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If You Could Haunt...


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Sooo this question came to me in another topic, and i didn't want to hijack it...

so if you died and became a ghost and could haunt anyone you wanted (either a good haunt or a bad haunt.. or just follow them around and such) who would it be? and why?

it can be more than one person...

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ohh but wait let me clarify you couldn't touch this person, or any other people, and coujldn't be seen or heard... the worst you could do is maybe turn on lights or radios, or move some little objects around... but thats it......

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i would still haunt the old people.. turn their tv's to BET or MTV. Maybe put on howard stern on the radio (you might think you can :badmood: on my parade of haunting with more rules but i would still enjoy it)

actually in alot of cases, sightings of ghosts can be seen in blurred images, sudden chills and hot spots and also white noise. I'm not a believer in ghosts but hey, anything in possible in the afterlife.

The only sign my family has of ghosts is *we think* my grandma turning off a street light when we drive by it.. this has happened at different locations (specific lights usually near one of the houses we live in), different times and different vehicles - right when we pass it.

I do hope people pass on to another place instead of staying behind - I really don't want to have to explain my sins to my ancestors :roflmao:

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I'd haunt Hollywood and either help with, or sabotage their movie-making attempts, depending on how good the movie's goinna be. No more "movies for idiots", and a lot more "this movie kicks almost as much ass as Chuck Norris!" movies.

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I would haunt No 10 Downing Street.

Get the dirt on the incumbent and use my "light switching" powers to send some really interesting emails.....

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I would haunt a bank, make some real cool transactions, so some rich bastards in strange ways began donating their fortunes to the poor, a little at the time.

Or the airport, sending planes towards wrong destinations, so it would be like playing the lottery to buy a ticket..

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I would haunt child molesters and wife beaters all the way to the loony bin! If there was a way I could I'd wail on them from the grave! I know too many victims of that s#!t and have actually thought about this kind of thing. Just what my sister alone has gone through makes me want to kill people (however, thanks to her calming me down I now just want them not to live any longer... not die by my hand). This sub-human scum prey on the most innocent and weak and for that, I'd LOVE to haunt these bastards. I'll stop my rant now, but needless to say, these kinds of scum, wife beaters, child molesters and the lot, I'd love to haunt them and make them feel AT LEAST a fraction of the pain they've caused!

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