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Her Sister'S Baby

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Guest Chriskc

Good stuff. Baby food, playpen, show the baby off in front of their friends. More babying against his will. Just some ideas. Oh yeah disposable diapers! They're the best, I love the crinkling sound. Damn, Pampers and Luvs. BRING BACK THE PLASTIC DIAPERS.

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Some really great suggestions, thanks. I too like disposables and cloth often wearing the disposables out and cloth in. I grew up with cloth diapers as a child but fell in love with the noisy version of disposables when they first started making them for adults. I'm going to keep both in the story because I do love the feel of plastic panties almost as much as the plastic like surface of a disposable. Even better I enjoy the loose feel of plastic vinyl panties that bring back memories of Gerber.

Poor Mark, he's got a lot a head of him. I like the idea of a boy friend for Susan and a playmate for Mark as well so I'm working on how to do that. Again, thanks for the suggestions. What fun.

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I was exhausted, again. Susan, unlike Julie, didn't linger over my diaper once I was soft. In fact Susan didn't linger at all which gave me time to savor her wonderfully soft hand and this new set of diapers and plastic pants. Getting pinned into a diaper, a cloth diaper was different than a disposable and the extra roomy plastic cover, unlike the taught plastic of a disposable allowed for a little more rubbing. Not bad and what was I saying?

Not bad? You're kidding yourself right? I mean the woman that you've been having sex with had kept you in diapers every night for a week now. A week and almost each of the past few nights she introduced me to something else a baby does or wears. Pacifier, baby style tee-shirt and that baby bottle she's filling right now. Do I really believe it's going to end there?

No is the answer and what about that sister? Older and if I guess this right she's not really into the baby thing or stuff yet she came home with a cloth diaper and plastic vinyl pants. Sets of them if I heard her right and what's that suppose to mean? God, if it all didn't feel so damn good, I'd walk. No, I'd run like hell. I'd run but then what?

"OK sis, what's going on," Julie asked when Susan walked into the kitchen.

"His pee pee and he are resting," Susan said snickering.

"Why did you do it?" Julie asked.

"Why? Why not? OK, I'm sorry I stepped in like that but I got the thinking the other night that if you are having sex, at least doing some heavy petting, then why not share a little of it. I miss having a guy in my bed and even better a guy that's going to do what I say when I say it. Besides, we shared all the others," Susan said before adding, "or am I off base this time?"

"You're not off base and yes, I don't mind sharing like we use to, but where in heavens name did you get cloth diapers and plastic panties?" Julie asked.

"Same place I got his baby dress," Susan said as she added, "on line". Love Ebay and the vendor I found ships overnight."

"What baby dress," Julie asked and added, "I don't think this one is into cross dressing like David was."

"David wasn't into cross dressing either! Remember?" Susan asked.

"Yes he was," Julie said after a moments pause to draw on those past memories.

"Actually no, he wasn't. He just said he was because I told him to say that," Susan said and added, "really, the baby thing is cute and all that but nothing says submissive better than something frilly."

"You're kidding right? Hell, he's in there nursing a pacifier with a diaper pinned around him. You can't get more submissive than that and if you haven't noticed, he didn't say a word or offer any kind of protest when you walked in and diapered him. He's about as submissive as a guy can get." Julie said as she twisted the cap with the nipple onto the baby bottle.

"Regression is easy for a guy. Cross dressing on the other hand is a lot tougher and if it's more like a baby girl than boy, hell, he's going to notice his state much more deeply and isn't that the point? It's always been our goal in the past. Right?" Susan asked.

"I suppose. It's just that this one went much faster than the rest and I worry that we're going to scare him off." Julie noted and added, "like Bruce - remember?"

"Bruce was gay and out. We had nothing on him and we didn't scare him off so much as simply let him go if I remember correctly. Besides, I know for a fact he's still letting his boy friend diaper him on occasion," Susan said and added, "and wasn't he a little girl this past Halloween?"

"That wasn't our doing," Julie said and added, "darn it."

"It wasn't but you can damn well bet he was diapered and that was our doing," Susan noted.

"So I'll ask the question again, what's going on," Julie asked.

"Nothing, seriously. I just wanted to play a little," Susan said before adding, "OK, look, I promise if you don't want me anywhere near your little darling, I'll stay away and if you think me introducing him to ruffled panties and a pretty little dress is going to give him a heart attack, say so and I'll back off."

"You can do what you want with him but not until I've firmly established his baby boy persona OK," Julie said as she tipped the baby bottle and shook a few drops of milk onto her wrist.

"Good enough," Susan said as moved closer to Julie. She reached out grabbing both of Julie's arms before drawing her closer as she added, "and you my little miss, when am I going to see my little girl again?"

"When I've got my little boy established. Can't play without a playmate and he's still a few diapers away from being worthy of being my playmate," Julie said.

"Can I keep him in cloth diapers at least," Susan asked.

"Tell you what," Julie said moving away from her sister as she added, "when he's in your bed he can be anything you want and that includes wearing whatever turns you on, but when he's in mine, I want him in disposables. It's what I prefer and when we start laying down together, it's what I'm going to want on him. Is that OK?"

"Works for me," Susan said patting her sister on her behind as she turned to leave the kitchen before adding, "want to see his little dress?"

"Maybe later. For now, I've got to get him comfortable enough to wear this cute little yellow short-all with Winnie the Poo over his pocket. If I get him into that, I'll be more than willing to share his feminine side with you - if he has a feminine side," Julie said.

"Oh, he's going to have a feminine said, like it or not," Susan added as she watched her sister's behind disappear down the hall. Susan pondered that bottom and how sweet it was when they were little.

Susan was an only child when Julie came into her life. She was ten, Julie was five and as frail as a one year old. It was easy for both of them to fit into their roles together. Susan was the adult partner in their relationship and Julie happily the baby and little girl.

They played constantly honing their roles till they caught David taking a pair of Julie panties. That had been their first conquest and how easily it was turning a boy into a baby and ultimately both a baby boy and girl. The baby girl was Susan's idea fitting poor David into Julie's things because they fit him so well. It was then Julie who benefited when David became her doll.

"So many boys, so little time," Susan murmured as she pulled a jar of instant coffee from the cupboard before whispering, "perhaps we should start doing two at a time?"

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"Hello precious," Julie said coming into the room.

"I was just about to get up and go. This is getting too weird Julie. Seriously, you putting me into diapers was one thing and that was weird enough, but your sister too? Hello? I feel like I've lost it," I said sitting up in the bed and worried that Julie might see the plastic panties and diaper. Something about the two being so different made it seem odder still.

"Here, let me put you into one of your disposables. You'll feel a little better then," Julie noted as she moved to the closet. The baby bottle, filled with warm milk she placed on the nightstand.

"See, that's what I'm talking about. Look at that - a baby's bottle of all things and your solution to me being diapered by your sister is to be diapered by you. That's not at all what I meant." I said thrusting the sheet aside. It didn't matter that I was wearing a cloth pin on diaper or plastic vinyl pants.

"What's wrong precious," Julie asked.

"Julie, when we started petting, you said we couldn't make love for real because you didn't want to do that till you were married. OK, I get that and frankly the way you play is almost... No, it's even better than actual sex and yes, I even didn't mind the latest kinky things you've added. But it's different with your sister.

"Different how," Julie asked.

"With you the diapers, breast, even the pacifier are sort of play things. I mean they all lead us to sex. That's good. Kinky yes, but good nonetheless and who doesn't mind a little kink now and then. With your sister, I felt like she wanted me to act like a baby... You know, a real baby," I said.

"A real baby," Julie repeated, paused and added, "actually it might seem that way but it's really not. Didn't she get you off?"

"OK, yes, she masturbated me but even that wasn't the same. I wasn't on her level when she did it, I said.

"You know, that might be true enough. We each see boys slightly different. I see them as equals while she definitely sees boys as less than girls. It's the way we were brought up. But even that might not be true because she's always been the dominate between us. I'll bet if you asked, she's treating you the same as she would treat me," Julie said.

"Right! Maybe so, but I'll bet the way she treats you doesn't involve diapers," I said.

"Try that again honey, because it did and if truth be known, it still does on occasion," Julie said.

"What? Your sister puts you in diapers," I asked slightly shocked and even a little turned on.

"Not so much now but when we were little, yes, lots of times. Putting people in diapers is a turn on for her, like it is for me but in my case it's more nurturing. With her it's dominating," Julie said.

"But she masturbated me. If she's dominating me... you know, with the diapers and plastic pants why would she bother to masturbate me then," I asked.

"Masturbating a guy about to be diapered is part of the dominating process. It's like saying - see, even when you don't want to be diapered like a little baby, you still let me do so because you want your pee pee rubbed - right," Julie said.

"I'm not sure I like it put that way but yes, I suppose so," I said and then realized I was looking again at the baby bottle as I asked, "and you, I thought this whole thing was about you getting your breast nursed. If that's the case, what's with the baby bottle."

"Well, I was hoping that you'd see the baby bottle the same way as you see my breast which was also why I started giving you the pacifier. I like to see you nursing something when I'm dressing you like a baby. It's a real turn on watching your cheeks getting all puffy from nursing while I cover you in a diaper," Julie said before adding, "and just talking about it is turning me on, so if you don't mind, why don't you start nursing this baby bottle you've been watching so intently and I'll replace that bunny soft cotton diaper and plastic pants with a nice comfortable disposable. OK?"

It was impossible to say yes or no because she thrust the dripping warm soft nipple between my lips as she spoke. The warm milk coming through the tiny hole was odd in a number of ways first because I wasn't sure I liked warm milk. What made it tolerable was imagining that milk coming from Julie's breast and I did as I felt the plastic panties coming down from my waist.

"Does my baby like his bottle," Julie asked as she began to unpin the soft cotton diaper. I could only nod a quick yes before I felt her lips pressing against my growing erection now pushing against the diaper. She had only pulled the baby pants down in front when she added, "sweets, why don't you go ahead and wet your diaper for me. Then I'll change you."

Pretty hard to be macho when your nursing a baby's bottle as you wet a diaper your girlfriend's sister has pinned you into. Worse, I've got too girls diapering me and one of them would rather I pretend I'm a baby and that's funny considering the only difference is me acting. I mean I'm nursing a baby's bottle for heaven's sake....

"Oh yes Julie," I whispered to myself as she began moving the warm wet diaper against a nearly painful erection. I'd just wet a diaper... no, my diaper I mused as I arched my back to the pleasure she was giving me. Who would have thought a warm wet diaper could feel so damn erotic or that I could cum yet again.

"Yes, yes, yes." I said over and over again in my mind as the waves of pleasure rushed over me. I was exploded in shorter burst but the pleasure was just as wonderful and the baby bottle I suddenly noticed was already a third empty.

Who am I kidding. I'm a damn baby. OK, so be it. I mused as I felt the cool air suddenly rushing around my moist penis as Julie peeled the diaper away.

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I looked back at the house wondering if Susan or Julie were watching. Why would they I reasoned. Although what a day it's been, I reflected. I couldn't help but smile as I turned for the bus stop. Would the other riders notice I was diapered I wondered. Julie had promised they wouldn't. No one would notice Susan also assured me.

Both encouraged the diaper as I was leaving. Odd at first and while I resisted in the beginning, I too wanted it almost as badly. Not sure why because I was also sure it would be uncomfortable. Uncomfortable until I realized it would keep the memories alive. Alive and to my chagrin, dry according to Susan.

I was mortified when Susan boldly grabbed my bottom hard enough to make me jump. She was checking to see if I was diapered or so she said and unfortunately Julie jumped in telling her that wasn't necessary. It wasn't necessary obviously but like I said, it would keep the memories alive.

I felt sorry for myself that it would end when I walked out the door. Thankfully Susan saved me from that fate by suggesting, much to my embarrassment, that I might be thinking of the past day and night and forget I wasn't diapered and therefore have an accident. I was sure that wouldn't happen but it gave me a reason to wear a diaper home. I could have hugged her.

I could have hugged both of them I decided as the bus eased to the curb to allow me to board. I was climbing the steps when the heavy woman behind me stumbled. "Excuse me honey," She said catching herself. Unfortunately she had put a hand out to steady herself and it landed directly on my bottom. My diapered bottom.

I let the driver punch my pass and tried desperately to find a seat to land in before I had to face that woman again. Only my luck, having already turned bad, stayed bad and the seat I grabbed still left the other open. It was open when she waddled towards me making me know without a doubt she was going to take it and did. She took all of her seat and at least 20% of mine as the bus lurched ahead.

"What do babies and senior citizens have in common," the woman said as she pulled a knitted bag open before tugging her knitting loose.

"Excuse me," I asked not actually sure what she'd said.

"What do babies and senior citizens have in common? It's a joke honey," the woman said. I was about to answer I didn't know when she said, "both often wear diapers and for the same reason."

"Oh," I said feeling my face flush.

"Sorry honey, didn't mean to embarrass you like that but it's not often I get to feel a diapered bottom on someone your age. That wasn't nice was it? You know what, I'm being very rude aren't I? The thing is I'm a care giver at a senior citizens home and... well, it's been a long time since I felt a diapered bottom outside of those hallowed halls. I'm Rose by the way," Rose said extending her right hand across her ample waist to take mine.

"Mark," I said trying to take her hand. My right was almost pinned by her body so snugly against me as I added, "having a little trouble right now with an infected Kidney. The medicine I was given acts like a diuretic and I'm not suppose to hold it."

It was a long shot Julie had said but just in case someone says something tell them your taking medication for a kidney problem. OK, so I'd hit that not so long - long shot and it seemed to be working. I was grateful for small favors and hoping the woman would be satisfied with my answer. Besides, it was none of her business I wanted to say but didn't.

"Cloth or disposables?" the woman asked.

"Disposables," I whispered wishing she would shut up and leave it alone or at least whisper. Both people in front of us, took a quick glance back.

"If you're going to be wearing diapers for very long, you might consider cloth. Some of the seniors I diaper prefer cloth since we have both and a few even wear the all in ones with inserts." the woman said and added, "Luckily you'd most likely fit the larger toddler sizes, maybe a chubby size 6 or there about. Buying them like that wouldn't be that much of a problem. Gee, I'd kill for your waist size."

"Thanks. it's good advise. Anyway, this is my stop," I said hoping she'd stand so I could exit my seat. She didn't stand as the bus eased to the curb and I had to struggle out of my seat and across her two knees. I knew or thought I knew that she was doing it on purpose and I was right as I felt her hand move across my bottom again.

"Sweet," She said. This time though it was said in a whisper as I finally broke free.

Stupid woman I mused glaring at her from the sidewalk as I watched the bus pull away. She was smiling and gave me a light wave as she was driven out of sight. Damn her I thought as I started to walk the remaining six blocks I had left. I needed to get off that bus and away from her before she made it any worse.

"Must be tough wearing diapers at your age and even worse knowing you fit into what a toddler wears," the man said as he closed his brief case.

"What," I asked. I couldn't believe I was hearing another stranger talking about diapers.

"Sorry, I was sitting in front of you two when the lady made your condition so public. It's just that I was a bed wetter. Of course that was years ago and my mother insisted I go back into diapers till it ended but I still have vivid memories of it. Didn't help my self esteem getting pinned into diapers every night as my friends played outside," the man said.

"Mine is kidneys," I said decided no one else needed any more detail.

"I heard," the man said and suddenly as he looked around to either side of us he added, "helps some if you've got a reason doesn't it?"

"Excuse me," I said.

"I didn't tell you all of it. Not sure why I'm telling you this now either, other than it's nice to share something like this. You see, my mom kept me in diapers for a lot of years and to be honest, I sort of got use to sleeping with them. Listen, it's none of my business, obviously, but if you ever want to talk to someone... you know, someone sympathetic and very understanding that would be me," the man said handing me his card.

"Are you telling me you wear diapers now," I asked looking between the man and his card. He sold pharmaceuticals it read. I wasn't sure why I cared or for that matter what was driving me to even keep the conversation alive but there it was and there he was.

"I am. I was almost sure you're one of us and if not you might be interested in such things so I took a chance," the man said as he added, "and it's Roger."

"Mark," I said taking Roger's hand as I asked," what do you mean one of us?"

"Diaper lover? That's D. L. for those in the know and A. B. or adult baby if you bend in that direction. One likes the diapers, that's me. The others, those that identify with AB are adult babies and of course like being more baby like," Roger said and added, you can be either or, or a mixture of both or in rarer cases simply someone that really does just need them medically.

I have no idea what made me stand there and ponder what Roger was saying but an instant after thinking about what he said I added, "I'm not sure to be honest. I sort of like the diapers a lot but recently I've had a chance to do some other things... You know, things that might only be done by babies and I sort of like that as well. What am I doing talking about this."

"Well, if you're like me, it's just refreshing to be able to share such things. If you are evolving then let it happen and don't get hung up on the definitions just yet. In fact, don't get hung up on them at all," Roger said and added, "lots of guys I know don't classify themselves at all. Why complicate things if you don't need to - right?"

"Right," I said and added, "this is pretty weird. I mean you're a stranger and here I am talking to you about something I didn't even know existed just a week ago."

"Wild isn't it," Roger said and added, "that's the nature of this beast. Not too unlike people that share similar hobbies or activities. Once the ice gets broken the whole lake can go."

"Exactly. So how long did your mother keep you in diapers," I asked as Roger began walking alongside. He was going to a pharmacy a few blocks down the street but had decided to get off when he noticed I'd grabbed the rope and rung the bus to stop.

"Gosh, I was 18 by the time I went off to college and I'd been in diapers since I was eight so that makes it ten years. Of course there was a brief period when I wasn't wearing them but mom caught me one morning wearing them again and I've been wearing them ever since," Roger said and added, "how about you?"

"I know this is going to sound very odd, but it's been eleven days," I said.

"Not odd at all. I know guys that have gone decades without them and suddenly are back into them like they've been into them all of their lives. Some for no good reason than for the fun of it," Roger said and added, "so what got you started? If you don't mind sharing that is."

"A woman," I said blushing.

"Not your mom," He said

"No, not at all. She's my girlfriend actually. She likes... This is difficult, but she likes having me nurse her breast when we make love and well... one thing led to another and here I am walking home in a diaper talking to a stranger about it," I said shrugging.

"One the other side of that coin you could say it was fate that brought us together and that you've got a friend. A very envious friend, by the way, because I would have loved to be in your shoes or for that matter your diaper when that woman on the bus fell into you. She's definitely a mother type and what fun that would have been," Roger said.

"This all seems so astounding," I said and added, "I mean what are the odds of this sort of thing happening."

"You mean meeting someone else," Roger asked.

"Yes," I said.

"Most likely not as great as you're imagining. The thing is, people with like taste are often more keenly aware of others like them or the potential for others like them and we're more willing to jump at a chance meeting. Like I am," Roger said.

"It's just that not all that many days ago I didn't know any of this and suddenly I'm wearing diapers almost full time and I've been babied by two different women. Not to mention a chance encounter with a care giver and now another lover of diapers," I said.

"Diaper lover," Roger said before adding, "with a bend towards adult baby things on occasion."

"Sex? I mean do you have sex when you're wearing diapers," I asked blushing again.

"I do," Roger said and added as his face began to redden," in fact, I'm having a little sex as we walk and talk. Can't help it."

"Me to," I said forming my own blush suddenly. My erection, growing as it had, was now rubbing the inside of the diaper slightly and growing more sensitive as we talked.

"Good, because if I suddenly stop, make a groaning sound and shake slightly, you'll know what just happened," Roger said.

"I will and that's ditto for me," I said before adding although I'm going to hate soiling this diaper, it's the only one I have."

"Don't let that stop you. This pharmacy I'm going to has a whole isle of diapers and if you really can fit into a toddler's size they carry them up to size eight. I happen to enjoy wearing their generic brand. I'm into the single tape like babies wear and they're generic uses a nice stretchable tape that can reseal," Roger said.

"How would I know if I wear a toddler's size," I said.

"What's your waist size," Roger asked.

"22," I answered.

"Well, that's about two inches smaller in diameter than a size seven for a toddler's diaper which means you can most likely fit into one. Only trouble I see is that they might not be long enough to cover you as well as they do a toddler," Roger said.

"Too bad they don't sell samples," I asked and added, "I don't have a clue on what to buy."

"Not too bad at all since I know the manager. He'll open a toddler's pack for me and I'll show you some others that might do it for you as well," Roger said as he added, "happens that this particular pharmacy owner is not only a buyer of my pharmaceuticals but an adult baby as well."

"That's wonderful. Only thing is I live in a dorm at school and it's difficult to hide something like this so trying things on would be next to impossible," I said.

"If I don't sound too forward, you're welcome to try them on at my place. As it happens, I live above the pharmacy itself. You can try on a couple of styles and sizes and decide on what's best for you and, if you like, use my place as a sort of staging area. I have a couple of friends that do exactly that," Roger said.

"You wouldn't mind," I said shocked at my good fortune.

"On the contrary, I'd love having a friend over that not only is into diapers, but knows I am as well," Roger said and added, "maybe we could share a pizza and a six pack of beer. If it's not going to hurt your kidneys that is."

"Nothing wrong with my kidneys and I'd love pizza, beer and a fresh diaper," I said. I was excited over the prospects of sharing this. Truth is I had no idea what was coming and if I had then perhaps I might have said no but the other truth is that by the time I wanted to say no it was going to be too late.

"First lets find you a cute little diaper to wear," Roger said nodding to the door we had just come up to. We had reached the pharmacy and I'd just started to climax. It was those words "cute little diaper to wear" that brought me to the brink and over it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm loving this story soooooo much. I'm not into wearing little baby girls dresses. Diapers, a baby bottle, wetting my diaper and a pacifier.... yes. Maybe Roger can explain about the women who like to change a baby boy into a baby girl.(not that its wrong). Mark seems to really like having Julie diaper him and not so much when Susan does it. I know I would give anything for a relationship like that. I haven't read for awhile...does Mark still breast feed from Julie? It sounds like she has replaced her nipples with a pacifier and a baby bottle. I read this story from the beginning every time I look for a new update. If its a baby girl Julie is looking for.... I will still read your story. Can't wait for the next chapter.... :)

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