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Who'S Seen The Movie?

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I tink you are being a little harsh. The film isn't intended to be a diaper video as we would see it, but rather an study of excessive femdom where a male baby is retarded - either congentally or possible deliberately into a state of arrested development. The "Baby's" lack of speech would indicate that it is congenital, as the women speak to him normally, and it would be expected that he would have learned a limited vocabulary. He is certainly not encouraged to develop, and is even forbidden to walk. The story concerns the actions of a social worker to rescue the Baby from his pernicious situation, and how it develops into an obsession.

The twist in the end is wicked.

Don't see it as a diaper video, but as a sort of femdom thriller.

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I have a copy, and it really is just an awful movie--probably no worse than a lot of other low-budget exploitation/horror films of the time, but just about unwatchable by my standards.

But I'll never forget how thrilled I was when it came on the late movie one night when I was about 11 or 12. The opening sequence alone, in which the mother is leafing through a photo album looking at snapshots of a child who grows older and older but never gets out of diapers and baby clothes (including a few shots in which he was the same age I was at the time, and looked rather like me) made the whole thing completely worthwhile from my point of view. :)

It's really obvious the screenwriter had AB fantasies. (I wonder if he reads dailydiapers.)

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Has to be some of the worst acting ever. It's about a boy who is kept in diapers his whole life by his mother and two sisters. Very limited diaper scenes...just a bad movie all the way around.

i thought it was terrible as well.

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I tink you are being a little harsh. The film isn't intended to be a diaper video as we would see it, but rather an study of excessive femdom where a male baby is retarded - either congentally or possible deliberately into a state of arrested development. The "Baby's" lack of speech would indicate that it is congenital, as the women speak to him normally, and it would be expected that he would have learned a limited vocabulary. He is certainly not encouraged to develop, and is even forbidden to walk. The story concerns the actions of a social worker to rescue the Baby from his pernicious situation, and how it develops into an obsession.

The twist in the end is wicked.

Don't see it as a diaper video, but as a sort of femdom thriller.

the beat him with a tennis racket if he did try to talk. It is a bad movie, it has never been anything other than a bad movie. They weren't going for an Oscar, or a Nobel peace prize. Going back in time, their wasn't hundreds of cable channels, their wasn't DVD's or even VHS back then. Their were a lot of really bad "B" movies out back then, but have been forgotten over time, The Baby has survived mostly because of ab/dl people. It was second tier entertainment from an era that only had 3 network stations and maybe one or two independent stations on your tv dial, yes an actual dial look it up :lol:

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the beat him with a tennis racket if he did try to talk. It is a bad movie, it has never been anything other than a bad movie. They weren't going for an Oscar, or a Nobel peace prize. Going back in time, their wasn't hundreds of cable channels, their wasn't DVD's or even VHS back then. Their were a lot of really bad "B" movies out back then, but have been forgotten over time, The Baby has survived mostly because of ab/dl people. It was second tier entertainment from an era that only had 3 network stations and maybe one or two independent stations on your tv dial, yes an actual dial look it up :lol:

Not only was there a dial to turn for those 3 stations......it was all in Black & White. No color tv when I was a kid. No video games, no computers, cell phones, cable...my god how did we ever manage to live like that? We had to go outside to play. Cowboys & Indians, Hide-n-seek, rode our bikes to the school playground. A McDonalds hamburger was....10 cents.

As far as the movie....the cattle prod scene was funny. Thankfully my mother never got her hands on one of those.

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Although a lot of people here are stating that the movie was poor, and the acting was even worse, please remember what you are comparing the movie to - it is a low budget movie that was executed rather well in my opinion.

The concept of a female dominated household has been exploited in many movies, but not to such an extent as in The Baby. The character 'baby' was abused and manipulated to only act a certain way, that of a pre-speech toddler, by his mother and sisters. This is stereotypical female domination but brought to an extreme. In this film, the social worker seems a little shaper than her predecessors so not to fall for the manipulation of 'baby's mother, but it is only in the last scene that the social workers true intent is shown.

I would add more, but as previous viewers of this film will attest to, more would spoil the film.

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When Elvira Mistress of the Dark began her career she was one of the first to comment on this movie on her program many years ago.

We had a good laugh then. The movie was quite campy and reminded me of the old goth soap opera Dark Shadows.

It is worth watching for a laugh.

Stay Pampered

SoCalAB :thumbsup:


Has to be some of the worst acting ever. It's about a boy who is kept in diapers his whole life by his mother and two sisters. Very limited diaper scenes...just a bad movie all the way around.

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