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Valentine'S Day Delight

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Daddy wasn't feeling well so he played Sims 3 most of the day while I worked, at night we went to the theatre and watched Gnomeo and Juliet for free and got popcorn and drinks for free. Other than Daddy not feeling well, it was a good day.



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My girlfriend who didn't know about my diapers, decided to come back to mine last night cos it was raining, we planned on going to hers.

I was very worried to say the least as my place was cluttered with AB stuff and my crib was still set up as my bed. We sat talking all night i could tell she was confused by the teddies and pacifiers she saw all over the place. so i knew she would find out soon so i told her, she was great.

She ran a bath and washed me, then diapered me, and cuddled up with me and my teddies and watched Alpha and Omega (an animated kids film) then she put me to bed in my crib and she slept in the single bed at the side of me.

This morning i cooked her breakfast and she went off to work.

Great night, I have a totally new belief in Valentines day.

Sounds like a great day! So so happy you guys celebrated it and weren't playing 'scrooge'!

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I hate this fake holiday, stupid card, stupid people, stupid chalk flavored candies that nobody would buy the other 364 days a year.

ohhh my god nooo I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE the chalk flavored hearts... i buy like a ton of them after valentines day so i can save them for hte year... way better than necco wafers even!!!!

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I've been single all my life so I only know Valentine's Day from after-holiday candy sales. (I celebrate the metaholiday known as ChristmasValentinesEaster around the bargain aisles.)

However, although I know Cupid is a species of angel and therefore doesn't have human biological functions, there's this: Scroll down to the fifth cartoon. (I would repost it but it is copyrighted and there's too much image piracy on the net as it is...)

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No wifey, no husband, no gf, no bf, just me and my dog and my diapers. I considered hiring a prositute like I normally do for a babied night, but didn't. I hate this holiday, and hate being alone. What can a man do when the hope is black?

It WILL get better. Usually when you least expect it, hang in there.

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