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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

Kristen'S Junior Year

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Lets start with the disclaimer... I am not going to spend all my time writing this so I warn you now, this will be a long time coming and may, if I deem fit, get released to another author to continue if I am going too slow (a very real possibility). This is my first story attempt so I ask you all to be kind and anjoy the adventure.

Also, lets get this out of the way up front. I am not going to bore the world with excessive details of our lead character. Based on the details you learn about her you should be able to form your own vision of her.

**Spelling Disclaimer: I suck at spelling but Google Chrome has tried to help, if it missed something I apologize, just deal with it**

Chapter 1.1

The summer had come and gone and Kristen found herself on the verge of beginning her junior year of highschool. As much as she was going to miss lifeguarding at the beach, which she regarded as the best summer job ever, she was (unlike most highschoolers) looking forward to getting back to school.

Her excitement though was not because she wanted to get back to class but rather that she wanted to get back to playing volleyball. Her team had made it to the state finals last year only to be knocked out in the semi-finals. Her only hope was that this would be the year that they finally brought a championship trophey back home.

The other contributer to her excitement was the letter the school has sent out a few weeks ago regarding new policyies that would be enacted within the school. The letter was quite vague, but it read:

"Dear Parents/Students,

We are looking forward to another great school year here at Mt Hope Girl's School and can only hope that you are too! We are excited to announce that this year we are openining a new distance learning center for Juniors and Seniors to take more college-credit courses throughout the year. These classes will be offered in the evening or, in some cases, in place of your normal highschool classes. Please see the enclosed list of courses and if you would like to take one of these courses in place of your normal highschool course please return the application as soon as possible.

Our other announcement, unfortunately is not as exciting. As many of you recall there were a number of incidents last year where some students targeted select groups of students within our school in what can only be described as acts of hate. We will not tolorate these acts, and, in order to stress this we will begin a new state sponsored program called "A New Perspective". This program is designed to give youth a better idea of how minorities, those with disabilities, and those who are "different" feel on a daily basis.

We require that students and parents attend the meeting on Sunday September 5th to learn more about these changes."

Having read the letter Kristen was looking forward to learning more about this "program" and now, walking with her mom to the auditorium she would soon learn everything she wanted to know...

Chapter 1.2:

As they walked into the auditorium Kristen's friend Ally was handing out envelopes and programs outlining the evening.

"Hey Ally, have a good summer?" asked Kristen, excited to see her friend.

"Yeah, but I am looking forward to gettin back to the volleyball court"

"Me too." Kristen replied holding her hand out for her envelope and program.

"Sorry Kristen, I have strict orders. Parents only!" replied Ally with a great deal of sarcasm and a prominant rolling of her eyes.

Kristen laughed, "Alright, wouldn't want you to get locked up because of me. I will talk to you later"

Kristen and her mom continued on to find some seats near the middle of the large auditorium. Just as the principal, Mr. Frederick, walked on the stage.

"Mom, what's in the envelope?" Kristen whispered to her mom.

Her mom looked at it, "It says 'Please don't open until asked to do so' "

Kristen, knowing her mom was not one to bend the rules decided not to press her mom to open it.

"Excuse me, can everyone please find a seat so we can begin" announced Mr. Franklin. "Thank you. Let me start by saying I am excited to start a new school yeat with you all and have no doubt you will all have a memorable year in which you will all learn more, not just acidemically, but also socially."

There was a dull roar of whispers as nearly every student began to question what he could possibly mean by that.

"Since I know you all are looking forward to learning about the 'New Perspective' program I would like to welcome Dr Joseph James, our guest speaker and founder of the program"

Dr James took the podium and began his presentation. "Thank you Principal Franklin, parents, and more importantly students, I would like to thank you for this opportunity to expand your lives..."

Dr James continued on with about 10 minutes of standard equal opportunity and anti-discrimination discussion. As much as he tried to hold the attention of the audience there was a lot of chatter. Finally, a parent near the front of the room interupted with a question.

"Sir, could you please tell me why I have an envelope with a card inside that says Blind?"

Dr James looked a little flustered "Uh, Yes, we were almost to that part. You each should have recieved an envelope when entering the auditorium. You are all welcome to open these as I explain the program." Kristen was rather annoyed when she saw that her monther was in no hurry to open the envelope so instead listened to Dr James as he continued. "The idea of the program is to take students out of their comfort zone and place them in a situation much like those faced every day by people less fortunate then themselves. We feel that having students live for a school year experiencing a disability gives them a perspective that allows them to get past others disabilities later in life. They gain the ability to have empathy for others rather than shun and redicule them for being differant than themselves. The progam provides all the needed equipment you will need to accomidate your children as well as a monthly stipend for the added inconvience this may add to your lives. The condition on the card is the randomly selected condition your child will be experiencing throughout the year. Also, this program is meant to continue 24 hours a day, seven days a week, failure to follow this will require you to repay the entire stipends you will be recieving and will expel your students from this school requiring you to arrange for attending another school"

Ally, looking a bit angered, stood up "How am I supposed to play Volleyball if you have me in a wheelchair all year? You can't expect us to give up school sports"

Kristen looked mortified. She couldn't imagine a team without Ally on it. She had the best serve in the state and was sure to pick up a scholarship if she continued playing so well.

Dr James spoke up "Thank you for your question and I am sorry I did not answer that question sooner. We recognize that sports and extra activities are an important part od a students school life; therefore if your condition is one that would prevent you from participating you can request a pass which allows you to suspend participation in the program for practices and games. This will allow you to participate in the program but not at the expense of your school programs."

A parent took this pause to speak up. "If my child is in a wheelchair all year how are they supposed to keep physically fit?"

"Another good question, we have designed the program to include physical therapy sessions to simulate what a person with that ailment would experience, but have also added additional classes which provide support and, in this case, regular physical activity in order to make sure that your children are not perminantly impacted by this year of their life. We have limited time, and I know you all have lots of questions, but I would like to pause here and break you into the smaller groups based on your disability where you will recieve any special equipment, information packets, be able to apply for a 'disability pass' for sports, and most importantly a 24 hour contact line where you can have all your questions answered based on your childs needs."

Kristen turned to her mom "will you please open that envelope so I know what I have to deal with this year?"

"Sorry, I was just caught up in the advantages of this program, what a great way to learn to accept people for who they are"

"Easy for you to say, your not about to become disabled"

Kristens mom opened the envelope and gave a slight smirk "Looks like you will be incontinent for the next year"

Kristen was a smart girl, but she had never heard of this before, afterall why would a highschool girl need to know what that was. "Incontinent? What does that mean? Am I going to have to wear leg braces or something?"

"Not quite. Incontinent means you can't control your bladder and bowel movements"

"Sure, like I am going to just start peeing my pants... How are they going to simulate that one?"

"We will have to see. Looks like we need to go to room 114 and find out"

Chapter 1.3

Kristen and her mother entered their designated room to find a handful of other girls with thier parents there as well as many boxes and envelopes which Kristen judged to be their supplies and information packets. Kristen saw a couple of her friends from the volleyball team, Ashley and Megan, and offered a weak smile to which they both returned a similar distressed smile. Just then a woman, whose name tag read "Dr. Kimber, Urologist" entered the room.

"Well it looks like everyone is here," she began, "I am Dr Justine Kimber, a urologist from St Mary's hospital, and I am here to explain how you will all be effected this school year. I know many of you are freightened and don't know what to expect so lets get that out of the way first"

She lifted a box onto the table and from within it pulled out a package wrapped in green and white plastic which read "Abri Form M4". "Can anyone tell me what these are?" she asked, which was met with blank stares. "The program tells me I am supposed to call them 'Adult Incontinence Breifs', however, that is a just a nice way to tell you that these are diapers." Dr Kimber opened the package to reveal a rather thick white diaper that, aside from a wetness strip, some blue makrings, and the fact it had two tapes, looked very much like a plasticy baby's diaper.

Kristen, not believing her ears couldn't hold back "And you expect us to wear these since we are all 'incontinent' now?!?"

"I understand you are all in a bit of shock, but yes, that is the way the program will simulate this condition." Then with a reassuring smile she continued. "That being said, I honestly think this group has it better than most of the others."

"How can wearing diapers be better?" interupted Megan. "Is the school giving us more time between classes since going to the bathroom is going to take longer wearing that?

"Well, no, the school will not be giving you extra time, but you won't need to worry about that. These diapers are designed to be very absorbant and are able to accomidate even the heaviest wetters. That is why the program selected these over more common brands."

Megan interupted again "You mean we have to wet them too???"

Dr. Kimber, not missing a beat continued on "Yes, and not only wet, you are to be incontinent, which means these diapers will be your toilet for the next ten months. This will not be limited to your time at school but all day, every day for the duration of the school year"

"How is that supposed to be better than other disabilities?" asked Kristen sounding very defiant.

"Well, you no longer need to worry about finding a toilet. I know it sounds horrible, but it's one thing you will not neet to worry about anymore. Also, diapers are easily hidden, espically for women. Skirts and loose fitting dresses can easily make sure no one knows you are diapered. Trust me, in the mixed gender schools boys have it much worse since it's a little harder to hide the bulk under jeans. Your class mates who will have a wheel chair, or wear a brace to simulate a fake limb, or who are simulating being blind will not have the same luxury as you this year."

Oddly, this last statement did a little to ease the girls in the room. Though eased distress is still not a good feeling.

"Now, each student please proceed into the partitioned areas in the back. Inside you will find three sizes of diapers. It looks like you all should either wear a medium or a small so please use the size charts inside and select the diaper which is best for you. The program begins now in order to give you time to adapt to your new situation before school starts on wednesday. Oh, and we usually have someone who tries this so I gotta give you the warning, please remove your panties when putting on your diaper. Keeping panties on will only cause your diaper to leak or cause extra moisture to press agains your skin which will increase chances for rashes."

With this each of the girls turned and entered the medical partitions that had been placed in the room for them. Inside they found the diapers, wipes, powder, a bench to change on, as well as a poster with directions including using powders and how to fasten thier diapers. Taking a deep breath and closing her eyes Kristen unbuttoned her pants and pushed them and her panties down to the floor. When she opened her eyes she grabbed the smaller of the diapers and prepared to diaper herself...

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Thanks everyone. Trust me, posting was scary cause I have seen so many authors burned at the stake for failed attempts at writing.

Anyway, like I said i will try to keep this going but I will again warn you, time is a major factor for me so not jumping too far too quick will take some discipline but I will do my best.

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Ok, So I really don't know where this story will take us. Since this is sort of a unique plot that I have not seen done before I don't think there is a predictable course this will take.

I am going to ask for input though because I can not make this decision alone and feel the readers should have a say. How much, if any, sexual content do we want in this? I have done my best this installment to make it at least an option, and there will be some sexuality involved, I just want to get a feel for what the readers want (Masturbation only, lesbian fling, full blown orgy *lol*)??

Chapter 1.4

Meanwhile Dr Kimber was discussing general care with the parents as well as answering some basic questions.

One of the fathers asked "How can we make sure our daughter don't get... um, diaper rash?"

"I am glad you asked, the best way is to make sure they stay as dry as possible. Honestly, the best advice I can give you is to use the same practices you would with a baby. Changes as needed, regular bathing... Also, you will find in the started packages we give you tonight, as well as the follow on packages that will be delivered to your homes that we have included powders and wipes to help them keep clean and dry. Oh, and I almost forgot, one thing that is going to keep mositure agains their skin is pubic hair. I typically advise my patients that shaving, or at a minimal a close trim will help reduce this possibility. I know this can be a delecate topic, especially for the dads in the room, so we have included this on the tips/advice sheets for the girls."

One of the mom's in the group thought for a moment before speaking up "How frequently should they need changing? I am used to changing baby's diapers, but these are adult diapers and much bigger"

"The diapers we provide are designed for night time use; that being said, they can last for 8 hours if needed, but typically I advise they change after 3-4 wettings or after having a bowel movement"

Another mother, looking slightly embarassed in a rather hushed voice then asked "All these girls are in the time in their lives that they are... um... becoming familiar with their bodies... what should we do about, or will it have..."

Dr Kimber, sensing the mother discomfort stepped in, "They should have no trouble maturing in their sexuality. Although they will be wearing diapers the girls will likely still explore their bodies in private as is to be expected. Again, on the tip's sheet we give them advice on sexual wellbeing including letting them know that masturbation, whether it is rubbing the outside of their diaper or reaching inside, is ok and natural. If anything, the diapers themselves will likely act as a deturrant against them exploring sexuality with a partner."

The questions continued to come in ranging all manner of topics untill the One of the girls emerged from the changing room holding her now too tight jeans in front of her. The girl's name was Shannon and, looking obviously embarassed she tried to attract her mother's attention. Dr Kimber noticed her first and spoke up. "It's alright dear, come on over here and sit down. Unfortunatly we were not able to tell you to dress accordingly today; however, you should be fine in just a diaperand your shirt for tonight".

Back in the changing rooms....

Kristen, pantsless sitting with a diaper under her butt struggled to get the diaper on correctly. She could hear Ashley in the booth beside her. It sounded as though she was having trouble also.

"Ashley, thats you right?" Kristen whispered

"Kristen? Yeah its me. I am having trouble, apparently I am not good at diapering myself"

"Don't worry, I would have more questions if you were a pro at it." Kristen answered, trying to lighten the mood"

"Good point. Hey, can you crawl under the screen? We can help each other out with this"

"Sounds like a plan. I am not sure how I feel about you diapering me though" she replied as she ducked under the screen diaper in hand to find Ashley laying down atop a diaper, naked from the waiste down.

"you could have at least pulled the front up you know" Kristen said taking in the view before her.

"Ok come on Kris, it's not like its anything new to you, you have seen me in the showers before"

"That's a little different than Diapering you Ash! "

"Can you just get this over with already?"

Kristen positioned herself between Ashley's legs as she studied the directions for putting on a diaper. Next she grabbed the baby powder and sprinkled it onto her friend's nether regions then absent mindedly began to rub it in.

Ashley, blushing intensly while pushing Kristen's hand away, exclaimed "Kris, what are you... I think I can manage putting the powder in THAT area myself"

"Oh, sorry, guess I just got a little caught up on how I am supposed to do this" she answered. Kristen too blushed deeply. Some would call Kristen bisexual, though to her it was much different. She was not attracted to both sexes as most bisexual people would think but rather just did not allow gender to be a factor in who she was attracted to. Worse yet, she did not keep this fact a secret which probably accounted for Ashley's reaction. None the less she had not meant to accidently molest her friend and hoped Ashley realized this.

Kristen continued by taping Ashley's diaper shut then, seeing the look on Ashley's face, thought it best to try joking with her.

"You look dead sexy Ash, you know I really dig that old lady in diapers look"

"Ha Ha, laugh it up! How about you lay down so I can do the same to you"

The girls swapped positions and repeted the process. Ashley, having the typical teenage babysitting experience quickly and expertly had her friend diapered in no time.

"Thanks Ashley, I think we better hurry, everyone else has to be done by now"

"Yeah go back to your booth and put some pants on already, I will see you back out there".

Kristen ducked back under the screen and quickly tried getting dressed. First she grabbed her panties and unsure what to do with them tossed them in the trash can. Then she started pulling up her jeans and with a bit of a wiggle managed to get them almostover her now thickly padded butt, however, she realized there was no way she was going to get them closed.

After putting her shoes back on she peered out of the curtain to see most everyone else was already back out there. Much to her surprise most of the girls were not wearing pants over their diapers. "Guess they had the same problem as me" she muttered to herself. Taking a deep breath she walked out, doing her best to act natural. The first thing she noticed was the bulk, not only between her legs, but it seemed like it cupped her butt and added an extra wiggle to her movements. The next thing she noticed, and much to her surprise, was how soft the diaper felt in its subtle movements. Finally she noticed the crinkle which, if it's possible, deepened her already vibrant blush.

"Ok, parents, I want you to take a look at how she is dressed" announced Dr Kimber.

Kristen froze as all eyes turned to her. She wished she could vanish.

"Dear, don't worry, I just wanted to point out to the parents that the bulk of the diapers prevents you from zipping your pants shut. This is important because the teeth on the zipper can actually damage the plastic cover, essentially leaving your daughters unprotected."

Kristen continued now, as all eyes seemed to go back to Dr Kimber, and took a seat near her mom. As she was about to sit down her mom whispered to her "take your pants off Kristen".

"Mom? What!' she said a little louder than she wished, which drew the crowds eyes again.

"I said take your pants off Kris" her mother answered a little more assertively this time. "You heard what Dr Kimber said, the zipper could damage the diaper. Besides, you are not the only one whose pant's didn't fit, look around"

Kristen panned around the room. At least three quarters of the room sat pantsless with their diapers on full display. Knowing her defete Kristen closed her eyes and pushed her pants to the floor. Taking her seat she kicked off her shoes and finally her pants....

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Well written, original. Your descriptions in particular are good, not too broad but with all the right deatils to satisfy the reader.

About sexuality, whatever you do, do it well. Go wherever you are confident to go and don't worry about anything else.

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Thanks, I am happy to hear I have captured the right level of detail. I set out with the hope of not getting too nitty gritty with each and every detail. All too often I find that having too much detail ends up cluttering the story so hearing your review is very encouraging. Thanks again.


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I like this story, it takes a different approach at getting someone into diapers. One thing I missed or wasn't made clear is this looks like an all girls school. Is that right? Because if it is a public school and all envelopes were chosen at random there should be a few guys sitting there with the girls in diapers too. To make it a little more on the level of chance and odds I don't know if there would be as many boys as girl that got the “diaper” card but there would be at least a few.

Just one of the things I observed. But, I like how you started this story.

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I like this story, it takes a different approach at getting someone into diapers. One thing I missed or wasn't made clear is this looks like an all girls school. Is that right? Because if it is a public school and all envelopes were chosen at random there should be a few guys sitting there with the girls in diapers too.

"Dear Parents/Students,

We are looking forward to another great school year here at Mt Hope Girl's School :thumbsup:

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"Dear Parents/Students,

We are looking forward to another great school year here at Mt Hope Girl's School :thumbsup:

Thanks, Timmy I did miss that line. I always hated those letters from school that started "Dear Parents/Students", so I must have breezed over it.

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timmy, thanks for answering that one for me. Like I said at the start of this, progress will be fairly slow. I don't want to even estimate how long it will be till you get to see some more installments since someone will then hold me to it and threaten me with death if I should fail, but I will just abandon the story without trying to find someone to carry on the story. That much I can promise.

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It is not very often anymore I come across something that is truly original! I am very excited where this goes.

As for the writing. You are a great writer with the few and very far between spelling errors are easy to see what it should read. Please take as much time as you need to finish this story yourself. I would hate something this wonderful get ruined by another author taking over your original plot.

Just my 2 cents,

-Sissy Boy-

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