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Need Some Advice

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ok so im moving out of my parents house soon and me and my boyfreind are buying a house together anyway over the last year or so my dersire to be a baby has grown a lot and i want to be a baby all of the time (i mean diapers 24/7 sleep in a crib high chair all baby clothing eat baby food drink from a bottle you know the whole nine yards) my boyfreind is happy with the idea he says that hed be happy to be my daddy all of the time. What do you all think should i go with it of not???

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ok so im moving out of my parents house soon and me and my boyfreind are buying a house together anyway over the last year or so my dersire to be a baby has grown a lot and i want to be a baby all of the time (i mean diapers 24/7 sleep in a crib high chair all baby clothing eat baby food drink from a bottle you know the whole nine yards) my boyfreind is happy with the idea he says that hed be happy to be my daddy all of the time. What do you all think should i go with it of not???

If you're questioning it, then I have a couple of questions for you:

1. Mentally and emotionally, are you ready for it? Really analyze, go deep inside yourself. Would you really be happy like that?

2. You stated you're planning to "eat baby food" and "drink from a bottle" - what kinds of things? You should know that jarred food marketed for chronological babies, and formula marketed for chronological babies, are made with a chronological baby's system in mind. If you want to go the all pureed foods etc route, my advice would be to make homemade baby foods.

~ moogle

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1. Mentally and emotionally, are you ready for it? Really analyze, go deep inside yourself. Would you really be happy like that?

Step One: Stop & consider Ms.Moogles advice. Step Two: Go for it !, because....Step Three: If things work out, great! If not, you can always walk away from the relationship.

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1. Mentally and emotionally, are you ready for it? Really analyze, go deep inside yourself. Would you really be happy like that?

Step One: Stop & consider Ms.Moogles advice. Step Two: Go for it !, because....Step Three: If things work out, great! If not, you can always walk away from the relationship.

Yeah, and if things don't work out, just think what a nice addition this would be to your resume, should the economy every recover to the point of you having hope for a job!

Seriously, if any of us had a partner who said, "Sure, lie around all day and do nothing. I'll take care of all the expenses," I think just about any of us would jump on it! On the other hand, if the relationship doesn't work out, don't expect to find another partner quite as accomodating! From the posts we've seen on this site, it does happen - just rare. Treasure it and give back to your partner's needs in every way to can.

Good luck!!

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A lot of posts here (Moogles / spoonchicken etc) are correct in what they say - think strongly and clearly about your intentions.

Will you not doing this affect your relationship with your b/f and if so, is that one of the reasons that you want to do this. Do this if, and only if, you want to, and not to please or conform to someone else thinking.

24/7 diapers will affect your ability in the long term to reproduce.

Consider ALL your options, and if you still think that you want this, try it for a week/two trial. If it works, enjoy.

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A lot of posts here (Moogles / spoonchicken etc) are correct in what they say - think strongly and clearly about your intentions.

Will you not doing this affect your relationship with your b/f and if so, is that one of the reasons that you want to do this. Do this if, and only if, you want to, and not to please or conform to someone else thinking.

24/7 diapers will affect your ability in the long term to reproduce.

Consider ALL your options, and if you still think that you want this, try it for a week/two trial. If it works, enjoy.

i know and im thinking a lot about it the reproducing this isnt a problum cus im gay

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