath, pleased that her sister was playing with the bath toys. She saw the little yellow stream betwen Lily's legs and smiled.

"I think someone is being naughty and going pee pee in the tub isn't she? That isn't what she is supposed to do, is it? Can Lily tell me where she is supposed to put her pee pee?"

Chelsea ran her washcloth over Lily's chest and waited for Lily to answer.

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"Good girl! You got it right. pee pee always belongs in the potty, doesn't it? It's okay though, Lily. Sissy isn't mad at you for doing pee pee in the tub. I know you couldn't help it."

Chelsea finished washing Lily and then sat back to let her play for a few more minutes. Finally she got out a large bath towel and came over to the side of the tub.

"Is our big girl ready to get out of the tub and get all dried up so she can get dressed?"

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Chelsea smiled as her sister snuggled into her. She took her time drying Lily, then picked her and carried her into her bedroom. She set Lily down on the floor and led her over to the dresser and opened it. She let her fingers touch the diapers inside and then picked out a pair of yellow panties that had monkeys on them. Although they were not training pants, they were a bit thicker than normal little girl panties. Although Chelsea had not noticed that in the store, she was somewhat pleased with them. She unfolded the panties and held them out to Lily.

"Why don't you put these on, and I will get a tee shirt for you?"

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"Sweetie, those are your panties in the drawer. Oh, you mean your old panties? I noticed you had potty stains in most of them so I decided just to replace them all. Don't you feel better wearing new panties? They make you look like such a big girl, not a little baby that was having trouble making it to the potty. I don't know about bottoms, but how about a nice little skirt? Bottoms make it harder when you need to go potty, don't they?"

Chelsea slipped a yellow tee shirt over her head with My Little Pony on the front. She got a blue denim skirt and put it on Lily, then had her sit on her bed. She put yellow socks on Lily's feet along with a pair of My Little Pony shoes. She stood Lily up and led her over to the mirror. Her cute little panties were sticking out below the skirt. Chelsea brushed Lily's hair and put it in a ponytail.

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"Really? You don't like skirts? Why? They are so much easier to handle than jeans or shorts. From the state of your old panties I would guess pulling your jeans up and down was a bit bothersome for you. Now you don't have to worry about that. Don't you like the new clothes I picked out for you?"

"By the way, I would like to invite some of my girlfriends over for a sleepover tonight. I hope that is okay with you, you being in charge and all."

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Chelsea took out the cellphone her parents had given her on her 16th birthday and called her best friend Mary and another friend Rachel and invited them over for a sleepover. The girls arrived about 5 o'clock, just before dinner time. Chelsea made up a pot of spaghetti and meatballs and brought it over to the table. She ran upstairs and knocked on Lily's bedroom door.

"Mary and Rachel are here, Lily. I made up some spaghetti and meatballs. Why don't you come down and join us?"

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Mary and Rachel looked at Lily in her panties with Monkey's on them showing and giggled.

"Five little monkey's jumping on the bed. One fell off and bumped HER head." Mary sang, giggling at the same time.

Chelsea gave Mary a look and she quickly stopped singing.

"Hi Lily. Those are nice panties you are wearing today. I'm not saying that to be mean either. My sister owns panties just like that. She rarely goes tinkle in them anymore. Maybe you would like to meet her. I'm sure you would have even more in common." Mary said with a straight face.

Chelsea set her fork down. She couldn't believe her best friend was being mean to her sister.

"Mary, I want you to stop teasing Lily right now. She is a big girl. She has nothing in common with your three year old sister."

Chelsea noticed that Lily was getting spaghetti sauce on her tee shirt. She went and got a towel and wiped off the tee shirt. She then tucked another towel in the neck of her shirt.

"There we go honey. It's hard to eat spaghetti and not get messy, isn't it?"

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When she started singing Lily blushed bright red and tried to cover up her panties. She didn't know how old Mary's sister was still her sister said so until then she got excited because she thought it was another big girl that had accidents. When her sister put the napkin on her on top of all the teasing Lily got too embarrassed and was now trying hard to hold back tears. She looked down and ate quietly obveosly a little upset.

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Chelsea saw her sister was upset and put her hand, touching the hand Lily's hand that she was eating with.

"Lily, your upset aren't you? Why don't you go get cleaned up and then call me and I will help you get ready for bed. I'm sorry Mary's comments bothered you so much."

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"Okay, I was just trying to help. If you want to stay up the rest of the big girls, it's okay with me."

Chelsea leaned over and whispered in her ear.

"When was the last time you went potty, sis? I'm only asking because I don't want you having an accident, embarrassing yourself in front of Mary or Rachel. You can wait until you finish eating if you want to."

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