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Unwelcome In Chat Room?

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chats sprrrriling out of control, me buzz, etc usual constantly there, but no admin status or anything, not saying i or we should get it but god to something.

and add some more rooms like i dunno:

A general Chat

A AB Role Play Chat

A DL Chat

u get the picture :P. Just getting to crowed so far.

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chats sprrrriling out of control, me buzz, etc usual constantly there, but no admin status or anything, not saying i or we should get it but god to something.

and add some more rooms like i dunno:

A general Chat

A AB Role Play Chat

A DL Chat

u get the picture :P. Just getting to crowed so far.

I've pretty much given up on chat. Too many people with agendas and the odd snot that is annoying. It just isn't worth it and there are so few DL's that chat. I'd rather have public conversations as PMing seems so personal and I don't want to be that forward or intrusive.

When it was new and the size was manageable, it was OK but I agree, now we need some diversification/specialization and additional rooms.

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well just a thought would u rather be in a crowded chat room or an empty one?

Hmm, I'd rather be alone with my thoughts than try to ignore the rantings of a madman.

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You know i love this place but The chat room really hurts my feelings. I go in and say hi all and noone says hi back? Have i ofended anyone, does my name look like troll. Im not whining but i just don't understand why? There are lots of chatters but no one wants to talk to me other than to pm me and ask if im boy or a girl? WTF.............. You know i'm just like anyone else i love my diapers i would love to chat about them and have a few laughs but i feel so unwelcome I'm giving up. Its not fare for people to judge me and they don't even know me. I mean i love Daily diapers and want to make some friends that's all but its been made very clear im not welcome. Come on guys cut me some slack will ya?




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Good to see you Rocky. I shouldn't take it personally if I were you. I found the same thing. I went in Chat a couple of weeks ago and I felt invisible. I haven't bothered going back since. (I used to enjoy chatting there when I first joined :( everyone used to be very welcoming.)

So no need for paranoia ;)


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yes i agree with everybody here....i have been there a few times and nobody wants to talk to me eather....so i gave up on it i check in every know and then to see if anything has changed....but i have discovered that uasally nobody is talking at all....we should all plan a time to get on there and talk away....

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well we realy need some control, all i see is:

"oh noes i messed my didee"


no offence to anyone there, but u see what i mean, its just that all the time, either some prat who thinks he can get everyones attention and make himself look good bye typing everything in caps, and the amount of Abs on the chat is INSANe, its constant Role Play Spam. Im fine with it, its nice, but u have about 6 role plays at once

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Seriously, how are Admin supposed to make anything better.. Am I supposed to go to the chatters homes and threaten to shove a nuk into their ear canal because they don't want to talk to you?

You guys like to talk to each other, I think coming up with a time for your circle of friends to go in and chat with each other is a lot more effective. Neither myself or Daily Di can force anyone to say hello.

Admin -can not- solve or make this problem better, its a social problem, not a site problem. You can also come up with your own chat room name and everyone can meet in there, using the same program even. Come up with the name of the room, create it and a time, and have everyone who wants to go into it, go into it.

We give you the tools to connect, you have to use them to your advantage to create what you are looking for here.

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yes, I agree with Rosie - what are the admins really supposed to do..? It's pretty much the same pattern wherever you go, so I belive it's worth thinking about why people enter the chat room in the first place. What are they hoping to find in there? Given the sense of lonelyness that is often accompanying our desire to use diapers, it's maybe not so surprising that the chatrooms often are crouded with people hoping to find other people of sexually preferable gender (in most cases boys looking for girls), and/or sexual gratification.

I've never really enjoyed chatting very much, be it a with a small group or even PM'ing. I sort of never undersood what I'm supposed to do in there..? Instead, I find the boards much more interesting - it gives you time to think about the various topics that are discussed, and you find like-minded people much more easily (simply because people who find a particular thread to be of interest reply to that, whereas people who prefer to discuss other topics won't participate in the threads that you find interesting).

So, Rocky, come and hang out with us here on the boads instead! I've backtracked the history of most threads, and I have seen that your presence here is very much appreciated! As you know, I just recently became a part of this community, but I can already now say that you are important to us all!



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I definitely tend to stick to message boards on the sites I frequent - it's much more at my own pace, and, overall, folks tend to just be a bit more respectful (ie the fellas don't really harass me since I'm a gal). Unfortunately, this tends to be even moreso the case when I'm on a site like this - if there's any sort of conceiveable sexual nature to the interest, it can sort of open a door that I'd rather be left closed (especially seeing as how I'm happily married).

Thankfully, the vast majority of folks on DD have been nothing less than completely respectful - it's been rare that I've gotten a blatant pick-up line via PM. Really cool site - but even so, I'll probably stick to the Message Boards. Oh, and yes - we're glad you're here, Rocky. ;)

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Ok, all this talk got me courious. So I went to the chat room. There were 20 in the room. the talk was mostly about (surprise surprise) not diapers but mostly music downloads. But I also saw that it should be possible to create your own room. or should I say "our" own.

I am kinda ok with live chat but right now I can't do real time. I love the boards.

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rosie, what you said made sence but there is one thing you can do. you can have someone (member(s), obvioulsy) monoter the chat when they can and if some 13 year old keeps annoying someone then *wham!* kick em out. other than that there isnt anything. and as for people not talking to eachother theres, as you said, nothing you can do. oh, one more thing, chat may be more interesting if there were some diffrent rooms.

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Hey guys! Well its good to hear from many but I think two things got a little taken out of text? I wasn’t saying I was leaving Daily diapers I was saying I was done with the chat room just so we are clear.

Rosie: I would never want anyone “forced” to talk to me, that would be horrible to know a person had to say hi to me or else! It was just shocking for me to enter the chat once again and once again no one would talk to me? It just blew me away! I wasn’t sure if I had done something wrong to cause this reaction or if it was something else?

As for, I’m not the only one its happened to is comforting in a way but very saddening in a other. I understand chat rooms very well and have been apart of many over the years. I understand there are clicks or groups in everyday life and the internet is no exception that‘s a given. But to be totally ignored? I think it’s a sign of something bigger when you inter a chat filled with 20 or more like minded people that are talking right in front of you and no one will say hi or welcome or anything? Yes it can move pretty fast but I can read pretty fast…..Is the room so filled with trolls and trouble makers that chatters are afraid to just say hi or simply don‘t want to bother for the fear of being harassed or worse? I felt at the time only the worst no one would say anything to me so i must have done or said something that upset everyone to the point of not speaking. But now that I see its not just me but something else I think it needs to be addressed.

Fixing the chat:

The chat room is really an easy fix as far as trolls and trouble makers go….. Yes you can have a moderator and yes its pain been there done that and not many want to be apart of that, its not a viable option unless someone is dedicated to the chat and most chatters are not daily users. It simply doesn’t work.

This did work

What was done on another sight unrelated to this one was simple you had to have at least 25 or 35 posts on the discussion board under a registered user name to be allowed in the chat. It worked and made the community more involved with one another. After a person reached their 25 -35 posts they were giving there user name in the chat room so they could chat anytime. Normally it was their user name from the board. I know some will freak at the ideal but I’m telling you it stopped all trolling and everyone enjoyed talking to each other much more because they new the person from the past posts there was no fear when a new chatter interned.

I know DD is open for free to everyone and that’s awesome I’m sure the site runs at a loss just simply for the love of our diapers. Security features like monitoring and troll busting, creating separate rooms and member protection (the girls mostly), take time and cash. That’s simple economics. The chat room seems to need some help not because no one spoke to me or other members but because it’s a sign of a bigger problem, trust. I think the boards are the best place for me right now but I do think it would be totally cool if we could all chat and not be terrified of who is coming threw the door next. I know from other chat rooms I used to visit the girls go threw hell just trying to fit in with everyone else and avoid overly excited guys that bug them to the point of fleeing or simply log off and never come back That’s not right as a human we should all be able to chat have a few laughs and be happy knowing tomorrow is a new diapered day and our chat is fun and safe.

Now I will shut up and go look for threads that interest me or make me giggle I just wish the chat room was as friendly and warm as the boards are that’s all… and if this sound a little mixed up in places I’m sorry I’m still taking pain pills from the surgery….. LOLOL




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You weren't there the night I was ignored, so I wasn't including you Lance - you've always been very friendly and polite in my experience.

I sense that the dynamic in the chatroom is not the same as it was when I joined and lots of the 'old' regulars seem to have disappeared, but maybe it's just that they weren't there at the same time as I was latterly. Or maybe they've just moved on somewhere else, as happens in other areas of life I guess.


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I find the forum boards a much better place. People have time to think about their responses rather than just mouthing off, and they know their post will be around for awhile in plain sight whereas what's said in chat is gone. When I did use the chat room, which was only a few times many months ago, I was ignored some of the time, and verbally attacked on another. I haven't been back since. Most of the decent people hang out on the forums rather than the chat, so don't feel too bad, Rocky. We're happy to have your input here. :thumbsup:

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