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Where To Go, Feeling It More Than Acting It, What We Remember And What We Learn

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I have had the pleasure of chatting and emailing with a few Mommies over the past few years. But only ever spoke with two (one on the phone and one on Yahoo voice). But sadly, I state I’ve never met a Mommy in Real Life.

I remember every one of them for what made them different from each other as well as what they all had in common.

Some were wonderful and were able to open their hearts to our conversations. Others were bitter from past disappointments and still held on to those hurt feelings. Others simply found no connection with me (some of which actually told me this outright).

But what they all possessed which made them the same was the one thing that they absolutely had to have ...

The Heart of a Mommy.

Every single person has their own take on what ABDL should be like and every little detail they prefer. Mommies are no different. And in my communications with several Mommies, it would seem to me that they like to get acquainted with an AB Baby, from the inside out, first. Perhaps to see if they have the heart of a baby or maybe to see what they will say when presented with questions they didn’t expect.

I’ve had discussions about “feelings

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i gave up trying to find someone that would understand me. After trying for countless years. Then not another year went by and i found her. We could not be more happy together i cant believe how important she is to me. I never thought i would care about someone so much it is amazing. All i can say i guess is it might not be where you expect it because its not going to be what you expect.

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i dont understand what you mean by discoveries? are you talking like what insights have i gained about myself? or what i've learned about life? or what?

i met my boyfriend thru diapermates.com in june of 06. We've been together since then, and i've lived with him since december of '06.

Ummm.... so i discovered him?

I mean my life is good, i don't regret anything that has happened, or any of the major life choices i've made, because if things had been different i wouldn't be where i am now, and i'm pretty damned happy.

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