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A Dream I Had Last Night

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I had a strange dream last night. I dreamed I went to a hotel for a vacation. When I opened my suitcase. None of my baby clothes or diapers was there. It was all big girl clothes. That is strange enough,but what happpened later was even stranger. I was walking though the lobby and a lady comes up to me. She told me that I was in charge of that group of kids over there. I don't know why I was put in charge of a group of kids. I wasn't a teacher,assistant or even with the school group that was there. Anyway I took the students and we went though the museum that was below the hotel. There was 5 boys and a girl in my group. After we met up with the rest of the group. I found out the students I was given was the most hype and the troublemakers. I didn't see any of that when I was with them. They seemed really well behaved and was asking me questions about the things in the museum. The girl tripped over a rope stand and her dress came up. I noticed she was in a diaper. I looked at the boys and noticed they had a similar bugle in their pants. I asked the head teacher about it and she said that they was troublemakers and to make things easier for everyone. They are kept in diapers all the time at school. Because troublemakers need to be punished for making trouble. While the teacher was talking. I felt my panties getting thicker and more crinkly. I don't know what happened next. My alarm clock went off and I woke up.

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wow cant believe you remember your dreams somewhat vividly.. i know what mine consist of but not to that extend - and yes, the alarm clock always watch us up right when it's getting to the best part it seems haha

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Unfortunately, all of my recent dreams have been proverbial trainwrecks (though I think there was one actual train wreck in there [it was at least train wreckage])... I'm goinna have to start lucidifying them if they don't get their act together again... It could be because they put me on a new anti-stress medication or something... Or it could just be that the part of my mind that comes up with interesting and coherent stories while I'm asleep went on vacation...

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I had a dream last night that I was in a store that was being taken over by a group of gunmen. I have a pistol that was loaded but wouldn't fire. The hammer would fall but wouldn't hit the firing pin. When I went to field strip it the pistol fell apart. It had pieces that didn't belong in it falling out on the floor. I woke up when one of the gunmen put his pistol to my head and pulled the trigger.

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Dreams can have meaning, and they can also be nothing more than your subconscious mind taking a holiday on the mental playground of creativity ;) Unless they recur most of my dreams are the latter kind and they can be really weird sometimes :screwy: Recurring dreams and those that seem to mean something I will think about- but I don't worry about the rest B) The ones that worry me most are the ones where I hurt someone and don't feel anything bad when I do it or afterward :o For me that's a warning sign of another episode of depression arriving :( Otherwise most of my dreams had no connection to real life after I had them, but a few were premonitions and with those I know what they are from the moment I wake without question.Sometimes I've been able to change what they portended and sometimes not; but what they were meant to do was to prepare me for the event which was to come and they do that :whistling:


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I had a cool one last night. The precise details have faded, but it was a perty standard "action movie" type of dream, except that it would randomly shift from the "real" reality, into a cartoon reality (complete with animation quality graphics!), and back. This was particularly nifty, in that the "real" reality was operating on "action movie rules" and the cartoon reality was operating on typical "cartoon rules", so we could do stuff like pull out a giant mallet and flatten a badguy in the cartoon reality, and if it shifted into the "real" reality before they restored themselves, they would die. Or if someone was about to be shot, and the cartoon reality took over, they'd just get some comical holes in them, which could leave them unharmed if they healed before the "real" reality took back over.

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