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Sizing Question

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I'm soon to order some Cuddlz nappies (basically Bambino Biancos) - http://cuddlz.com/shop/product_info.php?cPath=21_25&products_id=78 - but have a question about sizing. When nappies are sized by waist size, and one sits right on the boundary between two, do you go larger or smaller?

Basically, what I think it my waist (around the hips, is that right?) is 44 inches.

Now the mediums are: Waist 32 to 44 inches

and the large are: Waist 45 to 60 inches

I know the simplest thing would be to order a sample pack of each, but I'd quite like to order a large pack fairly soonish so would welcome opinion of you all.

Thank you!

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I'm soon to order some Cuddlz nappies (basically Bambino Biancos) - http://cuddlz.com/sh...&products_id=78 - but have a question about sizing. When nappies are sized by waist size, and one sits right on the boundary between two, do you go larger or smaller?

Basically, what I think it my waist (around the hips, is that right?) is 44 inches.

Now the mediums are: Waist 32 to 44 inches

and the large are: Waist 45 to 60 inches

I know the simplest thing would be to order a sample pack of each, but I'd quite like to order a large pack fairly soonish so would welcome opinion of you all.

Thank you!

It's not just your waist/hip size that you need to think about.

I have a 38" waist, but I am 5'5" at 195 pounds with a pair of chubby "thunder thighs" which makes it hard to tape a medium closed (even when they say 44").

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Go larger - if you're on the boundary, the fit of the larger size will probably be better than the fit of the smaller size. I'm right on the join between small and medium for most diapers and have tried smalls but most of the time I find that I have to stretch them much tighter than I'd like which can be uncomfortable (tapes dig, leg cuffs cut into your groin, etc) and can lead to popping tapes if they're under too much pressure.

Basically, the tapes should comfortably attach in front of you (but not 'overlapping' in the middle). If the tapes sit out to your sides, the diaper is too small.

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The size on the Cuddlz diapers are wierd, I'm not sure how they work them out... I take 36inch waist in my jeans/trousers etc and I only just fit a medium in the Cuddlz... and I mean only just!!!

The Cuddlz are awesome though... they absorb loads and are a very traditional diaper without being too babyish. I love the texture and the smell of a new diaper!

Happy wetting!


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Unfortunately I don't have any pics... only just got into the whole diaper thing myself and haven't had chance yet to take any. But they are really cool... they look and feel like a proper diaper. The pics on the website are pretty good too!


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You can always cut down large diapers, I used to buy large becuse that was all I could find localy with plastic covers (CVS), so I cut them down they actully work better because larger diapers have a larger capacity (wetting wise)

You can make a bigger diaper smaller, but you can't make a small diaper bigger ( just use them as stuffers)

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I find that taking your pants size and adding 4 inches works well for matching up to the diaper sizes. I wear a 38 pants, so for diaper sizing that is 42 inches. Sucks being in the middle, I was at that size and pretty much Larges leaked and Mediums were to tight of pretty much every diaper. Now I lost some weight though, went from size 40 to 38 pants and now Mediums on pretty much every diaper I have tried lately fit very well.

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