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Leicester Munch


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Ok it is late (well not all that late but still) so I am not going to start this topic properly but will get to that some time tomorrow.

Just to say that there will be a munch in Leicester.

I think it will be at 'the marquis wellington' 139 London Road, Leicester, LE2 1EF as although there was not many there at the last one in Leicester the place was quite nice and all importantly pretty empty so no need to make sure you are not talking about certain things to loudly.

People have been saying about the one in Birmingham classing with the ABC and seeing as the one is Leicester does not have the BBB to coincide with I thought it may be a better idea to have the Leicester munch and a different weekend if any.

So I will it a little while and let other people tell me when this one will be :P I mean it will ever be the 15th or the 22nd of May but let me know which is best for you or if you can make it on both.

Be warned my next post on this topic will be a lot longer as a few things have came up so I will spelling things out in great detail so there should be a lot less confusion in future... but that treat can wait until tomorrow.

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hi there things have taken a little longer to get sorted but just the give a quick post to let every one know what is going on seeing as I know I will not be on for a few days.

the munch willbe on the 22nd of May at 'the marquis wellington' 139 London Road, Leicester, LE2 1EF. starting at around 12.

I will post more detail on monday most likely but in the mean time feel free to ask any questions and hope to hear from any one interested in coming.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Boy this tuck a long time coming didn’t, sorry about that. I will post everything in this one post so it is all together.

The next Leicester munch will be on the 22nd of May at ‘The Marquis Wellington' (139 London Road, Leicester, LE2 1EF). The munch starts at 12 and ends when everyone decides to go home, which is usually about 5. All are welcome, be they ABs, littles, DLs, Mummies/Daddies or just curious and interested people.

The purpose of this munch (as with most munchs) is to be a place for people to come together and chat and hopefully have a good time. It is not intended to be a dating service, of course if you make some friends there that is great and if that friendship turns into something more I am sure we will all be happy for you but that is not the intend function of the event and you would certainly be ill advised to come expecting anything more than a friendly conversation. And it may go without saying but this is not a play party and will be taking place in a public setting.

Due to the fact that we will be in public and therefore for the sake of others at the event, the general public and yourself there are a few rules. Firstly dress in ‘street cloths’, nothing AB or overly childish. No AB/DL play. And no photos unless you ask everyone first (and watch out for anyone in the back of the shot). Now you are welcome to wear nappies if you choose to or need to but please do so as discreetly as possible, and of course wearing is not mandatory :P.

If there is anything I have left out or if you need any more detail feel free to ask.

So far I have had a fair amount of interested so I am hopeful there should be a fairly good turnout (regardless of the fact I have left it latter than I meant to post this :P)

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Also we are thinking about possibly doing something after chating in the pub. The frount runner for ideas right now is going to the big park that is just up the road, assuming the weather is nice. But any other ideas are welcome.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, partly just bumping this up a bit and also asking any one that has write to my saying they are interested to post here to say if they are coming, as I know others like to know people are coming. and still feel free to post if you have't wrote to me about it but want to come :P

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Just to say this munch has been and gone. I will let other people post to say what they thought of it but I think I would be right in thinking every one had a good time.

There was 6 of us there and I would think it must have been the most talkative bunch so far, not that I am complaining :P

As the weather was very nice we did end up wondering to the park to have a sit down and chat out there.

With this munch going well and all the other interested I have had whilest talking to people about this one I think there is enough reason to keep this munch going. So for the forcable future, well unless some one gives us a reason to change, there will be one munch in birmingham one month and leicester the next month (so put them in your dairy now if :P)

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