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Trying Magnesium Citrate

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I had the day off of work, so I decided to pick up some Prevail PM diapers and a bottle of magnesium citrate. I drank the magnesium citrate about 15 minutes ago; I'm anticipating a big mess (although I did already mess my diapers twice today!).

The mag citrate tastes like a very sour soda and goes down easily. It feels warm in my stomach, but no other reaction so far.

Anyone else have any experiences with this stuff?

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FYI - - -

It is used as prep or primer for the colonoscopy cleansing of the intestinal tract.

Drink one bottle of MC about 12 hours before downing the orange (cherry) flavored

fluid used to finish the colon cleansing.

Usually starts working the system in about an hour and then the mad parade to the

throne room for the next 8 hours or so.

The MC is not as terribly unpleasant as the the large volume of flavored juice

required to finish the cleansing business.

MC could be a cheap thrill to an enema since there is no forced anal injection.

Oh well you asked.....


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Magnesium Citrate... Yeah, I found out about that on the Nurseryish website, and being the curious creature I am, naturally I had to try it. By now I'm sure you've found out just what a squishy experience it is, good, bad, or indifferent. Personally... <blushes> I rather liked it.

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Magnesium Citrate sure beats the "GoLitely" or whatever that prep stuff was called. That was VILE.

One thing to be careful of with things like this is dehydration. That liquidy poop is squishy since it's pulling a lot of water out of YOU. Make sure you drink a lot.

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  • 1 month later...

how much did you drink? i thought that drinking too much of that can kill a person.

With the citrate, drink the standard dosage.

With the water. If you feel thirsty, drink. Your body will tell you what it needs. Do NOT ignore even the littlest bit of "I'm Thirsty".

And, yes, drinking too much water can kill you. However, replacement water is a different issue. You might want to drink some "gatorade" type stuff for electrolyte replacement as well.

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