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Not Wearing When You Wish You Were?

Guest little_jonny

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Guest little_jonny

i think just about all of us have been there. waiting in a long line at the store, the theater, in line for a roller coaster, just walking around the store, and you all of a sudden have to go.. it's happened to many times. i would be at a store that i don't even know where the batroom is and i will have to go to the bathroom bad. i was at a store once and i didn't know where the bathroom was at and i had to go bad so i was running all around the place trying to find it. a store employee saw me looking around and asked, "Can I help you sir?" i said, "Yeah um..." She knew what was wrong and pointed me out the batroom and i toke off running.. so has this happened to any one else?

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Long car rides. It seems like I can drink gallons of fluid and not have any problem but as soon as I have a bottle of water on a long car trip, I have to go immediately. So I just prepare ahead and put one on. I have been living on my own for awhile now so it is usually just me and my girlfriend in the car together. I couldn't wear when I was traveling with parents obviously.

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Yup, been there, done it and got the tee-shirt. I have a touch of IBS. It doesn't generally act up and I don't wear protection due to the IBS. I have been out and about when my IBS hits and had to find a bathroom in a hurry or else I'll be in a mess literally. Recently I was at a grocery store when my IBS acted up. I had no idea where the bathrooms were. I went up to an employee and asked for the bathrooms. They told me they were at the other end of the store on the 2nd floor. Well, I made a mad dash for the bathroom and ended up messing my pants before I got there. While sitting in a stall for a 1/2 hour cleaning up enough so I could get out of there without anyone noticing my predicament. I really wished I would have been wearing a diaper.

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After a long night of beer in London and having to travel home on a South Eastern train that has one toilet which is out of order. There have been many times when I've used discarded McDonalds cups to fill up when busting for a wee.

I once took a diaper and pastic pants and changed in the toilets at Victoria station before boarding the last train.................and wet twice on the journey home!

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I went on a camping trip when I was a freshman in high school. Everyone in my freshman class went on the camping trip since it was mandated by the school for all of us to "bond." We went on a hike for two hours in the dark with no flashlights in a strange, ghoulish forest. I had to pee real bad, but the faculty who went with us was watching every one of us carefully. Finally, I just said, "Screw this," and took a leak off the path. Oddly enough, I was caught in the act and I was lectured by one of the teachers. Then they had the nerve of putting on my school record that I was "irreconcilably disobedient," and for what? Answering nature's call? I totally wish I was diapered then.

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Guest little_jonny

i also remembered when i was about 8 years old my family and i went to a flea market. it was around april or may and it was a nice day out. i wore shorts ut for some strange reason i didnt put underwear on. i thought i had gas but it was the runs and it was going down my leg. i heard a women talking with some people where she was saling her stuff and she said, "where are the boys diapers at?" i turned red and got to a port a potty and cleaned up. we soon left after that happened

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The title says it all for me "Not Wearing When You Wish You Were?".....and the answer would be YES all the time!!! Anytime I can't afford or just don't put on a diaper I wish I had one on. Pretty much every time I have to pee I think man I wish I had a diaper on. But not saying I don't get what you are saying. :thumbsup:

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Guest Baby Tiana

I suppose there are times when I do wish I was wearing one. Like at night, after seeing a terrifying movie and I'm to afraid to get out of bed and walk across the hall. So I wait till morning, just praying I don't wet the bed from all the pressure on my bladder.

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The title says it all for me "Not Wearing When You Wish You Were?".....and the answer would be YES all the time!!! Anytime I can't afford or just don't put on a diaper I wish I had one on. Pretty much every time I have to pee I think man I wish I had a diaper on. But not saying I don't get what you are saying. :thumbsup:


Although for me, it would have to be at the cinema. You know you're going to need to go just when there's an important plot point coming up that you'll miss and you *had* to go for the large coke, didn't you. :whistling:

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yeah it happened to me two weeks ago at Office Max. My diapers were all in the wash and my printer ran out of ink. So I figured I could make it and back before I had to go. There was a sale going on and it took longer than I thought. I was at the end of the line when I started to pee and pee and pee. I felt it running down my leg! I felt it soaking the front of my pants. Luckily I had a some what long coat on and pulled it down as far as I could. But as I paid I think the clerk noticed because she kept looking down at me. I paid and hurriedly walked to my car. I wonder if anyone slipped in the puddle

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This is one of those universal situations... Though, most "normal" people probly don't admit to wishing they had a diaper at the moment... Thus is the curse of potty training...

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The title says it all for me "Not Wearing When You Wish You Were?".....and the answer would be YES all the time!!! Anytime I can't afford or just don't put on a diaper I wish I had one on. Pretty much every time I have to pee I think man I wish I had a diaper on. But not saying I don't get what you are saying. :thumbsup:

Exactly what my response would be.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I have a couple that have occurred throughout my life from a boy to when I was in college. The first was when I was about 7 or 8 on a skiing trip in Vermont with my family and some friends. I was going down the slope which was a green and I didn't make the turn and wound up going down a black diamond and I think when I hit the steep slope I literally shit my pants. I didn't know it at the time. So we were in the car going back to our rental house and everyone in the car was like, "you farted, that is gross," and the smell never went away. So we get home and relax for awhile and we start to play cards and the smell is still lingering and I still have no idea. So I get up from the table to go to the bathroom and hello, I have a load in my pants. Thankfully none of the other kids my age really knew about it and never teased me about it. My parents had threatened to put me back in diapers for the rest of the trip and looking back I wish I wouldn't have fought the issue. Some of the others are from college when I would be black out drunk from partying would soak the bed. I used diapers in college for fun, but I could never get a diaper on since I was blacked out. Would have saved a bunch of teasing from my roommates when I would have to clean my sheets! Got that felt good.

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